Episode 177 Out of the Stash At Last! SD 480p

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hi everyone welcome back this is dina and i have an update for you today on october the 2nd yesterday i posted my hashtag that julie mcconnell has challenged us uh with and that is to get something out of your stash at last and um i posted that i was going to work on a tree ornament a little christmas tree ornament here which is a little pocketbook shaped ornament called peace on earth it is a lovely design by the victorian sampler this is a 2011 cross stitch edition so it more than qualified that i'd had this more than two years so um i started working on it this morning i made a few changes the lady in this little um ornament that's outside has a lantern in her hand and it's lit up so that gave me the idea to stitch it as a nighttime piece so that's what i did and i started on it early this morning and this is the front and this is the back i haven't put my name or the date or anything on that because i've got to decide exactly what i want to put on the back in the magazine they have a little replica of this little red bird which is one over one and the lettering is one over one and oh my soul i was glad to get done with that but you see this little lady here is holding a lantern and it is lit up and the lights are own in this house so anyway i decided to make it look nighttimish and that's what i did believe it or not in these two little pieces of stitching here it was 669 stitches and a lot of that is because you've got one over one in here you've got one over one in the bird and it's small but it's just packed full of stitching which is probably what drew my attention to it in the pattern they've got little snowflakes here because their writing is a different color i didn't put the snowflakes in here because my writing had to be white i tried a couple of other colors that i used in the piece but they're darker and i just didn't want to use them so i used the white and i left off the snowflakes it's just not snowing right now anyway this is called peace on earth and i think it is precious and then what i'll do to finish it um is i will cut it out and i will probably put some interfacing on it just to help give it a little more uh you know oomph to it and then i will decide what i'm going to put over here i'll cut it out the same size and i'll stitch these two together and then according to this magazine the way they finished it is they i like the way they finished it they stitched it together but they put little beads all the way around and then they used a ribbon for the handle so i'm thinking i may do beads all the way around but i may put i may use beads for the handle i don't know i like the way that the ribbon looks white like the clasp of the purse and they used two larger beads two larger silver beads to look like they were the the little clasp that you push to open the package it doesn't open it's just an ornament it's just you know closed up ornament but isn't it cute so julie thanks for the push i don't know when i would have done this otherwise um but i really like it and i think it's going to be very precious very cute i hope you like it and that's what i've been uh working on all day today as i was stitching um believe it or not and i am thrilled to have that accomplished so i will clean up because i've got threads everywhere doing a little piece like this you change colors quite frequently and i just laid them all out here on the desk i didn't try to keep them on a ring or anything so they're everywhere so i do need to tidy i did use some chronic my thread works chronic that my son gave me in blue it's the darker blue right here and unfortunately the shimmer and shine isn't showing up for you but it is for me for the naked eye so it even has chronic in there and i was gonna use it for one of the greens but because it's really not um showing that well because the fabric is darker i didn't use the chronic i just went ahead and used regular dmc because it is a little harder to stitch with and i just wanted to do something that was a little more manageable especially with all the one over one i had coming so hope you like it lovely piece and now i'll put that away and down the road i'll fully finish it hopefully before christmas oh i hope you're enjoying the beginning of uh your weekend and that you've got great plans for next week i haven't even looked to see what all i'm going to need to stitch for prompts i just decided i was going to do this hashtag today and get it done so that i had met the criteria this week not knowing how much stitching time i'm going to have or not my husband and i have started a project that has to be done when we purchase this home the owner's son-in-law had thought that the deck needed to be painted and it it did need to be painted and so he was going to do that for his mother-in-law before she sold the home and he started sanding it well remember me telling you we were worried about them not getting everything out of the house yeah so we had a choice he could either finish the painting or he could get everything out of the house so that was a no-brainer they had to get everything out of the house and he felt bad but he couldn't finish the deck so we purchased this home with a deck that is partially sanded so there there's bare wood showing and we can't let that go for the whole winter so my husband has pressure washed it and knocked all the loose paint off and um we're letting it dry for the next day or two my understanding though is it's gonna rain tomorrow so now we're really gonna have to wait for a pretty sunny day and let it dry out the deck uh and then we will have to uh smooth it a bit with a hand sander and then we can start painting so i don't know how many days that's gonna tie up my time versus stitching so you know it just has to be done that's just part of being a responsible homeowner so i hope though that i get to stitch and i hope that i get to stitch a lot but we'll see anyway in the meantime enjoy what you're working on have a great week and i'll talk to you soon happy stitching hi everyone welcome back to my channel this is dina and it is the 7th of october and it's a thursday and i am here just to give you a little bit of an update on what i've been stitching today i have a little surprise for you i've been stitching on sleepy hollow and today i've been stitching with glow-in-the-dark thread it's one strand it is it is a silk lame braid a petite silk lemay braid um rainbow gallery it glows in the dark it's a needlepoint light coverage that's what it looks like it has a blending filament i think built right into it so anyway i've decided to put it into my sloppy hollow for the moon and i have outlined the moon and now i'm filling it in i had originally planned to take this for fill-in stitching at my stitching meetup this saturday um but i decided today i needed to at least get the outline so i didn't have to look at my pattern anymore and i did that and then i had to just keep stitching until i ran out of thread on my needle so i will now pack this up and i'll be taking it with me on saturday for my stitching meetup and i'll be trying to fill in that moon while i'm there anyway tomorrow is friday and tomorrow sorry about that tomorrow is friday and it will be the second of my out of the stash at last challenge with um julie mcconnell uh reflections and framing and my start tomorrow will be a christmas ornament for my husband so i'm looking forward to getting started on that in the morning maybe get it finished either if i don't get it finished tomorrow i might have to work on it sunday because saturday i'm working on this moon i'm going to turn the camera around and show you what i've gotten so far well here it is this is my sleepy hollow it's on my scroll frame and it's on my elon floor stand so it gives me the ability to work on it two-handed this is the glow-in-the-dark thread here and here that i've filled in this is the outline that i have yet to go and then i'll be ready to complete all the backstitching which will take me i'm sure a couple of days to do maybe more but i'm excited about it because i think it looks great on its own like a silvery moon but the beautiful part comes when you have very very low light and it actually glows in the dark i don't know if you can tell that it's starting to glow i've turned one light out and i just wanted to let you see what it looked like hello everyone welcome back my name is dina and it is saturday october the 9th and this is my channel about cross stitch um i have an update for you today had a wonderful day today went to the public library here in gainesville for a stitching meetup and we had about 16 ladies there including myself and we were stitching and we were swapping stache and we had door prizes and just had a lovely day it's a beautiful day um we were able to take a walk up to the square those of us that wanted to and stretch our legs in the middle of the day and um it was it was very nice indeed so today i did what i had said i was going to do i took my sleepy hollow with me because i just have fill-in stitching that i can do i didn't even have to take my pattern with me just took my project and my glow-in-the-dark thread and this is where i got to i'm so very happy with it so all this parts done up to here and now this side is done up to here and i'm just still working my way on across to fill that thing in i will put it away now that i'm home because i have another project i'm working on and that is my second out of the stash at last project and it is the mill hill kit that i'm working on and i did get started on that yesterday it was a rough start so to jog your memory i'm going to show you the pattern again this is the morning star santa and i'm working on the small version right there and it is being done on perforated paper so i can just put it right on the little sled and this is what i got done yesterday now i got the beard i started with the beard because it happened to be in the center so i started with the beard and then i moved on up to the hands right you know i was going right out from the beard and um for some reason i don't know why i wound up stitching this hand too low i had it um going off of the wrong um spot on the beard or something and it it messed up the whole side that i was doing i didn't have this much done but i did have a bit done and i wound up having to frog out the whole glove or mitten and the sleeve there the little cuff and um fortunately that's when i found the problem so i frogged that out restitched it so that i could line everything else up off of it fortunately all this over here i had done correctly so i've only had to stitch a little bit of it twice but that's where i'm at santa is now finished except for his backstitching on his face and um except for the whisper thread didn't know this called for whisper thread i hadn't i just saw a number next to it it didn't even say rainbow gallery whisper thread it just has a number so it made me think it was a general arts number but i've looked it up and i can't find it under general arts so um i think it's a whisper and it's supposed to make his cuff and his um front of his coat right here in the middle real fluffy and fuzzy so i will probably get to stitch this and finish it before i ever get my whisper thread here and then i'll have to go back and stitch over the whisper thread was to be blended with the color that's here so i just went ahead and stitched that color to hold the place and then i'll do the whisper thread you know a strand or two over it and it'll be nice and puffy and stand out because of that i'm hoping anyway we'll see if my theory works but now i'm ready to do the background and this is the edge right here so i'm hoping to get started on that tonight and i would love to finish it either tonight or tomorrow and then i will be ready to stitch on some prompts for next week and one of the things i will be stitching on in addition to props every chance i get is i'll be filling this in some more once the filling is in filling in is done then i can back stitch all of this in here i couldn't backstitch it because i had to have that fill in done first so that's why i changed the order of what i was doing but it's coming along and um i'm loving it i'm loving the progress of it so at the stitching meet up today one of the um people that were there was donna from d-squared and as we were talking about some projects that we had found looking back through old magazines or watching um planning videos or things like that she remembered a pattern that she's had for a very very long time and i think she's going to make that her next out of the stash at last she mentioned that and i hope she does and that'll be fun to get to see it and um it was lovely we had a great time so people were there stitching when a lady showed up pretty early right near the beginning of our time together she had told me she was coming and her name is renee and uh she showed up with um a huge tote box big tote box or two with cross stitch supplies that had belonged to her mother her mother passed away back in august and renee and her brother have been cleaning out her mom's house getting it ready to sell and she said she just couldn't bring herself to give that all that good cross stitch material and and patterns and everything away to just somebody that may not really appreciate it she didn't know anybody that stitched she's a quilter so she learned about our group from the library or from someone in our group on facebook that shared the group with her and she contacted me uh yesterday and asked if she could stop by and bring her mother's things and so we had a ball it was so good to talk to her to hear all about her mom's stitching and how she said her mother would have loved that group she would have loved to been there with us and everyone in the group just enjoyed so much going through all the supplies and taking things that they enjoyed and thought they would like and i'm really really happy that so many people got to take some things to put in their stash there are several of our stitchers whose moms have started stitching again after many many years and they like ada because they can see it their moms do and a couple of our stitchers really like aydah and there was a lot of aida there a lot of the supplies were from i would say 80s and 90s and so there there wasn't any linen or hand-dyed fabrics or anything because they really weren't there weren't available back then so to have all that beautiful ada there was 14 count 11 count 16 count every count you can find almost and so our ada stitchers and the people who whose moms were eight or ada stitches um they had a ball they really did and so that was a lot of fun um to watch their excitement you know over something that they could take home with them so it was a lovely day i enjoyed it immensely so i'm about to take my son over to publix to get a few groceries for his upcoming week and then when i get home tonight i'm gonna try to tackle that santa and see if i can't make some progress on him i hope you're having a great saturday of stitching and i'll talk to you soon happy stitching everybody hi everyone welcome back this is dina it is sunday night october the 10th and i want to give you sort of a wrap up for my weekend of stitching um i have completed my second out of the stash at last that i'm doing with julie mcconnell and i'm sure several other people that are working on that with her but this was my second friday to pick something that i'd had in my stash for at least two years or had been working on that long or it had been that long since i touched it but this was a new start for me so this is something i've had in my stash for over two years and i wanted to get it done and it is my morning star santa and i guess it's called morning star because i don't know if you can see it in a little one you might be able to see it on that big one there's one long gold star in the sky even though there's a few white snowflakes there's one gold star right up in the top so as of this evening i completed the stitching on this it's on perforated paper that came with the pattern no it came with the sleigh that i purchased anyway um i've got that finished but there's something i want to do the pattern called for a wool thread that you used on the center of the coat here and on the cuffs what would be the cuffs and possibly even i think um the top of the hat the front of the hat and it was supposed to be wool and then you were supposed to pick at it with a needle to make it really fluff out and i didn't have the wool and um i didn't really want to buy the wool so i just went online and ordered some uh whisper that i thought would be a beautiful compliment to the color and when i get it in i'm just going to use a strand of it over the part that i stitched it's act actually could be completed now but i would like to do that and then after i get that done i can mount it on the little sleigh so thanks julie that i'm hoping will become a stocking stuffer for my husband this year this christmas so one of the next friday this coming friday or the next i've got to think about this because i'm going on a retreat and i'll be there over a weekend and it will include one of the fridays so my thought is to take this with me to the retreat and get it started on that friday even if i don't get a lot of stitching done on the retreat i have until the next friday to get it stitched on and i'm thinking i'd like to take the pair this mate to the other one i'm doing because i i'd like to give my my husband a pair of these and so i'm going to take this pattern with me i have it kitted up and i actually need two threads um that i know i have they're dmc's but they're in other projects and i don't want to go dig them out so i'm just going to buy another skein because they're popular i will use them and i'll take that with me and uh probably on my retreat and do that that weekend which means this coming weekend my um other out of the stash at last was going to be working on sleepy hollow because it is over two years old and um i have been working on it so i took this with me to my stitching meetup i shared that with you and then um or at least i think i told you that i did and then today after i finished working on the um morning star santa i picked back up my sleepy hollow and i did another 485 stitches on it since saturday saturday i did 370 stitches on it at the meet-up so all total this weekend uh i've put 855 stitches in this moon so i'll show you what it looks like now isn't that gorgeous so it's coming along beautifully and as soon as i can finish that moon i can start back stitching from the top all the way back down to where i left off and then i can go to the bottom and finish the back stitch and then all i've got is the fancy sparkly thread and beads that's in the border so it's looking better and better that i might make it for christmas i'm i'm pushing to get it done soon because this time of the year to get something framed in time for christmas you just about have to turn it in you know by the end of october if you want to ensure that you have it in time and um when i went to michael's recently to drop off a couple of special things um i looked while i was there to see what i might have available for this thing and i found a fabulous fabulous frame um now i haven't measured it since my son said i didn't have to do the poem i might be able to buy a frame that's more like a ready-made frame and be able to make it work in there i don't know i'll check on that but if i have to have it custom framed i have picked out the frame it is amazing so we'll see we'll see how it goes but i'm very encouraged after getting that far on it this weekend i'm afraid i won't get much time to stitch this coming week it's going to be quite a week um it's quit raining and so my husband and i are going to start working again on our deck we will be working on that every day until we get it sanded and painted because we need to get that done before winter um we don't want our porch to be just destroyed because there's no protection on the wood you know so unfortunately that means i may not get much stitching in between that and a couple of meetings that i'll have at church that's enough but then in addition to that this thursday i'm hosting some ladies at my house uh to play canasta and it'll be the first time that they've ever been here so you know i want to you know make it look really nice and pretty and make some scones or something and have them over and then friday i'm already obligated to go back to the daycare that we're working for this year as our beneficiary i'm going to be there with three other people and we're going to get the room ready for the men to come in and demo the flooring and do the you know all the upgrades and repainting and everything that we did on the first room we're ready to do that on the second room and i won't be here when they're working on it uh i'll be at my retreat when the guys are doing um their work so i won't be here to take a lunch or anything so i really feel very much like i need to go do that on friday so that means i only have a little time in the evenings um what what little bit i'll get to stitch so i'm really grateful that i had a great weekend of stitching i hope you did and i hope you're uh happy with your progress i know i am i'm very happy with my progress and i will keep working um on that moon in the evening i'll just leave it on my floor stand over here and uh you know every every minute i get i'll sit down and put in another length of thread i wanted to show you this is what i'm using the glow-in-the-dark it actually says glow glows in dark it's a silk lemay thread it's a rainbow gallery it's sp 300. i purchased this funny enough i purchased this at a needle workshop in atlanta that my son had gone to to get me a birthday or christmas present it's the same year that he bought me my seju scissors he gave me a gift certificate to go there and get me some specialty floss because he saw they had it but he you know he figured i'd want to get it based on some project i was working on and when i did go back to get the specialty floss i took this pattern with me for sleepy hollow and the lady was very helpful in trying to make sure that we calculated up how much glow-in-the-dark thread i would need to get coverage on that space and this is my second one i have used one whole card so far i've emptied one and i started on this one today i have a feeling this one's going to finish it which is great because then i'll have one to keep in my stash for other halloween type pictures that i might want a little glow in the dark on it so i know i i'm excited because i should have enough funny enough though i used that gift certificate to buy that thread for this piece and that was before my son ever claimed it so he actually bought the thread i thought that was cute okay i'm going to say goodnight i'm going to go ahead and get some sleep and get started on my crazy week in the morning happy stitching everybody hi everyone welcome back this is dina it is tuesday october the 12th and i am here to give you a very brief stitching update today i did some stitching um late yesterday evening and it was so late i didn't even try to film it uh when i finished it it was just time to go to bed but today i spent almost my entire day on our back deck it's a small deck and it has a stair way down to the outdoor living space that my son will enjoy when he builds his apartment downstairs he and his father are beginning to make plans for that now but for us we have to paint this deck the previous homeowners i think i mentioned were going to do it they got started sanding the deck ran out of time never finished sanding the deck never finished painting the deck never started and now we've had a lot of rain our deck is getting wet we're worried about the wood being unprotected so every pretty day we have is precious to us right now we let our deck dry out for a couple of days on saturday and sunday and then yesterday we did a lot of errands and meetings my husband had bible study i had bible study just all kinds of of things so so um today was the main day that i have at home this week so got up this morning um went straight out as soon as the dew was off the deck and i started uh hand scraping because we've already pressure washed we've already sanded a bit of paint off but there's still there was just still so much on there that my husband and i felt like we needed to hand scrape it and so i spent about four hours today hand scraping that deck mostly the railings and my arm is already telling me i over did it so i'm definitely going to need to stitch for therapy anyway i'm i'll be glad we get this little home project over with i will tell you that anyway for now um i want to go ahead and show you what i stitched on yesterday because i haven't even begun stitching for today and it is already 8 o'clock at night so yesterday i decided to pick up something simple easy to stitch something that um i'm hoping to finish by the end of november and i thought i'd put a little love into it i had it handy and i had taken it with me on my stitching meet up and then didn't touch it because i was concentrating on the sleepy hollow glow-in-the-dark thread but this is called hello winter i'll remind you what that looks like it is a plum street samplers i think it's absolutely beautiful and so i began working on a few of the little stitches that i needed to get done i don't want to lose that so put that away so here's what i got taken care of i actually got the feet on the little sheep i got the snowflakes here here here and up here done and i was able to fill in the two leaves that i had stitched the outline for there's a third one here that i haven't outlined yet and i was able to put on the berries here so i just sort of worked my way up toward the top from this little section right here and got those two leaves done i um was using this for my 24 hours of cross stitch and i had a goal of 200 stitches for that and so i put in 208 stitches last night on it and i do think it looks great on this fabric this beautiful little bit of green and red tint in the fabric you can see now with the green and the red on there how pretty that looks so i'm going to be taking this off the q snap tonight i am going to work on another prompt which is to work on a whip that has a house in it and the only whip i have right now with a house in it is strawberry feels forever and that suits me just fine because i haven't worked on it a little bit and so i will be working on it again my goal there is just 200 stitches and um i will get that done i hope tonight our son is working uh late he's been at work since seven o'clock this morning it's eight now so he's already put in a 13-hour day um and that's tough on anybody uh it's especially hard since he's not a 12-hour shift person he works normally eight hours in a shift so he works five days a week and now he was on call today and he is there he's got he got stuck there so um unfortunately i have no idea what time he's to get off so i'm going to be stitching here until i hear from him make sure he gets home safe and sound and so maybe i will get some stitching time in today who knows i hope you are i hope you're enjoying what you're stitching today i had to take a little time out and uh take one of the stuffed animals to the sewing room hospital and get mr frog repaired so coco's playing with him downstairs now anyway i hope she's having a good time with him i will talk to you soon i have uh hopes that i'll be able to come back and either share my strawberry fills tonight if i get my 200 stitches or it may have to be tomorrow but either way happy stitching everybody hi everyone welcome back i wanted to come back and show you my progress for my stitching this evening i had mentioned earlier in the segment you just saw that i wanted to work on my strawberry feels forever today for a prompt and i needed 200 stitches that was the goal i had set for myself and i'll remind you this is the strawberry feels forever blackbird designs and here is what i did i did make my goal i actually got 222 stitches in and i'll show you where i did that you can probably tell it's all down here i had thought i would go back up and and work on this tree but i have decided instead i want to get the main part done first uh for the house and my prompt was to work on a project with a house so i thought what better way to do that than to actually get to work on the house so to get to it i finished the grass here did the fence did another section of the pot and then it went on up and did the outer border the edge of the house i finished this little flower for that bird and i started another flower but i just kept working my way across here until i got the required number of stitches so got the house started i'm excited about that i think it's a lovely sampler really love that border um i think it's just quite beautiful and uh we'll go the next time and work more probably on the house that strawberry feels forever thanks for letting me share it with you i'm gonna call it a day i'll post this on my prompt and head on to bed and see coco i don't have anything to share with you um as far as hall or stitching kindness or anything like that today but i'm expecting some in the mail so they may be here soon looking forward to sharing that with you in the meantime happy stitching everybody hi everyone this is dina it is thursday and it's the 14th of october so i just wanted to do a little wrap up and go ahead and try to get a video posted for you today i'm hosting a canasta group from my church today so i'm pretty excited about having all these um four or five ladies that'll come over today and see our home for the first time so i'm excited about that also i just wanted to say a couple of things there is a clip in here that my husband took of coco one of the neighbors in our neighborhood really loves halloween and they've decorated their house beautifully so the video clip is vote is of coco discovering it for the first time i think you'll find it interesting and this the um tail end of course is coco visiting her friend fred and um fred's mom gizelle who you see coco cuddling on the couch with at the end just to show you how sweet and um comfortable she is you know with them that just warms my heart in fact coco is there today my husband's already left to take her to visit and play with fred and she knows when she gets up early in the morning and gets to go ride with us it's usually to go play with fred so today when she got up and and got her little harness on and was headed out the door she was so excited she was running around and jumping and just jumping up on me as if to say mama i'm going i'm going it was so precious anyway i just wanted to let you know that's where what you'll see at the end of this video uh also um wanted to go ahead and tell you the hashtag i came up with for the birthday sale in december and i'll try to remember to reference this in future videos as well but i think we'll call it half stitch bd sal 2021 since my channel is half stitch cross stitch i think that's pretty good in identifying who it's for and um we'll go with that so i'll put it in the drop down box below and i'll try to mention it in future videos happy stitching everybody you
Channel: halfstitch cross stitch
Views: 3,258
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: #crossstitch, #embrodery, #flosstube, #needlework
Id: 7iR6saXag4I
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 44min 4sec (2644 seconds)
Published: Thu Oct 14 2021
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