Eri Destroys Her Quirk To Save Deku's Life! - My Hero Academia Chapter 420

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Myer Academia chapter 420 kicks off with a flashback of kuriri calling himself a protector we're then reminded that he took a razorhead and president Mike away from the fight president Mike demanded to know where they were standing on top of an iceberg in the middle of the ocean he let isawa know that their communicators weren't working they had no idea what was happening elsewhere while punching him president Mike remembered the villain claiming to be shigar Rocky's protector annoyed that the warpgate user stopped moving president Mike insisted that he wake up up he believed that if the monster wasn't their friend he should just fade away and leave them with their memories he told isawa that they shouldn't have given him the benefit of the doubt that relying on a corpse was wrong but before he could continue punching isawa grabbed his arm to stop him he could see tears presid Mike thought that eraser head was talking about him and immediately denied the possibility but looking down isawa specified that he was talking about kuriri President Mike argued that it was just the rain since the villain doesn't even have tear ducks to cry from besides he's a nomu one that separated a razorhead from shigaraki and put everyone in danger Mike believed that they absolutely needed to wake up the villain so they'd be able to return to the fight after that he wanted to destroy the thing once and for all he told his friend that it wasn't worth the trouble that they should forget that glimmer of hope they both saw at tardus you reminded his old classmate that they aren't students anymore they are in their 30s and eraser had reminded him him the shirok Kumo died as a UA student president Mike winced as a racer had clung to the darkness he remembered their friend's face emerging from it isawa had to wonder why the nomu hadn't gotten rid of them he could have easily dropped them from high up and been done with it pres Mike closed his eyes as kurogiri made a conscious noise the memory continued aaser had explained that back at tardus they managed to reveal a bit of Light Within him from there they just mixed him up and broke him that no matter how much light they add the darkness will always remain and that's why the addition of Darkness thanks to spinner was able to work the racer had wondered if president Mike understood as teachers he believes they have the responsibility of guiding students of UA until they graduate because that is where their Origins reside this Collective memory was enough to make the darkness of kurogiri dwell into a Gateway for them to use a distorted voice then called out to presid Mike he wiped his eyes as he mentioned memories from there a partially illuminated and crying kurogiri expressed that memories Never Fade back at the control room a call was received aawa called out to suuchi and before the detective could get carried away with his questions a raser had asked if Mona was still around the officer explained that the kid suffered a head injury and is in the process of receiving medical treatment and imagine if that changes his personality and he stops being so obnoxious in that case isawa asked the detective to send him the coordinates of every hero that can still fight no matter what Battlefield they're on suuchi questioned the request for a moment before realizing what it meant and eraser head's first stop was the UA shelter a handful of Heroes turned in eraser head's Direction when he suddenly appeared ectoplasm was shocked and wondered how the hero got inside as that will let him know that kuriri was operational again and right now he was on standby with President Mike outside of the shelter the raser had wanted all the Heroes that were in charge of protecting the civilians to come with him ectoplasm was skeptical about using kurogiri's help a raser had admitted that he wasn't sure how much longer the nomu would be able to last so they needed to hurry up several civilians looked in his Direction nervously that's when someone spoke up wondering they'd be able to make it to the front lines in an instant it was death arms despite hanging up his suit in the aftermath of the first war he decided that he wanted to join the fight and right along with him was none other than asro the main character of hoshi's previous series barrage it even looks like he's wielding his signature weapon the org as his Quirk despite not being famous with his series being canceled prematurely he insisted that he's a hero too and wanted to fight alongside them at the same time the live stream of deku's fight was still playing but the visuals don't really line up we already saw everyone reacting to deu dealing with shigaraki's finger cluster yet here we see deu with black Whip and his full costume maybe they're running highlights or something eraser head nodded and told them all to get to the main gate the civilians all watch this happen then the guy that was adamant about deu not returning to UA began taking off his shirt he insisted that a racer head take it to a hero who might need it which is hilarious because we mentioned how this man seems to only own a single shirt in a previous chapter eraser had looked at it unsure of what to make of the gesture but when he looked up he saw that several others decided to extend similar gestures supplies of all kinds were offered the coolest hero then expressed his gratitude by this point almost every battle had concluded and thankfully there was still a good number of able-bodied Heroes left the only other ongoing battle was taking place at tacoa National Stadium the heroes there were dealing with a tardus Escape who specialized in drawn out fights against large groups this guy's name is gley the baby tree is his n is really ominous and pretty cool his Quirk also seems pretty disturbing it's a shame that this is the only thing we'll ever see from him which reminds me that we never received anything from that one foreign villain with dreads that showed up to help all for one zero Sato ojiro and even the space hero 13 were here 13's Quirk black hole is really destructive so hopefully she doesn't need to hold back against all for one several heroes emerg from the warp gate to help defeat gley and moments later Eraserhead and deku's classmates showed up it was time for them to commence phase three of the divide and conquer operation just like endgame several portals appeared all around them The Demon King questioned if they had all arrived to be made quirkless seemingly unfazed by these sudden appearances and their Superior numbers deu called out to his teacher and was immediately told not to move averting his eyes a bit a Razer had questioned how long it had been since deu lost his arms the kid wasn't really sure since the damage occurred while he was in shigaraki's mind to himself Deku questioned everything he was certain that all for one had been consumed by shigaraki while fighting the All For One Consciousness on the UA Flying Fortress the Demon Lord kept mentioning how he suppressed shigaraki and completed the fusion but that wasn't true there was no doubt in deku's mind that all for one had been absorbed and no longer existed in fact when he hit tenko's core all for one should have disappeared too so he's seriously wondering who this guy even is and oh my Lord we might actually have a kaguya situation on our hands is this the voice of the singularity or something I'm honestly a bit confused by this I mean in the previous chapter he was very much an all for one- minded entity he spoke of manipulating shigaraki and provided us with an in-depth explanation to go along with it the villain also referred to yoichi as his little brother so does it think that it's all for one but but is actually something else yeah I am a bit stumped by this inclusion I mean I don't see any reason for this to be anyone other than all for one at least for our satisfaction sake but I just hope that whoever this is it's not too ridiculous eraser had looked at deu he then revealed a small horn which looks like one of those cone-shaped chips flashing back to moments earlier Arie approached eraser head inside of the shelter and he was shocked by what he saw G knew that he wouldn't let her go anywhere that was too dangerous and that's why she wanted him to bring her horn to deu eraser head was disturbed by the fact that she broke off her own horn he wondered how she managed to do it AR admitted that she received a bit of help eraser had swiftly turned to yell at ectoplasm and his colleague swiftly apologized but he admitted that Arie had learned from both the rational and irrational ways of her guardian now that she understands her Quirk a bit more Arie is sure that her horn will be useful since it is still a part of her and isawa still wasn't happy after all this sort of thing could damage her Quirk forever and just like that all of the hype for AR's heroic career may have just gone down the drain or fingers crossed this simply reveals a new facet of it but AR remained Resolute really she wanted to do the same thing for all might and bakugo but couldn't with tears filling her eyes Arie remembered Jiro singing that's what she wants to do she told her adopted father that deu and the others let her have have a good time so once everything is over and the dust settles she wants to sing for them returning the favor by helping them in the same way that they helped her which is very touching even if it isn't much Arie wants to fight too isawa then pierced deu with AR's horn the human Dragon Balls of Myer Academia has instead been used as a single sensu Bean ectoplasm let isawa know that Arie wasn't able to store up a lot of energy so it wouldn't be too useful the re winding process would be far slower it would take about 2 or 3 minutes from there deku's arms began to miraculously return the razorhead told deu not to die until he hears Arie singing the sentiment that left the boy crying now admittedly it does feel a bit cheap that deu lost his arms and is already regaining them in the following chapter I mean even when Naruto and Sasuke died during their final war the tension and hype were allowed to build up for nine chapters which was from the end of January until the beginning of April but to be fair bakugo was dead for over a year and fans have been begging for things to wrap up so whatever it was then expressed that although they're all exhausted just knowing that deu is trying his best is enough to make them all move so it's the Demon King all for one or whoever this villain is versus deu a racer head Momo kaminari manetta Shi Kota ojiro Sato Sero gang Orca Burnin chihi 13 death arms Astro present Mike kuriri ectoplasm Rock lock lady nagan invisible girl ayama wash a bunch of filler characters and some other random faces I'm sure I've forgotten that doesn't exactly sound like a balanced fight to me there's also the fact that all for one's body suffered considerable damage in the vestage world he no longer has access to Decay and is dangerous has been compromised by his overwhelming huus jigar rocki's use of The Quirk all for one has been pretty abysmal even when it wasn't being suppressed by eraser and that goes for its original user as well despite having the power to steal quirks shigaraki's list of powers is barely different from anything we saw from All For One going all the way back to the beginning of season 3 all the other villains have been defeated to validate the sheer number of Heroes joining this battle and preserve any sense of danger or suspense all for one will need to do something major and I'd like to remind you all that not a single hero has died during this Final War Arc and aside from my suspicions about oama I don't really see anything pointing in that direction so at the very least let this man steal some quirks Deco aside the best Quirk all for one could possibly steal right now would be eraser heads eraser all for one already let tokoyami slide at this point seeing as deku's arms are growing back the only lasting damage to anyone in class A is jiro's missing ear load mind you all of these heroes are injured Kamari couldn't even walk on his own a few moments ago and already overused his Quirk but that is not a total disadvantage on account of Quirk Awakenings being pushed beyond their limits and on the brink of death could make these Heroes even stronger and all for one knows all too well how dangerous Heroes can be when their backs are against the wall all they need to do is stall for 2 to 3 minutes then deu can re-enter the fight in the comments let us know what you think about all of this especially the whole different villain thing as always I'm slice otaku thank you all so much for watching and have an awesome day I love you
Channel: Plot Armor
Views: 110,765
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: my hero academia, plot armor, plot armor my hero academia, anime, manga, my hero academia manga, my hero academia chapter 420, mha 420, my hero academia 420, my hero academia manga chapter 420, mha manga, my hero academia ch 420, my hero chapter 420, my hero 420, review mha 420, deku, all for one, boku no hero academia, one for all, my hero ch 420, deku vs shigaraki, shigaraki, mha, deku vs all for one, eri quirk, eri my hero academia, deku rewind
Id: VSDxK1uE5-Q
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 45sec (765 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 14 2024
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