Eric Adams Talks NYC Mayoral Challenges, Crime, Gentrification, Rikers, Unions & More | Drink Champs

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[Music] that's killer killer K beats in the hood [Music] what it good be H it's your boy n o r e what up it's DJ efn and this is drink chaps happy hour Make Some [Applause] Noise today if you ask me in 1996 when I started my career would I be sitting here interviewing anybody let alone interviewing a person who runs my city literally uh uh who's the mayor of our city who looks like us dresses like us acts like us it's like he's what is it we got to call him the foo boo of the M you know what I'm saying um dope as hell they call him the NTI mayor and it's crazy cuz I bet him at night uh you know legalized Bud from what I know from my city uh I got so arrested so many times I stopped I I stopped smoking butd outside I was and now you go to but this man is is is great he's great for us I want to salute him we want to give him his flowers we got Mr Eric Adams the [ __ ] mayor of New York City in the building now off top I saw your Breakfast Club interview we're not going to go that political like that we we going to ask you some questions that was crazy I was like holy Mo guac you you was trash they set you up but um let's talk about your music history yeah yeah but but but go back for a moment we we need to really like L some ground workor um uh people see the interview and say you know you were set up I could never be set up cuz I'm I'm I'm authentic and I'm good in any setting that's right you know cuz I'm true I'm not new to this I'm True to this that's right and you know we need to really connect where I am and the role that cats like you play right right you know uh This Is 50 years of hip-hop right 50 years and you know and you know people say I'm the hip-hop mayor hip-hop mayor I grew up listening to hip-hop and it inspired me throughout you know it inspired me when I was going through some hard times I was able to throw on hip hop and I I think brothers who were part of that of that music genre should not allow themselves to be relegated to saying that you were just folks if you do an analysis of where we are right now in the country the first African-American to be the leader of a party uh in Congress is hakeim Jeff hip hop all right oh that's in Jersey and no he's in Washington DC hiop Laticia James the most important attorney general in the country grew up hip hop janii Williams hip hop Eric Adams hip hop Adrien Adams the lead of the speaker hip hop four of the black Mayors that's running a major cities in America Chicago Los Angeles Houston New York all all hip hop and that's where the migrants are coming to exactly exactly we going we we going to dig into that but what I want to show is that we all grew up and the seeds were planted in Hip Hop so the fruits of our Harvest right now you know I'm the I am the most important mayor on the globe on the globe and and so you guys should be celebrating you know this is who we made this is who all of this leadership you see right now is what you guys what you guys made I keep telling folks when we celebrated the 50 Years of Hip Hop it was the coming together of all of that power finally getting together but now the question is with all of this chocolate what are we going to do with it we got to do something with it we got to make some real changes cuz people been playing us black folks have been played for years and we got to be willing to use this power correctly now I in New York City My Whole Life Born and Raised right and you know there been mayors that come around been couple of Mayors I believe um David dkin um visit yeah visited my neighborhood but you like it was so dope to say yo you know I met the mayor and they like wait wait I met him at NAS party like that was like hip hop to me like you know like me and the man at [ __ ] Nas party like like like how do you how do you balance that like by being like a mayor but still like you know you know what I mean like because that was dope that I I I speak to you at my friend's party so like how you balance that and n as n is doing some great things and it is it is a balance because I don't fit the mole MH and I didn't go into to fit the mole I went in to break the mall and you know when you when you do an analysis you know I'm perfectly imperfect brother you know growing up in South Jamaica Queens I know you left right going up in South m Queens uh running numbers you know buying a nickel bag making joint so Mommy can put some food on the table uh you know I used to walk in the classroom they used to have in the back of the chair the dumb student people used to mock me I used to wake up every morning and pray God don't let me read you know because people would mimic me throughout the day and say let's act like we Eric reading right and I didn't get it wasn't until I stumbled into college that I learned that I was dyslexic it wasn't that I was dumb I was dyslexic I'm D and and you're dlex well and I'm a Virgo too you're a Virgo right you know what I'm saying my little man look at and and so it's it's that when I'm in these settings and it's so important because you know my brother and I we got arrested at 15 103 pre 103d precin I need cats that are in class right now and don't believe they can learn say wait a minute my May went through this I need cats that are on Rous right now I've been on rikus more than any man in history of of of the city I got baptized re-baptized on Reich is a couple of weeks ago with a with a group of inmates because I wanted them to know listen man y'all need to know I'm you I've been here with you and if we take in funnel like look what you're doing what you brothers are doing you've taken your street skills cuz that's that's education that's academics too people people think academics is just because you're in college no academics is I knew uh the the economics by taking a nickel bag and making eight joints man that's that's economics I ain't going lie what kind of nickel bags you cuz I a lie I heard you say it earlier and I was like wait a minute you know what I mean like I I mean two out of a dime but like out of you Str you stress different J was we was doing blood doing joints just it was just a joy and so it was like you'll be blown away what we learned and that is transferable you know when you look at what fat cat nickels and those other cats were doing those are those are great economies but you can transfer it into the Empower that you want it's true it's like a lot of hustlers can make great managers in the music business definitely you know what I mean because the gift the gab but hold on so this is what I want to ask you right I I go worldwide right yes and if a person is from New York and they ask me where am I from I immediately say Queens right if a person is not from new from New York and they ask me where I'm from I automatically say New York right so I want to play a game with you like what do you think you're more Queens cuzz I've read that you're born in Brooklyn but then you was raised in Queens right uh so what do what do you claim more queens or New York uh Brooklyn Brooklyn okay now we going to battle all right cool so you going to name people all right cool so you going to name people from Brooklyn that's famous in Congress whatever whatever whatever right right right I'm going to name people from Queens right right you going to name people from the bronze okay all right cool we going to play this mik s by the way got we got him as co-host we just go to some New York [ __ ] now [ __ ] I was I was thrown off I thought he was going to pick New York I thought he was going to pick Miami will mediate Miami will mediate Okay Okay cool so you're going to run the time out how about that okay uh how much time you think we should have you want to time yourself yeah I mean can't beat ji after this [ __ ] so yeah uh three minutes like a boxing fight per person no no it's he minutes minutes okay just the Bronx right thank you just Brooklyn yes and I'm I'm I'm G do me some some Ving clubs over you know what I'm saying yeah yeah yeah I'm outside I'm have a drink with the mayor May gonna drink we going to have some fun today okay where's where's the chalkboard at okay so I'mma start it off when you start I start the timer okay remember people from the Bronx people from Brooklyn yes people from Queens I feel like I got it easy and anybody y'all can help me out if I forget you can help anybody you got throw some [ __ ] out there okay yo we got Mr Lee writing this is the school system of New York City we going to show you how [ __ ] up the school system of New York City is right now this [ __ ] right everybody wrri give it to give it to the girl or something give it I'm not I'm not I'm not convinced that him write it he don't speak right how you aut imagine he writes immaculately come on are you ready you ready you got it let me see we need to see the board yeah yeah okay all right all right be interesting you the guest we going let you go first Brooklyn name somebody famous JayZ Jay-Z that's a good one Mellie m 50 Cent Bernard kinge fedo Tonyo some my folks from um B oh come on piggy piggy piggy okay ks1 Mob D uh mop yes mop see I got I got Kart Cora give me another one come on okay o that's right Remy who Remy okay um Donald Trump [ __ ] y'all up with that one nobody want to claim him I'm askos say Bill Clinton isn't he from Brooklyn [ __ ] no no no um Big Daddy yes Big Daddy Big Daddy K uh more babies was made his music Flex he said Kenny Anderson um step step step myb JLo who JLo JLo low Russell Simmons or Mike Tyson oh Big Mike Mike Tyson mik [Laughter] mik cardi B Run DMC what cardi B he said cardi B then Run DMC come on DJ DJ over Sonic okay I'll take that that's a Sonic um Grand Master Cass Cass yeah Nicki Minaj um what's my little Kim Kim got 30 seconds on the clock P the guns MC sh um yes right right and and Master C oh from the Bronx Molly Mall see we going we G to perfect this game the first time we yes it's first time oh you said Molly yeah that's time yeah all right count I think we pretty close I think it's pretty close count how many names but why they count Sean price for Brooklyn got yeah each one yeah come see I told Diego that's the reason why I told you to get boy this is the reason why bro you come on this y' guys in my car y'all took it up town for no reason so oh damn [ __ ] you ain't see me in a minute we having early drinks um do uh and remember bounce around with with subject man flow let it flow I remember I went to New Orleans I had the number one record it was 1998 best year of my life went to New I've traveled around the world went to New Orleans met with uh Juvenile and know because they you know that's people you know it wasn't checking in and none of that [ __ ] so I went to see him FR of RIT Caron four rats just came out I said holy [ __ ] I made fun of New Orleans all day for years years I was like well [ __ ] you they got the best food but your [ __ ] is [ __ ] and then recently ju called me I was like do you see what's going on with your city I had no defense right right how what what do I do to defend myself against juvenile M because because they they trying to tell me that the city is full with rodents the goddamn country is full with rodents man no no no but it's different now had the the the the r the pizza slices wait chill out man oh yeah that wasn't New York but no we when we and the number one thing is when we came in you're right the rat complaints were through the roof and you know what nothing could traumatize your day more than than the rat these are not normal R especially the ones that's not scared like you go like this and they don't move like wait a minute you w you yeah but what we what we what we did godam hey hey what we did we zeroed in on it we we hire what New Orleans didn't do we hire a rat Zar oo right and what we found the number one reason that there's so many with so many rodents on thetic bags there you go plastic bags you know and they the previous mayor came up with these mint plastic bags that was supposed to scare rats those rats are like man are you kidding me right right yeah they're little cats right so we we zeroed in on it and now rats complaint across the city they have gone down and then what we call rat mitigation zones where is like a high level they've also G have gone down we're going to move to take all our trash off the streets out of plastic bags and we're going to containerize it everybody told me it was going to take 5 years I said no that's too long we're going to do it in two and a half years we're going to containerize all our garbage it's going to be everything is going to go into containers so you're going to be able to call him back and tell you like me now because um you know what I'm saying I I like to say even though I don't live in New York City now that's still my city I can never like um anywhere I go soon as I talk they say ah you from New York like cuz this is so um and we're moving man we're not we're not we're not surviving we're thriving you know on a number of occasions when we came into the city uh no one wanted to be on the subway system uh we were dealing with you know some real issues economically coming out of Co remember when I came in we were steing Co you know uh the just a slew of problems all that has turned around now people are hating don't want to show what it is cuz there's a there's a feeling that you know black and brown Mayors can't manage but we manage the hell out of the city there's independent reviewers who look at the city and determine are we going to raise your bond rating based on your ability to manage it they they rais my Bond rated they say this cat has taken on 180,000 migrants Asylum Seekers you know that you know we got to talk about right yeah and folks cuz I see it here I was as I was moving I'm seeing you know some some indicators here and folks you know you know black folks man they like you know Eric what you doing man you giving away the whole city you know Mayors can't stop buses from coming in their city right Mayors can't say that you're in the city so I can't give you three meals a day a place to sleep that's against the law yeah against the law for me to even allow them to work right I can't even allow them to work and that's all they say they wanted too they said listen we want to work man we don't want anything free from you cuz doesn't that push them to criminality right like because just think about it like if you can't work but you get getting housing got to eat man you got to eat got to feed family yeah I have never seen that before like it's been since Co like I remember driving by elmurst Hospital during Co and I remember looking like it was World War III cuz it was like every nationality that's the one thing about Queens is you can't kind of be racist and living Queen because every nationality is there it's a Haitian person is your neighbor so and I I remember driving by umur Hospital I remember witnessing that M but do you think that the migrate great problem and the rat problem is probably the coincide no no that's that's a great question and the reason I'm saying that is because when I came into office we used to have encampments all over the place we had tent cities people living in cardboard boxes and when I went in around January and February I went into the streets as soon as I got into office and I went into those encampments and I spoke to the people you saw uh schizophrenic bipolar people were uh stale food human waste drug paraphernalia so I told the team yo we not living it like this and we were able to remove all those encampments off our streets and get people to care you know about 7,000 people recycling to our system people living on the subway system you know you still see remnants of that but there's a difference when you go Google these other cities and you see how I've seen San Francisco San Francisco California right right I heard you I heard you said you you went and visited the people at San Francis City or something like that right we went uh saw what was happening in La we we saw what was happening in many of the other cities and I said we can't cuz the visual like you saying if your visual is that people going to believe your city's out of control so I I want to um just first of all I just want you to State you know cuz I I listened to The Breakfast Club interview and you were talking about why the Mars were here you know cuz I know Ive I've been saying that for a lot a long time about you know the different Governors shipping them over here intentionally you it's political so I want you to state that for this show cuz it's a different audience and I want you to you know to to reiterate those things right right and and and and first of all this is what what state they they focused on for the most part four cities MH Chicago Chicago New York Houston Los Angeles what are those four cities those are four cities with black Mayors right all Democrats all Democrats and so what happened they came across the border U it started with Governor Abbott Governor Abbott started busting them to these four cities destabilize these cities and then when you think about it was a wicked plan that he did because what you did you targeted the four L cities when you had these black Mayors so number one you D destabilize those cities it's going to be votes but number two you sent the signal out to tell people to think that hey these black Mayers don't know how to govern and so I'm the only the second black mayor in New York City's history David dick being the first right right right and my sister mayor bass was the first African-American women mayor uh in Chicago in Los in Los Angeles so when you do that you erode and then you turn your base against you cuz you know if folks are hungry they say wait a minute why you giving everything to these migrants when in fact you're not but you you they they send that Court out so now you got your base CU this what they did with David dink they want to De destabilize your base because when I won for mayor there's something called this the they like to say the New York Times readership Upper West Side Brooklyn Heights Carbell Hill Park Slope no man has ever won without winning those areas those parts of the city M I did I lost all of that you know I won from straight folks from the community that said listen man this guy's one of us man this guy's one of us let me cut you off for one second cuz let me um the difference is like you know all of us come from you know the inner cities right the hood right and all of us probably on welfare if he was or he wasn't what is the difference between us being on welfare and then these migrants that's coming there and and you actually giving them cuz I heard you you doing like uh uh that's a great question that's a great so so migrants in Asylum Seekers are not allowed to get I just I'm outside you know I it's Victor got that little bit por R than me you so food stamps Wick uh snap all of those benefits Mig in silence because they not eligible for so the lord requires me to feed them 3 Mills a day right requires right what we would doing is buying the food from these large conglomerates M and buying food that they didn't want right and 10% of the food they were not eating wasting being discarded so my first Deputy Mayor and her team they came up with this card called a Mochi card Black own company where you give them a card where they are given $13 a day to eat and they go to the local bodegas and supermarkets put the money back in there you go put the money back into the Comm into the community buying what what you want you can't buy anything other than food and baby baby supplies so we save $600,000 a month $7 million a year but people wanted to blow it up and say Hey you giving them a a credit card they knew that wasn't with that was all [ __ ] you know what I'm saying so that's how of management skills that the team what we have been doing and so what the governor did he wanted to destabilize our city but we managed it better than anyone can even thought we was going to manage 180,000 people showing up at your doorstep can't work can't provide for themselves 30,000 children to put in our educational system doing it without a problem now one child of family sleeping on which governor was the state governor governor the governor of um of Texas governor it you know that's send them there right would you say it's it's it's racially motivated versus partisan motivated great question great I think it's a combination It's a combination I think that um he wanted to send a signal to the national government CU they need to fix the problem let me be clear on that they need to fix the problem but there were a hell of a lot of other cities he could have sent them to why you picking the cities they didn't even send them to Los Angeles Wisconsin send them to wiscons right right they didn't even send him to Los Angeles until mayor bass became mayor they didn't even send him to Philadelphia until the sister became the mayor the day she swore in a plane landed with migrants Asylum Seekers so he wanted to send a message but the message he wanted to send was on the back of black and brown Mayors That's Heavy yeah and I and I I've been saying that from the beginning you know I've been saying that this is politics and they supposed to do that you know they want certain laws to be P they want to change the immigration policies and why not focus on you know the other party but when you said the racial part I didn't even I didn't even add that part right right so for me like I understand that you get so much scrutiny like being a black man being unapologetically hip-hop being you know coming into our communities building with the hip-hop Community being outside as we say a lot and I I never want to add to that I think for me you know when we voted and we seen you come into office that's what we said to ourselves one of us it's like you know the M got the build in there you know I'm saying so that that was the Mind State and I think for me I wanted to see a radical shift right I I wanted to see things changed right I wanted you to take chances and say okay we need to change this now right right like unfortunately people say a lot about Trump but Trump don't give a damn about what you he going in there and his said this what we want that's what want dismantle whatever it takes to get that and that's what people respect that's hiop that's what hipop is meop so when I look at New York right and I say there is there has been $9 billion in the police department and every other education housing is being cut you know I say to myself that's not what I thought radical change like I I thought when when we said that we were going to give more resources to the communities we going to give the kids better opportunities we're going to have programs when we taking away the after school programs when we taking away the Early Education programs when we taking away those things that are needed for our kids to flourish and stay out of Prisons right you know then what are we really saying and so I think that's what it is for me they say when you want to know what someone is invested in see where they spend their money without without doubt this is so important because you have to you have to peel back the Distortion and the radical change you were talking about that's what we're doing okay we have we have invested more build more affordable housing in one year than the history of the city our young people have been crying for years for summer youth employment we had put in place 100,000 summon youth employment more than the history of the city we put in place something called Summer Ron all School long for our young people cuz it was a real loss after co co we put more people in those programs in the history of of of the city so the the radical change the money that we invested to mwbe billions of dollars in black and brown on business they were only getting 2% we came in and put in place my chief diversity officer Mike Gardner and we're putting money back into black and brown business and and and entrepreneurs with our procurement purchases so the radical changes are right there like even forcey care children we knew our Force care children aged out at 18 and we knew that they were either homeless uh in jail victim of a crime mental health issues we're now allowing our Force care children to have life coaches into their 21 paying their college tuition with the siphon and we have the highest number of for their care children that enrolled in college because of what we've doing in the history of the city there's a whole lot of radical changes coming about but you're not going to read it if you all they try to put out is that we saw Eric last night at the club but I don't think I don't think for me it's reading in it's just me being in the community doing the work that I do on the ground I know that the community centers are closed I know that the after school programs are closed I know that those things have been taken up I I literally see that I know these kids are on the corners that want to be able to go to play basketball they want to be able to go to the shop class want to be able to go to a music program after school and those those programs have been closed cuz I'm in the schools every day and I'm talking to the teachers and they say we don't have the budget for those things those things have taken let me let me let me share this with you cuz this this is why this so this is so crucial what what the former mayor did he put in place a lot of permanent programs you using covid stimulus dollars that sunsetted in 20 in 20 24 some Sunset it in 23 then Sunset it in 24 so what we had to do is he knew that listen listen I'm not going to be here and I know these dollars are going to sense we had to find money to keep those programs going we kept 3K and prek although the dollars went away we kept some some Horizon although the dollars went away we kept the midnight um basketball going on we we put money back into those programs with a $4 billion price tag that came from the migrants and Asylum Seekers that money I got to balance my buddy my my budget by law but but it the the money has been cut the budget has literally been cut you're telling me that you put more money into it but the budget has been cut this is the numbers are saying that the budgets are cut for school for after school programs the bud the money is not there so when we having this conversation I hear what you're saying but it's not funneling into the hoods that we come from when you saying that we're going to put more police on the grounds but we taking away resources that these kids actually need so they don't go to jail then what are we saying that we invested and we investing in them to go to jail or we trying to stop them from going because if we don't have the resources to stop from going how you talking about the prisons that you took the programs out of Prisons I'm formally incarcerated I know how a lot of those programs helped us I know how a lot of those programs kept us out of trouble inside the prison I know how a lot of those those programs prepared us to come home from prison actually those programs should be outside they should they should morph into programs that we have extend into programs that come outside so when we taking the way those programs and you saying that people are making money or trying to get rich off of the poverty of community but we putting more police aren't the police making money off of it if we putting more police in the the the train station we putting more police in our communities and a lot of these police are not even Community Based officers they're not culturally competent to be in our communities well go back go back for a moment brother because I I think that it's it's so important and what you what we should do you should come in and see what we're doing with my dycd you know cuz you met each other that night too well me me me and the May were supposed to have a meeting months ago probably last year and never happened but you know I know you busy going through a lot of stuff busy I'm busy on steroids I'm saying I'm always open for I'm busy I'm busy on steroids brother who would have thought when I got in office January 2022 I was going to have 100,000 people showing up imagine having imagine having 70 people come to your house and all of a sudden say you got to take care of me um you got to take care my food my clothing my medical needs man this was dropped into my lap and with dropping that into my lap it came with a $4 billion price tag I get it but there still our young kids are dying and going to jail at higher rat especially young black so that's what I'm saying as a black man that's supposed to be a priority to me I don't care what position i% in life anywhere this is why I do boycott black murder this is why I focus on young black males because I understand that we are dropping out of schools at the highest rates we're dying at the highest rates and we're being incarcerated at the highest rates so if we're not if we're not truly focusing on how do we redirect because if we saying that we putting more money into prisons and we got more police officers on the community and the police officers that come in the community are sometimes agitating cuz most of them don't come in to stop the and it got but it has to be it has to be it has to be multi faceted exactly has to be multifaceted I like to say it has to be intervention and and and prevention that's a fact and you're where we put more money in our um crisis management team with at Mitchell man up SOS we put more money into that than anyone has has has done before going on the ground and meeting these young people where where it is and look at the numbers in Brownsville no one was able to turn around around at is my brother so you know I work with at on the daily basis but what I'm trying to say there's no functionable plan for prevention in our community there's no like shout out let me let me just put together I want to do you know shout out to r j Barack in nework like he has a a motto for for violence black man that's not RZ barack's dad was RZ Baracka also and RZ is my dude and still going through some issues in nework also all of these cits are going they are but I'm trying to say there's an intentional he has funded the community like we don't want to say everybody hates to say the defund the police because that doesn't it the the verbiage doesn't sound but we want refund the community right because they Community they Community people who if you invest the dollars in the community then you see the change and I've been working in nework with r Barack on those things so I know what can happen I just think that when we when you know there's been a lot of instances a few instances where you stand by police that I think there should be some level of that's not okay no I no I stand by public state that's that's a difference between standing by police and standing by Public Safety you go when you go into our communities when I'm when I'm I do a bunch of town halls in our community you know when I speak in in my communities those communities that you're talking about Harlem and what what have you they tell me their needs I respond to the needs it's not what I want to respond to what are the needs you want in your community and so when you say that's not a master plan I think first we should sit down and look at my plan look at what we're doing doing with forcer care children look at what we're doing in summer youth employment look at what we're doing 30 to 40% of the inmates at reichers island are dyslexic I have a dyslexic screening we have to be prevention and not just intervention and so I think that before we say okay there's no plan look at my plan cuz you not you're not going to learn my plan by hearing what people are saying you're going to learn my plan and look at exactly what we're doing something as simple as we dropped a course of child care for for parents that's what was preventing our mothers from going back to work we dropped it from $55 a week to less than $5 $5 a week we're leaning into maternal Mobility no one has focused in this black women are dying at a rate that's just proportionate to maternal Mobility funding those crisis manage management team and so I don't think there's a full analysis of that you know our full plan and so we you should sit down with the team and look at the plan I I don't know your full plan but I work with the crisis management people on a daily basis and I know a lot of them still are underfunded I know a lot of in a lot of resources they don't have you know in a lot of communities they not even able to fund certain situations when we look at Rus Island over 20 something people have died and and whatever the reason is you know the police off the correction officers are care custody and control so that means that somebody failed at something right and I haven't heard I've never heard the man say you know what somebody in there may be responsible for those that's that's not that's not accurate let's dig into reikus for a moment cuz I love how people talk about re reikers we um what happened many years ago we we closed a lot of our psychiatric facilities we closed all over there was a big move The Advocates called to close them down what's the um one that's um after you get up the uh Bridge cre cre and others and so what they did they did not give people the services they they needed M 70% of folks on reichers Island have mental health illness 18% have severe mental health illness because they come to the street they don't get to care and then they just cycle back into into into into reikus Island we're up there having focus group with our inmates and officers cuz remember 80% of the officers are black and brown over 85% of the inmates are black and brown 40% of them are women so they what has happened historically they just threw black and brown correction officers black and brown inmates into the facilities and said listen you guys fight among each other I don't care I went up there and we did when my brother father list no more program a real program not just some symbolic program where somebody's making $14 million a year this brother's up there and I'm up there with him sitting down with those young men talking with those those young men no matter how busy my day is I'm on rikus island cuz I know I can't have these Brothers come out and go back in Bill de blaso didn't go on rikus island Bloomberg didn't go on rikus island you know look at where these Mayors are I'm at I'm on the ground with these brothers talking to them and they're seeing me saying this mayor is willing to take his time out and go spend time to come and find out what do you Brothers need here that system was broken for Years brother and it's still brok and that's what I'm trying to and I think for me is that that's why I know you have the ability to do what I'm saying because you on the ground you're going in having those conversations if you know what's going on in rers there are documentaries about rers I was on rers island for s to eight months most I know a bunch of people rers island is not run it's not run with care custody and control it's it's ran like it's ran like a gang house you know a lot and a lot of the officers are responsible for that the officers will say that I will say I will say they bringing drugs in a lot of the times the officers are gang members they are gang members so these are realities these are realities that we're dealing with so when when when the the answer seems to be that we put more officers and we pay more the budget to the police when a lot of them are the problem you know I seen you stand officer went to arrest somebody so this is this is what a lot of things that I don't understand officers make arrest right the officer has a responsibility an officer is trained he's paid right he has a responsibility to deescalate if I if I if I'm a officer and I and I um come to arrest a citizen or even engage a citizen I know they might be out rate they might have been drinking they might have mental health my my job is to try to deescalate a situation right before it escalates if if if a lady is angry with me and she does something in my hand I'm not supposed to punch her in the face right without doubt agree so so what I'm saying is you say without a doubt you agree but the that exact situation happened and you said that she wasn't supposed to engage the officer and he punched the lady in the face do you do do you remember that circumstance I remember the circumstances I spoke to back circum yeah the guy okay there circum so what happened was there was a guy he was had drugs on him he was trying to run and he was trying to he came out of a building he was trying to stab something I think he brother that was a circumstance God was guy was wared for murder he had a gun on him they were arresting him for having the gun on him the sister went in the middle of the melee as they taken the gun off of him that's not what happened so the we may be talking about different C sister was standing there and the officer pushed her the officer grabbed her and threw her we may we may be talking no I remember the same exact situation and then after he pushed her she pushed him back and he punched her in the face with a closed fist now regardless of what you're saying that those situations when you engage civilians in that manner then you can't expect them to have any level of respect for authority and and that's the point that you're raising if I'm understanding you correctly is that if somebody first first of all there's no one in this room going to sit here and say they didn't have negative encounters with police let's be let's be clear on that I'm not here toen I got arrested I was kicked in my grin as a 15year old by a white cop that stood over me kicking my brother and in a going that's why you became right right right so I'm not here to defend the horrific actions of of policing that's not so I don't want all of a sudden walk away with folks say okay you the post a child for what's great about policing no I'm not what what you're saying is that we have to have the right people because we do need police don't let get you know what I'm saying if you if you telling me you don't need police that's not what these grandmothers are telling me I'm not saying here's what I'm saying to you and this is difficult for a lot of people to understand I've been married two years and four months brother this s this city has been [ __ ] up for decades brother comes in 2 years 4 months with all of this mess coming and okay brother why you par to yet but what what I got I have when you look at the role of being mayor yes sir you know be being mayor of the the most important city on the globe right 8.3 million people everything from rats to stickup cats you know to a broken correction of facility you said you were in rankers it was it was [ __ ] up when you were there that's right so why would people think that Eric you get in office you inherited covid you you inherited a financial mess you inherited thousands of guns in your streets you inherited a broken rikus system for Generations now you here for two two years and 4 months Eric why didn't we see this turn around all the right come on come on is it is it is it a broken political system is it bureaucracy is it money Mis mismanagement is it corruption is it all of that all of that all of that so the first thing you have to do anyone who has who takes over a business the first thing you have to do is get in there and analyze what the hell do I have here this stuff was a mess when we got here so so unlike other folks I went in and brought my own team I I I'm I'm the first man in history that you see authentic on the ground black and brown folks running my Administration right and and we turned this city around in 2 years in two years we turned the city around they said everybody say it's going to take five years so I know we're not where we ought we ought to be brother I'm with that we're not where we ought to be but with moving where we ought to be when you do an analysis what I have been doing for black and brown people in the city from procurement billions of dollars into my my nonprofits investing in our in in our our children managing the financial crisis that we we had no one thought we can do this with taking you took $4 billion out of your budget not 4 million $4 billion do out of your budget and still had to manage manage this this this city and so I know the mess that I inherited and I know we're not there what we ought to be but you know what I do know I know my heart you know I know my heart the city abandoned and betrayed my mother raising six children robbed my sister of her childhood cuz Mom had to do those three goddamn jobs and S had to stay home and and and take us so I'm coming from what I saw growing up and so my fight against police brutality um it did not come because I saw when I was a cop it came because I know what they did to us my brother still is not okay over this but I just and and I hear you I just don't hear that stated when the situations happen man I just don't hear when when they are direct situations the young boy um what's his name wi who was just killed two weeks ago I haven't I haven't heard that level of understanding that a a a mentally ill person who calls for for somebody to come help him is killed in his home I just don't I haven't heard that I've heard you speak about when something happened to the police officer and you went to the funeral and you said that you had to stand by and you should but I I think that mother who lost her child should have the same enthusiasm she have you saying that I'm sorry for what happened to your child I'm sorry that your child lost his his life because dise but I just I don't see yeah but you should call her why I shouldn't have no no no no no no I didn't say you should call I said I called the mother okay I called the mother I called the pastor and said when you when she's ready to see me I would like to come and see her okay but when you're the mayor of the but why would you not publicly state that I did I I never heard it you you're never going to hear anything good I say brother because the people the people who are writing my see people are that's why it's called history my story is not being told Brother you know because based on what they want to pay me on CU this is the same game they did with dkin they want to create the image to erod my base I didn't give elected by them and so they they said let's keep eroding his base and have his base turn against him go back and look at they did what they is brother I I'm aw that's what I'm trying to tell you I'm so aware and if I wasn't seeing these things in my I don't listen to half the things the news say you know what I'm saying I have like you know I'm I'm tuned in with the people on the inside of solid you're solid so I'm not I'm I'm coming at you as a black man that wants to see you be successful but I think in order for us for me because I'm in these communities trying taking guns out of these kids hands every day I'm in the communities telling them that they need to change their ways and when there's a posture taken that the police can do whatever they want in the communities when they see what they believe that's what's being seen by the top cop in this city and watching officers just do what they want then there becomes this like well [ __ ] that it's me against them because they become a gang the police inside New York City have become a gang there are certain pockets of police that have gang M mentality and activity so if we understand that and and and and my job is and my job is cuz I'm trying to save these babies lives and keep them off the streets and redirect them then we have to be intentional like me and you have to we have to sit down and show that we int that's what I said that Ross barck is doing he has the police he sits down and shows them look this is how we going to do this police are not going going to respond to every situation we got mental health officers that go if the mental health officer had went wi would still be alive right if Community Based organizations had went when he called and the officer said look I'm not really trained to do that that's not really my forte let me send out some mental health officers let me call a community based organizations to go over there and see what they can do because I'mma take a a a pair of scissors out of a young boy's arms before I'm going try to kill him and I don't disagree with you but I think that that's why it's so important dig into these cases the case was not a mental health job and I can't go into the details of these cases because now it's it's in a legal AR Arena but in the real world of policing you have to create that and we have created that we have created to have mental health professionals go when those jobs come over we created that because that's the combination that you need you don't need just sometimes the police can aggravate someone sees that that that uniform they can aggravate it in a real in a real way but if I were to come to you you've been you've been doing this for a while and you got and you got you have an authentic good approach to what you're doing in Harlem and I remember we were rapping about after somebody was shot in the community but if I were to come to you and say that with all the work you have been doing um there're still shootings in Harlem and it's your fault that makes no sense you out there you on the ground ground committed your life to this work and you're doing more than enough so when we look at what is happening in cities what's going on with Chicago we see my brother Johnson is going through in Chicago what's happening in Los Angeles when we look at these black mayors that inherited these systems that were destructive and all of a sudden say listen man you guys have been there for two years this why you didn't fix it now that's like me going to you and say brother you've been doing this work for so years why we don't have any more homicides in in in in in Harlem that's not what we should be doing to each other we should be coming together and say is this person authentic about this work there's never been a mayor in this city that's been more authentic about this work the way I am and the results are there when you sit down and look I had my team the other day say listen we got to put together a a WIS list cuz people don't know what how we have changed this game people going to look back later and they're going to say we can't believe this brother did this you know but they have played us to the point that you know what we going to keep there's a mission in the city this cat never could be mayor again he can't be reelected you know how how who he think he's coming in and going to now take these billions of dollars that we've been eating off for years cuz I'm not fighting against the people who running against me brother I'm fighting against the people who have been eaten off of us for years poverty is profitable people have been hustling us man you don't give a young person dyslexia screening he's ends up in reich's island now you got all these programs in reich's Island and then do analysis who are running these programs they don't look like us MH they don't they people have people have played us man for so long and I think that's what the issue is for me you understand that poverty is violence yes right we understand that if we don't give these kids every opportunity I remember you know before I got incarcerated the the reason why I didn't go to jail is because I had to after school programs I went and played B and we went on these trips and these kids don't have that they literally they literally do not I'm just I'm telling you they don't I I work in schools I have I'm creating curriculums I'm I'm creating after schools where there are none of those things so I know what let me know you got you have to bring you I have to I want you to come see what I'm dealing with I'm dealing with this on a daily basis like this should be way more community centers you know like the brother at has in Brooklyn those type of centers they should be um complete sence to where here's my analysis to that and I I want I want to make a point in in a minute also about you know what we talking give me a drink man listen to me this black this a black man that I respect and and I know it's hard is in the right place but I want it's just I need you y to say I this what I my problem with the Democratic party y don't say it with your chess because they saying it with they chess Governor Abott is saying I'm going send all of these over there and I don't give a [ __ ] what y'all say Trump says I'mma do this because that's what my base went and I don't give a [ __ ] what y'all say y'all trying to let me say one thing let me say one thing me I'm the most simplistic person here I'm I'm dyslexic to the fullest I see cat I see car like I look oh [ __ ] I see like and then I make it make sense of it that's right right right so I look at things in the most simplistic form I don't like Biden cuz he doesn't wear a presidential how you the [ __ ] president without and you got a [ __ ] date J what the [ __ ] that [ __ ] doesn't make sense you presid simp was clapworthy guys yeah it was clap worthy was I'm simpl lastic the thing about Trump and I'm going say something right he plays on that to us he went to Chick-fil-A now anybody that's kind if you got a little bit of black in you you know Chick-fil-A right that's like got our heart like even on that's why they close on a Sunday cuz they know that's where we want to go at the church he went to a [ __ ] Chick-fil-A and I'm looking I'm sorry I look at Biden and I'm like damn I ain't see him at Roy Rogers the church is fried he ain't go to he ain't go to Charlie and Harlem man he ain't go to the juice Bo Bronx like yeah he he he don't have a he don't have a hipop and you're right no but see but see what you're saying two things two observations my bad cuz I'm a simple I'm a simple guy two observation two observations that I think is important number one we're having the same we're having the same conversation that we had on The Breakfast Club MH but you're seeing we're conversating right that's right his mission wasn't you know what I just want to come in and just be disruptive I want to talk over you I want to just listen people know uh black folks know how to dislike each other but let's show how we love each other you know what I'm saying and so what what you're doing is like listen Eric I disagree but I'mma hear you then I'mma hear you that's what I'm saying because nothing people like more than you know what we going to always show that they can't get along right but showing how we get along then the brothers on the street are going to saying here's a brother is on the street here's the mayor of the city of New York they sitting in the same room and they learning from each other that's the key because I don't know whatever y got whatever y drink no no no we need listen this is this is the most beautiful thing about this show got some tequila okay all right I'm going be honest hold on hold on before we get serious relax C down good though this I always judge people by what they drink Stephen A Smith came in here drinking Hennessy and Co I knew I knew his his love lead the hood much money is succcess yet he's still in h so I'm sorry I can tell you you what I'm saying is because because the mission and the goal is for us to win you know what I'm saying I'm I'm not here you're not my adversary like when I see a black man in position I want to see him win you know and so when I'm when I'm looking I'm not just looking from My Lens I'm looking at okay what are they seeing what is the community seeing how how would they able to to play us against each other how are they able to to get your base to go against you or to start saying he's not doing this and this is a strategy they've always used against us right so when I'm saying it and I'm having a conversation with you I'm giving you the perspective from somebody that's from the outside looking and saying if you really which I really believe that you want to change that you want to be you know that have that radical change then you have to be very intentional right because a lot of people you know the news and and and sound bites they they GNA sound bite you to death right so what you have to do is be intentional about saying and doing certain things and being able to say this is what it is like I've been it's crazy to me that every time I'm in close proximity to you I hear the message that I want to hear when we did the the 100 black men's meeting you speaking I was like that's what I want to hear why can't get that no else right and so I don't know everybody sees all politicians like that they say what they what you want but then it doesn't I don't know if it's intentional which I do know is intentional for for most some some some um venues and avenues and and narratives that they trying to paint but I also know that somehow Trump's message gets to everybody right the people that he don't like and the people he do like his fan base is always going to say Trump said exactly what the [ __ ] we wanted to hear so I think that we have to be intentional about that you know like that we have to be intentional about saying look I understand who my base is I understand what I'm trying to do and I know I'm going get a little push back here and there from the other people that don't exactly agree but I have to be intentional and saying look these communities these black communities we have to start funding these communities more we have to make sure we got to go and talk to Raheem and and James on the corner and see exactly what is we got resources my little [ __ ] right we got to put resources in those commun hard for me take guns out their hands when there's no resources 100% and what and what I'm what what I saying which is interesting is that when you do an analysis exactly what you're saying we should be doing is what we are doing we have shifted the the whole funding stream to those who are in need and that's what you were talking about that's I was explaining on the bre Breakfast Club you have these organizations that were going to Reich is providing Services getting paid but no one was in them and so what I what I said to them show me now we bringing some new cats in that's going to have folks like a at MIT you yeah well we got a bunch of programs I work with at I work with I've been I've been on rers island and we had a we had good programs that they stopped funding and it was just like why would you stop funding I worked with the bartenders where you know where we went in we giant bartenders they good stop and these was real we was Bobby Smurda was in there and we was going to his house every day and and and working with his mind and he and he came home you you could you could first of all you don't have to do time you could do something with the time there's no reason what I'm saying is instead of having them sit down we got a whole green economy that we we're rolling out I should be treating teaching those Brothers right now how to do battery installation how to install solar panel if if the cats get that real job skill then they come home and they don't have to go back go back to that life you know what's deep when I sit down with my with with you know with those who I talk on a regular that's involved that's out there hustling and slinging I said how many you a dyslexia how many you have a learning disability it's overwhelming brother those those those brothers were no different than me laughed at bullied out thrown out and say why am I sitting in here you know I'm not learning and that's where we have to go down to the foundation of of of of this and brother I'm telling you when you do an analysis of what we have been doing you going to away with saying this is an authentic cat but I want to be able to do that analysis and I want to be able to sit down and see that and be able to go outside and say that right cuz I want to be because I want to be armed with the facts to be able to say no that what yall saying is wrong I love that say you know what Kanye said when he was on here and he said some wild [ __ ] but this this was something that was very very deep he said he went to visit a prison and he all he saw was the wrong made decisions of RZA like he said he seen a person that could have been R made one decision he said he he he met like The Naz the the Dres The The J Co or whoever and he was like yo he was meeting them he was like it was the same person with one bad decision without a doubt yeah without a doubt so so so is that what you talking about like almost that's exactly and we need and we need and we need what we need is like when I when I when when when when conr and my brother and I got rest you know we had these fake gold chains we used to go down to Canal Street and sell these fake gold chains to tourists and um this well you was one of them d That's where Sunny gets and and and and and my my counselor I never forget man we had to go over to 40 Projects to see this counselor and we walked in and after she did our first session she told my brother listen I want you to come back next week and she says Eric you don't have to bother coming back and her mind you know you're just so [ __ ] up man you know this is a waste of my time sitting here talking to you and she was like you know don't even bother coming back and I I remember walking down the block down G Ru Boulevard it was called yeah yeah it was called New York Boulevard at the time I was walking down the block and I was like you know like what's what what's that's all about and so the Pedro who was who arrested who who had to speak with me to to get us out he showed me that gold chain and he was like um I bet I could get you to buy this gold chain I was like man what the [ __ ] you talking about this [ __ ] is fake and he pulled out this book called state of Black America um the Urban League I think used to put it out at the time it showed how many how many by the time you get 18 how many people how many black youth would be arrested was arrested how many will have um uh children my young girlfriend already aborted a child how many will be dropping out of school so all that stuff that they said they predicted I was going to happen to us I was like right in there so someone else defined my life and that pissed me the hell off man you know and that was like the turning point for me that I said you know what I'm not this is not the life I'm going to have someone predict for me and so we need you and me is what the recipe is for us not only in New York just worldwi like right right cuz what we're going through in New York go look at Chicago go look at Los Angeles go look at San Francisco you know go go look at Miami the the record that was in the 60s Brothers going to work it out we got nobody's going to do this for us we're catching hell across the globe black man universally is catching hell across the girl when I'm on the continent of Africa me and my brothers over there same type of exploitation no matter where we are black men are catching hell across the globe we got to do this we got to sit down together and say okay here's Eric what I think you can improve on here's what not and then we got to push back on the street when people talking that Madness on the street of you know U they did that to dinkers and who do we get Julianne oh no we don't like Julian you know what I'm saying we got to push back cuz people are hurting people are hurting on the street and when you hurting on the street you even look at those who are giving you that life wrath and taking you to the next level you begin to even despise despise them there's never been a mayor like me brother in the city never been a mayor like me there's never been a mayor that will go when that barers shop closes on Fon Street at 1:00 a.m. in the morning to sit down with them and say what's going on in the ground how do we help Dr D and Burger King right let me tell you that's that's the important story let me tell you about that that that BR was they wasn't they wasn't drug deers they was homeless right here we here we are I I pick up the paper and I read the paper and they said that you know what drug dealers are hanging out in front of Burger King and we um what Burl in Manhattan man right by Wall Street oh [ __ ] I call up the commanding officer over there and I said what's going on over there you know and he says Eric these are not drug dealers these are homeless guys and they just you know they feel it's just a place they can go Sunday after church service I go down there and I meet them I said Brothers how yall doing you know um I just want to know what's going on and how could I help you we sat down inside of Burger King and had a conversation and these were intelligent Brothers man that just they just went through some hard times and we then provided Services Pathways with them things that they were able to get but they did not know how to navigate this system and that's what I'm saying those can be isolated situations you P that up I'm say I'm saying but that has to be those type of resources have to be available in all communities yes right because there are a lot of people just outside that don't know where to go they don't and it's not really there's nothing that says hey you could go here to get a job you can learn this you can do this there's nothing that we have in our communities that do a lot of these kids don't want to be outside no without a doubt they don't want to be in the streets like hustling ain't even really making no money no more they list they don't want nobody want the streets is really dead they want to be they want to go home we have to be able to provide that and this is how we this how we're doing it cuz you're right when when when I'm out sitting inside cuz my best ideas come from clothes um beauty salons and barber shops at the end of the night come from the gym when I'm working out I come out with the best you know I I'm I'm in I go in the back after and we sit down and we chat what brothers was saying to me is what you say I don't even know the starting point of how to find a job I don't even know like how do I begin you know like what is this thing about resume what is all that so what we did we created something called hir halls with Henry guito the head of the dc37 we said why do why do why do folks have to come to us why aren't we going to them we now go into the community bring all the jobs that are available and we have people come in and we walk them through the process and you see you got like 800 right it's even better than the job fair cuz we're finding out everything that you need like what's going on work for them exactly you know and cuz you're right we would the the old model was if you don't come down and fill out this job application I was like asking people like you know we y'all paying all these recruiters why aren't they people coming in so we had to go to folks man you got meet people where they are you can't meet people where you are you know you got to meet people where you where where they are and so I went down to the job fair that was in Harlem the other day and there was a bunch of Brothers standing outside uh talking and they were afraid to walk inside the building I'm telling you black men are beat down so much brother they were so afraid to walk inside the building so when I was going back to my car I caught them in a in the in in the corner of my eye and I and I told my crew I said hold on for one moment and I went over to to talk to the brothers I said you know what's happening they said well we you know we we you know we know they doing jobs in there but I don't think we could go in I've had some problem in my life I said no it's not man come on we walking in here together you going to walk in with me and and folks going to give you the services that that you want I got to be substantive but I got to be symbolic people need to believe again they no longer believe you know they need to believe this this baldheaded earring wearing dyslexic arrested rejected he's now elected to be our mayor man I mean important the most important the let me tell you something man God is good man you got the hardest job I'm be honest and but but but if I do it right it elevates us it elevates us if I do this right it elevates us cuz nobody thought go listen God could have made me the mayor of some small town somewhere he made me the mayor of the most important city on the globe countri there's countries smaller than New York it elevates York like you doing this show man you know your life you talking about not only not only are you mentally sound but you you talk Health you take care of your body you you you on the streets you articulating issue you doing this show here yeah listen all of us going to stumble you can't be a black man and not stumble in America right you know but if if we come together and and and and show how cuz as you said Democrat is trying to be so politically correct they trying to say everything right you know that nobody believes in them anymore that's a fact and we need to just be authentic take the partisan out of it I think that's a problem as well cuz that that's almost that's G that's a Bloods and Crips you know what I'm saying mentality as well like we just all need to work the the parties the politician need to work for the people all people not whether it's blue or red or whatever I think it's hard I think what you're saying is more more um theoretical than actual because you got to get a base right in order for everybody has to have their base of people fundamentally exactly fundament so what what I'm saying is appeal to the people right you know I'm saying long as you appeal to the people I don't care what color you cuz I'm I'm I don't care about the partisan [ __ ] no more like that [ __ ] is over for me I'm not saying listen if you talking about the issues if you are are ready to promise me and guarantee that you're going to do everything possible to address the issues and the needs of the communities that I come from directly then that's the person for me other than that then I don't see I don't see the need for that I agree I agree 100% I'm going change the subject I'm lighten it up a little can we do that first of all brother what um the message of the success must get to the people that's right we have some good stuff we and and when people do when people my son said the other day when we were talking about this the biggest thing that my team here I didn't know that people don't know how much we're doing and there's a coordinated effort of not getting that down and so we need to sit down with you and others and figure out how do we know people the accessibility like our hiring Halls we need to get on the street cuz I'm out handing out pamphlets to people I'm at I'm I'm I'm I'm in walking through nit walking through the Community but if they better better methods like this that you say Eric here look this is a good method so we can get this down we could walk the streets together stop that was the meeting I wanted to have with you because when I started we have this go because boycot black murder for me is everything else is incentivized publicized and marketed like murder to our community is who's marketing the positivity who's showing the the the quote unquote real gangsters that stop the violence in the community who's showing the people that's putting us on the right path so if we don't if we don't put that the same amount of money that they or not cuz we know that they going to put way more money but if we don't we don't got billboard showing the leaders in our community that's doing this if we ain't on the radio station showing leaders that's doing positive if we ain't got the leaders in our community that's doing positive stuff at Summer Jam and all of those those places then our kids going to think the only way to win is to do negative only thing I'm going do is some drill [ __ ] that's it that's what it's about you know that's what it's about we got to Market lighten up the situation a little bit but this is a good conversation and and I let me tell you something man I I enjoy so much to be able to and and and and just be among us us and have real conversations man you know what I'm saying bill deasio would not have flown in Miami and sit here and you know having a drink and just talking this is this is an opportunity we need to capitalize on you know what I'm saying we to be able to have real authentic talk with each other so this is this is what we do in the barber shops man it's beautiful so we and and drink chance we have a famous story yes our director his name is roster he's from the Caribbean where Kev my friend Sunny D came to his room one night he's a vegan he came to his room one night he caught it with a shrimp Pizza listen listen allegedly we heard you V and they C you with a fifth sand on 145th Street now if it's on 145th Street I forgive you my brother cuz I that 145th Street Sandwich it has it has what it has some type of [ __ ] in you know what I'm talk about so when they said they caught the M with a fist said you got to forgive them depending on where it came from do we forgive roster for having a shrimp Pizza no no first first first of all it's not what he does it's not what he does a day it's what does every day every day let me tell you something I woke up uh I don't know what year that was DJ um I I woke up I couldn't see the alarm clock and uh I thought it was sleep in my eyes I kept blinking it it wouldn't go away uh uh I decide you know black men man you got to drag us to the doctor I was having a pain in my stomach I thought it was uh I had um colon cancer cuz it wouldn't move it wasn't like gas moving around I said let me get my ass to the doctor I get to the doctor he does a a uh he checks my colon check my stomach I came out of sedation he says Eric uh you have a alter he said but your real issue is your diabetes you going to lose your sight in a year damn and he says you going to lose my fingers and toes were tingling all the time he said you know that's permanent nerve damage you're going to lose some fingers and toes and he says that um you know it's not much you could we could do and I went that's how how old was you then uh it was about six seven years ago but six seven years ago and I decided man I went home and you know God is you know the ancestors speak to us uhhuh and they gave me these pamphlets saying living with diabetes I had Advanced stage diabetes your your A1C should be 5.6 eight is you know coma level I was 13 you know and the doctor told me that um I went home they gave me these pamphlets and said living with diabetes and and I changed one word one word reversing diabetes instead of living with diabetes I said re I typed in reversing diabetes Google all this stuff came up and that's how I got on this journey of plant-base it it came up to show you know it's it's not our DNA man it's our dinner man we don't you don't inherit these diseases because your parents had it you inherit these diseases because we're eating the same [ __ ] our parents eating you know like everybody on the diabetes cuz they the block yeah we we love the Kool-Aid I love the Kool-Aid I still drink champ CH so but I go back to my brother it's so it's not about being perfect it's about say wait you know what let me just modify some stuff let me make sure I eat at least let me get a nice salad in at least let me make sure I get that water in at least I'm not gonna eat steak every night you know it's about let me modify my stuff based on what health issue I'm going through and that's that modification I went plant-based 3 weeks later my vision came back you know six seven months later all the nerve damage went away I don't even know when the Elsa I don't even feel the Elsa anymore no medicine you know so you know if I feel like you know what I want a piece of with shrimp on it you damn right I'mma eat it no he's different he's different all right all right listen but but listen I also I also heard he offend you out here Wilder too by the way by the way you know he's a prescatarian right there guy at the guy with the cholo glasses onor but I also heard that one night they ate hamon pizza told [Applause] me I they had a meting about you you was around they said slipped up he went back I'm he went back and and the dud posted you too like yo hey man be holding it down I'm just saying I'm throwing it out there that is a lot of Y we got some flowers got some flowers subject I love it listen our show was about giving people their flowers yes I have never I am born and raised from New York City I if you take me right now you throw me in Los Angeles you throw me in anywhere else and say that this is where you gonna be born from I'm gonna refuse it I mean anywhere not just because I said Los Angeles and you laughed and I know how this [ __ ] goes calm down over there back um me I'm born and raised from New York City uh John Singleton was my friend before he you know passed away and I sat down with John Singleton and I said yo can you put me in snowfall he looked at me and said you will never be in snowfall and I said damn like I we were friends like and he's like your New York accent makes you limited to wherever you go and I was like [ __ ] and I didn't know that at the time he kept it real with me and I was just like [ __ ] it doesn't matter if I move to Saudi Arabia to Dubai to Monaco I keep flossing right AOS where I'm at speak England you know what they're going to tell me you're a New York person that's right and I will die being a New York and I will live my life loving life KN I'm a New York person I J and people see me and they look at me and they say you're from New York because the way I job is from New York the way I walk around in the barber shop they know I'm from New York the way I [ __ ] tie my sneakers they know I'm from New York and I will be with Miss was something on me or something my haircut yeah my haircut is from New York my was frighting on me this [ __ ] know me 25 years that [ __ ] miam shut up listen listen listen listen I was part of the ball community and I left the ball Community they they don't like it I's being honest look at all these ball [ __ ] look at them they don't like it they don't like it they're like yo wait a minute and they and they didn't realize I wasn't Bal I just liked my hair low my wife made me grow my hair she's over there it's very true but sir but sir you are not only mayor of the most important city you're mayor of the city when they defy any city in the world they the Fire based upon New York and we will be remor to not give you listen I'm a dyslexic okay he he [ __ ] the [ __ ] out here you you got need your face [Applause] face flowers and I love that yes yes yes Snoop said it's better than the Grammy cuz it's come for your people and um you know um we we invited my son my son is our brother he and listen boycott murder is one of the greatest things I could ever see so you know um we have never gave a guest host flowers but we want to give B song his [Applause] [Applause] and and this whole thing is about um us coming together yes you know and efn you we going to we going to we're going to let you be an honorary New Yorker tonight you let me be you let me be an honorary miamian every night I'm going let should be an honorary New Yorker in tonight even though you should be ring your time come on get good man get your together yeah look look at my you know he got some graes in there come on we your time but let me just tell you something um yes I think the the dialogue what we been speaking about is making our city greater definitely definitely um being from the Bronx being from Brooklyn moving to Queens me being you know um from Queens with lot of [ __ ] relations to the Bronx lot of them um I feel like and the Bronx is coming up now man they got Starbucks and everything now yo cheese Danes yo I'm like I can get a cheese I I get ack we got we got to be careful [ __ ] is real we got to be careful that it doesn't come up and we lose the people who were there the gentrification we talking about gentrification yes yes we got okay you don't think gentrification is good sometimes I do no no it's with diversity is good displacement is not right you know and so there folks the Bronx we got we got it wrong in other Burrows we got to get it right in in the Bronx and other parts is South Jamaica Queens South Jamaica Queens there's a lot of building going on there I I haven't seen that but I'm going be honest I'm be honest let let me cut you off for one second I went to Brooklyn in the 9s MH and now I go to Soho House in Brooklyn I like it a little better right right I like Soho House in Brook the people that Liv there in Brooklyn before they can't go that's what he's talking about see I can relate to people in Fort green relate to the people that was already in Williamsburg that I didn't know prior to that anyway so is that a difference because I mean I don't know did that sound a little crazy but what I'm saying is I related to the people in Fort green I related to the people in aarant but I didn't relate to the people that was across from there that they gingeri as well right right right so I'm I'm bug no so here here's here's the movement this is what we're doing when we're building now is that you if you are like we did a project Willis Point M you know we we're changing Willis Point we're building 2500 units of affordable housing 100% affordable housing union jobs a new school uh open space you remember how Willis Point was you know for all those years so as we're building now we're said listen we got to make sure the people who are building can afford to stay in the city you know cuz we're we we were Hing black and brown people um from the city of New York we're saying listen folks got to stay in in the city so it could be you could develop without displacing can I I want to say one question that I the young kids in columia mm talk about columia Columbia College right now going to bring up actual I'm talking about they actually been protesting against the war in Gaza and I seen like8 of them were arrested the day right like do we think that's okay that kids are being arrested yeah no I don't think here's here's where here's where this whole issue we can't for people want to forget what happened MH October 7 was real and a lot of people I think with the big mistake that um people are not doing is showing what really happened there we're reading about it that's one thing but if you see the actual what happened there to innocent people those were people who had a that was a peace concert that was saying we want to fight to tear down the wall so the Palestinians and the Israelis can give together I mean to to go there and and cut off someone's breast and use it as a football to to rape and to I mean I mean it was so inhumane when you look at a documentary they don't even want to show people because of how well I want to just give a little push back there has never been any confirmed rapes I know that the the murders have happened but there has not been any yet confirmed rap so I'm just saying that that right there there's never been any footage or any documentation of that even even even let me just finish no even the president stepped back and said I haven't actually seen these things that I'm talking about all right so he said that so but what I'm saying we at a stage now where almost 40,000 people have been murdered right so that's pretty much that's called Collective punishment right and and majority of them are babies and women M right so if if we having a conversation cuz I've heard you say that I heard you somebody say hey we want to end the genocide this and that you said give back the hostages and I thought that was I didn't think that was the statement to make knowing that you have constituents who are Palestinians you have constituents don't disagree but then look at the history let's view let's let's view a person from their totality uhhuh 2001 uh 911 happens they started rounding up young Muslims and Palestinians M I went to Palestinians Muslims and others and say this is wrong what they doing to these young men I went to 31st Street in Third Avenue and had a press conference I couldn't get one Muslim to stand with me I was by myself MH women was being attacked for wearing he jobs in the city I rounded up and said listen we need to stop these women from being attacked I went to march with them to do so I couldn't get Muslim leaders to march with me to to do so at the largest protest When Donald Trump said on the Muslim ban at Brooklyn B Hall with the yemenese community to to push back against it these Muslims leaders say listen y'all can say what yall want this guy has been with us since 200 and one I'm consistent across the across the board when people things happen to people I'm going to speak out against it it's not about anti Palestinian Pro but I I just don't I I think the Palestinian Community doesn't believe that you you speak up or against Collective punishment and murder of baby and children in Palestine I've heard you I heard you vly say what happened on October 7th was an issue I heard you say for send home the hostages but I have yet to hear you say hey we need to stop this war these kids are being killed senselessly these women are being Ked I more than once brother that no no no child should be dying because of the actions of man but let's be let's be consistent about this right now in Yemen Muslims are killing babies against each other in Yemen and I've been calling for years we need to stop this war in Yemen in um Lebanon Husalah is bombing and killing innocent people in h Husalah in the in Nigeria a group of uh Muslim terrorists kidnapped over hundred black girls took them from their families and I stood up at B Hall and said listen we shouldn't be doing this to these girls so we can't all of a sudden find this energy to talk about one act I'm saying globally we should not be doing this and so I haven't heard these groups who are now running in the streets now where with them when those Nigerian girls were kidnapped they weren't standing with me well a lot of them probably didn't know like a lot of there's a lot of information like I didn't even know what's going on in Congo too recently right as a black man so when you start realizing what's going on in the Congo and you start realizing what happened in Haiti all of these things then you focused on it but I'm just saying right now when we looking when we looking at videos babies just being blown up playing games playing hopscotch right like this the these are things that literally happen this is not like something we think is disagree with you brother so I think just the Humane part of us to say hey that needs to stop and BR I said that more than more than more than once and stop the fastest way to stop that Hamas is a terrorist if you were if you were in Israel when they did that brother they would have killed you and I understand that but my thing is this if they would have killed me it doesn't that has nothing to do with those babies and a woman so that's what I'm trying to say okay so that's that's the issue that everybody's having no one is denying what happened on October 7th was a horrific situation no one in the world is going to say anything else except for the people who probably did it but everyone else is saying at this point almost 40,000 people mainly women and children are dying that if if the humanity and our leaders can't say okay we need to stop this you if you're trying to get Hamas then you need to figure out a strategy that you go and get the people who did what they supposed to do but killing babies and women every day is just not okay and it would only perpetuate it for and I don't I don't listen I don't disagree with you but but first of all I'm I'm very delicate about using the term everybody cuz there's no such thing as everybody there is not a mon there's not a monolithic view on everything I agree with that you know so you know you had a group of people that was on the on the train any other day chanting Hamas is our hero Hamas is our hero or New York City yeah New York City Hamas is our her I think that's a terrible thing but you don't you don't see how that's being created no you don't see how the narrative is being created right because what happens is it's like anything else when you start seeing people go against some these people are is me is a mental illness at some point I agree it's levels of mental illness and I agree right this is this is how what what's happening right now is this situation is cre terrorist people that didn't know anything I'm watching there's levels of anger that people are like damn on both sides on both look like David versus Goliath is basically we as lead as leadership right what we have to be able to say is like this [ __ ] needs to stop we don't disagree brother everyone everyone right and I've been I think everyone agre and i' listen I've been in Palestine I sat down with Palestinian leaders I've been in Israel I've sat down with Israel elst and if we believe this battle that has been going on for I mean since the days of of of Solomon and gomorah you know if we believe the mayor of the city of New York is going to resolve that yeah no no I don't think and so I'm saying no innocent child should die but I'm also not in support of someone that the the first of all hostages have who have been released talked about being raped but or if if something like that happens on October 7th and people are on the street cheering and celebrating on October 8th that's inhumane it is inhumane that's inhumane that that's you can talk about your battle of freeing Palestine and Gaza without looking at someone that's in a pain of of Devastation and mourning and celebrate that that's that is not healthy and that is what I denounce I denounce innocent children dying and there's a record from my entire life of talking about what's playing out across the globe it doesn't it doesn't come across that way when somebody says the innocent kids shouldn't die and you say free the hostages resp that that wasn't that wasn't that wasn't my my I'm very consistent there's one thing people people can say there's a video that I seen online the guy was like stop the genocide stop and you walked up to him and said free the hostages and walked off right they listen I'm very consistent in my message I said on October 7th destroy Hamas and free the hostages I said on October 30th January feu I'm the same I'm the saying now one can say well Eric I don't agree with you you have that right my position I don't I don't it's not that I don't I'm talking about you in general spefic I don't agree with that statement when someone is saying stop genocide stop killing innocent babies this and your response to that is free to hostages you're you're making it seem that it's Justified as long as the hostages are there we can kill as many people possible as long as have that's what I'm saying but that's what it says first of all take if someone if someone if someone takes a clip and they omit what they've been saying no they didn't omit it was a full clip there was there was no sound These Guys these first of all people are saying we want you to say this specifically but they're doing that to every they doing it on both sides though that's not like and that's why I don't play that so listen well first of all this is what I'm a big believer and I want I think this would answer Al together I was angry as hell when I couldn't get U Muslim leader to stand with me in 2001 when these young men were being rounded up I was angry when I couldn't get them to stand with me when women were being attacked for wearing the hij I was angry over and over again but I said to myself in my time of reflection Eric you don't have the right to judge people God judges anyone that's in that street right now that think they going to judge me then they don't believe in the religion they say they believe in my anger cannot I judge you God judges I don't judge you I got to live my life and so if people saying well Eric you didn't say this sentence the way you want that's your problem that's not my problem I'm judged by God I just think that you have constituents that are Palestinians and Muslim and I think that the same way you've been very vocal cuz I've heard you very vocal say what happened on October 7th I've heard you seen you in situations denouncing those situations all the time and I've never heard you be vocal about denouncing that and kids of dying I just haven't seen it we saying it right now godamn it keep in mind Palestinian lead the loudest is not the majority Palestinian leaders support me Muslims leaders support me Arabs support me so just because the loudest is saying something that's not the majority and so booing to me yelling at me cursing at me I just told you at the beginning of this program I walked in the classroom and I was yell boo teas listen is that all they got you know you got to come to me more than calling me names and booing me and calling me this and that I'm going to live my life based on the principles that I've always have I believe I'm authentic and I'm going to live my life the way my mother wanted me to live and not everybody's going to agree with that you think everybody agree with you no like you said I'm fine with it right I stand 10 toes down on anything I said when lose a jaw I'm okay with it so why would not be like you you should but but I love it but but I'm always going to ask a question especially when when something goes against my moral compass and I feel like it's it's not okay like as a human being certain things that I'm not okay I was I wasn't okay with happened on October 7th I don't condone any of that but just constantly watching babies and kids die every day is just not okay with me and I think that every it shouldn't be okay with everyone and I'm going to say that absolutely there's no there's no human being of good more compass that should be okay watching babies and kids die every day and somebody say I don't care we just going to keep killing them it's just no way I agree I don't agree with that I I don't think we should kill children and F and babies I'm with you I'm with you but I also don't support those who are saying Hamas is a hero oh you should nobody should I get that there and there's a whole B those same people who are sticking a mic in my my face and saying we want you to say this that act that way are saying Hamas is their hero those are not first of all I don't even respect them I don't respect them and what you find is that what I say in one setting in the boardroom is what I say sitting on the Block I'm consistent in what I say you you go over my you go over my life and you're going to see someone did a whole story on me and they said this guy's been saying the same belief you know he has not wavered off his belief so I don't I don't have a political comment that I'm going say if I'm around a bunch of white folks or if I'm around a bunch of black folks or around a Muslims or Christians I'm the same person brother you take speech after speech comment after comment and you're going to say what he said in his private room is what he said in public because I got to live with myself I li I'm like ke and Bill when I see certain people I get certain people certain files and certain people get the good five and then certain people get the or you take it back you told me to take it back when he told me hold we got shout out Underdog make sure everybody downloads fasy We got Underdog fantasy app use the code drink Champs or drink or Champs or drink or champ and get matched up to $100 on theam Underdog shout out to Underdog F following me onog I'm going to be honest you should just stick with me [Music] drink trans Army Underdog fantasy app Underdog fantasy fantasy drink get your $100 Cod drinks or chance put in $100 we'll match you $100 we matching come on die come here for this list we go play quick time slime oh we still doing that all right Play Quick Time slime do listen cuz you are the first political fully political individual constituent that we ever had on here so if we don't play quick thaslim everybody's going to be like you took a light on the mayor so we can't we can't do that but you don't have to drink okay you can have somebody else you can sip his drink sip your drink or you could pick somebody else around here my son you going to drink with us too I'mma drink with you you got your shot right shot glasses okay so hold on you want to start it off I finally know a New York city mayor Jesus this [ __ ] F so here are the rules here are the rules we're going to give you two choices if you pick one Nobody Drinks nobody drinks at the table but if you say both or neither which would be the politically correct answer because you don't want to pick one of them then we all take a shot every single person we got have some fun all right cool first what we we got to have to drink inside before oh yeah Jamie see some point no you should have your yeah yeah I'm want tequila too yes all right so we're just is going to go and then you drink if if we have to Biden or Trump I with Biden okay okay and any stories you have with anybody we mention please by all chance you know yeah Biden got to start rning the presidential I'm throwing it out there I mean if you want me to somewhat be a Democrat like play the party like every president besides you had that you going we you going to wear the downgrade of it I'm sorry I'm very simplistic I'm sorry he judging him for the wrong thing yes I am but I said that from the beginning I'm a very simplistic person indicator yes I'm just texting for relli go ahead go ahead go where you going Tupac or DMX I'm a Tupac guy okay where does that come from like what's the history of your listening to PO it's um I was part of an organization called the national black united front U Reverend Herbert dorty and others in Tupac's mom were affiliated with it and um his music is just real take I respect that you got it yeah I got this one I'm kind of scared actually Jay-Z or Nas Jay I got to go with Jay JayZ I thought he would have been all New York and said both you should have said both okay Dam can I can I come back mm this is this is going to [ __ ] up the internet so I'm being honest you got to answer this no it's it's no correct answer Kendrick Lamar or Drake I'mma say [Music] both now that's the grand is that what I political politically correct that is the politically correct answer oh I got it okay jcole or Kanye West jcole okay no Nobody Drinks he picked it podcast or Radio podcast long version you know able to really dig into a podcast that's right God damn it Chris Rock or Dave Chappelle I got to go with Dave man I respect that Malcolm X or Martin Luther King got to go both they both did man he trying to kill us now get you back like get your ass back jez okay I I want this one go go Michael Jackson or Prince I'mma go with Michael only reason why his um when you think about it Michael really started the whole video stuff you know that Michael I remember reading the first story he was talking about he's going to do his music and turn it into this Visual and now look at yeah he made movies really was a movie it was a movie was a movie all right Tyson or Ali Ali okay trying to get that man all them drinks what he going to do with that pass them down here mop or Mob D M okay we got couple we got to keep going a couple more je I'm thinking of [ __ ] Brooklyn or Queens Brooklyn oh Queen uh New York City or Miami I mean he go that's not evenk godamn everybody here from New York that's right Miami is New York Miami is theeven Miami is the barrel I'm being honest it's the Five Barrels in it's Long Island and New Jersey and New Jersey makes the sixth burrow and then the seventh bur who says that only people from New York we don't say that Miami don't say that because y'all be claiming us too out here like you're my cousin from Brook my cousin from De BR come on you know we the coolest people on the planet come on but by the way all right before we finish the quick time of SL right from New York for anybody that's not from New York I apologize for this segment but when they say if you can make it here you can make it anywhere that's right they're not lying no I think everybody could agree with that New York is probably one of the roughest toughest richest buasi cities in the world you can get robbed on one block and turn around and have an elegant frog W Mill with carry on the next that's right and and guess what you feel beautiful about it not getting Rob part no I'm not focusing on that part sir I'm saying that can happen but New York City is one of the is the greatest City on the planet I'm sorry for people who are probably going tune into this and they wanted me to say one of the greatest cities and no I don't want to say that that's right claim I want to say the truth that's right it is the greatest City on the planet it is the biggest city on the planet uh I've been to Tokyo cool I've been to all these other places cool there's no place like New York City I don't give a [ __ ] where you let's take a shot to that sh to that from I don't care where you go it's Miami no I'm not going to lie you I'm not going to lie to you yes it's very close but just like there's a distinctive experience when you come to Miami and it's pretty much horny people right what the [ __ ] like it's like if you love Miami kind of like a horny guy right you come to New York and love New York and not be horny it's it's true like you could just be out there you could just it's horny people love Miami be honest let's be honest this guy description you I told you my C my city simplistic I'm dyslexic resource room Virgo very well said but New York City I'mma Be honest with you it was a record label M saw a sign to the same way as I'm sign to it was called violated it was on 160 varic Street where Chris Lighty was alive classic and we was talking about programs earlier and he was y was back and forth about the programs earlier and I'm going to tell you what programs I would like to invest in I would like to invest in whatever program that my son has or whatever program that Papoose has right yep yep yep because I'm going tell you one thing program that we didn't realize that saved us that helped save me and you was record labels M was us hanging out in record labels it replaced the parks M we went and we understood that we was collecting $60,000 by hanging out on the record label and or the thing was what we didn't realize it was our savior was because a lot of these people were were still on the the uh what's it called the 360 mentality but imagine like that's what I love with is doing and that's what I love what we doing with drink Champs our motto is what efn we don't own nobody who signs the drink chance if you sign the drink chance this is this is your facil we don't own you we don't we don't want to be black and brown people that come into our that turn into our parents that we despised and we'll set you up and and if you got to go afterwards cuz we set we give you a onee deal we give you all your publishing we do everything and we just tell you go ahead as though that's the programs that we was talking about earlier this the program that we but me and you know that 160 vck where Chris Lighty would come meet with you and he would that because guess what and qtip was there Buster was there guess what guess what son you didn't come by yourself you came with six other individuals I bring my man so guess what happened those six other not only you was inspired but those six other indiv was went back to the Bronx LL was in I remember the first time I freestyle for LL and off he just walked into me and I'm like this is LL and I'm and I'm rapping like listen to him and he start raing you know what's crazy like probably prob five or six years ago he remembered a bar said from that round I never when he said that he said you said something about chuck steak I'm cooking up steak I'm cooking up beef for these chuck steak [ __ ] I said nigas we remember and I was like damn that was 20 plus years ago and you really remember and that [ __ ] inspired me like I used to walk in that office remember I had battles with Gilly and Jay-Z and and and Dame Dash was just walking by and they was like we need you to judge it come in you know what I'm saying like that that was that was an energy man that I think we need to have so both of you Brothers was both political and by the way I shut the [ __ ] up when y'all was talking because you know sometimes if you don't know the [ __ ] you talking about all good some of the best things to do is shut the [ __ ] up so I let but that's one of the programs that you know I see Steve Stout uh let me say this very we didn't see eye to eye but who he is now and who who I became to be is one of the people I honor he's in Africa saying fellas I'm opening a record label I want us to own our own masters let's go H as Puerto Rican I'm sorry I know I'm [ __ ] African proverb up with Spanish proverb but it's the same proverb that's right he's in Africa telling cuz you know what's the most popular music there is right now afro [ __ ] beats I'm sorry right I'm sorry Malcolm ma coming out of me look I don't know if it's dirty red Malcolm look he's in Africa telling people I love that we need to own our own masters our masters don't need to own us what does that remind you of artists who are hot to them right now and right and they can see them in the offices and see them and be inspired that's what I think is the solution to that's one of the things Sor no no Noel felt that and you know um we need to really make that connection back to the continent mhm CU our our brothers and sisters on the continent they're really doing some they yeah they're regaining control yes you know they looking at their natural resources they're not all allowing themselves to be exploited when I was in synagogue this brother is taking over all that Coco that is shipped to Switzerland and other places to make chocolate he says n we need to do this right here you know all those natural resources we need to make that bridge again you know yeah Yes Man um I'm be honest man you want to say something no no I'm I'm just I'm feeling VI I'm so H it man because you know what as a hip Hopper as a person that you know I'm I'm 46 years old hip hop is 50 so that means that I was listening to hip-hop in my stroller so I I don't remember I mean I say something smart the wer stroller the stroller I mean I mean that's I have a rhyme I said I said I said roller hip hop is older than me I listen to it in my stroller it didn't make sense never until now but it's true y you being the hipop man the NTI man and I when I when I'm scholing you when I'm going through it it's like Friday and Saturday night he he he lit and then Sunday morning I said this D but Chris um let let let me let me um because I know how hard it is for your job right so many people look at the person that runs the marathon at the end they say all right cool I like that no nobody understands the marathon at the beginning and then especially the New York Marathon you got to run through each barel right I'm going be honest with you I'm born and raised in New York there certain barrels I just won't go to you have to go through them all right how do you balance that and just you know be the same person in Brownsville that you're going to be on the up east side let me let me critique you just a little bit yes MH there's no way you could be the same way in Brownsville that you can be in Howard Beach yes you can brother yeah explain that to me please I like how you took a shot us we don't like it come on come on we together come on okay you could be the same person in Brownsville and Howard Beach by the way about 12 minutes away maybe 15 well first first of all the the the Howard Beach the pelen park all those communities right all those communities that we once knew they're not anymore really yeah the little ity the um uh all these areas when we grew up there were certain you couldn't go to Benson Herz you know you couldn't go to Bay Ridge these areas have now become one you ha right right and so if you come with the same things and we all want the same things want to be able to raise our families educate our children live in a safe Safe Community and be gainfully employed that's the same across the board and as I sit in these different communities they all want the same community have been denied the same I have when I go to to a Howard Beach which I won when IR ran just as I want I won our communities I'm saying the same message we have to make sure if we don't give the opportunities to all these children then these then the children that they're raising they're not going to have the opportunity and that's what we have to make sure that we're doing it and that's our message my message is the same and it's consistent and it is what I'm going to I'm going to stand by and I'm going to give him my all you know we I know what we're doing you know we're down here now telling one of the things we're doing while we're down here we're going to be talking to the International Community people are looking at us internationally and saying that the way you are handling these crisis that people need to duplicate I want to give you a gift uh this is from my friend uh he's from Queensbridge he's on Queensbridge his name is Jrock um he did time in prison just like my son he came home he flipped and he's a construction worker now part of the union he didn't ask me to do this at all he might be embarrassed I bought this personally so this is the book that I bought from him personally and I want to give it to you it's called life in Queens bridge by my brother J Rock love it love it love it um I can't even tell you how much time he did in locked up since I was 11 this this is a message that he asked question I will ask him how important is union labor and Union to his Administration in New York City and I said listen when you look at the fact first of all I'm the I think I'm the first Union member that has ever been the mayor of the city of New York um what I did when I became mayor I settled all the Union contract 94% of our Union contracts are settled and we and when you when you make a deal with the union leaders you have to go and let the members vote we we're getting 98% ratification rates all these Union me I got I have over 300,000 employees in the city of New York and they all saying that no one has given us what you have given us finally given us the pay scale the the Human Service workers which are overwhelmingly of women and women of color uh they have been denied for years on the campaign Trail I said I'm going make you whole when I become mayor we're going to give you the salary you deserve uh we just gave them the salary increase they deserve these are the folks who are doing all those Human Services you know Child Care daycare um so when you look at the union members and you see I was just in Florida I was just in um uh Hollywood Florida uh I think a month and a half too with all of my uh construction my trades we getting ready to make a a to build housing using Union Pension funds with the city and so when he talks to his membership here'll tell you you got a blue collar mayor a union member and I'm always going to be a union member I got a union pension and I know how important it is and we have stood up for our unions man they they tell you in a minute I had all these major unions endorsement dc37 32bj uh tww you you go down on list you know they've been with me from the beginning and so I hear them you know good union paying job God damn let's make noise now you you went to John J College yes Louise went to John J one year right right thisn this was going on John J [ __ ] I went to Martin Luther King which was right down the block and then went to John that's John J had more girls though wa let's keep it you know what nobody had girls in right next door to Marther k que it took me it took me four it took me 14 years man to get my degree 14 years one class at a time uh just I'm never going to beat you with Brilliance I'm going to beat you with endurance I'm going wear you down man that's let me say you be taking my [ __ ] look you know what I say what I say I say I say I say everyone else might have had best better product than me they're not going to stay outside as long as me that's pretty much the same [ __ ] it is you a Virgo dyslexic you got to relax you know what I'm saying y Virgos is wild yo I'm going be honest man um I invited myON because myON really loves our community yeah the guy that if something you know happens he he he he's there so I didn't ask his agenda I just asked him to be here yes and I loved it that because he's genuine so I I I didn't didn't want to but what we all have the same goal definitely we want our city to be better I want to I want to I want to I want to move back you smart man I want to move back but I need something not from you not from you neither [ __ ] we just need something maybe from you but you know what do you say to these residents that come they say man New York is too expensive then when I get there I see you know certain bums outside my my house then when I get there I see there's rats outside my house when I get there I see everyone smoking weed by the way Amsterdam is the one of the best places I ever in my life and drugs is legal everywhere I love it not just weed right right this [ __ ] stent heroin right there like happy as hell what's up I'm sorry I know this is not politically correct but there's people in Amsterdam and there no crime there's no crime like holy moly guacamole is is that the next thing let's make herant illegal they tried in Portland because y'all was giving out free needles and [ __ ] because we found this a needle injection site we found that if you create the environment if people going to use you should create an environment where they could do it safely and they could get the counseling that they deserve Dr fan who's in charge of my uh the wireless You Ever Seen The Wire yep yep yep not like that okay I mean that's what it sounds like you know that's a true story yeah yeah absolutely wait what Drug Free Zone that's what they were doing back in that Baltimore you know all based on they have crab legs deal best CRA crab legs crab legs is the best they got whole crabs no I'm [ __ ] with you I'm [ __ ] with you I'm [ __ ] with you yeah but um you should come back the city is back no I'm back but I leave yeah I ain't going to lie I come I'll be like I love it I bring my kids my kids don't want to leave they're smart you know next kids don't want to leave kids they love the hood yeah they they want to go play basketball I'm like you know we live on the beach like [ __ ] the beach Dad yeah that's work too hard for you to come back we got we got listen man we got to do another few stops man you know we're real really good man let's catch up when we get back we got a lot to do you know what I'm saying but let me let me just say this the right way M I thank you um I know you get scrutinized I know you get chastised but you're the first I was the first to do reg th I was the first to work with swis Beast I was the first to work with Scott stor I was the first to work with Neptunes I was the first to do reg th they laughed at me I made it to my destination but when I popped in my GPS that that [ __ ] didn't come up I killed that I like I like I like the way I like the way I killed that but real when I popped in to the places that I wanted to be mhm GPS navigation wasn't even invented so when I talk when I complained about traffic in Great Adventures and I didn't leave Van Wick I knew this is what life is meaning people want to people want to hurt you before you get to your destination I heard you say that my greatness will not be recognized till I'm out of office that's right that's right that's right and guess what I respect that but I want to take a little bit before we get up out of here and tell you being a renegade is also the same thing Barack Obama didn't legalize marijuana throughout the whole 50 states he didn't want to be the black person to legalize right but I'm going tell you something Trump will do the exact opposite to be the exact opposite so I'm going to give you that little bit of advice and I can't give you no political advice at all listen to me I told you I'm dyslexic resource room special education everything put it all together add all that but the advice I give you is [ __ ] it that's it listen and and and hold on hold on hold on hold on hold on cuz this is it's two words right [ __ ] it put on a t-shirt this what I'm giving it to you because you can do it and that's that's what he was saying intelligently right and I told you I'm simplistic man right Eric Adams Brooklyn Queens guy who I know knows Nas album just as much as me knows Biggie album just as much as me just think about it one time right the same way Trump says [ __ ] it sometimes that's that's my only advice and I and I and I and I and I and I and we said that January 1st 2022 when we came elected and trust me when I tell you we're still saying it and I'mma Be I'm going just move to New York just to vote for you again my man just for like two weeks and then I'm getting the [ __ ] about of guess who my C advice my quiet advice [ __ ] it okay okay okay we got a special guest I forgot hold on hold on sit down sit down we have a special guest okay part of our C part of hip poop have to give us a certificate commissioner what's up brother how are you so I've come on behalf of the mayor of M day County and the commissioners of M count show my appreciation to drink Champs drink Champs has done wonderful things for our community bring about a lot of conversation that we all need great opportuni to laugh and learn but today to hear this political speech you know it's been wonderful and so I'm presenting this certificate of appreciation as B County Commissioner on this day uh to you all for all of your wonderful work thank [Applause] only half
Channel: REVOLT
Views: 97,441
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Eric Adams, NYC Mayor Eric Adams, New York City, NYC, Drink Champs, N.O.R.E., DJ EFN, hip-hop, mayor, Black mayor, crime, migrant crisis, rats, Palestine, Israel, Gaza, Hamas, gentrification, displacement, union labor, unions, Rikers Island, prison reform, dyslexia, vegan, plant-based, Dave Chappelle, Malcolm X, Martin Luther King Jr., Howard Beach, Brownsville, Tupac, Jay-Z, Nas, Mobb Deep
Id: WnH6pSxhGl4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 129min 32sec (7772 seconds)
Published: Sat May 04 2024
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