Esther Perel on What Makes Us Feel Meaningful

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- [Brian] Um, we are so, there's so much pressure, and judged on what we've done and our work and all these pieces, and the ritual of becoming a man, and Is that something that you see as one of those pieces where you're like wait a second, this is fascist, or this is something that's really out of whack? - [Esther] But it's an out of whack that has already changed quite a bit. Probably the most important change for modern man is the invention of fatherhood. Fatherhood that is no longer solely defined by being a provider, and by the materiality, but fatherhood in which you can become an emotional unit. A father that has an emotional relationship with his children, fathers that spend way more time with their children than any of the generations before. So, I think that there has been a major shift which is that if people work to love before because they had to, that's a different story versus those who want to. But in the past, they probably didn't experience the same kind of conflict because it's not like they wanted to be home with their children and then they were working, and then they were justifying their working because after all, they are doing it for their children but they will not see those children enough while they're doing all this stuff for them that kind of, - [Brian] The 50s mad man mentality - [Esther] Yes, so now you have more conflict about it which is why you have men of all kinds trying to find other ways to work without having to forgo their entire personal life, family life, emotional life, you know and relationship with their children and partners. Men partners, female partners. So, I think there's already a big change but I do, as a child of survivors I will say, one of the most important books I read at 15 or so was "The search for meaning" by Viktor Frankl, a book that for a while has been forgotten and has now been brought back even by business week in its research on happiness. It's like the man won't die because the man actually said something that is essential which is that we are creatures of meaning, and that ultimately what will make us feel good is meaning, and one of the things that gives us meaning is our accomplishments, our achievements, our legacies but the other register of what makes us feel meaningful is what we represent for others, it's how others carry us inside of them. After all, that is why the legacy will last because somebody will remember what I did. I could have done lots of things but if you don't remember it, it will no longer exist after I go. So we need others, we are creatures of meaning, we are also wired for connection, so, we want others to matter to us, and we want to feel that we matter to them it's what allows us to move around in the world. I can walk around freely in the world because I know that there are people all over the world that are thinking of me, holding me inside of them and I do the same, so that I am alone and never fully alone it's a both end, 'cause on the one end, we are really alone, and on the other end, we are not really alone. And it's that thing that makes me say that the quality of our life depends on the quality of our relationships. Because the relationships give you both, the connection and the meaning. The meaning not just of the connection itself, but of everything else you will have done. If no one knows about it, has it really happened? Yes, I can do a lot of things by myself and for myself but does it exist differently if others know about it, share it, distribute it, create a legacy. - [Brian] Right. So as men were changing, I think about these things all the time. I think about the work, and the family, and the trade of. So we're obviously changing than say the Don Draper 60 years ago when maybe it was all about work, and he would tell the woman, I'm doing it for you maybe he was actually-- (classical music) To watch the rest of this fascinating interview click on the link below, and go to there, you can sign in with your social media login and watch the rest of the episode for free along with all of our episodes on LondonReal, my webinars, and all of our premium content. All located at so click on the link below, you'll be directed there and you can watch the rest of this fascinating interview and I'll see you there.
Channel: London Real
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Keywords: meaning, ミーニング, meaning of life, meaning of birth, meaning of love, humans, esther perel rethinking infidelity, esther perel ted, esther perel books, esther perel youtube, esther perel interview, esther perel london real, londonrealtv, london real, london
Id: dla5d7S0FPE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 4min 38sec (278 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 25 2015
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