50 Dumb Ways To Die in Roblox

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so what happens in Roblox when you die what happens when you die 50 times yeah that's what we're doing today and also if you've ever played Roblox hit the like button down below the video hit the Subscribe button let's die what Biffle what are you wearing a big Sunday fan nice football I paid real money all right level one the whole let's do it [Applause] I don't know level two the kill broke so these are apparently gonna get harder and harder we have to die 50 times what is this the kill brick Oh oh well Russell listen every time we die you have to use this sound effect don't do this one can I touch it level three reach it oh it's up there oh wait what wait what is this oh we have to move it I bet we have to move it okay level four the damage Brick dude look at this Chad oh look it's me oh it does damage to you somebody touch it we're a tenth of the way there is that how math works I don't know the small hole Waits I'm stuck what is this level six damage loop I gotta touch Chad get the Chad get the chat oh you have to just keep giving big old hugs give them a little hug if you beat this level you can cycle through levels you've already beaten yeah I need is he stuck okay many muffins It's not that hard Ben I didn't know you guys are coming all right let's keep going level seven vending machine so the the orange one that one doesn't kill you that just does damage the red one kills you I'm gonna press one I want two guys hang on oh we gotta wait for him to get there all right uh somebody don't trip on that Lego careful all right but oh [Applause] zoom in on it I think there's a button moving me left and right and that's annoying whoever finds the first gets 10K from Biffle Yep this is impossible no wait what dude are you this is only level nine gosh dude out of what oh 50. I'm finally up here okay I can see the death zone so if you stare at this picture no stay there Biffle don't move if you stay if you stare at this picture long enough it'll kill you all right the smaller hole oh no guys how oh how oh guys how how do I wiggle hey hey people's bad he can't do it he's stupid and dumb shut up I agree level 11 the mirror game oh yeah we got a parkour invisible parkour yeah so we see that over there that's where I jumped and I somehow gotta jump up there how oh it's a ladder I got it no no okay and then jump here yeah nice okay I'm with you now I gotta somehow get up there before I'm following dude I don't know where to go go left a little go to the first one I think yeah no actually I think you're I think you're perfect actually [Music] I am going to flip my flipper you know what I mean oh we made it on the thing y level 12 behind the wall what is this hey hey come here please how do I get behind the wall what if we like you know oh oh there's another door here what is this oh there's a key I got the key uh I'm not going there oh I got a key though first you go first um try uh to secret file except EXE I did not get scared at a Roblox game everything's fine don't worry about it level 14 reach it just press the green thing on the on the computer you're good we're building hold on I'm playing Minecraft right now okay check this out I'm gonna push it I'm gonna push it look at this okay I am a modern day Builder look at this jump smallest is tall there's no way wait no I don't fit guys this is way too thick Essentials you're way too sick to go on this I got this check this out you guys are dumb what do you mean we're already past it I'm gone how how did you get look with your eyes there's a Red Bull oh yeah that makes sense that makes sense all right level 16 question mark I'm gonna try something dumb okay what are you doing what's dumb reset character that kills you yeah wait oh no way wait it doesn't work on all levels yeah does that work on hold up it doesn't you can't do it on this next level damage loot wait wait oh oh I see what's happening oh you gotta get hit by Chad oh Chad gave me three kisses dude oh my God oh God level 18 zombies maze oh there's a zombie down there he's trying to eat us oh we probably gotta leave look he's like following me he's following look oh wait is it that's how we die come on up the zombie kills us eat me eat me no no no no no no no no no no no no no I'm dying [Music] oh my gosh oh you guys blew up without me you guys are the worst friends look at your face look at your face on base look at your face yep balancing out the wall um all right what is this level 24 find the kill bird um okay he's my favorite director first want to find against 10K from Bibble yeah oh I found it dude this is impossible your keyboards I'm trying what do I do okay go to first person and look through the window whenever you're up there oh that was in first person oh nice oh we're starting our own Tycoon let's go boys uh buy dropper 150 or dollars get started I have zero money yeah oh you have to press the button we're gonna click the green button oh look does anybody have a family clicker I got another dropper oh it's an auto dropper and it's going down here are we having fun I'm having a great time right now oh the red painter is what's gonna kill us I'm not giving you Roblox all right I win level 27 reach it three okay I promise this is the last one what let's push the ball backwards with shift lock going up how do we get the ball off there though oh we probably got to move this this uh block slippery I'm gonna have to get the ball all the way up through there and two right here so I could jump on the ball and hit the block oh and I'm gonna have to move this ice block I believe in you wait almost got it almost got it do you though there we go that is so difficult there we go okay it's going across okay now it's got to sit there and I gotta bring the ice block all the way back to there I gotta push this please don't fall please don't fall whatever you do don't fall please don't fall ball I've been at this for like seven years jump jump yes did you make it restful about to do it I'm right behind level 28 die of cringe uh my favorite game in row is Roblox and and oh yeah you gotta click it in the bottom left and my favorite game in Roblox and we like oh my God that was a Nico moment well checks out uh banana oh I can't jump wait we probably gotta slip on the banana and fall off the map does that work do it in the corner do it in the corner in the corner oh I did it wow that was the dumbest map everyone is the dumbest one the small window we don't tell is that how we did it uh yeah tell me I'm not telling that go go go go go yes all right so I just I do it the best way you get what is this yeah see what you can do press F to Dismount pick up your skateboard oh look at me oh wait sizzles you put it on the other side I know wait how'd you do that wait you got to put it through the mirror different dummies how'd you Dismount I'm so good at this how do you get off of it how do you oh F oh hey let's go uh level 320.web press e on Xbox or use the wav emote drink the acid until you drown I'm pressing e nothing's happening oh I'm just like drinking the answer is what we're about to hate this 33 Chase it wait go get it oh we got a quarter it we gotta corner it Hey sir sir I give really good handshakes I have sigils yeah I got good high fives okay uh level 34 acting sus oh this is mogas guys hit the like button oh there's a Sheriff oh a sheriff um I'm sending some stuff over here oh yeah uh this guy is really playing some mogas right now yeah he's really about disagree oh yeah you're not gonna like this next one level 35 the smallest window I don't think uh my parkour this what are you boys doing down there can I climb on up that kid is so hard oh I'm doing it how really oh dude what is this oh gosh uh jump in jump in I don't jump on it same place man all right let me know when you guys win uh what is this level 37 little shower break oh oh I'm down oh it's the pink it's their orange ones look at her health in the oh we're dying there oh I opened it oh we need a yellow key up there oh we gotta get the the chair gotta get the chair gotta get the chair don't leave me behind I am oh boys okay put that there and then get up there grab the key open this door with the key it's got the key now I'm in here grab the Green Key go open up the thingy go open up the thingy down here the green little spinny thingy the safe what oh I got it I got a hammer oh I'll break that okay now I get the wrench now I use the wrench on this [Applause] I got killed by Killy 39 translate this sentence in Lua reduce my character's HP to zero oh this is Cody Lewis the programming language that Roblox has made please I don't know anything okay decide here's what I'm thinking Game Stop play well you made it I made it.character.humanoid.health equals zero that's gonna kill me dude please wow wait players I did it what the horse in the oven alright Zone I think we gotta go flying the ceiling oh we have TNT oh we gotta go flying are you ready I'm gonna stand on it stand up I'm gonna do it I'll see you later too let's go oh now we jump off hey ten four boys hit the like button if you're foot what I don't know what that means can you help fix these holes oh I hate pipe work dude what is this oh I'm trying to drown I'm Vlogging him him back oh no oh gosh nice all right level 42 what's worse than the back rooms oh no the front room taking elevator all right you go first oh gosh and it is so dark oh God boys if you want us to play another back rooms game hit the like button we'll do another one oh what is that hey call me hey Brazil what about these noises I died to Brazil I don't know level 43 too fit to fit oh wait what's up look at us why do we look like this what happened to you guys oh oh we gotta Get Swole we gotta get so strong let's go oh easy easy look how blocky I am oh look at my head look at my head it's getting smaller well yourself I'm so I'm gonna drown soon I think I don't know what's happening I'm just spamming my click whoa I'm falling out of the map that's what's happening my head so small did I die oh I died what happened to you guys so cursed level 44 Astro Military Academy like and favorite the game to be able to run so the rules say don't cross up never say ooh how do you type in the chat though it's slash oh my God you guys okay oh my gosh that went from zero to 100 so quick the small ceiling hole oh gosh this level is like five times harder than level nine so drown yourself here if you feel like giving up okay okay and um yeah I'm not doing that one what is this one cleaned up oh 46. why did they look like in this level based on cleanup Roblox you have to stay inside a booth to morph into the character inside of there we go cool I'll become astral pixel all right I did it I did it oh what's happening I want to be Astro pickle wait that worked I did it are you dead yeah that's all you have to do just become the guy I need to shoot you to death shoot me then I die it worked I died hey level 47 drop me oh no we have giant heads how did you guys get shot I want to go hold on wait oh pick me up and drop me ask for adoption me shoot me adopt me hey you go away oh okay oh oh I got picked up wait are you dead wait how'd you get adopted I got carried outside and just keep asking okay I'm just gonna spam ask this guy where is he taking me hey got me hey adopt me hey hey adopt me adopt me oh I got adopted oh my God come on oh you don't want to be adopted I'm sorry oh this is a good wait why are you stopping here no no oh no uh level 48 Mega fun cart ride climbing my trust to visit Mega farting cart ride okay making a fart oh my gosh it's right here oh I love this Okay click to regen Cart please stand by standing by what is happening oh oh whoa hey you are an affirmative other levels oh press the speed I'm pressing speed it's at 10. why it's pretty good the red button in the middle oh leave it on green leave it on Green that's one of the boys I'm coming dude where are you guys why shirt just doesn't yeah no that's just my boy right there That's my boy was that wall say what do we you're you're not permitted to view other levels wait did we just jump out and fall and die how'd you get out I I didn't I didn't you guys are out for me wait what uh not for me we go faster backwards uh oh gosh uh it's getting a little wobbly make it faster faster uh pick your favorite YouTuber or Sunday yes this is based on the thumbnails of the videos [Applause] I'll go to the gaming with Kev I'll go I won't give you Kevin what's your favorite YouTuber bring it you literally oh no the smaller ceiling hole how did I die oh no how'd you die did you guys die you shot you die wait did I win I mean level wait [Applause]
Channel: SSundee
Views: 3,914,018
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: Mb3mYHBkvCg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 30sec (1170 seconds)
Published: Wed Dec 07 2022
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