Epic Late Spring Garden Tour | Gardening with Creekside

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[Music] thank you [Music] foreign [Music] foreign [Music] hey friends and welcome to garden with Creekside today we are going to do a garden tour basically of all the gardens here at Creekside nursery and the house so this is going to be a nice hopefully very inspiring fun informative video where you get to see all of the gardens that we have here like I said at our house and at Creekside Nursery so just as a little reference in case you're new to gardening with Creekside we are a grower retailer Garden Center here in Dallas North Carolina Zone 7B we are just west of Charlotte so what does it mean to be a grower retailer that means that we grow plants that we sell directly to our customers at the Garden Center here on our property we do have eight and a half acres that is where the vast majority out of all of our Gardens and the retail Garden Center is located and then we have our production facilities on an additional 24 Acres so we are going to show you and give you updates on these Gardens my husband Jerry and I built our house here 19 years ago and it was literally in the middle of a field my dad was a farmer and so this is this piece of property was a field that he farmed so any trees any flowers any structures that you see that is what we have added and planted and developed over the last 19 years some of the gardens are brand new less than a year and some have been here since we have moved in so without further Ado we're going to get started I will tell you that you are going to see some weeds today folks we do have eight and a half acres and it is extremely hard as you know to maintain that we do not have a full-time Garden crew that maintains all of these Gardens so you're probably going to see some weeds and you're probably going to see some edges of beds that need to be addressed and things like that this is real life folks these Gardens are maintained by us yes some are in better conditions than others but again real life and so we're going to show them to you as they are and I will explain yes this needs a little bit of love or hey look how amazing this looks so we're going to have it fun together so get comfy get your favorite beverage of choice and let's get going now behind me you will see we are standing in front of what we call the Cottage Garden Cottage Garden consists of these two beds I really say that they are sisters they are not identical twins so they have plants that repeat on both sides General overview Cottage Garden then we have five garden boxes that I do vegetables and cut flowers in behind that we call it hydrangea Hill because it's got two different kinds of hydrangeas in there and then beyond that is the new chicken coop that we have installed just here in the last couple of weeks with the girls in that Cottage Garden is one of um I just adore this space because it's highly visible it is right along our driveway we see it all the time and this is where I have fun just developing big bold colors there's tons of perennials in here like most of my Gardens as the gardens have developed the perennials have gotten bigger and I have less room for annuals and in this space that is perfectly fine with me so we've got lots of daylilies that are in all of their Glory right now um just to kind of give you an overview that this is a native amsonia amsonia does really great here is an early spring Bloomer then throughout the growing season you've had this great fine foliage on it you can prune this like I need to go ahead and Shear this back by maybe like a third to a half and it will flush back out with new growth that's nice and tight and won't get floppy but it will not re-bloom but this makes great like you can cut it and put it in some flower arrangements and it gives you some really fun texture so we've got native amstonia Ruby spider now I've told you before that I don't go through and deadhead my daylilies it is really just a time thing but what you can do right and you can see it's gotten in there so if you want a deadhead you can come through during the day in the morning and you just pull these off right it's not necessary as far as the blooms it just cleans the plant up so that you can see those big beautiful beautiful blooms I do adore a ruby spider because it's such a big bold color and it's just great I have not divided these these have just been hanging out here for the past gosh what four years so we've got Ruby spider then down here is the Shalom peony display it is a nice petite Daylily nice soft kind of a buttery yellow it is with a it's a double Bloom right so a lot of people don't even realize that this is a day lily but it is these daily leaves are all from Proven Winners and have like I said have been here since the bed was created four years ago I've got some nephophia in here irises from a sweet friend that beautiful nefofia nice pale yellow and you can see uh that it has a beautiful ombre effect to it so right the older blooms down at the bottom are nice almost white and it comes up to a lovely yellow the Beast behind that is a lemon meringue baptisia let me show you how big this thing is right so I am five foot two five foot three on a good day and look at this I mean my arm length this is every bit of five feet wide this thing has been in here again since we planted the bed it is a big beautiful Beast love it baptism you can Shear back as well just like your amsonia you can cut it back which I need to because she's coming over so far into the garden boxes won't re-bloom it just makes it nice and tight but baptistias are going to be some of your longest living perennials in your garden and I tell folks you want to when you plant it make sure that you have it in a spot where you want it because it will get huge and they have really long deep tap Roots so they don't transplant well so kind of think about where you want to have it and if you if you want to plant other things around it be prepared to move those things and not the baptisia because you could very well lose it because you just simply can't get all of the roots so I have one here and then I have one over there Nosferatu this is another Rainbow Rhythm daily from Proven Winners it is a really deep deep purple it is a later Bloomer it has just now started blooming like I said really rich purple has a little bit of a ruffled Edge on it great and it pairs so nicely with Primal scream Primal scream is that beautiful Clemson orange day lily that is just massive Primal scream is Primal scream and Ruby spider are some of the earliest blooming so they're going to be the ones that bloom first for us but just massive pops of color that is what I love about this flower bed is that we have big bold colors in there and I added look at this the Princess Anne this is a David Alston Rose standard like I said this is Princess Anne she was added just this spring and man she is doing great I love how we have you know five or six blooms in a nice big cluster right there she is getting to be on the end of her Bloom cycle um and with those Roses after they finish blooming you want to come in here and prune I'll show you some of my other David Austin's that I have already pruned back but just a beautiful nice hot pink flower smells amazing and so when you after it blooms you deadhead you trim it back then of course you're going to get more flowers because roses bloom on New Growth so don't be afraid to prune your roses it will do it will serve you well for sure we just recently added some agastaki and some Aquila and some Nepeta just like the other week they are doing well in fact we have a sweet little bumblebee right here enjoying the Royal raspberry so that agastaki is doing great as is like I said the um that is a beautiful little allium alliums of course are great because they are deer resistant rabbit resistant basically they're they're onions right so they belong to the onion family nice oniony flavor then we have this is going to be a new introduction from Proven Winners next year this is their white scavola I decided to go ahead and put it at the base of Princess Anne it will form an absolute carpet so these plants will fill in loves the heat because yes we are blessed this morning with a beautiful clouds because we're going to get rain later on today typically we'd already be in the full sun right here so lots and lots of sun in this bed definitely a full sun area we're just under cloud coverage today so white scavola banana cream too you're going to see banana cream too in the garden in multiple places fantastic amazing Daisy from proven Winters I love it because you get all sorts of various colors right so your buds are beautiful creamy yellow your new flowers are yellow and then they age to a nice soft white this is a plant though that does do well if you can deadhead it you can see we have got a couple of older blooms right here if you just come in like once a week come in and then just prune it down to right here that will help it cleans up the plant makes it look nicer but it also encourages New Growth so with this perennial it does do well to deadhead it we've got some beautiful spider wart this oh my gosh this thing has been in here I think since the original bed was planted and then the years passed it was like me it did okay I don't know what's different about this year maybe it's because of all the rain or it's cool but loving it this is Charlotte's Web we grew this years ago at the nursery but yeah so Charlotte's Web spiderwort and then behind that we have some butterfly weed so this is a native plant this is a host plant for your monarchs and she's doing great nice beautiful bright orange flowers in there so yeah we're just going to leave her alone and let her grow and be happy and hopefully we will have some a little monarch babies on that another Nosferatu in here these are our some of our only annuals that we put in here these are the supertunion mini Vista hot pinks so we put them kind of up on the side of the the steps coming up and then we have the Rockin playing the blue no blue blue I always get playing the blues and Blue Suede Shoes this is Blue Suede Shoes Blue Suede Shoes on each side so this right here we do have another Blue Suede Shoes on each side these are the only annuals right so we just put some annuals in here because I am losing space because my perennials are getting so big I don't mind a bit another agastaki this is the queen nectarine just repeating some of those plants right from one side to the next they are not exactly planted in the same location they are just repeated so that brings some uniformity to the bed and it makes your eye just flow really really well we have um we are big fans of the Heartwood bird houses this is such a cutie this was supposed to go for sale at the nursery and when I was unpacking them I was like Oh no you're going in my garden I they this might not be offered anymore but Heartwood bird houses is super cute they're at a star Mississippi a family company so you can check them out we do have some available for sale here at the nursery but that is where that came from liatris liatris is a great what we call non-branded that means you can find it just about anywhere wonderful perennial they use it a lot in like Cut Flower Arrangements because it does these beautiful stalks of purple flowers planted this last year here I believe I planted maybe like two clumps kind of one on each side of the birdhouse great pollinator or tractor but just really fun vertical interest in your garden so we have got some liatris and again more things are repeated like you have your day lilies again we do have a butterfly list in here so do I have the butterfly list on the other side nope but I have one here so that complements everything really well on this side the Monarda got a couple little monardas in here babe the pig so a lot of people ask about the pig so this is babe babe is a unique stone piece really fun there my dad was a hog farmer when I was growing up so he raised pigs so we have babe here and then these are some sweet little solar lights that I got from a company order them online they sent me a catalog which was smart on their part but not good for me wind and weather so wind and weather does all sorts of really cute Whimsical garden art and different kinds of things like that so these are glass blown ornaments but they are solar lights so they have a solar panel and a light in there so they just kind of glow very nicely at night now moving on up to the garden boxes we haven't talked specifically about the garden boxes this year um just because we've been doing so many other things so but basically in here I do we do garden but it is just for uh obviously for our family we used to do Acres of vegetables we have paired it down to these five so I enjoy it we have basil like we have cucumbers back here and basil this is the amazol basil from proven Winters if you can ever find and grab an amazing basil you need to and unless your family eats copious amounts of basil and pesto you only need one plant this thing will get huge by the end of the season it is a Genovese type basil does just taste Divine but this is one plant and it's only going to get bigger we've got some sunflowers in here branching sunflowers they're in here marigolds go down the middle start of those as seeds I just direct sewed those because marigolds are a great deterrent for bugs in your garden and then these are have you ever heard of these These are ground cherries ground cherries I got the seeds from Johnny's select seeds love that company our neighbor though told us about this plant this vegetable last year they found some of the fruit at the our local farmers market but a ground cherry is it'll do a tomato but I'll let Jerry get in here it reminds you of like a tomatillo so you can see right here there's a husk that will form over the little tomato and then when they are ripe they will drop so that's why they're called Ground tomatoes that they'll drop on the ground and then and then of course you eat them so they I've never grown these before I've never even tasted them before but Matt and Lisa said they were the most Divine things they have ever had so we're trying them my cucumbers are volunteers from last year I had cucumbers here last year grew them and they you know can't get all to the Cucumbers so some of them dropped and the seeds were still in there and then these came up this spring clearly I need to do some harvesting look at those are they not beautiful I mean we have been eating them but man look at that beautiful cucumber this little trellis is from Gardener Supply great support and then on the other side I planted another batch of cucumbers we've got jalapenos and tomatoes these Tomatoes right here Sun gold Tomatoes again from last year's seed that dropped in the beds clearly I need to stake this one I was waiting on some more supports these are from Gardener Supply they are fantastic this area gets a lot of direct wind and storms and I would always have problems with my tomato cages falling over not these things these are the Titan I think extra large extra tall tomato cages and they work great so um got a little Thunder action going on in there I don't know if you heard that this bed is herbs this is oregano I know at some point we're gonna have to do something with this but there you go we can cut it and throw it in with the chicken coop clematis from Proven Winners and this is the pink mink really fun it has covered this Obelisk really well nice soft pink flowers people that have asked about this bed this is the bed that has the um daughter daughter is an invasive weed I got it from other seeds that I had ordered and it was in this flower bed so it came in here so we have really laid down the pre-emergent we need to take this out and get rid of it we just have not had time and so I use a pre-emergent so that it will not um germinate and get onto any other plants these are zinnias I planted the zinnias as plants so I started them inside and then transplanted them over and they are doing just fine the last bit has not been planted yet so there you go we've got caladiums in our unique stone urns back through here caladiums do really well you can see what I'm talking about right here with the lemon meringue she's just a little she's just a little aggressive but up here on hydrangea Hill this is this is a bed that needs has had zero attention this year so yes the weeds are prolific it desperately needs to be mulched I fully understand that and it will happen at some point these are little lime hydrangeas great panicle hydrangea getting ready to explode in color little limes around here sometimes are not so little this is going to be every bit already of five feet but massive beautiful creamy white panicle blooms um just a great plant I have some of the edge of night hibiscus back here planted them later and then of course we have the fire light hydrangeas which are absolutely gorgeous this hill is going to be stunning and then of course we were just at the chicken coop last week when we planted the annuals up there now we're going to transition over here two so you can see go to kind of a perspective of everything our shade garden over here on the side of the house so we're going to kind of start by the garage this year we're testing out the selenia begonias for improving winners this is the selenia apricot and we have been so impressed with these plants we have the apricot here and then we have the yellow on the back porch and they are just absolutely great plants nice full double Bloom really pretty there are two plants in here they're due for a nice dose of fertilizer but yeah next year be on the lookout for the selenias you will really really enjoy them we just added a piece right here this bench was on our front porch but when we got the joggling board we moved it over here and Jerry said we need a we need like a unique stone piece over here and you know me I was like I'm on it I got it so we got a Invincible Ruby hydrangea grows develops will be beautiful here and then of course as we move down the shade garden it is looking just fantastic in this area the all of the hayracks window boxes are planted the same they have the lemon blush caladiums in there and then they have the double Delight Primrose begonias really nice soft yellow with a little peachy color in there filling in we have not had a lot of heat yet this spring so my caladiums yes they are growing but they are not absolutely like massive takeoff because the Heat and the humidity has not hit yet this bed is filled with beautiful hostas and brunnera and um let's say eucharas and we've got some Jack and the pulpits and ferns all sorts of fun things in here this is an Aurelia Sun King there's actually two of these plants right here great shade perennial gives you a beautiful pop of color in your garden it loves where it is because every time I water the hate rack this gets watered this bed is not on irrigation so I am having to keep them kind of trimmed back this year because they are they are very happy right here but that is not a problem whatsoever and then look at this beautiful Brunner under here this is Queen of Hearts just a great great shade perennial you can treat it very much like a hosta it is more deer resistant than hostas because the leaves are very hairy they have a quite a texture to them they are not smooth and silky like a Hosta that you can mix them in together like with the Wiggles and squiggles hostas all sorts of great things and then coming on down of course right Linton roses hellebores this is not their season but look at that and it is in gorgeous Bloom starting like in November ferns lamian lamian is a great perennial ground cover this is pink Chablis from Proven Winners we sell it at the nursery as an annual but for us it is a perennial there were three plants that I planted Last Summer in the wintertime it is a nice Evergreen so you have that great foliage it's not as Lush as it is right now but it is a continuous Bloomer of those beautiful soft pink flowers if it gets too aggressive you can easily trim it back um but this is a wonderful great ground cover through here this year I added a white wedding hydrangea I did have a hydrangea here before but it was a hydrangea that bloomed on Old growth old wood not new and so because of where we are this location it is not protected so it would like I would get very few blooms because of those late spring freezes and I just got too tired of not having flowers on my hydrangea because this is like Prime real estate I want to have beautiful flowers right here so I put in a white wedding this is a pinnacle hydrangea from Southern Living it is one of the most shade tolerant perennial excuse me Shea tolerant Pinnacle hydrangeas because this space gets probably a total of five to six hours of direct sun throughout the whole day but clearly she's doing just fine and she's going to pop out in blooms really soon all right behind me is the day lilies and the berm so let's go check those out this Daylily hedge is in the front of our house it separates the kind of good yard from the field out in front of the house it is in all of its Glory right now so we wanted to make sure that we did a garden tour while these beautiful things are in full bloom these are I have no clue what variety of these are I just say these are traditional yellow day lilies so the store the back story is when Jerry and I built our house 19 years ago nothing is flat here at Creekside everything is on a slope because it goes towards the creek we had really big water issues because we moved in in January where you can't have grass in January unless you put sod down well we had just built a house we didn't have any money to put slide down so my mom was like okay I have got these yellow day lilies let's divide them out and we will plant a double hedge right here because it'll help stop the water from running that is what we did Jerry my mama and I planted these and they were just little day lilies these are all from her garden they are like I said a double row window paned in here and they have been growing and thriving for the past 19 years they are massive they are beautiful common yellow day lily did not cost us a penny to do this I just like I said got them from my mom and then voila so they always start blooming very reliably really about what middle of June Bloom for several weeks on end and then we have great Foliage for the rest of the season some people don't like day lilies because they only bloom for a short amount of time but I tell you what this is absolutely worth it I will take the foliage only for you know the rest of the year that does not bother me this is glorious and I love it because when we're sitting on our front porch this is what we see and they are beautiful we do not have deer issue because people always ask well you know do you have deer yes we have deer here but again we are incredibly blessed to live in a very natural area like we do not have a lot of houses on top of us so we have lots of oak trees and Native Food for these deer to eat so they leave our plants alone this uh bed right here um is we have this is what we plant in an annual this is the only thing annuals that we plant in this bed Jerry started this red perennial hibiscus from seed years and years ago so we have this beautiful nice we got our first Bloom on it yesterday it is one of those big dinner plate blooms so this will get nice and big again we have not had heat yet so when the heat hits this will get nice and big this is the lemon tart lantana from proven Winters and so we have got them in here we also have them next door so we have lemon tart right here and then this is the Bewitched Green With Envy sweet potato vine planted it right here these will all fill in and get nice and full but to see the difference between these lemon tarts and the size and then right behind Jerry is is where we planted the massive bed of only lemon tart there's about a three week difference between the two of these and so you can really see the difference in the size all right we're getting ready to get pounded with rain so we'll continue this tour when the rain goes away foreign [Music] well that was a fun little unexpected surprise the rain came about two hours before they said it was going to just so you have a little reference in that 30-ish minute span of time we got over an inch of rain like an inch and a half so there you go welcome to summer in North Carolina we're going to continue on with the garden tour because nothing will stop a good Gardener right what we're going to do is focus here on the berm now we did just get an inch and a half of rain so got a little pounded but we did bless Jerry got some great Drone footage this morning before we got started so you can see when the petunias were all nice and perky and very happy so we're going to walk over here and give you an update on this space this past fall October we began the installation process of this berm it is a massive berm it's about a hundred feet long depends on where you are in the berm as to how wide it is it is a berm because it is a definition splitting point between our private residents and the nursery yes it is raised people are like it's not a berm berms have to be huge and Tall no they don't it's okay so it is a verb on this side the house side we are going to show you all of the gorgeousness and I have to say that this these annual plantings right here completely Jerry's idea like he had this vision for what he wanted these annuals to look like the shrubs the perennials the trees he left that completely up to me but this is his baby and every morning we sit on our front porch and have coffee and I go oh my gosh I love those oh my gosh I love those because they have made such a beautiful impact we have in here the petunias this is super Tanya um Vista jasberry so jasberry is the newest Vista in the series so we have jazzberry here all of the white on the edges this is going to be snow drift which is around the jazzberry then we come over here and this is the supertunia mini Vista Yellow this is new this year and then front of that this is the supertunia mini that's still White the mini Vistas are more tight and Compact and just but loaded with flowers I will say that the mini Vista Yellow really started showing out and outperforming the jazzberries first now the Jazz berries have clearly caught up and are very happy and but this yellow nice tight compact beautiful blooms on it and has just done a really outstanding job makes a nice big bold statement behind the yellows is um Holy Grail so the summerific Holy Grail hibiscus they will be blooming here in the next couple couple of weeks big huge massive dinner plate blooms when those grow and are at maturity they will be huge they are nice and wide these are wider than they are tall so it will really fill in that area the plantings for the annuals are kind of defined by the Sprinter boxwoods we literally planted the boxwoods on one day and then the next morning we planted all of these petunias so this was again all of his idea with the sprinters defining these areas and then jazzberry snow drift yellow and white everything in there together we have two Yoshino cherry trees on this side evenly spaced so beautiful nice spring Bloom they will get nice and wide and fill in this area coming on down we'll go this way you saw me plant the senorita Blanca cleome so we have two three pockets of those rather and then you also saw me transplant this butterfly bush so this is a pink Cascade II it was in the trial Garden I picked probably the absolute worst day to transplant it and dig it up it was in the ground I dug it up brought it over on a sunny hot day and it went limp I mean you could see it but look look what it's done so I Faithfully watered it and we got beautiful rain but look new growth everywhere where I trimmed and I pruned a little bit we have a beautiful new growth so she is doing great an absolute rock star performer for sure you saw me plant early spring some of these clematists because I was turned on by my friend Tina this year to Brushwood Nursery it is a family-owned company in Athens Georgia that they specialize in clementus and so I ordered some for the backyard and then the owner reached out to me and said hey would you like to try some other ones and I was like sure send me what you think I would like so he sent me these three beautiful clematists um oh gosh the Name Escapes me I want to say I did not put my markers down I want to say it was like Hudson Hudson Bay Hudson blue something like that but he said to use it as a ground cover which I was like clematous as a ground cover continuous Bloomer of these beautiful blue flowers so I have them in front of my October magic Ruby Camellias so not that they'll probably be blooming at the same time but that beautiful repeat blooming of that blue the clematis has done really well this is going to be on irrigation not currently on irrigation um but just doing it really nicely and of course with the clematist look you can move it around and spread it out but we've got three of those in here and they are doing really well the sun patients are hanging in there the coleus this is the colorblaze wicked witch filling in quite nicely I have had to come in here and supplement water of course for the sun patients because you know they would hit a hot day and they would just go so keep those watered and they do quite nicely while we're here I know Jerry was doing the pan we're gonna pan over here so that way we won't have to come back um the entrance beds are coming along they are hanging in there doing well we do have to come back in here and add Mulch and then turn this irrigation on once we get the mulch in the irrigation and our consistent warm temperatures hit which they're hitting this will explode and take off but look how nicely these Sun patients are doing again I know you see the irrigation lines right there we've not turned them on yet so I have to come in and supplement water every couple of days if we don't get this beautiful rain but they are doing nicely as well so let's come on over to the other side of the berm and if you want specific information on like the exact trees the exact plants all that other stuff feel free to go back and look at other videos because we did in-depth videos on all of this North Pole arborvitaes here I put them on the corner because I they will bulk up these are beautiful evergreen trees that are great for privacy they will be taller I want to say like in that 10 foot range but only like three feet wide and they've got beautiful new growth on them so they are very happy yet all in here man look at all that new growth I mean just popping so popping New Growth we planted these in the fall great echinaceas in here it's the butter pecan look at that sweet new in this year that is a double Bloom yes color-coded double um yeah butter pecan look at that love it love it and then all the perennials were planted this spring so just kind of keep that in mind the day lilies this is blazing Glory nice yellow with kind of a burgundy pink Center in it so we have like swooshes and swipes of those just everything in here perennials we want an explosion of color but this is remember this space has not been here for a year so all of this is brand new we repeat the holy Grails through here this wine craft gold smoke bush is doing really nicely this has got gorgeous new growth on it beautiful lime green so the idea is that your holy Grails nice and big and then you have this color contrast of the smoke bush that wine craft gold doing great here so far in our North Carolina Garden we've got amsonia and agastaki but everything like nicely doing really really well when we planted the daisies they were in full bloom then we had to Shear them back and then they are reflushing again so this is the amazing Daisy Daisy May nice beautiful color on that and then the pugster Pinker pucks are Pinker butterfly bush it's Pinker because it's a pink or pink then plug store pink and nice big huge blooms on it now you can see that these are old blooms you do not have to deadhead your butterfly bushes but however if that that annoys you not a problem you can go in there and clip that and you will have um you can clean up the flower the bushes and they will do great so nice big blooms on those continuous Bloomer all season long our um let's see these are little one punches these are little lamb punches I had to think for a minute little line punches we have three on each side this is a thundercloud purple plum so we have three on this side and we have three on the other side they are getting ready to pop in color beautiful Pinnacle hydrangea three to five feet tall so again imagine this would be a solid hedge of this hydrangea chartreuse on the loose is a new Nepeta from our friends at Walters Gardens and man y'all this thing is a winner I love this plant we are currently growing it it is not ready yet it will be later ready in a couple of weeks um massive pollinator or tractor but the color on this you can not beat beautiful continuous blooms and there's pollinators on it even right now after that rain we have got a little small pollinators little wasp the honeybees will be out back here in a little bit they got scared off from the rain but just a great pollinator plant that brings in a totally different color to your garden super easy super low maintenance on that as well the um oop it raised up on a Monarda sensation honeysuckle vine oh my gosh this is a fantastic plant you got to keep her controlled though so you got to come in here and every so often kind of Tucker back up but beautiful blooms on this I'll let you get out of the way so Jerry can get in there continuous Bloomer beautiful Vine that will climb basically anything again you do have to support it some but it will grow and develop I have another one on the other end of the berm and I just feel like they're going to let them soften the edges of the fence and do great then we have the Niagara Falls grass these are repeated throughout this side of the garden the berm and we have some on the other side up at the top this will be a beautiful Bluegrass it will be four feet tall and four feet wide at maturity but I love perennial grasses in your garden because it just brings in such texture we repeat more holy Grails and then look at this this is a new Daylily this year um my kids love the name of this Blood Sweat and Tears they're like if that's not an appropriate name for a Daylily or a garden plant I don't know what is because sometimes in your garden you you give all three right you give that Blood Sweat and Tears really nice kind of a raspberry color with that nice yellow Center love it so imagine these being in all of their Glory just like those ones that are in The Cottage Garden because they are still part of that Rainbow Rhythm series massive I mean this is they again have been in the ground for um what a month maybe I don't even know that's been yeah about a month this is one of my favorites this is vino Verde my Jilla it is a beautiful color and texture in your garden it will bloom in early spring but the color on these are fantastic I absolutely adore them um they are deciduous but the color on this the foliage on this is spectacular now coming on up look at this so Jerry get this shot like this is just such a pretty shot you've got Blood Sweat and Tears next to the sun Joy Neo barberries with this beautiful Thunder head yes I have a thunder cloud and I have a thunder head Thunder head this is a black Japanese Pine but like all these colors together and then you have got the quick fire Fab hydrangeas back here that have just started blooming within the last week just glorious and again this is after an inch and a half of rain and the hydrangeas are still standing up that is the beautiful thing about these panicles you trim them every late winter by only a third or a fourth if you take them all the way down to the ground you won't have your strong sturdy stems so beautiful gorgeous hydrangeas three of those encapsulating this area more of the grasses beautiful grasses here um and then this end of the berm gets intense hot afternoon sun and it is very dry Russian sage oh my Heavens is she not beautiful like I never could understand Russian sage because I think I had it in too wet of an area this it loves it Denim and lace is just beautiful pollinators again I got Little Bees all over it so I'll stop rubbing it but um just a fantastic plant beautiful cool kind of bluish green foliage on it with the blue flowers beautiful coming over here we've got the agastaki this is the Royal raspberry when then we have the double coated this is the echinacea this is um all my names are running together this is Raspberry Beret so we got Raspberry Beret Royal raspberry it's kind of the pink Corner going on right here beautiful flocks we've had to go ahead and prune it because it was blooming already we trimmed it and look flushing out beautiful new growth and a new flower Bud already that Raspberry Beret is really fun nice double Bloom on it and the echinaceas have just been spectacular this year they have been glorious and beautiful we're going to wrap around real quick on the other side of the berm right here and then we're going to pop up to the entrance beds at the nursery because I want to show you how they are developing but just really quickly right through here um on this bed this is the nathophia this is the rockets red glare just still part of that Pyromania series from Proven Winners but it has a nice red to Yellow ombre effect on it so these are your older blooms the new blooms are going to come out nice and red and then they will come down to a nice soft creamy yellow the Tuscan gold make sure I get this right yes Tuscan gold heliopsis we have been so impressed with this plant because when we put it in it was blooming it has not stopped blooming and it has only grown bigger and there are buds all over them these are a beautiful heliopsis sunflowers right perennial plant gorgeous color on them we see this from the front porch and just a beautiful beautiful display of color in the garden they have not missed a beat and all the heat the rain doing just wonderful absolutely great and then you can see again we have more phloxes more of the quick fire Fab panicle hydrangeas this one seems these two get a little bit more sun maybe this one's a little bit more behind it's okay right I know sometimes we think oh well all the plants are supposed to exactly you know act the exact same some are a little delayed than others not a problem and then ultraviolet flocks ultraviolet flocks great funiculata flocks really rich hot hot purple color very ultraviolet and is doing really nicely here and again have the Russian sage right here as well all right we're going to pop up to the entrance beds at the sign and we're going to show you that here we are at the entrance beds to the nursery entrance to our house mailbox planting you saw me plant this and look how well it has filled in now the portulaca is closed up because it is cloudy and we just got some rain but they have I mean like look y'all massive I told you this was going to happen massive carpet and gorgeous big huge yellow flowers when they are nice and open so this is the Mojave yellow porchulaca behind it we have Diamond snow I may have to come in here and do a little crowd control on the portulaca because you know getting a little aggressive for the diamond snow and then the rocking Deep Purple Salvia when I put these in they were they were pretty they were pretty sad because they were like little Salvia trees I did not come in here and pinch them I did not do that they naturally bushed out on their own branched out beautiful like this is one plant right here this is one plant um and just beautiful branching on it this is the improved version which I love and adore rich rich purple flowers I already see we have some honeybees down here the hummingbirds love this plant it will get nice and tall uh two two and a half feet tall and then continue to Branch out so it'll be a beautiful hedge all in here very easily the diamond snow could get swallowed up between these two plants and that's okay because if we just have the Salvia and the portulaca boom not on irrigation Jackson has come up here and watered it a few times for me but other than that it has been uh let go this bed is predominantly a shade bed here in the front it does get some sun everything is filling in so nicely the hostas have gotten nice and big the sun patients are doing really well the new plantings are great we have beautiful the white julias the Eucharist in here are doing quite nicely my estilby was before the Deluge that came the the steel bees were nice and upright they'll bounce back up this is I think milk and honey and so it is doing quite nicely everybody's doing great we trimmed the lure petalums when we were in here they're bouncing back nice and thick the um fine laced uh Japanese maple this is like the it's a Japanese name takimaku something like that great you can go back on those other videos um puffer fish I did go ahead and replace the hydrangea that was here because it was just not performing very well put a puffer fish in here and it is producing nice buds on it it's going to be delayed because it gets a little bit more shade than my full sun ones but doing really nicely and then this is just the Classic Annabelles behind it so the Annabelle's beautiful huge massive blooms on them the complaint about Annabelle's is this that after a rain they get so heavy with water that they collapse but you see like I've got two hands now yes there's dirt on it but massive blooms on it I planted these years ago so if they don't bounce up then this is the perfect opportunity to come and snip them off put them in a bouquet and then they will reflush now see this one was not as developed so it's still standing up nice and Tall the Elderberry is doing great everybody is doing really well in here the caladiums however because we've had such a cool wet spring early summer they're they're a little bit on The Struggle Bus I'm hoping that when the heat really hits they will really bounce up now here we have uh the new Woodland bed that we just installed this year this is a bed that does need some attention as far as we knew that when we created this because we have never had plants in here so we've got weeds and Briars and things that have been popping up I've been so impressed with these Ruby Slipper hydrangeas these are oak leaves these are very nice petite they're going to be wider than they are tall but talking again about the size of the bloom so there's my hand and look how long they are they have been a beautiful creamy white and they are just starting to put on those nice Rosy pink Hues we've got new growth in here we've got new growth popping out with your oak leaves they're called oak leaves because their leaves are the shape of an oak leaf they bloom on Old growth it is best not to prune them so pick the right size for your space and then the foliage in the fall is a beautiful like red color so the ruby slippers are doing great the Camellias the hostas everything in this bed have really been doing quite nicely we did put this bed on irrigation so I run it if we don't get rain then I'll run it like once a week for about 45 minutes a nice really deep saturating soak with them because of our beautiful oak trees and poplar trees they're competing for Roots the Roots competing for water so I make sure that I give them good water and everybody is doing really nicely in here we're just gonna have to come in here and maintain the weeds and the things that are popping up to keep those suppressed since this is a brand new bit again less than one year old but this is going to be a really fun bed we're actually going to be in here hopefully later this week if the weather will cooperate adding some more shade plants in here so that is the entrance so if you've never been to Creekside as you come through you come on down and you're driving down to the nursery so you can see the berm is going to be to your left and you have you can really see like the day lilies and you can see back into the backyard with those beds and you can see colors popping up um yeah it's really fun to come on in here and then we have the other side the companion piece of the entrance beds to the one that we showed you just a few minutes ago so these beds on both of these beds right here along the creek we use these are predominantly annuals in the back of this bed we do have shrubs we've got more of the quickfire Fab hydrangeas there on the very end and then it bleeds in to all of the annuals we planted this what two weeks ago I think it was two weeks ago so we've got coleus on in a huge massive ribbon of that down here on the end because this coleus will do sun or shade underneath a massive tulip poplar this gets direct sun in the morning if it wasn't cloudy this would be in the sun right now these will fill in and make a beautiful hedge right here afternoon it is complete shade so this area Diamond snow the lemon blush caladiums the coffee cups elephant ears and a fun little kind of triangular shaped flower bed the we did these dry creek beds right here because we got washed and you can see right here and that little Deluge that we got you can see that water came down and piled up to about right here it wasn't long enough for it to fill up that we have had it before you can see here where we had a little bit of wash and it will go down but the beds themselves hold and are not being cut through so this part was filled up with water water either soaked in or trickled down so this is working great and then this side of the flower bed is filling in quite nicely as well we have the graceful grasses Skyrocket grass in mass in the back these are all animals Surefire white begonia new this year Mass plantings of all of this to make a huge impact the plum Dandy Plum Dandy does not flower it is just a beautiful burgundy color and then of course more of the Fantastic yellow porchulaca in front of that big huge blooms you're just going to take my word for it because they're not flowering right now because like I said they open and close with the sun since it's cloudy they are closed and then some credible sunflowers here on the end to make a nice statement so there we go do we want to do the pergola bed at the nursery right quick okay okay so um this year over here at the nursery we just installed a flower bed with beautiful tons and tons of beautiful annuals so I'm going to show you that and then I want to show you a flower bed I think we're going to see how we're gonna see how it looks after this rain over there in the display Gardens all right now so here we are in front of the nursery in this display bed that we planted this spring now I'm just going to go ahead and tell you right now I mean that wind and the rain hammered this flower bed so we'll come back like in a nursery tour or something and show it to you when everybody's nice and perky but I did want to give you just an update on this because we have not I don't think I've talked about this bed since we planted it so I want to just kind of give you so you can put your eyes on it right um things are progressing very nicely Jerry did come in and got some nice Mulch on it this is not on irrigation per se but when we're watering the nursery our folks will hit this at certain you know certain times so incredible sunflowers are filling in branching quite nicely the truffle of pink gumfrina doing great this petunia right here again I apologize y'all for the rain um I will come back and show you this but this is the new for next year it is not available this is the hoopla Vivid Orchid supertunia and it really like is a gorgeous really nice impressive petunia it almost has like a jazzberry center with a really wide white margin on it and has been growing excellent doing really well just makes a beautiful impact and then the salvias are doing great just everything in here is progressing quite nicely this is a little lime hydrangea standard form getting ready to pop in color but yeah everything here is doing well we will come back and visit this like I said when things dry out and perk up now we're going to make our way over to the display Gardens in the the perennial garden because the there are some daisies that are blooming and just absolutely beautiful so let's look over there last year we partnered with our friends over at Walters Gardens and did like my top picks for the perennials for the South and so that is what this flower bed is perennials Bloom at different times right so we get this beautiful continuous display of colors that come throughout we've had the raspberry Monarda that was absolutely gorgeous in the spring what is stealing the show right now are the amazing daisies Daisy May oh my word there are these are five plants so one two three four five plants again after an inch and a half of rain and wind and they are standing up and doing great Daisy May is that classic white Shasta daisy right but absolutely prolific in flowers I mean covered these plants have been in the ground less than a year we planted them and it was sometime in July when we planted this flower bed beautiful plants so your daisies they need the full sun and they like moisture but they like to be well draining don't let them sit in water or they will rot huh trust me I know so Daisy May is doing beautiful so we have the daisy maze in front of this beautiful summer cook hibiscus this is Edge Of Night an edge of night if we could just hurry up and get it to Bloom as if night of course obviously dark dark black foliage on this but beautiful huge almost like iridescent pink flowers so the white against the dark foliage and if you had those pink flowers blooming right now stunning but even though they're not blooming at the same time that's okay we'll take it because you still have this beautiful contrast with one another stunning and then over here we've got the Lakota fire echinacea and the um this is another this is Ruby spider as well uh daisies uh daisies listen to me I got daisies on the brain uh day lilies so everybody in here is doing great if you come to the nursery and you're visiting the display Gardens I'm just going to go ahead and tell you that they are not in Tip-Top condition why are they not in Tip-Top conditions Jenny well let me tell you because we are about to begin construction on the signature Garden so Proven Winners approached us last year and asked us if we would consider having a proven winter signature Garden here at Creekside we were honored and jumped at the opportunity so this year we're going to start the construction process it is going to fill in this whole area so we have not added any new plants to these beds and the existing shrubs and perennials that are in here are going to have to get dug up because they have survived and thrived in the last year then that means that they are winners and we will reuse them either in the signature Garden or we will use them in other Gardens so when you come just know I'm not even letting Jerry show you because it's a little embarrassing but it is getting overgrown and that is okay because we're getting ready to destroy all of that so we're gonna We're Gonna Leave This Bed as it is so we will work around it and incorporate this bed into the whole signature Garden display area but just know it's under construction and sometimes you just have to make a mess to make it look pretty and we're currently in the mess stage all right we're gonna jump back over to the house and do the patio and the backyard beds we are back at the house now and this is the kind of the corner bed on the side of the front porch daylilies are directly in front of me you were with me when we planted this just a couple of weeks ago kept it really simple with the sun patients this is a compact purple and then the Bewitched Green With Envy sweet potato vine uh got a little disheveled in the wind but everything here is uh growing and progressing quite nicely doing really well tea olives were pruned and then this is giant Lamb's Ear that I brought over from the nursery last year they were little they may have been quart size containers they clearly have loved this area and have filled in really really nicely I like keeping it low in front of our units that way when the guys need to come in service and clean them they have easy access to them and nothing is blocking them this bed right here is an absolute hot mess I'm not even going to apologize for it that has been very neglected I hope to get to that this week you'll come along with me for that Journey but hot mess Express over there so we're not going to focus on that we're going to focus on the beautiful things back here over in the backyard bed now you're going to see some weeds in here because we have I have weeded this multiple times weeds are very prolific right now because we have had such a wet spring early summer and yeah they're they're living their best life right now but so are the perennials this is vastly perennial beds we have Corner pockets of the new this is the Surefire cherry cordial begonia I love these because they will do sun or shade this is definitely a more shady area back here this next time that it's time you know time to prune the maple tree right here we'll go ahead and limb it up a little bit but the surefires are doing quite nicely and then in this bed we have a lot of different varieties of day lilies and let Jerry come back over here on my side because I want to show you some of these gorgeous day lilies now throughout here I think we have 15 or 20 different varieties of daylilies and all of these day lilies that are in this flower bed came from my sweet friends Jim and Wanda Jim and Wanda um have a massive display of beautiful day lilies in their Garden they actually take them and show them they have won awards for their day lilies they were eliminating one of their beds last year because it was just too much for them to maintain and so I said Miss Wanda if you will just pick me out some daylilies she did so if you see daylilies in here they are from our sweet friends blueberries are blooming take a little snack here in a minute look at this echinacea this is the one in a melon one in a melon from Proven Winners I'm gonna try to tiptoe back here the um the blueberry is getting quite friendly with it because I want you to see how tall they are excuse Emily's roast tree right there look at these are these not spectacular I planted all of my echinaceas last year in July it was so incredibly hot and planted them then they have all done great now I want you to look at some of these blooms on the echinaceas because I was a little worried do you see how these blooms right here these petals are not fully opened like they're supposed to be so I was concerned that maybe I was starting to get some sort of fungus some sort of disease Kata from Walters Gardens was here just the other week I asked her about them she said this is a result of our fluctuating temperatures it was hot it was cold it's like back and forth back and forth and the plant just doesn't know how to react so if you have these kind of misshapen petals on your echinaceas don't worry it is okay you are doing just fine nybevin is doing well we did have one in bloom until the rains came and so it deep it deep pedaled the uh the rose this is a new David Austin that I've got not too long ago I mean it was just very recently so it is uh it is hanging in there slowly getting their echinaceas again I mean this is from Proven Winners the Lakota Fire or the summer song Fire Finch who goes by both names beautiful beautiful Reds and oranges in there and then we bleed on over to the achilla this is the Firefly Sunshine beautiful yellow continuous Bloomer just a great sun loving plant we've got the this is the sombrero I believe this is the gold I have a tag in here somewhere but just Granada gold lovely lovely we've got some Bernardo blending back there this is the ultraviolet phlox that's getting ready to pop out in color but the echinacea the echinaceas and the daylilies are the star of the show right now I have a lot of the sombrero series because they are just really great performers for us here in the South so we've got multiple ones of those but everybody is spilling in I will go ahead and give you an update here on Elizabeth Elizabeth was the other David Austin rose that I got later in the season again rain was not helping but you can see that we do have a nice little cluster of flowers right here on Elizabeth Elizabeth is a very nice soft soft pink that will basically transition to White so you can see an older Bloom right here that is white and she is losing all of her petals but yeah so they are all doing doing great and then I have told you about in the lots of nursery tours about the Drops of Jupiter oregano look at that I mean fantastic this is these are Pearl glams program Beauty Berry uh the bluebirds are all flying out of their homes right now um so the Pearl Glam beauty Berry is doing great we'll give some nice height double play doozy spireas back here they're kind of at the end of their first flush of flowers but the Drops of Jupiter oregano wonderful perennial chartreuse color it is currently covered in lots of little baby pollinators and it is getting ready to bloom so there you go on that um while we're here we're gonna go look at the Dahlia Garden because it's just right in front of me so hopefully the wind and the rain did not lay anybody down we're gonna go check on the dahlias here we are at the Dahlia Garden um y'all I just can't even with this Garden so a little back story long story short last year Laura from garden dancer sent me a massive box of her Dahlia tubers and so when you're looking at the Rose the dahlias that are on currently my side the right side of the fence those are Lara's dahlias did them last year I did not get them in the ground until early June this year they overwintered I did not dig anybody up fell in love with them last year when they were blooming I ordered a ton of my own so the day is that I ordered and I planted are on the left side of the fences so we have both Laura's and mine that I have ordered and planted and dear Heavens it has been a grand spring early summer for these dahlias I'm not going to go through all the names because I just it's just too much but I wanted to give you an update and show you how well these dahlias are doing we did get that inch and a half of rain everybody is standing up so that makes me happy we have a couple limbs here and there that may have snapped but that's okay we can handle that so we're just going to go through and I just want to show you some of these beautiful um these beautiful dahlias when I was ordering because Laura had given me some of the pon pons and I love them so I kind of ordered a little bit more of the pon pons but I also ordered some nice big huge you know massive blooms as well we're going to try to turn this she's facing the wrong way I believe this one's called like Jennifer's wedding that just kind of sticks out to me but dahlias will have different balloon times right just like other flowers they have early mid late bloomers look at that yellow is that not spectacular it's a shorter plant but a massive Bloom on it really beautiful buttery yellow then you've got some that have completely different texture that is the thing about dahlias you can get them in all shapes sizes colors textures um then you come over here and these babies are like overachievers you want to talk about it so this is terracotta these did come from Lara massive huge tall plants very very upright yes I do have supports on them but even without the supports they were doing really well I do want to come in and Shore them up but I'm 5'2 and these are every bit of six to seven feet tall I mean they're massive very very prolific gorgeous colors on them oh can't wait all right coming on over I'll let Jerry swing around Timmy over here because there's so much fun and so we are in North Carolina a Zone 7B I'll just let him kind of as I talk let him kind of show you some of the different dahlias but so we are North Carolina Zone 7B we have thick clay soil and the concern for us is overwintering dahlias is not our temperatures because we have very mild Winters in comparison to you know other zones and but our concern is will our clay soil hold too much water and will the tubers rot because we have historically very wet Winters we have a lot of rain in the wintertime we did not dig up one tuber and I think we I know I found maybe two or three that rotted and the rest of them did great we did when we installed the the beds we did raise them up so they are kind of quote raised beds they're healed up and then we are on a slight incline so it does kind of drain really well and just does they did clearly did great now I want to show you this one this one I very much know the name of this sweet little pink pon pon right here this is Betty Ann and when I saw this I had to buy it because my mama's name is Ann and her mama's name is Betty and so here we have Betty Ann and Betty Ann is a very tiny little petite pink pon pon uh but everybody's great look at this dark foliage hot like fuchsia pink purple whatever you want to call that bloom on it I mean dear Heavens y'all and then we've got like the pure whites right here um just great now we've had had this one let's see did she snap she came very close this one has been problematic All Season it was growing sideways and then I can't tell if it snapped or it didn't snap in that wind that we got today um look at this is that not gorgeous just beautiful so all of the folks who work here at Creekside know that they have an open invitation to come and cut flowers anytime that they want to because we have got such a prolific amount of dahlias that um I want to share them is with many people as I possibly can so they know that they have an open invitation that they can come and cut and share with as many people as they possibly want to because they are just gorgeous and spectacular and just so stinking cute I mean oh my goodness just fantastic so if you're afraid of dahlias you don't think you could ever do them try them I mean look at this how cute and delicate is that just such a sweet little ponpon right there um great so yeah try the dahlias do it just go for it you will be very grateful okay patio we're going to the patio and then we'll be done this is going to be the longest garden tour of all time we're on the path from the driveway around the forest pansy going back to the back patio just wanted to show this to you this bed goes from Complete deep shade all the way up to Morning Sun and then on the other side that we're going to is afternoon sun beautiful mix of perennials and shrubs in here love this space we have been in here many many many many times munchkin Oak Leaf hydrangea is doing quite nicely but everything has developed really nice you saw me plant this unique stone planter it is filling in just beautiful both sides of the flower bed are doing great the generous Gardener is generously growing she is currently out of her blooms we've got a couple here and there little buds but yeah so very large it is time for me to come in and tuck back down these Limbs and so get her nice and snugged back in here we may have a bird nest in here because I just saw a cardinal fly out last year we had two bird nests in here coming around my David Austin Roses I have three different sets at Mother's Day we had a massive storm with tons of wind they were in full bloom and basically it laid the plants down so I came in here a couple weeks ago and severely pruned them but you can see they are already flushing back out with tons of new growth this is the rule doll there are three roses in here in each Clump there are three roses and so doing really well we are battling Japanese beetles they have come back this is that time of year so if you can if you do not want to spray for Japanese beetles then you can come out here and try to hand pick them in the early morning and put them in soapy water if you have the time available for that they are attracted to the flowers and the scent so if you are okay with coming in here and pruning back your roses that will generally eliminate the Japanese beetles because they are only on the Roses they are not me like the petals I can't even talk the flower petals they are not on the leaves so if you don't want to spray and you can't come out here and pick them off then you can come and trim the the flowers and they will leave your plants alone so we have Susan Williams Ellis right here beautiful creamy white there's the Thunder we're gonna we're gonna run through this really quickly because the storms are coming again and then the poet's wife a beautiful yellow petunias beat down with rain the super tuning of mini Dusty yellow the artist blue Azure atom love that and then these hydrangeas right here these are little lime punches this will be year number three in the garden and oh my Heavens love this plant it has really strong sturdy stems clearly very strong because they're didn't fall down at all loaded in flowers just a beautiful beautiful plant if you can get a little lime punch do it and then we have a puffer fish back here puffer fish got planted at the end of the season last year these will all three grow to the same size three to five feet so imagine that there will be a hedge behind this Hospitality Fountain from unique stone that is what this is foreign and the wind this is my lilac Crush there are three lilac crushes some arithic hibiscus in here um yeah they got pushed down because these are more tall upright than they are wide so there we go moving on gardenias struggling from the Arctic blast they are pushing out New Growth but I need to come in here and just prune them the pentas mini Vista whites everybody a little quick fire hydrangea yeah a little quick fire we grow things big here in the South because yeah she is not so little and but everybody else in here is doing really well the mini Vista whites we have going around both sides of the kind of the wall here we do use this as a seating wall when we have friends over or parties or whatever people will sit here the mini that's the yellow white sorry is perfect for this because it will fill in and it will begin to kind of come over and soften the edge of the wall but it's not like snow drift snow drift would come over completely and you wouldn't be able to use this wall so the mini Vista white is doing great as is the sun patients I think this is like blush pink you saw Jerry really really prune the Sprinter boxwoods they have completely flushed out in New Growth and are doing well we're gonna we're gonna hit up here in just a second but look at the blue chiffon so this is a Rose of Sharon it is in a standard form so it's in a tree form we bought it that way from a nursery but blue chiffon look at that this is the first Real Flush of flowers that I have seen I knew she was getting ready to pop and explode in color but look at that so the chiffon series is going to be um set less seed because it has that that double Bloom on it it can set some seed so if roses of Sharon are a problem for you then obviously you know not to plant a bunch of those depends on where you are in the country now we're going to pop up here on the deck because I cannot wait to show you how the deck boxes have filled in you saw me plant these deck boxes got this idea from friends of ours that have basically their raised boxes right built sitting on top of the deck filled completely with potting soil and I love planting these with beautiful color I don't know what else to say then oh my Heavens um these have surpassed any kind of expectations that I could ever possibly have and I'm only water soluble fertilize these one time I planted these gosh would have been April I think I planted these I'd have to go back and look um but and when I planted them I told you I left a lot of room like you could see visible space in these boxes and they have thrived this is the new Pink Cashmere superbina of urbina from Proven Winners available next year so Pink Cashmere will be available spring of 2024. this is the most happy aggressive plant and it's beginning to rain so I'm going to talk really fast fantastic gorgeous verbena the saffron Finch supertunia this will be available next year as well saffron Finch is a beautiful supertunia nice soft buttery yellow and I have it paired with that mini Vista White I mean this has this whole box y'all has done great we've got pentas in here Sun patients I do have Plum Dandy Plum Dandy is a is getting Plum smothered out by the other plants and we believe that this superbina has a delicious little fragrance to it a very nice light fragrance that just smells amazing we do have the selenia begonias they too are getting a little bit smothered out but I think the key as the rain comes the key to their great success one they're obviously the genetics of the plants are are just fantastic but I completely replaced all of this potting soil in these boxes this year I do it about every two years and using high quality potting soil and amendments makes a massive difference when we planted this I showed you exactly what the products I used the Black Gold compost we put some biotone in there The Proven Winners continuous release fertilizer so go back I will have it linked for you you can go back and see how I planted this and those amendments I used so by investing in high quality products and spending the extra time to clean out the boxes and put new soil in you get these gorgeous results and it has saved me time that I'm not having to come out here and constantly feed these plants because these are very heavy feeders in order to produce all of these beautiful flowers they have got to have lots of food so don't forget about your soil and your soil amendments it makes a huge difference all right we're going to finish this since the Thunder and the rain is coming back again the selenia yellow begonia this will be available next year I did two hanging baskets of just the selenia yellow there are three plants in each of these baskets these baskets are probably 14 inches in diameter cocoa lined not on irrigation I just water them every couple of days and they have done amazingly well again I've fertilize them one time I believe and again high quality potting soil compost in the bottom makes a huge difference beautiful beautiful plants and then you can see from a distance the uh the incredible hydrangeas we're just gonna show you from here since the rain and the Thunder is coming again we planted those this spring so this garden tour the weather did not exactly cooperate but you know what that's gardening we just rolled the punches around here so we're just glad that we basically got in I think all the gardens there's probably some more things that we could have shown you but we're just grateful that the lure one is getting this rain because we need the rain and that he gave us this time that we could come here and show you these Gardens we so appreciate you we hope that these videos really that you are inspired by them that they are informative and that they are fun we fully recognize that most people don't own a nursery and sit on eight and a half acres and have the number of plants that we have available to us but if you can find one plant that you love and you put it in your garden then this is all worth it because we really want to inspire you whatever your space is whether you are in the middle of the country with a ton of land or if you are in an apartment in a city and you have a balcony and you can have one pot on your balcony or your patio then there is something here for you to be inspired and be informed about and that is what our prayer is for you as our viewers and as our followers um so as always we so appreciate you thank you for guarding the Creekside you all have a fantastic day we're going to enjoy the rain bye friends thank you foreign [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] foreign foreign [Music] [Music] [Music]
Channel: Gardening with Creekside
Views: 506,712
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: gardening with creekside, creekside nursery, pollinator garden, berm for privacy, garden tour, plant nursery business, Plant Nursery, Nursery Tour, horticulture, charlotte nc, hardscape, proven winners plants, garden answer, plant shopping, plant haul, southern living plant collection, zone 7b gardening, little lime hydrangea, proven winners, zone 7b, gardening, houseplant shopping, houseplant haul, plant shopping vlog, shrubs, sempervivum, chick charms, late spring garden
Id: 3VhVuhGYAMs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 91min 5sec (5465 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 21 2023
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