Epic Lawn Boy Engine Rebuild

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[Music] hi sir i see you need a new belt and that's a nice man bun you're sporting oh thanks for noticing my man bun it took me a long time to grow new belt i was hoping maybe you could just glue this one together with that fancy glue that you got you mean the hv350 this is more for plastics this isn't for gluing belts you need to just buy a new belt oh well let me see if it's in the budget i thought you were taro fixes all anyway how much is this going to run me anyway that belt cost 20 brandon 20 that's ridiculous more shops these days they just want to sell you new instead of just fixing this there's really nothing wrong with this i just don't get it this belt is shredded into a million pieces it can't be fixed it's 20 bucks or take a hike oh i'll be hiking later on podunk trail great little spot i seem to have misplaced my cash oh wait here it is forgot i put it there this doesn't have man gruff on it does it it might well gotta go tally ho [Music] oh you again i see you're back with more worn out parts what do you need this time wore out these just need to be soldered up they'll be good to go it's gonna cost you more to have me weld them up why don't you just buy new ones ah here we go again trying to sell me new parts when these are perfectly fine you can't just solder them up and have me on my way or what no i'm not gonna waste my time welding them up you need new parts just find new ones you know what just forget it i'll take it to gordy's over there all right he'll do it for me okay sounds good have a nice day come back again terrence here and today we're going to see if we can get this old 1978 lawn boy running which we got for free this is a model r 7266 and the r stands for recoil it's the recoil start mower look at it just a basic push mower from 1978 and as you can tell it has no safeties on it doesn't have that bail that you pull down that came later on i think in uh 1980 or 81 they started putting those on there so we got this old law boy and we're gonna see if we can get it running so the first thing i'm gonna do because i was pulling on it it felt a little weak on compression so i'm gonna take the plug out and we're going to do a compression test on it [Music] all right this thing is real weak on compression now i'm going to try something which we used to do back in the day and that is i'm going to spray some lubricant down in the cylinder sometimes that'll bring the compression back up on these two cycles because they're just dry so i'm just going to use some some wd-40 we'll see if we can get the compression back up a little bit if not next thing i'm going to do is pull the muffin off and take a look at the piston see if it's all scored up [Music] now on this long boy the muffin is up underneath i'm gonna flip it out inside and this is the muffin right here this big plate we're going to take that off the blade and then we're going to take the blade hub off give it a little zap because this is on a taper and then these are 7 16. now a common problem with these long boys back in the day is you would always have to periodically clean the exhaust ports they would plug up from the two cycle mix because i remember working at ferals we would get to clean these muffins out another common problem with these long boys is they'd blow that lower crank seal out we're always putting new crank seals in so let me get a flashlight these ports are pretty plugged up two of them are i see a big score mark over there but it definitely got some scoring now back in the day they used to say to use a wooden dowel rod to clean out these ports because they were afraid damaging the piston but we usually just use a screwdriver get the piston down and we never had any problems by using a screwdriver and jamming it in there to clean out the ports they tell you to take a dowel rod i forget i think it was like a 3 8 doll rod and grind a little taper on it yeah a lot of carbon and i'm going to take some compressed air and blow that out now maybe we can get a little better peek at the piston i mean it don't look that bad other than the one big score mark i see which you probably can't see on camera that's over here the crank seal is still in there i'm sure it doesn't have enough compression to start now this has got solid state ignition on it this was another problem with these old log boys it's those solid state ignitions would go off now this engine is called a d 600. now check this out this is an old long boy clipboard from when i used to work at my brother farrell's shop and i've had this thing for years this clipboard and for some reason i hung onto it but on the back here it's got the three engines at the time the f the d 400 which is on the real old long boys that got points and condenser in here and we got the d600 solid-state ignition and the reason i know this is the d600 is because we got this carburetor here that's got this throttle shaft and if you look at this f engine also has solid state ignition there's the ignition module there but this carburetor is a plastic carburetor that's got an air vein on it here's the air vein and it had this speed control so this is ours here's our speed control is right here this is how you just had two speeds a low and a high and you would just flip that lever and that would give you a higher higher engine rpm pretty interesting huh this old stuff oh look what else i got i love my lawn boy and a lawn boy belt buckle hey i got some longboy stuff some lawn boy swag so let's see if it's got any spark before we go any further again this thing is old parts may be non-existent i do have some new old stock long boy parts i got from my brother ferrell [Applause] let's get a tester what is this cheap look at that cheap clip thing already bent all up on me i didn't even get to use it one time switches on you know what it is this is touching here it's touching the deck well we got spark [Music] i don't think we got enough compression to uh make it fire all right i'm gonna put the muffin back on in the blade we're gonna put a plug in it i'm gonna try to lubricate this recoil so i remember this rico i remember doing a ton of recoil repairs on these old lawn boys i'm just gonna try to oil that spring up growling a little bit that seemed to help all right let me put the muffin back on in the blade and then we'll go from there and i got the muffin on now i gotta put the blade on yeah i said blade and muffin now i remember back in the day they wanted you when they when you'd reinstall these blades and the hub they wanted you to have the blade lined up with the piston and crankshaft assembly so here's the air filter here's the cylinder heads on this side and they would want you to line it up something about vibration wouldn't vibrate or something less [Music] i think i kind of remember we just just put them back on and they didn't clean it they didn't seem to vibrate or run any different and we had a lot of technical nonsense so i'm going to pull the air filter out and i'm going to get my little syringe because i don't want to spray carb spray in there because it's got no lubricant so i'm going to suck up a little two-cycle mix and squirt it in there so that way we got some lubricant in there all right let's see what happens put some in there [Music] let's try that again time i'll let it get past the reeds now let's try it yeah they don't have enough compression let's tear it apart all right there's five screws that hold this cover on now pull this cover off there's our solid state module [Music] this was another way we would check that module in the shop if we had one with no spark we would disconnect the the kill wire from the module and then pull it if it still had no spark then we knew the module was bad this way we can eliminate if this was the problem the on off switch so if you disconnected this and you pulled it still had no spark your module was bad all right now i'm going to go ahead and pull the flywheel 11 16. then i'm just going to put the nut back on flush now find me a good spot to fry right here oh wow was that oh no i thought that was a bad crank there so i'll put a little pressure on this and give it a nice sharp blow right in the center [Music] you just ruined that towel you just ruined that engine by doing it even though i cannot explain how you ruined it you just did so here's our here's our system this is our governor's system it's got these weights on it that come out this is our governor's spring right here which is hooked to this lever so by turning this lever it puts more tension on that spring so like with any governor if you could put more tension on this spring you can get higher rpm out of it so i need a pair of side cutters take that flywheel key out all right i finally have small pair of side cutters pop that key out i'm gonna throw that in here this comes off there's a spring under here there's a washer there's this little plastic collar and then we can lift this up i'm going to take this off that's another thing you could bend on this this tab there was a setting on these if we can get this thing running and back together i remember when you would have all this back together and on there you would hold down on the shaft and you would push down on this and then there had to be a certain amount of gap between here and there i can remember that from back in the day all right so let's take this off so what i'm going to do is i'm going to pull this up now all right i'm just going to take that take that ignition module off and then i'm going to take these screws out and we'll get this cover off and just lay it out of the way and like any coil you know when you go to put this back on this is slotted you'd have to set an air gap in there and it's usually between like 10 and 12 000 business card thickness as long as you've got a gap in there really not that critical some people over technify everything all the time it's like yeah if you get it close it it'll run not gonna really affect it majorly all right so this is still hooked to here so underneath is a screw a flat head screw with a little metal tab and i can remember back in the day because i ever worked on one of these old wall boys like this probably since the 1980s so i remember we used to go to sears and get this offset screwdriver set they used to have remember we would buy these just for this all right now i'm gonna lose all my parts so now i need something to put them parts in i need a tray so here's the screw i need to loosen up because we don't want to bend this little tab here so now i got to get in there with that offset screwdriver and loosen that up but i just want you to see where it's at so now i was able to loosen up that screw and get our governor's spring out that went around the end of this then i was able to pull the rope out [Applause] and put the old slip knot in there to hold the rope out of my way so now we can get that more of this engine let me put these parts in my tray that governor spring [Music] so there we are we're at that point so now i think i'll just go ahead and pull the blade muffin name of my cat's blade muffin i'll pull the blade muffin back off and then i'll just go ahead and pull these three bolts that are holding the engine to the deck so then we can just put the engine up on the bench but you're probably thinking why didn't you do that in the first place towel because it's got all these plastic parts on here and you're gonna i don't have no good way of holding that engine on the bench i don't have like an engine stand for this so it's a lot easier to strip these plastic parts off first then take what's left of the engine and put it on the bench that's why i did it this way if you want to take the engine off first and do it the other way you just go right ahead i don't care but this is the way i did it i already removed these two half inch and there's the last one now the engine's off now on the deck here they've got a silicone gasket there's a little metal stiffener in here let me try that out and then this is your exhaust gasket this silicone gasket now i remember there were some of these in them parts my brother farrell gave me i think i sold a bunch of them on ebay i don't know if i have any of these left and the only reason i sold them is because i never thought i would be doing a video on one of these antique long boy engines [Applause] so i'll have to go and find out so now i'm gonna here's that little screw remember i was telling you with this little metal tab that we had to use the offset screwdriver on there it is up underneath there so now i'm going to remove these four cylinder bolts and we're going to pull the silver off the piston those look to be like 3 8. yeah and then we're gonna see if we got some stuck rings and then that's as far as the video is probably gonna go to this point because if i can't locate any parts then we're not going to be able to fix it i'd have to go look in those new old stock parts i remember there were bins and bins with long boy parts that my brother farrell gave me because he was a long boy dealer and these are old parts and i remember we were going through them parts not long ago and i'm like i don't know if i'll ever sell any of this stuff so you know what i did with it and you're going to be horrified throw them all in garbage carol why would you do that you threw away thousands of dollars in plum boy farts [Music] again i can't hang on to all this crap all the time that's why my brother got rid of it he didn't want all that crap clogging up his shop he don't fix that old stuff anymore but maybe we'll get lucky maybe there's some rings i saved if not i'll have to go on the inner screen and see if if there's somebody out there selling them boy they don't make that look at that screw you know the only easier way to get to that would be to pull this top plate off here and i think if i remember i think there's needle bearings in the top i'd have to look at a parts breakdown usually when you pull it apart all needle bearings fall out then you got to take grease to hold them back in place and put it back together i just got some worse code right there somebody sending me a message help me help me carol help me my engine doesn't run yep they're sending out an sos help me terrell i can't get my engine to run and i've done everything to it except the right thing could you please fix it over the phone all right get a little lump tap breaker loose ah let's feel the cylinder see if we feel any major scratches now usually if it ran lean or rant you know they didn't run enough oil in it your score marks will be on the exhaust side and then usually if you got a vacuum leak or something it'll be on the sometimes on the intake side there's a little bit of transfer let me get that light again like he's doing with that flashlight you know what i lose them lights all the time so we got some scoring on the side so there's some aluminum aluminium transfer from the piston now let's look at the piston that's as far up as it comes yeah it's got a bunch of glowing right here this ring isn't stuck this one is [Music] everything else looks alright so as long as we don't break the ring there it's out of its groove so that might just be carbon scoring that may just be a result of carbon from them ports getting in there and scratching that up and that's not from me cleaning them ports just a few minutes ago that carbon isn't going to score up that piston by me pulling on it a couple of times so we're going to do just a real cheap rebuild on it i'm gonna try to clean up them score marks as best i can with some real fine sandpaper i'm gonna take my dental tools because i don't need them for my teeth i got perfect teeth what would i need dental tools for on my teeth i'm going to take my dental tools and i'm going to clean all that carbon look at all that carbon that's built up in that ring group and then i'm gonna take some muratic acid to clean that aluminium off of that cylinder and another thing that works is oven cleaner oven cleaners got some kind of acid in it that attacks aluminium too you ever spray oven cleaner on a piece of tin foil it eats it all up and starts smoking and stuff it's dangerous don't do it but that'll that'll do that we want to eat that aluminium off because that's going to keep the rings from seating and then i'll probably put one of my hones in there kind of scratch it up a little bit i'll look and see if i got new rings but these rings are not broken and uh maybe we just get away with uh doing that and getting it running again this this engine doesn't run at real high rpms like like these new modern chainsaws this is relatively a low rpm two cycle engine so we can do this cheating you know if this was a like a stilts chainsaw or a husqvarna you know one that runs 17 18 20 000 rpms yeah you're going to want to replace the piston and all that stuff and what this thing what does it run 36 100 rpms that's nothing so that's what we'll do and then we'll see if we can bring it back to live bring it to live your lawn boy bring it back to life it's alive it's alive i love my love boy not really so now it's the next day and i've taken the piston out of the warm boy and then i cleaned it all up and i sanded on the piston kind of smoothed it out and i used some 600 sandpaper on it now there's still some grooves in there you're not going to get all them grooves out but you want to make it smooth any kind of aluminium transfer kind of raises the metal i sanded it smooth with some 600 sandpaper and then i cleaned it real good i use these dental tools so that's why i'm dressed like a dentist because i got the rubber gloves and the mask on because i'm like a dentist now even though my teeth are perfect again i told you that yesterday so i went in and cleaned all the grooves got all the carbon out of there cleaned it up real good then i went online and i went to our friends at profartsdirect.net i went to their online parts looked up and i looked at that 7266 i looked up the lawn boy model and i found the piston ring part number for this engine which is a d601 for our particular model and then i went in there and they're discontinued by the way you can't get them anymore then i went out and looked in them parts i got from my brother farrell and the part number i found was six seven nine five and i had a set of rings from my brother farrell brother farrell came through on the old new old stock blah blah so then i went put the old rings in the bore took the piston looked at the end gap decent end gap not too bad it's not real tight it's acceptable we probably could have used these over then i got the new old stock ones from brother farrell stuck them in there and look even got a little tighter gap so that's good we're going to have compression compression now but now we have to remove that aluminium transfer that's in the bore we got to get that aluminium out of there remember i told you about the muratic acid now this is another reason you need to wear the mask in the gloves and you should do this outside don't do this in your shop this muriatic acid i know a lot of people use it in swimming pools they use it on concrete severe burns vapor is harmful this is some nasty stuff now watch when i take the lid off it'll probably be some fumes and stuff you'll probably be able to see some smoke come out of there it's some nasty yeah here you can see i don't know if the camera can get it but you can see some some fumes so we got the door open here at the shop i'm wearing this mask and i'm going to brush this on and now watch see what it does to that aluminium it'll start foaming up see how it's foaming up it's eating that aluminium off the steel now i got a little drip going here towards the top because this has got a steel sleeve in here and this stuff smells nasty i've done this on aluminum transfer on uh crankshaft we don't want it to get on the top of the head there even the cameraman saying man this stuff is smelling this smells nasty good thing we got door open and then if you want to uh you know kind of keep it from eating away at the metal rinse it in water take your garden hose and rinse it off you can see all the fumes coming off of there nasty stuff now some of it got on the top of the cylinder here because it's got a metal sleeve in and it's starting to eat at the head so i'm going to go ahead and take it over over here and i'm going to take the garden hose and i'm going to rinse it off and that'll kind of neutralize it that's why people use it as swimming pools they spray a bunch of water on and then they neutralize it so if you're gonna do this see now it ain't smoking anymore make sure you wear protective gloves a mask eye protection that's why i got all this on you got to be careful when you're working with acid so now it's ate off all that little aluminum transfer now i can go in with my uh my ball home scratch it up a little bit and then we'll be able to reassemble this long boy and get this thing working again i'm going to take this brush rinse it off in water put the cap back on this is nasty stuff let me tell you boy don't mess around with this muratic acid see they use it for cleaning concrete and it does something for the water for swimming pools i don't know i ain't got a swimming pool i don't know i just swim in pole dunk [Music] lake neutralize that and then off oh yeah one other thing i want to tell you about removing carbon you know what else works good for removing carbon back in the day we were told hacksaw blade the edge of a hacksaw blade can use it for scraping carbon off and then these uh dental tools you can find at flea markets and stuff that's how i got in there and i cleaned all that carbon out of there because these piston rings are like the teeth on a human being okay got all that aluminium that was smeared all in the cylinder got that all cleaned off with the acid ran the home down there lightly honed it then i took this and washed it in soap and water now i know what you're thinking what's that bag in the background that says musty on there i needed a new wash tub for the shop and the bag of parts that came with the worst tub it said musty on there isn't that something spelled different but i thought i would share that with you all right so now we're ready to reassemble the engine so i dug out this long boy mechanics manual that i had and i bookmarked a couple of spots in here of stuff that i mentioned earlier now remember i mentioned about the governor and i forgot until i opened this book and started thumbing through it that you had to have this special tool now i have that special tool somewhere i can't find it but it's a special governor tool and you push down on that and you push down on the throttle shaft and you should have a 16th of an inch for this d600 engine and then there's some other models where it's an eighth of an inch but you had to have that special tool so i remembered that i'm like that tool somewhere i don't know where but i'll find it and then when i was removing the flywheel because i know how you keyboard cowboys are you know you need a flywheel puller carol you're gonna ruin it and look that's how you remove the flywheel the guy's holding it up with his fingers and he's whacking it with a plastic hammer just like i did and here's another tip if you're working on these lawn boys that's how you put that wood drift key back in that's how they want it done and see how it says key on there you need to turn that and line that up with the key when you reassemble it that's why it says key they want that lined up with the key when you put the flywheel back on so they're showing you right and wrong with the woodruff key they don't want the woodruff key like that they want it like that when you put the flywheel on and what else do i got bookmark one other thing in here oh yeah i was wrong when i was telling you about the blade i thought you had to line the blade up with the piston well what you do is you bring the piston to top dead center and then they said to put a file mark on the end of the crankshaft and you want the blade 90 degrees from the piston at top dead center so your pistons this way at the top and you want your blade 90 degrees from there and that's supposed to help with vibration if excess vibration exists with blade and stiffener balance and knowing engine is not damaged a line blade with the piston follow steps listed [Music] so yeah oh and here there's the dowel pin too the wooden dial for cleaning the exhaust for us remember i mentioned that so yeah there's a lot of good information in this old manual i found this i thought i i know i got a manual somewhere let me dig it out and i also went upstairs and i found some seals some crank seals and that was the part number for this d601 engine and these were made by silver street remember silver streak replacement parts and then it turned into oregon so look at this this was all stuff i got from brother farrell so here's these seals from oregon and here's the part number they you can't get these anymore from oregon they don't make them they discontinued them 5509 5509 611 396. no way are these the same seals for this engine i don't something happened where they got mixed up but i'm thinking when you went to order these after they ran out of the silver streak ones you got the wrong seal they're probably getting tons of these back let's see that's not the right seal for this lawn boy so the reason we're gonna probably replace the seals too is when you have a two cycle engine it's got to be sealed you can't have any leaks if you have a vacuum leak it's going to create a problem usually it's going to run lean and it's going to score the piston it's going to burn it up and it usually does it on the exhaust side so the way to test for that is you're supposed to block off the exhaust and block off the intake and then they make a tool where you take out the flog and you pump air into the cylinder into the cylinder and crankcase and then you have a gauge as you're pumping the air in and it's supposed to hold pressure if it leaks down that means you've got a vacuum leak somewhere this is the tool i got you may have seen it before you can buy these online this adapter screws into the spark plug hole and then you pump up pump this up after you block off the intake and the exhaust and it's supposed to hold fresher [Music] and if it leaks down like it's doing now you have to find that leak so you're supposed to pump it up and hold it and if it doesn't leak then you're good to go and you usually the way you find the leak just spray soapy water around until you see where it's bubbling so if you got two cycle engine and you're having trouble with it and you think it's a carbotrader problem and you put a new carburetor on and you've tried it i've tried everything and this thing still runs like crap chances are you got a vacuum leak somewhere because it's got to be sealed it could leak from this gasket you might have some bolts that are loose and it could be leaking but in our case i think that some carbon came loose and that scoring is from the carbon so i'm going to use this gasket over they do make new ones i could have ordered one but i don't we don't have time gotta get this video done and i didn't have any new ones so what i'm gonna do is after i put the piston on and put the rings on i'm gonna put a light coat of some black silicone on there i'm not gonna go crazy with it because then it wants to squish all out and get into places and we don't want it to get into the ports so i'll put a very light coat a silicone and we'll lock it down now one other thing rings and gaps where do the ring end gaps go now for those of you who know i like chainsaws and stuff there's little pins in the piston so that the end gaps would go on those pins so the rings can't turn and the reason they do that is they don't want the end gap to get caught in a port because if the end gap sticks out a little bit as the piston is going up and down it gets caught in the port it's going to break the ring so what lawn boy wants you to do now if you notice the piston says top so this is the top of the engine this is where the flywheel goes so this piston is going to go back on like this this is the top we don't want it like this and i've already put my snap ring back in so when i put the piston on and tap it in and put my other snap ring in the piston will be secured on there so if you notice in the bore because here's our exhaust which is going to be facing down because it goes through the deck the top of the cylinder here we've got a gap between these ports from here to here so i'm going to put an end gap of one of the rings here and i'm going to put the other end gap of the ring here we're just going to stagger them like that we're not going to stagger them 120 degrees from each other we're not going to stagger them 90 degrees or 180 degrees i mean you know across from each other 120 degrees 180 degrees would be right across because 90 and 90 is 180 and we're not going to go 90 degrees we're going to go right from here to here on our end gap so this would be the top of the piston so we're going to put an end gap about there we're going to put the other end gap about there and then i got my little bottle of two cycle oil and my little artist brush so i'm gonna get some oil i'm gonna put it on this needle bearing in here i'm gonna put it on this wrist pin and we're gonna put this all back together one other thing i forgot to mention before i put the piston on is i checked the reed valves now i did that through the top here and the reed valves are good once i get the cylinder back on we're going to take a peek inside the carburetor bowl but i mean you could always pull the reed plate off and check yours but i was able to check mine through the top now i know what some of you are thinking terrell terrell when you put those rings on deserve a way to a special way the rings go on like is there a mark on the ring so you can't put it on upside down these two cycle rings are perfectly square so you can't mess it up now on four cycle engines they usually put a dot on the ring so you know that the dot faces up but this this is the old ring i got the new rings on there but on these two cycles especially this lawn boy they're perfectly square so it doesn't matter it goes either way now on a chainsaw or something that has the pin the locating pin for the rings yes those do have to go on a certain way because the end of the ring is ground so that the ring fits in that pin so if you put that one on upside down and you go to collapse it if it's on wrong you're going to ruin the end of the ring but on this lawn boy to cycle it doesn't matter either way it can go you're not going to mess it up so i went ahead and i took my artist brush and i coated the inside of the cylinder with some 2-cycle oil and i also coated the inside of my ring compressor because this is my ring compressor now if you don't have a ring compressor you might be able to just slide the jug onto the piston because you have that little bit of a taper which kind of helps to squeeze the rings so now i'm all ready i got the piston installed i got my end gaps where i want them now i'm going to put that very light coat of silicone on this gasket and then we'll go ahead and put the cylinder on okay and and seam so a lot of chainsaws and stuff they make this tool too which is this little fork slides in there to hold this up so as you go to put the cylinder on the crankshaft doesn't move and push the piston down but we can't do that because there's not enough gas so what i did is i put a pair of vice grips on here to hold this for me so there's my end and then i'm gonna put this on my piston ring compressor and then there's my little white coat of silicone that's on there which has been setting up for about five minutes so now when i push on the cylinder on the piston i should be able to get this to go on gotta give it a little wigglesworth just you gotta be patient or you're going to break a ring if you're somebody who gets mad easily you're not going to you're not going to be successful in this you're going to be breaking rings and throwing tools and there's my dinner here comes my dinner all right now i just got to take my my bolt which i'm going to put a little little dab of blue loctite on these then i'm going to run the bolts in and then gradually tighten them i'll look in that book and see if there's a torque spec now the trick with loctite is your fasteners got to be clean and dry so break clean or carb spray to clean the threads and and the threads it's going into like the cylinder here but since i washed this in soap and water i already know these these internal threads are clean and we're gonna use our thread locker which we sell in our online store we have it in red and blue this is the 10 milliliter bottle we also have it in a 50 milliliter bottle and the silicone i use we also sell in our online store to velco cincinnati this is the black i'm using and then this is our tube gripper that we also sell so if you're interested in them products you can get them at our online store so we want to use a very small amount because you don't want to get this stuff too much because if it gets seeps in and gets in the places you don't want it to get into it could recap it so i just need a very small amount and then we'll go ahead and get these started get all four of them started and then we'll snug them down i got it all bolted back together i looked in the manual the only torque spec they had was for the connecting rod 60 inch pounds no cylinder bolt torque spec in that manual which is an actual lawn boy manual see alford marine corporation that's weird so i just tightened them as tight as i could get it so i got the plug in and listen we got confession now hear that that slurping noise [Music] all right so now that we got in this position i blew most of this off after i get the engine remounted and all put back together on the mower deck again i'm gonna give it a good pressure scrubbing so let's just take a quick peek in here and make sure it's all clean i already put the new seals in [Music] oh yeah look nice and clean that's good now this is just some plastic because these are like self-tapping plastic screws they use so good when we go to put some dinosaur syrup in there mixed with dinosaur juice because this is a two cycle so we gotta mix the syrup the dinosaur syrup and the dinosaur juice from my ancestors [Music] because i'm a pterodactyl i'm not a t-rex pterodactyls and t-rexes don't get along i'm a pterodactyl it took my family billions not millions billions of years so you could have syrup and juice all right so now i can go ahead put the engine back on the deck reinstall all that governor weights and stuff put the coil back on set the air gap with flywheel on just put everything back on and then you know what we're gonna do we're gonna fire it up fire it up fire it up fire it up shut up good thing he's not here you're probably thinking where's the fire it up guy he ain't here well i got the one boy all back together and we're gonna show you some pictures of some of the stuff i did because the cameraman wasn't here like how i cleaned the muffin got the muffin all nice and clean got the deck all nice and clean sharpened and balanced the blade got the engine all clean and then a couple shots of me reassembling it now on that governor they uh suggest you put a little grease on that collar and a little grease on that uh metal washer that goes on there so it looked like white grease they had on there so that's what i use the white grease i replaced the primer bulb they make the primer bulb aftermarket stens makes it and it's still available now look at this package look how old this package is i had this package i think since 2008 maybe even earlier that's how many long boys we've seen so it was a fresh pack i cracked it open put a fresh bulb in there the other one was starting to dry rot new air filter oregon still makes it i checked on it i re replaced the fuel line and the primer line primer line was hard as a carp so i used the tacomish primer line which comes in this box there's the part number that's what we get for it a foot i think there's 25 feet in this box so your local dealer you know he may sell it by the foot like we do and then the fuel line i noticed had a kink in it that's no good and it was kind of hard so i used uh sten's true blue but instead of using the quarter inch i used a 3 16 and it uh it fit on there a lot tighter and then i also use the little uh 3 16 or 5 16 whatever they are they might be 5 16. what does it say on there i can't read that but that's the clamps i use and he'll get a shot of those clamps and we'll get you a part number for those clamps too but they they're on there tight now all we have to do as elkskin says is fired up fired up fire up shut up so i got the dinosaur juice and the dinosaur syrup mixture and then i had to enlist the help of the colonel and if you don't know who the colonel is it's colonel brassy [Music] now i use this stuff somebody was one of these door-to-door sales guys come in one day and sold me this stuff and i thought yeah i'll buy it and try it and it works pretty good i use it quite a bit so we use the kernel on a handle it had some some rust on there externally so i just put some kernel on a scotch brite pad and we got that rust that external rust off the handle so i mean it's not bad shape or as old as it is i'm not going to go ahead and restore it all i'm not going to get some green lawn boy paint and paint it and i'm not going to go and have you know because one of these one of these decals is missing on the other side i'm not going to go through a total restoration on it i just want to get it running but this would be a good mower for somebody now that it runs and works to do that to maybe paint the deck and go to a graphics person and have them recreate these details and i'm pretty sure these aren't the original wheels i'm pretty sure the wheels were plastic but they probably broke so they went ahead and put the steel ones on but you know all you have to do is paint them white so now all i have to do fire it is who says that yeah that pesky el skin all right i got the fuel valve open let's turn the switch on and let's prime this thing and fingers crossed it starts [Applause] uh [Music] [Music] so [Music] so [Music] so [Music] [Music] so so hey i noticed it started picking up some rpm after i had to keep pumping it but who knows when the last time it is when it ran so i got it set up all the way i'm going to set it down let's put it on free it was easier to get my hand underneath it when i was putting the engine on [Music] to get the nuts on there when i dropped the engine back on so i raised it all the way up as high as it could go oh another thing i did i forgot to mention is i didn't have that new exhaust gasket so i used our black silicone which we sell in our online store our velco cincinnati black i put some of that on there so when i put the motor back on to make a good seal so we got some grass out in front of the shop that needs to be cut let's take it out there and see how this old lawn boy will do there's an adjusting screw on the side of this here carburetor i'm going to open it up see if i get a little more rpm out of it let's see if it'll start without priming or anything now that's warmed up [Music] [Music] so didn't seem to make much of a difference and it's pretty loose so i think i'll take it out put a little teflon tape on it kind of make it a little stiffer but it's running at about 3000 rpm i may have to mess with the speed a little bit to get it up higher i think 3400 is what they wanted to run at but that's a decent speed for a little push mower take it out see how it cuts so so so [Music] so there you have it 1978 long boy my little rebuild is to make a nice little push mower for somebody it's a nice little mower now we got a good warmed up see if it'll start again it's for sale well working on this old wallboy brought back a lot of memories for when i worked at my brother farrell's shop because over there they used to say i was the lawn boy king whenever the long boys came in i was the one that had to work on them over there and i was only in high school back then 1978 i was still in high school so there it is it's not too bad to work on it was pretty easy fix we haven't done a long boy only because we didn't have any and you know i got my button on that says i love my lawn boy so subscribe to this youtube channel tarot fixes all that's me the one boy lover [Music] you know there's there's lover boy and then there's lawn boy lover follow me with your lawn boys that you love on facebook and instagram go to our web store we got terrell apparel we got other products that we sell adhesives loctite all kinds of stuff go check it out go to our web store and as always there's your dinner working out a lot boy [Applause] i wish i wouldn't have thrown away all them longway parks now probably some other good parts for the swimming in there oh well that's all scrap metal under the bridge oh it's you again brandon what do you need this time i've got an easy one this time oh and it's brendan not brandon can you straighten this in your vice it should only take a few seconds i mean i would do it myself but i don't have a vice handy ha no i'm not bending that blade back i'll never be able to get it perfectly straight plus it will be out of balance just buy a new one ah well how much is a new one 15 what cheap cheap cheap what was that noise oh that's just that nest out there with birds in it do you want the blade or not i got work to do okay fine give me a new blade but i still think you can straighten this one i remember last time i bought a blade it was like five dollars really well you better go buy a stockpile of them blades at that price all right great hey you want me to get rid of that old blade for you oh no why so you can take this one and bend it back straight and sell to somebody else i don't think so i'm taking this one back with me good day sir okay well see ya brandon i i mean brandon this goes on all day long hey check this out check out my sweet man bun look at that that keeps that hot hair off my red neck you
Channel: Taryl Fixes All
Views: 367,738
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Taryl fixes all, grass rats, garage, taryl, fixes, all, grass, rats, lawn boy, lawn, boy, mower, rebuild, engine, d-600, d-601, fix, repair, won't start, no compression, rings, piston, gap, set, muffler, exhaust, 2-stroke, 2-cycle, 4-stroke, 4-cycle, blade, timing, governor, setting, man bun, fanny pack, d-400, F engine, Lawn Boy, Lawn, Boy, diy, push, recoil, muriatic, acid, seal, replace, replacement, install, troubleshoot, troubleshooting, tutorial, walk through, step by step, gasket, parts, obsolete, silicone, won't, will not
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 74min 4sec (4444 seconds)
Published: Sun Jul 18 2021
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