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hey there youtubers JB coins with another part of the series on the Sacagawea and Native American girls coins this one is as we said we were going to do is special but just on the errors varieties and rarities of these coins what to look for some of them are obvious some you really need to know what it is you're supposed to look for and some of them are worth huge money the first one you see here is something you'll probably never never find or never touch but you can see it on display somewhere these are the 2000 W West Point mintage 22 karat gold Sacagawea DC proof space dollars they made 12 of them they actually made more than that but they made 12 that went into space on the space shuttle Columbia we have more information on the history of these if you go back and check out some of the other videos and and we will tie a lot of them together for you and then these are the tail feathers on the right is a traditional Sacagawea dollar on the left you can see the gold and and the better refinement on the tail feathers the next one is a famous 2000 P mule dollar with the state quarter front and the second we a reverse golden color and that one we've also covered on the mule video and we'll tie that together as well this next one is the 2000 P speared or wounded Eagle two spikes appear in the Eagles breast making it appear to have been speared they are there the next one is a 2000 piece Sacagawea on a clad planchette from susan b anthony five are known to exist at this point and that's what they look like and they are the clad silver you know color not the gold dollar color then you have the 2000 P rotated reverse they can be rotated in any amount of degrees this one in particular is a hundred and thirty degree rotation on the reverse next one is the 2000 P Cheerios dollar with the enhanced tail feathers you can see how much more detail there is on these tail feathers they there were fifty five hundred of them made and we again went into detail on these and you can check the other videos that we will tie into the next one is the 2000 P double die obverse or P over P you know or rpm but basically it there it's known as the P over P the next one is one of the 2000 P Glenna Goodacre presentation pieces this is what she was paid with and she had them all all 5000 coins certified by icg and that's why this is number 66 of 5000 coins that were presented to her and that's a picture of the coin without you know without being in the holder this one's kind of obvious it's a 2000 P clipped planchette it could be this one's 15% it could be any percentage in any location on the coin this is a 2000 P obverse cap die and one of those coins that you just it's so bizarre it's beautiful this is a 2000 piece truck on a 25 cent planchette it's actually struck over the Maryland quarter you can see the outline of the state on either side of her face excuse me a struck on Massachusetts not Maryland this one is struck on Maryland and then this one is the 2007 Sacagawea de Sacagawea with presidential edge lettering instead of the Sacagawea edge lettering lettering is not missing it's the wrong edge lettering then in 2009 they switched and started calling her the Native American girl and the 2009 satin finish missing the edge lettering in uncondition can bring big money 2009 also had the regular finish with the missing edge lettering which is what you see here and then we have the 2009 struck on a quarter again this one is on the Maryland planchet this next one is the 2010 P satin finish it's missing the edge lettering there was also a 2010 regular finish which also was missing the edge lettering missing edge lettering and weak edge or partial edge lettering can apply to any year in this series so you really want to check them all and also make sure they're in the correct order as they go around this also applies to the 2011 P known to have weak edge lettering any of these coins in this series from 2009 to 2017 P and II have what's known as a position a and a position B some people thought they were error coins because of the way this was done but the mint has come out and said no this is actually the way we produced them they basically go through the Machine randomly so it's it's kind of random whether they wind up face up or face down when they get the ledge edit edge lettering so what you get is position a the coin edge inscription can be read it reads upside down when the coin is face-up position B the coin inscription reads correctly or right-side up when you're looking at it when the coin is face-up so face up correct ability to read the lettering is positioned be if the lettering is upside down is position a they are not errors they're known as position a and B and you do want to collect P and D a and B to have the full set of those coins and they exist on all of those coins in the series from 2009 through now 2017 when we're shooting this video also uncirculated mint sets for 2005 to 2010 were made with a satin finish that was a special strike and then after 2011 all of them are limited to numismatic not intended for circulation so they become you know for collectors only besides the annual proof and uncirculated sets Sacagawea dollars with special finishes have also been inserted into special Mint packages for example the 225th enhanced set but we'll go into more details about those types of things in the next video about those special sets so hopefully you found this video in this series as it continues to keep you interested and hopefully you watch the next one as well which is the conclusion to the Sacajawea is you can see how much material there has been to cover to give you a really full his you know information on these coins but until next time please continue to like share subscribe and J&B sign it out
Views: 111,479
Rating: 4.760592 out of 5
Keywords: dollar coins, gold dollars, sacagawea dollars, native american dollars, mule coin, off metal coin, cheerio dollar, 22K gold dollar, Goodacre presentation dollar, coins worth money, coin collecting, coin roll hunting, coin collecting help, jbcoinsinc,, error coin, valuable coin, jbcoinsinc coins, jbcoinisnc videos, jbcoinsinc coin list, errors/varieties coin list, dollar coins worth money, dollar coins to look for, coins, sacagawea coin errors, rare coins
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 0sec (540 seconds)
Published: Sat Nov 11 2017
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