Episode 137: The Masters Of EBAY educate the @CommonwealthPicker on how to resell

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trash to cash podcast I'm dead inside how are you guys doing hello I was doing good so many technical difficulties yes what what are we streaming what are we on right now what are we using Friendster what is this um site we're on this is O this is O we're streaming from your how doing Kevin I'm doing good Kevin's on a potato potato yeah no just ignore it it'll look better in post I just this is the best we got for as long as I get to be in the middle underneath or something yeah we'll definitely put you on the bottom we know you're a fan of being on the bottom yeah so uh Kevin did you listen to what was uh probably the world's best episode of trash to count I was just telling Carrie when you were trying to fix technical difficulties that I have not listened to it yet I just I can't I I feel like I think it's like it's a little disrespectful that you won't come on the shows but to actually go not even partake in them I listened to all of them except for one and I will listen to this one can I read you can I read you some of the comments over on the patreon Kevin you might have already seen these but on the Pat I think a 32 page novel it was beautiful I cried I laugh that one's on YouTube but oh on the patreon we had uh comments such as this okay from Graham and Pops vintage grams and Pops vintage well there it is y'all peaked good luck creating a better episode than this okay oh that was a shot at me that was that was a shot at me hey I'm out I'm out I will have a wonderful life without you you replaced me you're like 105 episodes deeper than I thought you'd get honestly so it's been all a blessing you did last longer than we expected and and then over on the the YouTube the comment like like Carrie said the comment from uh Mike was is glowing and Kevin I'm almost scared to read this cuz I know it's going to upset you just a little it's going to did you already read it I'm already ticked and I have no I'm just thinking about it Mike assuming that's death fou picker no no Mike Mike Camp Mike Camp campelli he said what a two an impromptu interview with Tekken sport Sports a real treat and the ironic funny thing is that only six people will ever see this episode but that is funny that has never been what you guys are about it was a great segment and opportunity to see tekken's different perspective uh all in all entertaining episode way better than any that Kevin have ever been on I hope Kevin quits maybe a little few things that were added on no there was a lot of people saying it was an amazing episode because it honestly was like organically like I'm sure you guys learned a lot there some good moments like when he pulled out a and we had no idea what it was and it was from eBay yeah yeah it's like literally he was just showing us what I guess most people know exists in eBay Kevin something called an Impressions chart me our brains kind of like people are impressed with my eBay listings yeah yeah yeah yeah so yeah I don't know we we learned a lot the Tekken I will say like it's a little me and Carrie at the end we're like it's kind of sad this behind a pay wall cuz this is like a really good episode maybe you guys should go watch it again take notes yeah yeah we should I zoned out he actually caught me and yelled at me for zoning out it was out many times I had to be double tuned in hard to listen to for Dave yeah he was doing like math and telling me how to list and he was talking about daily listings I mean so many people that comments were he kept saying you have and give me a math problem which was ridiculous I didn't get a math degree I had a I had a tutor just to get a c in college and Paul's merch yeah Paul's merch said my favorite quote of the week do you guys not know beep about eBay Tekken Sports he did say that to us and then he said then Tekken he quoted Tekken again and what do you guys do for a living make videos make I just basically SP whatever so used to people I think Tech is so used to like talking to people who are like really good students he does a lot of Bad actors in his class so it was good for us to show him you know Kevin Kevin lik being he doesn't realize we're sharing people problem when people don't realize yes I was a teacher I taught you know whatever I was a terrible student I hated school hated it hated it I certain subjects and I love certain teachers and I was I wasn't disinterested in learning I'd love learning hated school yeah yeah that's fair and I will say just to like carry it over who's merch Paul's merch went to our question of the week like you know we ask everyone in the patreon for questions for the show and Paul's Merchant's question Carrie for this week was do you guys know beep about eBay honestly we've already established the answer is no honestly I can't log back in I've been logged out for six months I hope everything's going okay listen I it reminds me of the comments because I saw a new comment come across a review on Apple podcast and it reminded me of the old ones that like like don't listen to this for any reselling knowledge don't do whatever are good not what you say reselling adjacent we're we're we're like un we're like this we reselling adjacent show it you know it it feels like reselling it tastes like reselling but when you touch it it just Wiggles a little bit you know here's here's my pitch now that we know tekken's watching the show every weeky te Tech we think you need to bring us into your patreon at 1099 employees and we do a secret weekly show in the Tekken patreon for pay of course it's like you know reselling adjacent show you know with Kevin car bring the fun crowd in yeah bring the fart crowd in so he can charge 30 bucks pop yeah well no it's more it's more so we get $10.99 money from Tech you're missing the point here Kevin kind of like a club like a reseller club that they everybody can come and join in yeah yeah yeah and we could bring Rockstar he could be our third or you come Kev monetize the video you did with him and just make money off of that I like it we should have Rockstar come in for a minute every one of our pod we should actually hire Rockstar for a minute in every one of our podcast have him come in and then just like review one of those uh parking lot fiascos that he does all time like just critique somebody's parking or whatever for a minute and then we just cut it place of jelly hands you know at the end listen I do want to thank Tech because uh he got us two new members over on YouTube and two on patreon I'm going to give him credit we got four new members and I think it's Tech's fault he's got enough money he's not he's not episode th those that well the patreons were $5 so that's you know $20 one of oh we actually we actually make enough money to be noticed now like when I get paid from uh bread boo incorporated or whatever the heck it is um it's actually noticeable like I'm like oh wow that's money I didn't expect I never expect anything from this and then when it appears I'm like I guess I'm going to waste that g go spin that on cards wasted the first how long is this we were on here for almost said nothing we've said nothing not been it has been like minutes anything I'll tell you this when have we said something with us feels like eight minutes though that is fair let me tell you since we're saying nothing let me say nothing about the reseller leftovers podcast if it's a marginally good podcast in comparisons to others you know I'm entertained I like to watch it the last episode was hilarious ah I mean just Dan was going Dan was in rare for I mean I've never seen him like this like like Jimmy and Joe couldn't stop laughing like like like not laughing like with everybody like couldn't stop themselves from laughing I'll have to listen to it the problem is like whenever I try to watch a podcast right now I'm like I could either watch another podcast or I could you know watch Breaking Bad and see see them cooking they're cooking Carrie they're cooking yeah when I like when I listen to a podcast 120 when I listen to a podcast I like it to be 58 minutes of J ride talking with 2 minutes of Sunny that's what I enjoy that's the kind of mix I want a podcast my oh hey I'm smoking a butt tonight speaking of meth and uh Breaking Bad I'm smoking a butt tonight but it's a pork butt guys are you smoking it at overnight it's like late isn't it for you to be like midnight I'm going to start it at midnight I'm going to started at midnight we got a the holiday tomorrow which was yesterday if you're watching Memorial Day everybody yes and Memorial Day happens to be C's birthday normally on Memorial Day I'd be headed to the Webster and I'm sure it's going to be amazing and R's going to be making me jealous all day sending me pictures of the stuff he's finding call going to have we talked about this with tech Call's going to have other birthdays man there going to be another I mean there'll be another Webster next year but when she's just the one kid that would love the Webster would probably be cie honestly cie would love the Webster but I asked her and she doesn't want to go her cousins are here she like while I'm recording tonight a flipper episode I haven't even finished editing it because tonight got off the rails here but as I'm recording she comes out she's like Dad my finger broken and I look and her finger's like a freaking grape like totally wrecked and I was like I'm going to end the episode here you know I got to like go deal with this and paring a little so we had to take her to the hospital and it'll be interesting to see what the bill is I don't know if they they said like she she didn't actually break it though she like tore a ligament in the in the actual finger or something I don't know did they just give her a stit or whatever yeah it's on it's in like a sling whatever they call this splint splint that's word yeah a spliff it's in a spliff wrapped in a so we got to wait for that to get better I don't know but that now her birthday we we rented a giant like 18t water slide inflatable that's how she did it of course typical last year she cut up her arm yeah the year before she broke her toe and now she's done this so she really has a bad track record with anything you bounce on so far it's like carry on the trampoline it's not a good idea dude I never worked out so hard great video thank you I mean it was it showed off my raw ath you sent me your motivation yeah I'm still missing a few you sent me your motivational speeches too yeah a few of them I still I'm still short a few but yeah I sent like I because like I owe two week two of each or something I still have to do two Harry tornado ones the thing is with Harry tornadoes I I like to be I I want to be some foreign I want to be in a different country when I do him cuz he's gone all the time now I don't even think should fly Europe and say uh like like I went to Europe to motivate Harry tornado and this is what I found exact does he even resell anymore at all does he make videos I I've stopped watching his videos like five years ago but I'm assuming he's still making [Laughter] them yeah he makes videos he made it he went thrifting in Europe or something like that this is of course a reselling podcast guys and I know Kevin Kevin you were like deep in the world of picking right now I bet so I'm assuming your weekend went great tell me your weekend went great well it was Memorial Day weekend so that's not traditionally the best so I mean excuses graduations and then this one no it was it was fine it was fine there wasn't that many sales there wasn't and and Raleigh there was not many sales Uncle Steve's like there's like four sales I'm like no way I saw 177 on Treasure Map which was really really low for all of the Raleigh area and so there wasn't that many around here it was okay we did good first few sales we did really really good and then it slowed down the rest of the day so what would you say Kevin is the best brand of tools to buy at a yard sale tools yes oh best brand I mean I always look for snap on in MCO so if you roll up to a a sale loaded with Snap-On and some uh Cromwell that oh man I'm having a brain fart right now strap on Cromwell I think it's Cromwell yeah yeah Cromwell Milwaukee and snap Milwaukee yeah okay milwauke is a city everything's priced individually super high every snap-on's priced at 200 bucks 100 bucks 50 bucks like crazy pricing on the Snap-on crazy pric any of those crazy prices to what they actually go for some were close some were way off some were higher than eBay somewh I mean he basically admitted he went and looked at actives mhm right he looked at actives Cornwell that's the name of the other one so he looked at actives and he basically like he said oh yeah I looked at actives and then I put a third of the price on there now did he know he was looking at actives or did you tell him he was looking at actives no no I I okay I yeah I mean I saw he told me a price like he'd say oh that's worth 800 and I'd go look it up and it was worth 200 but there was listings at you know what I mean so I was able to quickly determine that he was just looking at actives and uh so I though was a little crazy I said how much for everything even though individually priced this whole sale was probably priced at like eight grand You' already laid the groundwork that it's not worth what he's trying to get for no I never did that I probably should have done that but I didn't no sear he went straight in straight in no didn't even up when you say aded that he did that no no he he didn't he didn't like admit it it just he told me I looked it up on eBay and I put oneir of the eBay price so he he told me he did that when I looked up the same thing on eBay it was very clear he looked at actives not well that's why I said okay gotta but I did not educate him on eBay Souls no no I didn't I probably would I would have taken two things into account was it later what time of day was it what time of the sale start what time of day he just opened oh that's not good he just opened literally just open it was late lat in the day then he'd have a whole background context of people not buying his tools one person had come in and like fluffed him up a lot guy didn't buy tool like oh man if you sell this on eBay you get like 400 bucks so there was some guy who already yeah exactly somehow a person who knew less than he did about the resale value that's awesome yeah okay so he comes back with a price of $1,500 okay and okay buy out the tools all the tools and I was like and he's like and I'll throw in this Kirby vacuum you know one of those standup Kirby Vacuums P you can keep you already have like seven of those in your storage thing yeah you know me in vacuums yeah and he's like oh and I'll throw in this and he's like pointing at and all throw in all these massagers he had like these like you know those little like gun massagers that like you put on your neck and they do that but they weren't like or like Amazon CRA yeah your neck your neck the neck of something your neck specifically your neck Kevin I don't know what Kevin and his friends do with it it's a totally different the lake all day I I don't know so so he said, 1500 and I was like o cuz in my brain I was sitting there I was like I'm about to make like my biggest yard sale buy Ever I'm G to I'm willing to spend 800,000 you got to give me a picture of like what's there like how how much we talking about here I don't know I'm not a tool guy I just kind there wrenches Kevin wrenches screwdriver was Hammer volume okay so let's see there's a one of those like little 6ot plastic tables and there's like piles of socket wrenches or sockets and the sockets are big they're like you know 2 in two and a quarter one and 3/4 big sockets right and they're Snap-on and then next to it there's this Cromwell Cornwell brand two big and then there's a Cornwell brand and so I look up I look up the Cornwell brand a little bit I'm like Cornwell seems solid too it's a decent brand but it's not like Snap-on level of a brand and so and there's a bunch of Cornwell stuff and then at the thewa stuff uh Power Tools like all the commercial impact wrenches uh four of them cases bags one with a case three with no cases but they all have batteries they had Chargers uh they also had rigid nailers they had uh rigid air compressor they had uh what's it called the painter like a pro spray painter thing and then they have like on the ground like plastic boxes full of stuff too like 20in twerk wrenches that are snap on there's on the there's a big crescent wrench that's a snap on like a two incher like the bigger the better with a lot of those tools right people gotcha sorry you asked me for contest okay but I just wanted like a picture I didn't want so I did the carry all this to say I did the carry and I said would you take 1250 not wanting to pay 1250 and instantly regretting 1250 y y yeah and he said fine and so we agreed to 1250 and then the whole day was wrecked cuz I was like oh was a terrible buy it was a terrible buy a terrible buy I ended up like I I like shot my whole wallet at that one sale it was like the first sale I was at I didn't buy anything the rest of the day I just like I ended up leaving early I was like I'm done I'm done I'll be I'll make you feel worse so in my mind I'm thinking from what you're telling me right what you're telling me he's priced at eBay value essentially that's what he's priced at yeah even higher I don't know on average he a at eBay yeah right so if he's willing to take a deal on it at, 1500 that's probably means that it's closer to 60 to 70% of what his original price was so 1250 you're probably buying at half of eBay well that's not the case uh so what I didn't realize I you know you know enough to be dangerous carry away says that you pick five or six items and you got adap you got to adap you got all this stuff that's exactly it Kev like the wrench surprise that's I look up the wrench on the ground and that one wrench on the ground is like $300 to $400 that big one that I saw and I was like okay so this makes me feel good I know I can sell those power tools for like 300 you know so I'm sitting there I'm like all right so that's like 600 right maybe 100 for the Kirby vacuum if it's a ni offer like N I offered I did I offer I offered 1,000 you shot me down 1500 you said 1250 I said 1250 okay I finished list I finished listing them today what do you think I'm at in listings uh 700 well you're obviously happy about it oh no no you're 700 car 4500 4500 no wait I think I think okay so500 he's happy about it I'm gonna say car's pretty close I'm g go I'm gonna go a little higher okay 7,400 there you go there 1250 to 7,400 so that was even though it like shot my whole what you're failing to remember dude is after after gas after the time it takes you to list that the shipping supplies $5,000 is nothing after s's hospital bill with my horrible insurance I basically lost money day dud you lost you lost a lot of money you were going bankrupt that's what we call in the business world it's bankruptcy no the the trick actually was like little tiny socket adapters and stuff the adapters like the Little Tor things 60 bucks it was crazy like these little tiny things that I would like normally just think are trash $483 I can tell right now is he probably didn't look up every sock no exactly he just looked at the big items and so for the big items if I had only sold those yeah maybe I'd be at like 2,000 to 2500 so you're probably right but he wasn't putting any of the value on you getting on the big sockets uh I already sold several I sold one for 100 oh the sockets the actual just individual sockets the best one was $65 and then there was one that was 55 and a few that were 40 so those those add up too like seven of those eight of those so those cool Thrift machine stuff yeah that was fun you know a little bit about I feel like you feel kind of comfortable with tools right I I know you've talked about them before I'm getting there I actually don't hate listing them either I kind of enjoy listing them which is always a good thing so if you can find something you don't hate listing that you can find that's a win although I don't see Snap-on very often I'm sure you don't either no like Snap-on even I know I know snap on is good y exactly yeah well that's the thing Kevin if you see it it's expensive because the only people selling it are the people that just died and it's the estate sale and they know what it's worth most guys they keep it forever it's got a lifetime warranty I don't need to really Lear found some Snap-on screwdrivers yeah they have screwdrivers like nice ones that are worth money yeah yeah snap I was list scers for 30 bucks a piece dang see I have the I have joh who was a plumber pipe for 15 years so she knows everything about tools so if there's ever a good tool she'll I mean like obviously she she'll sniff it out Kevin is also a tool hey jide flips last episode the second Carrie said Pat Riley I immediately thought cocaine as well I feel like I feel like Kevin Kevin kind of reminds me of jride flips in like 50 to 60 years like they kind of have the same op Vibe honestly like goober goober you know what I mean see so the big change that Tech was telling us to do Kevin since you didn't watch a show is to stop do well at least me personally can't tell people here cuz then you're grand sche I already spoed this I already spoil this in my flipper video he talk about milkshake a lot he very humanized yeah we humanized him yeah that's what we did to you we made a real yeah I could tell he's just slightly younger me yeah he's same same birth year as me so no he was saying that the biggest thing one of the biggest things is to list consistently daily which I've heard people say a million times I've heard them say it a million times You' said it everyone said it yeah um but he was showing his graphs that evidenced and proved that it does actually work which I hadn't seen before I'm sure they're out there but I'm not the kind of person that's going to go study on purpose so we kind of forced me to study a little bit and that wased us into he tricked us into learning which was weird listen okay I don't want to cast any dispersed but I don't know what that means so go ahead do this this is I don't know either word this isn't is it aspirations is that when you have trouble breathing I'm confused I guess the argument is do it every day don't skip a day right that's the argument because it might be better than batching and Dave you've said that before and I'm you know I don't know how many times you hear people say it but you sit in list forever and then you go do something else and you don't list for weeks yeah but is the argument here is does it correlate to daily or does it just correlate to having consistent listings throughout that's think I think I don't know that it correlates to daily he didn't break it down to that level but the thing he was showing us was that if you a b and then if you do a batch and do nothing for multiple weeks eBay will not impress send as as many Impressions your way had some that proved that you will not I feel like it lifting it was listing every day but you obviously could batch out those but then you want to put them in your draft bank and release them every day like the this is something that is novel to you two clowns is that what we're saying no no I've heard it a million times but just not from anyone that I respect I have never I've never sold anything on that's the I've never sold anything on eBay I didn't list on eBay that's 100% of my sales I listed on eBay so what I took out from that was like if I want to sell this item on eBay it's got to be there at a listing available you know what I'm saying and that's where my my mind blew because I'm like I have all this all this stuff that I'm never gonna list it's just going to sit there and it's going to topple over I I will say I will say this I consistently have if I'm like put my store on vacation mode and I'm not sell you know I'm not shipping anything and all that stuff if I'm consistently listing during that time period my sales don't hardly go down at all mhm and that's what I do usually when I'm schedu or you draft and just hit list I I have well kind of a com so they're in drafts already but they're not ready to go so I'll fix I'll finish them up and then list it finish them up then list like what's wrong with them they're just just puts just makes blank drafts with pictures in it so I got to fix oh she doesn't do sell similar or she does no no no no she she but she doesn't do anything just sell throw the pictures in It's St got it's not always right or whatever it's just a quick quick I bet you that do guess that's one of those bet that dog is driving Kevin crazy right now calm down Kevin he's like just imagining the life we're not doing that anymore car we're not do we not no I just said it was driving crazy you're the one that took it to the next level and it was wrong with you you should feel bad I stopped myself I just stop myself from going to the next level yeah well anyway so I've been trying I've been trying I've been listing drafts I've been drafting for the first time in forever I've been drafting you really have never done drafts before no I think i' May done one or two cuz I needed another picture or something but yeah but you know I've I've never been a drafter I just post them all and then is what it is I'll okay you know can I give you a little uh Eric OBX deal you ever your your comp and stuff at a yard sale or something and you find the comp you know what he does when he finds simar sell simar simar got it in drafts yeah yeah that's an idea I've thought about that yeah just adds the pictures to it you know my problem with that though is by the time I've like actually gotten to that item I forgot what it's worth uh oh I don't even know how to turn my volume off on here you're going to want to you you're muted yeah so Carri the problem is if I do something like that by the time I go to list it I've already forgotten what it should be listed at how much it's worth soar see what he did for like half a second he just disappeared well that's cuz he is actually a wizard he's not a wizard he's Drac and then he was gone man I don't know if that's going to be fixed and post that's why that's actually it's a good explanation of why Kevin is so rich because it's one of those things like I don't know if you ever saw altered Carbon on Netflix great show you ever well at least a season did they only do one season of that heard of dud you should go watch altered carbon season one no no no it's good though it's like uh sci-fi but like there's some people that live and this is like a minor spoiler but like there's some people that live like hundreds of years in that show and anyone who lives hundreds of years is just like by default Rich because you just invest anything for 200 years and it's going to grow to the point where you're wealthy right so that's true that's why Kevin the Commonwealth picker has so much money because he's a vampire and he's been around for like hundreds of years and he's been able to invest long-term investment he found like he found reg Coca-Cola and invested in them found all the St D down your lip there Kev little blood dri down your lip did you see the proof that I sent yall he's a vampire oh my gosh dra G say you know pep you know investing or whatever y'all were talking about I don't know but I sent y'all a post somebody posted in our Facebook group of all places and was like hey I made a bonanza sale and somebody puts hey you know be careful or something you know Kevin owns that and the people are responding really I didn't know that I didn't know that oh thanks for telling me than funny it is funny that it is funny that they're finally I mean we've mentioned that you own Bonanza for months maybe even years and they're finally catching on that you own Bonanza 100% he bought them out when did you buy them out Kevin and in the podcast here guys you don't need to hear the details but Kevin did buy out Bonanza a trash a trash to Casher you know posted that in there as a joke I I would assume yeah and but everybody underneath it and so I mean there's there's going to be 50,000 members soon in that trash cash group and I bet you 25,000 of them don't even know who we are there's there's hundreds that think you own Bonanza probably there's got to be a good amount of them there are I love it I never figured out how to I never figured out how to fix my booth by the way it's still like in limbo yeah my booth oh wait your booth is in vacation mode to restore your items click here you might might as well not even listen you because none of this you have to go outside Dave you have to go outside of your garage and you just have to yell really loud as loud as you can vacation off Bonanza and if the wind carries just right they'll have it turned off for you by the morning oh my gosh I gotta look at my store you know it's cool I mean I think my booth might be fixed guys I there was com about to roll in there there was a comment in the last video that says why does Dave have to talk for 40 minutes about himself in every episode so that's why I intentionally told that super long tool story at the beginning just to trigger them trigger about yourself he's the only one having the big success picking right now although when I watch the videos back I'm like dang that was a good day sometimes you don't feel it out there you know yeah yeah well that's cuz you're like in zombie mode you don't even like pay attention you're just bye bye bye you're like a vacuum cleaner imagine if Kevin did a like would we lose every single viewer would would our graph just go straight down like I can hear people like listening for like the first two minutes but after two minutes there's nothing Kevin says that's interesting at that point at all about any topic I find this review that I saw somebody get this review okay I think guys I think my Bonanza Booth is up and running I thinkg officially live I'm live on bananza so someone bu I can't wait I can't wait for that unband on Bonanza video I can't wait to I screwed up this bananza order double selling somehow you're going to double list your bananza stuff even though you don't even have it on V even though it's not even possible I'll find a way I'll find a way so Carrie I know you didn't go to yard sales because morning is hard for you but you went to the you went to the thrift and you were bragging about the thrift I saw the cat was it Cat in the Hat shirt that was cool so what happened how much profit oh I 5,000 will you be making 5,000 I know someone who will be I don't listen I don't look at the world as myopically as you do okay I don't look at it as how much money I I think about the fun I had and the people I touched and helped that's how I look at as a how many you should not be touching people you already have a trining order like for seven if you're at the thrift store and I'm around has said 100t or more if you're at a thrift store and I'm around just be um we we found a lot of stuff like I foundit where you going with that Carrie I was like nowhere good so threaten the whole audience exactly I'm like I probably probably shouldn't do that I probably should hold back on that I will be touching you no we found I mean and by we I found a bunch of like like5 to $15 stuff and Don found good stuff Don's been in a plate mode lately she's been finding all these plat I saw I was going to say I was going to say I saw a lot of plates and glass in there which I was surprised that your cart was full of were they like big money plates and glass okay lion Barrel this time iton Barrel is that what it's called the place where like you go and they're at the mall and like a spoon is7 like where Kevin goes like that kind of a place I don't know if they have aell through that sort of stuff I don't know we're going to find out's been doing really well with the plate sets we bought those Swedish mid-century modern like green polka dot plates for two bucks like a plate uh 3 weeks ago and she sold like two or three sets we made like five 600 bucks on those and in the me time if we're going to be completely fair I probably sold 70 to 82 cards so same these same these me and Don have both pulled in the equal amount of money same basically same no I've been I've been Kevin I'm like I really I just had a beer BR bag sale nice yeah I got a I found it the other day they don't sell those nobody buy them yeah thank you for ruining I I Kevin really do wish you had listened to that Tekken show because there was like to listen to the I know but there was eight things I wanted your opinion on in this episode I wanted to know what you thought about his his other stuff he was saying like he was talking about if you want to actually like streamline your business drunk a lit you could watched when you were getting drunk at the lake stuff that I I would en you'll eat it up right the benefits of like niching down and all this I think you're going to really like get into that like you might get your yeah nice Shay nice Shay yeah what was the deal whose boat were you in today was that that like a swinger convention mhm any boat that Kevin's on is a swinger boat it doesn't matter any is going to be just did you in the lake guys check this out dogging off the side of the boat you take care of that stuff before it's like yard sailing you got to take care of it before what if you happens if you have to on a boat do you poop in a bucket or do you poop in the ocean like for realsies how what do you do like when you went triing you real Dave when you went on Kate cat's yeah you went on the shrimp shrimping boat or whatever you went on what how did you poop yeah yeah uh I didn't poop but we saw some lady pooping in the lake we saw some lady pooping in the lake she was dropping what they call it something like let's go back to ning niching niching down how's that can we do that for a second I want get your opinion something because I don't want itch down the reason I don't want it n down you didn't have to touch your nipples when you did when you said that by the way don't you think don't you think cuz there's different ways you can Niche down but what you can Source in that Niche is important right so for Tech and I was talking to Carri about this don't laugh where he's at there's an abundance of stuff and you can Niche down into certain he argued about this listen but listen I'm gonna get I'm gonna argue against myself for a second you can do it anywhere and you can Source because I know people who live here in Lynchburg who Source very Niche down and do very very well because they're doing online auctions they're making connections they're doing whatever and they're getting stuff sent to them so I'm not saying you can't do it but if you're like me and you Dave you love picking you love going to garage sales and doing all that stuff for your it's it's it's harder it's hard you got to make a decision as to how you Source what you enjoy and I'm not there is no way in God's green earth I'm sitting on a computer and sourcing auctions you're going to spoil the whole private episode but oh well I I said it to him I said you know if you do just clothes doesn't it feel like a job and he said I need it to feel a job exactly for me to succeed I need to feel like a at a job need to not feel like a job I agree I already had a job for a very long time and I made more there I wanted to feel like the exact opposite of a job the exact literal exact opposite minute it starts to feel even remotely like a job I rage rage against that machine he also says he also said he would not hire me and Carrie to work for him no fair can I make another Point can I make another point and I actually made this on a video I don't know if it I think it was not a very watch video but I think it was good or maybe I haven't even edited it yet anyway but there are different personality traits every human being has a different personality but there are certain categories of those personalities and so when you get these people who hate a YouTuber like they hate Dave or they hate me or they hate you know Harry tornado or they hate Tech or they hate daily refine or they hate whatever it's because their personality type just doesn't line up with that person to be perfectly honest with you and their drive like text drive and wanting it to be like a job and being just some people's personality trait they just they're not that person and so they're going to gravitate towards this podcast now I will say this podcast has really done a lot of good and a lot of other people have joined in in my team where we've changed the reselling world can get along of course I mean look Josh G commented on here he said something nice he said I laugh this whole episode great job guys we're helping helping I don't even believe he watched it I don't even believe he watched it helping try so serious just relax a little bit guys listen we all suck at eBay it's okay not just you used to see a lot more of this this way of selling and this fulltime this whatever and they would hate people like Josh or not that Josh that was a different that was Josh C by the way Harold and but there's different and they used to go at each other's throat and I just don't see that as much as I used to you we just spread the love we we share the love we're lovers Fighters love podcast free market situation burn guys burn Fahrenheit 451 burn it a book book to yeah yeah we're burning books too guys we don't want to learn anything I'm going to continue school sucks if you don't learn anything Mr Brown's the worst teacher if you learn one thing from this podcast is school sucks quit your job and just wait and see what happens somehow we're surviving do you think a yeah do you think a retiree who's trying to make an extra four six 800 bucks a month having fun with their wife person ask they have any desire to follow Tech plan and I'm not saying that critically cuz there there's obviously a massive amount of people who want to do that to escape the job they hate yeah right I mean there's a whole whole bunch of tech appeals to the like the people who want to make millions of dollars a year doing this or hundreds of thousand which a lot of people do honestly a lot of people come into this and they want to make as much as humanly possible honestly so I mean it makes sense and is as far as content goes I mean just you know my audience is not the audience that's like obviously I mean that's like oh this is the way to go to make 200,000 net a year they're not following your audience Kevin I shouldn't follow me I feel like your audience is like 90% people who have autoplay on YouTube and are just like too tired to click off that's what I feel like your audience speaking of you should see this video I feel like that today this picker video today it's look at it this thumbnail is terrible the title's terrible there's no correspondence the video is funny it's good but it's not like crazy and it's nut it's like 10,000 we should look at his we should look at his flipper page to see oh my gosh you did the millionaire garage sale I'm getting so sick of that title like literally hustle at home mom just did it this week had Kayla's done it Paul's done it you all are just posers but every time I go to the lake it's like these houses are worth like $3 million and they're having little the title is GNA become less and less useful as more and more houses become a million dollars by exactly you're ruining you're ruining this title for everybody else am I or Kevin is I'm not I'm not like whatever there's been I want a billion doll title who used to billion dollar home there's a couple I just I just picked Jeffrey bezos's house and then it's just some dude who's obviously not Jeffrey Bezos but you never address it in the video well listen the original title was something like that and 10 cent a million dollar garage sales in 10cent price tags or something like that do I SP that on there I think I took it off because this lady she was literally selling things for 10 cents I mean she's living in A3 million house on she's got bags like the bags worth three cents we need somebody creative to do a yard sale we need somebody creative to do a yard sale do one of those Mr Beast circles right that you can't leave and in the middle of it just put like what's the Grail of picking when you're at a yard sale like a I don't know like an Atari Jaguar new in the box yeah like something that's worth hundreds or or thousands of dollars and the last reseller to leave the circle gets it you know what I'm saying that would be very very interesting I feel like I could do it because I don't want to do anything anyway I'll just sit there and chill honestly just list can I list in that Circle there's no rules I made the rules got on Dave yeah I was taking pictur I was taking pictures I have listed I have listed and drafted so much stuff these last three days CU I wanted to have a number by the podcast for my tool bu I wanted to know how I did yeah yeah I got you you know interesting video every one of Kevin's buys every one of his buys is a tool buy did you know that every one of Kevin's all of them yeah well because he is a tool if you guys wanted to explain and he's buying something gosh yeah I got glad we I didn't want to say you you did in camb I saw that R Points is terrible can I I don't understand why you didn't fix your thumbnail I messaged you about it says time to listen 10 10 cell I know I know was it a 10 out of 10 no was it seven okay he did a title and it literally says time to listen 10 10 sellers time to listeners it made no sense just this is my busiest time of the year does your does your dad still have to deliver your packages on his birthday or do you give him the day busiest time of the year kri it's it's my busiest time of the year he sends us a video of him fishing and drinking he's literally he's literally pooping off the side deck of a boat and like we don't need to see this Kevin it's disgusting dude we dropped 36 my busiest yeah we dropped 36 my busiest time of the year but part it is reselling and business-wise and content wise but at the same time my family's doing 8,000 things and it's a holiday and you want to go out it makes it even more busy yeah yeah why don't you come to my house tomorrow for the thing for the little cookout tomorrow yeah yeah traveling down there decided I think I'm doing flea across Florida oh nice in September that'll be fun I'm gonna go to Mike's house which is like 14 hours from you think I'll maybe I'll see you he lives in the butt crack of Florida I don't know how he managed that hey so since I haven't asked you yet we'll just do it right here on the podcast are you guys okay with uh Kentucky yeah K yeah okay what Kentucky all right good rod told so yes that sounds fun I don't talk to Mike I a talk to Rod I like this Mike is my rod and Rod is your mic Mike is your [Music] rod have the rod is here somebody somebody uh Hey Sheree can you get Simon to photoshop that for us Mike is Kevin's Rod that would be awesome oh my God make a mic the tiniest is possible so I got the worst I know you're used to this date but I got the worst you know positive writing or whatever thumbs down what's your normal mine's normally like 91 99.1 99.2 mine uh yeah mine's low 99s High 98s usually in there yeah W what did you get 97.6 which is like I never get stuff that low as a about eBay I argued for eBay taking fees out of shipping wow and people were I don't mind them taking fees out of shipping I don't like them taking fees out of tax MH I don't like them taking the fees out of tax that's the part that bothers me what was your position on that um it it well it's a little bit more nuanced than the shipping part of it yeah shipping I don't really care if it I mean you know me I Nuance everything but I do think the argument because I went through and Florida's a pain in the butt by the way Florida is one of the worst because you get sales tax based on your state but then you get sales tax based on your county and I believe a city tax in some places too so there's three different taxes collected and can you can you imagine having to remit all that stuff and handle all that stuff yourself right and so my argument was like okay you know I don't like it but taking a fee plus they're doing the actual transmission of it and the and the actual money dollar amount so there's a feed of that as well but it's small right it's like 2.9% for that fee as opposed to taking the whole fee out of it for for everything and boy people did now most people did and most people agreed with me but clearly there was a bunch forget that for a minute forget the tax thing I would have had to be listening for something I was thoroughly zon out so far forget the tax thing the shipping thing right you said you don't have a problem with the shipping part of it so well because you set the shipping cost yeah so I mean you could people used to I remember eBay when people would say $1 $99 shipping so just to avoid fees it was annoying so I understood when they did that people take advantage and then eBay address but what I but what I think even the tax portion of it you could handle cuz some sometimes they don't take a fee out of the tax portion because there's not a fee because you're selling it to somebody in Oregon there's no there's no sales tax right and I took the different items I'm like all right this is going to Vermont they're taking 6.3% out this is going to Jacksonville Florida it's taking 7.5% out you know so maybe we should complain to our states yeah right your Congressman okay so that was really boring Kevin I did just look my last video has a 97.4 and my video before that was a 97.9 so they just ha all my content I no mind you it's both videos with Carrie and them and people get mad about our joking around like I in one of the videos I literally was asking yeah I was literally asking Carrie how his hemorrhoids were people didn't really appreciate that well I mean people wanted me to keep your medical issues private exactly I mean it's thoughtful and they didn't even appreciate the fact that you're a thoughtful picker it's always all they care about is you showing them what's worth money they don't care about the human side of you they want you to be a machine when I hey I'm going to like Carri we're in the mud and I said I want to go to this Porter potty and I left in me starting to walk towards the porter potty and they all got a little scared and they're all hitting that thumbs down and then I cut it and then I even get comments like thank you so much for cutting out the porter potty hey you know what I did in this video this video here that I haven't done before is I did like the first two three minutes of a sale and then I got to a point where I was making an offer on something and as soon as I made the offer I cut it and ran the intro and then they had to wait for the response I think May might helped and Bo there probably riots there was probably riots in the retirement homes no like yeah so like are you saying you did the 3 second intro and then you went straight to the the bargain or you put other sales in between no I didn't I went straight right back that would have been annoying yeah that would have been annoying it wouldn't put it past you though oh please give me a break hey that video I was talking about I got accused like I knew I would a carrying eBay's water you're on eBay's payroll and you're and whatever true that's factual oh shut up put in the Facebook chat right now guys Kevin owner in cahoots with eBay also he bananas yeah pajamas okay so Mike's Kevin's Rod we've covered some interesting things here how we talk about sales you have any good sales this week guys yeah maybe let me yeah probably what's on best sale I bought these Black Rifle Company mugs I'm starting to sell them like crazy oh how much you pay for I have sales that I love 1987 Nerf indoor golf I mean how cool is that not that cool that was cool 38 bucks I sold here you go don would be happy with this chalkware I saw some chalkware blue bird 100 m 100 mile sale and uh I think they were I think I had like 30 40 bucks for it let me see I see what I got you said bluebirds 40 three little bluebirds sitting on a table and all these Pickers walked past it and I was proud I'm like Don would be proud of me picking up this chalkware Bluebird three I sold my first video game in like gosh six months or something and I used to only sell video games video game yeah it's like hatsi Miku it's like a like an anime game project DNA I got it at a yard sale a couple months ago I kind of forgot about it I think I paid like five bucks sold for 32 but then we're selling all sorts of random stuff we're selling um too plates SPO Don's been selling a lot of plates like I said she's on a plate kick right now that's what she's digging um yeah we're selling all sorts of stuff plenty of $2 cards I went on a jewelry kick a while back and I've decided I'm not going to ever go on a jewelry kick again cuz I hate it I haven't sold any of except for the stuff that got thrown away uh but other than that stuff that got thrown away I sold like one thing out of all that jewelry and I just don't like it and people have commented they said Dave you got to take like super high quality pictures with like a really high quality camera and blah blah blah and I don't want to do that I hate jewelry so I don't think I I just think I don't want to sell jewelry unless I find a bunch of like Precious Metals this week and I started walking I saw this table full of full of it it was like a little container full of jewelry and I started digging through it was crap it was garbage and there was nothing at the sale it was getting hot it was late and I started walking away and as I turned I saw a little old jewelry box I'm like I'll look in there and I opened it up I'm like sweet and I a tiny little charm but I turned it over and it's 10K and I asked like how much you want for it's like a quarter or 50 cents or something like sweet so I got 10 karat gold for it's not worth it's probably only worth 20 to 40 but it was gold I haven't found gold in like a year yeah man I couldn't do that I couldn't do that to the poor sweet seller personally but some people can oh yeah sure sure would you do would you ever sa 50 cents for a dollar item there's a whole just no I wouldn't no no if it's a dollar I mean you should be able to make it would I know Don would do this if there's an item for a dollar and another item for a dollar that she wants she would say could I have both for a dollar would you do that she might do that I mean for the most part if I'm picking up something for a dollar you know I I'm a good reseller so it's going to be worth at least two bucks so there's no reason to get it down any lower we're already well in the profit I'm not I hate probably love it I love it I want to I want to start doing that I want to go to sales and be like I see you get a dollar on this will you take a quarter start a you should start immediately to Tik Tok you know how people have the thumbnails where they're holding the money and stuff the cash you should just have like one of those old school like Charles Dickens pouches of coins and just be holding the little pouch of coins like you're ping out nickels and dimes just be the just be like the heel of reselling like every yard sale you go to I see you have a dollar I see you have a dollar going on Amazon get a coin pouch I'm doing it that's hilarious they say yes Carrie they give it to you for a quarter be like sweet I'm selling this for 50 bucks on eBay screw you and then you walk out no I take off my GoPro and I hand it to Don and she pans over to me and I'm like that was a great like I'm still there in the yard sale I'm like that was a great deal this is worth over $50 on eBay and then I just walk dude I love it dude I think will work good ide hard was your coin first how to ruin yard Sal for everyone it's so good Nashville flipper already did the video that's how good it is or just for anything no matter what it is it could be like a $50 item just like only make quarter offers that's it just every time though every time it's like 20 bucks every time you hold up because you're like GoPro it's POV right you hold up the bag and you go jingle jangle and they go what did you just say and you go jingle jingle you just got a quarter offer and then and then you get thrown out there's going to be so many terrible moments it's great for Tik Tok maybe bring those dollar coins that everybody hates and just pay in those and then ask if they can break it ask if they can break the dollar coin could you break a dollar coin can you give me four quarters for this don't even buy anything video we all to I feel like I feel like AR could do it too he could get away do for how how many sales how many sales does he lose out on how many deals does he lose out on because he's his car his truck is completely wrapped in his logo like you got every time you go up to a yard sale and it just says art of resale in 17 different locations on your truck that's not going to help you get a deal I used to have a truck for a short time before I probably got in a car wreck with it or something who knows what happened but I had a truck and I had Pony's auction cuz that was my old auction house and it was a metal um logo thing that I would take off and on my truck if I was going yard selling I'd take it off if I was driving around town I'd put it back on so that's how you got to think H can't let people so Carrie Kevin sale was some $40 chalk Weare did you say what yours was that was my best sale I just that was Kevin's best sale Kevin's best sale was $40 chalkware I want to talk about my favorite sale can I talk about a sale I actually like yeah you can talk about that I found some hockey cards bucks dude that's awesome that was the whole story I found some hockey cards but I like anything else no I I sold hockey cards can I talk about it can I talk I like hockey I do like no but they're cool because it's fans of hockey they're from 1991 and one of them was Ralph machio but like post Karate Kid you know when he was kind of in like the desert nobody was hiring him for anything and then it was James Belushi and I sold like a bunch of those for two bucks a piece Ralph machio James balushi James balushi is the brother of um Jim balushi if you didn't know John balushi John John or Jim Jim is James and then John Jimi John Jim and James Belushi a triplets Jim and James might be the same guy I'm just throwing that out there that's the thing about I just want to say this because I talk about it on my card Channel all the time I love cards and sometimes cards make me happy wait do you you love card how much you cards for did you say it I had two bucks a piece after fees I made like a dollar you know what I did with that dollar did you have any sales guess what I did with the dollar da Dave guess what I did burito talk about I bought more cards uh I bought more cards shocking did you what okay so what was Don's big sale of the week then let's just go there probably got a better one I got big ones too um gosh I'm looking I mean like we sold the pl drum magazine a Nerf what Kevin the tit drum magazine the big one 115 bucks plus oh oh like a part parted it out I got you we sold $1 one of those 15 we sold another one of those Swedish sets for 188 for six plates Don paid two bucks a piece for those Gustav BG Stig Lindberg Bersa I know all those keywords by the way if you would have asked me before Don bought those plates what a Gustavo Stig Lindberg Bersa plate was i' would been like that's worth a lot of money and it was um but I also sold something I got from one of death pile picker two years ago when Don was still scared and thought Mike was trying to kill us back in those days um we went to his storage unit a little bit creepy and he uh sold us a bobblehead a Frank Thomas bobblehead and I finally sold it two years later I didn't think it was Mike that Don thought was going to kill you I thought that was someone else yeah no I know I almost said it Don you got realize Don's watched far too many scary movies she's not scared of anything that's actually scary and she's always scared of like uh you know just being out in the woods and stuff cuz she seen the strangers or something you know what I mean so she was scared of both people she was scared of both people yeah but now now she likes scar she liked him before but she scared oh I just knocked over I you know I have like different drink no no you're harmless I think she take you as the thing like you're small and dainty I can't remember where I saw it but somewhere I saw a comment maybe it was on the YouTube that Kevin has to act every day he acts like he's a southerner did you see that comment somewhere was pretty funny it is true dude you got you got to check this I can't even mention some of these trash cash things that apparently popped up how do this newey picker no on the Facebook page and these debates somebody came out the other day I don't know how it got approved Chris and they're like H what was it I can't remember maybe it wasn't a post itself but they're like they ripping YouTubers and they and somebody mentioned me and then somebody mentioned like this is on our Facebook page did they mention yes dude well I wish they'd watch I haven't been getting many views I know what the heck but but I don't think that's what I'm saying I think there's literally like 10,000 people that they don't even know that this is our Facebook group I mean why who would come on somebody's Facebook group and and act like they don't know and just start ripping ripping YouTubers like these guys for doing for what was it for bringing too many resellers to eBay and whatever and there's so many resellers now and then somebody post it it's like no there's less resellers than last year there's less resellers and then they start fighting in the comments I'm like what is this this is our Facebook group Kevin you have the banhammer feel free to it up I don't care when are we going to monetize that when are we going to put like a Jiffy Lube Banner at the top or something so we can make some cash from the page yeah it'll be the only money I'm earning on freaking Facebook nowadays mine's G Facebook terrible Facebook's just the worst okay so I sold a junkyard dog toxic Crusader troma for $53 Junkyard Dog toxic Crusader action action right it's an action figure okay so it's not's got like a big long tongue he's got a big long tongue dude someone posted in the Discord Kevin I don't know if you saw the Susana picker he got like seven wrestling buddies today yeah like for I think he said 30 bucks for all of them or something it was crazy crazy wrestling buddies are plush guys that are B are just like better when you're like my dad found I I was like we pull up to yard sale and I'm like all right normally he drops me off or whatever and there's two I'm like I'm going here you go here your dad's dropping you off at yard sales and just where does he go yes yeah he does that yeah it's awesome he dri he Parks he goes and Parks the older fellow goes and Parks he also holds the door for Kevin called you over when there was stuff accumulated no listen listen this is what happened so he dri drives me to a sale and he drops me off at the sale like right there and then I open the door I get out and then he drives in heill depends on where we're going next if we're going somewhere this way he'll turn the car around pull it up and if I'm looking at stuff he knows okay and so he gets out of the car and if I buy something he'll take it or whatever but if there's two sales I go to one he goes to the other and I was picking Forever at this sale and I see him across the way and he's got things in his hand which means he's like hey you know you need to come look at this stuff and he's looking at me and I'm like I got to buy this stuff this is good I go over there he's got so he's learning I'm I'm just like wow he's got two vintage 1990 poly pocket sets two for a dollar I'm like sweet and those you know they'll probably go for 30 bucks a piece and I was so excited about those and I had just bought like a $140 DVD VCR recorder and for like five bucks and that didn't excite me but those two little po I'm going to make way more money on that the poly Pockets but wrestling buddies right it's like holy cow I got wrestling buddies but that's not those Snap-on Tools yeah no but the wrestling buddies are just cooler yeah I guess it depends on the person for my cousin the Snap-on Tools would be cooler the problem with the wrestling buddies is I always lose they always pin me and I'm down for three put those on and maybe I'll buy one oh there you gos put guaranteed dude over Market 10% over Market to get Kevin to pay too much no see that's that's why I said maybe because people will do that right cards on there the first things over the years is selling cards on dibit and and Tim puts up the first three cards like Mike Trout and like all of Turner's favorite players right that's what he puts up to start so we Pander we always Pander to you when you're in the sale like so I find all the Liberty University of Liberty players and then like you feel guilty if you don't B every time I go in there he's running Blake Bortles I don't even know what's happening I really want to do that you're buy one day I want to do an hour straight of Blake Bortles make you buy the stuff I've been buying for you back there we go it's even better that's a big part of eBay I think but it's a much bigger part of live selling is knowing the people you know will show up and trying to provide them with the same that is a abolutely it is a real I didn't used to buy dragons now I always buy any dragons because I have like five people that come to my shows that love dragons and it's like I can basically be their personal shopper heyen basically personal I ran unlike Dave who ran DVDs I ran cassettes LPS um video or VHS and whatever and I discovered we we've got a buyer of eight tracks and this guy bought eight tracks all day long on diit and he restores them and whatever and so now I'm like when I'm out at yard STS yesterday I saw eight tracks and I didn't buy any but I'm like h that's like a maybe I'll put this back in the old repertoire that's like an anomaly too somebody who's like a fan of eight tracks but is also on online buying on a live auction that seems like a quite the J the internet is worldwide web I'm going I'm going to see y'all this you'll be proud of me seeing a popular band here a modern band I'm going to see the beach voice oh my gosh just in time that's an old just you know Gordon life foot died before I could see him I had tickets and he broke his wrist but isn't the Beach Boys all new people now it's still got still has M love so it's got there's two different factions well Brian Wilson's not doing anything but two Al Jardine and they were doing two of them did this I ask questions I don't care about the came I won't tell you two of them so over someone what well I had something I wanted to mention about Gordon liot real quick Kevin would be proud of me I spent I spent like a half an hour while I was working uh listening to Midnight Special do you remember Midnight Special when you were a kid Kevin um Gordon Lightfoot hosted an episode or something and I was watching the whole thing it was cool there was like all sorts of bands and stuff it was pretty entertaining where can you hear about the Walton the Baldwin sisters and Gordon Lightfoot If it's not K picker come on cash podcast baby that's where it's at that's why we're bringing you we had you had a different layer for the very elderly audience and we appreciate it a Mike death file picker sale too sort we call him your Rod now Kevin's Rod Kevin's Rod had a sale guys field Crest these towels I'm looking at these towels at this sale on the 100 mile yard sale and it was hot it was the end of the day and I'm just like I've bought so much and I'm looking at them like these are probably $15 towels I can get them for 50 cents old just vintage towel set one towel one hand towel and I walk away from it Mike's like what are you doing dude what are you walking he's like this is what you buy I'm like I know he's like and so he comped it he's like these will sell I'm like okay went back and bought it and Bam sold it for 30 bucks one towel one hand towel one handw so Kevin's Rod convinced you you needed a hand towel Kevin make sure that's where we control I control your I can't okay all right so let's go to patreon we got some patreon questions Kevin we got patreon questions first of all Lost World video games will Tekken be replacing Kevin oh I hope so there's no way you're not you can't afford him true number two Angel Balden what is the nicest or most helpful thing a person having a sale has ever done for you having a sale like at a yard the nicest I mean a lot of people do nice things or help I people will package up things they'll wrap up glass they'll put them take them to your car help you load the car up that often happens yeah they'll help you load up yeah they're nice they're nice Kevin all the time Kevin tell him toath Kevin will tell him to stand here do this he brings stuff in from the car for them to show him like like it was in their back room and stuff Kevin sets up a lot of stuff at his ear I mean the nicest thing the nicest thing they did for me was that lady who gave me all those fancy purses for free that was the nicest thing that anyone's done for me there was also that lady in my video that's now kind of trending again where like the the lady was trying to steal my video game by and the seller refused to sell it to this lady cuz I had already asked for like she brought it down just for me and so she refused to sell it to that lady waited for that lady to leave just so she could sell it to me so that was probably the nicest so I got one but this is years ago and I just remembered it when you said the free stuff I was like [ __ ] forever ago I mean I've been in YouTube for five years for good to sake but Turner was with me and this guy says hey would you like to have these action figures and I'm like and Turner's like no thank you though and I turned to turn I'm like yeah yeah you definitely want those and it was a pile of dungeons dragons really and did you sell them or you let him keep them no I sold them you forced you forced get that award turn into I wouldn't let him play with demonic stuff you kid me oh there you go Alexandria picker said when will we see the bench press competition I'm ready guys I'm ready I'm ready dude what can you bench Kevin is it over or under 350 oh shut up you're not anywhere near 3 most I've ever bench 260 that's it shut up dude you do not Ben 260 and neither do I anymore each hands yeah he must be talking about an incline that's a little harder maybe hard look at you you do know a little bit have you ever done the decline bench yeah it's harder to balance but it's easier much easier but I always do any sort of lifting fully nude it's just it gives me more strength spray clean the surfaces when you're done dude you think I'm the kind of guy spray clean the surface do you think I'm the kind of guy who puts away a shopping cart I mean if you guys don't know me yet I mean you don't put away your shopping cart no out of spite I don't out of spite I don't I'm a spiteful man I always expect I am people get so mad I've said it on my flipper video before and I got so many down votes you should that's awful I know but I got in the car I can't leave used to have to get and I used to love when people didn't put the carts away because it just meant I was outside of the store longer I didn't have to like do anything I was just like hunting for cards it was pretty fun honestly I think you're doing them a solid getting them out of Randall asked an interesting question Carrie Kathy Randall said have you ever accidentally put the wrong price on something you were selling maybe mistakenly put the shipping price of 8 instead of the real price 85 which I don't know why the shipping price would be 85 but I get the general idea have you ever accidentally underpriced something on eBay and it's an interesting question to me cuz I literally messaged someone I found this uh Apartment 56 Santa Claus at a yard sale I paid like a buck for it or 50 cents for it I go to list it someone has it listed for $3 plus 5 shipping and so I I mess I'm like hey I think you got this price cuz all the comps are like 15 to 20 bucks and I was like hey did you price this wrong there back like no no I just can't get any love on it so I'm letting it go for $3 I'm like why what's the point cuz hey hey you know instead of lowering that price they should have upped it and rebooted the whole thing and changed pictures or something they said it's been listed yeah they said it's been listed for years but I see comps that have sold recently and they're they're at $3 they're selling Shadow inste instead of instead of lowering it down to $3 what you want to do is on a Tuesday night around midnight you want to light some you want to light some sage and then you want to talk to krylo you want to talk to krylo person to person and you want to you want to get those sales going sometimes it just takes a little bit of love and a little bit of respect rubbing in a man what is what is rub for that the explanation is there must be there's a psychology I've talked about this you should watch my videos there's a psychology to having a severely underpriced item people don't want it they think something's wrong with that well what about okay so all the time when I'm listing and this happened a lot with the tools all the times when I'm listing there'll be like seven solds for $24.99 and then if I go to actives I'll see some for 18 bucks yeah all the time why like so do I price at 25 or do I price at 18 no you price it 25 why would you price at 18 it's not sold cuz that's the competition okay that's somewhat true there's you got to dig a little deeper and I know you don't dig deeper into those listings right well there might be a reason that's listed at 18 no a lot of times I do and it'll be like bad condition but every now and then I'll look at them and they'll be just as good and that's all I'm saying like why hasn't that item sold sometimes list them in for commit it's possible it's very possible promoted listings yeah absolutely or people buy from the same people if you don't have your item on sale because I see it all the time promoted and also that promoted with the ad rate thing if you're not doing all three of those things why are you even doing eBay you're not going to sell anything if you don't do all three of those L I just want to make it clear guys I got you I always put my cart back calm down calm down okay let's go on'll make our comments a little better yeah that'll be good so here's this is true all right so I was looking at a page the other day it was a Care Bear page on Care Bear store they were just selling cuz they bought they bought they bought a Care Bear from me and I like I look at stores when they buy stuff from me sometimes and this person sells Care Bears that's all they sell tons of them yeah so they're probably a collector and a seller but I'm looking immediately got it when you said it the first time three times was not necessary but go on you said three times that the three times in a row listen okay you know why I do that let me tell you three times why I do that it takes seven times to get it in your head permanently just say so I just have to say St you Stock People store I got three more to go shouldn't you be like editing or listing why are you stalking people's store on eBay this is the P because they were it was a send offer they sent me an offer and so I always check there you know I want to see what location they're at how far I got to ship it I want to see what they're selling and sometimes they're selling what buying off of you well maybe so long story short here their their prices for Care Bear that that they're getting you made a short story long by the way listen y could have said this in 15 seconds Kevin I'm giving you stock a person and they get more because they're a Care Bear only store I just did it they bought it from you bear no you don't understand the reasoning behind it I just don't care no I'm just kidding we're just bullies tonight we're just bullies if you buy if you buy a card from Carrie and it comes like he's like yeah this is great whatever and it comes it's got creases down the middle and you couldn't see him or whatever are you going to go back and buy cards from that guy no but if you consistently get like Tim level shipping and you're happy with it you're going to go back and you're willing to pay more because you know what you're going to get what are they doing to make their shipping special they putting confetti in there is it handed just saying shipping I'm just saying people will pay more from certain sellers they will and Niche down sellers that they know they can get what they want they'll pay more we didn't answer her questions have you ever actually accidentally under press an item yeah whatnot it's called whatnot Kathy everything or dipped it all of stuff whatever you can get on eBay cut it in half then cut it in half again and that's what you'll get on whatnot every time true depends on what not if you're Kevin not ifin Kevin do get a lot a Snap-On tool on there it's not going to get it might it might is there a tool of category yeah probably if there's a tool category it might do okay I see the golf stuff goes crazy on there not like Mulligans but close not Mulligan crazy but what not I only shop for golf clubs on do you have any Memorial Day Traditions says the quirky picker Chad he's so quirky love that about him it's usually baseball when I coached they were playoff season when I played it was playing ball now Turner usually plays but he didn't play this year my tradition I go to I I get up at the cracken noon and I go to the desert industry and realize they're closed because it's Memorial Day and then I'm upset and I probably just listen let me just start off by being the one who said thank you for your service to all our veterans out there no that was we appreciate you I feel like when people watch this they know I'm already thanking them for their service so I don't have to say it Kevin makes a good point it is Memorial Day so thank you for your family service I guess way to say it but in Memorial yeah in memori yeah memorium wait for Veterans Day and you know yeah veterans well anyways my tradition usually is some sort of a barbecue of some sort have family over get the grill out maybe smoke some pork butts stuff like that pork butts are a fantastic option if you're going to have 65 people over like I'm going to have tomorrow cuz it's cheap it's like 35 and I'm going to easily make a whole butt of a pig or you have several different butts th it's like their thigh it's like their thigh but one thigh Pig feeds that many people or you have several pigs they're like they're like 15 to 20 a piece so I bought two of them I think I paid like 35 bucks it's like a buck a s uh less than 50 cents a sandwich or something like that it's crazy cheap if you have a smoker right so and it's delicious too and so you pull it or you slice it I pull it oh man that takes a while doesn't it yeah six that's why I'm starting at midnight parties at two tomorrow well even pulling it takes a while no not if you have the claws I just use the claws yeah the claw no big deal and I made I made some uh homemade North Carolina Eastern barbecue sauce which isn't for everyone but I also got normal barbecue sauce that people can mask up the vinegar if they don't like it I actually have always preferred it with both the vinegar sauce and the barbecue sauce like the sweet barbecue sauce I'm a I'm a double sauce kind of guy car I just comments are going to be too rough because we've been too mean to Kevin let's take a minute appreciate listen it's all a joke we respect Kevin we do appreciate Kevin he's a great part of the show not unless Tech he as good as he can be he's as good as he can be Kevin I will say Tekken does want to come on the main show at some point he did ask to come on the main show how about next week no well he wants you there too vation he wants you there Kevin he wants to talk to you Kevin he didn't actually explain L say that though so I guess he might not care I think he wants I think he wants me to leave and he wants Kevin there listen I like this question question from Wolf man's goodies how often do you end a listing and sell similar um very rarely but I do it well you can answer car if you want to mine's easy never I never do I do it with I do it with sports cards so if a player plays really well in a game I'll take it down and sometimes I'll up the price or lower it if there's if there's something wrong with the listing I won't fix what's wrong with it I'll end it and fix what's wrong with it and I'll redo it if it's something that should be selling and hasn't sold I will end it and use that time to repost it to figure out what's wrong with it and also get a boost when you repost it right because if you're just fixing it you're not going to get as much of a boost historically I guess cry loss well I'm going to I'm going to do it right now I'm going to relist my Chandelier I told you I'm testing price points on my chandelier so I'm going to end and re delete everything off your eBay again like you did that one time just repost that was fun I had one Watcher but it could have been a viewer so I don't really put much stock in just a watcher anymore we should appreciate that kri just revisit that Dave on an absolute win UN list his whole store true no I what I what I was doing there was I was just planting the seed because in two weeks Dave's going to say like randomly that he had an idea to do that and it's because I planted the seed just now but I was already thinking about it today I'm not going to do it it's too much work you will it's too much work but I was thinking want you today but in two weeks you will ADHD dude well the problem the problem I'm having is I'm getting so much inventory like for the longest time I've been at 600 700 listings cuz I haven't been like adding a ton of listings I've just been kind of staying steady but now I'm at like 1,200 or something or more one like maybe 1.300 uh so 1,00 is that what that means yeah well it says 1.3 13700 yes yeah I have a lot of listings right now so someone someone actually said an interesting comment they were I don't it might have been on my flipper Channel it might have been on trash to cash they were saying the reason things aren't selling or one of the reasons is eBay search Now sucks and when people search for things they're not actually getting the item they're looking for so people just don't buy on eBay at all because the search is so bad and it's gotten worse have you noticed that so are you are they saying saying that the search is bad like they're literally not finding the items they're searching for or they're getting promoted stuff popped up I think they're getting promoted stuff I don't they weren't that clear on it to me I read it as like like they're trying to find something and they don't find the item they're looking for they find a bunch of other garbage is what it sounded like to me I was watching if I went on there and I searched for something GoPro 11 I find it no actually actually no when I type GoPro 11 is that that's a product I have you're going to get a ton a ton of off- branded stuff that's like batteries for it that's whatever the first item is a GoPro five then a GoPro 10 the third item is a GoPro 11 okay that's weird why would it be the third item do this go lowest lowest first do that real quick well I'm sure it'll be Chargers and all that this is bad item to do this with I was I was watching who it was it was a local guy it was the guy that does the funny um he does he does the funny like what sold clothing videos here in talked about him before he the guy that wears his little cell phone in his shirt pocket sure I'm sure he does but but my point is like he was talking about when he was going through trying to see sell through rates and stuff of items when he was looking at sold listings he had to do it from lowest um first so it actually would show what items were if he didn't do that it would show everything including stuff that was wasn't exactly what he was searching for which makes no sense but apparently that's like weird some glitch with eBay I haven't seen many problems with it lately but I I do you do certainly see the promoted stuff pop up there's no doubt about that and I wouldn't buy unless I did lowest the highest and then I usually don't buy the lowest Jem flipper said the question this question is for Carrie and Kevin who is your favorite alltime baseball player mine is Frank Thomas I think we've answered this before but have you answered it for Gem flipper Nolan Ry is my favorite but I that's so cliche D well it's not cliche pick someone who like wasn't as famous Michael Jordan for example was my favorite baseball player he was a b Micha was kind of I like cesil Fielder Julio Franco Ruben Sierra Danny tardal no he was from Seinfeld they talked about him and George talked Danny T was from Seinfeld he was in Seinfeld yeah was the other one those are the two those are he from sidefold and also did baseball on the side and also did a little baseball the side I love all these comments Jim abbit was good yeah dodgy trouser said when is the next episode of the tech to cash podcast coming out dude I'm out listen you cannot pull off Tech on this show you can't pull him off full time on I don't know maybe it might be a good promotion because this is his Target a mean you can't pull off getting him on here full time you pulled me off we did we did pull you off somehow much like ke's Rod M it's hour 24 in but listen this is a good Tech strategy if you're listening to Tech you have all the the the nerdy people who want to make got the the the type A people right you got the type A folks right your audience now you need some fies in your podcast no because the fies these these groups they're not going to pay 30 bucks a month they're not going to pay for it but you need them Tech it would benefit us it would benefit personally we would maybe make some money from outside of that no value for you you get zero value back we will get all the value dodgy trousers oh yeah NC thrifting said if you could have any job in the world other than reselling what would it be dude haven't we answered this before SAR we have I don't know I don't know if I've answered that one yes I would be Kevin hates your question a big time college baseball coach Ballroom dancer not just any like in Moneyball I saw Moneyball recently that was a pretty cool movie I would love to be a scout I'd love to be a GF and just I would go like whatever team Scout and I would just ruin them intentionally or or or on accident no but if you go and saying you're doing it on purpose then they don't get mad if you actually do and if you do do good they think you're a genius if you do do do okay so I would say like I would enjoy if it was like a super awesome high-paying job if this this sort of thing existed some sort of like movie reviewer or food reviewer would be pretty fun you know like you're just reviewing stuff and you're getting money for it like these people who just sit there and eat food you have to watch a racer head and it's terrible and you just watch and DOW your eyes out the whole time but not even that like not necessarily like on YouTube like literally like you go into the theater and then you fill out a little thing with your review and then someone else writes the article and does all the work and makes it content just your score is the job that's all you have to do is just this is even better you go to the movie theater and you give your review live to the people who are there as the movie's going on that's good hello I do not like this part Jak to gyllen Hall is subpar you know just stuff like that his abs are incredible my gosh beautiful man got a th inside his sweet head list I will say I will say like one of my favorite jobs ever was working at the movie theater and just like going in and yelling at the kids who were talking did eat the did you eat the popcorn that was left did you eat it like back seeing away at the end of the day they didn't want to save the popcorn so they'd like have you fill a brand new trash bag with popcorn and you just take the whole trash bag full of popcorn home just eat and I would just sit there at my house like trash can of popcorn like he's running running away from home with his trash bag of popcorn the kids not a girl in sight no Ladi popcorn all the kids took him all the kids tooking that would they laugh at you when you told them to be quiet no I kicked them out oh I asserted my authori as car would say and I kicked them out the other cool thing about it was like they'd let you watch movies before they came out like they did I remember Sin City Frank Miller City I went and saw it at midnight like a week before it came out that was cool like just like I bet you you didn't realize that was inappropriate movie for you to have watch a little inappropriate well I was like 20 at the time so I was like willing to watch a PG-13 or oh I think those was our that was mg3 Bud R I don't really remember it very well I think it was in black and white though Chris Chris says my favorite Kevin label is still OCT octogenarian thank you 0y- old apprciate exactly okay you don't even look like an octopus yeah he's got the eight legs though I know you all regularly share a lot about shopping strategies but how many Secrets do you keep for fear of others taping in taping ining a good stream tapping oh yeah well I tell you one thing I don't say much but I said it on the I went live on D it in on garage s nation and Facebook the other day and somebody asked me about early birds and I I really said around here in this area it's one of the secrets to reselling is you you can't show up 20 minutes before a sale and expect to be the first one it's that's and it's not a secret but I don't talk about it much because people get ticked but I show up 45 minutes early than most s really I I refuse still to this day doing that I feel guilty no it's all about the way you do it if if obviously you can scope the situation out if they're not ready and nobody's there I'm not bugging them not but if I've seen people do that knock on the doors no I'm not doing that Stu did Florida this person out Rod when Rod has so much anger in the morning typically that's when the punching happen he's constantly punching yeah yes to keep reminding himself pick pick stop punching just say you know I I know I'm peing and peing yeah we should rename his channel pick and punching and peeing yeah the three PS sorry Kevin go on go on Kevin's got this crazy secret guys get to your sales I'm just saying I'm not it's not a secret they said something you don't share I don't share it because it's not popular tell you one song about it even got be I won't tell anybody but there are certain Listen and I'm going to be vague about this so please bear with me guys I don't want to give it away there are certain uh Disney vhs's that if you look on the side spine if you look on the spine no no can we bleep that out can we bleep that out it's not a black that it wasn't the black
Channel: Trash to Cash Podcast
Views: 7,577
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: ay4R27Ha2dk
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Length: 89min 54sec (5394 seconds)
Published: Tue May 28 2024
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