Episode 2: Grinding Large Stumps with Forestry Mulcher

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alright here we are in a beautiful not really that beautiful morning a little bit sprinkly out here but this is just a little thing that I talked with my neighbor about we're gonna knock this out today he's got this little tiny patch of those overgrowth here but if there's a lot of stumps and stuff through here he just had some big white pines down here that he recently took out and there was some other stuff in here I was here last night and hauled a couple of huge logs out that were laying right here and and a little bit of stuff over there we took out but yeah we're just going to kind of flatten this area out here the big stump right there there's a various little thing sticking up here like a little stump thing right there it's kind of sharp and it's like the kind of thing that's sharp enough you don't run your truck over or a tractor or something in I'm gonna go ahead and I think I'm gonna cut a layer off of that before I get started but got these big stumps over here and I'm just gonna kind of flatten them down to the one I'm gonna try to dig them out or grind them down so much we're just gonna kind of flatten it out so this area becomes useful okay so first off I do apologize for how jumpy that opening sequence was I was serious about getting a gimbal camera stabilizer it has been ordered and it has been chipped and now it's on its way so once I get that learn how to use it all that stuff's going to get better so anyway yeah this was a this was a neat little job and it was it was great because it was so close to home so I actually just drove the Bobcat down the road and some of these pictures he had actually seen my house in the background I was about a half mile away but anyway yeah he wanted to get these stumps out of here but he was a little hesitant to you know get in there with a you know with a big grinder and really tear everything up and so we discussed it and I said you know what I can make them I can make them flush with the ground I can't dig them up but you know I can get them knocked down and so so let's do that and then I could also take care of those woods at the end and so it turned out to be the right tool for the job so these are our pretty big stumps you know for a forestry mulch or of course you know grinding stumps is just all in a day's work for a forestry vulture because you're you know cutting down trees with it and so people ask me all the time well how big a tree can you you know can you mulch with a mulcher and the answer really is there's not a limit you know it's just an issue of how long you want to spend doing it and so you know I normally tell people there there comes a point where it's where it's big enough that it's you know where the stump is big enough that the forestry mulcher is not really the right tool for the job anymore you know if you're dealing with large trees you probably want to cut them down you know either just cut them down with a chainsaw and all them out of there or you know use some other kind of logging tools or whatever you know if they're big enough you don't be mulching up a lot of you know 12 15 20 inch trees it's not that you can't do it it's just it's not efficient and this is just it's an awful lot of work so we did have some discussion on you know how long it would take to to mulch up these stumps and I just had to be straight with them sad I don't really know it might take you know might take five minutes might take twenty minutes and it turns out I was kind of in the in the ballpark there so I just put put the numbers down on the video just so you could see that you know for these bigger some store anywhere between for these they range from about eight minutes to about twenty two for that big fifth one in fact this one right here and I'd cut some of this some of this log up with the chainsaw but I didn't have my good chainsaw not that my I basically saw it as much as I could and I got tired and I said you know what the machine isn't gonna handle this just fine so yeah I got some of it out of there but you can tell this particular tree had a it was mounded up higher around this one on it wasn't ooh the other ones and so I was contending not just with the stump but you know all of the ground it's hard to tell in the videos how the how the ground lays a lot of times but in this one when I Drive up on to where the stump mound is you can tell that the Bobcats driving up you know go across it like that you can tell that it's haier there so I just kept working on it and and I didn't necessarily catch all of it on video either when I went back to do the final back drag I think I was just a little bit I kept trying different techniques to figure out which was best but mostly you just kind of got to get on there and just keep at it you know by the time I get done there you can tell I'm actually driving pretty pretty smoothly over it and so you know on this one I do a little back draggin here and kind of get it smoothed out but then I'll go in there and start scrubbing away add a little bit more and you know and you kind of see it come to the surface again but basically we just wanted to get this down to the point where you could scatter a little dirt over it and you know plant some grass and drive over if you need to or whatever but anyway it's all flat and smooth now most of the times I publish these videos I haven't learning it faster speeds just because putting addictiveness with videos out there but this is kind of a neat little patch here and I thought I would just run a little bit of video at regular speed but this will go back and forth a few times because it's not all that terribly interesting and there's right there about where I am right now it's there's a pretty big stump right there I kind of hid a little bit and when did some up stuff went back hit a little bit more and eventually the scheduling when this job worked out really well for me because I've got my other Bobcat and on my driveway implements all loaded into a job that's about an hour away from here and we got all this weather that came through rain snow and all sorts of stuff but it was all just just north of us here but it was random snowing for a couple of days up it at the place where all my stuff is so couldn't really go up there and work in the rain so but I had this machine here at home and I actually just drove it from home just drove it down the road and worked out real well gave me something to do while my other job was raining out I had to be careful in that rode off to the left it's not a very busy road but it runs right beside an elementary school which is actually right behind where I'm working there and it was in the afternoon the school was just letting out so there's a lot of cars coming and going and right here I'm probably maybe 75 80 feet away from the road and even where I am here I was throwing debris all the way out into the end of the road out there so you see I'd have to turn around here in a little bit and start tackling this from the other side because I was just throwing too much debris out there so something something always think about is where is all this stuff going that's when I kept suspecting that to fall and kept not falling is because it's got a line holding the top of it those that push on to that vine came out I'm just doing my final back dragging just smoothing it all out I did come back after the last pictures I have here and with a leaf blower and I went around the entire work area and glued the debris back in so I don't actually have a final final picture here but you have a pretty good look with what it looked like when I left so there you have it and if you've got any questions put them in the comments and thank you so much if you would if you haven't yet please like and subscribe and we'll see you on the next job you
Channel: Southwest Virginia Land Clearing
Views: 19,499
Rating: 4.8290596 out of 5
Keywords: forestry, mulcher, bobcat, land clearing
Id: cOT4FN3d-5w
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 51sec (951 seconds)
Published: Thu Dec 19 2019
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