Eren and Ymir have a MASTER PLAN! (Attack on Titan / Shingeki no Kyojin Ymir Fritz TWIST)

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what is up everybody its Anna Mack here for anime uproar and today I will be talking about the latest craziness that just took place in the attack on Titan story the backstory of Amir Fritz the original Titan and the progenitor of all the other Titans was finally revealed but more than that the ending of the latest chapter through everything we thought we knew into another massive tailspin and things will never be the same again there is just so much to talk about so let's get into it if you enjoy the attack on Titan content on this channel and you want us to keep going please leave a like to let me know and if you happen to be new to anime uproar don't forget to subscribe and hit that notification bell to turn on all notifications you can follow us on twitter and instagram at anime uproar for all the latest attack on titan news and updates and finally of course this video will contain manga spoilers we're talking about the latest developments in the attack on Titan manga so please proceed with caution you have been warned by the way I know from the comments that quite a few people would like me to publish my take on the new attack on Titan chapters as soon as they drop but aside from the time it naturally takes to produce a video with these last three attack on Titan chapters in particular I have felt a need to take my time and really contemplate what happened before rushing to write a script the chapters have kind of left me speechless after first reading them and it takes me a while to organize my thoughts but I hope that when the videos do come out you will find them useful and entertaining and thank you for sticking with me the title of chapter 1 2 2 is from you 2,000 years ago which is a direct reference and continuation to the title of the first chapter to you 2,000 years from now this is addressed later on in the chapters so I will talk about it in a little bit the chapter starts off with a flashback of frida teaching historia about amir fritz in this flashback Frieda tells historian that Amir Fritz was ladylike and a kind girl who's always thinking of others remember this for later because this subtly reveals a lot including the very warped mind state of Frida and fritzsche / Reis royal family Frieda tells historia that the world is full of pain and suffering and for this reason historian live as someone everybody loves and someone who depends on others and whom others can depend on Frieda is implying that historia be like Amir frits she even refers to Amir by historians former name Krista when telling the story the more this chapter unfolds the more messed up Freitas message - historian becomes in hindsight we then finally get the real backstory of Amir and the true origins of the Titan powers themselves we learned that Amir was a slave one of many slaves that were serving the ancient LD and kingdom of that time we can assume that these slaves were not LD ins themselves but rather a different group of people that the ldiots conquered unless the LD ends enslaved the segments of their own population like a tribe that rebelled against them or something like that regardless of who exactly they were the slaves were treated terribly tortured maimed and abused on a daily basis we see a scene where the LDN ruler asks a large group of slaves which of them set a pig free apparently someone allowed a pig to escape maybe by accident or maybe on purpose as a form of rebellion the LD n ruler demands that the culprit identify himself or herself otherwise every slave will lose an eye as punishment a large group of slaves then points to Amir the same short girl that we saw in the unknown land where the court and it resides Amir does not protest but we are not sure if she actually did released the pig or if she is just covering for the others because she doesn't want them to suffer and she would rather sacrifice herself the LDN ruler tells her that she is now free and we cut to a scene of poor little Amir running through the woods as LDN soldiers on horseback are hunting her for sport even using dogs to track her at this point I am kind of leaning towards the idea that Amir did indeed release the pig perhaps she felt bad for the pig and wanted to allowed to pick a chance to be free a chance that she herself would never have and that is why the LDN ruler moxy Mir later by telling her that she is free as he proceeds to hunt her through the woods in her attempt to get away Amir is injured by arrows she is bleeding from one of her eyes and she is barely moving she stumbles upon a massive tree with an opening at the bottom she walks into that opening in order to hide but there is a hole inside the opening and she stumbles and falls she plunges into water and it appears that she is about to drown then suddenly something that looks like a disembodied spinal cord attaches itself to Amir's back and in the next moment we see the entire tree explode as a massive female Titan appears Amir has turned into the very first Titan and this Titan appears to have all the nine powers within itself because even though it has the appearance of a female Titan it seems to be the size of a colossal Titan so presumably all the Titan powers are currently combined into this one Ameer Titan I have no idea what this disembodied spinal cord thing was and I have mixed feelings about this aspect of the backstory was this some sort of ancient organism that slumbered for millions of years and then somehow activated when it came into contact with a mere some sort of ancient parasite maybe or was this some type of alien creature that crashed to earth on a media or and waited for millions of years to finally find a host it's this basically the arrow from jojo's I honestly don't know and this part of the story felt too much like a fairy tale to me and fairy tale vibes is not something that I'm accustomed to when it comes to attack on Titan I had always predicted that the story about the earth devil was just a myth and that there was no real devil at all but my think it was that Titan powers were the result of some sort of primitive genetic experimentation perhaps combining human genes with the genes of animals including massive animals like whales and elephants and eventually that led to the creation of a Titan virus that only affected LD ins however unless we get more information about this later it appears that Titans were created accidentally after some mysterious and clearly supernatural creature attached itself to Amir the chapter then cuts to a scene where the LDN ruler tells an obedient Amir that she has worked well for him just like the LD and restorationist believed in their own secret history books Aamir's tightened cultivated the land built bridges across mountains and allowed el dia to expand dramatically we now know that male in history was partially wrong because there was no deal with the devil and all that crap about LD ins being Devils and spawn of the devil was nothing but propaganda but the LD n restorationist vo history wasn't accurate either Emir wasn't a wise and benevolent ruler of the LD Empire she might not have been LD n at all instead Emir was the subservient and obedient slave of the LD n ruler and he used her to expand el dia and to destroy his Mar layin rivals the LD n ruler and his followers were just as brutal and ruthless towards the Marlins as the Marlins are towards the audience today so as we could have guessed there are no good guys and bad guys here there are two sides who want power and who want to dominate others and historically they were willing to do terrible things to other people in order to achieve their militaristic goals as a reward for her faithful service the ruthless LD and ruler tells him here that he will allow her to bear his children not because he cares about him here at all but because he wants his children to inherit the Titan powers so that they could keep using titans to dominate the world in the name of el dia Emir Fritz was not actually Emir fritz she became a Fritz only when she was forced to marry the LDN ruler who bored the fritz family name and so through this LDN ruler and Emir the modern LD and royal family was born Emir then had three daughters with this LDN ruler Maria rose and Sheena the three walls and parodies are named after these three daughters we then see a panel of pregnant Emir looking very similar to pregnant historia from earlier on in the manga and a very clear parallel between the two girls is being made over and over again it really makes you think what the Reese family might have done - historian remained in power and it also makes you think about what isayama may still be planning to do - historian before the story is over as LD ins defeated the Marlins using the incredible power of Amir's Titan Marlin soldiers and officers were before dld and Royals and made to bow to the ruler of el dia one of those Marlin officers then attempts to assassinate the LDN ruler with a hidden spear but Emir throws herself in front of the king in order to shield him with her body the spear manages to tear through Emir spinal cord and as a result she actually dies she is not able to use her titan powers to recover the LDN ruler tells Emir to rise no mere spear should be able to kill her and she was born to serve Him so she must rise but Emir does not rise instead her consciousness finds itself inside that unknown land where Zeke and Aaron have found themselves in recent chapters the land of the coordinate back in the physical world the LDN ruler forces Amir's three daughters to eat their mother's remains including presumably her spinal fluids in order to inherit Amir's titan powers so that they can be passed on to future generations and so that the audience can continue dominating the world with the power of the Titans in a previous video that I made back in July of 2019 about the secret history of attack on Titan I said that I believe that Amir's daughters had to eat her body in order to inherit her power and I thought this because during the season two anime ending we can see an image of what looks to be three girls eating the body of a woman with a king standing over them it turns out that this is indeed what happened on his deathbed the LDN ruler tells the daughters of Emir to have their own children eat their spines upon their death in order to continue passing the Titan powers on to new generations of ldiots that is presumably how the nine Titan shifter powers became separate although at this point we can't be sure why exactly they separated into only nine instead of even more Amir's consciousness or essence or whatever it is continues to faithfully build the frames of the Titans in the unknown world but in that moment the back story ends and we return to Aran holding a mirror and trying to stop her from obeying Zeke's order Aaron says that he will put an end to this world right now he tells him here that she is not a slave or a god she is just a normal person she doesn't need to serve anyone she can choose her on future and Aaron asks Amir to lend him her power so that he can end all of this right now Zeke screams and orders Amir to obey his command he raves about how he is descended from royal blood and how she must listen to him but while Zeke is saying all of this and acting a lot like the old ldm ruler who enslaved Amir in the first place Aaron tells him here that he knows that she was the one who led him here she has been waiting for 2,000 years for someone for him to come and end this long cycle of suffering this chapter all but confirms the fact that Amir deliberately reached out to Aaron to you 2,000 years from now at the very beginning of the story and now finally Aaron has found her to you 2,000 years ago it's almost as if Amir planned at all a plan 2,000 years in the making but what exactly does Amir want to accomplish on that note what exactly does Aaron want to accomplish what kind of crazy world ending twist is about to happen next we then see Aamir's eyes finally open she is crying her teeth are gritting and then we are thrown back into the outside world Aaron's head which had been separated from his body begins to grow a massive elongated spine which will presumably allow him to reattach his head to his body meanwhile the walls and parodies begin to shatter as the millions of colossal titans finally break free Aaron is also apparently transforming into a Titan yet again but I predict that this will be a completely new form of Titan a Titan form that combines the powers of Aaron and Amir but what happens now the rumbling is here millions of colossal titans have been released the walls have been broken but what is Aaron going to do now let's assume that Aaron can control the millions of wall Titans and let's assume that eren's Titan form is now going to be even stronger thanks to the power of Amir surely now the likes of reiner Zeke and peak will not be a threat to Aaron so is he going to use the colossal titans to destroy Marlay in the past many of us have pointed out the similarities between whoosh and how the attack on Titan ending might end up being similar to the Code Geass ending the idea was that Aaron might end up sacrificing himself so that everyone else can live in peace but now at least from the looks of it Aaron might end up being closer to Light Yagami than to Lelouch he might decide to destroy the world at least all parts when he doesn't like and then emerge from the chaos as the god of this new world this could be Aaron's own personal Ragnarok and only those whom Aaron deems worthy will be allowed to survive before I get into Ragnarok and how Norse mythology might provide clues for how the story of attack on Titan might end let's address some of the other important reveals from this chapter and what they mean for the story first it was revealed that a mere died as a result of a spear severing her spine she did not die because of any sort of illness or curse so what was all that stuff about the curse of him here if he mere herself didn't die because of any curse why do her descendants seemingly suffer from an illness that kills them after 13 years of possessing one of the Titan shifter powers since we know that Amir was a normal human before she became a Titan so she didn't have any supernatural powers or abilities that made her immune to this so-called curse the only thing that I can think of is that having all of the powers at once like Aamir had allows the person to live longer with the Titan powers this means that Aaron who currently has three Titan powers may be capable of living longer than the thirteen years especially if he can consume all nine powers at some point in the future and become just like the original Amir and since we're on the topic of the nine powers why did the Titan powers split up into nine powers specifically instead of even more if the powers kept being passed down why didn't they also keep splitting what's so special about the number nine if all these titans started as one single power moreover how did all LD ins gain the ability to transform into titans especially if he Mir herself wasn't actually LD in either but rather a slave of the LDN ruler and therefore probably a member of a rival nation or tribe I understand that the direct descendants of Amir who consumed the spinal fluid of her and her children would have their DNA altered but does this mean that every single LDN alive today is a direct descendant of amir fritz i understand that it's been a long time so it's not impossible for one person to become the common ancestor of a large number of people but if that were the case then what happened to all of the audience who were not direct descendants of amir maybe at some point all LD ins were injected with a portion of Amir's blood or spinal fluid in order to turn them into stronger warriors or something along those lines but we will still need more information before we can say for sure I was personally pretty confused by the whole curse aspect and the fact that all LD and somehow became capable of turning into Titans but only LD ends and no one else now let's talk about the rumbling and where the story could be heading from here in a previous video about the paths I talked about all the many references that attack on Titan makes to Norse mythology starting from the frost giant Amir and extending to the Drossel tree and a ton of other references in fact the tree in which Amir tries to hide in and that ends up falling and becoming a Titan is almost certainly another direct reference to each drasil with the rumbling finally occurring at the end of chapter one - - it is clear that we are heading towards an attack on Titan version of Ragnarok in Norse mythology Ragnarok is the prophecy about an apocalyptic series of events that will lead to a great war to the deaths of many including the deaths of the gods themselves and to natural disasters that will destroy the entire world but after these cataclysmic events the world will be renewed and two human survivors will repopulate the earth once again so what does this mean for attack on Titan I don't think we will literally see everyone on earth die except for two people but we are going to see some sort of Ragnarok equivalent the big question is what are Amir and Erin planning to do certainly if you wanted to protect paradise alone and defeat reiner peak the Marlins who infiltrated the island and so on Erin would not need to use the rumbling especially now that Amir is seemingly on his side the fact that the rumbling is happening means that Aaron has bigger plans plans that might involve destroying the entire Marlene army and all the other armies of the world who were plotting to invade parody's along with Marly but even if Aaron succeeds in doing this and even if LD ins become dominant once again because of the power of Amir and the wall Titans what will happen next Aaron doesn't want to become the new LD and King and just do the same cruel and brutal things that those rulers did he wants to destroy the old world and create a new one and a better one but how is he going to do it is he going to try to destroy all modern weapons and force people to be peaceful using the power of the Titans is he going to just kill everyone except a select few people that he considers worthy is he going to do something else entirely we really can't be sure for now but I predict that Aaron's plan will be very different from Zeke's because Zeke's planned to rid the world of aliens and with them Titan powers was pointless in my opinion we live in a world with no Titan powers but we still have war and suffering if they didn't have Titans the humans of attack on Titan would just fight using other weapons because of gracious conversation with Zeke in Chapter one to one it is safe to assume that whichever path Aaron embraces it will be a brutal one and many will have to suffer in order for the world to be born anew after the rumbling after Ragnarok I also believe that his story on historians baby are going to play an important role in the future of the world and I don't think that Levi is really dead but beyond that it's hard to make any more specific speculations overall this was an extremely interesting and important chapter even though I personally wasn't a huge fan of the way that Amir became a Titan in the first place I wanted some more interesting explanation for the origins of Titan powers although we may still get additional information in the future let me know what you guys think did you like this chapter and what in the world do you think Aaron is going to do next also do you agree with me that the disembodied spine thing was kind of anticlimactic or do you think it's fine let me know down in the comments I always love when we get a good attack on Titan discussion going if you enjoyed this video and you want to see more please leave a like to let me know and if you happen to be new to anime uproar don't forget to subscribe and hit that notification bell to turn on all notifications feel free to follow me on Twitter and Instagram at anime uproar for all the latest attack on Titan news and updates I want to give a big thank you to all of our anime upper patrons for making videos like this one possible special thank you to all of our pro hero tier patrons including the one and only Gilgamesh nothing but a fan Jason Wilson Kings L dress on he'll cruise Steelers poet Pablo atropos Wraith pitied Allah beat a karate GN Anatoly Cosette's ki and Lord a bird and of course some massive thank you to all of our the one tier patrons the ones who stand above all other clans including ingrid ah a lola madam madam AK makoto-kun and yuh boys Seth if you enjoy our videos and you feel that they provide value for you consider supporting us on patreon even a single dollar will give you access to our patron only discord and to show our gratitude your 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Channel: AnimeUproar
Views: 1,170,540
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: eren, ymir, have, master, plan, anime, attack on titan, shingeki no kyojin, aot, eren twist, eren future, ymir twist, ymir fritz, eren ymir, ymir eren, eren ymir twist, eren's secret plan, eren's master plan, eren's plan explained, eren zeke, eren explained, ymir explained, eren jeager, ymir fritz explained, the rumbling, rumbling, attack on titan explained, every titan, every titan explained, animeuproar, all 9 titans, every type of titan, all 9 titans explained
Id: 8ZQg0_c_5R0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 28sec (1288 seconds)
Published: Sat Oct 12 2019
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