Cheap & Easy Expanding Foam Wargaming Hills & Rock Clusters

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as right now smell the trade you two back in the studio and back in the hills playlists with another Hill technique for you now if you're struggling to get your hands on identity for stone and you're looking torture to make a table worth of terrain yeah oh gosh oh we should pull it expanding phone once yeah come on now normally when we make Hills we make our this stuff which is high-density extruded polystyrene the reason being it's lightweight it's really firm its cobble we can work it with simple tools from blades to hot tools you know but the problem of this stuff is its availability depends on how cold of the country you live in and if you was lucky buggers we live on a warmer environment then trying to kill your hands on this stuff it's quite challenge yeah but there is a solution yeah screech oh yeah ah expandable foam out of a cab yeah now this is available in a lot more places because if you scintillating pipes and stuff like this okay but it is essentially the same stuff it's slightly different obviously because you know it's liquid and comes out and it's grow expand and cure okay but it is essentially polystyrene we can do similar things that we can do with that stuff then we can do with it okay now as you can see right here I've got a couple of us yeah that's because I've had this stuff stuck on my hands in the past and it's not nice so glove guys yeah also you'll notice I've got a bit of greaseproof paper down now I do not know if this stuff 6° proof paper but I can tell you with absolute certainty though it does stick to kitchen sides really well no matter how glossy you think they are yeah and well let's just say cares wasn't happy back in 2005 and we had a new kitchen where our new kitchen surface anyway yeah I have no wish to do that to my workbench so I'm throwing some Greeks threw paper down now either we got a winner and it doesn't stick to it I'm not too sure about that yeah or it's pretty easy to cut away you know or me either way it's sort of all yeah and I still go to the workbench now with a stop you got to shake it well obviously yeah you follow the directions on the can now this can says use it upside down yeah which means more than likely the propellant is heavier than the actual policy Irene yeah so upside down and what we're going to do is we're going to do lots of blots now the important thing to realize about this expanding foam stuff and this is what I'm using ever will do it cheap got off eBay yeah is it expands it expands roughly a hundred to a hundred fifty percent of this the space it was squirted which means you can't do a base and squirt this stuff on because it will expand over the edges so what you grow with you essentially do lots of little holes with this off yeah and then pick and choose what you want and do your bases after which which is what we're going to do yeah so we'll just get our basic shapes up and then you know we'll curve it up afterwards now when it comes to do any blob is simply a match yeah you know what that looks like I don't you yeah so do that one will do [Applause] okay we need to do some small lines and there we go now you can already see them expanding as I do this and you can you won't have to break them apart that's not a problem ah six oh my god use the last of it hey that's last without the cap not sure I'll turn out right next thing we need to do is just let these expand guys well this stuff was a hell the last of our youth so it expands a lot more but you can see where we're going with this guy's right PC the hell shapes the rock change yes I don't sleep oh okay right straight off volume wise out of that sort of what I think it comes three-pound yeah I pretty much got volume wise almost a 2x4 sheet here of hdf you know so did she now Craig Rowin it hasn't stuff yes to agree through taper that well there we go as a little donor okay weights flown over its took a little I'll be able to send it off so very quickly well I've got this little one for you so you go this now ends up obviously part of shelves looks a little bit soft inside if you look underneath where the shell conform yeah you can see sort the air void now it's paused Irene okay so as we got our blades yeah works just as easy yeah which means always it's all shaping Tapani you know they all work with it okay so my next job is I'm going to take the separate knees off okay I'm going to clear on a blow long man clean the desk review and I'll come back when that done we'll take these to the next stage yet let's crack on right guys at them all broken up and cleaned up and it start to work they something to sort of a rocky hill cluster sort of things now the first thing to notice did screw up a bit of a bevel bond yes obviously it's not going to sit flat so what we need to do is very quickly address that Campari is doing it you can get a blade and if they're small pieces yeah take a decent amount off the bottom youngest help level it off okay obviously hot why's your help with this yeah but young gone you just go like that now once you've got the full curve it off so simple it's on paper yeah you simply just keep doing that until you've got it slicing off die it will fit flat on a base don't worry about too much about getting all these edges we're going to blend those with rocks and fill it yeah so it's not an over concern make sure getting this flat so I'll get this right now took about a minute and it's all flat now yeah not rocking either sizes perfect next job is we need to shape it up now basically this is very much exactly the same as working with standard hdf foam extruded polystyrene yeah it's about shaping so we're going to use a very simple technique Wow the best way of showing you this Wright let's all taking this clip stop yeah so take this off and what I'm going to be doing is coming along I want to put sort of a pebble into it but I want to wish it so put in yeah and start new ridges in yeah on that and then this just up so you can see a bit clearer where a guy decides just let me move the camera that's better isn't it for working like this so basically what we're doing is we're taking off this so sort of the skin of it to reveal toe and we're putting in some creases and rock crevices we can do plateaus and this sub is really easy to cut it's actually a lot easier than high-density foam yeah because it's almost high density foam and so what rococo and then we'll bring this round here I seen you look at put in schooners and start putting in some Crete it there and all on there but down a bit cross creek cross squeeze cross crevice and change the angle on that body yes you are going and they have a guide all carved up yeah now I've just used my simple sort of you know my crevice and irregular crevice sort of technique yeah there's loads of videos on carving watch collect rock bases in the hills playlist guides so just check it out now the next job we need to do this with it is we need to get it mounted onto these PVC and then we need to get covered into a pillar so my next job is I'm going to get to me PVC kit draw around it now knows that the sort of size of my hell yeah so I can sort of mount it and then I can watch for it I can start and start with the next stage so let me get a base coat for it let me get it mounted and we'll come back once I've got that done see a sec right all based up now and as you can see I've beveled off the EPB see that's expanded PVC foam board yeah is free is from scratch from sign printers now it's also down I've used hot glue yeah you can use PVA you can use contact adhesive just avoid anything like superglue because of these polystyrene and I'll make it melt okay next job is one last little touch-up now it's sort of picked down yeah a little bit of sun paper at all going to do it just give it a drag over yeah and that's just to get rid of these sort of sharp edges yeah and make it a little bit more natural so I'm very quickly just shrug over all the sharp edges I'm not going too hard yes because so me a little soft once it's been cut open yeah it says no and it doesn't take much effort to be truthful right let me get this done they are all sanded and you can see the difference that makes looks a lot better doesn't it now the next job is obviously we've got a couple little gaps down here it is quite open foam where we've cut across the top there so we need to fill it always we use better yeah wall compound spackle if you're in the US and this is you can make this open you can mix a terrain glue by mixing paint and grit or PVA in it and give it a coat with that yeah well just to show you how this works yeah I'm just going to use neat filler yeah and all I'm going to do is get on yeah I sort of rub it in now I've got some water over there I'll drop some water on I'll help spread it about a bit but this is going to fill in all those closed cells yeah so bit what amount helps it spread out a bit this is this is like you're right little my sauna so bring it up chants filling it all in now the other thing I will have to do is yeah with some proper fix stuff that hasn't been sort of thinned out with water just come along just fill in at the bottom where those gaps are yeah so we don't have gaps under our hills you know it's not it's not velop what is it again that's it there you go it's almost right I'm going to get messy and carry on filling this in yes I will come back once it's dry and ready for gritting up and all that sort stuff okay see surely okay guys now the filler is pretty much all firms or there's still a few little gaps but they're not an issue whatsoever now an expert is to start adding in our texture so for that yeah I've got some grit fine grit small stones yeah and some larger stones now important bit is obviously you will have the occasional gap that you miss I will have somewhere on this they are like they're okay and these are basically indicators of where you want to be putting your large stones in hiding it's very much like clump foliage yeah there will be bit you need to hide yeah and so you just use you know you grit your gravel you use your Colombo's to hide the bit so don't worry if you if you miss bits when you tighten it up you okay now the next job is I've got a bit of PVA here yeah I just watered down a bit okay and all I'm going to do is rush it on to wear on it and then I'm just going to be adding my rocks and my grit yeah and what does all Wilda texture at the top of here few bits around it and then round the base yeah I'll get cracked on with that I'll bring about round on right eyes there we have it it is all dried up and gritted in it is looking lovely yeah as you see you see all the rocky texture it turns out beautiful now there are a couple of little issues with using expanding so you do get occasion in these little holes in bubble holes you can fill them with still as you put in a nice others miss that one yes all I'm going to do when it comes to open up sorts of little projects on foliage over it won't be a problem so don't be concerned about that yeah but essentially there are guys yeah all I need to do now is to get it painted off angle on top so I'm going to be using my standard sort of stylized walking colors I'm going to use some grays and some Browns and we're just going to add a little bit flocking a bit on foliage to it so we get credit on so we start the piece with a really dark grey and he needs to get it completely base coated in a solid coat now I've dropped a couple of drops of PVA in here just to help it seal the piece and he takes two coats to get a solid gray color on it once that die it's time to add the earth elements and so we're going in with a dark brown we're covering where the earth is going to be on the flat bit and at the same time we're brushing it heavily into all the creases yeah and this is going to create a natural shade on the piece the next step is to drive or start grey over the brown this breaks it up and blend it in and makes it look a lot more natural next we start highlighting the rocks and this is done with a mid-tone heavy dry brush of a grey after that we hit it up with a much much lighter grey yet for the final highlight yet go really easy on this and it's just sort of break it up a little once that's done it's time to highlight the earth and we use a warm cream beige on this once again a lie dry brush on the flat areas and a very little dry brushing over the main areas of a rock this introduces that the cream into it makes the rocks look a little bit more natural now that the paint is done it's time to add the flock this is done with my typical spotting technique of adding light bits on highlighted areas darker flock in the recesses and then blending it in with mid-tone once the squawk is dried is just a simple matter of adding your clump foliage and Tufts and any other garnish you want to add with a little bear PVA in this case I've just gone for a little bear plant foliage so there we have a guide all done obviously just in my basic stylized you know if not out quick so it's not my best piece but how easy is that from what score a can of expanding foam dirt cheap dirty easy look beautiful yeah I sell for a long shot so that's it guys that's how you can make an entire tables worth of scatter terrain hills rot from 1/3 pound kind of expanding foam and they do look rather nice now this is a simple technique you know I haven't gone to town on this book you guys can you can make beautiful stuff yeah without the need about buying sheets of high-density foam or hot wire cutters and all that water yeah so give it a go guys especially if you're struggling to get your hands on some high-density foam and you want some rocks and Hills for your battlefield so with that in mind yet if you've got any questions down below in the comments guide if you've got anything you think I should look at or film do I'll miss it yeah by in the comments as well please like it share it and as always if you do enjoy these videos and they do help you with your hobby yeah please consider jumping on patreon and making the one dollar pledge don't need a dollar a month might help keep these videos coming and if you're not into the monthly thing yeah there's my paypal link below yeah you can send a one-off that way either way you're helping to keep the lights on the camera running and me bringing great trip terrain tutorials to you so with that guys look out yourself and I'll see you soon yeah also don't you mix it up
Channel: TheTerrainTutor
Views: 1,105,231
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Wargames, Terrain, Scenery, Buildings, Wargaming Terrain, Wargames Terrain, Wargaming Scenery, Making Wargaming Hills, Making Wargaming Scenery, Making Wargames Hills, Making Wargaming Rocks, Making Wargames Rocks, Wargaming Hills, Wargaming Rocks, Wargames Hills, Wargames Rocks, Polystrene Hills, Polystyrene Rocks, Cheap Wargaming Hills, Cheap Wargaming Rocks, Easy Wargaming Hills, Easy Wargaming Rocks, Scenery Hills, Scenery Rocks
Id: pm3_9pXRrig
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 38sec (938 seconds)
Published: Tue Jan 31 2017
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