Five Days in the Backcountry - E1- Heart Pounding Rapids

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so I am a teensy bit hungover this morning because rod Jennings might have a little bit of an alcohol problem actually it's probably me we got [ __ ] miserable day today basically it's just supposed to have more rain all day some pretty big-name people showed up yesterday about an hour before dark with plans to paddle the upper magnetic over and we are putting in literally right in front of my house we got Alex of Northern scavenger and Raj Jenny from explore the backcountry super super high water these guys are going to bottle with me to Wall of cash where I'm gonna meet up with my brother Ted and then Ted and I are going to continue all the way to Georgian Bay just kicking off a five-day trip here super excited so here we go [Music] she's a funny one [Music] the world this rain jet does not want to quit it's been raining consistently has not let up for a brief moment all freaking day and all the little side tributaries and creeks are all just rushing and - the water is high export all she's like right there [ __ ] [ __ ] of all this for the easier Rapids maybe class ones and some easier class choose I just run them with funk on the spray Duncan he's a really good swimmer so he's not in any danger here and he actually almost seems to enjoy it he's probably less scared than I am and for the bigger rabbit I let him off and he walks along the shore to meet me at the end then a lot of time he's actually there waiting for me before I am awesome companions how about here so guys there's an easy take out and there's like a sketchy take up but it's on the right [Music] yeah this is the one that me and my brother tried running for time around this you're gonna look at it you're gonna be like what an idiot just look at this see where the boat is look at that's from logs smashing into it go the water crazy hard and it's still hard this vlog was washed here when the river was in flood and the pack and some like lifejacket stuff like we really were almost ready for yeah so we're not running that for what should be obvious reasons Jim's a nutcase man you ran this thing and flipped it's just tight this is all really good fishing in here for bass so this trip is about River navigating skills the better of Apollo you are the more access you have to the wilderness and my last trip that was very very fishing based the the point of this trip is much more of just a river running trip course upon a rod is a whole thing to be eaten fish out here but more or less this is a whitewater trip [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] and then we get to a raging rapping terrifying I've just scouted a rapid called Ross Rapids and it is grating and for some reason I'm deciding to run it but it is a really tight line for this one I got a hit the via to talk perfectly then you're gonna see me cross draw left to avoid some irregular waves and holes at the bottom so I am absolutely terrified right now [ __ ] just got clawed in some weird boiling current and I just I should have done it a hard forward stroke but I just drifted sideways and pretty much blew it my lineup was perfect but then stuff got interesting but beat support topside guess [Music] mine nice guys approaching the culvert maple island and there's a freaking tree across it what the heck obviously from the flood I'm gonna try to sneak under it okay so it's doable I'm good son of a [ __ ] I thought I'd be able to kind of like push up and like sink down a bit but apparently not this is fun thank [Applause] [Music] I think there's some Sun flirting with us right now do you think so oh my god there is I'm still kind of in there never drinking again mode does anybody know what kind of flowers these are tell me in the comments wow I actually have my real video camera the first time it hasn't been absolutely dumping rain today so that's awesome we passed maple island so we still have about four Rapids to go today and we're gonna go Scout this one now it looks like it's pretty easy but always a good idea to get out and scout it just because it's pretty pushy leading up to it better safe than sorry I don't want to dump again whoo little tongue right on the get out of camera well yeah Wow baby it turned out to be a good day yes so nice like so crappy and miserable all day this is such a treat for the bugs I've decided enjoy the night to leather to in their horrific [Music] this portage around beautiful falls in Canyon happen here the Lowell force in this Canyon is runnable but itself it's gonna be tricky [Music] I'm gonna jump out and film Brad and Alex oh yeah I see well as you can see that didn't work out too well for Pride and Alex and it looks like they actually just had a fun swim and probably cooled off a bit but they hit the first part so perfectly but just that boiling high volume water that we have right now just kind of caught them with a wave that was curly in like right there it I think they hit and they weren't expecting it to flip them and they swam but that's alright now I feel better about myself because I dumped earlier so you know now we're even and it looks like a buck wants to get away from the bugs too because he's already in the boat dude I mean I thought to God we had that like I know you hooked you did the hard part dude I thought we would have had it like yeah I was on the breeze I'm like yeah yeah it looked like you almost saved today heartbreaker I was just like yes they dumped thank God just give it this giving you muttering under your breath the whole time dump don't know I thought you guys were gonna do it you pretty much did you just give you just like I think I just what's odd I still like yeah so so we gone through all of it yeah yeah you just hit it a little too far right like that big curling diagonal wave when you hit that that just flipped you and so nice have a nice day pretty long day though we see a nice sight though / take it and leave a little white water for tomorrow [Music] all right but the best sites are flat cat spots but [Music] buggy here the red team buggy is that just called Eureka no bug zone no it's still the BCS okay is it a Eureka yeah looks sick your stud Brad they're just like [Music] Burnie a little while [Music] no they call the ships the morning star morning stars actually a planet planets always the first and last to show up back in the day they didn't know that [Music] whoa what are you doing there broad palm making potamia for those of you that caught poutine northern ontario is king delicious man delicious fries squeaky courage salty ass gravy doesn't man we this is like post-trip meal on trip I'm just I'm in heaven right now dude delicious morning day 2 today I'm leaving these guys behind they have about a 9 K paddle from here and one portage the rest is just pretty easy flat water paddling and so I have a I have a pretty short day cuz I'm just gonna post up on wall walk cache and wait for Ted but I think is still supposed to be coming like give him a general idea of where I'm gonna be camping so hopefully he solos out and and meets me looks like we might get some rain again I don't know if I'm gonna wear my dry suit today that the thing is I didn't bring pants so I'm kind of like do I want to get wet pants and then what might pants wet oh he's a little bass okay go on good boy I was miserable I don't even see the trail yeah here it is you call it - over there you caught two pretty buggy out right now and eat the life inhale one so lots of fun falling in mud sworn by black lies I can't wait to get out again or mosquitoes not block lies sporto's just keeps going Jesus that's slippery like a rap it's done an excessive trail could it probably should I just walk down the hill there and put it in ran the bottom brutal cold the snow we had left a lot of pools stagnant water in the bush Wow Wow I'm gonna say look at the amount of bugs around me it's insane just insane crazy not normal not saying now back for the canoe joy portaging sucks but sometimes when you do two trips you see some cool stuff on the way back I walk right past this I didn't notice it gigantic old Bourke Street the parol on today bugs I correct ya actually though didn't feel too bad cousin oh okay like it doesn't even look like a birch tree anymore it's so old and gnarly yellow birch I guess we're probably about as old as they ever get wow this is something [Music] I got hung up in the trees [Music] [Music] for George [Music] [Music] [Music] this trail is like double the lengths that it really needs to be but you know I don't know maybe I'll write a letter to the MNR broad you work with a man are can you get on this do something about this for crying out loud look how many bugs are running he's miserable killing like multiple just with random claps in the air look it's right around this area Oh one two three five see how many we can get this time one two three four five six mosquito in my lung ah joy well I was gonna granola bar up because I'm absolutely starving but I'm feeling like getting the hell out of here might be a better idea do you know I'm on board for that whoo nice a little bit of current through here wah-wah cash late these guys have about 2k to paddle to where their vehicles are at Bennett today and I'm gonna post up here and wait for Ted who's coming tomorrow morning hopefully the weather stays nice so yeah cool mics conditions on wall walk cash this is a really beautiful lake all the cottages on it all water access and there's a lot of crowd land shoreline and stuff so basically just a big opening up of the McDonald on River yeah it all it was great trippin with these guys I guess this is it they're just gonna pop away and and this segment of the trip is coming to an end a possum trip boys see you later I hope so no Ted yet I'm thinking that he's gonna pop his head around the corner and he minute
Channel: Jim Baird - Adventurer
Views: 57,401
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: jim baird, jim baird adventurer, northern scavenger, explore the backcountry, canoe, whitewater kayaking, food for camping ideas, werner paddles, magnetawan river, wahwashkesh lake, ontario, canoeing, baird, history channel, wildcamp, dog training, white water rafting, portaging, paddling, whitewater, ted baird, alone winners, alone winners all seasons, ontario fishing, alone on history, survival expert, bushcrafter, primitive travel, wilderness travel, ontario bass, ontario wild
Id: WiY-icXt9SE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 50sec (1730 seconds)
Published: Tue Jul 02 2019
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