Episode 1: First Steps (PCT 2017)

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okay so I am in Campo California and I am about to hike the Pacific Crest Trail so I weighed my pack last night and I'm looking at right now about 30 ish pounds with water and food I'm going to do it ah and horse doodoo we are not on the 80 anymore so right here at the trailhead is Mexico behold the land of good talkers boom already at mile one not going home I'll out the first time this is so beautiful crazy how like each turn everything looks a lot different it's kind of crazy how much I had the jitters on the way here I mean even this morning but especially like leaving Alabama I was not ready like I didn't you know have all the stuff in my pack when part came there to get me because he came down from New York to Alabama and then we were supposed to leave the next day but I had done with taxis yet I hadn't talked my package you know if everything fit for sure I mean I figured it did but he was in the same boat so we had a tax doin party so he left his car in Phoenix with his friends and then hopped on a Greyhound bus and rode all the way to San Diego where a trail Angel scout and Frodo picked us up and we stayed with them last night and then they brought us to the trailhead this morning and scout Frodo have been doing this for several years now and they host hundreds of hikers at the southern terminus of the PCT every year just out of the goodness of their hearts I mean they don't ask for any money they actually won't accept it umm they take you know if you do want to give they suggest you donate to the PCT a so it's pretty neat what they do you know a lot of people are like why don't you just fly why are you gonna do that and wow I just can't get over the views here it's crazy I don't know for me in my brain I needed I needed some transition like I couldn't be you know one minute in Airport and the next on the trail and feel like in the desert you know so I needed to see the land transition I kind of wanted to get a you know right a Greyhound bus but I didn't want to do it across the whole country my first adventurous experience alone was when I was 14 and I wrote a Greyhound bus from South Florida to Alabama to visit my grandparents so it was kind of appropriate I just wanted to allow myself some time to realize I'm actually doing this again no but it's like um tropical rain or something you know I think I should maybe like taste it now I don't know maybe you should remember what it looks like and looking up and then if it's something edible then I mean you don't want to have a closed entire University I'm at about mile eight now and I think like mental spirits are still completely intact my hip and my knee MLS leg are a little tinder I think my body's just like really you're you're doing this again um so so now we'll see huh next water source supposedly isn't until mile fifteen so might push a little bit more than I had intended today they say that like a lot of folks do 20 miles first day but I had no intention of wearing myself out or kill myself the first day to do that so anyway 15 is the is the mark that I'm aiming for know if you can hear that but if you can well that's the first round thing just have a rattle baby no he stopped okay you know I had a feeling Montgomery this would be a perfect place that we see a rattlesnake on the trail and not exploit stuff on a bus it was disconcerting that you know we didn't spot it like a few yards away like we were passing it yeah I mean that is say huh yeah we're talking about you all right lose something we get over eventually yeah or that I'll get over because clearly on this the one that's mainly freaking out is that one up there on the trail yes yeah son of a mother hunter is it oh no it's just a shadow later yeah so it's like every stick is is naked every 30 shadow is a snake somebody on a horsey and we are tearing up at something we need attacked me so the lady on a horse is doing the whole trail - except she said might be skipping this year is because of the simp Act but about 25 miles a day so that's something you certainly don't see on the 18th is so external and by horses pretty sweet a lot of folks are talking about the snow all of us have been warned that what we're getting ourselves into but I mean it's still early on you know locals before I got started kind of you know we're like it is a concern for sure but just you know be careful and evaluate the situation as you get closer and so when I get to Kennedy Meadows you know I'll think on it I would prefer to do one continuous northbound trick but we'll just see hopefully it'll warm up and melt it all the way I know that's not really realistic but but um you know if you wait too long then you've got forth and if you go too soon then you know you might be surfing in an avalanche so we'll just see as it gets closer but I mean I'm kind of up for the challenge we're like going to freaking forest this is awesome it's only for a brief moment here under this bridge taking a little break and looks like people are pretty serious about packing it out here and just leavin dude I'm sitting here in the shade laid back on my back because I was like I feel a little nauseous and you know it's really hot out here so this is nice shade it was like I feel like I've drank too much liquid and it's just like sloshing around and then I just kind of jiggled and listen I don't know if you can hear that I really I really do not have a water bottle that is literally my stomach but I can certainly say I never imagined my first sporting experience on a PCP would be in the desert but oh my gosh it's kind of more of what I miss in the desert looking like Erica - is tree vicious horses on Rupe horses off I just can't get over how cool this looks looking right on the edge of all this and straight up there's a little trail with an awesome view just a spoonful of buckets a little pot can't but water is 0.23 way down this hill the desert I hope I can get to water quickly for the cover complaint in Wendy [Music] here's your vibe really isn't allowed for each other probably half I can roll back to your angle two classics in there kind of children pretty clean so this Hill is a doozy but uh it feels really good strangely to like I don't know exert myself and this is like the physical challenge of it you know that that feels good and I don't know I would say like mentally I know I can do this so I feel like this trail you know I've already got that walked in and then you know when you have to stop and take a break that view is just not horrible to look at and enjoy but uh but it just feels good to be back out here and free [Music]
Channel: Homemade Wanderlust
Views: 336,113
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: travel, hiking, hike, adventure, fun, story, Auburn, Alabama, epic, Appalachian, Trail, climbing, canyon, national, nature, mountains, update, park, lake, trail, tents, camping, summer, University, Aubie, River, stream, Mountains, National, Scenic, PCT, thru-hike, California
Id: jK6Xz7_Uygc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 2sec (662 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 26 2017
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