Love Connection 1992

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well from the first date i start wondering what the guy looks like in the morning um is he gonna be a good family man is he gonna call me the next day you know hmm yeah you don't like beards either do you no what do you have against me i don't like facial hair no not too much i i love to kiss i love kissing smooth skin i see yeah uh do you if if you go out with a guy and he's real interested in you and you obviously are interested in him would you expect him to shave his beard off yeah if he expects me to shave my legs every day i expect him to shave the hair off his face that's my style let's take a look at the tapes of face honor remember you're going to vote again first there's mitch mitch describes himself as a real outgoing real easy to be with he's looking for an all-american girl who's family oriented he also wants someone who shares his interests like sports for instance and here's more on that i'll usually date somebody that is um that knows what my interests are if when they know that i like i'm like those things then then they'll do those go to the games with me if not then then i wouldn't be dating him too long next there's kevin he's been told that he resembles tom hanks he describes himself as quote on the conservative side however he says that he has a fantasy about making love in a glass elevator there's something really deep psychological attached to that but i'm not sure what he only dates about once or twice a month and here's more from kevin and a glass elevator i definitely couldn't date somebody who was claustrophobic and needed their space i mean i like to to be close and if uh you know if we're on the same couch or something i usually at least have a leg or something touching them it's just the way i am i i that a good date to me could be just sitting at home watching tv all right finally edward uh he's really into physical fitness and uh nutrition he has a secret desire to become an actor he says that shyness is sometimes mistaken for rudeness and he admits that uh he has a hard time approaching women there's more on that it's tough you know because i go out once in one of my friends and things but i just can't bring myself once in a while if i catch somebody that just that you know that you say i have to meet this person or or i'm going to wonder forever if i could have went out with him or not then i'll do it but it takes takes somebody to really impact me you know to really make that that move all right those are the three men that faye had to choose from time for you to vote who would you match her up with [Music] audiences made his choice faye's gonna tell us who she did i fixed kevin you pick two kevin kevin all right we're out of time so we're gonna find out everything that happened on phase date tomorrow that's our show for today but we'll be back tomorrow with pay and more singles trying to make a love connection till then i'm chuck woolery and i hope all your dates are good ones tonight bye-bye everybody [Music] wardrobe furnished by bernini this is john cervanka speaking for love connection love connection is an eric lever production produced in association with and distributed by warner brothers domestic to love connection where old fashioned romance meets modern day technology where you hear all the intimate details of a first date and now here's the host of love connection welcome everybody [Music] let's get started by meeting our first guest she's going for her phd in psychology she admits that she can be over analytical she's not crazy about facial hair she doesn't like to get to know a man too well before a date please welcome faye alone well i would think that uh going into psychology that you might like to get to know someone a little bit better before you go out with them no um i don't like i don't like having long conversations over the phone i'm afraid of running out of things to talk about before the appetizer arrives that happened to me on one date oh so ever since that one day ever since that one date i'm always always leave it real quick phone conversation then i see the person i like long talks what uh what kind of relationship are you interested in i'm looking for a relationship full of trust romance passion long talks cuddling maybe marriage well i was gonna say it sounds like you know a long-term relationship long-term i'm ready for a long-term relationship okay i'm gonna remind everybody what happened yesterday our studio audience saw phase three choices they voted for one we're gonna take a look at all three men and catch you up first there's mitch mitch describes himself as outgoing and easy to get along with kevin considers himself conservative but uh has a fantasy about uh something in an elevator a glass elevator about i don't know finally edward he's into fitness nutrition and says that his shyness is sometimes mistaken for rudeness now the audience was recorded yesterday we'll get that a little later right now faye's going to tell us who she chose i chose kevin there he is backstage say hello to kevin kelly hi kevin how you doing great yeah mixed up at home back there you guys are already off and running tell me about the day fae well i phoned kevin up to make plans for the date and i told him that he was so good looking on the video i especially liked his deep blue eyes and his cleft chin really yeah how did she come across on the phone kevin well all these compliments she kept giving me i was kind of hoping i would live up to her expectations i was gonna be a little nervous yeah a little bit where it was did you go pick her up or did she come pick you up oh we met there we met at humanity where'd you meet i i suggested meeting at an italian restaurant we both like italian food okay so there's one person who doesn't out there so you pulled into this italian restaurant uh did you arrive first or did i arrive 15 minutes early i was a bit nervous oh yeah yeah and when he arrived what did you think oh i was very happily surprised he lived up to his video even better yeah very good looking could you pick her out there in the parking lot kevin or uh she was inside you sitting at the bar it's kind of hard to miss her because the bartender's all pointing at me as i walk in the door i figure well that must be the girl that i'm looking for uh everybody's looking at me so what did you think uh well you take a look jackie tell me were you relieved uh i was even more nervous now i don't know what to say she's beautiful what am i gonna say i'm good thank you things are off to a pretty good start yeah now what happened well he seemed a little nervous just a little so we we had a drink we had a drink at the bar and um i kept giving more compliments to make him feel more comfortable with giving me more drinks so i get a little bit loosened up well that bathtub gentle do it to you every day i'll tell you and i i did let her know that uh i had a very high sexual drive and she let me know she did too so dear lord we haven't even gotten to the appetizers yet good tonight well now what happened well we had dinner and then we walked onto the pier and he grabbed my hand this time we started kissing and cuddling and just disclosing a whole bunch of information about our lives it was really nice really comfortable quick too huh well not too quick i was ready for it so what happens after your experience here on the pier then we start heading we're walking down santa monica and we're walking towards a hotel yeah you say that like you have some kind of i have no motive whatsoever for this hotel he had no idea where we were going but i pointed out this hotel to him i wasn't quite sure you know i i got to tell you too we heard a mistake with that big neon sign probably i got a little nervous you know i thought to myself she couldn't have gotten a room i mean she didn't seem like the type and i wasn't the type oh and i'm thinking of myself what if she got around whatever i i was it was it was i was pretty nervous yeah so he's back to being nervous again yeah you know he's full of night of that so now what happened so i lead him into the glass elevator since i ready i read i read on his questionnaire that he had a secret fantasy for glass elevator so i lead him into the glass elevator i didn't see it coming check i was blind and then well you pinned me against the elevator door once i was in there i figured it out once you were in there just everything changed well it did the yeah come on kevin we did a little schmeckin uh yeah so hit ground floor now where do we go well now we're walking back towards our cars and he was a gentleman i told him i was cold so he put his big arms around me and we walked back to the car it was getting late he had to work the next morning actually so i was trying to convince him to stay a little longer well the day didn't end right away so she didn't have to worry about it didn't end right away oh we were necking a little bit in the carts you know what i mean uh we couldn't help so then you just kissed goodbye and said i'll see you on the show or well we kissed for about two three hours i don't think that's a little kid it was really nice it was really sweet and innocent he was a perfect gentleman she had a great day i had a great time i i did too well that's good let's take a look see the audience picture all right edward 37 it's kind of close though it wasn't really a runaway but if you want to go out there we pay if not you can do what you want i would love to go out with kevin again sorry with you kevin oh you know come on out [Applause] have a seat there before you hurt each other good night well thanks for coming on the show thank you let us know what you're doing okay we're going to come back with another couple stay with us [Music] [Applause]
Channel: Kevin K
Views: 166,519
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Love, Connection
Id: AxtHGgLnwR4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 0sec (660 seconds)
Published: Tue Jan 05 2010
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