ESP32-CAM Arduino IDE - from

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hi Chris hi Mike today we're gonna show how we easily program the ESP 32 cam that we bought from it's featuring an ESP 32 s from AI thinker yeah and it comes with a 2 megapixel camera a flash Wi-Fi Bluetooth and a micro SD card reader and best of all it's a very affordable and compact which makes it perfect for home surveillance while going through the datasheet and hooking it up we find a few important things to take note of first of all most of the data sheets are in Chinese so thank God for Google Translate but more importantly in the data sheet for the ESP 32s it clearly states that it expects 3.3 volts on the RX and TX pins although the board itself is powered with 5 volts and it not only runs on 5 volts but the datasheet also says it needs a minimum of 2 amps that's more what you expect from a Raspberry Pi rather than the ESP module another kind of strange thing on the ESP 32 cam is the IOC arrow pin normally it would be best practice to pull this high so that it don't accidentally enter boot mode but on the ESP 32 cam the IO 0 is connected to the camera so the data sheets wants it to be a left floating you know testing it has not been a problem and the last important thing before we start programming is the antenna next to the apex connector there's a cero ohm resistor if you want to connect an external antenna for better range you must move this resistor from position 1 over to position till now let's hook it up and program it with the Arduino IDE we are powering it on 5 volt and ground pins using the firewalls while testing we did try running it at 3.3 volts pin but in our case the picture became very unstable and flickering for programming we are going to use a 3.3 volt FTDI to communicate with the ESPE 32 as mentioned earlier the RX and TX P are not firewalled torrents we also need to connect ground of the FTDI to the ground on the ESP 32 if you do not have a 3-1 tree waltz programmer you can connect a voltage divider or a logic level shifter to set the ESP 32 in programming mode we also need to connect io0 to ground the wiring should then look like this we were able to program the ESP 32 cam directly with a 5-volt programmer but since the datasheet specifies 3.3 volts this can cause negative long-term effects in the arduino ide go to preferences open the additional boards manager URLs window add the ESP 32 JSON URL to blank line and click OK then open up tools boards boards manager search for ESP 32 select the ESP 32 by expressive systems and click install now back in tools and boards you have a lot of new ESP 32 boards select the ESP 32 Rover module in partition scheme select huge app then finally select the port where we have connected your programmer okay we're now ready for the sketch open file examples ESP 30 camera and click on the camera web server you in this file coming out the first camera module and uncomment the camera male I think er type in your Wi-Fi SSID and your Wi-Fi password that's it upload the sketch to the board remove the connection between GPIO 0 and ground and restart the ESP 32 cam open the serial monitor and when the board is connected to Wi-Fi copy the IP address paste the address in your web browser the first thing you want to do is scroll down to the bottom and click start stream then you are free to change all the settings as you like remember to like and share the video if you found it helpful and we would love for you to subscribe to our Channel see you next time
Views: 101,173
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: ESP32 camera, esp32 cam, esp-32 camera, esp-32 cam, esp32-s camera, esp32-cam ai thinker, esp32 camera arduino ide, esp32 camera webserver, OV2640, esp32 camera module, ov2640 connection, esp eye
Id: tzmcXZ-irIc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 3sec (303 seconds)
Published: Mon Mar 11 2019
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