EREN'S APOCALYPSE! (Attack on Titan / Shingeki no Kyojin Final Endgame Twist)

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what is up everybody its Anna Mike here for anime uproar and today I will be once again diving deep into the twisted world of attack on Titan and I will be breaking down all the latest developments in the story we now have a much better idea of what Aaron is really up to if what he just told us is really the truth and we've also received some very valuable information about the past about Aaron's State of Mind and international relations in the attack on Titan world at this point making these videos and then talking with you guys in the comments about them is the only way I can truly come to terms with this powerful but also difficult story so basically making these videos and then discussing them with you guys is the best way for me to organize all the attack on Titan thoughts that swirl around in my head with the release of every new installment to the story if you enjoyed these videos do you want me to keep it going please leave a like to let me know and if you happen to be new to anime uproar don't forget to subscribe and hit that notification bell to turn on all notifications if you don't turn on all notifications you will probably miss a lot of our videos that's just the way it goes so please if you like the videos turn on all notifications there will of course be spoilers in this video we're talking about the latest developments in the attack on Titan stories so please proceed with caution you have been warned I mentioned in the previous video that I just cannot rush these video analyses of the attack on Titan chapters because not only are the chapters themselves long but there is always so much to understand so much to dissect and so much to talk about that I honestly feel like I wouldn't be able to do a good enough job if I tried to rush it I actually considered trying to get a video out ASAP this time around because I know a lot of you would enjoy to watch it right away but I realized that if I did that the quality of this video would suffer so I decided to give it time I really appreciate all of you who do wait and watch the videos once they come out thank you so much chapter one two three begins with an important flashback at some point during the four year time skips so sometime after the scouts reached the ocean but before Aaron infiltrated Marlay as a wounded veteran a large delegation of scouts traveled to Marlay in disguise in order to explore and try to understand the outside world they travel to the continent aboard a steamship and dressed in marlane clothing so that they wouldn't stand out in such a hostile environment it was very important for them to keep their identities and true origins a secret the flashback is being told through the perspective of Mikasa finally some focus on Mikasa I feel like it's been so long since we've gone to explore her perspective a bit more you guys who have been watching this channel for awhile know that I love Micasa and I ship her with Aaron and this chapter was quite an emotional roller coaster for me to say the least anyway through the flashback we get to witness the very first time that the scouts encountered Marley and the outside world in general and better yet we get to see more of Levi and our precious potato girl Sasha which itself makes the whole chapter worthwhile in my opinion if anyone was Micah's rival for best girl in my heart it was definitely Sasha and I just know shut up I'm not gonna cry moving on moving on as the scouts disembark from the steamship and step foot on the continent for the first time they experience quite a culture shock they are unfamiliar with the way that Marlin society works and they have never seen modern technology like automobiles in their entire lives this makes them appear as completely clueless country bumpkins and while some Scouts are good at concealing that they don't belong here others like Sasha Kony and hanji are pretty bad at it since they basically attempt to feed carrots to a car thinking it's a cow or horse they better hope that country bumpkins is all that the Marlins are going to mistake them for because if anyone figured out the truth it would be a lot worse inside the city they're met by a Yank on poun who you will recall is a non marlane whose country was forcibly taken over by Marlay he was then forcibly conscripted into the Marlon Army but he is now secretly working against male and we have seen him before in the present time as one of the volunteers who decided to fight against male on parodies he leads the scouts to the azuma BTO residence and it is clear that some important meeting is supposed to occur there I mean why else would they risk bringing so many island all the way here to the continent inside the enemy's lair and gathering them all there in one place at the same time it is a very very dangerous act Sasha and Kony continue to stand out by showing the wildermann tat discovering ice cream for the first time and Levi expresses concern that they are drawing too much attention to themselves but overall Sasha and Kony just seems so childish and ignorant that it is unlikely that anyone would perceive them as any sort of threat let alone suspect them of being those evil Devils from the island of parodies however one thing I didn't mention is I've been talking to you about these events is that throughout the chapter it is clearly implied that something is off about Aaron something is different about Aaron he is absent-minded and quiet and he is nowhere near as excited as Armin and Micah's I would have expected him to be after all Aaron always dreamed of seeing the outside world of journeying beyond the walls and beyond the ocean and discovering all the incredible things that the world has to offer but now that he is actually here Aaron seems extremely passive and apathetic he seems almost sad this could be because he is seeing the memories that his father has of Marley or because he is seeing future memories or some combination of the two at that point a refugee child from yet another nation that was attacked and taken over by male attempts to take Sasha's wallet Levi stops him from making off with the wallet but this attracts a lot of unwanted attention from the Marlins in the crowd the crowd is immediately vicious towards the child calling for severe punishment and even execution in order to set an example for the other immigrants and refugees Sasha and the scouts tried to calm the situation down saying that her wallet is fine and the child doesn't need to be punished but the Marlins then begin to talk about the fact that other countries have been conducting experiments with LD and blood and this child might even have blood from the devil's mixed in therefore the child must be done away with because he might pose a danger to the native Marlins this scene is short but very important in my opinion because it shows the mentality and the culture of the Marlins first of all these are not Marlins soldiers these are normal everyday on the streets and they're not just racist and hateful towards the ldiots they're also racist and hateful towards other nations and races including the immigrants and refugees from the countries that they themselves conquered by force Marlay is literally responsible for why these people are refugees marley brought war and destruction to their countries and still they show no sympathy or empathy for these people their first instinct is to attack and eliminate everyone who is different from them and they always seem to use the LD ins and LD in blood as some sort of ever-present boogeyman that justifies all of their terrible actions I'm not going to make a direct historical comparison because of YouTube censorship of any even slightly controversial topic but I'm sure you can pick up on that historical comparison as well Levi feels bad for the refugee child then he picks him up and walks away with him the crowd of Marlins asks what is he doing but he tries to make the argument that Sasha is actually the kids sister and all of this was just some sibling teasing not a real case of pickpocketing the angry Marlins aren't buying it but Levi and the scouts succeed and running away from the crowd and saving the child from their hateful grasp the scouts allow the child to escape with the wallet nonetheless and then they all make their way to the azuma beto residence Kiyomi azuma Beto explains that due to advancements in technology it has now become possible to conduct blood tests in order to determine who is descendant from aliens and therefore a subject of Amir back when the alien Empire was at its peak having the blood of the subjects of Amir was a valuable asset and proof of nobility however after the fall of the Empire those with LDN blood were persecuted and banished from other nations and to this day the reality faced by audience is harsh and cruel as a result establishing alliances with other nations will be extremely difficult for the people of Paradise Island everyone fears and distrust the LD ins because of the legacy of the LDN Empire and because of their ability to turn into Titans but the scouts are still hopeful that they can find some peaceful solution a solution that avoids Zeke's plan and an all-out war against Marlay and the other patience they want to promote the interests of the subjects of Emir and they want to promote the cause of peace at the International Forum which is taking place the next day I assume that this is some sort of conference that involves representatives from various different countries discussing ways to prevent war and promote peace and economic prosperity kind of like the international forums and summits that we have in our own world hanji and the others plan to reach out to an association that is trying to protect the rights of the subjects of Emir and tell them that the LD ends on paradise also want peace Kiyomi warns them that this is going to be extremely difficult to do but as hanji points out they simply have to try their best at this point the scouts noticed that Aaron isn't there anymore and Micah's eventually finds him at a refugee camp a makeshift settlement made of tents where the young pickpocket boy and his family are living Micah's asks Aaron why he would go out on his own when he knows that he is the enemy's prime target but Aaron isn't very talkative when Mikasa asks him whether something happened Aaron says nothing yet as if he knows something is about to happen in the future this could be Aaron's future memories giving him clues about what will happen years from now and perhaps Aaron saw that this refugee camp would be destroyed at some point in the future perhaps it will even be destroyed as a result of the actions that Aaron is about to take in the present time Aaron mentions that this camp is where those who lost their homes because of the war are now forced to live aaron compares this to their own situation back on parody's they also lost their homes and became refugees because of the war and more specifically because of the shifters sent by Marlay to destroy wall maria as aaron observes one day their everyday lives suddenly ended and everything was stolen from them all their freedom was stolen from them their childhood was stolen from them it is almost a reference to fate it is as if the attack on wall maria set events in motion that cannot be stopped the ironic thing about Aaron's character at this point in the story is that he wants freedom more than anything else but he also knows what is going to happen in the so is Aaron truly free can he ever be truly free or are his actions and choices already predestined does knowing the future actually rob Aaron of the freedom to choose or is it perhaps possible to change the future depending on what choices Aaron decides to make this idea of freedom versus predestination is likely going to play a more important role as the story continues we know what grisha's said to Zeke that Aaron is going to do something horrible and unspeakable something beyond anything that he had even imagined so is there an destined to do this or can he choose to take a different path and if he is not free to choose then is he free at all even if he succeeded in destroying all of his enemies at once would he be free even then if his entire future is already set out for him Aaron then asks Myka saw a very direct question he asks her why she concerns herself so much with him is it because she was saved by him as a child is it because they're family then he suddenly asks what am I to you because it looks confused and flushed she is clearly blushing but she simply answers you are family she literally families owns him then the other Scouts show up also concerned about Aaron and what's he been up to and then all of them are invited into one of the tents by the refugees the refugees generously offer food and drinks to the scouts and they all sit together and break bread eventually they start drinking alcohol and they party and get drunk until they pretty much pass out hanji Levi and Owen can pond find them all sleeping in the tent later on that night and Levi's face pretty much says it all about what he thinks about this whole situation the following day at the International Forum in front of a large crowd are representatives of the people who are fighting for the rights of the subjects of Emir calls for sympathy and compassion for those in Marlay with LD and blood but then he goes on to say that the LD ends on the continent are just victims of the LDN empires crossbreeding and that the ones who should have been despised from the beginning are those Devils from Paradise Island the man calls those ldiots who went to the island 100 years ago the true enemies and the ones who should be detested and several people appear to clap and cheer as the scouts look on in shock clearly there was no intention of ever making peace with the island of paradise the LD ends on the island are constantly just being used as scapegoats and as an outlet for all the hatred that the world feels for the audience on the continent this organization that allegedly fights for the rights of the subject of aamir is apparently fighting for the rights of the audience on the continent by scapegoating and demonizing the other aliens on the island as the real devils and the real threat at this point Aaron calmly gets out and leaves the forum and since that day he stopped going along with the peacemaking strategy of the scouts instead he wrote a letter saying that he would entrust everything to Zeke and after that the next time they saw each other was during the attack on Lee berry Oh Mikasa wonders if there was ever any other choice or if everything was just decided from the start again we see the conflict of freedom versus predestination if the future is laid out for us ahead of time then can we ever be truly free and if we do make different choices can we create a different future because I can't help but think what would have happened if back when Aaron asked her what she is to him she chose a different path and said something else something other than just family perhaps things would have turned out differently and you can't blame me because of her thinking this you can never underestimate the power of an anime waifu and the influence she has on her anime husband though as Mikasa is thinking all of this we see the colossal wall Titans walking away from the scouts and we see eren's Titan looking completely different than it used to be it looks like some gigantic dinosaur Titan absolutely dwarfing in size even the colossal Titans it also has sharper bones poking out of its back just like Amir's original Titan which seems to be a clear indication that the founding Titan Power Amir's power is now active within eren's Titan transformation the colossal Titans march in the direction of Aaron's gigantic Titan and then suddenly Armin realizes that Aaron has taken control all of the founding Titan and that he is going to try and destroy the Allied forces that are gathering in Marlay and planning to attack parodies clearly Zeke's plan failed because initiating the rumbling was never part of Zeke's plan Aaron must have turned against Zeke in the end Mekas an armin are surprised to learn that Aaron is indeed on their side and of course they are happy that he didn't follow Zeke but then Arman realizes something and this is actually something that I addressed directly in my previous attack on Titan video about what will Aaron do next Arman realizes that releasing all of the colossal Titans is clearly overkill if Aaron's goal is just to destroy the Allied forces gathering in Marlay he could have only released a small portion of the Titans if he wanted simply to defend the island from one invading army what Aaron is doing indicates that he is planning something much grander than just winning one military battle and then all of the subjects of Amir at the same time hear the same voice it is Aaron's voice and Mekas appears to be hearing it as well even though she is an acraman which is in itself very interesting this means that if Levi is alive which I believe he is he will be hearing this message as well Aaron explains that he is using the founding Titan power to address all the subjects of Amir at the same time and he declares that the walls have been destroyed and that all of the wall Titans have started marching Aaron says that his objective is to protect the place where he was born and raised Paradise Island and all the people on the island but Aaron outlines the same thing that the flashback that we saw in this chapter demonstrates the fact is that the world wants to annihilate the people of paradise the hatred against them has been built up for centuries and they will not stop their hatred and their attacks until every subject of aamir on the island and off it is destroyed Aaron refuses to accept this instead he vows to have the Titans trample the whole earth destroying everything in the entire world and all life existing there except for Paradise Island we also see that Aaron's new Titan transformation has a very different look from the old one and his face is completely diff as well I am already working on a video about the potential power and abilities of Aaron's new Titan form so definitely stick around here at anime out Pro and be sure to look out for that but in the meantime let's talk about the implications of what just happened and about Aaron's current state of mind and his true motivations if we take Aaron and his word and assume that he really does plan to destroy the entire world in order to protect parodies this makes Aaron look like a monster willing to kill millions and millions of people but we have to consider this in terms of radical self-defense what I mean by this is that Aaron is primarily interested in self-defense and defending his people in his homeland from imminent attack from Aaron's perspective he was forced out of his home he lost his mother before his very eyes and he had his whole life destroyed by Marlins who launched the mission to infiltrate wall Maria in the first place at a very young and impressionable age Aaron lost his mother eventually his father his home his freedom and over the course of his life he would lose many more friends and comrades all because of the Marlins even though he himself did nothing wrong I've mentioned this in previous videos and I apologize if I sound repetitive to those of you who have been following the channel for a while but I myself was a refugee during the civil war in the former Yugoslavia when I was a child just about 2 or 3 years old my family and I were refugees after war broke out in one part of the country we moved to another part of the country but then war broke out there too and so we were refugees again losing our homes and everything else in the process we also lost friends and even some more distant family members in the war and we eventually emigrated to Canada which is of course a first world country but because of my childhood experiences as a refugee I can definitely understand where Aaron is coming from Aaron didn't start any war the war came to him and he lost everything because of it through no fault of his own after spending his whole life trying to do the right thing sacrificing his life to protect innocent people from the Titans and trying to make the world a better place he realizes that the enemies who did all of this to him in the first place have no interest in peace they intend to you attacking parodies in the future until every single person on the island is dead when Aaron and the scouts tried to show the people on the continent that they wanted peace that they wanted to negotiate a peaceful solution they were vilified yet again and all they heard was further calls for their destruction and annihilation even though I think killing millions of innocent people isn't the right decision since it just makes you as bad as the people who ruined your life I can't imagine how Aaron must be feeling under these circumstances he appears to have only two choices either just lie down and let the same enemies who ruin your life kill you and everyone else you care about along with the entire population of your homeland or you killed the enemy before he has a chance to kill you in my video about the ruthless philosophy of Eren Jaeger I did a deep dive into Aaron's philosophy and I compared it to the ideas of 16th century Italian philosopher Niccolo Machiavelli I won't get into too much of that again if you want to check that out the video link will be in the description but in short Aaron now finds himself in a situation where either he does nothing and horrible things will happen to everyone he loves and cares about or he takes concrete action to protect the people he cares about but the only way to protect them is to do horrible things to other people the question then becomes which is more immoral is it sitting back and doing nothing while your entire homeland is destroyed or doing immoral things to others but doing it in order to protect the ones you love if Aaron really does plan to destroy the whole world except for parodies he might be thinking that he has no other way to protect the people he cares about and the only home he's ever known he might be thinking hey these other guys started it we tried to make peace and they keep attacking us they were warned about the rumbling by Karl Fritz and they still keep attacking us so now let's give them what they deserve this would make sense in terms of the Marlay an army but unfortunately any plan to destroy Marlay will involve the destruction of many innocent people people who are non-combatants and who have no say in what the Maryland military does it is just so ironic that Aaron went from the kid who wanted to kill all the Titans in order to save humanity to the man who now wants to use the Titan to destroy all of humanity except for the people and parodies if this truly is what Aaron plans to do and I say if because it's not for sure yet then it is a real Ragnarok ending it is an apocalypse brought about by Aaron which will annihilate the world as we know it only paradise will remain as a sort of Garden of Eden a place from which humanity and civilization can start anew after the rumbling destroys everything else if you want to know more about the connection between what is happening right now with Aaron and Ragnarok from Norse mythology check out my previous attack on Titan video in that video I talked about several possible scenarios for what Aaron might be planning to do next including this possibility of destroying the entire world but in that video I also talked about other possibilities including the lelouch scenario according to this scenario Aaron may be lying about his intentions to destroy the entire world in order to build himself up as this massive villain and a global threat to every nation and every person then the entire world can unite in their hatred for Aaron and when Aaron is finally defeated the world can live in peace including the ldiots but I mentioned in that video that this would be a bit naive since the hatred for LD ins and especially the audience on parodies seems to run so deep throughout the world I find it hard to believe that the threat of Aaron could permanently unite everyone and I fear that if Aaron was defeated as soon as the threat is gone the rest of the ldm people would again become targets after all who says that the next Aaron isn't hiding among the audience the only way to stop another Aaron from becoming a threat to the world will be to eliminate all the LD ends also to be honest I kind of don't want this to be the end game of attack on Titan because I don't want this series to end exactly like cold Geass Code Geass is well known for that great ending and I want attack on Titan to do something uniquely its own but that is just my personal opinion finally I have to say that all of this could be just some form of a bluff on Aaron's part he maybe pretending to want to destroy the whole world while really intending to only destroy a part of it as a warning and then using the power of the Titans to keep the rest of the world in while the people and parodies catch up to the other nations in terms of Technology and of course once they catch up in terms of Technology they will be able to defend themselves from attack in the future with or without titan powers this is a strategy that I believe Arman wants Eren to use and he thought that Aaron should have released only a small segment of the wall Titans so that they could destroy the army which was gathering to attack parodies and by doing this they could send a strong message to the rest of the world rather than destroying the entire world after taking all of this in I personally find it hard to believe that Aaron would really decide to kill everyone in the world who is not on parodies and I think that some type of Bluff scenario is still likely but you never know with Hajime isayama I also think that now that Aaron sent a direct message to every subject to be mirrored that he is going to destroy the whole world aside from parodies we are finally about to see Annie emerge from her crystal maybe even in the very next chapter after all she did everything she did in order to protect her father back in Marlay so you better believe that she now has no more reason whatsoever to remain in that crystal stuck in some cave on Paradise Island whatever happens it's going to be absolutely epic the next few chapters are likely going to be the epitome of manga hype and drama and I can't wait to see what happens next definitely let me know what you guys think what is going to happen next is Annie about to make her big return already in the next chapter and is Aaron really going to go through with his apocalypse plan or is he actually planning something different after all please give me your thoughts down in the comments below and of course stay tuned to anime uproar because a whole video on Aaron's new form and its potential powers and abilities is coming soon right here to the channel if you enjoyed the attack on titan content on this channel and you want us to keep it going please leave a like to let me know it really does help and if you happen to be new to anime uproar don't forget to subscribe and hit that notification bell to turn on all notifications you can also hit me up on Twitter and Instagram at anime uproar for all the latest attack on titan news and updates i want to give a big thank you to all of our anime opera patrons who support us and make videos like this one possible special thanks to our pro hero tier patrons including the one and only Gilgamesh baby ray nothing but a fan Jason Wilson Kings L dress fitted Allah beat Anatole Cassatt's key DJ Nathaniel and alpha do and I can't forget are the one tier patrons the ones who stand above all other clans including in grata a Lola madam madam AK makoto-kun and the world and you know he's serious because he didn't say so Waldo if you enjoy our videos and you feel that they provide value to your life please consider becoming a patron even a single dollar will give you access to our patron exclusive discord and your name will appear in our videos along with these amazing people as always thank you guys so much for watching and until next time see us bass cowboys [Music]
Channel: AnimeUproar
Views: 561,531
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: eren, apocalypse, anime, attack on titan, shingeki no kyojin, aot, eren twist, eren future, ymir twist, ymir fritz, ymir eren, eren ymir, eren ymir twist, eren founding titan, eren rumbling, eren new form, eren new titan form, eren final form, eren's secret plan, eren's master plan, eren's plan explained, eren apocalypse, eren's apocalypse, ragnarok, eren ragnarok, rumbling, the rumbling, attack on titan explained, animeuproar, every titan, every titan explained
Id: UTW5xHinVEo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 52sec (1672 seconds)
Published: Sat Nov 16 2019
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