Episodes 1 to 4 Omnibus Edition | Transformers: Generation 1 | Season 1 | Hasbro Pulse

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[Music] Transformers Autobot their to destroy the evil forces of the decep the [Music] Transformers the Transformers the eye the Transformers [Music] many millions of years ago on the planet Cybertron life existed but not Life as we know it today intelligent robots that could think and feel inhabited the cities they were called Autobots and Decepticons but the brutal Decepticons were driven by a single goal Total Domination ation they set out to destroy the peaceloving auto and a war between the forces of Good and Evil raged across Cybertron devastating all in its path draining the planet's once Rich sources of energy the autopots on the verge of Extinction battled valiantly to survive there's not enough energy in these conduct to last a cortex well at least we found these Wheeljack and when these run out can't worry about that now hey let's get back to iaon load up I bet Optimus Prime will be glad to see [Music] us we're nearing the bridge to Aon one Mega mile to go ah homes Sweet Home uh-oh a Decepticon welcoming [Music] committee Autobots stop [Music] them Prime told me there'd be days like this and you didn't believe him I do [Music] now we've got to get these energy conductors back to iacon I'm right behind you mind if I cut [Music] in after them [Music] [Music] bumblebee get in quick you all right yeah I think it's my rear axle well hang on to your crankshaft I'm shifted into overdrive [Music] they've got underground we'll never catch them now you better report back to Megatron Wheeljack to ion we're coming in shall be prepare for a flight destination Ione operation assimilation [Music] laser beak Autobot alert disclosure averted continue observation any Lu Jazz negative north side of catron's black of than the inside of a drive shaft unless a new supply of energy is found nobody is going to win this war when do we start the search mission soon as you're ready to [Music] launch if there's a new source of energy to be found the Decepticons must find it firsts are to launch Megatron as are we shark wve what is your command Megatron you are to stay behind I entrust Cybertron to you sharkwave fear not Megatron Cybertron shall remain as you leave it excellent now it's merely a matter of time until Optimus Prime admits defeat the autopots will would have lost eons ago if I'd been calling the shots star scream only a slate few ever leave my time will come Megatron never never prepare to blast [Music] us all systems gold ignition [Music] contact [Music] last look what is it an asteroid there's another one they're going to collide [Music] leaking lubricant hang on everybody they're losing our power Jazz iron hide man the laser gun got it fire follow them follow them view Trex report we are being followed Decepticons we have been detected stay with them let's just blow them away they've seen us no I want to know what they're after prepare the tractor theyve made a magnetic Junction I can't shake them fire the laser nothing power's used up release the Bing shoot they're coming aboard prepare for battle attack attack [Music] what's happening G forces they're dragging us down we're out of [Music] [Music] control the Transformers will return after these messages we now return to the Transformers [Music] [Laughter] [Music] explore [Music] explore repair [Music] repair Megatron my leader we are alive [Music] again quickly we must revive the other [Music] Decepticons much time has passed we are on a planet far from Cybertron but our mission has not changed how do we know Cybertron still exists it must exist and if this land is filled with resources we shall return home with the power to build the Ultimate Weapon and conquer the universe starcream I'm just saying goodbye save your energy the Autobots have taken their last flight thanks for the ride F to you can't go the rest of the [Music] way explore explore repair [Music] repair [Music] thanks we'll set up here those rocks will serve as our base of operation ations Soundwave prepare plans for a new space cruiser starcream convert the area for construction what about materials use your imagination well any ideas there great but I'll need some help activate pile drivers operation destruction do [Music] it this new planet is Rich with sources of energy but the Decepticons must know this too so we must find them and stop them Hound right here Prime Scout the area see if you can locate the Decepticons just turn me loose Prime I'll sniff them out I'm going too I want to boot some Decepticon right in his turbocharger easy cliff jumper just find them we'll deal with them later good [Applause] [Music] luck someday I'll be giving the orders Rumble you'll do what I say look star scream megga trying is strong he's merciless he can't be beaten and you'll never be our leader I will find a way everyone has a weakness yeah well not Megatron we shall see now shake things up a [Music] little I am dress sure is a lot different than Cybertron out here don't fall in love with it hound we won't be staying at long you smell something cliff jumper no I do I think we just found the Decepticons follow me I was right let's get down there and bend some metal these off your throttle cliff jumper remember what prime said just find them what are they doing let's find out I will plunder Earth and steal its precious resources we can concentrate the energy into Energon cubes and store them in the new space cruiser how ironic by Leading us to this planet the Autobots have sealed their own Doom cliff jumper what are you doing I've got Megatron dead center in my viewfinder who could be firing at us who even knows we're here the Autobots impossible they're the only ones Soundwave send laser beak to investigate laser beak prepare FL go heading Northeast now you've done it let's burn Rubber what is that thing up there I don't know but we can't seem to shake it let's split up it can't follow both of us right at least one of us will get back to Prim accelerator [Music] down a my desk bird brain you couldn't hit an auto butt with a moon [Music] beam try this it's a gas you don't give up do you [Music] the Transformers will return after these [Music] messages we now return to the Transformers [Music] where'd they get you I I think it's my my drivetrain can you transform I I don't think so I'm sorry H it's my fault I shouldn't have fired on Megatron you shouldn't have missed you mean huh yeah right holler pull them up [Music] I can't believe the autobus survived neither can Megatron I thought he'd blow a fuse when he found out hey what's that let's find out okay reflector let's see what you can see [Music] Thundercracker to Soundwave Thundercracker to Soundwave proceed Thundercracker alien vehicle approaching possible Auto Part release [Music] ravage I don't understand it Joe looks like a tornado hit this place I I don't like it something's wrong real [Music] wrong look [Music] [Music] out and that's all we heard Prime they're going to put the energy in some kind of cube then haul it back to Cybertron Jaz organize a battle unit we're going after them [Music] pal Jailbreaker Wheeljack iron hide Mirage Sun streer side swipe aob Bots start your engines ready Prime Let's Roll [Music] [Music] Megatron laser beak has returned he has found a source of energy excellent excellent give me a hand Spike we got to raise this bit blush it out right Dad I'll get the Bor die die look up there what is it what are they everybody come on come [Music] on stop let go my [Music] dad by St scream activate the Norr now Soundwave prepare the inner John [Music] cubes we did it we did it Megatron the energy is ours we can go back to Cybertron You full star dream this is but a small fraction of the energy we need we must suck this planet Earth dry it's the auto box the setic hands transform [Applause] [Music] trans don't to that see give it up Megatron the universe is mine [Music] [Music] so long Prime have a nice [Music] swim here's something to keep you [Music] warm help we can't get out somebody save us the fire it's coming closer I can't lift it too heavy grab onto me keep your heads above water the Transformers will return after these [Music] messages my arm it's jammed in here I can't get it out I'll get you loose Huffer don't panic there's two things I really hate Brun what are they fire and water great you're in the right place there thanks Brun let's take off Trail breaker here Prime activate your Force Shield and take a shot at that fire I'll give him a head [Music] almost Dam it [Music] [Applause] [Music] catch I don't know who you are but you saved Our Lives we're Autobots we're from Cybertron a planet far from Earth another planet that's awesome those who tried to harm you are called Decepticons we must stop them before they destroy your world can we help we are the only ones who can stop the Decepticons but my sun Spike and I know more about Earth than you do H maybe you can help us the Autobots are a highly advanced form of robot I don't really know if they're from the past or the future but they can think and have real feelings I can't believe this is happening to [Music] me wonder who left this here [Music] hey tell me more about Cybertron what would you like to know for one thing why do you transform into cars and things simple disguise besides it sure beats walking yeah but how do you do [Music] it Spike here wants to know how we transform Hound easy like this incredible now watch this who's he nobody he doesn't really exist Spike it's a hologram what other tricks can you do try this one Spike Now You See Me Now you don't hey where'd Mirage go over here disappearing that's the best disguise of all hop in Spike I'm going to take you for the right of your life build up and and hang [Music] onage enter till one acquire knowledge of Earth's resources [Music] sure is pretty out here Spike Earth must be a nice place to live it's okay but tell me about Cybertron before the war with the Decepticons it was quiet and peaceful you miss it sometimes hold tight hey what's going on here who are you [Music] ravage eject eject a Decepticon get [Music] him there he is get him fire it's too dark can't see him gears activate your infrared there he is fire the [Music] [Applause] net we got him Sherman dam is the largest in the Western Hemisphere the hydroelectric power plant has a capacity of 1,750,000 KW good work sound W but that's not enough electrical power to make the Enon cubes your knowledge is only overshadowed by your stupidity starcream we are going to create a tidal wave one that will send enough power surging through that Dam to make all the inner johon cubes we need we attack the damn at sunrise [Music] Soundwave dispatch Rumble Rumble activate biod drivers operation tital [Music] wave it's working excellent de set the cons to the power [Music] plant hey Ed look at this cage it's going crazy something must be wrong the river Rising man your emergency stations there's some sort of trouble at Sherman Dam yeah a tidal wave the power output's 10 times normal could be the Decepticons all right I'll tell [Music] [Applause] [Music] Prime I am Megatron leader of the Decepticons you will do exactly as I say Autobots accelerate star screen prepare the no Ray we got to get out of here she's going to [Music] blow the Transformers will return after these messages we now return to the Transformers I tell you it's going to blow this whole place is going to go Sky High perfect the electrical output is at its peak exactly where I want it starcream activate the N Ray Soundwave prepare the inner John cubes [Music] quickly [Music] quickly we've got to work fast you think the Decepticons did this you're too late Prime there's your answer prow autox to the air looks like the heart of the tidle wave right here here only one way to find out be careful [Music] Hound iron hiy we got to stop that water stop talking tighten your shot of armers and get in we're going to make a new River let's go [Music] [Music] hey that's great thanks neighbors Autobot to the power plant [Music] gather the Inon cubes return to base stick in a neutral Megatron you're not going anywhere try and stop me [Music] Prime hurry follow [Music] me for someone who doesn't like to fight you're not bad Mirage any last words none you'd want to hear Megatron nothing can stop me now not even you so long Autobots here's one star scream's been saving for you you're son F star scream help save the Inon cubes get them out of here follow me you destroy Everything You Touch Megatron because everything I touch is food for my Hunger my Hunger for power no I'm going to end your hunger once and for all almost fine but almost doesn't get the job done you can't stop me you're old Megatron yesterday's model ready for the scrapping we'll see who's ready for the scrap Chuck that's what you are Chuck silence when I'm through with you Pride there won't be enough pizzas to sweep [Music] up Hound Hound you all right down [Music] there Hey where's [Music] Hound help [Music] help who's the scrap m now Prime you'll never stop [Music] [Laughter] [Music] me the Transformers will return after these messages we now return to the Transformers [Music] Prime use this fny magine Rak hydraulic Prim you did it hound are you down there [Music] easy Spike you almost flooded your engine thanks Hound you saved my we okay okay maybe we should repair our ship and go back to Cybertron and forget about the deceptic cons we can't do that Mirage if Megatron succeeds here he'll be impossible to beat on Cybertron but we're not Fighters like they are prime we must have courage Huffer we can't ignore the danger we must conquer [Music] it space cruiser nearly complete and the Inon cubes 3,000 two leers more required we need one more source of energy sound wve the Ruby crystals of bur right they're the richest source of energy on the face of the earth I can almost see those Ruby crystals now what was [Music] that starcream what in the universe are you doing testing the Enon cubes they work of course they work you didn't know you never tested them I proved it you only proved your defective mentality now we need two strikes before we'll have enough energy to return to Cybertron what's the difference there's plenty here for us the difference is time you fool you've set a attack rocket f is another highly concentrated form of energy despite your stupidity star scream our mission will succeed first we strike the Burma crystal mines and then we'll locate the rocket fuel we need that's what we've been waiting to hear let's radio Prime don't push me Megatron my desire for power is as great as yours power flows to the one who knows how desire alone is not enough time makes all things possible I can wait assemble the strike force Strike Force assembled scramble do the Crystal [Music] M you know know something I like being a spy a lot better than working the oil rigs look Dad no hands big deal I'm driving uh-oh I think we got company can't you go any faster Trail breaker sorry this is it I'm not built for Speed we're going to need a hand then radio home base spark plug to Autobots we're being attacked by Decepticons send help and hurry may not be fast but I'm tough It's sun strier and side [Music] swipe hey that's a new paint job man that's hot I'm heading in for a pass I'll settle you back thanks for your your help Brothers what about my pain don't worry nobody will notice just make left [Music] turns let's go hurry up get this car loaded faster a this place is magnificent unbelievable appear to power the entire planet of cyberon exactly I will build the ultimate weapon to defeat the Autobots to control the planet to conquer the universe there they are Megatron and the other Decepticons must be inside the mine let's blast their tail Runners out of there we've got just a trick to do it with too there's enough explosive in here to bury them forever not so fast Wheeljack we know they're in there but we don't know where I'll go I've worked these mines I know my way around and since I'm the smallest I have the best chance of getting through I'll stick that bomb right under their nose gear hop in Spar plug once you set this timer here you've got 60 seconds remember once it's set that's it no turning back back I understand if there's any problem get out of there we'll find another way there won't be any problem Prime this one's for Cybertron and Earth let's go [Music] bubblebee come on let's go [Music] inside I've never seen anything like this it's the Ruby crystals that make it Glow they're almost alive what's that you know now skywarp I can't wait to get back to Cybertron Earth's so flat yeah I know what you mean Thundercracker this way we found him this is the last slow get ready to pull out we have to do it now it's done let's move it oh no they ought to be out of there by now I don't like it something's wrong I'll check it out no I'll go I'll use roller he's small enough to get in there without being seen we'll come with you stay there if I'm not back in 5 minutes come get me let's give Megatron a little present maybe we ought to wrap them up and put a little bow on them it's up to you roller find out what's going on in there and be careful [Music] [Music] roller [Music] Prim the Transformers will return after these [Music] messages Brian you all right looks bad B Jaz rater see what repairs are needed let's get him up on his wheels ready lift careful easy easy good Prime can you hear [Music] me he's still generating roller what what happened to [Music] him down but not out rollers one tough little arot Prime can you transform I I'll try I I don't know if I can do it I've almost got it come on Prime you can do it try harder you got it you got it come on [Music] [Applause] [Music] welcome back to the land of movie parts that was some blast you took the blast Bumblebee and spark plug they're still inside how will we ever find them under all that rock only one way Stand Back start digging I found them over here Jaz let all we to have it thanks to you two the Decepticons are finished well we were almost finished too Wheeljack wasn't kidding when he said it would blow in 60 seconds 59.99 to be exact with the Decepticons buried under all that rock we can resume our search for the resources we need and we can return to Cybertron very soon Mirage very [Music] soon deep lubric it worked we're free we can get out we are indestructible power to the deceptic HS [Applause] [Music] forever Inon cubes still functional make them and follow me scramble [Applause] the Decepticons they're escaping after them they save it iron hiy they're too fast for us in the air well I'm tired of sucking their vapor trail I'll stop him iron hide come back I'll get him BL streak no call it off ion hide there's too many of them they Out Of Reach stop yapping Blue Street this is my fight make it our fight Skywalk to Megatron request permission to teleport permission granted teleport and destroy [Music] [Music] it's like fighting a [Music] [Applause] shadow don't worry we'll get him [Applause] [Music] Ironhide I'm coming Ironhide throw me a line you got it [Music] oh I can't move at least you can still talk old buddy where'd you get hit back in somewhere think my linkage is busted I'll check it get him inside you gave us all a pretty good scare it's been worse I remember the time sabon save the War Stories Hot Shot just remember there's a thin line between being a hero and being a memory maybe iron High's ready for a nice cushy office job hey no way soon as ratchet tightens a few bolts I'll be right back in Action we'll see let's get out of [Music] here Optimus Prime cares a lot for his fellow robots and he doesn't want anything to happen to them I think he'd make a neat president ravage this key is not for you don't think he likes being a prisoner can't say I blame him you know I'm surprised the Decepticons haven't tried to rescue him I'm not they don't care about anyone not even their own hey ravage watch [Music] this ha here's your friend Megatron to keep you [Applause] [Music] company when we get back to Cybertron where you make me a big house with a fourcc car garage Holograms look so real nobody will know the difference Mirage you just gave me a great idea a hologram that's right Prime but I mean a big one what did you have in mind a gigantic illusion that'll trick the Decepticons into coming to us on our terms it might just work what's the Hologram of I've got an idea I just saw Prime he told me teletran 1's located a secret supply of Rocket Fuel where not too far from here about 140 km du West then maybe we can go back to Cybertron why there's enough rocket fuel at that base to make four trips to Cybertron come on let's Tell iron hiy make him feel better but what about ramage don't worry about him he's not going [Music] [Applause] [Music] anywhere it's ravage he's getting away after [Applause] [Music] what happened ravage he escaped [Music] perfect the rocket base is 140 km du west of the autobot Camp excellent ravage excellent that rocket f is the last resource we need to defeat the autobots and control cyberon right on schedule aren't we no thanks to you star scream I've made my contribution you've also made clear your desire to replace me as leader of the Decepticons mistake number one it's time for a change Megatron it's time for Action not words I am the leader of the FI you couldn't lead Androids to a picnic how can you pretend to lead the decep it's it's empty you fail to dispose of me when you had the chance starcream mistake number two now it's my turn please don't fire I I I was wrong I shouldn't have done it please don't shoot Megatron megga Dron we attack the rocket base and [Music] sunrise deceptor comes attack [Music] the Transformers will return after these [Music] messages we now return to the Transformers [Applause] [Music] [Applause] attack hold it stop fighting what in the universe is going on here SCP Springs junk we've been had that's right Prime I was on your little scheme from the start did you really think you could fool me by allowing ravage to escape did you go on Megatron you're in the driver's seat while you and the other Autobots have been fighting a bunch of loose screws the real Decepticons have been at the real rocket site you've lost Prime the Decepticons have won the race isn't over yet Megatron oh it's over Prime you just don't know [Music] [Applause] [Music] it unidentified aircraft approaching sir a lot of them this is Cape Carlson control tower identify yourselves identify over they're moving fast Captain repeat Cape Carlson to aircraft give us an ID and a flight Mission that's an order look they're coming down Sound the [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] Alarm who are they what's happening down there our weapons are totally ineffective there's nothing we can excellent excellent prepare the Inon [Music] cubes course back to Cybertron chared space cruiser fueled and ready for departure what are your orders Megatron prepare for blasts we have come to a Moment of Truth the Decepticons are in position to return to Cybertron we have no choice but to attack them directly but this battle will be most dangerous so I asked for volunteers Jaz volunteers step forward ADOT transform [Music] start your [Music] engines ready plan let's [Music] roll so close Soundwave space cruiser ready for boarding so very very close to Conquest Prime to Autobots encircle the base Decepticons it is time to return to cyberon and conquer the Autobots [Music] forever all the space Cru a Bots [Music] transform we are under seat the zons transform [Music] Buble laser be ravage prepare for battle operation Warfare eject [Music] eject I owe you one from Sherman Dam Rumble you couldn't swim what makes you did you can fght watch [Music] me [Music] fire it's just you and me now Megatron then you better get some help Prime oh no I've been waiting for this chance only one of us is going back Megatron it w be [Music] you take that you're finished Megatron call it off call it off never time you never last Autobot would be [Applause] destroyed to the space [Music] cruiser yes [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] meon the Transformers will return after these messages we now return to the [Music] Transformers it's over Prime we've lost [Music] no not yet sideswipe give me your rocket pack my rocket pack now uh yeah right this is crazy Prime you'll never catch it I'll be back Jazz it's done we've seen the last of the Autobots and Optimus Prime not yet Megatron Prime is right behind us that's impossible open the artillery hatch [Music] fire you got him you got him Soundwave FAL rattle we're going home our [Music] home it's Prime he's been hit he's out out of [Music] control don't move Prime we'll take care of you I'm fine I'm all right let ratet check you out I said I'm fine you did all anyone could do Prime I don't know maybe where's Mirage that's strange I saw him before during the fight he's gone now at last total Victory is within my grasp not yours Megatron [Music] mine I see that you have learned nothing starcream wrong I've learned a great deal I won't miss this time beware starcream if you dispose of me there will always be someone waiting to dispose of you let them try I've waited for this moment a long time Megatron and my time is [Music] now Invader Autobot [Music] Invader Extinction to all traitor space cruiser losing power do something Soundwave regain control control impossible prepare for impact we're going to crish we'll be destroyed no you can't let us crash Soundwave do something do [Applause] [Music] something I'll say hello to to Prime for your Megatron happy Landing stop him [Music] they're going to [Music] crash the Decepticons are gone our path is clear now they were on their way to Cybertron must have been a mechanical failure I don't think it was a mechanical failure Jaz look Mirage you didn't you stopped the Decepticons [Applause] we knew you were anxious to get back to Cybertron but at least you could have waited for us sorry Prime the ship was full well done Mirage well let's get back to the base we have a ship of our own to repair can I go back to Cybertron with you maybe you better ask your father can I Dad only if I can go with you all right let's go home Autobot [Music] transform because the Autobots stop the Decepticons from stealing Earth's resources the governments of the world have agreed to give Optimus Prime the energy he needs to revitalize Cybertron the it's probably the first time all the governments ever agreed on anything well that's it from Earth next stop Cybertron ready Spike it's almost time to blast off I'll be right there prime one more thing I sure am glad we don't have to worry about Megatron and all those Decepticons anymore [Music] the Transformers will return after these messages 4 million years ago creatures from the planet Cybertron crash landed on Earth mechanical creatures of great technical sophistication Autobots look out Decepticon cliff jumper ceasefire and move it sorry guys but it kind of looked like a Decepticon Decepticon H we sent those oversized tin cans to the Bottom of the Sea months ago yep the Decepticons are gone for good right Optimus I wish I could believe that iron hiy [Music] the Autobots think they have defeated us and yet we [Music] survive losing [Music] power must try to communicate with Megatron it's our Only Hope Megatron Planet Cybertron to Megatron are you there Megatron it can't be Shockwave guardian of Cybertron Megatron leader of the deceptor comes and future ruler of the universe report status our supply of Enon cubes is dangerously low but our new Intergalactic transport system is almost complete excellent we he'll suck this Earth planet [Music] try hey Ed turn your tape player down will you that's not huh what is it laser beak prepare for flight operation destructure fire take cover run for generators under Decepticon control well done begin production of Enon [Music] cubes wow you picked up a great beat on your superar stereo Jazz you did get her a spike well let me rip up the decibels for you yeah get down oh look out oh no a traffic jam everybody's leaving the buildings blackout City we better check him with aabot [Applause] headquarters the entire city is losing power what could be causing it tetran survey the local power stations order acknowledged [Music] ah there's the problem the solar power station Megatron lives Autobots assemble on the double iron hide ratchet prow cliff jumper gears over half our force is out on patrol got bumblebee reporting for Duty you're late again Autobots transform [Music] roll out for the power [Music] station soon I will have a shipment large enough to send a Cybertron Autobots Run for Cover send your ground to epons don't worry Megatron I'll get them after I've taken care of you who will take care of me I will Megatron a pleasure to see you again prime good move Optimus but but [Music] nothing thanks for the power boost Prime hurry up those Autobots will be a concussion blast back move back starcream behind you too late starcream it's never too late [Music] Autobot you Soundwave Prime is Target Soundwave fire Optimus ratchet prow we have what we came for let's go until next time Prime take iron hide he's hurt but Megatron's getting away iron hide's been hit bad we've got to get him back to headquarters fast this terminal will have to be totally RNR RNR removed and rebuilt H and that rear end assembly looks like it could use some oldfashioned blowtorch work to secure it yeah it sure does that's what you think ratchet just keep your clamps off M no more back talk or I'll short your mouth circuit why you old iron hide's going to pull through nicely so Megatron got away with all those Energon cubes huh yes but he still has to find a way to get him back to Cybertron and the Decepticons they don't have a ship anymore right I don't know but I suspect they have a plan bumblebee I want you to spy on the Decepticons hey I want to go along can I bumblebee sure just leave the drive-in to me sending coordinates coordinates received our new Intergalactic transport system will establish a space bridge between Earth and Cybertron excellent but the space bridge will be operable for a maximum of 11 minutes we will be ready ah we're getting nowhere fast how are we going to spy on the Decepticons if we can't even find them let's drive down into that riverbed at least we'll be shaded from the Sun you got it Decepticons let's see what they're doing prepare for the testrun shock wave the space bridge will open in 5 seconds five bridge to Cybertron 4 3 2 1 release test [Music] [Music] vehicle wow Shockwave report test aborted no sign of vehicle your space bridge is worthless I will find a way to transport the cubes you will do nothing the vehicle just needs guidance over the space Bridge we'd better get back to headquarters right I want to volunteer to guide the vehicle over the bridge to cyberon very well I shall select a volunteer dig out [Music] bumblebee spies destroy them do not harm them what they have just volunteered for the next trip over the space Bridge the Transformer will return after these messages we now return to the Transformers load the prisoners you should be proud yes you will go down in Cybertron history whether or not you successfully make it over the space Bridge Megatron to Cybertron come in Shockwave how are we going to get out of this by the skin of our teeth I didn't know human teeth hand skin activating test run number two sorry spike it looks like we've run out of time so has Megatron look test run number two aborted [Music] when can the bridge be reopened 3,000 AST seconds 3,000 this is intolerable I wish our luck would change change that's it we're free they're escaping ravage eject operation capture [Music] don't worry about me Bumblebee weel out Go destroy the [Music] adite de [Music] too close to comfort hope Spike's okay I shouldn't have left them alone maybe there's another way out of here looks big enough uhoh my null Ray will stop your squirming for a while good work starcream Megatron what are you doing here I told you I can deal with this Autobot myself you are not to be trusted starcream now get out of my way once I've altered his memory chips he will lead the Autobots to their Doom Something's Happened to spike and Bumblebee we've got to get bumblebee where's spikee bikee was captured by the Decepticons they're going to send him to Cybertron over over some kind of space Bridge a space Bridge wait a minute nobody's sending my kid anywhere do not fear spark plug we shall rescue your son what is the location of this bridge the bridge yes the bridge is located in a cave 96.4 M from the highway and spike is he there too yes spike is in the cave too then there's no time to waste we must go to the cave and destroy this space Bridge immediately roll out [Music] liab report then there's no time to waste we must go to the cave and destroy the bace bridge immediately and we'll have a surprise waiting for them when they arrive strange no guards bumblebee are you certain this is the right cave the space bridge is inside bumblebee is never wrong Prime very well Autobots transform and move in is this some kind of joke no space Bridge no nothing I don't understand it I think your memory chips could use a few volts to shake them up Spike are you so we were expected here after all and I insist that you stay forever the Transformers will return after these messages we now return to the Transformers [Music] say your prayers Autobot stand back bumblebee it's my turn it [Music] B you're out [Music] this will ground you for good laser [Music] beak R oh no you don't not this time this time I'll blast more than your shoulder iron hiy look out thanks for helping me Optimus don't mention it now to finish you both not so fast Tron my foot it's cut yes making it easier to cut you down the [Music] side where are you right behind you Megatron surrender you've lost this round never Optimus look out he's Megatron response requested not now Shockwave not now Megatron the space bridge is about to [Music] open repeat the space bridge is about to open excellent we'll be there starcream blast us out of here starcream team Retreat never do as I command Decepticons follow [Music] me kick off for the River Band the Autobots will follow us and learn the location of our space Bridge no Autobot will leave the cave alive [Music] that's the end of prime and the [Music] others hey bumblebee looks like you could use a little repair this might get a bit hot prime a bank of Bumblebee's memory chips has been altered Bumblebee the space bridge where did you see it the cave I mean I remember now the riverbed in the desert Autobots concentrate Firepower roll out repeat the space bridge will be operable for a maximum of 4 minutes 4 minutes will suffice ravage stand aside well uh I guess I served my time and I'm free to go huh free to go to [Music] cyberon you will be riding on a beam of light concentrate on the or you will fly off into the cold Dark Void and cease to exist Optimus Prime and the Autobots will rescue me the Autobots we left them buried in a heap of rubble ready to send Inon Cube Shockwave ready to receive Megatron commence transport Autobots transform H robots take cover before they attack irine the Energon cubes don't worry I'll blow them up to Sabaton as dust stop spikes in that thing I got him into this mess I'll get him out I'll assist you Bumblebee hurry Spike jump gotcha now hold on prepare to fire I must get those cubes over the bridge before it closes return to base Megatron is dead I'm the leader now follow [Applause] me thanks bumblebee this is the happiest day of my life Megatron fell into his own space Bridge he's lost forever I wish I could believe [Music] that Megatron what happened the autobot robbed me of my victory but they have not seen the last of Megatron I shall be [Music] Avenged the Transformers will return after these messages [Music] nah [Music]
Channel: Hasbro Pulse
Views: 71,801
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Live events, Pulse Con, Gaming, Comic Con, Hasbro, Hasbro PulseCon, Hasbro Pulse, PulseCon, Hasbro Pulse Con, Power Rangers, Power Rangers Beast Morphers, GI Joe, GIJOE, Transformers, Ghostbusters, StarWars, WoTC, cosplay, Dino Fury, Power Rangers Dino Fury, pulse con hasbro, DnD, Dungeons and Dragons, Wizards of the Coast, Magic the Gathering, Dino Charge, Mighty Morphin Power Rangers, Transformers rise of the beast, fandom, action figures
Id: 8shTjaRxvoE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 86min 21sec (5181 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 14 2024
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