What Transformers Figures Will I be Buying? 2024-2025 - Releases, Reveals and Leaks

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[Music] hi folks gamerbook here again and it's time for another Transformers video what are we doing today well I thought I'd go over what Transformers I've been picking up this year what ones I'm planning on getting and also what my collection is going to look like hopefully over the next year or so into 2025 based upon all the leaks that have been done so we'll start with looking at what I've actually purchased this year then I'm going to talk about some of the stuff I've got on pre-order some of the things that have actually been showcased and then the final bit will be about the actual leaks the things that were not sure are coming but we're fairly sure of coming so let's get on with the video but before we do if you like it please do leave a like and if you could subscribe it always helps the channel and is very much appreciated so get's go back to the beginning of 2024 first off I got my hands on the autobot 5 pack this comprised of jazz Sun Streaker Trail breaker Wheeljack and Hound obviously all G1 styled now I already had Jazz and Sun Streaker and Trail breaker and Wheeljack and I actually had Siege Hound so really all I was buying here was different versions of them but I decided in my head I had to have the Earth mode of each of the vehicles and and thus I needed hound and although part of me feels The Siege version is a little bit cooler and a little bit better I still found this was a worthwhile pack and I do like the Hound that comes with it what I like even more though are the non-clear plastic versions of all the other uh Vehicles so Jazz was Notorious for being a bit could break any second due to clear plastic when you transformed into his vehicle Sun streaker was really bad on color matching the yellows were absolutely awful trailbreaker was fine so was Wheeljack even I'm perfectly honest they weren't ones I was desperate to change up that said once I got the new ones I was like I'm going to keep these aren't I if any of them the only one I don't like too much for the vehicle mode is Wheeljack I think it's a bit plain but overridingly he's still better so I like him it wasn't too expensive for me cuz I managed to then go and sell all the other ones that I did have and pretty much the actual pack cost me I think it cost me f so those was out of the way what did I get next well gears was next on my list and a G1 gears is something I've been after for ages I will be doing a review on him as well as all the other figures so if you're want to keep an eye out for that and that review like all my reviews is just going to be G1 original versus what currently is there anyway G1 gears great pickup absolutely love this um the styling's great the vehicle Mode's great um I say the vehicle Mode's great maybe I'm a bit overdoing that the vehicle Mode's serviceable the actual robot mode is really good um I do kind of wish it had the old G1 face I'm not a big fan of that but I'll discuss that more when I do a review on him overall really happy with this figure just like Brawn that came before him really solid so yeah happy when I pick this guy up next up I got my hands on Sandstorm now this wasn't a figure I had as a kid it wasn't I I even played with as a kid um but definitely wanted it I have the other triple Changers that have been released so far and they're a very mixed bag I think the robot mode of blitzwing is awesome but I think the other two modes are lacking I think the overall aesthetic of asttr train is a bit dull and dark it could be sort of I prefer if there's a bit more colorpop going on um and the vehicle modes are okay they're way better than blitzman let's put it that way um and then the Springer who is a decent enough character and model and if I'm honest the alt modes are the same thing but with a bit sticking at the back of it it's bit lazy um but fine so I actually thought this one would be good and if I'm honest you know just by the pictures it looked amazing that could be misleading it wasn't it's a really really good figure the helicopter Mod's brilliant the the boogy Mod's good I'll just call it good it was certainly one that I was happy that I picked this guy up between this I actually picked up a couple of things that fall outside of my collection so my collection is always uh G1 toys from 84 to8 86 there are some things that fall slightly outside of that for example I have RC RC was never released as a toy so it falls out of that but she was part of the 86 movie so I thought that was fine I also picked up the little Daniel Studio series figure is it Daniel or whatever whoever he is I don't care it was cheap um but I do go outside of my only collecting that era occasionally and those occasions are I'm going to probably get in trouble for this fot female robots everyone says they don't like the word fenot it's a female robot it's a female looking robot um and I picked them up because I want a bit more sort of female representation in the groups and it's different and I like to see what they can manage with it do I pick them all up no I only pick ones that spark my interest and I did have a bit of a rule and that rule is I only pick up one of each mold I'll go on why that is not a thing anymore in a little bit B so first off I got my hands on wind blade now I don't really know much about wind blade apart from what I've seen in cyverse cuz my son my oldest son used to watch cyberverse and seemed an eent enough character and then of course I've seen tons of like wind blade toys and there's a really awesome looking model bit overly sexualized but it looks cool nonetheless and this was not a bad looking wind blade and it was going cheap so I thought you know what I'm going to buy wind blade so I did so I got myself my hands on the Legacy wind blade following on from wind blade I then saw the cyberverse chromia now I didn't think this looked anything like cyber verse chromia but it looked like an okay robot and I didn't have this mold at all because it's the animated prow mold and I was no interest in buying that whatsoever so because it was a different mold it was a female robot and it looked kind of cool I decided to get it having got it I don't think it's brilliant it doesn't fit together too nicely it doesn't like to stand on it stand in robot mode the hands are weird so that they can hold the stupid weapons that come with it but it's not too bad for posing in robot mode it looks decent enough but it's certainly not my favorite of the fale robots that I've got uh I've given it Studio series 86 Magnus is one of his guns and I think it looks a lot better so it's an okay figure it's not brilliant after this I then decided I wanted a couple more uh female robots if there were any good ones out there cuz I thought let's start doing a collection of these and there was a Tupac Tupac no a two pack that comprised of Javelin and Cascade two characters I know nothing about these like I said these are just things I'm interested in they don't have to be a character I know I don't know anything about these but I thought that Javelin looks really cool because it was based upon the Bumblebee movie uh RC which I think is a great mold although I don't have it anymore I had it I sold all my bumblebee movie on I wanted to kind of I I started to get in my head I was going to collect the Bumblebee movie ones in G1 the same way and then I was like that's never going to happen they're only ever going to release x amount of them I'm obviously since they have gone back and released them that were not in the movie but overriding I was like no no no let's get rid of them I'm not sad I got rid of that RC cuz I didn't like the face of it uh it went really well with bumblebee movie characters don't get me wrong I just didn't like it over idling as an aesthetic um so this Javelin I think looks brilliant I don't know anything about her I don't know if she's a Decepticon or aut box I don't think she's even got an emblem upon her but she poses really well and I like this character Cascade however is based on the chromium old from Siege which I never got my hands on really loose Ive in the UK I did want it because at the time I was collecting The Siege ones weirdly enough I virtually own almost no Siege characters anymore I think I've got one or two um but i' never got that one this is fine I don't think it's a brilliant mold I think it's very backpack heavy in some ways I think it's probably worse than Moon racer that um I've also got that's not mine technically speaking I bought it for my son as a Transformer and it's sat in a box somewhere I might dig it out and add it to my collection I'm not sure yet but um yeah it's not a great mold it's it's fine I guess then I saw in stock something that was out of stock for ages and I was like do I don't I do I don't I do I don't I and that was the Nemesis Bridge pack and I was like I don't need any of these characters then I got my Megatron and had a look and my sound wave and they yellowed quite badly and I was like ah this isn't good is it now Shockwave had not yellowed whatsoever was perfect Soundwave and Megatron had Fairly notable yellowing the reason I hadn't noticed the yellowing I'll say this is when it was on my display cabinet which is just in natural light uh you can't notice you know you really can't notice if it's on display so then I was like when it's on display does it matter and then I saw it on I was like ah screw it I'll buy it so I bought the uh dramatic Bridge capture set and I have to say I really like all the characters in it they've done a brilliant job I think Soundwave has one issue and that is he's still got the weird things underneath his arms and uh Megatron's way better just way everything about this is better than the other Megatron it just I didn't like the head on the earthrise Megatron for some reason the shiny silver just makes it pop better sound wave I thought was going to have shiny paint on it and doesn't for some reason it doesn't bother me did I say sound wave or Shockwave Shockwave if I didn't mean I meant to say that if I didn't say that correctly um yeah I I thought it was going have shiny like arms and like and it doesn't they're kind of a matte color um they look absolutely brilliant so what I did was I then decided I'll sell the other ones um I make sure everyone once saw real closeup pictures of the yellowing on Soundwave and stuff kept ravage I threw in a Siege uh rumble or frenzy whichever one was red in Siege cuz obviously I'm not getting into the rumble is red frenes blue blah blah blah um instead cuz I wanted to keep the ravage but obviously sold it with a laser beak and I think I ended up paying about5 for the entire pack obviously Shockwave sold with all his additions that I don't have now I really don't I'm not worried about that it doesn't bother me at all now on top of that I did upgrade my Galvatron um from Kingdom to um what was the one that came after well it must have just been Legacy uh because I wanted the version that had the correct arms the correct way around if anyone knows about that manufacturing issue it hadn't bothered me but then I saw it going really cheap and I was like I'll get it and if I can sell my old one Fab and if I can't whatever it doesn't matter so I did get a new Galvatron as part of the Legacy line um and it doesn't have the siege scuffing on it as well so I quite like that that's pretty much all the purchases I've done with the exception of I recently picked up strong arm and I wasn't going to buy this because it's in a mold I already have and I wasn't sure about the figure now I've got it I do like it is it better than the strong arm from rid 2015 there was a warrior siiz figure and it it pretty much is but there's other things about that one that's a bit better it's another one that my son's got lying in the bottom of the toy box and I was like do I just get that one out and then it was the articulation and stuff and there's lots of empty gapping on it and I was like no no I'll just I'll buy this one and again it went really cheap um cuz it was shelf Waring so I just decided sry it so I picked up strong arm and I actually really like this strong arm it's it's good um as I said I've already got a liter one in the same mold and I think they're different enough but I've decided maybe it doesn't matter if I like the character anym the final thing that I bought so far this year although technically I paid for it last year was a pre-order um but it showed up this year and that was missing link Optimus Prime I did a whole video on that so I'm not going to go into it too much uh but it was brilliant it still is brilliant and I absolutely love this toour let's talk about what I've got on order at the moment so I have three things on order at the minute I think no technically two so I have swoop Studio ser86 swoop on order which should be released soon hopefully obviously all the usual corporates have already done their reviews and stuff and I'm not convinced about this figure being brilliant um but I'm hoping in hand it's better than the pictures look um on top of that I've also got is it called the doom and destruction pack or something basically it's the Delux in seticons of chop shop and barrage and also you get that silver whatever it is thrown in with it Little Bull Hammer thing um these look absolutely freaking awesome and a couple of reviews are started to kick out now and some people have been getting them a bit early with it being Amazon um I've looked Amazon UK it's still not out here I ordered mine on Hasbro pulse because it was the cheapest place at the time turns out Amazon's just as cheap I don't trust either of them to not cancel my order so this could be really annoying if they did um the one place I normally buy which is in deand toys it was a bit more expensive um so I was like and it sold out fast as well if I recall rightly cuz normally a couple of quid it wouldn't bother me so I ended up getting it from hro pulse fingers crossed it actually shows up but I don't think I'm going to get this until next month now which is a crying shame so out of things that have been um showcased uh these are some of the ones that I've seen that I'm interested in and some of the ones I've seen that I am not so first up is Studio series 886 core steel jaw I'm not hugely interested in this but I have rewinding eject so I kind of may as well get my hands on steel jaw it's not selling out anywhere I've noticed so I'm hoping this one's just going to be one I can just walk into a shop pick up or slap it onto an Amazon order so it's a free delivery but I will probably get this one Studio series 86 Springer I don't know on this one I really don't I'm hoping this one's going to shelf War a bit cuz a lot of people a lot of people claim they haven't got Springer but it wasn't hard to get hold of Springer in the UK so that might be American audiences uh and then obviously got re-released as the reck and roll stuff I would like a version that doesn't have all the siege McGuffin on it but I really don't think I can pay for all the price for this it just feels cheap if I'm honest and it's just for accessories even though they do look better um so if it goes cheap I'll pick up Springer if it doesn't go cheap anyway if it doesn't shelf form I think I'm just going to stick with a Siege version then I saw slipstream now this was the thing that made me change my mind a bit on buying two female robots in the same mold cuz I think this looks really good now do I think this looks like slipstream from cyberverse or whatever no no I don't I do genuinely think they could have just gone used the Seer mold maybe made it a little bit more feminine looking maybe if they wanted to I've changed the face I don't think it would have mattered they could have probably just used them mold as is um but I like this I like this a lot and from the fact that I want female looking robots in that way and I don't want to get into anything things about that it's just my personal aesthetic Choice um I like this one a lot so I'm going to pick this one up I think uh and I get the feeling this one might shelf War a bit so I might be able to pick it up a bit cheap now there's the ones that I have seen showcase that I am not going to buy first off G1 Deluxe Optimus Prime if I didn't have Missing Link Prime I'd probably get this uh I think it looks brilliant I think it's a great idea but I've got the missing link Prime there's absolutely no reason for me to get this I already have a more definitive Optimus Prime in the earthrise prime more on that later um so I'm not going to be picking this up Studio series 86 bumblebee I've got the Netflix bumblebee I'm really happy with it it's fine there are things about this I slightly prefer I don't care about the parts forming it doesn't bother me what bothers me about the parts forming is getting the actual bit off the back it's quite annoying um the the uh Auto emblem missing off the chest don't like that that's kind of annoying but I could get a repair label and Chuck one on if I want to and I haven't yet so whatever yeah it's got the right gun but those guns all just like a diamond doesn't it looks like ratchet's guns and everything like that so don't care um and I don't like the face I I think it looks too chunky and yeah I'm just I'm not interested in this at all and it doesn't turn into a beetle so mine turns into a beetle no it's not cartoon accurate I don't care about that so I'm I'm happy with my Netflix one unless something drastic happens I don't see me upgrading then they showed off the most disappointing thing I've ever seen Legacy leader Soundwave the laziest package ever now I know a lot of people don't have this because obviously they didn't get Netflix Soundwave which I had and there's obviously the Nemesis Bridge pack but you had to buy the bridge pack to that um this one however yeah you get sound wave and you get ravage and frenzy and finally you get buzo and yeah nothing about this it's lazy it's pretty much the Nemesis Bridge pack I think there's a bit of different paint just around the tape deck um opening um it's still got the bits under the arms they could have took them off that would have maybe made me go oo um ravage looks worse for some reason to me on this I think it's the fact that he's too black everywhere the The Siege version had little pops of gray or silver on it uh moreo than this although I still think it's a trash figure you got frenzy thrown in in uh blue is the other frenzy blue I can't remember cuz one's trying to be close no Rumble would be blue wouldn't it cuz it's trying to be like the cartoon and then the this one would be blue because it's trying to be like the toy and yeah the paint apps are different and they're interesting I quite like the paint apps on this frenzy um I'm not going to bother with that and B is the only thing about this that's interesting and they've made him so golden and I'm not saying he wasn't a bit golden in the toy but it looks crap it looked Brown here and so I'm like nah nothing in this makes me want to buy it I doubt I'll be able to pick up a buz saw like for anything decent pricewise on aftermarket but I use different figures to represent my cassette box anyway so all the cassettes I've got that fit in Soundwave are just in cassette mode on display because I use different figures to display so I'm really not bothered about this one at all the missing link I mentioned earlier and Bumblebee and cliff jumper were shown and they've now been revealed and I do not care for these at all for two reasons one I was never a big fan of I had these I had both of these toys and they were the least interesting of the Minot Bots to me um definitely way after the likes of wi charger and gears and Brawn and Huffer and then on top of it cliff jumper looks kind of stupid and creepy and weird and I hated the front package uh art anyway cuz I talked about that in my package art video and the gun looks really cheap and tacky on him it looks like it was made in 1984 it's that cheap silver looking uh plastic do not like this at all bumblebee looks better because obviously I like Bumblebee's visor face um and I don't don't know he's just a bit more interesting than cliff jumper not over idling as a character just in this um and the price the price is just ridiculous I'm not paying that it's it's past Voyager pricing for yeah I know there's metal on it and all this kind of stuff but but basically they don't have which is weird cuz I literally had them as a kid but these do not have the Nostalgia or interest level that say Optimus Prime had to me if they ever do Soundwave in Missing Link yep I'm going to pick him up I'm going to snap him up but I don't really foresee me getting any other Missing Link characters because I'm just not that bothered so the last thing for 2024 that has been leaked as far as I know um and obviously there's always a chance something else will be leaked out that would interest me is the studio series 86 Commander class Optimus Prime this is the only thing I can see that could potentially make me give up earthrise Prime and get this but I don't know anything about this I don't know if this is going to be earthrise Prime with more accessories or this is going to be a brand new mold everyone says it's definitely going to be a brand new mold we don't know that I mean everyone thought that about Soundwave look how lazy that was so this could very much just be you know the same but it could be brilliant this could be up there with the studio series Ser Ultram Magnus and I will want to snap it up immediately so I don't know on this one I generally don't know so we have to just hold our breath and wait and see if it's amazing I'm going to buy it if it's not amazing I'll stick with it now before we go on to the next Trilogy that's going to be coming out in 2025 there was a leak about a fifth wave for legacy that was going to be coming out it's going to be predom ently filled with package refreshes and reissues but there's going to be a couple of new ones in there there's nothing new in there that I particularly want but there is a package refresh that I really want and that's the package refresh of Ramjet I picked up durge recently when that was releas in Legacy and obviously I completely missed out on the earthrise two pack virtually everyone did and nowadays they go for like £250 on eBay or something so seeing this come out is going to be brilliant and I cannot wait to pick it up so with Legacy done we move on to this Prime Trilogy that's going to be coming out now I believe this is all based upon the primes rather than as I say it's nothing to do with uh the old Prime obviously they're going to be throwing extra things into this but so far on the actual Prime stuff there's some really cool looking things in there as well as some really cool looking things for Studio series 86 so first on Prime that I saw that I'm definitely going to be picking up is Venom they're going to be doing a deluxe class Venom which is one of the deluxe insecticons as at that point I will hopefully have a barrage chop shop and I will also have well I've got ransac then it's going to be nice to have venom whether this is going to be a retool of somebody I have absolutely no idea at this point uh I don't really care I'm going to be picking that one up for definit so also on the prime side of things um they mentioned air raid Fireflight skydive and slingshot now obviously these are all aial Bots that will'll obviously join up to make Superion what has not been mentioned on that is their leader um now whether he's going to be a leader class or because motor master was a leader class no motor master was a cander class wasn't it so whether or not um he's going to be a commander class I don't know how you get away with silverball being a commander class I'm not sure but maybe you could be leader or maybe not depends how much extra stuff is actually needed um but you know once he's mentioned or announced obviously I'll be trying to get my hands on him um then there have been a leak of Swindle who is obvious going to be part of Bruticus I'm assuming and there's been nobody else mentioned whatsoever but you've got to assume all the others are going to be coming as well that might be a 2026 thing though so I'm only going up to 2025 in the leaks that have been mentioned so far top of that more combiners cuz they've obviously mentioned now or they've leaked Bone Crusher Mix Master scavenger and Scrapper as deluxes for the studio series 86 line now they haven't mentioned hook and they haven't mentioned L haul maybe they're going to be voyagers maybe they're going to be packaged together in some sort of Commander class box set I don't know um but yeah they are definitely going to be bought I never bought the Titans returns one and I want to get Devastator and these so yes now the problem I have with all of these ones that I've just mentioned that are all combiners is for motor master I got two sets one to be the combined form and one to be the individual robots now whether I do that again or decide maybe that's just too expensive and stupid and I decide to actually sell my other um stunter consons I don't know yet um there's also a question of space that's another reason why I'm only collecting a certain amount whether I've got space for the ones I'm mentioning here I'm not entirely assured but I think I have so then the final things that have been mentioned uh part of Studio series 86 and that is the studio series 86 Galvatron which is a leader class I can't imagine what this is going to do it's going to make me want it more than the Galvatron I've got unless they make it huge like Studio series Ultra Magnus but Ultra Magnus was a commander and this is going to be a leader so I think it's just going to be a retool or recolor of the Kingdom one and I've got that so I'm not really that fuss about this one what I wouldn't mind to see is a studio series 86 cyclonus because mine's got the yellowing problems and that would be a nice thing for them to re-release um and maybe they could chuck in his sword or something as well and then the very final thing and this was the reason that I was on the fence about getting the Nemesis Bridge pack is the studio series 886 leader Megatron now again I don't know what they're going to do with this because you've got Legacy leader Soundwave is just Voyager Soundwave with some tapes thrown in so Megatron could just be Megatron earthrise with some extra bits thrown in like his um his mace uh maybe even him as the gun as an accessory not that he turns into that gun uh I still think he's going to be a tank I might be shocked but I do not believe for a second he's going to turn into a gun I'm not worried about that I I don't care too much if he turns into the gun or not um but I still think he's probably going to be very similar to earthrise Megatron and he'll just have lots of bits thrown in as extras for him and that's a bit worrying and that's the reason why I thought I'll still plump for the nish's bridge set and see what happens I'm not sad with a shock we ever got and sound brilliant too so yeah they're fine all in all that's everything that's been leaked as far as I know so far up until well some point in 2025 there's been no more major leaks to do with my collecting habits which are those G1 now there might be some female robots that could be really cool coming out there's none I've seen that I want that I've missed off the list that I'm talking about here like a shadow Striker I thought it was a trash looking figure I wasn't interested I don't know if that was this year anyway but I just I've not been interested in it there was a pink I think it's like a pre Elita one I can't remember the name of it never heard of the character it was r pink and I think it was using the um RC Legacy RC mold um I thought about that one but I wasn't massively a fan of it either so there might be some other female Robots coming out that I want to add to that side of the collection maybe Missing Link sound wave gets announced that would be added to my collection ction but so far for the next year or so and what I have bought that's it so hopefully this was interesting to you to see the purchasing habits of a person as to why they buy some of the things they buy and um why they might buy some of things in the future and if you did like it as I've said before please do leave a like and do consider subscribing I try to bring as much of this content as I can try to make it different and interesting and every subscription is a appreciate it that's all for now as always thank you for watching and until next time gamer B out
Channel: GamerbugUK
Views: 4,285
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: 1_Drezp-CVw
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Length: 32min 6sec (1926 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 26 2024
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