EPIC Madrid Food Tour (Best Tapas, Street Food, Pastries & More)

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oh my God how can we keep eating after that Jolly I need to stop and gather ourselves and like make hunger we need to make hunger we must make hunger t-shirt all right let's go good morning guys so imagine you come to stay with us in Madrid well as well as offering you our very comfy but slightly hectic spare room we would of course want to take you to a bunch of great places to eat so where will we take you it's not easy because there are so many great places in Madrid and like any City there's a bunch of bad places and tourist traps and you don't want to end up in any of those here's our mission to show you the 10 places that we would be sure to take you to over the week that you come and stay with us so that you can have a delicious and authentic experience now this is an update of a video that I made four years ago what's changed I'm older wiser more handsome we had a baby there's been a global pandemic some places have closed you know one closed and reopened so not much has changed at all really not much at all except that I'm not more handsome so some places will revisit from that older video and some places will be new and now we're heading to our first stop for the best warm melted beautiful chocolate in Madrid oh Bingo Yoli shall we go let's go [Applause] I always do a little gas when I walk into El riojano opened in 1855 by the Royal pastry chef this place is pure 19th century bling and nowadays pastry chef Roberto and his family make the best melted hot chocolate in dream it's packed down here I hope you can hear us over the noise everybody's having something sweet some sort of mid-morning snack they don't do churros here they do soles lady fingers uh so make sure that you order some toledias to dunk it's a beautiful delivery device show me that dunk again show me the beautiful oh look at this and [Music] okay and why is this chocolate so delicious well here's the thing a lot of chocolate look at this hot chocolate in Madrid this melted chocolate is actually made from Powder they you know they add milk to powder but here Roberto actually melts down little like chocolate buttons in a sense to make actual melted chocolate and that's what makes it so creamy and so rich but it's so good that I need to peel this I never finished leave one cup of chocolate this time okay so I get a lot of questions about this but those of you who saw the original epic Madrid food tour I might remember this place it was called theater and it was famous for its tortilla Which was the best in Madrid and you'll see now that it's a burger joint a lot of people say to me did it close because of the pandemic no mariachles the owners sold the business about three months before the pandemic retired and sailed off into the sunset perfect timing nice to meet you how are you you guys having fun bye-bye [Music] foreign [Music] so I wasn't sure if this place was still open I know it closed during the pandemic but it appears they're back the cookie nuns are back just to clarify they're not really called cookie gnomes they're actually cloistered nuns who bake really yummy cookies [Music] por favor [Music] hello always feels a bit magical that that kind of transaction is it really gonna happen yeah yeah I'm gonna get my fruit am I gonna get my candy mistrusting a woman of God what am I having by the way this has got um she's got flour sugar white wine and butter lovely they're a bit don't be flavor but make sure you have a glass of water what all right I'm gonna try you always give it a go these are neveritos they're you know literally you just means snow right so you get this kind of powdered sugar all over you [Music] um this is breakfast for well is this breakfast at least one week yeah one week of breakfast for me okay next up ham before coffee lose me and family were happily running their popular hamstrabing bar on kayemayor but the pandemic hit the trees vanished and business dried up but two years later a pandemic Resurrection they're back serving and selling top shelf Jamon and Iberian products so Louise me is looking after Lucia our first babysitter I'm loving this but he had like a romantic date Lomo cheese and beautiful ham Jody oh you take the skin off I generally don't do it depends on the day not really yeah yeah Mondays you take the skin off yeah beautiful I will put this evening oh my God no I would not it's going on skin on oh my God so good so good and what I love about this place is that you can come here you can get ham to taste you can have a glass of wine you can try some oil get all the pig products we can get them to take away and get them vacuum packed so we'll go for some loin together cheers cheers hey slap that loin that's very weird I'm not gonna slap your ham okay just a little that's so weird [Music] just let it melt so good okay for breakfast morning tea lunch afternoon tea dinner everything thing I realized Jolly we do not eat ham often at home we don't know we need to like can we buy our leg now no because we've got to go to New Zealand but all right 10 seconds left enjoy that yeah enjoy great cigarette yeah yeah yeah quick cigarette hasn't changed a bit since it opened in 1966 tiny sparse always bustling it's a portal to the past and like many classic joints it's famous for one killer dish okay so they do not make bars like this one anymore I love the awkward space and everybody packs into this tiny little space there's often a queue outside the wine they serve it's simple but it's classic if you came to Madrid 50 100 years ago this is what people were drinking and of course the piece de La Resistance they do one thing well they do a few things but really they do one thing they're French will they do it well bakalao salt cloth this is the best salt cod in Madrid let's go oh my God right crispy on the outside so flaky and moist on the inside and there's like the secret layer of like something fatty just under the batter Yoli has it been a while since you've had the bucket oh yeah delicious come on taste these guys so wonderful and guys I mean the wine is so small you've got to have two two is one three is probably one glass amazing I love that place so good to be back all right I'm on my own Yoli's left we need it for move there comes a moment in every day when you say to yourself I could go with vermouth about now and in my humble opinion Cabernet Concha is the best place to enjoy this pre-lunch ritual very cool so here's the thing vermouth for me is so much more than just a drink yeah okay it's a fortified wine but it's actually a ritual and that's the key to understanding it you know it's that moment before lunch when you're excited you're meeting your friends and you're just having your first drink it almost tastes like hope hope that you'll have a wonderful big long lunch and what I love here in La Concha is that they make it a ritual with the way they put it together let's see if it's how I remember [Music] it's strong too guys always remember my vermouth Haiku one vermouth is great two vermouth is even better three vermouths you'll never make lunch right vermouth ice cream now here's a first oh it's better than I thought it would be Gorgonzola ice cream [Music] oh yeah that is my favorite really cheesy that's good okay last step okay quick tip before we find Yoli the beauty also of La Concha is it's right at the beginning it's like the gateway to kava Baja this street with like 50 bars down here I have a whole video on that which I'll link to below and so you can start here with your vermouth and then just like hit the bars down the street which is just like the best plan I could ever imagine for a Saturday afternoon okay so update yeah the booth was good I only I only had one really although there was a little top up in there for the camera I wish I couldn't believe that are you ready for snails yes always let's go to caracolas they don't make them like this anymore run by 93 year old yes 93 year old Amadeo and his kids and grandkids this is a true rustic Madrid Tavern and if you dig snails you've hit the motherland I mean guys look I know the reality not all of you are gonna come to Madrid and eat snails but it's a classic Madrid dish and if you're up for them is the place to get them it's this big juicy bowl of yummy snails it's spicy the broth there's chorizo in there I had to include this on my top tin oh my God to be honest the snail doesn't taste as much it's like a protein delivery device but the broth the richness look at these big bits of fat that are wobbling around the juice it's a three-step process right yeah good snail juice [Music] yeah step three you gotta you gotta get more from this no no that's step four okay you got some juice oh the sauce is just delicious yeah right you thought that was it but I have something else for you oh surprise surprise in Madrid perhaps so about four years ago something happened to me there was a moment I wake I woke up and it was a Winter's day it was pretty cold in Madrid January and I woke up craving chaos it never happened before I'd never been a big fan but at that moment I knew I had gone native in Spain it doesn't taste like you think tripe might taste like it's just full of Rich broth and sauces similar to the snail sauce but there's other meats in there and I'll make gelatinous it's gooey this just warms the cockles of your heart it sticks to your ribs and it's so good guys in case you didn't already know I've written a guide to Madrid it's the guide I wish I had when I first moved here it's got all my favorite bars and restaurants plotted it's got Museum hacks secret stops full neighborhood guides scams to avoid you know transport tips the whole lot and also if you grab the guide you get access to my exclusive Google map that gives you all my favorite spots plotted so you can have all my recommendations in your pocket when you're here in Madrid so if you're curious about the guide check out the link in the description below [Music] [Applause] [Music] day two you may notice we're wearing different clothes beautiful that's because we we wouldn't take you to all these places in one day I mean we wouldn't do that that would be obscene we're not going to kill you with food if you come and stay with us we're making ourselves with food but not you guys so next stop cadif sort of Madrid a Spanish Melting Pot is the perfect City to taste dishes from across the country and San Lucas Latina serves up food from my other true love the city of kadi you open like this typical from the south open it up like that don't eat the skin okay they're called toshitos little vaginas they're little vaginas yeah I was going to leave that to you to explain yeah okay just be clear we're gonna order a lot of food here but also Andres here wants us to show a few different dishes so we're not going to finish everything so don't don't judge us okay so one of my favorite dishes from the south are puppies it's like a potato salad of sorts but totally different from one you might have been expecting it's like parsley it's got vinegar and it's got Tuna on top and it's just this bite of freshness oh yeah it's like this you know beautiful potato so it's got that kind of round you know not sharp flavor then with the vinegar and the pasta and the garlic makes it really sharp and it's cold and it's refreshing yeah [Music] this is like wow this is Cali this is the south of Spain this is like just wow Lucia loves them yeah yeah I don't know Flamenco flamenco baby what was that in English a beautiful cut from the Iberian Pig this is a beautiful car from the Iberian fig that I'm gonna try right now foreign [Music] and it is beautiful and a Tiberian I can tell it's from a pig who might be ready for when we live here but we will keep eating for you guys these chippy Iranians cuttlefish look amazing so good when it's good it's amazing so you get your yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah my name is catfish I'm going for the tentacles Yoli don't have one hand with the doing one hand with the camera [Music] oh I've never had that here before a beautiful parsley flavor you don't really taste the Montana but it's in there give it a bit of body [Music] um okay so Andres the owner here is very proud of the beautiful food they have so he's he's given us extra dishes we've eaten so much we're just starting out I'm a little scared Yoli you gotta do what you gotta do you're all about taking for the team and also there's a dessert even though at once I've got more coming to dessert that you want us to try Los pianonos from Granada what is it like a sponge cake that's yeah exactly yeah it's got some Taffy eggs caramel we obviously know a lot about this dish so get into it show me so you want to try it first more so let me [ __ ] what Okay so we've just double checked with Andres so we can speak about this dish so there's more things so it's got one going well you might not make stop two this is uh okay let me just film this so you can see what we're dealing with here oh yeah yeah yeah yeah one for Yoli who's not drinking yeah what is it it's like a sponge cake that's been soaked in uh well Liquors and times or um I'll put it down description below try it yeah it's going to my head all the food yeah [Music] very very yummy yummy you don't want any right game what no you're saying you're the one who has to speak to the game was it you or me I can't remember yeah yeah oh yeah that is naughty that is very naughty very very nice soaked and like I'm not even trying again all right oh my God how can we keep eating after that Yoli just stop and gather ourselves make hunger we need to make hunger we must make hunger t-shirt all right let's go okay so we have a little problem I told you in this video I was going to take you to my 10 favorite places I'm actually taking you to 11 places because I couldn't Whittle it down I struggled but I'm going to get around this on a technicality we're going to call the next two places one place which kind of makes sense because they're kind of like a two punch they're sort of part of the same play and they go wonderfully together and first up La Casa de la Abuelo if I had to live off one dish for the rest of my life hands down it would be Gamba salad garlic shrimp and the best place to get it family run since 1906. so you're like you're the expert on these why is it so good I think everything about this place is like amazing like the texture the flavor the the olive oil in there the parsley the garlic the chilies you just named all the ingredients it's just perfect perfect for me I don't know it's like the plate for Life make sure that you get plenty of bread and just dip it dip it dip it in this beautiful yummy sauce burning my throat I'm so eager to eat them you can get this dish all over Madrid but there's something about how they do it here the waiters get here in the morning and start peeling the shrimp these are plump they're firm they're big and the classic clay was to pair it all with this sweet wine that they make themselves and these little glasses Chateau glasses they don't make them anymore so these guys make their own to keep the tradition alive and it piss perfectly and what I love so much about this place true Madrid style the kitchen is just a little corner of the bar with a grill and a fryer and your food is cooked right before your eyes but you're not gonna do them okay so next stop just two doors up my home away from home my happy place oh yeah let's go casa Tony is my cheers it's the real deal Juan and Brother David serve up rib sticking no BS food all cook the old school way right behind the bar and like any authentic tusca it's got a ramshackle photo wall of old friends and happy memories foreign [Music] the sweet bread of a lamb we've got grilled mushrooms and Barabbas just rib sticking brothers and this is like home cooking this is this is cooking that's just like just makes you feel happy it fills your soul buttered and fried anchovies I love them bocellaneous Glitters I love them they're so easy to eat it just go the whole thing guys the whole thing no kind of like getting rid of the bones or anything like that no I don't want to see that yeah I feel like biting into the sink it's just gorgeous beautiful and healthy too [Music] yummy Mommy oh really I look younger in person I need to change my camera there okay so just simple bralas done so well no oh my God there's some heat in there homemade sauce not the kind of ketchup Tabasco stuff you get to a lot of places simple yummy now entry level awful meat entry level cascadiajas something that scares a lot of people uh but this is your way into to organ Meats trust me oh my God better than I remember just delicate almost creamy you got the the kind of grilled uh caramelization on the outside a little bit of parsley wow so good grilled cuttlefish I kind of just love the battery saltiness on these crumbly salt in that little Seafood hit from the from the baby squid baby cuttlefish one thing though we're just gonna have to find a spot somewhere on the magical Wall of Fame yeah that guy can go a little that way a little that way right there Yoli I'm sorry I didn't get pig's ears your favorite I know but I did get you the pincho moruno I know you love as well so I love it wow beautiful pork skewers marinated and cumin paprika garlic originally uh recipe but with lamb right not not with pork how's it stand up to the pig's ears okay so we slightly overdid it at the first place I'm feeling a little sweaty and Ill right now that's disgusting but we have to keep going we have over eaten so far but we've got a couple more stops all right hang in there hang can you hang in there early from now on only tea yeah let's do it we're out of here next stop okay so luthia needed a siesta so Yoli's gone to take her for a walk but so you don't miss Yoli too much I'm going to ask her if she'll do the voiceover to introduce the next stop it's time to get classy neighborhood LA Fitness run by winegurus Delia has an incredible selection of Spanish bino plus a fantastic menu of modern Tapas so when I moved to Madrid there was no good places it felt like to really drink quality wine which was frustrating but that has changed in recent years in lafizna this place pre-opening now is for me the best place in the city drink wine and eat great Tapas and they have this amazing shop out the back as well you can drink wine from the shop coming to a place like this and you can drink from regions that I've never had wine from this is from Granada the alpojara mountain range I've never had a wine from there let's see foreign like crisp and crunchy and citrusy and sharp so you guys have the korabin for the serious wines so this time I got a half glass you can get half glasses here for example if your significant other is you know walking the baby or something like that you don't have a lot of time [Music] it's good I'm not going to try and describe it guys I'm not gonna I'm not gonna put you through that pain okay this dish is a tartar of chicharro which is a fish like a mackerel kind of fish here oh that's yummy oh that's a really good that that raw fish sesame seeds the dressing is is Kind of Perfect this is really yummy and it's light after all the incredible amounts of food that we've been eating so far so next up we have a puero a leek that's on a remesco sauce it's like a hazelnut it's a Catalan sauce on top we've got parmesan and anchovy going in [Music] the leek is slightly Smoky parmesan on top and then the anchovy hip I love a good anchovy hit my kingdom brain anchovy hit in every dish if you're not an anchovy lover come to Spain and become one be born again this is your chance gotta get through this wine as well okay there's another dish over here so now we have gamma's little gumbus that have been lightly battered and fried a little bit of chili on them and a little bit of lime dust all right kind of things you can eat like popcorn oh it's really good these are very typical in the South you know you just get these little little garbitas in there just lightly fried just eat them whole and just go down keep eating them but it's time to go meet Yoli and Lucia so bottoms up let's go and grab something sweet and we headed to Madrid's most famous pastry shop for a sugar rush finale there's all there's always a queue Italian right yeah right but the queue goes quite fast so don't worry too much about it you know what you're getting Yoli oh yeah always yum yum which one are you getting can I get the crema no who's getting the girl who's getting the daughter I don't know the daughter takes care of herself oh yeah yeah so excited to come here when I was a kid my mom would bring me here if we came to the city center so it's like a tradition you come here it's like always bustling and there's so many people you know people kind of shouting the orders and it's just great wonderful pastry cream my favorite that hang on I thought you were chocolate no no cream I'm Emma we have a serious situation um I like the connections right that's the way um I think I'm trying you always try to trick me here I can't quite figure out what it is but so when they're fresh out of the oven these ones have cooled down a little bit there could be super gooey the chocolate it's still really gooey the pastries light and Flaky and it's just like a serious chocolate head the Napolitano de crema which is my favorite my brother's favorite annually favorite sadly all our favorites competition kind of Brady and just this inside you've got all this pastry cream if you come and stay with us you can have the chocolate you know the chocolate's good though it's good let's go down it's good yeah yummy yeah I'm just kind of stuck with the grandma but you know maybe I should I don't know you should try the chocolate shake it up a little bit it is indeed it's good very lovely yeah very lovely yeah maybe you're my new favorite I don't know who knows all right so it seems prettier I'm eating like a animal I'm a Crema guy now I did very good favorite I could turn any day and guys if you're coming to Madrid check out the link to the guide that I wrote below I think it'll save you from having a really crappy time yeah I'm sure you have a good time anyway a little help right can't wait for you to come and stay yeah come and stay with us spare room chaotic but clean ciao [Music]
Channel: Spain Revealed
Views: 394,877
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: james black spain, james blake spain, yoly james, spain revealed, yoly spain, spain couple, spain guide, yolly james, yoli james
Id: vhqcaonPnCA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 32sec (1712 seconds)
Published: Thu Nov 10 2022
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