Essential Figma Shortcuts: Speed Your Process 10X

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hey guys Bri here and in this video we're going to learn about figma shortcuts and what are the essential and most important shortcuts for you to learn how to use figma in a fast and efficient way now before we get started I want to remind you that I recently created a free cheat sheet where you can find all the figma shortcuts mentioned in this video plus more and this is actually an extract of an upcoming figma course which I'm going to these in the next couple weeks so stay tuned on that and let's jump right into it this video we're going to learn the most powerful and useful shortcuts that I personally use pretty much on a daily basis as a designer having 10 years of experience in the field and I want to share with you some of the most uh useful patterns so let's get started with the very first ones which are going to be the basic and by the way this is part of a two parts video where we're going to explore even more shortcuts and useful elements in figma so let's get started with the very first one which is the move tool and uh as you can see by simply clicking on the V key you can see that we're going to have the move tool and this is by far you know one of the most useful tools to selecting and pretty much doing anything in figma as you may know another really useful shortcut is the one related to the basic shapes such as the rectangles so that you don't need to go on the top left menu item each and every time you need to select one of these basic shapes the rectangle tool is uh that you can use with r is uh one of the most common patterns that you'll encounter in figma moving forward the which is O just like the shape of the uh shape of course and as you can see very easy uh text T so you can see a pattern by now that is that Al the times the letters are the same as the initial of that shortcut so text is T ellipse is O rectangle is R pretty much uh um linear in in that way so let's uh move on to the next one which is going to be the pentol which is p and by the way it's uh useful to see these type of videos and uh keep things in mind but one of the best recommendation that I have for you is uh to really Master the shortcuts and make them uh second hand I recommend you to practice for at least 5 minutes each and every day the first time that uh you open up figma and uh the most common ones such as these ones are pretty much going to become sick nature in a very short amount of time but other ones will require some degree of practice and if you don't actively practice these shortcuts you're possibly going to fall in the Trap of just doing the longer rout uh so clicking and maybe selecting in the nested menu items so my recommendation is if you master the shortcuts you're definitely going to become much faster at figma but you need to actively practice this so P is for the pen tool and then another ruse for shortcut is f for creating a frame so without having to click each and every time that you need to create a frame simply click on F and that's going to do the job another really useful shortcut is whenever you're you want to select a color for an object with a Color Picker simply click on I and as you can see the Color Picker is going to appear this is going to enable you to change colors in a very fast uh way so really really useful another really useful shortcut is K for the scale which enables you to scale items in uh uh just a single uh click and of course whenever you're collaborating with other team members you can't really go far without comments features which you can access by simply clicking on C and you can leave your comment directly on your file now last keyboard shortcut of these basic shortcuts is going to be L for creating a line so this is going to be almost like your your basic basic um basic set of shortcuts if you wish now let's move on to some more complex ones which are going to be in combination with uh respectively the command key and a in order to create an out layout so see that I'm creating this rectangle and I added some text to basically create a button then I select both instead of right clicking and going here to add out to layout you can simply use shift plus a and uh this is extremely useful especially as you're creating multiple Auto layouts groups and elements within a file as you can see this is now an AO layout so very easy very fast other useful shortcuts are going to be the underline which is uh command plus uh U and and also one other one which I didn't added which is command plus b in order to create a BAL so very fast very easy you can also use command plus I in order to access the italic so i u v and uh the text tool is going to be uh very easy to to edit now another one which is quite useful is a command plus Y in order to see the outline of uh the work of the design file which you're working on so this is going to be to enable you to have an x-ray view on the file and again command plus y again in order to get back to the original view really useful really nice and uh also command plus d for quick duplicate so you can create duplicates of uh any uh element really in just a single click and then then if you have multiple elements as we have right here command plus G in order to group them and the shift G or shift command G in order to ungroup them so command G to group them shift command G to ungroup them and uh you can easily manage the groups in no time much faster than right clicking and going into the the drop down each and every time you have to group or ungroup an element so this is definitely one of those Mass have in this list and uh also another nice addition to this is going to be the command plus shift plus o and uh this going to enable you to have the outline stroke so you're essentially creating an outline stroke out of that very layer which uh is going to be useful especially if you're dealing with icons illustrations those type of things so this is it when it comes to this uh intro to the essential figma shortcuts but we're going to explore more on this in um later later videos and uh again practice take a moment after this video to just uh go on figma practice these these shortcuts and uh if you want to see the whole array of shortcuts simply click on uh the bottom right hand corner as you can see there is this help and resources and uh there's going to be um I can't really see it from here since I have the video but uh basically you can see the essential keyboard shortcuts and you can see all of the keyboard shortcuts available in figma so that you can practice them and uh really keep them at hand at all time so this is it for this video and I'll see you in the next
Channel: Pierluigi Giglio
Views: 104
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: ui design, ux design, web design, designer, design
Id: gJp0oj1mNbU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 3sec (543 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 20 2024
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