ESP32 Relay Voice Control by Aamzon Alexa using TASMOTA MATTER

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hello everyone in this video I will show you how to include this A4 board that is a esp324 channel relay output part and work with the Amazon Alexa but this time we have used Mercury protocol so that this video I will show you how to step by step download the firmware for the meta protocol and so that you can use a maximum ankle in local network a country that's really directly we can see this in our computer also we can download the firmware there is a web install so you can click this one and choose this esp32 chip and this we can choose the unofficial you can see that is unofficial because the metal firmware is also in developing so we can choose this one task motor 32 and the matter and click connect this time you need to power on and connect to the USB cable I have connected the power on and the USB cable connect with my computer so that you will see this USB server part is detect so I can connect the connect and install and you can check this option to erase the device before you download the firmware and click install now you just wait some seconds okay you can see this is complete and we can click the next then we're ready to configure the Wi-Fi yes as I get the password and this network we will list all have scanned the Wi-Fi signal so I can choose this can connect but you can choose by yourself this is my office Wi-Fi access ID and I input my password and connect okay this is complete then you can click visit device so we'll open this task motor home page and the first you need to configure the gpio for this module for example let's have relay so you can see this is our A4 part esp32 GPL pink device so I can copy and paste very interest motor we can set this really to find a gpro2 that is really one and the Chipmunk 15. 15 is really two and five is this way and the F4 is ready for so you can click save and main menu and we can click configure again and you can see this is the configured for matter I can click this method and enable better click save and click main menu and this time you will see this QR code for Alexa application to scan this QR code edit device Alexa [Music] and add and edit device then you can choose as and this time we can choose this method and this I can choose it yes and the ready to scan QR code okay you can see I can scan this QR code and looking for your device okay you can see Alexa is already two use and you will see that you can see the metal and you can control it by saying turn on test mode as you can see the Alexa have feedback that have found the transmitter report and as you can see the map is one active and now you can see I can click this for next and Skip and down you can see the transmitter is set up and ready to use so you can see I can click all device you will see this this is a transmitter new device you can see this slowly you can I can click this is red really is out and I can click again so this is our Let's test The Voice countering by Amazon Alexa motor [Music] and you can see this just this really is up and this is the feedback for this application and Alexa turn off task motor and you can see okay this release off and the application also you update the state it off so I can also use the mobile phone for remote control this really and use the voice contouring by this speak so this can work at the same time this is transmitter for the metal and very easy to use just to download the firmware and configure the chip shell and set by the Mr Alexa application okay thanks for watching
Channel: KincontrollerIoT
Views: 1,146
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Id: lejXa3zoX6w
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 12sec (372 seconds)
Published: Tue Jul 18 2023
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