Escape from Alcatraz (1979) First Time Watching! Movie Reaction!

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[Music] hey everyone welcome back to the channel my name is TBR Schmidt this is my wife Samantha hello and today we are watching Escape from Alcatraz what do you know about this movie this is Clint Clint Eastwood yes yes so we're still continuing our Clint Eastwood series we've made it through a good portion of films yeah we've watched a lot of Clint but I think there's a lot of Clint to watch yeah really excited to watch this one it's been highly recommended to us I don't know if this is a true story or if this is just like a fictional escape attempt or an escape from Alcatraz yeah I've never been to Alcatraz you have I have been to alcatra and it's like an experience I think I mean the boat ride alone like if you you are unlucky it's going to be rough I guess we've also seen Alcatraz a few times on the channel right yeah we saw we've seen The Rock The Rock and then also one of the dirty haries doesn't it end up on Alat I think you're right I think you're right so we've already seen a Clint Alcatraz movie technically I think yeah so I got a little history when I went there we did like a little tour um I went with some people from work and yeah I thought it was really cool very interesting so I'm really excited to watch this yeah and we have a special reason also to watch this so we had a subscriber reach out to us Mike Lynch who is an author and he co-wrote um alcatra the last escape with Ken Whitner I hope I'm pronouncing that correctly this was a perfect opportunity for us to get back to Clint yeah absolutely um in watching this film by the time it comes on the channel it will be out excited to start reading this Ken has like a special ey to this yeah there's a a family connection so Ken is the nephew of the angland brothers again like we said I don't know if the England brothers are in this movie or whatever uh if I'm pronouncing that correctly but anyways Ken has a family history the brief synopsis of this book is to go into the family stories and history and evidence that the uh Brothers successfully escaped and went to Brazil uh again maybe that's in this movie I don't know but it's going to be cool to check out and I really like the aspect of the family tie I'm going to sit down and read this book because it's going to be super interesting especially coming from that family you know whether the stories are true or not they've been passed down through the family members and that's really exciting yeah um and the book's also cool cuz it does also include uh photos um and things so it's like very personal yeah uh photo evidence I think there's connection C with Mobsters that maybe facilitated in the Escape or something maybe this movie will provide a lot more clarity and then it's going to be that much more enjoyable to go through this book so like Sam said this book is available now and I'm definitely going to enjoy reading it yeah so it's just really exciting to have uh somebody reach out and want to send their work so thank you to Mike for sending this to us um really excited to get to read this and really excited mix with our Channel and getting to explore more Clint um so I'm excited to watch this movie so if you'd like to see the full length reaction for this as well as everything else that we've reacted to the link to our patreon is in the description if you would like to interact with us in our twitch Twitter or Instagram all those links are in the description as well and with that let's get into the movie Fred Ward I think he's a guy from Tremors if I'm correct uh yeah I think so he is he a p oh okay I guess he is a prisoner I couldn't tell yeah I saw his hands cuffed so Clint's a bad boy in this that's crazy that they handcuff themselves to them yeah so they don't jump if you jump I'm going with you a little rough and all that for just one prisoner it's Alcatraz I know but like the whole boat ride for just one person I guess it's not that long of a boat ride I don't even know why we stop using alcatra seems like a good location to keep that going I mean unless people successfully escaped all right we got to get back to the boat all right see you man come through here is it just these two like it's a good time to try to escape just knock this guy out uhoh more people strip down open it he didn't check underneath the tongue dang already showing you how many like guards and stops that's so intricate just to get in yeah he still naked yeah what is this like a little [ __ ] fashion show for all the inmates dang I'd be nervous welcome to alcatra jeez Morris oh so that's one of the people in the book I believe yes all right so this is gonna have a close relation to the book then yeah cool I think Frank Morris yes I feel like MythBusters had an episode on Alcatraz what about uh like can you survive in the water or something like that maybe oh very orderly oh they're allowed belts see so belts but no Forks yeah okay stay away from that guy maybe you lost your appetite who's that pasta for oh this is like green Miles I'm a litmus like a lmus paper oh okay my face gets blue when it's hot my face gets red where did you get a match they allowed fire and belts if you disobey the rules of society they send you to prison if you disobey the rules of the prison they send you to us hey inmates here have no say in what they do they do as they're told knowledge of the outside world is uh what we tell you pretty controlled visitors you're allowed to a month they cannot be former inmates of this or any other federal prison it's a lot of visitors we don't make good citizens but we make good prisoners you've escaped from quite a few prisons haven't you oh he's already an escape artist few people have tried to escape uh most of them have been recaptured those that haven't have been killed no one has ever escaped from arcatraz until now sounds like a challenge yeah so he definitely took those nail clippers right yeah he had to there you go Superior did you not notice that's insane I was just thinking like how casual it is to just have your like inmate and Warden alone in a room filled with stuff yeah should have played with his bird so much you would have noticed you go everywhere together and when I wash he wash that way we sleep nice night together uh-oh this guy touches that Mouse I'm going to be furious I think you want to touch something else I'm wolf wolf Atlanta nice Town Atlanta I never saw it I'm looking for a new Punk new Punk good luck I just found it that was easy all I need somebody in the library I mean I feel like that's basic prison rules you got to try to kick someone's ass the very first day can you read boy long as it's in the English language boy oh I was in this bar in Alabama when two dudes started hassling me I got two 99 years sentences damn back to back that seems like self-defense to me seems like it could have pleaded self-defense the dudes were white man here's her problem two 99 years sentences Dark Cells in D Block after a while I went stare crazy sliced my kill his tenant to get out oh tell me something you threw killing white guys I just figured maybe next time I wouldn't turn my back on you what's your name man Frank what's yours English English that really your name her name Morris he was right that it seems like a job is one of the few things that I'll keep you sane in here something to do this D Block where's English what they do give a a of his own damn do you just want a book hey you new I haven't seen a new guy in 6 months how the book Dodges do it La 2 years ago oh oh Warden don't allow no books in these so how there's no light in them damn no light Wonder for how [Music] long wow yeah yeah what's the flower that's something inside me they can't lock up with their bars and WS I'm dark you scared of dying what a second question I don't think think so you better be you hurt wolf Wolf's going to hurt you I got around so quick think he might need to kill wolf where you going cracker oh damn nice English something special about those steps the higher you sit the more status you got you're pretty high up either you too scared or you just hating now which is it boy I just say jeez each bar has six hard smaller bar setting a steel tube jeez there are 12 counts every day we count the hours the Bulls count us not looking good for an escape plan that was a lot of information yeah he was very knowledgeable already I'm assigning you a permanent job a carpentry shop it's a paying job 15 cents an hour well I always knew crime would pay it's a job that was nice see you later or was it not is uh wolf going to be there yeah that's what I'm wondering is Wolf do carpentry uhoh coldest window we ever spent was a summer in San Francisco I can Wolf's coming at you is his hand CED [Applause] yes oh yeah [ __ ] you wolf where are the guards thank you oh yeah did he just kill a guard oh okay guys thought he slid his throat we kind of did D BL wolf you better cuz you're going to rot in there for a long time all right no more wolf problem good lock Morris what he came at me I said de block damn that sucks well I doubt he'll be in there as long as wolf yeah he didn't stab a guard oh jeez that slam shut see how thick that door was too oh I was like what is that is that his shower in the D Block I think so you get that twice a week that has to be so painful is there a toilet in there do you just like [ __ ] on the floor there's probably a toilet can you find it I don't know I feel like we're like deep into the movie and I have no idea how he's going to get out of here we got a hint about the air vents yeah he has a uh fingernail clipper he knows about the steel bars how long a swim it is the number of counts in a day he's gathering information but still like I mean first things first is he makes needs to make it back to his regular block I feel like it's also good that he's already made a handful of friends going back to your cell here's the king do a mouse have a note I think so how nice welcome to fresh meat yeah or fresh fresh fish he's anybody over there yeah me come on up front say hello oh this guy's familiar how busy can you be in one of these closets I think he was in Breaking Bad and he had the lot where he smashed the cars okay do you remember that character yes smallest cell I ever been in you'll get used to it I don't like living alone in these sou you'll get used to that too look I'd prefer to be alone I would definitely prefer to be alone what's your name kid Charlie buts butts you got a funny freaking name what's your name Al Capone wow I thought you was dead me dead I got too much money I'll never die see you later kid see you later Al I don't believe I just met Al Capone I don't either oh uh can I get that back please oh this is do yeah what a cool cell he's going be like all right talk I want painting privileges taken away from Chester dorton what what's the reason you think of what when do you want the suspension to begin it's not a suspension it's an elimination did you not like the painting what the heck that [Music] sucks I feel like Doc's not going to make it after this painting is all I have I'm sorry doc I feel like that's why the warden did it pretty good shot during casual target practice as they walk down yeah make sure they notice you okay doc I think there's something wrong with Doc's going to do something if I was you I'd keep my eye on Doc put your overalls on okay you left something for him Mr Zimmerman I'm making a new table I need a hatchet I think he's going to take himself out or like attack someone just to get himself taken out that's crazy that they just give him a hatchet and then turn your back and walk away oh get him out damn get back to work let's go move yeah he [ __ ] told you told you there was something wrong and then you gave him a hatchet also look at that guard like he damn near passed out oh man really [Music] give it to him here put that in your report cockroach where'd you come from it's way out right how about a magazine why not got boys life I know some Queens who fight over it every month I heard about D KN somebody took away his painting privileges who the only person with power the warden has his painting in there does he yeah someone should have warn D to be careful about what you think there's always the possibility that some [ __ ] will be offended how's it going Frank the England oh the England try by yeah I thought we'd pay you a visit got to stay long H not long it is Fred Ward we were going over the wall at Atlanta when we encountered a minor problem said she had they saw us Warden said he knew just the place for us Alcatraz wonder what i''d be like after 15 years here all right so now we got the uh gang together of Escape artists it's so small though I feel like I've been so focused on just like the prison life and him just kind of acclimating and now I'm like super stoked to figure out how the hell do they even get out of here oh that chips off oh someone's walking you still reading that Bible oh yeah it's opening up all kinds of new doors I feel like it's noticeable if you turn your lights on and off on and off yeah when's your birthday I don't know jeez what kind of childhood you have a couple of years ago I started stealing cars unfortunately I drove it across a state line which made it a federal R and a bull saw to it that I was sent to the Rock dks I thought it was going to get way worse than that you got a visitor me yeah you is there anyone else named puts wants their car back why didn't you tell me you were coming I was afraid you wouldn't let me your mom is going to die damn dang it's like rough to see some of the people in here I'm sure most people are disgustingly bad but like English defending himself in a bar fight this guy stealing cars sure is bad but like if you ever try to get out of here I want in I don't know about you buts I didn't see you in the uh book I may have found a way out of here here we go you looking at something that was kind of loud suppose we make it out of the cell housee don't know we're going at the next count going to have to make some dummy heads make them out of plaster cardboard or whatever dang put them in the buck the guards won't know how we get across the bay we going to steal some raincoats we'll make a life raft and some life preservers out and go to Angel Island instead Angel Island what are our chances SL I in me too yeah if your alternative is just being stuck here for decades I saw those dummies on my tour you saw dummies on your tour yeah nice was waiting to see if that came up start digging so keep an eye out for the bow see one coming you start so I wonder if you saw their cells then did they I think so it's been so long right but yeah I thought the location was so perfect but actually the moisture and the salt [ __ ] up the concrete and the steel so maybe it's okay for a little while but eventually this H in progress yeah is this all in one night what name this place the rock wasn't kidding working with those nail clippers just doesn't have any grip spoon steal a spoon any chance of exchanging the spoon looks like it's been sticking in someone's ass and I want to ask about working in the kitchen all right one spoon each for each crew hey I used to be a short order cook in a cafe down in Georgia everybody love my meatball [ __ ] yeah is it possible to weld two pieces of metal together here in the cell it ain't easy but I could show you if I had known when I sliced my tendon i' have sliced my throat instead o lus you get me a dime no problem I need it tonight cost you extra five 15 desserts so how do you weld that's like a crazy thing too is like the Ingenuity and creativity of like prisoners when you're in this situation just need to heat it up enough Oh I thought the spoon was for digging okay so the handle of the spoon but the tip of the fingernail clipper shav dime which what the [ __ ] is dime made out of Ni is it nickel or copper like this is worse with the lights off but the little shavings I assume will melt and then reform again making that little Bond yeah this fire and smoke like should you give it a second for it to yeah or dip it in some water or something o he's making progress but guess the spoon wasn't sharp enough honestly I thought just like the back of the [Music] spoon dude are you falling asleep where's your heads up it's good that you have your own toilet right there to flush your evidence I don't smell anything hell must be my imagination work at night's really Gusty after a while you ought to try it from my side that was so bad keep an eye out he may be back come on butts maybe let him know you don't know how to whistle oh nice there's your wedge hold it I made it for a Clos pick I didn't try to hide it why would I try to take metal through a metal detector because you're stupid move it he had two maybe yes there you go you got to give the guards something to make him feel good it's going to be loud okay one side off now you need a much bigger hole still I don't know what they're doing I thought they had to build something to fill like the hole or something oh to kind of make it look like it's still there yeah well that's right with the uh the ads right from the magazines open up 107 oh butts you don't look like the painting type to me you would no Talent have a look you in the face well I'm looking you in the face and I don't see Jack [ __ ] good underestimate butts air your color oh there you go painting supplies what are you painting the ocean maybe you're using flesh colored paint you better a damn well painted portrait oh yeah I mean sand sure [Music] yeah that's incredible yeah it's honestly kind of scary it's my eyebrows the problem is is like everyone needs to be capable of doing this is it happening right now I don't know it could be [Music] and then are you able to move it back into position it'll reach back in or is this like a trial run of doing something I think he's exploring still like he doesn't know truly where this gets him is he back no it's just the fake head okay it passed Gates bars you're not making that jump Morris go to sleep early tonight yeah wasn't feeling well he hasn't moved is he back please tell me he's back oh my God you start getting those rain coats from the clothing shop you might as well start hauling him up can you get that contact I keep inventory he keeps inventory what a terrible decision this is crazy though I never would have anticipated that they like had multiple opportunities to set things in motion outside of their cells right like so I thought it was going to be like one shot so much time outside of their cell mhm and now what bars feel pretty solid you just get a motor in a drill bit and a flashlight we'd have it all where's the nearest hardware store fan yeah something to do with a fan can you get me an extension cord and a drill bed out of the shop for your deserts on my tray lifetime desserts back to the cells Dam yeah I mean I guess a fan could be a drill yeah it just spins yeah can use this crazy I don't know if buts has the stomach to keep going with this hold it Morris want to take a look at one of those cases try this one what I thought they were going after for Morris they just let him go well I think cuz he like offered it up maybe he thought and buts constantly looks stressed yeah like when are they going to be able to use that I feel like it's going to be so [Music] loud I mean he's working his way through [ __ ] okay that's not that loud it is just a fan right yeah it's going upstairs that's loud that's loud and [Music] bright was it how's the rafts and the life jackets coming I think they'll be done Tuesday Tuesday night we go Tuesday night they can't wait every day they wait they run the risk of getting found [Applause] oh man he's watering the flower oh did you just give him a heart attack you won't need one he just straight up died some men are destined never to leave Alcatraz man if I'm breaking out I'm making a pit stop at his office got books that may help you thanks see you later man good bye he's like yeah I'm going so long boy oh I loved that uh-oh shake down [ __ ] no one get caught the wall looks great I think they're leaving a lot of their equipment up there maybe yeah been playing this thing long couple of months that's one of the benefits of alcatra lots of time to practice thank you sir sometimes he stays up late talking with the butts split them up move Mars we can move them say Wednesday Yeah Tuesday Morning Tuesday morning yes sir they got to go Monday night wolf what the [ __ ] are you doing out I'll give it to you later so wolf might be the reason they move it up maybe yeah we got to go now can you get the raft and life jacket ready to go by theight there we go you called it thank you wolf oh [ __ ] English where you going wolfy oh my God after 6 months in the hole looks like you can use some exercise oh coming in clutch English knew like if anything happened yeah sorry butts how they went after checks [Music] I don't know like I thought the plan was after feel sorry for butts but what that's God damn it I feel like this is a whole new problem jeez lucky they are not thorough but you've got to stay to grab the other guy there we go no man Left Behind kind of ooh you're going slow oh he did at least have a hole so he could have gone he just was scared yeah so is he now deciding it's too late now did he even have a head maybe that's what he didn't have that part ready soz I think that's what he was struggling with shut up snitch your hands I'm like what was that did they do that on purpose or was that that butts climbing up yeah but's going to get stuck up there though he's not going to be able to get all the way up yeah no he can't do this by [Music] himself I feel like they're glowing going blind at this point there's no way that they've gotten this far oh no I they've never even gotten to the roof yet yeah but I don't know how much scouting they could do outside just on a normal daytoday to like plan out a route oh is tearing this gear it's left it throw me this stuff when I get over this is so loud it's Barbed yeah it's Barbed if they had four and one ripped but I don't know if they brought all of them Oh I thought they just threw the one that ripped and they're taking Butts oh [Music] maybe damn that makes me so sad like I thought butts was just going to not go yeah not that he needed to wait for the last check well he just missed his opportunity to go with everyone else cuz he was too afraid to try I think no I think it's cuz he didn't have the head [Music] they have a raft I think they just have jackets so far yeah so jackets and a Raff I believe made out of [Music] raincoats I'm assuming it's more of like a hold on to rafts versus a get on raft Maybe okay they're off is that it then we just going to see the aftermath I think so cuz I don't know if it's been truly confirmed what really happened did Morris come I mean butts come back he had to yeah get up Morris it's moving day damn it Mars I said Jesus Christ look how happy English is the problem is butts now just has this giant [ __ ] hole in his cell and if they search everyone's cell buts is super [ __ ] and he broke his cover yeah funny looking bag must have been made from a rainco appear that they drown maybe they lost it to look like they drown ooh cuz I don't know what Angel Island is like is Angel Island still somehow is that like a halfway point or something or Tides were mild in the fog light last night they had a 9 and a half hour Head Start that's a long time stay Dr whatever helps you sleep better at night less than a year they closed it after they got out all right that was Escape from Alcatraz what' you think that was great yeah that was a ton of fun I wasn't expecting to feel so stressed out for a good portion of it especially considering we at least know that they made it to Angel Island not Angel Island but they made it to the water right so for all the things happening inside like I so stressed that they're going to get caught and obviously in the back of my head I'm like they make it at least to the water right but it's still I think the like stress and anxiety comes because there is so much unknown like you don't know the aftermath but you don't also really know the plan you know the tools that they needed but the execution was not like covered some Escape movies or something they're like I got to do this and then I got to go here and then you know this was just like okay we need puppets and we need to dig a hole from my tour I do remember seeing the head so I'm assuming that we actually did see the real cells that would be cool yeah so next time we're in San Francisco Isco we should go yeah it would be great to get a tour yeah especially after seeing the movie now I think it's like a guided tour with uh like sound oh okay you like walk around and I remember walking uh on the outside area too like where they're like where the steps were so cool to see this play out and it felt like interesting to to see the movie and know that I've been there yeah cuz this is real like yeah and you you know you walked in those areas like it's one thing to like visit the filming location of like a movie but this is like a actual event that you were able to like boots on the ground type of thing yeah I wasn't sure with this if it was we said in the intro if this was going to be real or if it was going to be just you know an escape from alcatra something similar to like the rock right but this was real and I can't believe how well it lines up with this book that we received yeah I mean this book is about the anglan Brothers essentially and Frank Morris yeah so I'm super excited to read alcatra as the last Escape yeah which it really was CU they closed the place down less than a year yes yeah so the last escape and this isn't sponsored or anything we keep showing this book we're really excited about this yeah no there's no sponsorship or anything it's just cool to uh have this connected uh with obviously something that is related to the channel by a movie and it's just so happens the movie is exactly tied into the book yeah I will say the characters in this besides the suspense I feel like the suspense and the music and everything that built that suspense was probably my favorite part of the film um but the characters were a very close second for me you have like Frank and you have the angland brothers which was very interesting cuz Clarence and John are not a large part of this film no but all the relationships that Frank makes along the way uh with Doc with English uh litmus not a relationship but wolf as well yeah wolf came in clutch because if without his threat then they wouldn't have moved up their timeline yeah I mean it all played out exactly how it needed to um and for English to stop that last like assassination attempt was huge lipm Miss and his mouse was so sweet and I'm glad that Frank uh took the little mouse with him I thought that was so cute but obviously the end of litmus sucked yeah I mean I totally agree I think the suspense of the movie was top tier and the characters were amazing so there were so many characters that you loved so when you see litmus die like that sucked and that's really sad and also when you see butts not be able to make it out that's like heartbreaking uh especially tied into like his mom dying and his wife or because I don't know why these people are in prison we yeah we only know what happened with English and then just butts right even Frank we don't know we just know that Frank has escaped multiple prisons and same with the angland brothers but we don't actually know what they did based on this film right so it it helps you be on their side because technically they are the criminals and it's like I don't know if Frank Morris was like a super killer of like people like he could have super killer yeah but seral serial killer so it's like it's good that you don't know so that you can kind of root for them to escape especially when you have just a real piece of [ __ ] Warden yeah the warden I mean I I don't know how much of that is accurate right like that might be fake just for the movie played up for the movie so that you are rooting for these guys um cuz I mean obviously being a warden of this type of prison like you need to have like zero tolerance like the way that they played into the warden with Doc and like just with people that it just felt for what like for what right so to see the warden at the end there with that flower that was great it was so good um and for him to just be like no they died they definitely drowned sure buddy yeah maybe they did but [ __ ] the warden but if that flower made it on Shore like very on Shore I wonder if that's true yeah there's there's we're going to have to read the find out we're going to have to read the book but I feel like the way that this all came together the prison aspect of it I feel like wasn't actually a huge part of the story if that makes sense no but somehow it was like almost like the first half of the movie I guess they were kind of like establishing everything establishing the characters but I was thinking there was going to be a lot more brawls and fights and you know other things and it's just it was relatively calm minus wolf yeah which his story was very important uh when it came to Frank right and their escape but also him ending up in what cell block D um that sucked yeah and just like the stress of Wolf coming back and knowing that like if any small altercation happens then Frank gets thrown into cell block D and that throws off everything so I think the movie did an amazing job with the first half just kind of showing basic prison life and all of these relationships and characters because everyone was important getting the dime and the drill bit from litmus having such a good relationship with English that he steps in and saves him from wolf or on the steps having him up on the steps having the relationship with Doc that kind of gave him maybe the motivation or the drive to like get the [ __ ] out of there and also like the tie-in with uh the paint so that they could make the fake wall and the plaster randomly having the angland brothers show up who he had a relationship with already who were capable to do incredible stuff like build a freaking life jacket and rafts and stuff like every character was so important and the movie did a great job establishing that and showing those relationships and then the back half of the movie was primarily the Escape yet you were very much in the blind for like how are they going to do this which made it so stressful even though in history you know they at least make it to the water right yeah I mean but the movie did such a fantastic job making you stressed and I feel like really the music was a huge part of that the music or uh a lot of times like the silence like when they would like drop something yeah and it was so loud but what like an incredible Escape like regardless how you feel about escaping from prison you have to give some sort of credit to figuring out how to get out of a place that a lot of other people have like put their minds together to make it unescapable you know like they stuck it in the middle of the freaking Bay right yeah and I thought like the location of Alcatraz would be its strength but I guess that ended up being its weakness with like the salt and the moisture and stuff yeah I mean I guess that's something that you have to consider with like the constructibility of it is like what are you going to build this out of so that was just an incredibly interesting movie the fact that it's real the fact that you've been there adds to the enjoyment factor and then it's Clint Eastwood and it's hard to like watch a Clint Eastwood movie that isn't great and it was cool to see him like on the other side I feel like we've seen so much Clint where he's a cop yeah yeah like a cop or a hero or the good guy technically he's the villain yeah no so this was great along with our Clint Journey um and let us know what Clint Eastwood films we should be checking out next yeah there are so many uh but this was a great time yeah so if you'd like to see the full length reaction for this as well as everything else that we've reacted to the link to our patreon is in the description if you'd like to interact with us on any other types of social media all those links are in the description as well and with that peace every everyone bye bye
Channel: TBR Schmitt
Views: 33,930
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: movie, movie reaction, film, tv, first time watching, first, time, watching, reaction, movie commentary, tv commentary, movie review, tv review, movie discussion, tv discussion, tv reaction, Samantha Schmitt, Daniel Schmitt, The Schmitts, tbr, Clint Eastwood, Don Siegel, Frank Ronzio, Jack Thibeau, Patrick McGoohan, Larry Hankin, Fred Ward, Escape from Alcatraz movie, Escape from Alcatraz movie reaction, Escape from Alcatraz reaction, Alcatraz, Frank Morris, Anglin
Id: qBbwTq5QZ_E
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 50min 14sec (3014 seconds)
Published: Thu May 09 2024
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