EPIC MOM ADVENTURE RIDE VALLEY OF THE GODS | Happy Mother’s Day | Northbound Part 5 // EFRT S7 EP34

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look at that view! that is unbelievable welcome to another  episode of the epic family road trip this morning in camp we are enjoying a  delicious breakfast of mom's famous french toast   we are especially enjoying the  calm and quiet surroundings   because when we arrived yesterday  it was a completely different story no sooner had we set up camp and settled  in and the wind started blowing fiercely   whipping up the red sand of the desert around us   it was a good test for our new jxl campers and we  retreated to the jeeps to wait out the windstorm windstorms are fairly common in the desert during  the springtime but just as quickly as this one   arrived it was gone and we were back to the  quiet calm and serene beauty of our surroundings together put it on it i also supposed too much good tinder huh that's pretty good to me good morning we had a wonderful  time in valley of the gods   found a good camp spot after the  wind cleared up that wind was pretty   pretty nasty but we have these jxl's now and  precisely for that reason we're able to kind of   hunker down inside let the wind blow right over  us and we were comfortable and we could work on   our laptops whatever else we were doing now we are  heading up the the rest of the bdr up towards moab   all right guys so we're going to be leaving camp  with our mother riding pete's bike she's gonna be   trying it again she's been practicing for the  past couple months it's gonna be a lot of fun put it into first gear okay  you're in first year now   okay it's a rec loop so you can let go  of the clutch and won't stall see so i   would you don't have to worry about shifting so  you can start on whatever foot you want right you got it you've done it before you got it ma once you start  moving like this is the only   harder part but you've gone  up harder hills than this so okay just stay in first gear  and you can just cruise up this   if you want you can stand up  if that makes you feel better just cruise up kind of maybe stick to the left and don't worry about going over  bumps you can just crawl over them stop right up here for you yeah ma awesome okay pull up to  the road and you can stop there remember you don't have to hold in the clutch  or anything if you're in first gear you can just   come to a stop awesome so just go at your pace  whatever you're comfortable with so usually once you're about 15 or 17 is a good   time to switch but it's really  just listening to the engine   when it starts revving higher you can shift up  and then when it starts fogging you shift down but usually it's a good rule  just if you're anything above 17   you can usually shift into second gear and  then third gears when you're about 25 to 30. at least with this gearing so mod as well you might feel  a little bit different on   peter's bike than mine because of his handlebars but if if that becomes uncomfortable at any  point you can also switch and i can ride that one   i'll you can ride on the inside i'll ride on  the outside so i can turn this to this car we got a nice open road  though awesome mom doing great you're doing awesome Ma you ever get tired or want to pull over  or do anything just let me know as well here we can pull over i got  my blinker on so you're good ah you're okay here is a good time to practice picking up a bike  again it's all in your legs don't use your back and you're pushing kind of backwards not  up yeah okay now your tire is touching awesome awesome sweet mom okay now that you're holding there  you can kick down the kickstand sweet you did it now we can take a  breather while we wait for the jeeps yeah that was awesome that was great i died we   me people did that a thousand  times when we're starting so remember yeah that was awesome all right so we're at the end of  the trail what an incredible experience to ride   alongside my son daniel and drive part of the  bdr here it was so much fun and my goodness you   pay attention to so much more than when you're  in a vehicle i can understand why they love it   lots and lots of practice ahead for me that's for  sure and i just can't wait to learn more and um   do more trails all right that was fun getting to  ride with Mom for a bit but now we're finally   heading up that road into the moki dugway which  we've been trying to do for a long time now so   today we are taking the moki  dugway to the top of the mesa ahead this breathtaking road winds 1200 feet from   bottom to top on three miles of  grated gravel at a steep 11 grade definitely this is going to  be the secrets on the fires   moki is a local term for the ancient pueblan  people who inhabited the colorado plateau   many years ago and dugway is a term used to  describe a roadway carved into a hillside the moki dugway was built in  the 1950s by texas zinc minerals   as a route for ore trucks hauling minerals from  cedar mesa to a processing mill near mexican hat we have been in this area several times over  the years and each time the dugway was closed   due to rock slides and road repairs but this  time we are going to make our way up the   switchbacks to the top where we will continue  our journey northward to the canadian border i didn't i actually didn't know this was  gravel though i thought it was pavement i mean it's pavement again now but so there's a car that must have rolled  down this is steep it's kind of scary i know i keep looking over at the view  but then i get that dizzy feeling you know i'm not scared of heights it's just the jeep's already up so look at that view that is unbelievable absolutely unbelievable i can't  believe that that's so gorgeous so are you sure they're ahead what a crazy road that was insane so pretty  though but yeah with the dust it didn't help yeah i didn't realize it was gravel otherwise   maybe you guys could have stayed  way back but you know pretty um yeah no problem awesome all right hopefully  there's a good viewpoint look out yeah keep rising   so we did the moki dugway that is quite  the i didn't realize it was gravel but   what a bunch of switchbacks getting you that  much elevation in such a short amount of time   it's one you want to take your time on there's  no guard rail almost the whole way up or down   there's no guard rail on the cliff side so  make sure your brakes are in good shape if   you're going down that and uh just take your  time because it's very loose gravel all right   so we're doing a little piece of pavement here  and then we're gonna be jumping onto a trail soon okay so we just cut off knot  yeah i guess we're taking this   it goes through bears here so if  you're camping in here you need a perm shouldn't be it's all blm all right  let's air down and get on the trail three alright so i noticed when we pulled onto this bdr  road that my sd was full so i hope we got footage   of coming up the moca dugway and stuff but we'll  just have to wait and see until we're editing   how much of the footage actually worked out yeah we're officially i don't know utah bdr several times but i think a backcountry  route like this is a real privilege   it gives you a whole new perspective of the land so imagine overlooking that forest this is cool wow this looks like australia wow this stuff's so amazing in here really makes you want to camp and explore this area steps like pavement you can just  wheelie off of those rocks so easy wow this is crazy so apparently a lot of this  remember that town bluff   so it was obviously it was settled by a big  wagon train i think out of salt lake city   yeah remember in bluff we went to uh there's  that like little um like pioneer museum   the pioneer museum and there's  all the cabins everywhere and   wagons and stuff yeah way back in that it  was like two and a half years ago maybe three   and the guy was telling us because we had the  blue jeep back then he's like you guys could go on   their like actual track that they made this is the  track or at least part of it it's crazy to think yeah they carved a path out of  the wilderness with this stuff and you know drove a whole wagon train  of people to go settle in that place   they made it pretty cool that we get to drive  along it yeah totally that was really cool   because that's connecting like two or three years  ago we went to that spot and heard of this and was   like man one day that'd be really cool and then  that sign was just saying hey this is a part of   the group that settled bluff so we're like oh  wow that's that's the place this is the road that was a six month trip there was one section  maybe further on towards bluff that uh they had   to blow through like dynamite a road down this  cliff and it's just the most insane story like   after finally building all these roads down this  or this road down a cliff blasting their way   they had to use a team or two of uh horses  on wagons locked with the brakes locked up at   the top of the hill and then they had a pulley  system lowering down each wagon with the horse   and family in it horses and family because if  they just tried to go down it was steep enough   that the weight of the wagon would probably  just push the donkey or like mule or horses   straight down the hill like right off their  feet and just they go flying down the hill   so didn't they have like all the families hanging  onto ropes sliding down the hill behind them   no so the last guy i think the engineer himself  like one of the guys on the trip was a an engineer   of some kind and he helped blast the road and  i think he set up the pulley system and then   his family was the last one down because his wagon  was up pulling everyone else's down right right so   then when he had to go down he had no one pulling  his wagon so of course someone has to drive it so   he had to drive it which is really dangerous being  on the wagon but his wife and kids and i don't   know who else maybe is you know he had some sons  or something tied ropes to themselves and held   tried to hold the wagon up like off of the  horses as they're going down walking behind them   but of course like probably at some  point just started rolling pretty fast   and they all got dragged down a part  of it and he couldn't stop anything   so when they got to the bottom they were  all scratched up they're pulling it down even the wife and everything just pretty hardcore   yeah and nowadays we just  drive those trails for fun yep but they went on to settle  bluff and you can still see the   things and it's a it's a great town so the boys  go ahead i don't know how many miles ahead they   get quite a bit usually and then by the time we  get there they're relaxing sitting by their bikes good nice trailer oh it's beauty and this  being that uh like those settlers from salt   lake city right to bluff i think they'll  escalante the bluff or something but yeah   isn't it this snow whatever road they  had to carve this out with their wagon   it's crazy i was talking about it a minute ago  you guys want to go ahead or let us get ketchup   dan's in the trailer right now  he's grabbing a tuna i think okay love you more um yeah it's just dumping right back out i wonder if you got faulty uh tubes both of  them are broken now but that's so weird because   you bought them because they're  supposed to last heavy-duty it's definitely from the stem you see yeah  it's not from the valve like from the uh   inner core of it it's from like right here i  can see it with the dust yeah it's from the   like back into the stem it's  just dumping right back out so the uh weirdest thing happened that the boys  got to the end of the trail here they were just   hanging out waiting for the jeeps and then pete's  rear tires started to deflate so they've got these   ultra heavy duty tubes that they bought um and  they're having more problems it's the second one   down now with the regular standard tubes you guys  went through thousands of miles of mountain trails   in colorado and never had a problem yeah i don't  know why they're michelin ultra heavy duty tubes   i was literally just sitting there it's been fine  since we put them on and then it just it's heard   it deflate it just kind of sounded like i don't it  didn't sound like something popped but something   moved and then it just aired down right when i  like a few minutes after i stopped here too yeah   we had been here we're going all day and it was  totally fine and just so when they replaced dance   they just put a normal tube in there they put  a normal one in his now yeah i don't even know   what kind might have to go back to the normal  tubes the light duty who knows we're just gonna   have to play around with it but it illustrates  how important it is to have fire changing tools   spare tubes and all that kind of stuff which uh  we have tire changing tools but yeah and also   to be able to change a rear tire especially a  stiff one like that is a free fly we tried it   me jumping on the tool pete trying to work the  tool and we couldn't budget we had to take it in   but if you know any tricks let us know but anyway  we are learning a lot about uh long long distance   travel on bikes and that's something we want to  get really good at we're going to put the hitch   on it's quite convenient that we're not we've made  it to the paved road so we're gonna load one of   the bikes one of the guys will drive and we'll  head up somewhere where we can get it repaired and the valve stem is stuck through the aluminum  so it'll rip or tear that bit of rubber in dance   case it sheared it right off so that's so this  little uh out on here is a bowl that you can   tighten in it it basically pinches in the uh  the bead of the tube then that can't happen   so even if you're running lower tire pressures  like below 20 is what he said and we definitely   were running below 20. it'll help hold your speed  in place nice hopefully that'll solve the issue and in the meantime we'll see  you down the road good job
Channel: Epic Family Road Trip
Views: 62,393
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Keywords: road trip, road trip family, family travel, Family, Vlog Series, Series, minimalist, minimal living, epic family road trip, tiny living, family fun, camping, car camping, jeep camping, overland, overland travel, jeep wrangler overland vehicle, overland vehicle
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 38min 19sec (2299 seconds)
Published: Sun May 08 2022
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