Erwin McManus | The Church

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[Music] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Laughter] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Laughter] [Applause] say and ten [Applause] every size Oh anymore say raise your hands better not come on with me a billion sky we get to this heart of me slow yeah Touche Hey you will what bless you yes over you spelled out you say speaking yeah yeah my soul will hang on and we'll say how you feel tonight I know you can do better than that how you feeling tonight was it but I hope that you know that God is here in this place and that he's here he want to speak to us and if you ever had any question what God is trying to tell you he wanted let you know how much he loved you how passionate his about you he wants you to experience his joy his life his hope so if you're new and this is your like what's going on what's happening why is the music too loud because we love to worship loud we need you to sing louder than us let's bring everything we have because we know that when we sing and when we worship God always meet us in this place okay let's do it together jesus lud careful lover of the Lord Jesus perfect laughter me I swear you came to our show you can'tyou a snowman oh so your heart Jesus critters love you take a slice we are you come to us when all of you come to us Oh so Oh Wow jeez shadow joy the Swedish car you can't for us to sad got over heaven I've in me [Applause] shoo it ha oh you so [Applause] overcome deivis Oh God you have come to me in all the oh there come deep Oh God you have come with me and all the glory it all Oh gah my deepest Oh God Oh you have come me me Oh [Applause] [Applause] me in Texas heart [Music] [Applause] you perfect love you meet us where we are I have come in my strength I eyes are open wide I have come in your crazy see darkness fades away y'all your voice will call me may God be everywhere singles out with me tonight we have come a lot we've come to see of yours place a No in the side you are [Music] you're may God everywhere I go [Music] [Applause] waiting we're gonna sing as promised was before us say it with me if you believe it Oh Oh your sing it out your voice will call me may God be everywhere go home God be everywhere come on come on hey you know what I love about moments like this you know what I love about what worship can do if that is that sometimes what worship can do is it can put language to what our souls cannot that there's moments in my life when I want to believe that God will always be beside me but I don't feel like how about you tell others moments in my life when when I definitely want to believe that God will always go before me but I don't feel like he always does but what worship can be it could be a declaration that God when I I need I know I'm gonna need this one day I know I'm gonna need this truth one day and so look what we get to do together cuz sometimes you need to fight on behalf of someone else is that we need to say God here in this place in this moment we're gonna tell ourselves that you're always there because we know you're always there and then all of a sudden what can happen is that when we believe it when we live in it we realize we open our eyes and God was right there the whole time see what worship can do tonight what we want to do is maybe it can open your eyes a little bit more tonight and with this song says it's simple right it's always before me always beside me so well we ain't done with that song I don't know about you I feel like we're not done with it cuz maybe you came in this place and you felt like God wasn't there but it right now in this moment let him remind you that he's always there so Brooke come on we're not done with that song come on girl it's always always come on singing always be side right here tonight Oh always Oh always he's always is me Oh Oh Oh Oh spits I last part your light - got me come on your presence you sound so good sing it louder [Applause] let's just be gone right now just bingo he's been good to you just thank God if he's done something just think ah Wow God that song is our prayer here tonight that we are so thankful that you are always with us and there's those moments and we need you the most or the moments that you show up the most so here tonight God we just want you to know we're open once you know we're ready that whatever you got to do whatever you got to say whatever needs to be done God do it cuz we are ready to be changed by you we are ready because we know that that it's not just about us that if we could live a life where we're connected to you or you bring us to life maybe we could help others do the same so here tonight god we just celebrate you we celebrate your beauty or wonder your majesty celebrate who you are and we thank you for being you and that is enough we love you we love you we love you and we ask this in hymn of your son Jesus and all together we said amen one more time all together we said yeah come on now whoo hey welcome to church y'all a p.m. Memorial Day weekend it's about to get lit it's already a little bit we went a little more lit my name is Joe I'm one of our pastors if we have not met yet and what I'd love you to do as you take a seat is introduce yourself to somebody around you just tell them your name tell me I look good a p.m. y'all are electric can feel it in the building God is here he is moving and what we're gonna do now is is we're gonna continue worshiping together as we give together so I'm gonna invite our team to come forward and as they do I want to read this passage to prepare our hearts before we give since Genesis chapter 14 says after Abram returned from defeating Kido Cadore la mer we're just we're just gonna call him Kendrick Lamar right now all right from the feeding Kendrick Lamar and the Kings allied with him the king of Sodom came out to meet him in the valley of Sheva that is the King's Valley then Melchisedec king of Salem brought out bread and wine he was priest of God Most High and he blessed Abram saying blessed be Abram by God most high creator of the heaven of the earth and praise be to God Most High who delivered your enemies into your hand then Abram gave him a tenth of everything this is such a cool moment this is the first moment in the scriptures where you see a tenth you see a tithe that is instituted what I love about this is maybe what you've ever heard about tithe and what a tithe is when we come here we give our tithes and offerings it means a tenth means 10% of whatever you have see I love this moment right here is because there was never one not one moment when God told Abram what he was supposed to give but God didn't say here is the rule in place give 1/10 that it was Abram who understood that God has been so good to me I want to be good to others and that he gave from that place he did not have to be compelled to give he was the one who was compelled to give and mosaic I'm telling you if we could step into this type of spirit it would be crazy what God will do in and among us together that we will see people those he lives transformed we will see cities reclaimed we will see nations deemed because we believe that there's something powerful that happens when you give your life away for the sake of others someone encouraged you to join with us to be sacrificial to be generous don't wait for somebody to compel you to give realize that God has already blessed you and give from that place give from that spirit now I love that one of the responsibilities I have here at Mosaic as I get to work with our youth our middle school and high school kids and there's this one kid right little shadow a little plug punk kid named Rocco who's brand new and Rocco's in sixth or seventh grade and he had never been to a church before never been in was aching for but his nanny as a part of this community and said you need to come with me she started dragging her along to our youth Knights and Rocco the very first time he comes is like the most hype twelve-year-old you've ever met look doing dance parties and he's like crowd surfing he's just like loving lively you know he's just the ball he's the life of the party and then to come to point in our gathering we started taking offering we started inviting the kids to give I was so convicted because I realized that I had actually created a low level we had never invited the kids to give before we never actually believed that they understood the power of generosity so we said no more then we're gonna start giving from this point forward and the first day we do it the first kid that game was Rocco who gave his life to Jesus the week before and then he put this $20 bill in like $20 what twelve-year-old got $20 just laying around like moms they allow us is different these days and he put that in there and members have Rocco that so beautifully what why why do you want to give and he said cuz that's what you're supposed to do because that's what you're supposed to do see mosaic why we give why are we sacrificed because that's what you're supposed to do because when we do it together there's a name that's behind that gift it's a person that's going to find hope behind that gift it's a person is going to be rescued from sex trafficking because of that gift the person is going to get a home because of that gift so we get to do this together but I want us to have the spirit where we don't have to come up here and convince you to join us I want us to every time we do this that we're like oh this is what I supposed to do so we do it together so let's give generous let's give sacrificially let's remind this city that if no one else will do it we'll do it on your behalf because we believe in what we're doing together you go and pass the buckets you can join us online as well from the livestream go to mosaic org slash gift you can give through the app or you can text the word mosaic to seven seven nine seven seven just join with us and being a part of the greatest movement the world has ever known it's a movement of sacrifice and a movement of generosity and then there's this really amazing movement that's coming in a few months there's this thing that we all as mosaic need to be a part of that we absolutely believe that this weekend we're going to look back on and go this is a weekend that we're going to talk about for generations to come so we want to make sure that you're there and you block out those dates and we want to give you a little teaser what to expect so you guys check this out [Applause] hey what's up mosaic well you know that's just the trailer for real hey seriously September 21st the 23rd anybody have FOMO in here two people that's great don't miss out literally at the end of last year's conference we were we were pushing sellout right so me doable bak cuz it was an incredible experience and so we want you to buy go pay for your tickets today yeah I remember years ago I was invited to a young leaders conference back east it was the first time that I heard Passover McManus and it changed my life forever it was a sacrifice to get there but we don't want you to miss out on those opportunities and experience that will change your life forever so today mosaic org slash conference purchase your tickets maybe by somebody for somebody that can't afford it and if you're in here make the sacrifice to be there because it's gonna be amazing for sure it's gonna be incredible and if it's your first second or third time here it does that mosaic we see your hands your yet what's up hey welcome you guys get my get my high five so cool and Sundays here so special at mosaic but we're in community throughout the week and we want to do life with you guys and maybe you're in that space right now and um you just feel like I want people I want to surround myself with people but it seems hard and it seems scary and I can understand that I was in that same position but I can tell you that once you step into that it's gonna be the one of the best things that you step into just to be around people all the time that are pushing you to be your best self and so I want to encourage you guys to get our mosaic app in the App Store by searching mosaic la Church so you can connect with us you could submit your prayer requests you can watch messages you can send them to your friends and to make even more simple because technology's just so cool you can literally text literally mosaic two for one for one one and it will submit you guys instantly get you that information so you can get connected so make sure that you do that tonight text mosaic two four one four one one you know all summer long we got something special here mosaic Thursday nights at eight o'clock we have team night so yeah you can give it up for team night okay if you if you've never been I want to invite you to come to tea night this Thursday it's just an incredible opportunity we do worship it's a leadership conversation pastor Mariah brought an incredible message last week and you just don't want to miss out on those opportunities so we consider everybody in this room we want you on the team right so team night is not for people that just serve it's actually for everybody to come get plugged in to just grow in your leadership so come this Thursday eight o'clock all summer long it's going to be incredible yeah and this is such a beautiful season here at mosaic you guys cuz mosaic is taking la by storm we are expanding whoa I'm so excited about it we're going into spaces they're new and we need you guys to join us for that we are heading to South Pasadena the Rialto Theatre who here from Pasadena we got a couple Pasadena's up here but I know you guys can think about your friends and your family that are not space that letting them know we're heading over there we love you guys didn't join us for the interest night for South Pasadena on June 3rd and 7:00 p.m. so that you guys can create this home for us in South Pasadena and then who here is on the west side Wow what sign ok whoa rippers we are going to the west side and it sounds like they're coming with us so think about that if you're on the west side if you have friends or family that are over there we want you guys to join us join us in preparing these spaces on June 14th we'll have the interest night for the west side so make sure that you check your calendars Markum for both of those nights so you guys can join us a lot more information about that coming up soon yeah next Sunday is going to be special for some people in this room it's one of my favorite Sundays we have baptism next week yep it's awesome Hey so if maybe you're in here and you've been up journey with mosaic and you know that's your next step I just want to encourage you we just love to come together and celebrate everybody saying hey Jesus Lord I'm all-in I'm ready and so we want to celebrate you you can go on the app there's a section click hey I want to be baptized and we'll get in touch with you you can email baptism at mosaic you can go out to the next Samaria right out the back doors and say hey I'm ready to get baptized and somebody you can sign you up there but next week baptism let's celebrate yeah guys pastor Erwin has an incredible message for us but we have one more song let's stand this worship you speed my soul rose say that comes in my heart creation whoa shot by you if we answer be every breath for you Oh God uh I came here to be and the RISM of your life Oh God forgive me for me let me move my son wouldn't we for oh me too every I'll serve every breath for you I mentor is god I can't for me now we're gonna send this together you don't have to stop copied okay I will keep my eyes on grace all right and I will give my eyes some grace and I will come on let me hear we're almost there almost there come on yeah I will keep my eyes on break jeez I can walk this way Oh if I will I so great I can this way I miss tourism good can beat up yeah yeah come on come on see you guys tonight so before you're seated and we dive into our scriptures I want to kind of give you a personal announcement it's kind of cool about a year ago I started working on a book and then I finished the manuscript and then I started editing it in the middle of editing it was when they told me I had cancer and I mentioned it to you if you were here during that time it was so surreal to read a book called the last arrow and then to realize it might be the last book I ever write and as I read the book now on the other side of knowing I had cancer and it's a book that really it's subtitle is save nothing for the next life I read those words from such a different perspective and it was for me almost overwhelming that the words I wrote before I knew I had cancer I felt more profoundly more deeply after I had cancer and yesterday my publisher put the book on Amazon and it doesn't come out until September 5th but it now is up and so I want to let you guys know that the last arrow is on Amazon available for pre-orders awesome and honestly I've never really been on a cover before so I just turned sideways and walked through and they caught me in passing and and so that's going to be an interesting cover by itself but I just want to ask you guys to do a couple things one to pray for me pray for the book we really wanted to get out into so many people's lives and to have an impact beyond anything reasonable and I've never been ready this early so I didn't even know you could pre-order things and what I would love for you to do hey Lawrence and is is for you to help me begin to create momentum to get this message out to the world can I help you I am here to help create momentum to get this message out to the world right now so I like to fight some of our team up here what I think we should do right now is as a church show our support for this book and for pastor Erwin by praying for him by praying for the success of the book and by buying the book and reading the book knowing that it's going to bring life to us that those words are were given to him by God for us to receive for the world receive and buy copies pre-order those copies and send them to your friends right now because we know the significance of this moment we know everything that we've experienced this moment in so many ways it's been built up in our community and now we get to receive it now we get to help it spread around the world so if you could reach a hand out pray with us God we thank you so much for our pastor God I thank you for the words you've given him in this book that we get to receive those just as you've spoken into him when we get tickets to speak those into us we open ourselves to those god I pray that the world would be changed because of this that it would have great success I pray God a blessing over him as this message expands it goes all over the world I pray God that we would be a church that would rally behind him and help spread that message we know and we believe that his success is all of our success and we help stand behind him and push him forward with this and we got her so grateful that this was not his last arrow that there's so many more arrows still left and we stand behind ready to pull those arrows out of our quiver to shoot those into the future as well pray in Jesus name Amen thank you guys awesome awesome let's um well you can have to see it's curious that we actually have a date scheduled every year that we would call Memorial Day that we would set a time apart to encourage people to remember to look back memorials are those unique moments in life that end up defining you there are those moments that that usually are the crashing together of tragedy and heroism memorials are usually built around some of the greatest challenges some of those painful moments in a history and they're also built around those individuals who rise above those moments big moments and people who become bigger than the moment and it's a powerful thing to have memorials I'm not a person who likes to look backwards I like to look forward but all of us whether we intend to or not have memorials in our lives and one things I discovered when I was young when I was struggling with some deep brokenness in my own soul was that I had built memorials around the five or six most painful moments in my life and they were the memorials that I took with me every day and those memories of the past shaped my present and created my future part of the process that I had to go through to create a different kind of future was choose was to choose different memorials in my life and there's some of you here and you haven't really thought through what your memorials are but if you're struggling with brokenness if you are overwhelmed with a sense of emptiness that you are always wondering if you are inadequate and significant if you have no value if you'll never accomplish anything meaningful in your life I would challenge you to look at your memorials because they're informing your identity because that's what memorials are do they tell you who you are and if you are like I was overwhelmed by memorials that that left me broken rather than those memorials that provoked the best of me I have great news for you because we humans we live in this intersection of time we stand at the cross section of the past and the future and though there are memorials behind us what we don't realize is that this moment will soon become history and we can choose to create memorials that one day we'll be looking back on remembering and we'll be thankful that those memorials shaped our lives and created a different better future it's the same with us as a people as the church I was on the phone I think two weeks ago with my brother and family relationships are always so interesting are they and on the phone call my brother said something to me that he said to me before many times that really irritates me that every time I hear it is like hugging a porcupine it just agitates me so much and I have to act like he doesn't bother me at all and so we're talking about all these different issues or four things in life and and then he says wow you've really changed there it is that indictment that subtle subtle statement that always feels to me a condemnation of who I used to be wow you've really changed and he doesn't say it but I project on him the while I have never changed but I know he's changed see I know he's changed as I really like him I know he's changed because he's so much kinder than he ever was he's so enjoyable more than ever he doesn't beat me up anymore there's so many things that he has changed in his life that make him for me so much more of a brother to me so I know he's changed he doesn't see those areas as much as maybe he sees the places I've changed and I don't want to always admit I changed except at the same time I would be devastated if I never changed I am so grateful I've changed I need to own that just accept that and that's what the reasons by the way be careful the photos you allow to be taken because now six decades later I have a whole history of photographs that remind me who I used to be and how much I've changed and I can tell you even just the clothes I wear has changed so much some of you've known me for years you know that I'm constantly changing there's a reason why I went to the fashion industry I love style and image and butt but yet to understand I actually grew up in Miami III was a part of Miami Vice I mean I I had platform shoes and bell-bottom pants and silk shirts I was that guy I was a wild and crazy guy and it looked exactly ready every day to go into the club and I am so glad I moved from Miami but then we moved to North Carolina where no one had ever seen a silk shirt or bell-bottoms or platform shoes except on a woman and had to readapt my my environment my my style my approach and so I went with Doc Martens and Levi's jeans and flannel shirts the very things I once despised became me then I moved to Texas I remember the day I went and got those blue cowboy boots so that I could fit in and be a part of this culture as I traveled the world I began picking up different things from different places there was a season in my life I just wanted to be Japanese so badly that's not even the mention the hair styles and you can always blame your hairstyle on a decade I mean that was the 80s hey I have all the way back to that was the 60s there's a little error there and there there are words that should never be spoken like mullet and I look back and I think I can't even blame a decade on that that was not even a good idea then so I'm grateful I've changed I will keep changing and and the older I get the less I care what anyone thinks about me and the more I just want to be an expression of who I really am even if I don't know who that is and I don't even care if I am on Tuesdays the same as on Wednesday I'm just gonna be Who I am in that moment because I'm gonna keep changing but you know one of the areas I've really changed is is even in my relationship to faith it's been a journey for me I I know people who are consistent they they have the same hairstyle thirty years later they wear the same clothes forty years later they have the same faith twenty years later and it will realize that styles have changed and they should have grown out of their former approach toward things when it came to Jesus I I didn't know anything about Christianity I didn't know anything about the church I didn't have a language of God or a language of faith I just knew I needed Jesus in my life and I finally decided I was exhausted from living my life without God and I opened up my life to him and he began to change everything about me and I had no history of the church and the upside was I didn't have any negative emotions about their search I didn't have any negative feelings about the church the church never did anything wrong to me because it never did anything right I just never knew anything about the church at all and so when I entered into a relationship with Jesus I didn't realize that what what it would bring to me is relationship to the church and at first even though I was uncomfortable in I didn't understand the dynamics I didn't know why people are wearing robes and and why there were these hymnals of old German songs and we were required to sing them I I didn't understand all that was going on but I was ok because the people were so kind and some loving and I felt that I found something really beautiful that I needed and longed for it was a family it was a tribe it was a community and was the church but it wasn't long before that that after that I began to have experiences with other people who had negative experiences with the church and when I talked to people about Jesus they would immediately bring up the church and all their negative feelings about God were connected to the church and so I don't know if it was ever intentional but eventually I had to try to figure how can I help people see who Jesus is without looking through the church and then the longer I walked on this journey of faith the more negative experiences I had in the church and it became really difficult and now after all these years I have so many friends who have in their mind elevated to a level of spirituality where they say things like oh I'm all about Jesus I'm just not into the church as if they've risen above the value and the need for the church and so I've had to take a step back and said I want to talk to you about today when I talk to you about the church and my uncomfortable relationship with it and how desperately I need her now that's what we need to be committed to the church as much as we are to Jesus see the church wasn't our idea it was Jesus's idea the language of the church came from Jesus and on this rock I will build my church Jesus used this language and and we've corrupted the language we've destroyed it we've given it the worst reputation but but it doesn't matter what word Jesus would have chosen we would have ruined that word too and I look back and I realized even when I started the mosaic that I did everything I could two separate mosaic from the idea of the church I don't know if you know but our name is just mosaic her name is not mosaic Church we are a church but we don't let anybody know and I just received my last edits for my book and the opening pages are about you or about us about mosaic and when I said mosaic and editor the fourth or fifth editor had the audacity to add Church at the end of mosaic and they wrote in the notes that way other people will know it's a church and I was just burning seething inside oh you're not gonna do that you cannot change the name of our church we're mosaic we're not mosaic Church if you want a mosaic shirt you go start one but we're mosaic and as I was experiencing this through the paper at the myself why does this bother you so much oh it's because I'm uncomfortable still see some of you may have come here and not even though we were Church there were people who came for so long I didn't even realize that we were a church I've had people come and tell me I would have never gone to church so I came to mosaic and then lo and behold I find out you're a church there's some of you here you're our guest today and you don't even know that you're at church no one to apologize if they didn't tell you if they say I'm going to a place called mosaic that's right this is this is my moment I'm coming out of the closet I'm telling you that this is a church and that what we're doing together is what Jesus initiated and it's important to him and some of you may even notice that there's been a shift over the last two or three years where I've allowed people call me pastor I I can't even pronounce the word it's a little bit of still Latino and me where Spanish is my first language and and so I there are few words there few words I still can't get right even to this day Kim corrects me it's Pat pastor not pasture pastor but I was never like comfortable with the word and so I wouldn't let anybody call me pastor and in fact when people say pastor I wanna go know just Aaron and I said it so often just orwen just her when the people started joking saying no his title is just oh boy which is better than unjust or when but but only recently in fact it was really my kids who came to me and they said we we you need to let us call you pastor I got a damn on not comfortable with it you need to let us call you pastor neither acknowledge you need to accept your identity as a pastor like why you go won't dad there are people who actually want to become like you so they want to become fashion designers or filmmakers or futurists or writers but they don't want to become pastors because you don't own that identity if you would just own the identity being a pastor there'd be amazingly cool incredible people who would be running to become pastors so all right do what you must do say what you must say and and I'm staying up here going hi my name is Erwin and I am the pastor of mosaic and it's a very interesting space for me to be in but it's I realize even three weeks ago was in Vancouver at Ted and I I've been going to Ted for so many years I would never just say I'm a pastor I would always hear people ask me what do you do after they tell me the incredible things they're doing okay no matter how I answer it it's just wrong and I would say oh I'm a designer I'm a filmmaker I'm an artist I'm a writer I'm a futurist that was one of my favorite I've done all those things I've been paid to do all those things but I wouldn't say I'm a pastor I wouldn't say I'm a pastor of a church that's two negative words in one sentence and you don't use a double negative in a sentence we all know that grammatically and so I just experimented this last time I was at this you know after party because this friend of mine invited me and he's to come on over and he introduces me to one of the greatest photographers from natural National Geographic and I thought I'm just gonna say it because he told me what he did and he's one of the greatest photographers in the world what do you do so I'm the pastor of a church called mosaic on Hollywood Boulevard it was like this awkward silence [Applause] it was like saying I'm a cannibal and I'm here for lunch then my friend Scott he couldn't bear the awkwardness of the moment he couldn't do it I could feel it the tensing was just crushing out so he said mosaics not like any church you've ever known but mosaics like they're really like socially conscious and they're into social justice and and and he just started going on and telling him why we are different then what he thinks of his church and I just says that Scott stop stop stop now looked at this man I just met for the first time and I said this is how bad the situation is that he has to justify that I am a part of a church to you yes yeah then we just are talking see I'm convinced that God wants to do something so significant in the world and the reason we're holding them back is because we are a bunch of individuals who go to church rather than a tribe who becomes the church and in a versus alone Ian's chapter 1 beginning in verse 1 we see the most extraordinary eruption of a human movement we see the church becoming the most significant force in the world Paul Silas and Timothy to the Church of the Thessalonians in God the Father and the Lord Jesus Christ grace and peace to you we always pray God thank God for all of you and continually mention you in our prayers we remember before our God and Father your work produced by faith your labor prompted by love and your endurance inspired by hope and our Lord Jesus Christ I love how this this letter is constructed because even the construction of this letter gives us insight to how God works in the world have you ever read the Bible and just couldn't figure out how to make it work in your life come on has anybody ever just tried to take one of those promises and go okay do it God fulfill that promise in my life see even we take verses out of the Bible and we make them ours go this is God's promise to me and if you do that long enough you will eventually realize that doesn't work because what we've done is we've corrupted the narrative of the scriptures and acted as if God is speaking only to us as individuals rather than to us as a community as a people as a tribe see the Bible cannot be read first from the meat it must be read first from the weak when God speaks whenever he gives any promise the promise is not for I but for us when he writes this it's to a people but it's also in this moment from a people says Paul Silas and Timothy I love that this letter is not written by one person but a team see God can do something in your life and through your life but it pales in comparison to what he can do if you will come together with others and allow God to work with you as you work with others Paul was powerful enough by himself why would he add Silas and Timothy would that diminish his brand would that diminish his story what do you want the story to be about himself Paul he had Paul perhaps one of the most powerful men in human history who is known by historians as the founder of Christianity who through his life the Roman Empire was turned upside down rights aside or not as an individual but as a community Paul Silas and Timothy almost as if they were modeling the relational nature of God in the Trinity the God is a God of relationship of community to some of you here and you're still trying to do life alone you're still trying to do great things by yourself you're still only committed to your personal greatness and though we are sitting together we are not walking together and the powerful thing that God wants to do in the world is not through me as an individual but through us as a people and we need to become paul silas and timothy and don't be confused paul silas and timothy could be Martha Mary and Susanna God is looking for women and men who will lay down their ego put aside their pride stop worrying about their brand their name their fame and come together do something that will change the world this is Paul Silas and Timothy to the church we just skip right over that because that's just the introduction then we read the rest of it as if we're the church by ourselves no wonder God isn't fulfilling his promises in our lives because we want God to isolate us and do for us when he will only do for us maybe you have to step into the community before you step into the promise Paul Silas and Timothy to the church and this is my uncomfortable moment see I've come to realize that I have spent my life as a follower of Jesus trying to reclaim the reputation of Jesus it's just been a deep deep longing and passionate in my heart I want people to see Jesus for who he really is I I want to strip away all the damage that has been done by those of us who have carried his name but not carried his character and and sometimes my solution has been to be upfront about Jesus but to throw the church into the basement and be ashamed of my association with her but he writes we are speaking to you as a people to the church it almost feels outdated doesn't it to be committed to something that's bigger than you to be a part of something that isn't about you isn't about me I even thought about from a very personal perspective I am astonished that I've had any success in my life it is almost incomprehensible to me I I find myself sometimes overwhelmed that I have the privilege of writing books of being a part of this community of speaking across the world I think it's so ironic that some people actually perceive me as talented it just blows my mind if you do me you know why it seems so absurd but in the end what I've realized is that I actually have no talent that can be identified outside of community see if I write a book it only has value of so many reason if no one ever reads it no one's ever affected by the words I've written on a page that book is worthless it has no value only has value based on the person who reads it allows it to shape their life I'm dependent on others to have any meaningful contribution to make in the world even even in communication I just came in from Brooklyn Queens and and they asked me to a session of communication and the day before we were in London and and in London they asked me would come and teach them about communication and I realized I should my life trying to hone this craft or learning how to communicate a way that makes sense to people that moves I see this is not accidental I have given my life to do this well but you know what's really odd there's nothing I do it has any value if you don't hear if you don't receive and if you don't engage if if it were not for you I would just be spitting into the wind my words would do C sounds without any meaningful contribution in oral at all I suspected that this was always God's intention that our greatest contributions would only emerge when we give ourselves to one another see that's what the church is it's when we move together in concert when we move together on a common mission and it doesn't mean that everyone moves into the pay team you may be a doctor or a dentist an architect or a teacher you may be a barista or you may be a plumber you may be in between jobs but whatever you're doing you're supposed to be on a mission with Jesus and you and I are together socially impacting the world in a way that we could never do alone he says Paul Silas Timothy to the Church of the Thessalonians so I think even that's significant it says the Church of the Thessalonians because the Thessalonians were a city it's like saying we are writing to the Church of the Angelenos he's not just writing to a handful of people who believe in Jesus he's not just writing the community of people who have leaned in and said yes God will follow you with everything we have you saying this church belongs to the people of the city and some how long the way we had skewed we thought the church was here for people who believed we thought the church was here for us the church isn't here for us we are the church and we're here for the world do you realize that that all over the country cities and communities are rezoning to make sure churches can't get in and people get really upset it doesn't make me happy either but I realize that a part of the reason communities zone out churches is because they don't think churches are vital to their future and what we need to do is redefine the value of the church see we need to become the kind of community the kind of people they everywhere we go everything gets better everyone gets better businesses get better streets get better neighbor lets get better see we need to be the kind of community and people can identify and say when the church is here everything gets better we cannot see ourselves in opposition to those who do not believe in Jesus we need to see here as their servants see ourselves as those who are placed here to serve them they were the Church of the Thessalonians see all those those letters to the Galatians the to the Ephesians and to the Romans the Philippians those are all the names of cities I love that that Jesus thinks in macro and micro right he says Jesus says to his disciples and you will be my witnesses he says right from Jerusalem to Judea to Samaria to the ends of the earth talk about macro type a big picture the ends of the earth he says to a handful of people there were 12 now there's 11 there's some other people there they're women and men who are unnamed but there's 120 of them we're told and Jesus looks up and says you're going to be my witnesses to the very ends of the earth without the internet how in the world could they make this happen what Jesus pressing something was impossible you're gonna be a witnesses to the very ends of the earth Jerusalem Judea Samaria to the ends of their cheese's prancing about you're gonna touch every corner of this planet you also go to a Sumerian Samira's place where where they're the people they didn't love Sumerians were the ones that that they despise that you're gonna go there to and Judea was the outer regions where they didn't feel responsible but do you notice the smallest unit Jesus uses is a city you will be my witnesses not to Joe and Joe's family and Joe's friends and Joe's neighbors he says you will be my witnesses smallest particle a city you will be my witnesses in Jerusalem I wonder if the reason we haven't impacted the entire world with the love of Jesus is because we think so small that we just think of ourselves what if we said you know the smallest unit that Jesus wants us to take on as mosaic is Los Angeles maybe we could do more for ambitious but we should at least take on the 12 million people in Greater Los Angeles we should make these people our responsibility we should serve them and love them and be light and hope to them we should find some way to be proof of God just for our city we don't have all the time in the world and we're all going to die so let's just take on this small project of turning Los Angeles upside down and then if we have time and for those who are a little more vicious we can take some other cities because we know after we're finished with la will still have the weekend we can watch Paris be transformed and Tokyo be transformed and when Osiris be transformed and if we're courageous enough if we learn from what we've learned when we turn Los Angels upside down we can watch Damascus be transformed into Y be transformed and Cairo be transformed Paul Silas and Timothy to the Church of the Thessalonians because the smallest unit that Jesus talks about as a city in God the Father and the Lord Jesus Christ grace and peace to you and we always thank God for all of you and continuing to mention you in our prayers we remember you are our memorial we remember before our God and Father your work produced by faith your labor prompted by love and your endurance inspired by hope in our Lord Jesus Christ and there are so many other things that are helpful me I'm so grateful we live in a time of technology I'm grateful that we live in a time with microphones and lights and occasionally air-conditioning I'm grateful that we live in a time with the Internet at a time where we can actually YouTube and send conversations across the world but they didn't have those advantages all they had was the power of faith love health and maybe just maybe this is the core if we need to have a work produced by faith and a labor prompted by love and an endurance inspired by hope in our Lord Jesus Christ for we know brothers and sisters loved by God that he has chosen you because our gospel came to you not simply with words but also with power with the Holy Spirit with deep conviction we know how we lived among you for your sake you became imitators of us and of the Lord for you welcomed the message in the midst of severe suffering with the joy given by the holy spirit and here it is and so you became a model to all the believers in Macedonian acacia the Lord's message rang out from you not only in macedonia acacia your faith in God has become known everywhere can you imagine reading those words your faith in God has become known everywhere so we're just getting started because there people across the street that don't know so there are people across the city that don't know yet they know they don't know how much they're loved they don't know how much they're valued they don't know that God has come for them they don't understand that Jesus has stepped into human history was crucified for them buried and raised from the dead not to condemn the world but to bring the world life they don't know yet they don't even know we're here sometimes we get a sense of bigness we're mosaic just walk two minutes and ask what do you think of mosaic the tile see I'm imagining a day where you could ask any of 12 million people what do you think it was I had to go that's the church that's changing everything their faith is known around the world I got an email last night from a friend she lives in Singapore she used to be one of my business partners we had a consulting company for corporations and I worked as a futurist and so she was in Bali on a I guess a vacation and she sent an email last night saying I just want you to know what happened I'm here in this meeting in Bali and I'm talking to this woman and she explains me their husband I was a Muslim and how they've been in a three-year journey searching and discovering faith and last year they decided to vacation in Los Angeles and on New Year's Eve they're looking for something to do so they went to one of Los Angeles's exciting New Year's Eves experiences mosaic ina Cana mosaic on New Year's Eve and her husband who's Muslim gave his life to Jesus and it's life changed forever this said this is amazing I have someone writing me emailing me from Indonesia who lives in Singapore about a friend whose husband is a Muslim who they met in Bali who came to know Jesus here in the corner of Hollywood Boulevard LaBrea and this is exactly what we are capable of see our faith and God can't be known everywhere and you know this as well as I do just because there are churches everywhere doesn't mean that people are hearing the message of Jesus the way that makes sense to them in fact sometimes it's our own tribe that creates the most damage feel free to get that because it might be Jesus calling see what what what do you what do we think the limits of God is for us well how far could could God impact the world through you and through us together is it inconceivable that someone who's a Muslim in Indonesia could pass through on a New Year's Eve party and meet Jesus and be forever changed what would happen if we became generous with what we've received and there thus there are people listening even right now on the livestream if you're listening pay attention who listen through the podcasts all over the world I get emails and tax for people all over the world saying we're in Berlin were in Paris we're in Cape Town we're in Shanghai were in Hong Kong were in Buenos Aires we're in Mexico City people write me from everywhere saying when are you gonna bring a mosaic here he'll say when are you going to do this for us you are our church and I might encourage people find a church go look we we know there's good churches here but but it doesn't resonate with who we are and they will not reach our friends when are you going to take responsibility and come to our city maybe the worst thing in the world is to hoard what God has given us maybe we need to elevate our game and elevate our faith and elevate our sacrifice because he says what you did is through your severe suffering about two weeks ago I met with about a hundred Korean pastors and I knew some of them from years back I used to go to Korea to speak not in Korean but the two Koreans and it was always kind of uncomfortable because the church I would go speaking would have like a hundred thousand members that's almost a hundred thousand more than us so as always a little awkward to be the pastor of mosaic going to talk to them about how to do Church and one of the times was there I think the very first time the pastor pastor ha he passed away from cancer since then but he was this elegant brilliant nobleman in fact he was a multi-millionaire in business and transferred all of his skills in the business environment to grow one of the largest churches in the world and I realized Oh in this church the bass of the bass going to ministry give their life to building the church and he was saying I he wasn't really telling me what to say but he was telling me what to say saying you talk about whatever you want but I need you to tell them about you doing Church in an icon see 20 years ago when we went into one of the nightclubs one of the clubs that Prince used to own one of the nastiest clubs in the city had so many names shangri-la downtown Soho I think Q all these different aids every time the police would shut er down it was reopened with a new name and 20 years ago when we went into that nightclub everybody thought we were trying to be cool there was nothing cool about it let me tell you was the nastiest club I've ever been to in my life and syringes everywhere mattresses everywhere other items everywhere the commodes overflowing from vomit our volunteers would come in hours earlier in some days they would call him double rubber glove days because cleaning that place was dangerous and it held like 200 people and before we left there were 2,000 people cramming into that Club who would never have walked into a church but they walked into a club that had been turned into a church and this pastors I need you to talk about the church in a calm I need to talk about the church in cafes I need you to talk about the church in theatres the way you know you guys do and that was before twas popular now it seems like everyone's in the club everyone's in the theatre everyone's in the cafe but that was before when it wasn't popular when it was heretical widows soccer just as the pastor huh why do you want me to talk about those because it was a very conservative Church say why do you want me to talk about that I and he said because in Korea we need precedent it is inappropriate for us to do something first we have to point to someone who's done it in the past and it gives us permission to do it in the future he was asking mosaic to be their memorial I said so you're going to do this you're going to go into like clubs and cafes and theaters you're just that's it when you oh they're already rented we're just waiting for you all right oh I'm the guy who crosses the enemy lines so they know who to shoot but I'm disposable his races I look would you step out into the open let then shoot you but when you go down we promise you who can attack the line now almost twenty years later their articles being written about how Korean churches have taken over the cafe culture of the country how the Korean churches have moved into all of these unexpected spaces and are reaching an entirely new generation and when I loved about mosaic was that we were doing things that were that were not popular and they were not cool they were what we did because we loved our friends and would do anything to reach our friends with the love that Jesus has for them we never sat in a room and said to ourselves what's the coolest thing we can do what's the most creative thing we can do we never said let's just let's just blow everybody's mind what we did say is what are we going to do to help our friends who will never darken the door of a church meet the Jesus who loves them we were always driven and motivated by love by a deep burden and passion for people and and what we have to realize is that if you go first you don't get the glory you get the suffering and now people are coming to me and it's such I'm so glad I've been alive so long the beginning to watch the waves work their way back with the undertow now if you'll come you say well we remember we remember when you guys did these things and no one was doing them and everybody hated you guys and everybody threw you under the bus and said that you were taking the sacred and destroying it making a sacrilegious and bringing the world into the church that's exactly what we're doing we're bringing the world because that's people into the church and and they said that was just normal and lately people masking this question what's mosaic doing now that we're all going to be doing in 20 years and honestly I don't know because if I were gonna be really honest with you I I think we're riding on the momentum of the past rather than building on the memorials of the past see what should we do because we love our city what must we do to help those who are furthest from God find a way to him and make away from him to them what would God do with us if we step back into our proper role you see some of you are new you don't realize that mosaic was never created to survive I would even say I don't know if we're going to exist but we're going to be the R&D department for God we're going to be the research and development arm of the church we're going to be the first to risk the first to innovate we're going to be the first to try to throw everything down for the sake of people and if we die in the process so be it I remember even in our first leadership meeting I actually said to the people in the room I have no idea if we'll succeed because one guy stood up an engineer it's always an engineer is that everyone just tell us that God's going to do this and we'll follow you how aren't you so bad I thought one small lie won't kill us I looked and I said I can't tell you that God's going to do this I don't know I just know it's the right thing to do see we we may crack me crash and burn in the middle of our effort and so but if we die if we die then the skid marks of our flesh and our blood will point in the direction that the church needs to go so it wasn't about just words there was power in the Holy Spirit and deep conviction and there has to come a point in our lives we go God we want to make a difference in the city we want to turn the city upside down we believe the smallest unit for you is a city and you can do more than we could ever ask or imagine but maybe we stopped asking and stopped imagining he says you became a model to all the believers and I'm telling you the church desperately needs a model for a new future the church has been known for the last 1500 years as the epicentre of judgment and condemnation the church has been known as using guilt and shame to manipulate and control people the church has been known for abusing power and abusing people and if we don't do something a thousand years from now that will remain the memorial so I want to throw out a possibility that we create a new marker that we become the new memorial that we become the kind of church that a hundred years from now and 500 years now and a thousand years from now people will talk about what happened in Los Angeles that there'll be a day where children cannot imagine Los Angeles as being anything except the epicenter of the movement of Jesus and the way people think of Paris as the city of romance and artistry the way people think of Washington city of power white people think of New York as city of wealth and people think of box Angeles today is the app Center of creativity but the reason I moved here 25 years ago was because I knew Los Angeles of the capital of the future so the entire world is not in the same moment in human history the future does not move evenly the future is created by those with the courage to step into the unknown and out of their ambition and their determination the rest of the world follows into their future and we live in the capital of the future of humanity so what kind of future will we give them we live in what is known as the epicenter of human creativity but we should become the epicenter of human spirituality this city will have a day where you cannot say Los Angeles without thinking of Jesus do you believe that with us this motley crew God could turn the world upside down that he could create a domino effect where the great cities of the world would be so inspired and informed of what's happening here that the world would open their hearts to Jesus see what God wants to do is bigger than you it's bigger than me and that's why the calling is for us for us today 50 people for mosaic are Ensenada they're in Ensenada we always forget to mention to you because doing good is so natural to us we forget that we're doing it 50 people from our community or Ensenada bringing medical relief and working with families and children and helping those who have no access to health care have a moment to reprieve from their suffering last year about 2500 people went to Malawi this year nearly double that number will go and they'll be in Malawi and they'll be working with hundreds and hundreds of families when the endless number of children they're going to be we're going to be building a school where young women will be educated to become the leaders of their society we're helping build a Bible College where men and women will be raised up to bring hope and meaning in life to the continent of Africa see we're doing that we're part of that it just happens because it's what we do naturally this morning we introduce to families here on this platform the Kuen and the wolf family and these two families are receiving homes through Habitat for Humanity and we have made that possible we began building homes with Habitat almost a decade ago and we just keep building homes for people and when overwhelming this morning is when I stepped out on the platform I didn't know that the cop was receiving a home was actually from Bozek and I you know out when he was single Nina when she was single and they actually met in the nightclub that was a church they met there he got married now they have kids they were weeping on this platform when they discovered they were going to have home I'll never forget how Noel said we've been here for all these years and we've watched family after family after family leave when they got married and they couldn't buy a home they moved into the valley or the moved into Orange County they moved somewhere else they could afford a home and if they had kids they didn't want their kids to be raised in Los Angeles so they moved into a safer place and we watched all the families that we've grown up with leave but we stayed we stayed and said we didn't want to leave LA we love our city we don't leave Mo's like we love our church this is where we're called so we can't believe we're gonna have a home here that we we need people like the well and Dina who say this is my church this is my city this is my calling and I will not abandon my post and there's some of you here and you don't even realize that God has strategically positioned you to be a door opener for Jesus into the world if you have a job you hate you've been asking God to get you out of that job and he hasn't answered that prayer maybe he won't get you out of that job until you get him into that John see me maybe just maybe your job is bigger than you it's part of God's intention in the world if you are a person here there's some of you here and you your managers or your owners there's some of you here that that have positions of influence and you separate your life in such a way that here you're all about Jesus but there nobody knows that Jesus and you have ever met it's time to see that as your strategic placement by God what would happen if we began to pull together the human resources of everything God has given to us and saw mosaic is more than what who came together on Sunday but who was moving out together on Monday through Saturday our faith in God would be known everywhere and we would become a model to the church hi I see a day it just burns inside of me see I see a day when people are sitting around talking about the church see right now governments are trying to lock us out but I see a day where mayors and governors or City Council's where nations are changing their zoning to make sure the church will come see I see that day see I see that day when people go we have to have a church here will never become the vibrant community we need to become because wherever there's a church there's an unleashing of human creativity and beauty and imagination and compassion and kindness and relationship we need a church here because they make us better I I love that mosaic has reputation for having a lot of atheists because it's true see I think we may be one of the few communities in the world that openly and proactively invites people who don't believe in God to be part of us this is the committee where Buddhists come and Hindus come Muslims come atheist come agnostic scum Baptists come I mean everyone comes to find their way to Jesus and even during life's toughest questions one of the atheists who sent in a question heard that I was reading their questions where they came they may not ever come for any other reason with the cane because their question is being answered or at least addressed I just think it's just so like God figure that atheist came to hear the answer to their question and then that gathering they gave their life to Jesus and we just happen to have a spontaneous baptism and they were baptized in that how awesome so I think it's time for us to create a memorial do you think not only about this morning but a hundred years from now to believe together that there will be a day with the story of Los Angeles will be completely rewritten and when you stop trying to be so cheesy but how did we get Jesus in the movies we get Jesus and the people cuz he didn't die for movies he died for humans if we can change the human story the story will change that humans tell we were just in London when the man Manchester bombing took place he's innocent girls were senselessly killed by a 22 year old terrorist and the country went on alert and they sent out the military because there were not enough police officers to protect the citizens hit me so hard I realized there are not enough police to protect us from the violence in the world there not enough soldiers protect us from the violence and the world there are not enough armies to protect us from the violence of the world and the only thing that will ever end the violence is the love see you should never underestimate how important the church is because we are God's intention for the world we are God's strategy for the world we the church is what God is doing in the world because God's strategy to bring us out of the violence to bring us out of the despair to end our loneliness to end our pro cannas is the life that we receive in His Son Jesus and I know it's controversial I know it's not politically correct but if we don't believe that Jesus is the hope of the world what hope is there and who will take that hope who will take that hope to the world and so today I'm gonna believe for something I'm gonna believe for Navy SEALs Navy SEALs faith it will take on the mission of Jesus and take on the responsibility of building the church and reaching the world whether you're an actor or an artist a dancer or a writer whether you're a teacher or a student I want to ask you are you willing to lay everything in your life down at the feet of Jesus and say Jesus I take it your mission as my life if you don't have to be paid for it because the reward is bigger than that but if you're ready to join us on this mission we need you I don't want to do this to entertain you or even to inspire you maybe that's the after fact of cancer my life to me matters too much to do just that I believe that Jesus started the greatest movement that the world has ever known that he is the catalyst of a movement of faith hope and love that will change the human heart and transform the future of the human race and I am willing to give my life for that not because I can't do something else but because nothing else matters towards me and I want to know is that you are you ready to step up and be on the front lines are you ready to give everything and you have to this great class I want you to bow your heads with me just for a moment there's some of you here right now and you've been listening to talks about Jesus you've been thinking about giving him your life you've been right at the line but you have never stepped over whether it's doubt or fear but it's time to cross the line to let Jesus change your life to let him make you new and if that's you I want you to pray this simple prayer right now Jesus I give you my life right now just pray that wherever you are here that's why Jesus came that's why he was crucified that's why he rose from the dead so that you could have his life so he could put life in you but he cannot put life in you until you give him your life so pray this prayer Jesus I give you my life Jesus I give you my life I don't usually do it this way but today I'm going to do it like this if that's you if that's your prayer I want your step out of the shadows won't you step into the light I want you to step into a moment of overwhelming courage and defy the weight of gravity and I want you to stand right now and say yes that's me even if just one of you stand right now you stand right now if that's you beautiful is that you're someone else right now you stand this is your moment Jesus I give you my life I'm something out of the shadows into the light I'm giving you all of me right now anyone else right now just remain standing you can apply that thank God for them beautiful I want to pray for you right now anyone else before I pray anyone else are try if your heart is pounding against your chest then you know this is your moment just step up everything will change anyone else father I thank you for the women and the men who had the courage to stand in this moment stepped out of the shot and went to the life and said yes I need Jesus I cross that line of faith I give myself to him I pay them right now you would just wrap them up in your love and that they would know that you have heard their prayer and that they belong to you that nothing but nothing can take them from your love that you will hold them from this moment for all eternity I pray that God you would do great and mighty things in their life I ask you God to give them great dreams and the courage to pursue them I pray that their life and move out of the ordinary into the unexplainable and that they would have this day as their memorial their marker they could look back and say everything changed that day that my life was transformed that my world was turned upside down and I went from death into life I pray father that in this moment they would know the most real thing in their life is Jesus there and I ask you God just to surround them with friends surround them with people surround them with those who would love them and help them grow and right now just to remain standing everyone else just saying bow your heads and close your eyes I want those of you who we trust as our pastors and leaders to look around and see those who are standing I want to make sure that someone has someone go to them and talk to before you leave cuz no one should do this alone I want you to be seated just for a moment go ahead and take a seat thank you can we just thank God for them beautiful for this next part we're not going to close our eyes we're not going to bow our heads I'm not going to make it comfortable not going to make it easy if these individuals could stand up so courageously and give their lives to Jesus and by the way that must've been terrifying and I am so grateful that you had the courage to do that so grateful let me tell you what's happening here I wrote down on my iPad it's time to take over the city and so we're going to have a campus right here in Hollywood until they tear the building down and then we're going to go to South Pasadena and take over the Rialto let me tell you what else we're gonna go to Venice Beach you're when you create a campus event a speech and we have a campus in Whittier when a grow that campus and reach that section of the city and then we're going to go to Inglewood and we're going to do something amazing down there and because they really need Jesus we're gonna open up a campus in Beverly Hills as well I feel like God is like expanding my heart something alright Lauren I don't know but okay we're gonna go to Orange County and then we do all where the Calabasas and we're just gonna be getting started is then we're gonna go to San Francisco we'll go to Portland with the seattleman to Vancouver from San Diego and then Google Polaris a GoSee that was another daddy's close a bargain now comes out almost a Lima Peru episode mundo if that's you if you're ready to step up if you're done going to churches you're ready to be the church then I want you to get everything your time your energy watch your put your money where your mouth is want you to risk your job your career your future your dreams so you will be forever identified with Jesus it's time to come out and let the light shine in the darkness you know we live in the cities that created the series shameless because we live in the city where no one is ashamed of who they are what they do where is shameless City but most of us who love Jesus and believe in him we're so full of shame so we need to be shameless as well we need to be proud that our lives have been impacted by the God who loves everyone but we needed to get the most inclusive compassionate forgiving loving Communion on the planet we need to redefine what it means to be the church so together we're going to replay the reputation of Jesus but we're going to reclaim the reputation of the church and I can see it there will be atheists and Buddhists and Muslims and Hindus and everyone in the city going yeah I go to mosaic do you believe in God not yet because you know people believe in God but don't believe in the church so I can't they believed in the church before they believed in God John want this to be the place where atheist gets up and says I don't even believe in God that I cannot live without mosaic I don't even know God exists but I know I love there let's become invaluable to the city here's the church as I hear for us we are the church and we are here for the world the glory that no their glory there come on he Betsy Oh God of you Father you have come to me me with all the glory all day there Oh wake up no God Oh then we'll simmer down on the grill No No Hey hey mosaic can we thank pastor Erwin um there are no words to follow that there are only actions there there's nothing that we can do besides living that out so mosaic this is our charge that we are to be the church we're going to live it out so let's go and do that we know for some of you today that today was man a powerful day we want to celebrate the fact that today you stood up what a beautiful sellable can we thank God for everyone that's dad hey if that was you we should want to help you real quick on some next step so that was you and you courageously stood up one of the most powerful things you can do is but continue stepping out of the shadows where you take that private declaration and you go public so next Sunday we're celebrating life for celebrating newness with baptisms so that was you maybe not even today maybe did in the past but you've yet to go all in with Jesus you've yet to step out of the shadows you have to be baptized join us with that don't leave tonight without doing this we're gonna go out the back doors area called next step we'll have our team there Felix my-man get off the plane what up bro oh he got baptized here mosaic that's the plug all right so you know if if you're here and you know you've been waiting you know you've been holding it off till next week let's make this a celebration together aren't you you with me less tan so if you know friends I need to do this let's make next week a continuation of what we got to be a part of today and we're gonna do one more song right so so so we we're real quick if you need to get baptized if you gave a lot to Jesus go now go and talk to somebody cuz you don't want this moment weren't you to miss it but the rest of us let's get a little tough yeah do son we should pay on the why the real you this love is for real you will never let go never let go I control out of control this is real this is you come on this is your love yeah Jesus since you come on yo go beyond my good try follow me hi till the very five it's true all right come on I want to sit up people in the back - come on makes my heart come on Wow we guys have a great now is
Channel: Mosaic
Views: 16,657
Rating: 4.8549223 out of 5
Keywords: Worship, ErwinMcManus, MosaicMSC, Church, Hollywood, LosAngeles, Faith
Id: JfodLcdF2xU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 78min 59sec (4739 seconds)
Published: Tue May 30 2017
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