Epic Cliff Face carved from XPS foam with Chaos Crafting

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[Music] howdy folks dave of chaos crafting here today we're going to start a truly epic build we are going to create a giant cliff face for your tabletop needs alrighty so epic build you're going to need epic material head down to the hardware store you're going to want to get an eight foot by four foot sheet of foamular yeah unless you've got a van it ain't gonna fit [Music] so bring with you a t-square and your utility knife you could use that to break down the sheet into smaller two by four foot panels that should fit in just about any back seat always start with some kind of design in mind i'll go ahead and create a base uh i'll start stacking layers of foam one on top of another each layer will represent about a ten foot increment in game space uh create a cave entrance here at the base we'll do some overhangs places for stalactites and stalagmites i will eventually draw the actual rock shapes onto the foam before i cut it let's see that's probably gonna be about 24 inches wide 16 inches tall so that's gonna be 16 layers of foam and we'll vary them in size and shape to give us a unique play space and you can see i've drawn a topography line on the foam panel i'll be using that as a cutting guide the line is a rough outline to look like a rock edge [Music] one layer finished now we're going to use that layer as a guide to draw the next layer now this could either be going up or down and you could either increase the size or decrease the size since this portion of the rock face i want to be fairly steep i'm going to make it the same size so i just did a trace but i think i want to overhang so let's get another piece of foam [Music] always save your your spare foam and i'll draw a overhang right here there we go now i'll cut this out sometimes you're going to want to add material much like i'm doing here with this overhang now i'm going to use hot glue to attach it but just in case someone has a heavy hand at the game table i'm going to use a skewer on the inside as support [Music] i snap off a little piece [Music] using a utility knife that i don't cut foam with i sharpen up this end of the of the skewer [Music] okay i had to clean up real quick [Music] very good let's put some [Music] [Music] all right that's done now just a whole bunch more to go once you have three layers cut out go ahead and hot glue them together this will just make it easier while you're assembling and you won't forget which layer goes where i did that [Music] as you can see i've got a bunch of them stacked up i've got nine layers here now we need to think about uh sketching out more details on these layers like like caves and and nooks and crannies [Music] for this next part i'm going to use a new tool for the first time a hot wire knife should cut right through this foam no problem and we'll use it to carve these caves maybe remove a little bit from the sides and we'll see what type of texture it can make [Music] [Music] texturing will be the longest part of this build what i'm doing now is i am knocking off some of the edges on the film layers not too much i still want those striations visible and uh and available as a distance marker [Music] now leave a little bit to the imagination this is the theater of the mind i want playable services i want it to resemble rock i'm not going to take the time to make this look exactly like a cliff face it's going to be a table top representation [Music] i'll go back and forth between using the hot wire cutter and a utility knife just blend these layers together a little bit [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] now it's time to sketch out some cracks and crevices these lines will go across striations it'll tie some of the textures together better really you're just trying to make it look interesting and visually unique i'll cut some areas out [Music] a little leave places to stuff moss mushrooms i know whatever comes to mind [Music] [Music] with the cracks and crevices i'm going to strictly use the utility knife i'm going to want to cut deep into the foam and i just can't get that kind of control with the hot wire knife [Music] take your time don't cut your fingers off enjoy the process this makes a mess this makes a huge mess [Music] my wife is always yelling at me because there's little pink foam flakes around the house [Music] [Music] it's been a long day of crafting got a lot accomplished here we're just looking at the top half of this epic cliff face this video is getting a little long so i'm going to end it here next week i'll go ahead and start on the texturing the fiddly bits you know like the little stalagmites and stalactites and maybe even get it painted get a little bit of moss and some greenery on this but for now i'm tired i'm gonna i'm gonna pour a glass of bourbon and i'm gonna enjoy what i've done so far if you've enjoyed this go ahead and let me know by uh hitting that like button subscribe if you want to see part two it's kind of like a cliffhanger oh yeah dad jokes anyway thank you for watching peace [Applause] [Music] [Applause] you
Channel: David Davis
Views: 8,459
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: cWNeftXz75k
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 26sec (1046 seconds)
Published: Mon May 02 2022
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