Escape The ABANDONED Hospital

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[Music] what the world where am i what is this whoa okay all right that's not good yo let's give this video a thumbs up cuz I don't know where I am and I need help right now so hit that smash like button well okay well what is this I'm so confused right now I don't know why I'm here please hopefully this one this thing has some kind of answer we have 60 minutes to escape this hospital I don't even know how we got here I didn't do anything wrong what was the last thing I remember I think was last thing I remembered no I'm here now I don't know first things first you have to inspect the gate all around your surroundings all right so let's investigate this thing I don't even know what this is a heart monitor we have this thing for your blood this is for your blood too oh look my boy that's my blood can you stop eating chicken all right we have this chain saw to do I need your help can you show me what to do oh oh yeah the giant cursor told me to use this chain saw for this chain right I should do that right okay here we go they gotta crank this up pretty quick oh there there is oh okay cool we're good we're good family just turn this off okay we good all right so first things first wherever you are okay whether you don't know where you are and how you got there you want to understand where everything is what we have so let's investigate real quick we saw this already are there anything in these drawers there's nothing the drawer is kind of like inspect every crevice all right but don't overthink things because when you do probably ting you the wrong way like this thing was to say listen to your heart Oh guys listen to you all right there's a stethoscope here so I'm probably have to listen to my heart right is that right heart beat heart beat heart beat that's weird that's a weird-sounding heart beat heart beat all right so obviously I kept repeating the words heart beat I don't know okay let's just keep going around this is the exit for sure okay all right so I'm pretty sure we need two keys one and two so this is probably the exit someone locked us here for whatever reason they're very very evil it's not good let's see there's a nice painting here some lights whoa what is that whoa so we trap all the lights this is the only light that's on right now we're turning on the lights we're turning backup lights the world there's a skeleton what's up skeleton how did you get here skeleton oh you know you need to escape oh my gosh the skeleton said I need to escape Oh oh isn't this a heartbeat monitor oh I get it heartbeat heartbeat monitor oh my gosh okay apparently it's it's a flatlining okay if you look closely it's a very flatlining it's because the skeleton is dead all right so if you look at it no breath at all I'm sorry mr. skeleton you're gonna be okay yeah well I'm gonna be great all right what else could we do nothing works here there's a piece of paper this paper says up one up one up on what a point a pod let's keep a look around what else is here we have a inventor coke feste litter bag chuckles and then iscope realized OSIS and we actually alight we have a defibrillator this is for your heart heartbeat heartbeat it's not on we're just investigating what's here we have bottles with different colors oh that might be a red herring if you don't know where we have red herring is it's basically clues that you think are clues but it's not clues more IV stuff we have a model stand by excelsis II it just kind of measures the oxide of a nitrogen oxygen biohazard stuff so let's think about this real quick okay so the only clue we have is heartbeat okay and the only thing that makes sense is this thing okay its heartbeat or a defibrillator over there which is a heartbeat huh I'm just gonna ask you guys all right I mean it's your help what do I do yeah yeah okay the giant cursor pointing at this oh I can pull it out it's behind this it's just a piece of tape oh what's this Oh upside down it says I V you know what else is IVs IVs where I started there's IVs over here there's IVs over here Hana Hana it has to be something here it was a clue oh okay so there's nine percent sodium chloride in here a little salty and it's just blood this is my blood right here oh that's gross mmm there's a number that says nine point nine percent so let's go over here and then see what this is this is also point nine sodium chloride oh this is potassium chloride oh my gosh I don't know what we're doing here but if I were an evil person that locked me in the hospital room I'm gonna have to say it has to do something with the color of the IV's cuz that's the only one that's red okay that's straight-up red we're gonna have to go over here probably in the figure out why this is red this is the only one without a label I take this out I can this is the only one without a label without anything well what if I drink it can I drink this is that is I even safe oh my gosh I think I have to drink it am I crazy cursor where's the cursor cursor you're still here oh there you are oh oh yep cursor clicked it all right whatever how do I do this I've never done this before I've never drinking my blood tastes like blood I'm crazy oh my gosh there was a paper in there the whole time are you kidding me what that was so cool okay come for your hand right that's definitely a hand hmm hands hands I see hands there's a there's a poster in the wall with hands on there an ulnar nerve I don't see anything blue there's this blue blue has to do something with it I have no idea um its sciatic nerve ulnar nerve is here do I have to trigger it or something hand hand hand hand and what has hands hands clock hands hands on the clock what do you got what do you got 805 they're both different times look at this one this one's 505 805 505 maybe at it 805 plus five oh five equals 1510 so 1510 1510 Oh oh my gosh I don't even know oh look at this though these are x-rays oh man well I can't really see anything dude it has to be an on switch 15 1000 what is this it's just a skeleton skeleton is that you what happened over here is there a 15-10 anywhere no maybe I think I'm just overthinking things what do I need to do skeleton what do I need to do lend me a hand here Oh what the world you have this the whole time mr. Skerritt hi oh yeah yeah yeah I'm so disappointed in you all right we have a key that means we got to find another key right that's pretty sure we do all right let's just put this in the door real quick all right let's see if I all right perfect fit all right I'm just gonna put you right there key all right I'm gonna have to find one more key in order to escape this all right we're gonna escape this cursor how much time do we got you have 35 minutes and 17 seconds left oh man we got 35 minutes and 17 seconds remaining oh man okay 15 10 it has to be 15 10 so the hands of the clock or maybe it's just the hands of the skeleton maybe oh my goodness all right maybe that's that's what we got to do sometimes you got once you overthink things you're not good oh look see we'd even check this narrow area yeah it's a trash can inside the trash can by a hazard thing let's try the chest and what do you think is in here it's a key ah it's nothing see red herrings is what you call red herring folks here you go I have a pillow for you there you go see this is why you want to sleep with a nice pillow gonna be a doctor for now what's up dr. Roy here this is why you want to get a good pillow cause if you sleep like this your necks gonna be like this okay and that's not good for your neck you want a good pillow you can lay on and then oh dear oh gosh I'd even check this yet all right let's check these records let's see Oh what the heck this was weird it says dimensional shift where am i oh this is the address Eastvale California we're in East de Ville I think we have to figure out who the skeleton is or was in order to find a way out patients name oh wait look it's blacked out birthday February 20th 1967 oh my gosh oh man what is this this is a vacuum chamber oh my gosh oh I don't know let's just turn on oh it says low battery Oh so if you can see this right here milliliters we've got set this to 15 10 milliliters Oh and we go stuff to 1,500 okay maybe I can uh I don't even know what I'm doing I'll push I have to push the turn push it Oh attention you must find the shot in order to succeed if you do not find the shots you will die like mr. skeleton that was weird alright thank you thank you did I add it right by well five plus eight oh five oh I get it five oh five plus eight oh five is thirteen ten not 15 10 okay so I had to set this to thirteen ten in order for this to like work okay and then ten okay alright I got it easy eat look this was it do we inspect this earlier it's more shots do I do I have to drink this as well I guess here goes nothing where's the paper there's no paper or anything they're coming up all right so that didn't do anything all right Scott Ted lay me another hand here there's nothing here would even check and slay the skeleton yet oh my gosh I'm sorry I'm sorry I mean man I'm sorry bro key skeleton I am so sorry huh oh my goodness I don't know what to do anymore this doesn't turn on oh my gosh no I don't wanna be stuck here we didn't check underneath everything did we there's nothing under here I found my shoes school I have my shoes here that's about it we can increase this on the way up maybe this picture has something 400 is weird more people here or boats for houses guys I don't know what to do I really don't I'm gonna do this one more time I need your help what do I do cursor hello I guess I'm by myself now hmm think if I were another key where would I be what do I need to do in order to do that do I need to turn this on nope this one doesn't work this way nope nothing is working nowadays I stare to do where's the last key there's a miss Wilshere we haven't even used this wheelchair yet anything here do I need to do wheelies anything guys this is not good like literally this is not good at all honestly I might just do wheelies all day hey dawn down below can you do a wheelie don't try it on the very dangerous but if you do it right you do good wheelies cool Bing it I feel asleep that's not good alright courser how much time is left please you have one minute left one minute oh my gosh alright think think think think Oh fifteen ten fifteen ten fifteen ten is he thinking with numbers numbers numbers numbers no no 15 10 look maybe he's type of 15 10 here it'll do something no 13 10 right oh my gosh I'm getting my numbers mixed up okay uh one me one Oh there's a key we got the key okay we got the key I guess we can leave I guess we can lady okay okay one's out we got one out get the skeleton key all right guys ready to go come on come on come on oh what the worm what [Music] wall after guava juice successfully escapes the hospital room he finds himself in a whole different room with mr. skeleton once again will he escape this room tune in next time stay juicy
Channel: Guava Juice
Views: 8,977,642
Rating: 4.8558736 out of 5
Keywords: guava juice, guava juice youtube, youtube guava juice, roi, challenges, tutorials, funny, comedy, comedian, guava, juice, roi wassabi, kid friendly, family friendly, escape, hospital, abandoned, escape room, 60 minutes, for kids, family fun, in real life, chad wild clay, gwava joos, escape the abandoned hospital guava juice, collins key
Id: rmtjueR7nfw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 40sec (940 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 04 2019
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