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all right everyone a4y old attic total darkness let's go up and explore and see what Treasures lie ahead all right everyone here we are first estate sale of 2024 and the first house we're going to this year is24 years old this this is it right here 1,00 Square ft I cannot wait to get inside and see all the Vintage Treasures that lie within all right well here's the first Prime Time house tour of 2024 before we go in I just really love the character of this house you could tell that this was an amazing site back in the day still is I love you know the look of the faded paint and everything let's go around this porch you know you could picture just people hanging out here having a lot of fun back in the day just chilling out before modern technology came into be we got this nice backyard we' got double uh door garage here could also act as a shed and they've got something back there as well so they got some nice space here's the back and uh big giant tank there as well so let's walk around this way uh we've got a lot to explore I know ahead of time that there is a basement too so we'll be heading into there a nice back entrance there all right here's a little Prime Time sneak peek and uh as you could tell there's definitely vintage stuff in here as you might expect and here's a really cool view from the house look at this you just sit outside and you look back at the church right there so yeah built in 1900 just a few moments and we're heading in right through those doors all right so the all clear was given to head into the house but on my way in I saw this and if you remember I picked one of these up and did a really nice restoration job on it and I've got it listed in my store right now for 90 so there's like this sludge on the bottom of this and this is definitely going to need some work to clean up it's all dusty and dirty and stuff but uh we could do a good job uh with this one it doesn't have the cap but that's okay this is going to really really come out nice so we're going to pick this up as our first item of 2024 and there you can see through the dust there's the one gon embossing and on the bottom there uh you could see the oi that's the Owens International uh logo now the clear one I'm not really interested in so we're going to stick with the colored glass here these oil dispensers though these are collectible so I am going to pick these up this is a more common form that you see right here with this spout and this type of bell shape but uh I really like this one especially with the longer uh spout right there this is really cool actually it's like a sprayer too so very neat we'll pick these up as well all right so I just wanted to snag those few things but now let's head on in through the house all right let's head up these stairs and in the door oo oh my this is this is really old look at this place hey how are you oh my wow all right so that's where we just came from and then I set my box down there this is the kitchen area this is a Boots and Barkley uh cat Bowl dish I think it's safe to say the stuff in this house I'm really going to need to clean up to get everything ready for resale but uh this green sticker means it's just a buck so for all your cat fans out there I'm going to clean this up real nice no chips or anything like that we're going to put it in here for a dollar all right so fast forward a bit I'm in the prime time cleaning area and this came out very nice so it just required some soap and water and you know a little bit of uh elbow grease and this thing looks good as new so we are going to get this listed now this is a little bit more involved because after an initial rinse out with some soap and water you can see that we have this persistent brown black sludge on the bottom so to get that out we are going to uh use our denture cleaner again as we did in a prior video and you see I got the bristle brushes ready so just going to drop that in there let it soak for 24 hours and that should free a lot of that up all right now this one here the buroff beer this actually clean it would not require any cleaning but I could probably get like1 18 out of it it's just a dollar buy in but shipping has gone up so much it's really just not worth it for me to pick up so I'm going to leave that here I need a better profit margin or as they say in American Pickers more meat on the bone and I think there's some meat on the bone here so this is a little plastic bag that has all these little plastic ornaments all right so I've opened this up and let me show you what we've got in here these are so cool so a lot of these are Halloween ones and look at this you know sometimes people just try to pair these up and sell like two of them you know for 10 bucks or so but having this many like look at the witch you've got the the little devil there people love Miniatures it's just a good thing to keep in mind a lot of these have some teddy bear themes on them as well so like this teddy bear is trick-or-treating you know lots of witches and stuff there's bats as well pumpkin scarecrows you know there's a lot more so here I'll take out one other little looping here so people could see a little bit more so I definitely think that this is a good buy in for $20 and they're really light and easy to ship so let's snag all these up all right so we're going to put these in here and by the way big thank you to Dennis who uh was tired of seeing people reaching into my box and then I had used a prime time St gun on them so he sent me this sold these items are reserved for Dominic thanks Dennis these were made on so if anyone's interested you can just go to Zazzle zaz zzle e thanks again Dennis all right of all the items here on the stove um what I'm definitely going to go for would be this one because we have a really nice miniature cast iron pan um it's got a little Mark on the back it says three and can't exactly make this out here it looks like might be a k or something but uh yeah it's a little dark in here but it might be an R I'm not sure but anyway we're going to grab this cuz it's just going to be a couple bucks oh here we go I've got it in better lighting now I could see it it's a two there we go and as you can see here this is why I C nested boxes with me cuz I could just slot this in and this is how I could prevent glass getting broken by metal all right for those of you wondering about the cabinets nothing inside besides dust lots of dust all right now in this cabinet we do have some other things um let's see oh boy jeez looks like something nested inside of this my gosh let's see this is you know like stangle that's a decent brand um but I need more of it for this to work this is about a $20 Bowl so you know for all the work I have to do to clean this up you know I it probably wouldn't be that much but it's just it's not worth it I'm going to I'm going to pass on this one but oh my gosh all right this here is Syracuse China which I run into a lot because I am in Syracuse some Syracuse China could sell well but but I tend to look for something with some more appealing designs on it as you could tell this is pretty bland as are these plates over here all right and for those of you wondering uh these are Denby it's a brand from England um some of these could sell well especially if they're more vintage uh these are more contemporary you see it says microwavable on them and this particular Set uh the blue and white um this is a tough sell so that's why they're trying to blow these out and uh yeah I'm not going to take all this on right now if it was worth a lot more I would but kind of pass there's the matching uh stangle plate that would go with a bowl but uh they don't go for that much either so we'll leave that there and this is some more uh pretty nondescript Syracuse China little stack of some medium sized PL okay so just for frame of reference that that's where we were before and then over here on the table you could see there's some vintage drafting tools um you'd really have to zoom in to see the company name but here's a clue right here you could see in this case it's de genen or de skin and um that's not an uncommon brand yes they are vintage but the Buy in is too high for me to do a good flip with these so it's 20 bucks for these and then $40 for this one uh yeah there there's a few plastic templates here but not enough so for that reason I pass on these and uh head on into the next room and yes if you're wondering I did check inside these cabinets as well but nothing good in here down below though look at this this is really cool this is hand painted this is an amazing storage container I mean look at that incredible it does have a split here so it is damaged unfortunately and I think that's a big problem so they didn't have that on there I might get it and try to flip it on Facebook market place cuz got $20 buying on it but anyway I just thought I'd point it out cuz it's pretty neat so um I did look over here and there's nothing inside here uh unfortunately same thing with the drawers all right I did check in here um this belongs to somebody they're putting it there for safekeeping so we're not going to touch that uh nothing over in there but if we look in here this is camouflaged a little bit and this as you can see is a little drink recipe book with nice vintage advertising from an old liquor store here in Syracuse New York so ephemera fans are going to love this it is Bod uh downwards but all you have to do is just lay it flat and put like a heavy book on it for a while and that will eventually press it down so that's what I do I just put like giant stacks of books on top of this you know just leave it there for a while and then I reassess it and figure out what else I need to do with it so we'll get this back in working order and uh it'll look real nice this is that window we were looking through before and this is one of the items you saw there this is pretty cool uh this is a Fisher Price piggy bank um don't come across this one too often it's worth about 20 so pass on it for the 10 there are some uh Records here but the price is 70 for the whole thing so I'll pass on that and then there's a few uh patches here as well uh five bucks three bucks eight bucks at different prices the buying at some of the patches is $15 there's some uh World War I patches here as well $5 Buy in but you know they go for like 10 bucks or so so normally when I get patches I get them for like you know a buck or so or even less in bulk so I'm going to pass on these all right so check this out you can see here the books are a book now up here we have more modern books and I'm not interested these we do have a stormtrooper Pez sealed but it's not worth much it's worth like six bucks or so but check this out down here this is how uh books get hidden and missed because they're laying like this and you don't see anything on the outside so it looks just boring but if you pick it up what you're going to see is that it does have a nice little image on the front now it's not obvious from that immediately what this is but when you open it up and don't mind this at all because this is a hard to find book what you have in here are old vintage drink recipes any type of old recipe book that's hard to find is valuable and so uh we're going to pick this one up and if it has something to do with alcohol and beverages you know that's going to appeal to you know people who are into brania and that type stuff so this is going to be a really nice one to grab for just $1 now with books condition is everything and while this is a another nice old cookbook because it's missing the spine um we're going to have to pass on this one cuz people are not going to want it without the spine on it now here's another example of something that could easily hide because it's not real obvious what it is when it's laying on the side but you see it says 1930 here which is definitely good because it has some age to it but it says National diary so open it up and again don't mind that right there someone put some article here from 1930 but if you look here we have entries of things that this person did and this attracts a lot of curiosity uh people love to look through these types of things you got the nice vintage handwriting let's read this one attended ministers meeting in New York this a.m. stayed over and went to Family Church in the evening so and there's lots of different entries here this one's really detailed so the more detailed the better the more history that might be in there mentions of certain cities and people those are all really cool and things that you want to mention in the listing so there's a lot of entries here and we're going to pick this one up again for just a dollar a really really nice flip so look out for this type of stuff when you're looking through [Music] books these are some Modern audio books so nothing of value there these are some cassettes I pulled out that were hiding in there uh yeah so we're going to pass on the rest of the stuff I think we got the best treasure for sure all right so if you ever come across these short thick baseball card price guides I would pass on these they're not going to have any value I used to have some of these when I was a kid and I collected baseball cards myself but the cards themselves generally aren't really worth much at all uh these Hardy Boy uh books they're soft covers there's some damage to them I'd pass on these but if you could find giant sets of them then yes you know pick them up um if you get a good enough deal especially if they're hard covers this is interesting so tool fans will probably be interested in it uh it says 100 bucks on it as you can see here it does pull out here so it sheads this mini ax uh the state sale dealer was saying that this sells for like 175 or something but uh I haven't even checked into that uh tool experts chime in on this but uh says $100 Buy in so to pass on that there's the company here it says marbles so thought the tool fans out there would would like that definitely old though cool piece all right so curiosity got the best of me I had to check into this a little bit more Al so they have a modern version of this that you could get for like 50 bucks uh in terms of a vintage one like this uh you could get this cutlera for like 110 so yeah definitely going to pass on it for the 100 so that's where we were and we're going to turn around and enter into this area where you could see there is a fireplace I wonder when the last time was that this was used neat that's pretty cool uh we'll start taking a look at some of the stuff in here uh there's an old micro machine some of the Micro Machines can be valuable but unfortunately these Star Trek ones aren't too valuable uh this one to buy in is 10 bucks it's worth about 20 so so we're going to leave this one here starting lineup most of it's worthless so don't get misled by it you're going to see it a lot at estate sales and garage sales there's some exceptions but uh in general you pass on it this one's 10 bucks but yeah we're going to pass value on it is about $20 I'm just going to give a shout out to Debbie who's a viewer she came up to me she's very nice we had a nice conversation about reselling so uh she's hunting for some Treasures here as well and uh underneath this book I just just uh came across this which I don't know how many of you might remember this is going to really be old school uh School viewers uh might remember I found an entire Set uh of this so uh this is just one of them you can see number five it's from classic Library uh if you can find the whole set you do really really well on it but individually like this just one um yeah it's going to be worth less than 10 bucks but uh keep your eyes peeled on these they have nice really um cool vintage covers like this and um they'll be numbered on this side so just keep your eyes peeled for sex all right so this person was obviously a Star Trek fan you could see the Star Trek technical manual uh $20 though for it and then you could see here Mr Scott's Guide to the Enterprise uh for five bucks now I have obtained lots of Star Trek books uh in the past and um you know sorry for all the Star Trek fans out there like esm and B who I know are watching but um unless you buy these in bulk at a low price it's really not worth it so $20 buying it I mean that's about you know value of it even a little bit less so I'm going to pass on it for that um but you know big big bulk Lots yes individually like this got to pass all right and over here uh we've got an assortment of beads and crafting items a few little turtles in there there's some cute things in here some of this stuff is uh modern uh clearance stuff uh there's just not enough of a theme of it uh for me uh for $20 buying I think it's good for like a local crafter or something but I'm going to pass on it for the $20 all right here's a Pyrex Hamilton Beach mixing bowl that's priced at $20 and uh yeah that's about the value of it so we're going to leave this one here as well all right there are some records here normally records are a dollar a piece uh but for some reason uh they're priced $10 a record uh and you know these are just pretty much the standard beat up records that I normally see you know at estate sales so generally the first person who comes through is pick through them and got all the good ones um so this sale was actually opened on um Wednesday several days prior to this one which I couldn't go to because of my full-time job so you can see here we got Bruce Springstein record um by the way I don't think I've ever mentioned this before but Bruce Springsteen who's from freeall New Jersey that's where he was born uh that is where I was raised so fre New Jersey shout out to anyone here who is from Freeholder some more Bruce Springsteen stuff unfortunately it's just not worth that much but uh yeah we'll pass on this all right so moving on from those records uh we're going to take a look over here and this always appeals to me when I see stuff like this these vintage uh sealed crafting wall decor items this is a jool light window hanging kit value on it retail wise would be about 23 bucks plus shipping buying is $3 so I'm going to pass on it for that reason uh and especially because I'm more interested in these really really cool candle kits down below so uh these do not come across uh the market much and uh I really love this one with cheese look at this one that is so cool and with the green sticker it's just a buck a piece so um you know that's a much better situation for me flipping wise so yeah let's uh let's pick these up very very cool vintage items here I absolutely love this all right now just as a little tip before buying you need to make sure that the molds are actually there like you could see for that one and you can see for this one and we'll have a block of wax in there too which you can see is below the mold unfortunately for the cheese one which is actually my favorite one uh it does have the little mouse in there and it has the block of wax but it doesn't have the the cheese mold unfortunately so we are going to have to pass on that but and two out of three that's not bad considering the age on these things all right so moving on from over there you can see there's more records there's modern books nothing I could see that I'd want to pick up um these records in here are $3 a piece I don't really see any difference between these and the ones that were marked $10 each looks pretty much similar you can see here we got Bruce Springsteen again so yeah we're going to pass on this and then over here we've got that's a box of Crayola crayons if you remember the sharpener in the back who remembers that that was so awesome I had so much fun I colored so many coloring books when I was a kid it was insane and uh some of the colors in here were really cool now this is supposed to um swing back but it's so old so it just comes off like that U but that's not an issue it's Nostalgia now my favorite colors in this who remembers I know Jesse shops remembers remember the silver color remember this one and then this one here always stood out I think it was like gold or copper yeah gold remember this so you can get like 20 bucks for something like this so for just a dollar it's a very easy thing to uh photograph and ship so I I'll pick this up for a buck this is this is cool you know even though they're used the key selling point here is that it's full and of course it's vintage has the sharpener in the back and um you know most of the points are you know still relatively sharp you know a little bit of dullness but they're you they're still pretty long like they're not those short little Nubs so that really helps as well and they display nicely when you you open it up like this and no not seeing anything in the dollar records uh pretty much the same type of thing as in the other boxes as well same with this deck all right I think that we did pretty good in this room look at that Archway how cool is that I love that look in the archway there like that it's just a cool shape so that's really neat so okay let's head out of here and there's some more rooms uh to explore I think there's actually an upstairs to go to as well so we'll eventually head our way up there yeah I think that's where we're going to go next because we just came from here and if we walk out this way I swear this reminds me of the Texas Chainsaw Massacre house if you remember that scene where Sally walks in and she's like shocked at all the stuff that she sees inside and um this is the entrance that we came in so yeah we're going to come out this way this house is already sold by the way so it's going to be really interesting one day to see what this house turns into cuz it really has nice bones to it but uh yeah let's uh let's head up the stairs all right up the stairs we go wonder what's up here see let's turn right see what we've got over here oh you can see the ceiling peeling roof is coming apart there a little bit the ceiling is oh got some got some penants in here o look at this look at these vintage penants this is a good one here this Santa's one you I know it's got a little hole in it and stuff but this is like a $25 $30 pennant and these ship easily so let's see what else we got here we got Iowa got Fort Ricky game farms These are nice and old you see there 19 1970 Daran Lake uh that's amusement park here in New York and we've got Fort William Henry very cool graphics on it uh Great Escape look at that this is really going to be something that you people who went to these parks would love to hang up and display in their you know in their man cave or their house somewhere or some room Indiana there's some State specific ones but hopefully I could just get these as a nice Bunch you know maybe a buck a piece or less here's one from old Ford so there's different size penss how caverns I I took my son there that's here in New York it's a really cool Cavern system to go through you take like a little boat tour through the cavern so let me know in the comments if you ever been to how caverns uh highly recommended if you've never gone there add it to your list and uh an has our Bush there we go so that'll appeal to Brewer Ania fans so this is all just sitting here so uh oh here we go there's a price $5 each on the panel so hopefully we could get a a bulk deal on these penants when we check out you know I'm pretty sure I could get a bulk rate on these but uh you know even at five bucks a piece it's worth it because this Great Escape Fun Park Lake George and like this um Fort Ricky game farms there's just not any of these on the market so I can name my price with these when I list them and they're in great shape look at that all right so since we wiped out this section um you know just looking back here and you can see there's another small pennant uh Detroit Tigers baseball team so why don't we pick this one up too all right so we've got two Tonka Vehicles here they're vintage this is a orange Beetle and uh as you can see here there's a split in this front white plastic piece and it doesn't have the sticker on the side either um if it did have that it be a about a $30 piece or so um depending on condition maybe get a little bit more so I'm going to pass on it for the 20 and this is also a Tonka you could see the labels a little bit faded here but it's a Jeep blue pickup truck here um this one would be like 60 bucks or so but it would have to be a much better condition in terms of the paint job and stuff and you could see this is Rusted and really beat up so going to pass on it for the 30 all right there's some hes trucks here uh these are not worth picking up 15 bucks is about retail on them there are some more modern vehicles but as you can see they're damaged it's the Mao brand they're not even worth that much if uh they're not damaged you can see we've got a crack here and um this one's isn't valuable either there's some damage here to the pump a few more H trucks but uh we're going to pass on this stuff all right we've got some Christmas ornaments it's an acrylic paint and number set but uh some of them are missing and then there's a holly tablecloth it's like vinyl they're probably worth about like 15 16 bucks or so but we're going to leave it here all right this is pretty cool not sure who this guy is but uh it's an interesting image behind there frame is pretty neat too but I'm going to leave that there um there's some old trivia Pursuit down here some little odds and ends uh of everything I really like this piece is this little Lantern here with the black C and the was more gray than black but um you know You' got the jackco lantern down here nice little Lantern piece from accents unlimited I don't see any chips or cracks or feel any either and it's just a dollar with that green sticker and I think you know Halloween season seon I could probably get like $30 or so uh so and Halloween's an all year round celebrated holiday for some people so they really love decorating with it so uh yeah I'm going to pick this one up for a buck all right time to head out from here into the next room all right so over here we've got this puzzle I think this is like a 500 piece puzzle it's eight bucks but um problem is I have no way to know since it's not sealed if it is complete or not and I'm not going to count out 500 pieces so pass on that uh nothing real special about these cups over here uh they're pretty Common Place the Garfield ones and then some company cups nothing major about these companies right here and then this one here this is made by Rainbow as you can see this is a crackle glass so it's actually made to look like that to have these little cracks in it I learned that from watching crazy lamp lady and uh there we go just to show you my progression with glass that's not a defect that's a pil Mark right there uh it's hand blown glass now it looks cool it's only five bucks but it's probably worth like $10 $20 or so so we're going to leave it here but uh just wanted to point that out all right so moving on from here uh you could see there's just some miscellaneous things nothing of any significant value like shoe cleaner and stuff I am checking all the cabinets but uh if I don't show you anything in there that means there's nothing in there I'm just not going to open everyone cuz it would just take forever for the video uh creepy little doll there um little too big for the refrigerator for Mrs PR time so we'll keep it there uh ET uh some ET stuff is cool to pick up it really depends uh he has been through the ringer it looks like if he was worth it we could bring him back to life but it's a Showtime ET it's vintage but it's not worth that much they like 15 bucks or so uh so we're going to pass on them for the 15 bucks all right now check this out I know many of you like attics and uh this house does have an attic now I'm going to open the door here the problem is There's No Light in the Attic but I do carry something around with me this is a a portable charger uh so it helps me if I ever run out of a battery when I'm filming but it also has a light on it so we're going to use that so that we could go up and explore the attic I don't know what's up there but uh let's go check it out all right here we go I've got the light attached to the phone here I'm going to try to get up here oh there is not much ceiling room at all so I'm definitely going to have to crawl around up here now I doubt that too many people went up here to explore because most people don't carry around a flashlight with them or anything like that so got to be careful but uh cuz there's no railings either so I'm going to have to scoot down and okay I'm up all right so let's see see if I can find anything up here ooh look at this little skeleton but it's a costume but it's out of the bag I thought it might have been in there I'm telling you if some animal comes running at me I'm going to freak out cuz look this is this is where I'm at right now this guy closed the door on me and runs up here with a chainsaw I'm going to freak out so all right let's see this is really interesting that's pretty cool cool so that must have been in one of the kids rooms one day let's see here okay that's like a sketch pad I'm hoping I could find something up here something that was thrown up here a long time ago looks like some art stuff there's definitely some like mouse droppings and stuff in there so got be careful there's some clothes binder empty okay let's see so we got over here nothing nothing blank and then this is what is this this area very quiet look like sketch plans for something huh I don't know what it's for though Concord Cree looks like some blueprints or something okay let's see if there anything else some art that's kind of a nice piece nice little sketch there it's from 1980 huh that's neat like how cool would it be if I could dig this piece out here and if I could actually sell this like tucked all the way in the back of this old attic I'm going to bring Peter handles piece to life here on YouTube we're going to get it on eBay and we're going to give this the love it deserves I really like the piece so yeah we're definitely going to get this I don't know if Peter handle is a known artist yet or anything or it's just a local guy but yeah we're definitely going to grab that all right let's see if there's see if there's anything else oh my gosh oh so this is there's this concept art meditation it's the same guy so this is the guy who must have been using those um drafting tools downstairs and this is for conquered Creek Delaware County Ohio this is really freaking cool look at this look at this too so this was okay wonder if there must be a connecting piece to that here let's see um maybe like no let's see like this I think I think it goes like this maybe I was oh yeah well I was hoping but maybe that might not be right I don't I don't know H uh let's see we got that that and that and you know what so we'll add this here and now that I have these plans over here that will go well with it soz I'm hoping someone from that area would like this from like a historical perspective and here's another piece of this board here so this would all go together in like one lot is what I'm thinking so yeah all right we'll grabb this all right I found a couple of other pieces uh of Peter handle here let me know what you think of his work I actually think it's pretty neat um here's one here look at this this is like a nice City View as well it's like all this hidden art up here you know in this corner this is nice also and it's on a nice solid board too I really like it hopefully this appeals to someone uh and there's another one as well now it says Room 2 demitro trios I don't know I got to look that up but um and this is really nice look at that so I mean I know Art's subjective but uh I think this is cool so we're going to grab a nice stock of art here all right so we've definitely explored this area I checked out these boxes let's move past the staircase to come up to the attic and try not to fall down the stairs all right I'm doing slides like my old basketball days were sliding across like that there we go it's the prime time slide right there I used to be able to do that much faster back in the day I don't see anything on this end it's more like air conditioner units and stuff so okay I think we made out those art pieces so cool so now let me uh gingerly get down these uh stairs and see if there's anything else to explore all right so that phone charger with the flashlight came in really handy up there of course you could bring your own flashlight but this does two things uh in one you just plug it right into the phone Port super cool I'm going to put a link to it in the description section uh under phone chargers it's an Amazon affiliate link so I get a little commission for any purchases made through there so uh just an FYI on that and thanks all of you for your support all right we'll go back to the estate sale in just a moment but I wanted to show you how this glass bottle came out it is so shiny green and clean I cannot be happier with how this came out could you believe this is the same bottle that I showed you in the this shed in the beginning I'm especially happy about how the bottom came out remember all that black sludge that was on the bottom well it turns out it wasn't just dirt and sludge but a lot of it was solidified wood product that had gotten on the bottom literally half of an acorn came out when I was cleaning it out but there was one part in the corner in particular that was just really stuck and I don't care how much soap how much water how many denture cleaners you put in there it it's not going to come out that was quickly apparent to me so uh just a little tip and I didn't see this anywhere I just came up with it myself but um what I did is I took a s'mores stick and I just sharpened the end of it and I just would just jam it onto the top of that um like collection of wood on the bottom and eventually that broke it up and I was able to get it all out of there so it was a fun project and um excited to see how it came out here uh the next project is going to be uh working on that box I showed in a prior video with uh the 7even up that was underneath it so I got a lot of great tips from uh people in that comment section and so the first thing I think I'm going to try to do is spray some fantastic on it and see if we could restore the seven up box so if I get that done I'll show you how that came out in another video but now let's head back to the estate sale all right so we're done with the attic and we're going to walk over this way and okay that's the bathroom there's some Linens here and towels I'm not seeing anything beyond some like nondescript stuff here so nothing with any interesting patterns or anything like this so I think this was back in the old days you would put like your dirty laundry in here and and then go actually I just think this is just a yeah that's what this is it's just like a hamper yeah just just a hamper okay so I thought it might have been a shoot or something but no all right so over here I put my uh box down just so can move easier uh there's some letter Blocks individually uh two bucks for the Set uh there's just not enough of them for me to pick it up and you know I'm not seeing like I mean actually you know what hm I just figured this out look we could spell bear with it or bears and a heart so for two bucks now I could display it with bears yeah that definitely that definitely works so we'll pick up this set actually for two bucks now that I work that out and then um okay here we've got patch-up pets now it's 15 bucks but it's very rare to find this with with the Box normally you just find the actual uh character here something just fell down so it's like a little like maybe pretend Band-Aid or bandage and then in here we have some of the instruments too and those often get misplaced but I think the box is key here this came out in 1990 and it's a really nice box too um really displays well it's a great shape so I think I could at least get $50 out of this a box is just so important toys it just adds so much value especially if it's in good shape and it's cool like this so yeah let's pick this up for the 15 all right so let's keep moving around we've got some books nothing here that jumps out to me mostly modern books some older ones but nothing desirable okay let's take a look o look at this many people in here look at these candles these scream vintage look at this Snowman and we've got the Santa as well and it's three bucks a piece for the Box we've got the Santa bear got a miniature Santa let's see what else we have here another Santa never used still have the Wix on them there's another one this is a good deal there's one over here as well uh piece on Earth yeah let's just get this entire we got the Christmas tree as well this is this is really really good all right moving on from that table uh we've got this uh cassette storage container with all these pullout drawers every once in a while you know you might come across a nice cassette that's worth picking up you know something rare of all the ones I came across this one I thought had the most uh potential cuz it's vintage you know it's Halloween it's got Dracula on the front it's really cool uh 1986 it's Hallmark that being said it's worth like seven bucks or so so we're going to keep it here uh fortunately I was hoping that would be a good hit but oh well um over here just some Modern books and reference books nothing too valuable and some common games and stuff uh some chess pieces but no board so I'm going to leave these here this says complete chess some pieces here as well sometimes again I'll pick this stuff up if there's a board with it but um yeah I'm just going to leave this here my son's actually a big chess fan so he's got like seriously he must have 50 books on chess he's in these competitive tournaments and everything and he's he's amazing so I know he would like this but he's got enough chest up all right uh let's see what's what's this okay just a closet nothing in the closet okay all right so we'll head on actually downstairs see if there's anything else to explore all right so we just came from there and this is the last area to explore which is the basement I already put my box down there but I haven't uh looked around at stuff just so I get down here safely uh there is this little room here uh that you have to access with this uh fold out ladder but there doesn't really seem to be much in there there's a few old uh fishing lines but um yeah some rods but I don't see anything else I don't see like any vintage reels or LS or anything like that so uh yeah and I could barely even fit in there anyway so I don't think it's I don't even know if it would hold my weight getting into there so okay let's uh let's head down here hey check this out let me bring this over here away from the furnace so there's not as much noise but this is an old Belle viw Dairy crate now if you're thinking like bellw Psychiatric Hospital in New York no that's not where it's from um there was a place in Syracuse uh called bellw uh Dairy and uh this goes way back I mean look at this right here this is super cool it's in great shape it has the Bell viw name over here as well we've got a lucky quarter on the side as well for us it's heads up so that tells me to pick this one up for a really great price $15 and it this is easy thing to ship um I would say I could probably get well over a hundred for this um you know some of these I mean not bellw dairy specifically because this is really unique to this area but you know old vintage Dairy crates including the ones from New York is that unheard of see them sell for like 150 some Dairy crates will even sell for like 200 or more this in really nice shape so yeah I'm definitely going to get this for the 15 see what else we've got Okay so we've got this Armstrong Bridgeport Vice it's 30 bucks I'm going to pass on it uh there just not enough meat on the bone you probably get like 60 bucks or something out of it but it's heavy and it's an awkward shape so yeah we're going to leave that one here it does look like this has been pretty much rated down here or maybe there wasn't too much here to begin with I mean I don't mind rehabbing some things if I can but uh not really seeing anything there this is empty uh let's head over in this direction and we got a pencil sharpener here it's the Boston L model uh you know unfortunately it has a sizable Dent inside of here now normally I'd pop it off sell it for like 20 bucks but that that dent is going to be a problem for someone who would want that let's see we got some tools over here uh some Nike sneakers let's see there you could always look in here to find more information 10 and a half which is a good size and they're from 2013 so they're 10 years old only two bucks they're a little bit dirty but don't see any significant defects in them uh I could if I clean these up I probably get like 40 bucks out of these so yeah I think that's what we're going to do we're just going to clean these up like there nothing wrong with the soles or anything they're they're in decent shape they just need a good they just need a good cleaning so yeah okay we'll add this to the mix and let's see is there anything else all right um I don't think so if I see anything else I'll let you know all right I don't see anything else so uh what an adventure to start the year let's uh get the boxes together we'll bring it up and we'll uh get the final price so stay tuned for that all right folks here we go the total price for everything you see here and we loaded up is a total of $80 I was able to get the penants knocked down to three bucks a piece so I'm really happy with how we did today what an adventure all right now here's a little Prime Time tip uh that I need to follow myself when going going to these really vintage houses we I'm going to be rumaging around attics and basement and stuff like that uh don't wear a white because as you can see oh my gosh uh I really got pretty dirty today wow what a way to start off the first estate sale of 2024 with A4 year-old house the attic the basement all those different rooms to explore all those cool items getting dusty and dirty I that's the essence of what the Prime Time treasure hunter channel is all about so I wouldn't have it any other way Mrs Prime time's probably going to shake her head and roll her eyes when I come in all dirty like this but uh she'll see the smile on my face and she'll she'll know it was worth it so uh let me know what your favorite item was that I found today for me I'm going to go with the crate I love crates in general and just the Vintage nature of that uh it just I I just absolutely love that so I can't wait to get that one on the market you know of course I wonder what was there on the first day of the sale midweek but you know with it being a midweek start date I can't get to that unless I took a day off of you know my full-time job and generally I'm not going to do that you know maybe if it was like a Friday or something but with it being a Wednesday that was kind of unusual so uh and today's a Saturday by the way and it's the second day of the sale so it also makes it extra fun for me when I could find all these things that I know was passed up on that uh first day uh big announcement by the way uh last night uh this channel hit 60,000 subscribers it's been a long hard road but a fun one as well I think the decision last year to transition this channel into purely a state sale sourcing content has really worked out it's definitely the number one type of content that viewers like you uh choose to watch and it works out because it's my favorite type of content to make as well I absolutely love love love estate sales so uh you know we're going to keep on keeping on with that and uh hopefully we're going to have many more exciting fun adventures like this uh for uh the rest of the year and above and beyond and one day maybe we'll hit that elusive 100,000 subscriber goal so if you're new to the channel new to The Prime Time family definitely share us out to uh other uh other people maybe people in your family friends and stuff tell them to watch and tell them to subscribe um so yeah we're going to get home and I check out and see what Daisy's doing of course so stay tuned for the regular end of video Daisy update anyway I'm going to head on back to Prime Time treasure headquarters this was really fun hey there what's up Daisy what are you doing in your winter sweater you look like a statue right now did I catch you doing something bad what are you doing Daisy you're so supposed to be up on your perch guarding the treasures what are you do you look like you've been eating something have you been eating snacks have you been eating snacks was it watching maybe we should give you a snack do you want a snack come on let's give you a snack come on where's the snacks come on where are they where are the snacks Daisy take us to the snacks come on let's get you a snack your fans want to see you have a snack come on Daisy over here let's go let's go get a snack come on what dog do you have to beg to give a snack to just sty I guess all right maybe when she hears here's this the snack shaking sh oh my gosh Come on Dy come on come on come on there's our Bowl come on Daisy come on come on here's her little the daisy snack area so she likes these little bones we'll get her one here we'll shake it up maybe she'll come over Daisy let's see if that causes her to come over Daisy here's a snack oh here's she comes here she comes trotting over it's Miss Prime Time slippers right there all right here we go here we go how's that oh there you go oh here we go there we go go take it all right where you going to go you going to run away with it sometimes she runs away with it and brings it back to her spot to eat it she's very spoiled as you can tell oh that door closed off to access to you a pantry door where we going to go we're going to go so if you're wondering Daisy's extra furry right now because um it's the end of January and it's it's pretty cold outside so Mrs PT is waiting until I gets a little warmer out uh to get Daisy another haircut so probably be sometime in Fe February where she gets her next haircut so is that uh is that good Daisy I think she enjoyed it so if you want to send a message to Daisy uh send over a belly rub or you know chin scratch or something just let me know I pass them all on um thanks so much for all the comments she really appreciates them too because she gets she gets a lot of extra attention because of the YouTube channel so uh thank you so much I really appreciate every everybody love for Daisy and uh thanks again for helping to grow the channel looking forward to 2024 and uh Daisy and I we'll see you back at the next one everyone take [Music] care [Music]
Channel: Prime Time Treasure Hunter
Views: 209,908
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: estate sale, estate sale finds, estate sale haul, estate sale shopping, shop with me, reselling, big money finds
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 59min 47sec (3587 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 11 2024
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