Eric Ludy - Immovable - (The Impossible Life Trilogy)

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brethren be steadfast immovable always abounding in the work of the Lord for as much as you know that your labor is not in vain in the Lord you know that it's a command in the New Testament to be movable it's a command be immovable everything in this world will be moved everything there is one thing to the last and that is truth but we must be built upon a true solid foundation what you're building on is not just text theory good ideas and human philosophies you're building upon the efficacy the power the authority of Jesus it's personal you are standing on him anything fixed to that person will last with him therefore whosoever hears these sayings of mine and does them I will liken him unto a wise man which built his house upon a rock and the rain descended and the floods came and the winds blew and beat upon that house that fell not so it was founded upon a rock God is likened to a rock his word is likened to a rock and a rock doesn't change from generation to generation that's all I just really want to be climbed upon you know what if I don't have to look in this generation that they might not like me rocks don't care about that and you know what God isn't attempting to win a popularity contest he just is who he is he's not gonna change to match our likes and dislikes yes let's get it straight God does not answer God does not shape-shift God's truth is a reflection of who he is and in it is the shadow of turning just like him Jesus Christ the same yesterday and today and forever Christians all they're the same yesterday today and forever you see he has given us everything we need to behave as we ought to behave so as a result we can't be as he is though we are not as he is by our nature the way we are outside of him we can be as he is when we turn unto Him and he fills us with His grace and he enables us to live lives that otherwise would be impossible God stabilizes our life he takes us from going up and down and all over the place to settling boom she rivets us he drills us in to his bedrock and he begins to build us the way his nature is revealed in Scripture and he says no more are you away from the sea tossed to and from get to know the power of Jehovah he will stabilize your life he will build you as wrong the righteous shall be an everlasting remembrance he meaning the righteous shall not be afraid of evil tidings gee now often we get evil tidings that come through television they come through newspapers they come through whispers and conversations around you they come through emails and they come and they can actually renovate up perspectives it's amazing but you could be in a great mood feeling wonderful about life and an evil tithing can come and completely destroy your life what's funny is your life is the exact same as it was but an evil timing came in and warped your worldview and now suddenly you're under the weight of this ridiculous thing it's penny it is but it's controlling you you've been bullied around by evil tidings far too long in your life you know what you do at an evil timing comes you leap for joy what a way to know why for joy the world could collapse through only care but our God's not going anywhere if we live with integrity we have nothing to fear no matter how loud they shout wherefore also it is contained in the scripture behold I lay in Zion the chief Cornerstone elect precious now listen closely he that believes on him shall not be confounded to be put to shame as what this means to be disgraced to have hope meet with failure this is what we're afraid of and this is what the enemy says is our fate if we build upon Jesus see what's what's the bait of the enemy what if he doesn't come through slam forever that's wishful thinking what if God isn't all that what if God stopped doing these things for his Saints others all sorts of things the enemy throws acts it says that he that believes on him shall not be confounded take it to the bank matter what is happening in this world we will not be shaken by it will we be tested but that doesn't mean we move from the rock upon which we stand when bullets start flying people start screaming and a bullets started whizzing through this room how would a room full of Christians respond Fujin strength a very present help in trouble therefore will not we fear though the earth be removed and though the mountains be carried into the midst of the sea it says therefore will not we fear we will not fear though the earth be removed and though the mountains be carried into the midst of the sea we will not fear that is immovable you must know your Savior you must know what to build upon and if you build upon the rock you will not fall you will not be moved that is your confidence in his faith we believe the word of god it's acid it's right who were fixed and movable we when the earth the sky are peeling away just hear the screams you can hear everyone panicking you are not you're next to the eternal one Jesus Christ and when the winds the rains beat against you your house will not fall be still and know that I am God be fixed be resolute be a moveable the earth can pale away but you are fixed with the God of Jacob he is your refuge bad moments for a Christian is an opportunity for leaping and rejoicing every single moment no matter what is happening God still sits enthroned [Music] you you
Channel: Ellerslie Discipleship Training
Views: 74,235
Rating: 4.9637599 out of 5
Keywords: Bravehearted, Thots, thoughts, Bravehearted Thots, Bravehearted Thoughts, Sermon Jam, Eric Ludy, Bravehearted Christian, Bravehearted Christian Productions, Jesus Christ, Ellerslie, Christianity, Steve Rosen Music, Ellerslie Discipleship Training, triumphant Christianity, true Christianity, discipleship, salvation, gospel, holiness, prayer, the gospel, truth, impossible life
Id: imEiOulxHpY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 54sec (474 seconds)
Published: Thu Nov 16 2017
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