Getting Started With the ESP32 CAM

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hey guys welcome back to the channel so I've ordered a bunch of stuff from AliExpress mainly some wled stuff and some uh more D1 mini esp32 boards but I also saw this and had to pick it up so what it is it's another esp32 project specifically it's the esp32 cam border so it's got that little module there and then it's got the esp32 cam module just thinking about it this esp32 cam module may also be really good for building a little war driving project because it's got the SD card on it all we need to add is a GPS so that may be something we try later on but here's the basics of it I'm going to need to pick up some more micro SD cards I'm kind of running low on them but yeah real simple goes together real simple little camera module it comes with an antenna let's look closer at the esp32 so the esp32 looks like it's already jumpered for the built-in antenna up here so you don't have to use the external one which I I have no intentions to use the external one currently anyway that'll just be extra parts really but yeah we're gonna look at a few or at least one probably the default code I can find on this kind of see how it works connect to it but eventually I would like to put a system together kind of like a security system I guess but uh get a handful of these esp32s and have them connect to a just a local web interface that can be seen on your local network yeah so that's the start of it let's move over and kind of look at the code and go on from there all right let's take a quick look at the AliExpress page of the specific camera I got from from what I can tell this is a pretty common camera of what you'll run into even like from Amazon and stuff but I specifically got this kit here so five bucks it comes with the antenna but I I have no intentions of using the antenna I'll use that on another project because it does still have the built-in esp32 antenna the PCB antenna and it's actually to use this external antenna you would have to change the resistor that's on the antennas to move it over to this so I didn't want to deal with that anyway so with shipping it's you know seven bucks for this specific one it's a little info about it I'll link this down in the description too and I'll even I'll throw it into Amazon link to a pack of them that I'll probably end up ordering as well but what we're going to do and I'll go through everything but I ran into issues with trying to get this coded is we're just going to open up Arduino IDE going through the comments on this Amazon or AliExpress order really kind of helped a little bit get through some of the troubles I was running into because first off I didn't know what board to use because there's not really one just labeled esp32 cam but this one specifically is the AI I think or esp32 Cam so I selected that no issue there proper com port then over here in the actual code I guess I could show you where to get the code so this is example esp32 camera camera web server and it'll open up this code the only thing you need to change is you need to comment out this Define the esp-i one unless that's the camera you have if you have a different camera than me you do which one you have but this one specifically is the AI thinker so we're going to uncomment that and then you need to put in your networks SSID and the password to your Wi-Fi so that it automatically connect to it another issue I ran into is it just not wanting to code it acting like it couldn't connect to the esp32 which was real strange because I've connected multiple esp32s even an a I think are in the past but there's something a little different about this one and I ran into this issue as well with some ESP 8266 is that I was D1 Minis that I was getting ready for an LED project they were having the same issue and with them I found I needed the ch340 driver and if you go to this wemos you can download the driver here and install it once I did that everything connected everything worked fine so once you get that all done what you'll do is you go to tools serial monitor and it will tell you where it's connected the IP address it's connected to you will you do need to change the baud rate to 11 5 200 and then you'll get the text show up so we'll take that and we'll go to this web address and in this web address you'll see all of the stuff for the es the esp32 camera it is just a two megapixel camera it really starts lagging out if you do anything too high so I'm just going to up it to say 320 or 480 by 320. not super big but hopefully it'll be a little easier to see it and then there's all these other settings I'm not going to do with oh that's that's actually turn on the LED intensity on the front that will maybe help see what's around and then we'll do start stream so yes my room is completely dark you can see the LED on the esp32 really kind of helps see what's going on here's one of the LED projects I'm working on just really trying to figure out all the ins and outs of wled which will come up in another video so it's not a bad little camera a lot of things I want to do with it I want to 3D print a case for it I don't know if I'm going to design a case or find one done either way I'll post which one it is on Instagram most likely and if it's one I design I'll probably do a video on it but yeah so that's the esp32 that's switch over to okay so now you can kind of see both what the camera sees and kind of a view of it so together all right let's get the LED intensity turned down to zero and I'll turn on the my lights so you can kind of see the camera definitely a cool little board to play with this is just an intro to it uh down in the comments if you have any projects you'd like to see done with it just let me know and I can see about working towards them this has been a fun project for sure lots of stuff I've been I've kind of got planned for it I'd like to do its own little web interface with multiple cameras to kind of put around the house or in every window to see outside or something like that so that'll be an interesting project but yeah thanks for watching the video thanks for tuning in like subscribe and we'll see you next time
Channel: 463n7
Views: 3,618
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Id: uDeHF05V3og
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Length: 10min 39sec (639 seconds)
Published: Tue Jul 11 2023
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