THE TRAGIC LIFE OF REINER! (Attack on Titan / Shingeki no Kyojin Reiner Braun Explained)

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what is up everybody its Anna Mack here for anime out Pro and today I will be talking about one of the most polarizing figures in the entire attack on titan series a man who was both a ruthless traitor and a traumatized victim of oppression discrimination and war rhino horn is a complex and fascinating character a part of me really hates him for what he has done but another part of me also feels sorry for him because of everything that he went through leading up to the terrible things that he did on Paradise Island I know from the comments on my previous attack on Titan videos that many people absolutely hate Reiner and want him to die a terrible death but I also know that there are a large number of people who actually love Ryder's character and for some he is one of their favorite characters in the entire series in this video I will be breaking down the tragic life of Reiner including the circumstances that led to him becoming a warrior a survey Corps member and a traitor I will argue that Reiner is one of the best characters in all attack on Titan not because I'm excusing what he did or even because I like him as a person I still partially hate him but I can also sympathize with them on a deep level and that is precisely why Reiner is such a great character from a narrative perspective Reiner evokes strong emotions within us both good and bad while being a multi-dimensional and multifaceted character in fact I would argue that both Reiner and Aaron are two of the best fictional characters of the decade and in this video I will explain why if you enjoy the attack on titan content on this channel and you want us to keep it going please leave a like to let me know and if you happen to be new to anime uproar please don't forget to subscribe and hit that notification bell to turn on all notifications you really have to go through the trouble of hitting the bell and then selecting that option that says all notifications if you don't you're definitely gonna miss a lot of our videos it's just how you do works a big thank you to all of our anime upper patrons for supporting our work in May King videos like this one possible with D monetization false copyright strikes and now Coppa patrons are more important than ever so thank you guys so much I'll talk more about patreon at the end of this video but now let's get into it when I almost forgot definitely spoiler alert there will be spoilers in this video for the attack on Titan manga I'm covering everything we know so far about Reiner so please proceed with caution you have been warned Heine Braun was born inside the lab area internment zone which is basically a type of concentration camp created by the Marlon military in order to keep the alien population on the continent imprisoned within one specific area this allows the Marlins to keep the aliens under their complete control and while the Libero internment zone is thankfully not a death camp life for LD ends on the continent is still extremely harsh and difficult the LD ends are forced to wear armbands that single them out from everyone else they are discriminated against and oppressed on a daily basis and their movements are severely restricted by the Marlon authorities Reiner was born to an LD and mother and a male and father however relationships between Marlins and LD ins were forbidden and after eine was born his father abandoned him and his mother and refused to acknowledge them his father's rejection had a profound impact on the young Reiner he became obsessed with earning his father's love and he and his mother concluded that the best way to do this would be to join the warrior program successful candidates of the warrior program were granted the status of honorary Marlins Serena and his mom believed that once they became honorary Marlin citizens Ryder's father would come back and they could live together as a family we don't often stop to think about it but it is amazing how much we as human beings instinctively seek the love and approval of our parents my father is thankfully a much better father than Reiner scumbag dad but my father is one of those more old-fashioned dads who don't really show affection very often and I remembered that as a child I was often seeking his approval and I felt insecure at times because I didn't know whether he was happy with me or disappointed in me with that said my own experience is very different miners since my father never abandoned me and he actually was always there for me and always provided for us as a family so I can only imagine how Reiner would have felt as a child not only was he born in LDN in a place where LD ins are looked down upon and oppressed constantly but on top of all those hardships his own father rejected and abandoned him and his mother this experience deeply traumatized Reiner and he became obsessed with seeking the approval of his father and of the Malayan authorities as a result Reiner became incredibly zealous and extreme in his desire to become a warrior and in his hatred for his fellow aliens on parodies the so called Devils on the island Reiner convinced himself that the Islanders were evil monsters and that he had to destroy them all if only he could achieve this goal then all of his dreams would come true he would prove that the audience on the continent are better than those evil Devils on the island and he would earn the love respect and approval of his father and the other Marlins definitely not gullible and naive at all Reiner was determined to become a warrior and inherit one of the Titan shifter powers so that he could fight against the aliens on the island on behalf of Marlay but despite his determination he was not one of the strongest candidates for the position there were others who were more suited to inherit the available shifter powers and Reiner was unlikely to inherit any of them in the near future despite the fact that you could actually see this as a good thing since everyone who inherits a Titan of their power is destined to die after only 13 years Reiner refused to listen to reason he was convinced that if he could inherit a Titan power he could fight against the Devils on the island and become a hero to the Marlins he believed that if only he could earn the honor of becoming one of the shifters the Marlins would accept him and his father would finally acknowledge him and his mother eventually Reiner was able to inherit the armored Titan power but it wasn't because he was the most qualified candidate it was because Marcel Galliard who was the JA titan shifter at the time influenced the Marlin military to make Reiner the successor to the armored Titan instead of his own brother Porco Galliard Marcel wanted to spare his brother the cruel fate of becoming a Titan shifter and because Reiner wanted to become a warrior so desperately Marcel intervened to make that happen when he was 12 years old Reiner along with Marcel Bertolt and Annie was tasked with infiltrating Paradise Island in order to get their hands on the founding Titan power before heading out to the island Reiner found his Marlin father and told him that he had become a warrior that he and his mother had become honorary Marlins and that he would be bravely fighting from our lay against the evil LD ins on the island Reiner was hoping that his father would be proud of him and that he would want to live with him and his mother as a family but Winer's father rejected him again worse Winer's father called him and his mother Devils and said that his family reputation would be ruined if anyone found out that he had ever been involved with an LD and woman after this further traumatic rejection Reiner left for the mission on parody's along with Marcel Bertolt and any in spite of everything Reiner still believed that being loyal to Marlay and fighting against his fellow aliens on the island would one day earn him the love and respect of the Marlins once on the island Reiner learned the truth about why he was chosen as the next successor of the armored Titan power Marcel revealed that Reiner was chosen not because he was the best candidate for the job but because Marcel wanted to protect his brother Porco but Reiner didn't have much time to deal with this revelation because soon after telling him Marcel was killed while protecting Reiner from a pure Titan in an instant the Warriors in the island were left in enemy territory without their leader Bertolt and Andy wanted to abort the mission but Reiner couldn't let that happen he blamed himself from ourselves death after all Marcel died protecting him from the pure Titan and so Reiner couldn't allow the mission to fail because of his inability to protect himself Reiner decided that he would take on the mantle of leader and that he would be the one to make sure that their mission was ultimately a success you really have to remember Ryan's life story up to this point and what his mind state would have been at this time becoming a warrior was riders only purpose in life for as long as he could remember it was his obsession because he believed that that was the only way for him to earn the love and respect of his father and the Marlon society in general if he agreed to abort the mission now he would have been giving up his entire life the purpose for his existence he just couldn't let that happen so he decided to replace Marcel as the leader of the group he even began exhibiting certain aspects of Marcel's personality he learned to be commanding and assertive and he suppressed his own feelings of worthlessness and inferiority but deep inside Reiner blamed himself from ourselves death he felt that he wasn't good enough to inherit the armored Titan power and he eventually came to realize that his plan to win over his father's acceptance was probably just a delusion eventually the three warriors infiltrated the walls and joined the 104th Training Corps once there Ryder continued to exhibit leadership qualities and he became a big brother figure to the other training corps recruits he was known for placing the well-being of others before his own and he earned the respect of his comrades on the island but something else happened during this time Reiner came to see firsthand that the LD ins of the island were not Devils or monsters they were normal people just like the LD ends on the continent some of them were bad people but many others were good kind caring and friendly on the one hand Reiner was still loyal to Marlay and to his mission to retrieve the founding Titan power but on the other he realized that the propaganda he had been exposed to for his entire life was false everything he thought he knew about the LD ins on the island was a lie Reiner found it difficult to cope with the fact that he genuinely liked and cared for his friends within the training corps and yet he was sworn to hate them for being Devils and to one day destroy them all eventually this difficult psychological situation led to a mental split within Reiner he seemed to oscillate between being a loyal warrior and a loyal member of the survey corps the death of Marco was a major breaking point for Einar he was forced to brutally kill his friend in order to protect the secrets of his true mission but Reiner is the type of person who puts and others over his own safety so the death of Marco truly broke him on the inside at times Reiner seemed not to know who he really was whether he was a soldier of the survey corps or a warrior of Marlay this led to some extremely strange behavior including one of the most random major reveals in anime history a moment where Reiner almost casually tells Aaron that he and Bertold are the armored and colossal Titans ultimately the mission to retrieve the founding Titan failed although bertolt and Reiner were able to retrieve the JA titan power as a result of Amir's willful cooperation after the Battle of shegaon China Reiner would eventually return to Marlay without the founding titan power and also without the colossal and female Titan powers as bertolt was killed and eaten by armin while Annie remained out of commission on the island of paradise inside her mysterious crystal once Reiner returns Tula Berio during an after the time skip it is clear that he is a completely different person than he was when he first left his hometown rather than perpetuating the propaganda that the LD ends on the island were Devils Riders outlook changed and from his conversation with the LD ends in Liberia upon his return it is clear that Reiner is deliberately humanizing the much-maligned Islanders as time passes Reiner is haunted by the memories of what happened on parodies and he is also tortured by his own sense of guilt for everything that happened when he finally comes face to face with Aaron once again Reiner is a shell of a man and borderline suicidal he tells Aaron that he just wanted to become a hero he just wanted to be everyone's big brother and be respected but because of his decisions he was directly responsible for the deaths of thousands including the death of Aaron's mother Reiner says that he hates himself and he urges Aaron to just end his life because he can't live with himself anymore this is when Reiner truly hits rock bottom when all of his trauma life decisions and feelings of guilt and inferiority overwhelm him and crush his spirit completely Reiner loses his will to live at this point and if Aaron had decided to kill him Reiner would not have fought back but Aaron decides not to kill Reiner a bad strategic move in the long run but probably a move born out of the emotional connection that the two of them formed as comrades when Aaron begins wrecking havoc inside the lab area internment zone and killing hundreds of people riders will to live eventually returns and he decides that he must stop Aaron and save as many people as possible as you can see Ryan's life has been an emotional roller coaster with many heartbreaking twists and turns I can definitely understand how Reiner came to be who he is today and how he came to do what he did when he helped to destroy wall Maria he grew up in an environment where absolute hatred for the aliens and paradise was forced on him from a very young age and the aliens on the island were not presented to him as human beings but as evil Devils who had to be destroyed Reiner started blaming these so-called Devil's for all of his problems and he thought that if only he could become a warrior and prove himself by fighting against the devil's he would finally be respected and accepted by his father and a wider Marleen society this became his obsession and singular purpose in life keeping that in mind I can definitely understand how Reiner came to the conclusion that destroying wall Maria and letting all of the pure Titans in would be a good idea he didn't know any better all he knew was the propaganda that vilified and dehumanized the Islanders Reiner genuinely thought that by doing what he was doing he was actually saving the world from the evil Islanders but where I part ways with Reiner and his logic is his decision to continue on with the mission after seeing firsthand that the lDA's on the island were not bad people when Reiner decided to stay loyal to the Marlin army after realizing that everything they told him was a lie when he decided to kill Marco and to keep being a traitor even after learning the truth that is when Reiner lost my respect I still think he is an amazing character a multi-dimensional and complex person who lived a tragic and heartbreaking life but I cannot respect and like him as a person because of the decisions that he made after he learned the truth from his own experience I can understand the decisions that he made back when he was just acting false knowledge and propaganda that was hammered into him for his entire life but when he decided to keep supporting Marla's military campaign after realizing that it was all founded upon lies Reiner became a willing accomplice to murder and injustice that is the moment when Reiner becomes fully responsible for his actions and I could never support what he ultimately chose to do but with that said I can absolutely understand why so many people would love Reiner as a character and as I said at the beginning I think that Reiner and Aaron are two of the best fictional characters that have emerged in this last decade Reiner is loved by some hated by others and both loved and hated by many more his tragic life and complex character invoked many strong and sometimes opposing emotions within us and that is exactly what a great character is supposed to do Reiner x' life makes us wonder whether we would have made the same decisions as he did if we grew up in similar circumstances we'd like to think that we wouldn't make the same mistakes as Reiner but do we really know for sure faced with as much tragedy as Reiner who knows what kind of people we would have become it really makes you stop and think about who you are and how much of your personality is really you and how much of it depends entirely on the environment that you grew up in on the information that you were exposed to and the social circumstances of your upbringing in that complexity and uncertainty about who we really are is captured perfectly in the character of Heine born and that is what makes him such an amazing fictional character whether you love him or hate him or a little bit of both if you enjoyed this video and you want to see more please leave a like to let me know it really does help and if you happen to be new to anime uproar or you just haven't subscribed yet please don't forget to subscribe and hit that notification bell to turn on all notifications you can also hit me up on Twitter and Instagram at anime uproar I want to give a big thank you to all of our anime uproar patrons who support us and make videos like this one possible special thanks to our 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Channel: AnimeUproar
Views: 142,825
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: tragic, life, of, reiner, life of reiner, tragic life of reiner, attack on titan, aot, shingeki no kyojin, reiner braun, reiner braun explained, reiner explained, armored titan, armoured titan, armored titan explained, armored titan powers, every titan, every titan explained, every type of titan, every type of titan explained, all 9 titans, all 9 titans explained, attack on titan explained, snk, eren, annie, annie leonhart, anime, animeuproar, mikasa
Id: PzMqP8lH8QY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 48sec (1128 seconds)
Published: Thu Dec 19 2019
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