Esfand accidentally shows an old Pokimane's clip

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welcome back by on it bye fun have you seen this uh that's okay those are not those results are I'm down to look at that no we can skip that um I need to get that shoe removed probably I already know what it's going to be you want to know what it is it was a a brush for my cat's hair well now they know what it is you want to show you want TR to say sure okay I have no shame SP typed in poke me who the fu is Bonnie and then what the [Β __Β ] is these clips go ahead click it I have no sh is this is when I was like 22 you see that pause see that you can type in um that thing is huge wait you're you're saying this is a that's a brush for cat hair you know that yes this thing yes wait for a better click stop stop stop stop you see the thing at the end that's a yeah firminator okay now Google firminator dude no F you are there you go no that's how now go to I put humidifier there you go see that's what that is so then you if you want me to I'll be like hey man just want to say that's a firminator yes and you should probably retitle this video to Pokemon's firminator thank you this is clickbait and then you should add this you go here you got to put the link copy link wait you can do that yeah and then uh SL uh discount code uh Pokemon twitch okay there you go nice hash ad dude you know what's crazy about this clip H this just looks like 2018 twitch to be fair though I would think this is a dildo like that [Β __Β ] looks like a dildo like like it looks why do you say why do you say it like dildo what do you mean this guy sup B this Chad wooden here all right I'm talking about that PS triple come on now we come on like that little controller baby that looks like a deal I ain't trying to play my games with no deal all right maybe if the game is like Wario where shove up your own ass game yeah I don't know I don't know if there's any mini games where you know get to shove it up your ass but come on now the we that's why I said that
Channel: Mizkif Clips
Views: 42,036
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: mizkif, mizkif clips, emiru, emiru clips, mizkif emiru, mizkif emiru clips, shroud hardcore wow, pokimane, mizkif pokimane, poki, poki clips, mizkif poki, mizkif poki clips, mizkif poki gym, mizkif pokimane gym, pokimane catches mizkif off guard, pokimane asks mizkif, esfand, mizkif esfand, pokimane esfand, old pokimane, old pokimane clips
Id: WiiYJ3x4lYE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 2min 37sec (157 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 16 2024
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