EPIC Make The Shot, I'll Buy You Anything... Basketball

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- Ladies and gentlemen! Welcome to Jesser's Basketball Prize Show. Today you will have a chance to win some money, win some prizes, get some respect. Watch out, Tyler. (dramatic music) Whoa! Ow, that actually hurt. Today we have five different spots on the court. Three of them have a money prize. The two that don't have a money prize, going to the mall. Going on a little shopping spree, you're getting whatever you want. Now, the way this is gonna work, everyone is gonna line up at a spot. If you miss, you lose a life. You have two lives. Last one standing is the winner. Before we get into the video I wanna say thank you so much for the love because the last time we did this it got like three million views which is just insane for my channel so just thank you all so much for the support on the first one. I hope you guys enjoy part two. Are y'all nervous? Best shooter in 2Hype. (techno music) James! - What the fuck? (timer buzzing) (players laughing) - [Player] Mitchell. - [Jesser] Shorty. (timer buzzing) You could be feeding your family of five. But, no. Don't forget about your child. Don't neglect him. (techno music) James. (timer buzzing) Get outta here! (dramatic music) (timerbuzzing) Mopey, no! Mopey, I'm... (timer buzzing) You guys wanna know who my role model is in life? - [Player] Me? - [Jesser] Mr. Krabs. (timer buzzing) No! Squidward? Why, why is Squidward your idol? - [Player] He plays the clarinet. - [Jesser] You love clarinets? You love suckin' on clarinets, don't you? (canned audience laughing) I'm chillin', I have one life. (dramatic music) (timer buzzing) Are you out? Hey, Mopepolopolis, stop looking at us like that. You think you're slick? (player sqwauking) (timer buzzing) No! I hate you all. Boo! How? Kris, don't miss. You see it, you see it. Look at my stomach. - [Canned Voice] Aw! (player meowing) (timer buzzing) - Ah! (Jesser laughing) He's very distracted. - [Player] Show that ass. (timer buzzing) - He likes it? - [Player] Oh, man. - [Player] I did not like that. (timer buzzing) (Jesser shouting) - [Jesser] What's under the square? - Undone, baby. Blueface, baby. - [Jesser] Game is on the line, game seven. High Pressure, who is the most clutch? (intense music) Yes! (timer buzzing) Yes! - [Player] You look like a tad-pon. - [Player] Tad-pon? - [Player] A tampon. - [Player] Give me a pizza. Aye! - I did. - You look like a blind elf. - Aye! This is where we succeed, Mitchell James. - 10 on his jersey, 10 feet away. (timer buzzing) - No, bro! That's weird. Clutch. (timer buzzing) No guap-alopolis, lick-a-lotta-puss, no blah blah blah. (timer buzzing) Do you not love money? (timer buzzing) Wow, how'd he get out here? (upbeat music) Yes. Don't be the first one out. Your parents would be ashamed. We got Zack up at the line. You look like you'd be named Hammond. (timer buzzing) Look what you did to yourself. Everything sounds so much more extreme in this gym. (timer buzzing) - That's two for James? - Get over with Mope-opolis. (techno music) Hey! (techno music) Do this one for the children. (timer buzzing) Chris hates children. Do it for the grandmas. Do we all have one life? See you later. (timer buzzing) - Don't miss, Jessie. (dramatic music) - You will never be a better shooter than me, Padawan. I'm gonna make him miss. So why is your shot up here? It's not normal. (timer buzzing) See you lighter. (dramatic music) Let's go! Do you feel that? (players cheering) I'm healthy now, boy. I'm not you. - You have one more step. - No! No! What's under there, Mitchell? You can go to Sketchers. - You are the money man in videos. - Spot number three. Up first, our alien from Area 51. - This is not happening. (timer buzzing) (disappointed crying) (timer buzzing) - Yes sir. Oh! (timer buzzing) Free throw champion with the shot. Money! (timer buzzing) (sad music) (intense music) Bro, I am a whole mess right now. Two for two, baby. (timer buzzing) Oh God. Wait, is the alien out? - Yeah. - Alright. - Yay, that was wet, Dave. (timer buzzing) (Jesser laughing) - Nice. (inspirational music) (loud buzzing) Join the alien. All right, if I miss this, I'm out. (intense music) (timer buzzing) (Jesser shouting) - Join us, join Area 51. - Hello alien. He's so cute. Look how cute he is. Money, James! Do you all have hair down there? (players laughing) Zack. Oh, my. Drodo. (timer buzzing) Come join us in the alien. Shooters shoot. That's why you missed. (timer buzzing) - It's over. - You win? - Zack wins, flip it. (players cheering) We're not going crazy yet. - So, the last two spots are the shopping spree spots. I'm gonna start it off with a perfect swish. (timer buzzing) Are you cereal bar? Dicks. Louis Vuitton. (timer buzzing) Shopping spree to Lulu. (loud buzzing) (laughing) - Mitchell for three, maybe. From the corner, can he carry it over? - Bro, if I get out before the alien I'm gonna be very sad. (timer buzzing) Fuck, No! (sad music) Stop it. (timer buzzing) Yay, a friend. Come over here, big boy. Come to Daddy. Come to Daddy! (timer buzzing) Come here. It's gonna be okay, son. (timer buzzing) Nice socks. (timer buzzing) Not a nice shot. Show me you really want it. - I want this. - I want it more than him. - [Jesser] James wants it. (timer buzzing) He wants some new leather. Lucci. (timer buzzing) Are you out? Zack is trying to hog all the money. That's not acceptable. ♪ You and I ♪ (dramatic music) You don't need new socks, Zack. Let him win. (players shouting) One more. Spree! Here we are at the mall. Zack is making a big baller move. We're hitting the Gucci store. When we were in Vegas for summer link, I copped a Gucci wallet. - That's the story. - And I was really hype. Zack was eyeing a wallet. It's time to pull the trigger. Now, Gucci is really extreme with recording. They'll get super pissed. So we're going stealth mode with a phone. - [Canned Voices] Aw. - Now, I asked them to gift-wrap it. You know, it should be gift-wrapped. - I appreciate you. - Here is your gift. I'm scared because Zack is the first person to get designer in one of these challenges. I don't want this to become the precedent. - This might be the new wave, bro. - I really hope this is not the new wave with these challenges. - The only reason that I got this is because we were already talking about it in Vegas. And then as soon as I said like, as soon as Jessie said that I get a shopping spree, I was like, I don't have nowhere to go. I don't know what I want. And he was like, "Bro, what about the wallet?" - I was like, you have to get the wallet. So we can be boys. - He's got his, I got mine. I like yours. Yours is pretty sick. Let me see the other side. - I like it. It's just blank on the other side. I don't have a snake to go around. - This final spot is the hardest spot. See, we are going to get three lives this time. (timer buzzing) (timer buzzing) (yelling) (cheering) I will win my own shopping spree for the first time in the history of this channel. No! Yes! (techno music) (timer buzzing) (timer buzzing) Oye! (timer buzzing) This is your spot to win. Mopie. (timer buzzing) (yelling) (timer buzzing) Aw! (timer buzzing) Dammit! Money. (timer buzzing) No! Aye! Suck on it. No! (timer buzzing) Suck that. No! (timer buzzing) (timer buzzing) (dramatic music) Wait, so we all have one life left? (timer buzzing) Don't make it, please. I asked nicely, Chris! (timer buzzing) All right, I have to make this. (yelling) (cheering) I'm hyperventilating. (intense music) (yelling) (cheering) (energetic music) (timer buzzing) I'm also going shopping, but I'm paying. (laughing) Chris. - Yes. - Welcome back to the shopping spree. - You know, I love going to the mall with you. - We go shopping a lot. - Socks, shirts. - I wouldn't say designer, it's just high piece. I want to get some high piece stuff. - There was hella copy-writed loud music in there. So we copped the item. There's a little guy in here. He's an expensive little guy, got a really cool thing. I really like it. - So I had to cop a bearbrick. Now this is pretty cool, Marvin from Space Jam. - Space Jam 2 on the way. - Not sure if Jesser has seen the original. - I saw it man, I saw it. - [Canned Voices] Aw. - Still catching up to Lion King. But basically, this is pretty cool. It comes with like a mini one and a big one. - Open it up. - You want me to open it. - I wanna open it, man. - Boom. - [Jesser] Some art for the room. - Yeah, I'm gonna add this to my office. Maybe my bedroom, not sure. I think this is dope. What do you guys think? I usually get clothes, but I think I'm pretty good on clothes. Jesser spoils me with shoes and stuff. So, thank you. - I like that. - I want a hug for your awesome-ness. Best room mate ever. - Thank you guys so much for watching. If I make this, leave a like. If I miss, subscribe. Leave a like on the video. You can also subscribe if you want to. Make sure you check everyone out down below. Post notifications, put them on. Put them bad boys on. See you guys later, peace.
Channel: Jesser
Views: 3,099,021
Rating: 4.9017453 out of 5
Keywords: make the shot, ill buy you anything, faze rug, ill buy you anything challenge, make the shot ill buy you anything, make the shot ill buy you anything challenge, make the basketball, basketball shot, buy you anything, make the basketball shot, NBA, JESSER, BASKETBALL, 2HYPE
Id: KR6M1jog6yA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 36sec (936 seconds)
Published: Thu Aug 01 2019
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