Eric and Ellie Learn Pool Rules with Bowser | Pool Day Adventures

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[Music] [Applause] foreign [Music] thank you someone's eating in the pool no food in the pool [Music] please eat at your designated area good job Billy [Music] thousands no Cannonball yes unless I set up a cannonball contest [Music] time out Bowser oh time out I'm sorry Mr lifeguard it's okay I'm just trying to protect everybody in the pool you're right Mr lifeguard there you go here's an apple thank you why it's good to maintain healthy energy at the pool wow you are looking out for us yeah [Music] thanks for keeping our pool awesome no problem [Music] I think you put a little bit too many toys in the pool too many toys in the water oh sorry do you understand it now Eric I understand now I think we have enough toys you're right Larry those actually clean up [Music] [Music] Way To Go Kids swimwear only the rules I don't like rules well I'm here to protect everyone at the pool no I don't yes you do like I said rules are rules okay Uncle James [Music] all right this calls for a special event it's the special event going to be for cannonballs yeah yeah looks like you got your swimsuit on come join us hey what about me your timeout is over come on Bowser yeah [Music] you can't use the pool why Emma remember it last time oh no I can't play the pool too many bad toys hey Charlotte what happened Emma can you clean up your toys uh I can clean later after I eat and I was waiting for you to come back and clean up but you didn't come back oh so you're not allowed to play in the pool anymore Charlotte sorry [Music] Charlotte looks sad [Music] let's try this Charlotte no Tabby huh you don't like this food ah we can play ball it's fun Charlotte look I don't want to play either sorry Tabby what's wrong Emma didn't let me play at the pool because I wasn't following the rules rules are important when you're using the pull Charlotte but what are the rules you should talk to Emma she can help oh good idea Tabby you're welcome Charlotte bye Emma what happened can you give me one more chance please can you teach me okay okay Charlotte listen first don't play in the pool when you don't see lifeguards you can't use the pool there's no lifeguard here look he's right there he's in break time yes I'll be back in an hour well he's still right there even if he's there he's not working Charlotte sorry okay Emma oh I understand now don't play at the pool when there's no lifeguards no eating or drinking at the pool huh that's not gonna be fun you have to follow the rules because because if everybody's eating at the pool will be a mess thank you just finished eating so you can come back to the pool got it Emma oh okay next no pets at the pool either again yes no pets in the pool please but he's my best friend Sorry rules are rules Charlotte uh let's go home doggy next no littering in the pool [Music] no glittering at the pool Charlie put it in the trash uh-oh I'm sorry Emma [Music] okay good job Charlotte and now for the last one no running near the pool um why because it's really dangerous all right Charlotte I think you got it can we go to the pool now not yet oh why you have to take Auntie best test before you go swimming okay I'll go now let's go are you ready to take the test yes I'm ready on two beds try your best Charlotte all right true or false it's not okay to eat and drink by the pool foreign [Music] [Music] three two one [Applause] good job everybody thank you let's look back okay faster having fun kids it's so much fun huh where's Michael [Music] I'm behind you I got you now she's getting away come here I will get you you can't get me [Applause] [Music] I'm Gonna Get You Back wow it looks like the kids are having a lot of fun eyes again Michael Wendy what are you guys doing here we're playing Uncle John it's so much fun do you want to join us I don't think so the backyard is so messy why don't you guys clean up really go to clean up now okay foreign let Michael clean up I still want to play huh it's broken oh what Wendy's doing huh Wendy Wendy what happened Uncle John why don't yet might go to clean up sorry Uncle John I still want to play and this is broken can you fix it for me it's really bad Wendy you should have Michael okay to fix it for you okay bye Michael Michael hi Wendy sorry to let you clean up alone I'll help you now thank you Wendy John I should make some food do you want to try sorry I don't want to eat maybe next time oh really yeah oh can you help me to pick the floaty place okay let me see hmm maybe I use the tab we'll try to fix it I think I'm done try it okay I'll try to blow it huh it doesn't work okay really let me try [Music] this doesn't work oh John really so how can we be flying oh sorry Uncle John wait I have some floaty in my storage do you want to take a look really can we yeah let's go okay okay thank you wow a lot of cool floating ball ring huh Uncle cat you had no right on floor hmm I remember I have one let me try to find it oh it's right here go John wow okay can I get this one sure thank you bye all done let's go play okay what can I play with your floaty Michael huh where's yours mine broke while you were cleaning can I play with yours really well I want to play oh I'm so sad hi Wendy hi Uncle John What You Look so Sad Wendy Michael wouldn't let me play with him in his floaty don't be sad Wendy I got a new one for you there you go thank you thank you hey hold on did you clean up the back yeah yeah okay oh wow Wendy got the blue one that's my favorite color I have to go now bye Wendy hi Wendy Wendy I like your boat you want to trade no because put off yours earlier sorry Wendy huh Michael looks sad maybe I should trade with him Michael what happened Wendy really yeah yeah wow Wendy's so nice thank you Wendy let's go play okay okay
Channel: Toys and Colors
Views: 19,472,272
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: toys and colors, eric, ellie, bowser, pool, pool rules, kid rules, rules for kids, swimming pool rules, play, playing, kids play, fun pool day, swimming lessons, leanring pool rules, kids pool day, slide safety rules, kids pretend play, pretend play, for kids
Id: h9tHTo16qrk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 42sec (822 seconds)
Published: Mon Aug 14 2023
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