ESP32 Home Automation using Amazon Alexa + Bluetooth + IR Remote with FREE IoT platform

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Hello friends welcome to techstar diesel in this video we will make an Alexa home automation system which also can be controlled with Bluetooth IR remote and manual switches here you can see I have not used any external Bluetooth device and you don't need any third-party iot application you just in the Echo Dot and esp32 to make this complete project so this project is absolutely free and during the video I have explained the circuit source code and all other required details so after watching the complete video you can easily make this project first let me control the appliances with Amazon Alexa app turn on room light okay now let me control the appliances with Bluetooth and I can use this button to turn off all the lights now let me use the IR remote to turn on all the lights and I can also control the appliances individually now let me use manual switch to control the appliances and if there is no Wi-fi still you can control the appliances with Bluetooth IR remote and also in the manual switches now let me turn on The Fast 2 lamp now if I turn off the complete Supply here you can see sp32 do not have any power supply right now now if I turn on the supply again the first two lamp will automatically turn on as the esp32 can remember the previous States as you have used preference library and here you can see the First Column automatically turns on so this is a very useful project so without any further delay let's get started this video is sponsored by Altium which is a world class PCB designer software trusted by the most of the big electronic companies the user interface is so simple you can easily design any complex pcbs in LTM now LTM came up with an amazing product called Altium 365 LTM 365 is an electronic product design platform that unites PCB design MCAT data management and teamwork with ldm 365 you can not only design pcbs but you can also share your projects to your teammates for review it also provides automatic backup centralized cloud storage and a lot more and along with all these they do have a very useful search engine just for electronic components called as octopard using octopod you can search for any electronic components compare the price and availability around the globe apart from that you can also check the data sheet LTM provides everything to make your production task a lot easier and now you can download the free trial version of the LTM PCB designer software from the description and use all these services in your next PCV design in the circuit I have given the 5 volt DC Supply and here I have used active low relay module so the relay will turn on for the low signal in the control pin if you want to use 8th Channel relay module then you can refer to this circuit to make the circuit compact I have designed this pcbs for this project you can download a Gaba file from the video description now let me connect the esp32 with the laptop for programming this is the source code for this project you can download the code from our website just visit the article you can find a link in the description then you can download the port from these buttons after downloading open the code with Arduino ID for this project first we have to install the latest esp32 board and these are the required libraries for this project then here you have to enter the Wi-Fi name then Wi-Fi password here you have to enter the device names for Alexa Alexa will identify that particular device with this name you can change these names as per your requirements then here you have to enter the hex code for the IR remote control in my previous video I have already explained how to get the hex code from any IR remote you can find a link in the description also in the I button and if you don't want to use IR remote control then leave it as it is then here I have mentioned the gpio pins for the relay and switches now let me go to wire setup in the void setup first I have defined a broad grid then with this line I have opened the namespace in read write mode to store the current release date then with this function we are turning on the Bluetooth then we are giving in the name for the Bluetooth you can give any other name now let me go to void Loop in the void Loop first we are checking if the Wi-Fi is connected then accordingly we are controlling the relay with Alexa now let me go to this Bluetooth control function with this function we are controlling the relay with Bluetooth now in the Bluetooth Control Function first we are checking if any data available from the Bluetooth then we are comparing that data with the predefined value if we receive capital A then we are turning on the fast relay if we receive small a then we are turning off the fast relay in this manner we are controlling the four relay now you can also use any other bluetooth app you just have to change this character according to that app now after doing all these changes you can upload this port to esp32 for that go to tools select the board esp32 Dev module in the partition scheme select huge app 3MB this is important you have to select this partition scheme only then select the proper Port then hit the upload button after programming the esp32 you can see these blue LED is glowing which indicates now it is connected with the Wi-Fi so now we will configure the Amazon Alexa app so let me open the Amazon Alexa app then I will go to device then tap on this plus icon select add device then select light then I will scroll down and select other now I will select Wi-Fi then select discover devices now during this time the echo dot Amazon Alexa app and the esp32 should be connected with the same Wi-Fi network this will take some time now here you can see four devices found so I will tap on next so these are the device I will exit from this setup then I will go to device then go to lights now here you can all the devices we have connected now we will quickly install the Bluetooth app for this project I have made this app in the MIT App Inventor you can download the APK file from the video description after downloading go to my files then select APK so we have to install this app let me tap on it then tap on install during installing you may get some warning as I have not submitted this app in the Google Play Store now let me open the app so with this app you can control total 8 relay but here we will control for Relay using first four buttons so after installing you have to give nearby device permission to this app so that it can search nearby Bluetooth device so I will go to setting then I will go to apps then App Management from this list I have to search for Bluetooth Switch app now go to permission now here you have to give nearby device permission so that it can search nearby Bluetooth device now I will turn on the Bluetooth first I have to pair the esp32 so here you can see under the available device it is showing esp32 underscore BT which is the Bluetooth name we have given I will tap on it then tap on pair after pairing I will go to our app then if I tap on this tab to connect button so here you can see our Bluetooth device esp32 underscore BT I will tap on it so here you can see it is showing connected so now you can control the appliances with Bluetooth now I can control the appliances with the Bluetooth Amazon Alexa app also in the switch and IR remote if you find this video helpful then please hit the like button and share it with your friends don't forget to subscribe for more such videos thank you for watching have a great day
Channel: Tech StudyCell
Views: 10,811
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: esp32, home automation, Alexa, iot, esp32 alexa, esp32 projects, espalexa, alexa home automation, amazon echo home automation, esp32 bluetooth, home automation system, esp32 alexa control, amazon alexa app, iot projects, internet of things, esp32 tutorial, esp32 home automation, alexa esp32, iot devices, iotproject, esp32 wifi, homeautomation, smart home, alexa with esp32, amazon echo dot, amazon alexa automation, amazon smart home, amazon alexa, relay, projects, techstudycell
Id: IHD8jsJuJdQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 26sec (506 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 14 2023
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