Essential Mods You NEED for Cyberpunk 2077!

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here are some essential mods for your next playthrough of cyberpunk 2077 on PC first one being the respecter model which essentially implements new game plus the game you can save and load different builds and even respect attribute points if you're having to make a mistake while leveling up next one is the quick cocky quick quick next one is the quick hack hotkeys which has to be one of my favorite mods of all time instead of scrolling to the quick hack you want to upload with the mouse wheel you can just press the corresponding key and it'll upload the same way isn't technology great next up is the filter Saves by life path and type if you're like me and you have a dozen save files with different characters this mod sorts them out so you can find them easier these last two are very familiar if you've been on the channel for a while but arasaka cyber arms mod is one of the best out there during the install process you can choose which cyber I'm skin you want and other options like what your mono wire color is and how your matte displays look and lastly they always first equip mod lets you play the awesome first equip animations whenever you take your weapon out you can also change the frequency and the circumstances these animations play in the mod menu
Channel: Benjamin_Winters
Views: 463,388
Rating: undefined out of 5
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 1min 0sec (60 seconds)
Published: Tue Jul 11 2023
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