Eredin. How to make a steel helmet from Witcher 3

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i start by drawing the future helmet this helps me learn about shape curves and dimensions before i start working with metal i decided to rethink the concept of the original helmet design the crown will be removable and the visor will open with the help of my drawing i made a pattern and cut it out using 30 hd steel two millimeters thick [Music] i bend future bottom of the helmet with press then i replace the strikers with a convex and repeat and shape the upper part [Music] the press is certainly strong but it is more convenient to work on some of the nuances by hand in the course of the work i remove the flutes that are trying to form at the edges i made a device from a cut pipe for a hand press this method makes it easier to roll it into the cylinder and considering that i have not just a flat sheet but a shape with bulges it is very difficult to twist this with my hands [Music] i start working with heating in this state steel is like plasticine and can be bent into complex shapes i hit with oxygen and propane for sheet steel this method is much easier and faster than a furnace fired with coal or just propane heating occurs in a local area and the rest of the part remains cold first it returns its general shape and does not twist from work and second you can hold the code part with your hands pay attention to which striker with a hemisphere i'm working on this is a very important tool in the armor workshop it allows putting the helmet on it and working easily on areas that you cannot get in without such a tool [Music] so [Music] [Music] i check the detail with my design and make a pattern for the top of the helmet i cut it out of the same steel as the first part 30 hdsa steel two millimeters thick this will be a rounded cone so at first i give it a slight bulge all over the surface [Music] the jackhammer does the plenishing for me also a very important tool in the workshop for making armor it is more useful than the press saves a lot of time after punishing i sharpened the edge a little so that the details align then i made decks around the perimeter [Music] now i reduce the angularity of the shape in such an assembly it is easier and faster than trying to make individual parts perfect and then weld them having corrected the shape i proceed to the main welding after that i remove the welding with a stone circle and the petal one and finally i remove all the hints that this is not a one piece skull but two parts that are welded [Music] and we have such an ordinary bassinet yes the base for the helmet of the king of the wild hunt is quite an ordinary european helmet from the 15th century although it will have a cutout almost like a barbie this is also 15th century helmet now i started to work on the visor i transfer the main lines of the mask to the helmet in order to understand what the pattern should look like with the help of the editing magic i turn ordinary paper into a 30 gsa still 2 millimeters thick and draw the lines of the skull i try to take into account that part of the face is curved at the edges and the pattern will be wider than the picture first i forged the cold detail lightly shaping the main convex but most of the work can only be done with heated steel [Music] so [Music] at first i outlined the eyebrows on the cold detail heating makes the markings disappear having received the rough eyebrows and the nose i make the eye sockets [Music] at this stage i redraw the main lines and trim off the excess from the mask now i can work on more details on all the bumps and grooves [Music] off screen i try the mask on the skull and keep it in such a way that it fits the helmet i made sure that the eye sockets are exactly opposite the ones painted on the helmet and cut them out with a grinder [Music] now i need to fix the visor to the skull to do this i make holes in the side parts i fix the visor with bolts now you can see that the horns and other parts do not fit with the helmet well to correct this i weld the visor in the places that touch and begin fixing everything that does not fit [Music] i remove the welding and remove the visor which now exactly replicates the skull this is the lower part of the mask that is shaped into teeth i forged the gums after studying how it looks on the original as well as on the anatomical images of real skulls you know doing this kind of work i feel like i am gradually acquiring the skills of an artist and a sculptor and i understand why so much time is devoted to the knowledge of the structure of the skeleton and muscles to draw people after processing the gums i shape the nasal cavity making the skull more realistic [Music] this is a plate three millimeters thick i mark the future teeth with a marker and shape the relief with a grinder a fact that you might not know in the witcher's universe elves did not have fangs unlike humans there are no fanlings on the face of the helmet as well although to intimidate miserable horny humans a mask with fangs could have been made i even try to draw it like that but then the design began to smell like all sorts of snotty vampires therefore with this detail i stuck to the original i weld the teeth using electric welding in some places the gums and tees do not touch each other so i fix these gaps and align them to each other with heating i print the scale with a steel brush and now we can admire the result cool teeth the dream of every senior you can't break them and you can also scare your grandchildren i know how i will be fooling around in senile marasmus subscribe or you will miss it at this stage i do the annealing of steel to do this i put the helmet in the oven and heat it up to 800 degrees and leave it to cool overnight when it cools slowly the stresses that have been formed from forging and welding disappear in the steel if this is not done the metal may crack from further work or after hardening when i was making guarantees helmet i was late with the annealing and the eye sockets cracked a little when i was cutting them with a chisel now i also cut out the eye sockets and the metal is very soft and whiskers it does not crack after the chisel the edge needs to be treated with a file here the annealing has a positive effect as well it is easier and more pleasant to file i bend the edge of the eye sockets outward from the point of protection of against a thrusting blow there is a chance that such an edge will stop the blade if it slides on the mask but of course it will not save if you the blow is directed straight in the eye socket this is where my authority ends the stage of making the crown has come the crown will be made of mild steel 2.5 millimeters thick and it will be removable it is easy to cut straight lines with a grinder and difficult if the lines are curved it is easier to do this if the cutting disc is not new but already ground off with a smaller diameter take note of this and always remove the burs after cutting [Music] [Music] i attach the band with a technique you already know i fixed the center and side parts with the bolts and forged them to the helmet with heating a very simple and effective way [Music] [Music] do [Music] now the band perfectly follows the shape of the skull and wiser with horns leave a like if you have never made armor but you already know how to make helmets i've cut the parts of the teeth of the crown this is also mild steel 2.5 millimeters thick [Music] in a special device i bend it in the middle with heating and give a rough shape to all the plates each piece is heated two times it would have been possible to do this on the press but i wanted a distinctive hot forging surface after polishing it will be clearly visible i fix the rip on the chisel i make it smooth and create the surface of the forged product [Applause] [Music] one horn is done and eight remain now all the horns need to be welded to the band a special welding magnet helps me with this the difficulty is that i don't want to weld it outside so i won't have to clean the weld later and inside there is no place to go in with the welder's nozzle but somehow i managed to stick everything together it's not what you would call a full-fledged wealth but the crown is not fighting part so it doesn't need to withstand the blows the places that didn't fit perfectly on the band are forged with heating do [Music] the grooves i'm making now are very similar to the ribs in the maximilian armor only the other way around the ribs were outward and mine are inward [Music] i center punch for the holes for lifting the straps and the ladder for the helmet liner check out how i have used the gopro to take macro shots it's not supposed to be used like that i weld all the joints from the inside basically the shape of the helmet is complete and the work is almost done [Music] and this is the chin detail yes where there is a gap in the helmet instead of the chin there will be a dangerous hole through which your teeth will be broken in fight just as on the top there will be teeth on the bottom too i shape the gum of the bottom the same way i did on the top first i woke with cold detail and then i hit it i weld it with a magnet as well the chin will be removable i will fix it to the helmet with bolts [Music] so [Music] now i put my helmet into the oven and heat it up to 830 degrees celsius [Music] i quench on water because it is 30 hgsa steel this is why i use water instead of oil after quenching i make sure to do tempering at 270 degrees i leave it for half an hour and dip it in water [Music] so [Music] after hardening the entire surface of the helmet is dull with scale both inside and outside i got such a burning drum the device is similar to a concrete mixer but a little different inside there are small stones that in theory should remove the scale of the helmet when the drum rotates i close it tightly and start it [Music] unfortunately everything did not go so smoothly the skull of the helmet was hitting the ribs inside the drum because of its size so i took it out after an hour of work so as not to scratch it as you can see the scale is almost not gone i have to remove it with a grinder i left the visor to keep spinning after 3 hours i took it out and it had to be washed from the dirt that was created in the drum the thing is that i added water and it became easier to remove the scale it got better but there was dirt after cleaning it was obvious that in some places the surface is clean but in the grooves the surface is still black i am scraping the entire surface with scotch brite to clean the surface so far i have not been very impressed with the pebble i have to keep experimenting i continue polishing using the motor and petal discs after the petal i bring into a mirror shine with felt and paste [Music] i've been thinking for a long time about what to edge on this helmet but i did not like all my ideas they were trivial and not very appropriate so i decided to go off on detail that isn't by canon anyway and that's where i'm going to write everything i was ashamed to write the helmet itself about siri who was chased by the wildcard and why she was chased and about miserable humans that the elves did not like and there's a couple of words about geralt of course the wild hunt riders don't like this lassie bastard he's really hurting them i even depicted a hulk the symbol and nickname of redding himself in the language of unicorns and of course the main message for the studio that created the witcher yes cyberpunk is good but not quite yes they made a richer tv show but it's a frank miscast and failure in terms of plot that's why we need a fourth part of the witcher the final assembly was left for this i prepared a spring with button this is to lock the visor in a closed position it is made out of titanium and i don't have to temper it these are chin straps they keep the helmet on the head during the fight leather straps for sewing on the helmet liner this way the padding is fixed in the right places and doesn't slip off bolts in the shape of spikes they will be used to screw on the chin guard and this detail i made behind the scenes this element of ammo is called a rondel and it will attach the crown the visor with the chin guard the crown as i said will be removable and will be secured to the helmet with the rondel and of course the skull itself all the holes are predrilled in it for riveting the other parts [Music] this is the final stage of the work i am rebooting rivets for fixing the visor i do it from the inside and beautiful semi-circular cup lies in a semi-circular feed on the small anvil [Music] i check how the visor closes how the crown fits and mount the jaw [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] it happened so that i was able to do a photoshoot of this helmet along with a full gothic style harness the first thing that catches my eye as an armorer is the intentionally integrated crown spikes into the helmet they make it impossible for the weapon to sleep on impact the spikes are a bonus for the enemy in wrestling you can catch them and make a throw and now i am reassembling the helmet into a tournament format the crown will be interfere and the jaw should be protected the next thing i'd point out is the gap in the mouth area totally pointless technical solution for such a helmet all the stubs will go through and that's fatal also leaving a hole in the neck and chin with this visor is even more bizarre what is wrong with this visor when view it from the outside we can't see any mechanisms for raising the visor at some point in the game eradine removes it and it completely separates from the helmet most likely the developers didn't think through the locking mechanism itself but let's assume that it is there and most likely it is complex the more complex is the thing the more chances it has to break quicker but there is still a problem with this visor it's the big eye sockets where an arrow and witch's blade could easily fly in it turns out that the visibility is blocked but the visor does not provide adequate protection i tested the helmet in medium strength the steel is 2 millimeters thick and if you hit it with full force it will be a bit damaged you can clearly see that the chin stops the stabbing although there is a chance to go through the gap between the teeth if it is not in the eye socket itself the tip gets stuck in the rim which i made on purpose without it the tip would go into the eye easily just sliding along the visor and here is a clear example of why you should not make hollows in the visor the blade gets stuck in the nose and does not slip transmitting all the inertia that's why many medieval helmets are shaped so that the tip easily slides to the side if you give a good pull on eredin's horn you get a great x combo from behind thanks to your support on patreon and paypal i help ukrainians this is both help with necessity products as well as the help with equipping the soldiers i know [Music] we really appreciate the support of ukraine by the countries of world thank you so much [Music] you
Channel: Art of Armor. ArmorySmith
Views: 321,134
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: witcher 3 eredin, witcher eredin, witcher 3, crafting, armor, how to make armor, crafting armour, blacksmith, armor smithing
Id: hV6LhPKj9zk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 41sec (1601 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 17 2022
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