Erev Yom Kippur Kol Nidre Service

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you welcome us into your homes as we kind of welcome to bringing in the light where we welcome you back into our beth israel sanctuary and you welcome us into your homes as we kindle the lights of yom kippur fun [Music] [Music] thank you so much to all of the staff from congregation about israel who have made these high holy days happen we look forward to celebrating and observing the sacred day with all of you good job you you you good oh goodness i had a mass malfunction okay that was sort of like no one's here i'm so happy we're so happy to see everybody i'm so grateful to julie hymovich our president of our board of directors and the board for really being thoughtful and mindful of where you are at and where we are at as a community of individuals and we're so grateful that our board of directors has given us the opportunity to have 60 people here with us we ask you to please keep your mass on throughout the service i know it's tempting if you need to catch a breath please feel free to step outside and it's starting to cool down a little bit so you can get some fresh air outside please if you're going to use the restroom one at a time we're not going in groups tonight and know that the restrooms will be cleaned in between each use we're going to do everything possible to keep it safe and healthy for all of us these past few months have been incredibly frightening and scary and we respect you and we respect your health and the health of each other so please keep your mass on throughout services please make sure again to only go one at a time to the restroom and other than that use this space to let us take care of each other to be on each other's shoulders so to speak as we carry ourselves individually and collectively through this shabbat of shabbats the sabbath of sabbaths this yom kippur we already as you know lit our candles and we are ready to begin our service i hope everyone has a mishkan te fila oh and because we haven't been together for services in such a long time i didn't want to forget to remind you to turn your cell phones off and you at home should turn your cell phones off too we are going to begin our service i believe on page 16 in our mastering everyone should have the great mishkan hanafish [Music] with one voice assembled sages past and present declare all may pray as one on this night of repentance let none be excluded from our community of prayer with one voice god and congregation proclaim all may pray as one on this day of return let all find a place in this sacred assembly and let's now stand as we sing the words or zarua [Music] is [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] page 18. [Music] um um so hmm so hey um so thank you [Music] yes [Music] hmm [Music] [Music] bless her amen [Music] oh [Music] [Music] is [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] again [Music] oh [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] me [Music] is [Music] [Music] water [Music] oh together at the bottom of page 18 all vows resolves and commitments vows of abstinence and terms of obligation sworn promises and oaths of dedication that we promise and swear to god and take upon ourselves from this day of atonement until the next day of atonement may it find us well we regret them and for all of them we repent let all of them be discarded and forgiven abolished and undone they are not valid and they are not binding our vows shall not be vows our resolves shall not be resolves and our oaths they shall not be oaths page 22. [Music] oh [Music] we turn to page 24. hello um [Music] [Music] is [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh [Music] lay your lawn [Music] my [Music] you may be seated as we turn to page 30 for the vehicle [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] m [Music] [Music] for every exile who walked out of egypt between walls of water for everyone who remembered the feel of sea bottom underfoot the sibling roar of water rearing on the right on the left someone forgot someone scanning the dry horizon for a well or already mourning the musky smell of autumn and her father's fig trees forgot the hosannas and by the bitter waves of mara forgot the flash of dancing feet the shimmer of timbrels for every proselyte at sinai someone never heard of horns at all someone turned back from the mountain to bank the fire feed the baby steal a secret moment with another revelation begins in attention while the elders trembled before the word of god flowing down the scorched north flank of sinai someone rising from a last long embrace gazed into the wrapped face of the beloved and saw that it was good [Music] oh [Music] [Music] [Music] page 45 for on this day atonement shall be made for you to purify you from all your wrongs and pure you shall be in the presence of adonai [Music] is [Music] is [Music] foreign [Music] m [Music] [Music] a let's turn to the next page page 46 and stand together for the amiga [Music] i i [Music] up oh lips that my mouth is i am [Music] hello [Music] is [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] oh [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] me [Music] is [Music] oh [Music] let's turn to page 71 as we are seated and we read it together responsively page 71 on this night of atonement grant us god a sense of your presence as we call upon your name speak your hopeful message to each yearning heart and answer the worthy petitions of each searching soul purify and strengthen our noble strivings and cleanse us of all our unworthy desires join us together in fellowship and grant us the joy which comes from enriching other lives help us to be loyal to the heritage we share draw us near to torah in wisdom and in faith strengthen our devotion to our people everywhere keep alive our faith in righteousness and truth bless us with hopes to uplift our daily lives and keep steadfast our courage and our resolve at all times worthy of your presence as we call upon your name page 72. i [Music] is [Music] oh [Music] is let's see [Music] [Applause] god [Music] [Applause] [Music] let's see when we pray we wash away all that clouds our vision and satisfy our spirit's hunger for a higher calling we take this time now for individual prayer and private reflection using either the words on the page either page 73-81 or you can flip through the book and find a prayer that speaks to you or of course take some time with the prayers of your heart hmm [Music] foreign [Music] um [Music] we continue together on page eighty one [Music] thank you [Music] o may the [Music] and the meditations of my heart be acceptable before you oh lord my rock and my redeemer [Applause] oh [Music] oh we turn to page 82 for our first communal confession of yom kippur we will do this a few times over the course of the next 24 hours this process of confession and atonement and forgiveness and we'll see that each time we say it we remember it a little bit more it becomes a little more familiar just like that process of confession atonement and forgiveness when we do it it becomes easier it becomes a practice it becomes something we know how to do page 82 our god and god of all generations may our prayers reach your presence and when we turn to you do not be indifferent adonai we are arrogant and stubborn claiming to be blameless and free of sin in truth together we have stumbled and strayed we have done wrong let's stand together [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] oh [Music] [Music] time [Music] i [Music] together of these wrongs we are guilty we betray we steal we scorn we act perversely we are cruel we scheme we are violent we slander we devise evil we lie we ridicule we disobey we abuse we defy we corrupt we commit crimes we are hostile we are stubborn we are immoral we kill we spoil we go astray we lead others astray page 86 [Music] the ways we have wronged you deliberately and by mistake and harm we have caused in your world through the words of our mouths [Music] the ways we have wronged you by hardening our hearts and harm we have caused in your world through careless speech the ways we have wronged you through lies and deceit and harm we have caused in your world through gossip and rumors the ways we have wronged you by judging others unfairly and harm we have caused in your world through disrespect to parents and teachers [Music] the ways we have wronged you through insincere apologies and harm we have caused in your world by mistreating the ways we have wronged you through violence and abuse and harm we have caused in your world through dishonesty in business [Music] let's join together [Applause] [Music] oh [Music] is [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] for all these failures of judgment and will god of forgiveness forgive us pardon us lead us to atonement let's be seated and turn to page 99 will you hear my voice you who are far from me will you hear my voice wherever you are a voice calling aloud a voice silently weeping endlessly demanding a blessing [Music] i [Music] [Music] hey [Music] is [Music] is [Music] [Applause] [Music] know [Music] first i just want to say how grateful i am to be together how grateful rabbit mason barkin cantor and jackie and i are to have friends in the room it's fun singing to an empty room and reading to an empty room but six months enough already thank you all for your compliance and really for the love that you have expressed for each other these last few months that have made so much meaning out of such a difficult and horrible situation and so i offer you a midrash at the beginning of my comments tonight midrash are stories told by sages over the centuries and they help us find our way when we're lost rabbinic legends midrashim are oftentimes an expression a painting with words and when we study midrash and learn our sages i think hoped that we would understand a bit more deeply how enriched we are and how that enriched life through jewish eyes can help us when we struggle and stumble our rabbis taught once that there was a man who came across a beautiful palace while on a journey usually in midrash there's a king in a palace so this is not unusual maybe not usually always there's a king in a palace so this man is journeying and he passes by a beautiful palace but the palace was on fire and not the burning bush kind of fire where it was burning but not consumed this was on fire and filled with smoke and it was burning slowly to the ground and so he looked around to find someone to help out to see who was willing to help put the blaze out and he wondered surely there has to be someone who owns this place who lives in this place who resides here or someone who's the caretaker of this palace and the rabbis teach that that man was avraham avinu abraham our father and the palace on fire the birah de leckett was the world itself seeing a world on fire a world consumed by divisiveness disease and desperation abraham looked around to find someone help to extinguish those flames that were burning this fire to the ground burning this palace to the ground and so when he really thought out loud surely there has to be someone a caretaker or someone in charge of this burning palace this burning world someone who's in charge of this domain our rabbi's teach it was at that moment that god said leave get up and go abraham you will be the caretaker of this palace god said i am the sovereign of the universe but you abraham and you sarah go go forth from your land to start a great nation and to change civilization in jewish mystical tradition the cabalists enjoy using also paintings in words and sometimes they're stifling and esoteric and hard to understand but we find in one kabbalistic strain of tradition similar to what we find in the midrash that i just shared this image that i think is awe-inspiring the mystics teach that at the beginning of time god created two universes shiva shall mala shivachalmata the dwelling of on high and the dwelling that is below two parallel universes and in the image of the palace two palaces which would run parallel to each other and utilizing this imagery of a palace they taught us that there was this is this high palace that was the domain of god and this palace below that is our domain these were euphemistic of course to what we call heaven and earth where the upper chamber the upper palace would have god and the angels and the souls of all human beings from the past and the present and the future and the earth was and is where we reside and the midrash really resonates tonight with me i think especially during yom kippur this day that is awesome and full of dread it calls us into an account this day by reminding us that god does not start a fire in this realm or fan the flames or leave it to burn into ash god doesn't make the fire happen now this world is ours to manage ours to care for and this palace is for us to keep safe and peaceful the beera deleket the palace on fire the world on fire the rabbi spoke of that's on us it is only human nature for us to want god to run both palaces both above and below it's also very human for us to even blame god for the fire itself or to blame god when bad things like a pandemic happen even worse especially at a time like ours in human civilization it has become all too convenient to blame others equally created in the image of god for not only igniting the flames but for adding fuel to the fire and then telling us they're the ones to blame they're the ones responsible for the fire not me disrespect of other human beings in the form of moral equivocation bigotry cynicism racism anti-semitism means spiritedness and the weaponization of words in order to reject and defy the dignity of those created selam elohim in the image of god rage and hatred sparking flames of fires at the hearts of those who also are created in the image of god that is the fuel of evil but the good news is like abraham as jews we know better than to let this world we share burn uncontrollably we are the descendants of sarah and abraham and therefore we not only have the capacity but dare i say the obligation to look within to see our own roles and to judge our own selves and let god judge the others and then from that mindset we can begin the work of making the birado like it the fire in the palace slowly and surely extinguish guys i have never lived in the country that i live in now that we share where i've seen so many people literally hate each other in their words and in their deeds in their looks and in their reactions in their cancelling of relationships that were once cherished in their desire to uninvite people to their homes for holidays because of something or someone they support hatred is evil and evil is surrounding and engulfing us in the flames not only of divisiveness but the flames where the yates are hurrah the inclination to do evil not only get sustained but fed how in god's name did we allow this to happen how did we get here how do we get out of here who's going to lead us to the other side of this palace on fire and we pray at least enable us to see each other again through the thickening smoke i realize that it is not possible to provide answers to these questions in one call nidre sermon and while i'm tempted to rattle the cage a little bit i don't think tonight is the night to do that there get there are people on cable television who get paid hundreds of millions of dollars to rattle the cage for us so you don't need me to do it they're not news people they're entertainers i know especially over these past months just how off we have felt how confused and fearful and lost we are and how in a sense uncomfortable we are even in celebrating a special birthday or a bar about mitzvah on this bhima or shabbat services from home we do it and embrace it and engage in it and it feels kind of good but don't we all feel a little bit off a little even strange and so when we feel this sense we feel like we're losing some control and that what we see around us is overwhelming our own senses that the world is indeed a berada like a palace that is unfired not the shiva shomala not the upper chamber but this lower chamber in which we dwell and so we will look anywhere and everywhere for answers like the story of the bear it feels like we can't go over it and we can't go under it and we can't go around it and we want to go through it but we don't know how as amos said 3000 years ago our prophet i am not a prophet i'm not the son of a prophet but i am a rabbi and i'd like to at least share maybe one idea with the intention of being provocative of provoking more questions and more ideas and maybe even a little dissent but i want you to know i love you i won't cancel you and i won't end a relationship with you because we disagree that's not dignified you see i do believe that we got to this palace on fire because we have all of us replace that voice from within with loud chaotic overwhelming and oftentimes very dishonest both intellectually and morally noise just noise and the people that we listen to or turn into on the am dial or on cable news they get paid to do that to create that noise so that people will buy ads and enable them to make 40 50 million dollars a year for making us disturbed and anxious and upset and angry and then they do it day after day and night after night and it's making us crazy that loud chaos the noise from our leaders regardless of political party who can't distinguish between that which is real and that which is false and that online social media thing other than the two months after coronavirus the best decision i ever made was separating myself as i said last yom kippur i would do from all social media i feel like i have a little sanity back it sustains and creates tensions that drive our worst fears and every repost and like and share makes the next person even more crazy dogmatic ideas which leave no room for thoughtful conversation or nuance it's all noise and it's constant and it's unhinged and it does nothing nothing to expand our humanity and our knowledge or to build a relationship with someone else these are echo chambers i get to hear someone say what i think that i think but say it louder and with a larger platform i don't think any of those people were top of their class in college some of them i know were professional entertainers before they became news people and of course many of our politicians are incredibly bright and educated but boy do they sound as if they haven't had an original thought in decades this kind of noise it's constant it stifles wisdom and learning and it has for all of us equally narrowed our hearts and minds away from the essence of what it means to be a human being for the intention with which god created us and from this noise our very existence has diminished and relationships have sadly ended people tell me that they were uninvited or were going to uninvite someone from pesach or thanksgiving just because of what they thought or because of their inability to listen and hatred is flourishing and anger is raging and the fire is happy the noise makes it impossible but maybe not impossible for the bridges that need to be built between the palace of bella above and the palace below where we inadvertently are not have actually driven god's presence away which opens up room for things like fires and floods and pandemics in the most cosmic and jewish of ways and so on this call nidre i'd like us to do the jewish thing for the next 24 hours let's answer the questions i posited at the beginning answer those questions with more questions i invite you to spend this time shutting off the noise please turn off the news ignore the temptation to go there don't look at your phone don't look at the tweets and maybe for just a second you'll feel a semblance that the fire is diminishing and so here are some questions very basic very simple questions you might consider as we enter this liminal space we have found ourselves in between our palace below and the palace above between this palace that is on fire and the palace that represents the idea of peace here's some questions do i speak in a way that i would want to be spoken to do i speak in a way that other people can actually hear me or while they're talking am i just formulating an argument to tell them that they're wrong am i listening to others with the intention of understanding and truly hearing their ideas who do i listen to who do i listen to in order to grow in order to change because if the jewish value of study and vigorous debate and the sharing of ideas and learning from each other isn't the most fundamental of human experiences have i done my part to learn from others with diverse backgrounds and diverse opinions even if i really don't like what they're saying at all when was the last time i really listened to someone who thinks and feels and believes something utterly different and even disturbing to me when was the last time i was tolerant even tolerant of an opinion different than my own and do i know that changing my own mind because of what i learned from someone else is not a sin but rather what god had intended by creating us in god's image if god is all-merciful and all-powerful omniscient and on the present and all-knowing and all-forgiving and we are to be holy because god is holy shouldn't we be willing to learn and grow and god forbid change our minds or our opinions because someone else made a good argument or at least aren't we able to say have we been able to say to someone thank you thank you for sharing that i appreciate what it is that you're saying and where you're coming from is truth worth pursuing anymore i'm not talking about the a plus b equals c kind of truth but you know from when someone is telling us that a plus b doesn't equal c that's just insulting our intelligence a plus b equals c being told a plus b does not equal c that's an insult i'm talking about truth with the big t the big t truths truths in words and in deeds truths that have since the time of abraham and sarah binded us together truths about basic human rights human dignity about a space and a place where god's presence suffuses our spirits and where we build a bridge with others before even considering building a bridge with the palace above here's another question how many people have i cancelled out of my life how many organizations have i stormed out of because something that was said by maybe one person do i give anyone the benefit of the doubt any longer have i canceled anyone out of my life because of a disagreement have i uninvited someone from my thanksgiving or pesach seder because of something or someone they support have i become impossible to be around because i become dogmatic do i even give others a first chance let alone a second chance knowing that a relationship is not a turnstile and that i should know better lastly and there are more questions you can ask yourselves what will i do me personally to help put the fire out that fire that is burning all around us in this palace below last week on rosh hashanah i shared that for us as jews the path not only through the flames go back to the bearish story because we can't walk around it and we can't go under it and we can't go above it we have to go through it that that path is lit illuminated not by fire but by torah and we learn from one of the great stories of eliyahu hanavi probably our most famous prophet elijah that the truth is what what's real is that god is the justice that god is and the spirit that god is and the truth and mercy that god is does not come from the earthquake or the fire or the flood but kodama mataka from a still small voice a small voice within each one of us i pray this night of yom kippur that we do better by first admitting and acknowledging our own imperfections before we point out those of others and then try to understand within ourselves that that cold the mama da that still small voice is screaming at us you know better you know better how to treat people how to listen to others how to share experiences with those that we agree and disagree with you know better that love will only defeat hate when we instill it in our daily conversations let us not be afraid that that still small voice of god of truth and mercy and compassion and grace is more powerful than words and ideas that we engage in way too much and so i want to conclude with a prayer for us all of my heart it's a prayer from the psalms from psalm 102. call tv and i want to share this with you because i know how exhausted and how weary and how sad and how scared we may feel but fear not i may sound like a broken record fear not we're not the first and we won't be the last to experience this fire in this palace that we call the world around us psalm 102 is a prayer of a person afflicted who is faint i don't know about you but often i feel like i'm about to lose it like i'm about to pass out and so here's the psalm for you and for us a prayer for a person afflicted who is faint implying a state of being on the verge of collapse on the edge of unconsciousness the psalmist king david wrote this person pours out his or her petition before adonai and here is the prayer how don't i hear our prayer let our pleading enter your presence do not hide your face from us on our troubled day give us your ear we have driven the palace above from this palace below through the flames of a fire that is consuming us but but we can extinguish it we can extinguish it because that's why we're here that's what it means to be the children of abraham and sarah go and do different be different god give us the courage to become whole again as individuals as a community god knows as a nation and as sparks of your divine presence return us oh god so that we may return to you in love we know you're waiting for us and we will do better and we are sorry for the fire in this beautiful palace that we call life we have sinned we have transgressed and we seek your atonement amen thank you rabbi for those words let's turn to page 114 and let's stand together for avinu malcano hey [Music] oh [Applause] [Music] oh [Music] oh [Music] god oh [Music] um [Music] oh let's be seated one of the really bright spots of this past year and these past months has been robin roeder for those of you known robin over the two plus decades that she's been a member of congregation beth israel and cliff and alexa alana they are uh before this position poster children for what we're all about really the girls are the poster children for what we're all about but maybe robin and cliff had a little bit of parenting success in that their daughters were but no mitzvah hearing what the religious school here both spent years abroad in israel during high school on the eisendrath exchange program camp stein campers and staff and i think the best way to compliment the parent is by describing how wonderful their kids are but robin is also a woman of great intellect and commitment and loyalty to our congregation and most of all passion passion for what it means to have a jewish community and be a jewish community and when it became clear that we really have been having some difficulties finding an executive to run the business of the synagogue so the rabbis can be rabbis and the cantor can be a cantor we had this idea well why not just take the congregant who's most involved the president and like so many synagogues throughout the country make her the chief executive officer but we call her the chief communal and executive officer because really the community comes before the position for all of us and then we asked stacey rosenthal my partner in crime for 18 years making the parents nuts and the kids jewish made her what i like to call the youths are and robin and i and the cantor and rabbi mason barkin together have embarked on this journey and stacy has been at the core of this journey too to make our congregation more wise classier and more intimate and more deep and meaningful especially during the pandemic and so robin has been an amazing partner for many many years as a layperson and now as a professional so i thought it was appropriate tonight we thought it was appropriate tonight for robin to share a few words because this has been a a long road these last few months and we've got a long road ahead of us and robin's here to share an idea that we think will bring us even closer together so robin thank you for everything and it's so wonderful to welcome you officially for the first time to the bema as our chief executive and communal officer and i would hug you and give you a kiss but i'm not going to because it would be online and then i would get hate mail it would be terrible good yen tiff thank you for those kind very kind words you know you're not supposed to make me like for clement before okay i know you are hello one year ago i stood before you as president of congregation beth israel's board of directors a position i was so honored to hold one year ago we all looked at the world through very different eyes one year ago we never we could never have imagined what's transpired these past six months and yet we are still here as one congregation beth israel family bound together by the deep ties and commitment to each other as rabbi khan referenced a few minutes ago i am blessed to stand before you as a jewish professional on this cole nidre becoming cbi's chief communal and executive officer this past spring is among the great honors of my life as a member of cbi for over two decades a former board member on this colendre i want to speak to you from my own heart to yours at this very sacred time in this very sacred space it is my hope to provide you with an understanding as to how this congregation your congregation responded and will continue to respond to the seismic shifts in the world around us with innovation commitment and love as you can imagine there was no handbook on managing our synagogue campus our historic cemetery and our precious camp daisy and harry stein during a global pandemic the chan and preschool hebrew con religious school along with our adult learning programs all moved online within days of our shutdown weddings and banane mitzvahs were delayed and rescheduled and of course shabbat services became fully virtual as well and yet we were able to create connected spaces which provided hope and peace for thousands of our members and guests through our weekly virtual shabbat worship luncheon learns coffee talks mayan classes camp 56 mobile milestones and cbi cares programs along with so many more while the stresses and strains of pivoting our congregational life pales in comparison to the torn lives of those who suffered the most acute illnesses and tragic deaths we have made every attempt to create opportunities for connection and meaning and i am proud of the dedication of our board of directors the professionalism of our staff and most of all the participation and loyalty of our members over these months i have also had many heartbreaking phone calls with many of our members preschool and religious school families and camp parents you have shared your devastating economic anxieties personal stresses and spiritual pain this pandemic has created so many have suffered significant financial hardship those who operate businesses of their own had to make painful choices which impacted their own households and the families of their employees for whom they provide sustenance many of our members lost jobs or experienced cutbacks in hours and benefits adult children have had to move back home to live with their parents many of our seniors have had are experiencing rising costs of daily living coupled with loneliness and increased fear from the pandemic and as so many of our young families know parents have needed to leave their jobs in order to stay home to be with their children who are now learning online i have been humbled by these phone calls and honored by your trust for i know that for so many making that phone call to request financial support is very difficult and one that they may never had to have made before but we are cbi a jewish community which aspires to lift each other and support each other during times like these to make the world a better place our relationship with each other is a shared commitment to serving the jewish people and providing a jewish space to nurture the jewish souls of our children and grandchildren at cbi we will not accept resignations because of financial reasons we will not turn away a baby or a toddler at the chanted preschool because they need a parent needs a tuition break to unburden themselves from their chaos we will not say goodbye to one religious school student or bar about mitzvah because of what this pandemic has created wherever and whenever we are able to relieve even a little bit of stress for our families we have done so and will continue to do so it is what we do we take care of each other making a commitment to do that which is right comes at a substantial financial impact this year alone we have provided significant financial assistance in the form of deductions and or waivers of membership contribution scholarships for preschool and religious school and reduced fees to over one-third of our members and as the year progresses i expect we will see more now i am asking you our dedicated loyal and loving members to help each other as tonight we launch our all for one campaign all for one creates a one-to-one jewish family to jewish family contribution to cover a vast array of the costs that we will absorb this year all for one represents a gift of the heart sadaka which will enable all of us to help another family the funds will be used for individuals and families directly and a small portion will also be used to support programs to connect with our seniors interfaith and community outreach and the expansion of our cbi cares program we know deep in our hearts that our all for one campaign will strengthen our cbi community from within we also know that we will only be able to achieve the full potential of this campaign if we go all in we are asking every member to contribute to this important mitzvah of sadaka no matter the amount our goal is to achieve 100 participation starting this coming tuesday at noon please go to the cbi website and make your contribution to the all for one campaign this year is like no other year in recent memory and we have never needed each other more this is not an appeal as in the past years all for one is an opportunity to help each other your contribution will help to address a greater need a more expansive need a need with a greater sense of urgency on this night of nights cole nidre please dig deep and then a little bit deeper we are cbi and we together can change lives for the better i wish you a year of good health peace prosperity and pray that we will all be back together again very soon may you be inscribed for a year of blessing good health and peace robin and thank you so much for that important message i am already inspired at the way we'll be helping one another in the year to come let's turn to page 116 and stand for ale-new [Music] [Music] amen [Music] m [Music] foreign [Music] oh [Music] you may be seated i was so excited about all for one that i forgot announcements i was excited about eleno because i was so inspired about all for one i was like we gotta pray together but there's a lot going on but i'm not gonna tell you very much of it right now because um it's late and you wanna get home and uh we'll give you the full announcements tomorrow right now i just want to tell you about tomorrow and what's happening in the morning so our morning services as you know begin at 10 a.m if you are attending in person uh with your reservation do not arrive before your check-in time which was emailed to you please arrive at your check-in time which was emailed to you this applies as well for the escrinila services tomorrow afternoon so as you know 10 a.m youtube or in person if you have your reservation for the morning service then we'll continue at 1pm on zoom for our yom kippur afternoon panel discussion a great follow-up to rabbi khan's message to us this evening we will be talking about the question can we agree to disagree or perhaps we should call it how can we agree to disagree or how can we disagree respectfully we'll have three panelists who are all professionals in the um art of disagreement so we'll have a cbi member george weiss who is a consensus builder businessman and legislator and cbi member amy lieberman who is a mediator and executive director of insight employment mediation as well as rabbi karen fox who is a coach and marriage and family therapist um so all of them will have this discussion with us about what's the best way to disagree and how do we maintain our relationships when we don't agree 3 30 p.m we'll have our children's service on zoom the russia shannon woman was really fun even if you're not with little ones and you just want to feel good and see cute faces join us for the children's service then back here or on youtube wherever you are right now at 4 45 p.m for for yizkur and then with means outside at 5 30 p.m we'll be having nila in the courtyard at the beginning of our outdoor services which is going to be wonderful and i'm going to stop talking shabbat shalom and shanna tovah thank you we know that as we enter our holy days it is sometimes even harder to imagine sitting here or at home wherever we are celebrating and acknowledging these days without our loved ones beside us those who have died in recent days and those who have died at this time in years past we invite you to stand as we turn to page 122 for the mourner's kaddish remembering all of those we have loved all those who have died we remember all of those who died for the state of israel and all those who died in the holocaust who have no one left to say kaddish for them and all those who have died due to all of the tragedies of this year page 122. of yom is [Music] [Music] [Music] may the source of peace and peace to all whom mourning comfort to all who are bereaved as we say together amen just a brief reminder for those who were not with us last week we'd ask you to after our final song to please remain at your seat in the congregation until robin or rabbi jason branowitz can come excuse you by row reminding you i know it's hard because we want to hug and kiss and wish each other a good yantaf and schmooze but please go right to your cars hmm i know it's so hard it's just like so not us but no not not this is such his life gander before we begin our final song i want to give a big thank you to peter anderhagen who supplied uh the cello accompaniment for tonight and really really made tonight all the more powerful laws for us who are here and at home thank you peter for again joining us for now your sixth year i believe it's like his tenth year but that's okay we're gonna now join together on page 127 [Music] return again [Music] return again of your soul return again return again return to the land of your soul return to who you are return to where you are return [Music] return again [Music] thank you so much for being with us however you are with us tonight may you have a healthy evening a healthy year and we'll see you in the morning it's your card [Music] you
Channel: Congregation Beth Israel Scottsdale
Views: 9,179
Rating: 4.7823129 out of 5
Id: Cj6km_lDNfQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 105min 15sec (6315 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 27 2020
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