Escaping DETENTION in Roblox!

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got detention now me and my friends are going to find a way to break out and escape the school huh wait what how do we get into detention we got the attention are you kidding me oh man the bell just went off too whatever we did i'm sure it's your fault yeah yeah sure i am a perfect student you sure you didn't put a whoopee cushion on the teacher's seat or something ian no but i'm about to put the desk on him stop ian i don't want to get more detention look it says one i will not annoy mr pickles i will not try to escape from the tension i will not try to stop the bombs in the classroom the stink bombs in the classroom i want a stinkbomb okay he's not waking up let's try to get out of here come on oh wait a minute look up there the door's locked can we climb up nah um let's see maybe we can go up this way and try to get out oh wait a minute i'm dumb guys look at this huh i'm actually smart come on let's go hey alvin i'm now i found a game of my own what's your game [Music] don't jump on mr piggy mr pickles he's gonna be mad when he finds out you're jumping on look there's cool things there but if we take them we might get under arrest so don't want to do that yeah we want freedom oh boy i'm tempted be careful wow big old spikes they really don't want us to escape it's fine just gotta hop over here right behind you do that and then uh well he died oh he's back i'm back oh [Music] there we go all right let's go yeah hey huh what does this button do oh uh oh what'd you do i think we started something off don't worry let's keep going [Music] keep going i feel lighter than air nice you got it kim come on like an eagle yeah keep going in here elevator button okay all right the elephant is working now let's go uh let's see over here oh we gotta hit the elevator yeah that's a long one here's the door guys is that the door to breathe out come on it's doing that door to the gym hits the elevator button ah no freedom but it's magical elevator ladder there we go kim's slowing me down be nice to kim yeah okay uh maybe we grab this and put that there and then grab this and put this here and i know you put that underneath and then i'll put the ladder on top of it to help us go up cool got that oh i climbed the ladder and put this oink over here got it whoa yeah yeah just keep going come on okay yeah i feel kind of suss with all this venting i know [Music] okay we made it outside look mr pickles is in there oh perfect oh finally don't want to wake him up come on no how does he run that fast oh i don't want to go to jim or science oh there it is [Music] [Music] i was never good at this class well now you can get good ugh it takes too much effort i'll race you off with jim that's something i can get behind i don't like racing this looks scary just remember kim it's your destiny to have an adventure i'd rather just have my destiny in the library [Music] down already oh hey wait a minute okay all right so guys you know what the jump on the thing is you just gotta go like this see i'm on the zip line okay that was kind of fun okay [Music] i don't need to score to open a goal we should have a race to see who can score first oh yeah and by that i mean i'm going to go first [Music] give me the ball hey [Music] oh oh no quick there is a cafeteria wait it's over here wait our mascot is the sloths oh i guess because uh uh [Music] oh he is a nasty teacher oh guys coming to the bathroom i'm trying i found a vent that seems suss it's a secret party passage am i coming coming in coming coming it's like an all-access potty pass huh i get it how about over here over here over here i see you i see you i'm coming here yeah come on let's go okay okay i think we can get out of here we gotta score a basketball so where are we we gotta hit another basket they're hitting with their bands [Music] what kind of race just racing let's go ah i'll catch up watch out look up look up oh they're lasers there's lots of legs [Music] hey guys if we successfully escape detention do you think there'll be cake that was terrifying yeah cake okay i like cake whoa see if you guys can find me or catch up i don't think ketchup goes very well on cake is that a challenge that is a challenge i'm gonna see if i can make it ahead of you whoa whoa [Laughter] i got a soda wow i'm running faster [Music] you're too slow gotta go fast okay you guys are ahead i got to catch up too fast too furious not fast or furious enough uh hi oh i'm now i think i'm gonna win our race [Music] i made it to the main halls it's him wait that's not a segway three that's a go-kart go karts i heard a girl card welcome to pickles car [Applause] do we have to beat him i think so get out of here mr pickles i just need a blue shell okay just gotta get ahead of him it's fine yeah oh no he's crashing into me yeah and we got a banana peel oh he hit me i can't believe he did that meanie you know what i'm just gonna sit this one out this is too much action for me today [Music] oh oh no he bumped into me what a jerk whoa he races dirty come on i found you can do it working on it ew i don't like how he boosts this smells weird ah oh yeah that's some high octane gas right there ah i just gotta get ahead of them i'll go drive faster i'm trying [Music] it's right there keep going [Music] gotta say it's not rainbow road but not a bad course i got it first okay i think i got this did you guys win i think i'm right behind you yeah i'm waiting at the end okay all right he's one dirty racer yeah [Music] [Music] let's go okay all right keep going and ah lots of spikes below what don't look down [Music] okay and uh hi hey guys there we go uh-oh don't worry we'll make this work somehow yeah you've got to make it across oh you both need to do better well oh just you waiting listen just because you're not as cool as i am doesn't mean you can't do as good at escaping the um detention spikes be better you're an expert at escaping detention hey ian i bet you're gonna smell like mr pickles by the end of this yeah like oh you said it ah okay uh hey apple what's up um uh-oh mr pickles has got some upgrades that's not a go-cart um that is [Applause] i can't believe this quick guys get your spitballs she got stuck to the library i knew that place was no good [Applause] well you stopped shooting spitballs at me no you know what i don't think i want to go to detention ever again i don't think i want to either wait wait a minute guys what i think this is the bus tooth huh detention well at least kim made it out live in the library
Channel: Aphmau Shuki
Views: 3,990,252
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Aphmau, shuki, roblox, roblox funny, aphmau roblox, family friendly, no swearing, no cursing, clean roblox videos, aphmau detention, aphmau shuki, escape from detention, escape from mr pickles, school escape roblox, impossible obby detention, mr pickles, mr pickles detention, watch out for mr pickles, aphmau school, 24 hr school challenge, aphmau school prison, stuck in school, school breakout
Id: ggP8Ki733rQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 12sec (852 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 09 2022
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