Epic Off Roading AdventureHer 2024 in Palo Duro Canyon - Merus Adventure Park

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I am so excited about this weekend Adventure her at Maris Adventure Park is one of the most amazing experiences I think I've had it it was really incredible I would say last year like I it just really tops all the stuff we did last year we did a lot last year heck yeah we did and it's just seeing the women out here getting encouraged it's so much fun and this time we have Diane Gina and Lisa unfortunately Katie couldn't make it but um it's going to be even more fun cuz we have like our people with us so I can't wait to show them the canyon yeah here we go [Music] so much I love [Music] that I love all the dog this is Moose what kind of dog is he he's a German Shepherd that's right he's German Shepherd he's a a panda yeah a panda Shepherd a panda Shepherd is what they call this it was it's a special little guy special little gu oh my goodness oh my goodness so everyone here is getting in line behind their Trail guides and the color of trail that they're running no one signed up for the double black I wanted to do that so bad but now that I'm on 35s I'm not as comfortable doing the double blacks but we have split up the dark Blues it's going to a beautiful and amazing day despite this weather that's what you make it morning morning morning good morning W you ready yes you ready ready yep you ready ready you ready yes I'm ready y'all ready definitely yes you ready woo yes woohoo aots roll [Music] that a girl [Music] keep on coming there you gooun yeah y they little bouncy I love your passenger what's your passenger name this is Cookie hi cookie it's a Cookie Monster you're good you're going to fall down just go slow slow there you go great job good job you're great just follow it out to Micah now I so scared no you did amazing I'm like almost going to cry oh no but like what you're doing it you're doing it there you go going to come down down slowly got perfect good job more more more [Music] Perfect come on come we come on you got it woo keep going on come on come on yeah good [Music] job good up get ready yeah so right up there is a divot so go ahead and go go go go go go go go go go go [Music] [Music] W more G there you [Applause] [Music] go go go go [Music] get so I have hopped in here with our Trail Guide blle um that way I can get some video the test track was so much fun it is always so encouraging and empowering to these women out here who push their vehicles push themselves and I just can't wait for the rest of the day you pumped yes I'm so excited yeah it's going to be a great day yep uh I'm J Jonesboro Arkansas uh this is my second time at Maris the first time we came down in December for the patreon and my husband did all the driving he was a selfish that way and uh but we camp and stuff we've been Wheeling for probably about three years now awesome I'm Diane I'm from near Memphis and um usually I'm in the passenger seat but this is my turn time to shine so uh my husband uh drives a JK and I drive jku so I brought my rig this time so this is my second time at Mars I'm Kim I'm from waah hatchee um I don't know we've been out here maybe three or four times I was at Adventure her last year and we've been Wheeling for a couple years he does most of the driving but I do some I'm Kim stelter um here with my husband Kevin um I've been offroading since April this is your second time out my second second time that's awesome um that's probably the most interesting part about this whole thing but I I have enjoyed being here it's been really great hello I'm Christie I'm from Leander it's my second Adventure her I was here last year I've been to Maris I know three times something around that I've been off-roading two and a half years three and I'm quite the opposite my husband's the passenger princi Side Drive my name is Daniel I'm from catm do I drive a pinto on 37s and I've never been Offroad I drive a Land Rover but today I'm driving a pink Jeep it's Tuscadero pink and it's on 35s now so it's a baby Jeep it's a baby for for reel rally and um where you from don't know Mississippi yeah and I've been driving Offroad for I don't know five years is and yeah driving Jeeps is weird y'all so I am Cara yall obviously know me for them to do the whole MC thing um I've been willing for about 11 or 12 years um that's my Jeep that's our team Jeep so um then we also have two Gladiators at home um I don't know what else am I supposed to say am I saying anything special Conway Arkansas [Music] [Music] [Music] stay higher you're good you're good you're good go on hold it on passenger don't want your rear D to catch on that rock okay now straighten it out and follow it up head it back perfect good job just just go slow and over [Music] all right s bu straight over don't hold your breaks just tap them I'm having a blast this is my kind of jam heck yeah I'm on to you having fun I'm having a blast this is fantastic great my Uber he you want in I do on okay [Music] drum roll please Tanya mang mangona I'm probably saying that way wrong come on down [Music] that's banana pudding that is so good and the burgers Terra there you are hello I've been looking for you what you been looking for me for I don't know I was just looking for you did you me today hello did you guys have fun had a you're grp did well no everybody so the banana pudding is really good we've ate it all and we've decided we got to see how far we can get our tongues down the up so here I go wait I think it's weird that you guys are looking at each other like that welcome to Adventure so I want to go over the Trail guide and the colors because I know some of yall on the test track were not so sure about it but then now y'all want to move up okay so if that's the case and you want to do that I want you to get with a Turquoise Trail Guide volunteer and tell them whose group you're with and what you want to do um but again the dark blue is April black was with Janice and then we have another dark blue with BL the blue bells my Shelly also did blue one and then Kristen did the green so and you're just like okay I've got to have everything disconnected I have you're like you have all your boxes checked and she's just like she pulls up to me I'm like you can do this and she's crying and I'll let her tell you so I was freaking out just a little and as we started I even turned to my husband and I was just like I don't think I can do this I'm so scared I was so scared and I just not want to be scared that's okay I wanted to have fun I wanted to do this like I'm ready to trade in my little two door and get me the four-door and buy a camper and I'm like oh my gosh I got to go back y'all I have a Jeep Club in aine I was like I got to go back and tell them I cry I guess they can keep meeting me for coffee I don't know so anyway um so with guidance you know spotting I mean I was terrified but then all of a sudden that so I did the the test thing and then someone said um for that oh you just keep on going like don't go do that that's the dark blue and I was like oh yeah I don't want to do dark blue I'm I was like questioning I was going to do green and went to blue one and um so circled around and then came back around in and someone said well have you done that and I was like no someone said no we don't need to do it I'm thinking it must have been all over my face and so anyway I did I don't know what that last yeah it's it's a section where everybody was cheering on everybody at the end so when I did that I was like oh my gosh I did that I did that so then we get on the trail and we're going and at one point I was so nervous again and I I stopped he goes what are you doing and I said I have all this adrenaline I got to do something and I open the door and I stood out and I [Applause] go it's like they are going to make you're crazy and I was like I don't care I had to let now thank you so much I have heard multiple stories from that today and that is what it's all about is that right there overcoming your fears of your vehicle of your own personal issue that's why that's that's why that's our why right there and I will say all you ladies that have been sharing your pucker up moments I had one myself today that I thought I was going to start crying in and I swear I was going to roll and uh they helped me through and I looked at the footage in the back and I'm like really it looked like I was going to fall down a cliff and it looks like I'm just in this little ditch I slid into but we had an amazing time and a big special thank you to Jim and Janice you guys are amazing okay consider your lifelong friends SE short bus and everybody master that like you could tell that they were their experience was just genuine and it was so exciting for them and empowering talk about the empowering part of you know what else I love when um it was short busted little yellow Jeep she came over that um really tall one that you come over and drop over and she turned too quickly and started to like we thought she was going to roll and she pulled out of that and we were all just like yes we were all just like super pumped about it yes I I love the fact that we're all just like congratulating each other and Bre for each other yes this support was amazing yeah this type of community is so amazing to see women actually cheering each other on it has been another amazing day here on the trail and we are tired so we're going to sit here and enjoy the views and then call it a night tomorrow is the last day I'm a little sad but everybody has had an amazing time I've heard nothing but compliments about the terrain out here their vehicles how they've overcome the weekend and their their skills these ladies over here they had signed up for the dark Blues but today they did Black they did Black y'all I'm so proud of them and I'm super glad to call them friends good morning it is Saturday the last official day here at Adventure her and I'm a little sad about it um but we're going to have an amazing day regardless because it's all about the attitude and we are doing right now VR4 backwards we have already hit the trails we did our briefing this morning and everybody is super pumped there's a stage five training class for like off-road recovery that they're doing for the morning as well so um we are hitting the trails we we want to come out here for this so it's going to be fun [Music] [Music] [Music] oh [Music] [Music] to just went through VR4 backwards super fun pretty just going through the trail um I'm sort of on the top of the rim just sort of comes down around came up here to H's Bluff see carot over here she's lining over picture it's windy today y'all it's real windy I'm ready to get down in the canyon W it's hard with the camera still so beautiful you may wonder why I am not driving my Jeep is so that I can video and get pictures of all of these amazing women I've been out here willing before and so a lot of these ladies haven't been so it's very very important that they get to experience the same thing that I did whenever I first came um which is the canyon the trails and just the overall Beauty because it don't get much better than that [Music] super pretty really cool we are about to enter salt Fort Creek Section 3 says it is 1.87 miles it's a black we are excited got a good group it's going to be fun hey what's up excited yes just let it go slow okay slow right there perfect that's on your skid you're fine keep on coming girl look at you slow go slow you're going down that little clim there slow slow [Music] turn driver driver yeah that's start working hit the [Music] driver straight a little bit there you go come down there you go it's just [Music] she's going to come off of it [Music] now you're turtled this right here is an upgrade this is an upgrade opportunity that's what we consider that okay that's right and Mark this is the proof I'm not on purpose yeah this is what we will I'm just Wheeling yeah no you're good you're good you took the wrong tur out at the mall man yeah it's not a mall crawler [Music] almost ited [Music] hard nice that was awesome was that was that ain't no Bronco we don't ride ponies ma'am off I forgot you can go ahead and turn them off yeah turn them off you got a little rock on your wheels this has been the most incredible day as you can tell it's a little cold but these trails are awesome and I love me some rock crawling and so once all these ladies were like we want to move up to Black they originally signed up for the dark blue but you come out with me long enough Len we're going to do the blacks we can but I'm not going to get them until hey ladies what do y'all think about the black trails yeah all right we are at drop zone and I'm really excited hey ladies hi at Drop Zone excited I'm so excited I'm so excited I'm so exced my don't cry it's okay to cry they're just trying to breathe climbing up this yeah there's drop right here don't break [Music] you made it I'm on Hill descent so I'm not touching the brake at all tap it yeah and tap it get ready to tap here's your big drop you hit that drop you're good try it out it out oh oh my gosh I did that was amazing set I don't recommend it cuz it locks your back tire put it down in manual one okay [Music] [Music] [Applause] so what do you think about doing the drop zone I'm a littleit right here just don't lock up your tire come a little more driver little scary all right we you see the hole this over here yeah right here your front tires you you come off it it's going to want to pull you to the driver's side hold your steering okay okay you'll be fine and don't lock your brakes let the brake off Let It Roll just tap if you need to tap yep just let her roll through it you're good you got this here goes all passenger passenger Rock breakes Christ perfect good job is that the worst of it yep that's the worst of it the rest of it easy yay Oh I Feel Dizzy yeah I feel a little Li hooded it's fine get the get the cold air running on you oh I feel a little light head I think I hyperventilated a little bit can we to to Sean I did it yeah you did [Music] just so you know we're currently on Tintin pretty sure we're on tin it's a really fun little climb right here and this whole area is beautiful that we've been going through just has I guess it's just a wash and just all the different layers it's incredible this this might be one of my favorite Trails but I might say that on the next Trail so okay so how are we how is everybody feeling good good you ladies jealous you ladies that jealous [Laughter] jealous you ladies that are like new to off-roading like this is right over here yeah right over there you guys you guys are total ba seriously like you're you're this is three Amigas yeah into they're not like we're not warming you into it we're taking you straight to Black oh yes so you guys are going hard and they're like away I want to take the hard route I'm like okay let's do it yeah and you yeah you guys are doing itain a bit like it's really impressive [Applause] Ladies sorry this is I've been doing it too long to this looks delicious it's been a long day on Trails it's been a fun day on the trails everybody's ready to eat I'm ready to eat I feel like I ran 20 miles this is not the same Diane that I originally met she like just from this past time incredible like she's like I'm okay being the passenger they now have two jeeps and so now she's out here picking the hard lines [Music] [Applause] I try this look at me okay okay so um I drive on 32s and um so I have to be very respectful of what my vehicle is capable of and understanding what I can do and someone said the words to me that my vehicle is more capable than I am and that I am the only thing holding back um and that just gave me so much empowerment and the encouragement of my my friends um and just really cheering me on made me believe in myself and did I cry after I got off of off of it heck yeah I did I sure did but you know what I did it and I'm so proud of myself and so just feeling like I could take my own make my own decisions because while I did need a spotter on a lot of the things by today I felt like I need some spotters on some of the big obstacles but I want to make my own choices I want to be able to get out there and decide where I want to put my vehicle what I feel safe and comfortable and confident doing and so that's what I was like I think that's the most thing I'm [Applause] most how many of you have have known about Cara and Ozark Overland before this event yeah how many of you are here because of car yeah awesome awesome all right all right so we we we met uh Caren Matt not too long ago and uh they came out here for adventure her I think is where we met you guys and then they actually hosted an event here last year and by the way it was 8° when their event was going on 8° every de and they had 70 people that stayed like the whole time I'm like dude they have got like ring fans I love that uh but then I found out that uh Cara was going to do something really hard um Cara and Danielle her partner and so uh I want to kind of unpack that a little bit so could you start off by telling us like what the rebel rally is so the rebel rally is the longest off-road navigation rally raid in the United States it's also the first women's only rally raid in the United States um 2800 kilm no GPS no electronics they take that away from you from the day one so you don't have contact with your spouse and it's consisted of a women the only team I'm the driver in this case she's my navigator um best friend everything um we are we are sold here at Maris like we are a huge fans of Team grit Grace and uh I'm I'm sporting my shirt I'm all in I'm all in and uh from Maris Adventure 2 like we are I I told like I I don't know that much about the rebel but like I told Cara I was like okay you just let us know we'll bring like all the good mechanics that we have we're going to be your pit crew like we're going on this race and she's like you can't have a pit crew I'm like what can we cheer for you like can we be on the sideline she's like nope I was like all right so we're like hey like we we want to support you and so uh Melissa do you have the thing oh Pete Pete has a thing so Adventure we are sponsoring team um gra and we want to be part of their journey and we want to invite all of you guys to be part of this [Applause] journey don't we it don't it all right here we go [Applause] wow yall are awesome and we you just tell us what you need and we will get behind you with our community and we're cheering you guys on we love you thank you so much for everything that you've done for Mars too we really appreciate you and love you guys oh my what a weekend it's been a weekend it just been so fun spending it with Diane and Gina and Lisa and I'm Miss Katie Katie we wish you were here gosh wish all our friends were here I know you all have all of our girlfriends if you're one of our girlfriends can you please make sure you come to this with us yeah next year you have to this is fun this is really fun yeah I and the people here at Maris like yes they sponsor you know grit and Grace and they are huge supporters of Matt and I but they're the greatest Souls you'll ever meet they're the salt of the earth and I actually I love I just loved Maris and loved Durk and Kristen yeah before they were sponsors so we just L them last year yeah Adventure people yeah all the the staff the volunteers the trail guides oh my gosh the trail guides are so cool and just a blast like I can't believe my cheeks my cheeks hurt from laughing so much today like it was just fun my feet hurt from running so we're tired a little bit really tired but yeah so if you want to see more of Team grit and Grace and where we're going next be sure to like subscribe we're going to have our own little playlist on the YouTube channel um and then if you want to get our team grit and Grace merch you can go to shop Overland apparel.com for patreon you can support Matt on ozer can they support you and maybe you can come to patreon to support Ozark Overland adventures and to find out the waypoints and all the cool places that we get to go to um check us out there it really does help us and with that let's go to bed yeah good night good night
Channel: Ozark Overland Adventures
Views: 6,917
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: off road extreme 4x4, merus adventure park, off road, texas overland, texas off road trails, palo duro canyon, merus adventure, off road fails, off road recovery, texas overlanding, texas overland trails, merus adventure park camping, merus adventure park drop zone, merus adventure park black trail, merus adventure park palo duro, merus adventure park blue trail, off road recovery fails, AdventureHer, palo duro canyon camping, palo duro canyon off road trails
Id: WcIEvSFpxJw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 40min 14sec (2414 seconds)
Published: Fri May 17 2024
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