Epoxy Inlays with Shane Peters | Vectric Worldwide UGM 2021

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[Music] hey guys my name is shane with shane's hardwood um i want to welcome you to the vectrix user group meeting and today i'm going to take you through a little presentation how i do my multi-color multi-layer epoxy logo inlays similar to this one here hopefully you guys can see that okay this is one that will be shipping out to canada tomorrow um this all actually started uh quite by accident and uh i was just gonna make some end grain cutting boards and that was it about four years ago uh when i tore a rotator cuff and wouldn't be able to work hockey see i work for a construction company and then also on weekends and then a couple times a year i'll fly overseas to wherever a major event is and and referee hockey well four years ago i tore my rotator cuff and the surgeon let me know i'd have nine to 12 months off the ice so i figured i'd better come up with something to do on the weekends once i got a little more mobile just to kill time so my wife wouldn't kill me uh for for being in the house all the time on the weekends so i thought you know i'll make some end grain cutting boards and and sell those and i was talking to a friend he mentioned i could sell them on etsy i'd never heard of etsy so uh i didn't know what it was um but uh he created an etsy shop for me and then um we started i started making some cutting boards and putting them on there and not much was selling and um this is the best part about the whole story is how this whole thing started by accident here so i get this great idea that oh you know what i i just finished a table for my wife it was a live edge redwood uh slab about four inches thick with a root system for a base uh one of a kind and i turned down eight thousand dollars for that when i finished it because it just you know i built it for my wife and there's just no way i was selling it so i get this great idea that i tell my friend hey uh the etsy set you made me you know some mom and pop thing i've never heard of etsy so i mean i don't think anyone's spending any real money on there let's just post the table so people will see it and then say oh if you can make that his cutting boards must be really nice so um i haven't post a table tell them just put it for five thousand people don't think i'm crazy but that way i wouldn't sell and then uh the next day that was on friday on a saturday morning i i noticed i had a notification from etsy that i had a sale so really excited i i yell upstairs hey honey you know we sold a cutting board i'm going to check it out and i didn't tell my wife i listed her table for sale because i had no intention of selling it so i go to the etsy store and all my cutting boards are there but there's five thousand dollars in my account and the tables uh showing it sold so i go into panic mode you know like what am i gonna do like my wife's gonna kill me but uh you know if i get a negative sale on etsy these next 10 months are going to be pointless well emailing back and forth with the customer just kind of get a feel for if she kind of let me out of it or not not not directly asking but just kind of get a feel for this person she mentions uh that she is an adult film actress so uh being a a stupid man i of course looked at her etsy name and googled her name with the word porn after it and a video pops up and i was like well i can't believe this lady bought my coffee table that's just crazy then i feel this presence over my shoulder now like i said i did not tell my wife i listed this table so um i i look over my shoulder and it's her and she's got this disgusted look on her face is like really like what and i thought no this lady just bought our coffee table you know while the video is going of her working and uh then then of course it was just uh you know to her it was just the worst excuse anybody's ever had for getting caught watching porn right you know she just couldn't why would you just make up all this stuff so once i explained to her and showed her that no look i really sold your table on etsy innocently by mistake fellaini is happens to be in the adult film industry um and we gotta sell it because otherwise we're gonna negate her view then she was only mad that i sold her table and she was no longer mad about uh the porn thing so that was good so um i'll try to shorten this story up for you but uh you know well another thing is i've never had so many people volunteer to help me move a piece of furniture in my life like i've moved a lot of times and i had a line of people down the street i'll help you move that table so we deliver the table and she posts something and um i started an instagram account called shane's hardwood just for my hockey buddies so they'd have to say the name as a joke it was never going to be any company never supposed to be any company um and so uh almost overnight after she posted something my account we went from 70 followers to a couple thousand and people asking for all kinds of requests and things and i started thinking like oh okay maybe i can make this maybe i can make that i'd always done woodworking but only for myself so it's never anything i advertise or really sold so i thought okay you know i'll get a different table saw and all this stuff at the time i just had the uh the tailgate uh dewalt one and a little porter cable uh benchtop jointer that was it and oh and then the dewalt planer that's the only three items i had never cnc i had never seen a cnc machine in real life before never work with epoxy so i start out making these cutting boards and then i go to doing some wood inlays and then um started doing one color epoxy inlays and then figured like hey if i just let that epoxy harden i can kind of cut back into it and do a second color without that wood border that you see so many people they have to have that in there in in their uh piece it just drives me crazy i i wanted epoxy touching epoxy with nothing in between it except just just those two colors meeting or three or four or 10 or 20 colors meeting i want the whole thing to be that way so i figured out a way to overlap vectors and stuff like that and come up with this uh system on how to how to do those and it's just kind of you know uh taking off so i'm going gonna walk you through the process on that and uh take you through the software now just so you know the software that's another thing i'm new to uh four years new to all of this stuff and everything i've uh been able to figure out has just been you know uh youtube searches internet searches watching videos or uh also you know communicating with people i've met through this and asking them questions and things like that but you know i maybe know what seven eight nine of the buttons on the the the v carve and the aspire u uh outside of that i mean this software can do way more than i'm capable of uh because i just don't understand it so just kind of bear with me and just understand that uh i figured out how to do you know the world's greatest epoxy inlays but that's all i can do on this software so i'm not going to know what the buttons are really called i'm not going to really know how to um manipulate everything the right way and i'm sure some of you with some experience in almost any experience will be sitting there thinking like these guys guys didn't know how to say it you know what i mean so i get it you can you know tease me shoot me an email laugh at me i get it all the time from other woodworkers uh in the industry that uh you know also can't believe that i've turned this thing into something that's you know gone i've now after the adult film actress i've been uh been out to the howard stern show to deliver a big order and then got a studio tour and uh george brett baseball player you know gets all his boards for me a senator the ceo of traeger i mean it's just it's just gone completely crazy so you'll be able to kind of tell in my presentation that uh i don't really know a lot of specifics about what i'm doing but uh i do know how to do epoxy inlays thanks so much guys so let's get right into how i do my epoxy inlays the multi-color we're going to work with two colors we're going to use the vectrix uh logo and there's a couple ways you can do logos for people they either have the good graphic files or you can sometimes just pull a logo off the internet into a bitmap trace i'll show you both ways here we won't spend a lot of time on the bitmap trace one because uh like i explained to you in my intro i don't know what a lot of these buttons even do um i know this one here for the bitmap trace a little bird uh and we'll we'll go through that but uh i'm not gonna pretend like i understand this uh software better than uh probably a lot of you guys uh listening to this uh and waste your time so i'm just gonna show you the process i use and uh here we go so i went on the internet and uh pulled a picture of the vectrix logo and i also asked becky at vectrix to email me their graphic files and she did so i'll run you through both ways here so file import the bitmap that i pulled from the internet uh we're going to go ahead and drop that in and then make sure that we got the okay good all right so we've got the layer uh right here with the uh the picture from the internet and what we'll do is we'll select it we'll go to the little bird which is the trace bitmap button click it and since this is a black and white vector we're just going to go ahead and hit uh preview and apply so i put the vectors over the uh what it saw is black now you can you can manipulate these uh here but i do not want to try to pretend like i under even understand how to do that i don't so i i i know it's crazy how is your work you know the way it is and you don't understand this i don't know a gift from god let's just go with that okay so we'll close this and let's just focus on zooming in these vectors let me get rid of the the photo so let's just look at the a and the t in passionate so you can see here this is rounded this is rounded they shouldn't be um this is cockeyed these are just a mess like this is not something i would ever use and make this might work if you're not worried about your sign uh being correct you know or or being true to the actual vector you could totally make something out of this but we are not using this since we've got good graphic files what i would do is i'd send that picture to an artist have them send me back vectors and then we'd go from there yes i realized that if i could just learn this stuff i could save a lot of money paying artists but that's not what i'm dealing with so let's start with uh now pulling in good vector files that i got from becky over at vectrix so import vectors the files there i'll go ahead and open it all right logo so let's shrink this uh i didn't even need to do that okay i'm going to shrink this down just a tad we're going to use this aligning tool here to center it and it needs to shrink just a bit more because i'm going to have a half inch border around this project that's the reason i showed you in the intro a picture you know because this project's already done um but i showed you a picture of it so you can kind of see ahead to what i'm talking about here if this is not making sense okay that is done so now what we need to do is create that border and what we're going to do is since this is 15 and a quarter by nine and a half i will just create a rectangle at fourteen and a quarter by eight and a half and when i do that that will leave us a half inch on each side since i basically shortened it by an inch we use that same aligning tool and bring that in and now you can see if we cut this first this pocket uh we'll be able to fill that void with one color epoxy then we come back into the cured epoxy and cut this logo and pour that with whatever color we need to do there and that is pretty much the gist of it so let me show you how i set this up my first tool path or paths would be i always use uh v carve so you could just do this with um with an end mill and have rounded corners but um that's just not how i do that so let me just show you what i do here i would set this up as a v-carve we're going to go with a 30-degree bit since that's what i've actually cut this with doing this part after the fact i'll never tell you guys that though because that would remove the fourth wall just kidding all right there we go okay so we've got it set up with a 30 and a quarter inch end mill and we'll go just .15 for this and we're going to call this uh my my filing system i use for uh tools is just basically the the order that i'm going to run them in uh the name of the company a couple letters there because you only get six digits to be able to see it on the handheld controller i have for my laguna and then a couple digits to let me know which bit i'm supposed to run so 30. so this lets me know my second path for the vectrex file it's a 30 degree uh v bit when i calculate it it automatically made that first path with the quarter inch end middle so i need to rename this okay i put 14 because it's a quarter inch end mill they won't use dashes and and slashes and things like that in this so that is where we're at so when i um i can also ah you know i'll save that for sheet two that i already have set up so we won't worry about uh doing that okay so let's preview this uh toolpath so you can see this thing's gonna cut out leave us a nice void to be able to pour our first level of epoxy in and then um for our second run we're basically going to cut everything in it for this i'm going to go ahead and use the 15 degree bit a little bit more detail um i got my pass depth set uh to 0.15 max on this okay there we go i'm going to go ahead and for the second cut i'm going to cut them only 0.14 deep we'll leave a little bit of epoxy on the wood so we don't have to fight as many bubbles and then the 1 8 inch end mill past depth is fine do it all in one move all right 0.14 a 15 and a 1 8 and this will be 15 degree bit and this will be the third path with the uh 1 8 inch end mill this can get confusing that's why i leave clear on here even though this has a little picture of an end mill i leave clear on there just to remind me that that's an end mill because i also have a an 18 degree v-bit so that could get kind of messed up okay so uh reset preview let me show you what this would do cutting into the epoxy so you can see that would cut right into the epoxy you go ahead and just pour whatever color it is you want in this case it's going to be black and let that harden and then flatten and i'll show you that process as well later in a video coming up okay so that is it for that now when i go to this other sheet that i prepared because if i wanted to show the customer this let me show you what would happen if i run all the preview them all so let me go to the 3d let me reset that and do that one more time for you so we can actually see it preview so it cut it in but the problem is this third and fourth tool path got cut a hundredth of an inch uh more shallow than the initial pass so we're not seeing it here so what i did is uh before i did this video i set up sheet two to have this stuff in here and all i did so i could show the customer is put colors on these tool paths so when i preview this visible tool path you know there's still a void there that would need to get poured but we're just using our imagination so they can see the colors and then all i did with these since i'm not really gonna cut this i just let them point too deep instead of uh you know 0.15 or 0.16 i just made sure it's you know further along then i'm sorry deeper than the first cut and when i preview this path or preview all then we can kind of see this is how the sign will look so now we're all done with the software so we're out here at the machine and we're going to go ahead and uh i'll get this thing going and i'll do some time lapse videos now from the process of the first cut uh the pour back here to the machine the second cut and the pour and then i'll uh i'll put some music behind that and then i'll join you after we watch those [Music] [Music] [Music] so [Music] so [Music] so [Music] so [Music] so [Music] so [Music] i want to thank everybody for watching i hope you guys enjoyed this little video presentation i put together for uh how i do my multi-color multi-layer epoxy logo inlays i also put together a little presentation i'm going to show you now some of the most difficult and most fun projects that i've done over the last uh three and a half years or so if anybody has any questions about doing things like this i love uh talking with other people in the community and helping them with anything i can help with as much as i can help so please reach out to me the best way to get a hold of me will be on my instagram that's shane's hardwood llc and just shoot me a message there and i'll be able to get to that as soon as possible and then get you some info back okay enjoy the video presentation guys and have a great night [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Music] [Music] so [Music] so [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Applause] [Music] so [Music] so [Music] [Applause] [Music] do [Music] [Music] so [Music] me [Music] so [Music] [Music] [Music] do [Music] [Applause] [Music] do [Music] so [Music] so [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] do [Music] you
Channel: Vectric Ltd
Views: 5,452
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: CNC, Vectric, QandA, Aspire, VCarve, Woodworking, learning, CNCFun, MakeSomething, Make, Workshop, VectricLive, usergroup, live, vcarving, epoxy, inlay, epoxyinlay, VectricUGM2021, VectricUGM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 36min 40sec (2200 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 10 2021
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