ER's 50 most powerful moments 19-11

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right Marty hey hey hey it is too dangerous over there oh it's too dangerous to me but it's okay for you what a load of crap I'm a sort remember and you're also a husband remember that seems kind of silly now but out in the bay this morning I was think about asking you out I was thinking of saying yes freaky better come back you know that don't you ready my Michael this is living brown bagging it on the lake February this isn't the coldest place on earth I don't know what it is it's your idea to come out here just trying to remind myself why I'm so happy getting the hell out of here you're not gonna get with Trailblazers fan are you maybe those Sonic's that's just wrong Seahawks baby in the rain like 300 days a year up there save me a lot of money watering my lawn you don't have a lawn what slopes sure you know what I am gonna miss what whooping your ass on the floor all right together last day no it's good no cheap do not you do cheat I do not Nauticus chart and you you visitor was mr. know he's cleaning up yeah there is one pulse ox what church Thanks well there's a needle stick waiting to happen can't be too careful it's right they make sure they do a head abdomen and pelvis on that guy sure and come find me help me down when you see your phone okay thanks yep you it's called oh I was just on my way out thought I'd stop by cerissa party yeah you weren't the only ones so I just found this in my locker he's been in there for a very long time and to be honest I haven't given it much thought for many years not since Marc died you see when you are an intern under dr. green he would have everybody write a letter to themselves that they wouldn't open until their very last day a residency so that's your letter to yourself where's the thing it says that I'm scared and then I know I have a lot to learn and I hope I learned it quickly and then I pray to God that I don't kill anybody and it says um that if I'm good at this and I can stick it out and become an attending well that'll be all I ever need I got a plane to catch one day you look up and maybe years will passed Carter you're gonna make a good doctor Carter you gotta hurry it up we got a million things to do you set the tone Carter you hi thought you went home no we're on in an hour it's better not to sleep unless you can get at least three I wouldn't sleep anyway the crits up three points but the renal failure may be permanent that's if she wakes up I thought we were saving her no we were giving her her only chance good enough it has to be no it doesn't some patients get to you more than others I know but when you do everything that you can sometimes even more than you thought you could you got to walk away knowing you fought the good fight we fought the good fight Lucy tomorrow you'll fight alone yes we yes we ain't me EEG remained isoelectric no brainstem evoked responses I guess I'll be 10 minutes pco2 74 74 anything over 60 means brain-dead I'm so sorry chest what are you doing jazz there there are no vital signs to monitor not yet you please just keep this thing going a couple more hours none of the heat he could come back maybe you'll come back his heart's gone it's brains come we're pronouncing him he's still warm yeah that's just the bypass machine we need to keep him on it to profuse the organs Neela's gonna take him to the or now I want to stay with him want to push his dirty he's going upstairs Mark's gone that means you've been here longer than any other doctor people will look to you to step in and fill the void good point oh yes this don't can't do this wait is this thank you Oh Oh Oh don't worry ms knife you could far too much time and energy into your training to bluefin out greenfield filters are a snap done about a hundred of them I'll talk you through it if you like BP done 60 pulse I'll give me two Rosie no carotid pulse then she's thrown another clot start chest compressions you get in here better let me get out maybe a little more come on come on come on right now motivated Iron Chef if you can over to right here you want Michael to the or copy it so many to orders is what happens you can pierce my water supply records provide the diamond strategies to recap the right ventricle side excellent so I buddy Craig come on come on Rosberg is he nope just yank our stubble trying to suck out whatever watching okay I got the right side to cook pick up food good maybe should get some oxygen for another pulsar 68 on 100% not oxygenating I don't know living for milling cyclones if Eva's only compression to have a paddle charge the 15 just about every coming again back out of 52 No it's just pushing on the back student loans or stepping one minute go push another 10 milligrams now okay that's it we've done everything okay all the compressions so a [ __ ] No no no let's give them in it for the last step you can circulate come on charge to 30 let's go come on let's go up it Oh time of death 256 you
Channel: Surgtech1321
Views: 346,931
Rating: 4.7751279 out of 5
Keywords: ERmpm19, 11
Id: 16rh9yrZxDM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 2sec (1202 seconds)
Published: Sat Jan 12 2013
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