ET: How to paint foam to look like rocks

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[Music] people have asked me about how I seal and paint it as well so this is Mike mix I put in a little bit of water now the bucket that you can see me putting it into is dirty it makes no difference at this point for this first stage so I put in a little bit of water if PVA glue but a good dollop of PVA glue I am using gorilla glue simply because gorilla glue is the best and I will never look back now I don't have any regular black here so I'm going to go black board paint not ideal but for the sake of this perfect let's mix them in once you have that - a nice runny consistency you want to sort of thick ish but definitely thicker than water but still very runny the runny R the better at this point just because it gets into all of the little cracks and crevices with minimal effort and then we just start sloshing it on fairly thick at this point the thicker the better because it'll just sit in all the recesses and then we can come past after we can take bits out now I'll show you what nephew is how to do this the other day and they were asking me about little bits of foam that's you know get caught on the edges like I'm not sure if you can see them in this video but there's a little bits of loose foam in here I personally leave them all in there because once they're painted up it just looks like more rocks now just before I finished painting there's one important thing to remember is leave yourself at least a good part here to sort of hold on to that isn't painted and paint that part of the end just because it's much easier to have somewhere to hold instead of trying to pin it down to the table this is now dry and as you can see it hasn't dry it hasn't actually the paint hasn't gone into all of the little crevices you can see some foam showing through there that part is fine we can cover that later with moss or flocking or just general bits and bobs so what we want to do now is we want to get our gray paint I have just got whatever this random quick dry thing is and I'm going to give it a coat just a nice dry brush my stick dry brush just over everywhere where that I want to have rocks so I will take it and on this this is just the silver backing from the foam just going to take off a bunch of the paint and just basically drag it over the sides of all the raised areas every that I want to rock you can see how quickly that transforms into something that looks fairly Rocky say that massive difference [Music] lovely there we got it that is how I get my basic rock texture for the little boards that I do yeah we can go over after this with one more dry brush just to pull out all of the details on the corner we'll go over with something like a white or a creamy color this will dry slightly darker than it goes on but yeah and I like to leave the bottom foam so that it still looks like foam underneath so that when people come up to you and they say Oh where'd you get this I made that sucker up here's the proof [Music]
Channel: Encounter Terrain
Views: 14,995
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: dungeons and dragons, foam, dungeon master, building terrain, tabletop terrain, crafting, terrain, game board
Id: KvEX1sZPEdk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 4min 19sec (259 seconds)
Published: Thu Aug 29 2019
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