Ep.24 Boston Bonds: A Special Podcast with the Sturniolo Triplets and Parents, Mary Lou & Jimmy

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good morning campers welcome back to the cut the cam podcast it's your favorite host Nick stolo Matt and Chris and we're in obscure seats that you've never seen cuz our parents are here y yes moment Mom and Dad yay all right guys so that one's our mom and this one's our dad just in confusion yeah um we're going to jump right into it okay wait I didn't answer the question yeah go ahead how do you feel question that happens a lot where a question gets asked and then sometimes people just don't answer it yeah I feel like Matt yeah damn that's okay cuz I notice he gets interrupted a lot yes he does I don't like that Matt gets interrupted because he talks as if he's bleeding out it's the last words he's gonna ever say he's just like so it's really diff it's easy to interrupt someone who's talking like a mouse I love Matt I love Matt that's good guys I love Matt do you like our studio oh I love it are you are you at all upset that it's decorated for Christmas and you wanted to see like the not Christmas Version or is the Christmas Version okay no I think the Christmas virgin is Virgin that would be Mary the Christmas Virgin Mary is fine oh this is some cotton balls and some little packages it's not cotton balls it's snow snow dad they're not they're not all it is is snow in like packages yeah yeah that's it no it looks really good I remember when you guys were having this built to come here and see it it's pretty incredible feels like it was yesterday doesn't it yes it does okay you're so weird that's how I feel I feel like just yesterday we were building this now it's like what four months in or something well we were here a year ago months in is this the 205th episode epode well it might not be the 25th it's the 25th one we're filming could be around that area little might Shuffle about 50 50 episodes oh god let's not jump the gun here we're on number 2 so um finding out you were having triplets oh wow we're going to start all the way at the beginning we're going to get right to it we're going to start at the beginning triplet children how did you find out what was your experience like okay um pretty shocking went to get an ultrasound to um look into some possible complications thought I was having one baby and turns out I was having three so they were just like yeah they were pretty shocked too they kept asking me how this happened and how yeah oh yeah it could have been like in vitro yeah they kept asking me if I did in vitro and I we had not um it was just a natural thing and um I was there alone I told Dad you don't even have to go I don't think it's going to be anything viable I wasn't anticipating that we were having a anticipating such big news I was not anticipating big news I was anticipating bad news and was prepared for that yeah so to get the complete opposite um I literally I told this story just recently to someone I literally felt like they were talking to someone else in the room but there was no one else in the room it was just me um and they were really good about it they were really fun about it um the nurses all came in and started clapping and I was just like I like yeah that was nice to them but that'd be like the last thing I want like if they were like oh you're having triplet kids let's bring in the parade of nurses and doctors to come congratulate like hear that here's everybody in the hospital to come walk in the room and intrude on your moment I think it spoke to me about how incredible the news was like even at a hospital for them to be like damn whoa this lady's got triplets and then and I bet you there's still people waiting in the waiting room and you're hogging every single oh for sure I held it up the whole the day went nobody got seen after that yeah they all went out and party to celebrate you went home and how'd you tell Dad um well I called Dad first from the G from the garage as I was leaving told him everything was okay the the garage the garage at the hospital I they said the Gage I'm like what is the no the garage um called him said everything's good and he was like is everything good like we're having a baby and I said yep we're having a baby um I'll tell you some more when I get home drove home pretty much in shocked wanted to what were you like guessing dad in your head like cuz did you think Mom was like sus like she was like what she not tell she said that that it went well and that you know we can have a child and I was like happy and then but do you did you feel news did you feel like she was hiding something or no you just were like no no I thought it was just she was pregnant with one child and then when she told me like she gave me a diagram and the diagram ound a like an di well it was like a piece of paper and it said ABC and I'm like so that means everything's fine and then it was like Yeah Dad didn't know that ABC meant baby separate just like one whole pregnancy term yeah like your ABC she goes no three looking good then she goes three babies and I was like stunned yeah that's insane craziness that's insane so did you feel like when did you feel prepared to have three kids cuz not at all like there was no like you can't feel prepared for that no you can at all I think I just kept thinking it wasn't really going to happen yeah like I thought I would wake up from a dream or you're like we'll deal with this in s months it's yeah pretty much eight months because you guys well seven and a half months but um you guys were early obviously a lot of triplets come early um not enough room for three thank God you were all good and healthy and yeah like the episode we talked about it before they they said a lot can go wrong yeah and then until a few weeks like a month goes by then it's like this is happening yeah damn like wow I just never knew anyone that had triplets so to me I just couldn't understand how I got picked for this special journey of how many people did you know that had triplets until you had Tri how about you Dad did you know any triplets um no I knew like twins but not triplet well you're a twin right but they you know what it is firstand experience when we went to um followup doctor's appointments they always asked what type of invitro did you guys do and like a lot of even nurses and doctors were surprised because they don't see a lot of like spontaneous triplets where you don't have any assistants getting like pregnant stuff yeah that's Insanity holy [ __ ] damn that's what I said holy [ __ ] three kids I don't think yeah I wouldn't have been able to handle that information at all yeah I had a lot of support I think a lot of people that we told were just as shocked but um along the journey we just we were just incredibly lucky blessed fortunate whatever word you want to use and you guys just continue to amaze us so yes blessings just it was like a side show everywhere we went it was pretty funny like restaurants and stuff people look at yeah that's me and Nick wrote that down on our list of things to bring up like what's like the craziest thing out in public like you guys experience like like like having like a Triple Decker [ __ ] bab stroller yeah like what like do you guys recall memories where like you just felt like you're being like looked at or like people were just all the it was all the time time that's crazy cuz you get three babies and everyone's looking at you like oh they must be triplets and it's like yeah well think about like your excitement like even we were at the bowling alley the other day and there was a cute baby and mom was like excited to see the cute baby and then imagine three babies like all at once like people get excited when they're in public and there's just one baby and you would dress the like for like a short amount of time but not like over the top like when you're in school and stuff we knew way too many twins at school that would like come to school and like opposing Stripes like one of them was in like red and green the other one was in like green and red all right no no if you guys had the same clothes it was because someone gave us a gift yeah like we wouldn't buy three of the same I needed to get more clothes out of it if I you all had the same then how could I switch it around right yeah you did a good job making our outfits I see our outfits of when we were little and I'm like all right we had better style when Mom dressed us as like kids than we do now I agree yeah we had really great little outfits when we like years no you guys dress good but you know people gave a lot of gifts too it's you know it's exciting to dress three little babies and yes and then we had Justin always behind the stroller trying to put help me push it um and he was you know yeah just was trying to be really strong push it and help me out a lot um so like looking what was Justin's reaction like who told him he was going to have three brothers like and how did that go down do you remember Jimmy uh he was no not really I think he was just on board and just kept telling him oh you're going to have some brothers coming on and he's just like just so happy he was six seven when we were born yeah but like when he was probably told he was just excited he wanted a brother or a sister or baby brother and then to say three I mean he was like cool now I have more well he was probably happiest when you guys started walking around and likeu when you're like actually like laying in the bed there just a thought he's like okay just tell me what happened yeah like when they can talk to me and we can do something again I'll join the conversation exct yeah like when they can do my Legos with me then we'll have I'm not changing any diapers so just once it's done then it's done yeah you guys were taking up a lot of my time so I'm sure he was probably like one of these guys going to grow up change their own diapers looking looking back on the day we were born from like now could you have predicted at all what it was like raising triplets and another kid just like four kids at once and three of them being triplets like could you have predicted what like growing up would be like asp for us like did you feel like like I'm trying to think of how to word the question better like I I'm confused it was literally one day at a time that's how you had to you couldn't even look ahead at all yeah like there was times when like to just me say I wanted to just sit with Chris and hold them like it was just almost like impossible to have downtime with like it was always something like going on in the time just putting out fires all the time pretty much I just think as a mom I just get I got really worried that I wouldn't have enough time for each and every one of you yeah um one of my favorite memories was like I would hold this show is sponsored by better help the holidays are a great time to give to others and a great time to give to yourself so whether it's by starting therapy going easier on yourself during the tough moments or treating yourself to a day of complete rest remember to give yourself some love this holiday season therapy can be the gift that keeps on giving with its many benefits it's helpful for learning positive coping skills how to set boundaries and empowers you to be the best version of yourself in the season of giving give yourself what you need with better help visit betterhelp.com cut camera today to get 10% off your first month that's betterhelp hp.com SL cut camera two of you in my arms right and then I would put one in the bouncy seat and I would use my feet you're playing right I be like yeah and bounce you all and be like hi hi hi hi you know just trying to give you all attention I thought that I would never ever ever have free time again like I thought my whole life for the rest of my life would be taking care of you guys um obviously those those were just feelings of emotions and overwhelming overwhelmingness but um I just hoped that you always we both hoped that you'd always be friends I picture that you would always get along I which was a big ask right and you and you especially when somebody's got a personality like Nick's in the group yeah right I didn't anticipate that because keep in mind Nick was not always The Grouchy no I'm grouchy now Nick was like my side Ki I mean Nick and I were really really Inseparable I have to say it was like uh it was great cuz I feel like growing up with you Dad and Justin it was kind of like each of us had a perfect match like Matt would always do the most with Dad I felt like me and you always did the most together and then Chris would always do the most with Justin like we each had like a supervisor I guess special person yes I mean we changed it up but I mean yeah it was definitely but I just had hoped that you would always get along and stay close to home that was how I pictured it because that's that's how I was raised we just pretty much stayed close to home right so did that answer the question yeah that answer the question I wasn't I was confused by the question what was like your biggest fear after triplets like what could have what could have been the worst case scenario after born question we already here and arrived be like oh worst fear that's every parent's worst fear is that something bad will happen to their child yeah that health is you health healthy it's just help I mean that it's all you can hope for you know that is that started with Justin and it never went away like but I I feel like I'm not even talking about it with enough respect because each parent that is their biggest fear right that something would happen to their child yeah did you guys recall like any memories of like when we were out in public or anything where you like misplaced the triplet like cuz you just had so much going on like I remember like when I was in Target with Justin when I was like eight and I like ran down the aisle whatever like when you us three were like little little and irresponsible what was it like to like bring us to stores or like a restaurant like how on T did you have to be to like make sure we were all in line around yeah like do you have any memories of like one of us like walking away and like you like being like where is my other child for a second like I me I never lost a child mom did more stuff with you like in stores and stuff cuz yeah the stores were the hardest because you would want to go look at something and I'd be like start walking and then I might be like oh shoot yeah Mom and if Mom and I were together really no issues just like if Mom was along with you guys and like yeah it's three against one oh Matt got away or Chris got away but I would bring Grandma Grandma's was always with me so CU Grandma's on top of it all oh yeah I just remember Grandma's on top of everything I just remember we used to like make it so much harder cuz one of our favorite things to do as kids was hide from you like I vividly I vividly remember I was I was going to say the story yesterday like when we were at the beach in the cape and we were all swimming in the ocean and then I got out of the water and didn't tell anyone and ran back to the playground in the car and grabbed my towel and I was just drying off like 40 ft behind you guys and then you guys all were like the ocean remember I don't remember you public be remember and then I saw you guys like all like all realize that I was gone and like saw you all started to panic and I was like I'm over here you thought do I do not remember that at all I remember I remember seeing all of you and Justin looking for me for I have no clue that's craziness I remember just hiding in like coat racks every single time we' go to R just under the coat rack and jump out at strangers I remember one of our favorite games to play like walking outside with Mom would be like to running to like the nearest tree and hiding behind it and trying to scare even though you knew we were behind you see us go hide it' like the one time where I was like oh maybe she doesn't know where I am cuz I like try to make a distraction or something yeah no you guys never really tricked me but I know sorry you should have done better you well though I thought I did up until this moment heartbroken right now I'm devastating devastating yeah Chris is a magician for a period of time yeah yeah I think the beach was definitely the hardest part because I can't swim as you all know and um so if you wanted to go into the water I dad would need to be there yeah because pools and stuff I'm sorry or pools and stuff that's one of my favorite memories of when we were in um freaking what's it called Vermont and I was swimming with my head down with my floaties and Dad thought I was drowning remember that that was I was swimming with floaties is that when he jumped in and he jumped in fully clothed with your phone and wallet head was down yeah I was swimming with floaties on my head like this and Dad thought I was drowning myself so he jumped you did jump in I remember that I could see myself jumping in yeah I kind of like I don't really I remember that yeah the water is what would be the most scary for me so funny CU it's just off limits to you for helping totally off limits cuz then if one of us are drowning yeah the thing is drown too my bad yeah I'd always look for one of those like floaty things at the pool so I could you could throw it at throw it at you grab that you like if you jumped in to save us you'd essentially drown yourself absolutely there'd be no point yeah no point um DN I I might try but I feel like you could figure out how to swim if you were drowning maybe just like I feel like you got under any circumstance swiming isn't that hard you don't think so no you have zero hope dad in mom swimming mom's not swimming wow you tried to learn no too much fear I've taken swimming lessons I've I done it all but I've just too much bear at this point yeah you're never going to drown it takes so much I always tell mom when she goes to a pool like a three foot 4ot pool just try to swim with feet off the ground you know it takes almost more effort to drown than it does to swim that's insane that's true I'm going to believe you on that not test it if you're in deep water for x amount of time yeah like you're in like if you're in water with no Escape for hours Let's respect the water if you're in a pool okay posidon if you're in a pool that's why I'm called sit there need nothing beat when mom fell out of the robo and thought she was drowning and she just all she had to do is stand up to get out of the water two feet right that that was pretty fun question what's like the craziest next question what's like the craziest gadgets you guys had like made or had because there was three of us Triple Decker stroller or like what are like the most ridiculous you even buy a Triple Decker stroller we actually got that from another triplet family oh wow yeah that was that was a really cool thing it was like a donation cuz I became part of an organization and the word gets out when your triplets and you kind of find each other we made the news we made it big yeah we made Ito Peg pero or something or something parade um that causes a lot of attention Drive um staring one of those down one of the three three people's strollers crazy but what beyond that like were there like a triple bottle feeder or something crazy I doubt it wow you should have warned me that you were going to make me think about all this I would have pulled out the baby books wasn't I feel like there was so much everything I mean like baby bottles right we had a I was constantly washing baby bottles like you know those little yellow hoodie things that you wore at the beach like we had to buy three of them and you look like three little duckies and then like everything was in threes but you can't really plan too much either you kind kind of get a con like a plan going into the day MH but it could be out the window as soon as you get did you ever have like a um I um like a a baby like holder thing like the backpacks and stuff I I did I tried that too I tried to be a hit mom I have one picture with one of you on the thing but that's it that was it um just no yeah I feel like also having a child on you is like way more obstructing to the other two right like you can't do much I couldn't you just need extra pair of hands it was people we had people with us all the time we had a lot lots of friends and such always had friends with me you know I mean Tina was always with us and she would be an extra hand and like I said Grandma everyone Maria Helen any I would grab anyone I'd grab complete strangers like yeah they grab him r k i remember being in a pizza place once and like one of the things that always happened to me is I would think I would think that another grown adult was one of you guys oh yeah yeah I remember hugging some guy in like a shirt at Mar at like a pizza place and I thought it was Dad and I was like and he was like holding my head and like pushing anyway and I was like Dad why won't you hug me I'm like yelling at this guy and it's not dad then he looks up and no nothing beachs one time I backpedal into a pole and thought it was Dad I was at like a restaurant and there was like a big pole like a at this thing and I was like walking and I like went to lean on the pole and I turn around about to hug this pole thinking it was Dad and it was a a pole nothing beat when dad ordered from a trash can at McDonald that was good always reminds me of the trash with like the extra spout cuz it was yeah any remember that I just did it to make you guys laugh no way um what are your favorite memories from like Hobbies or sports that we had as kids like when we like first started like I'll let you go Jimmy aot was the one that was kind of like you guys weren't really crazy like big so I always felt like the hockey was like a little nerve-wracking when you guys went into the corners and stuff yeah Matt I was burying kids Matt was an animal in hockey I remember like he would just get you know to a point where he was just getting mad and madder and then Matt would just snap and then I'd look over and he's in the Penalty Box CU he just like I took out a lot of my early frustration in hockey yeah for sure I would get a penalty every game I was burying kids like absolutely illegally like illegal in the sport of hockey but I never played hockey so I don't I didn't know the game like I knew the game but I didn't really skate when I was younger you guys got into hockey cuz Justin played hockey yeah but Sports was always great I always wanted you guys to what about when you guys took us to like free skate and Nick and Nick was just not having it that was funny that's my favorite video of me ever it's like it's like a glimpse of me now as a kid like I was every time the camera panned over Nick sitting on the milk the milk crate like so mad like hum in his gloves we have to find in that video I remember there's a video I think Justin was recording from the bleachers during free skate and he recorded me like while I'm getting off the eyes he's like oh Nick's quitting right now you can see him me like angrily skating and I couldn't skate well so it took me like 10 minutes to get yeah but then you I remember that really clearly because you started taking and I was like Nikki what's wrong honey you and you're like I threw a glove and then you took your gloves off and oh he's throwing his gloves off I think he's done I think after that day and until I played hockey again when we were in like seventh grade or sixth grade after that day at freee I did not touch anything to do with hockey for like six years like that was the biggest Grudge I held as a kid yeah you I never tried hockey again for like even dad like you were like our baseball coach too a lot of years like how did you separate like favoritism to your kids on the team well I got into it because of Justin yeah and I got in because I wanted I didn't want Justin to not play CU he might not have but Justin held his own I just was there and then it felt like I was a little league coach forever because as soon as Justin went and got went through Little League then you guys were going through and I was like wow I'm like a 12E co-chair you need like a citizen I got a plaque for like being there that's hilar yeah I you know just talking about it really gives me warm feelings in my heart because I felt pretty special like being there and people would be like oh there's the mom of the triplets and like hockey games baseball games people would notice that there would be three St last names and people would be like yeah that was funny with hockey with your names on the back all this St Old St old like people would just think the same Kids likeed By Me This I also I remember getting like penalties in sports and it was Matt like Matt would hit someone and they blow the whistle be like oh s in The Penalty Box they'd grab me and we would all laugh at The Stance because we knew and then I got somebody else and then I'm getting another I remember I remember Chris was the fastest in hot like really fast but he couldn't really like stop like really good at the beginning so we'd go all the way down the other end of the ice and like smash into the board that's how I would just stop is I need something in my way whether very very coordinated so even if he wiped out he'd get right back up like it never even happened he made it look so good I also remember I remember Matt getting such crazy penalties when we were younger that like he would literally get a penalty that would require like two people punishment like the coach have to pick another kid to also go with them move in the game that like they were like okay penalty for that kid and Sh and i' would like poke my holes like both put my fingers through their like scratch their nose weird no the one memory I remember is like when we had that the tournaments every year and we like it was like the end of the game like it was literally third period like 30 seconds left and like buried some kid he starts punching Matt and then the ref dragged Matt by his jersey and then we were supposed to get in line to like shake hands and Matt like throws his helmet throws his mouth guard and was like see you and like skated off the ice we had a lot we had a really good the once the ref touched me I was like yeah I'm I'm done yeah there were a couple of times that was kind of like oh boy this isn't good right now yeah but most of the time you guys were I think I got suspended twice in hockey hockey's a different animal though they should just let the little kids punch each other I could have never no one going to cause that much D I would not I'd want revenge right away so I'd be spending the entire game in The Penalty Box prob me too like you know what I mean so baseball and basketball didn't have those problems and then I had the I think a lot of the reasons why I had a lot of penalties playing hockey is cuz I was defense and the other person I was defense with who was a girl and she would always get like hit and buried push and I was like I I was like I had to do something it just like I remember when I nailed some girl on the other team cuz I thought it was like I I didn't I was just playing equal I thought it was like no she was a big girl though she was like yeah and I I checked her bad and one from the other team was like our popular opinion though like if there's a sport where like checking is involved like check come on she's out there she wants to play there's been a lot want to play you got to pay yeah correct and that's coming from a woman of want to dance let's dance put the dancing shoes on put your Dan on at what growing up what age it was good though um when did you start to notice us being individuals and like having individual hobbies and interests cuz like when we were little kids and we were doing everything like with you before school and stuff it was difficult to like Express individual activities cuz we were just doing everything together right um I'll take that one first Jimmy because I'm thinking at Middle School like theater you did the oh God theater and your brothers didn't I only did that to be with my friend I know but but it was a thing but that was a thing um well even sports like me and Matt just played you and Matt continued Nick didn't really want to you started being more Brave and going to friend's house without your brothers which was kind of different cuz up until then you all three did things together MH I think Nick was the first one to really show his independence that makes a lot of sense yes this show is sponsored by better help the holidays are a great time to give to others and a great time to give to yourself so whether it's by starting therapy going easy on yourself during the tough moments or treating yourself to a day of complete rest remember to give yourself some love this holiday season therapy can be the gift that keeps on giving with its many benefits it's helpful for learning positive coping skills how to set boundaries and empowers you to be the best version of yourself better help is entirely online and designed to be convenient flexible and suited to your schedule if you're thinking of giving therapy a try check out better heal just fill out a brief questionnaire to get match with a licensed therapist and switch therapists at any time for no additional charge in the season of giving give yourself what you need with better help visit betterhelp.com cuta today to get 10% off your first month that's betterhelp hp.com cut camera yeah I feel like it was just like I didn't align with the same Hobbies as Matt and Chris so it was like when we were when we were doing [ __ ] as kids that we were all doing it was just like I did not want to be partaking right I I mean then in high school Nick did the I mean Chris did the drum line no one else did music but you both did cross awesome I can't believe I like performed and [ __ ] front of the school like times I feel like we did an equal amount together as much as like alone cuz thinking about it like having like this holiday season is the perfect time to give yourself a gift of a new hobby like learning a new language with Babble you can start speaking a new language in 3 weeks just in time to impress your friends and family during the holidays instead of paying hundreds of dollars for private tutors gift yourself babbles quick 10-minute lessons which are designed by over 150 language experts Babble is designed to help you have real conversations ations with tips and tools that are approachable accessible based in real life situations and delivered with conversation-based teaching you can practice talking about your favorite holiday traditions meals movies and other conversation topics sure to impress at the Holiday party here's a special limited time deal for our listeners to get you started right now get 55% off your Babel subscription but only for our listeners at babel.com triplets get 55% off at babel.com triplets spelled b a BB l.com triplets rules and restrictions May apply like it's like it sounds kind of funny cuz we're ask like we did ask about like when do we show like individuality and we're like talking about high school and middle school but it genuinely is like we didn't do anything alone no it like middle and high school like the three of us really did every single thing together for the long time I didn't do and we still do and then y start do you guys regret not doing certain things in High School like activities um the only thing I regret about high school is going as much as I knew he was going to say that yeah going going to high school I you can't regret that I wish I was more disrespectful to message out there in hindsight I wish I yelled at say that all I'm saying is like if a teacher was like like I just don't like when I and I always I always feel bad talking [ __ ] about teachers cuz teach teachers work hard teachers work really hard you work in a school right I'm not a teacher but teachers and it's like I think of like there's some teachers out there that are really really great and really really awesome but like I I've never understood the authority of like adults deserve respect if it's not going both ways like say if you're not showing your students respect you can't expect it just because you're the teacher so I wish I push back more on that and I would argue with every single teacher ever I remember getting said to the I've gotten like three substitute teachers fired from the school teachers got it's not my proudest moment but it's wor Nick probably a lot of the time it was just like I would not I could not put up for teachers just like abusing their power of being a teacher and not like yeah I agree with you Nick and I I definitely agree that do you find most of the male teachers will like that more of them yeah like more of the yeah my chemistry teacher I'm not going to name names my chemistry teacher was my least probably my arguably one of my least favorite humans to Grace the earth I honestly think I honestly think I I don't know if this is good to say but honestly think women teach is more patient 100% well I think it's a lot of like the mother instinct is 100% so it's like there's always it's also like it's also like I just think it's like parenting is essentially just like like you're it's I mean not parenting teaching is just like parenting in a sense you're just parenting a lot of kids and it's like if the teachers there's two people like the adults you learn from growing up are your real parents and then teachers in school like they literally go hand inand so I feel like teachers don't understand that they're actually like impacting this child's life just as equivalently as their parents you know what I mean like my life lessons I've learned from adults have been from teachers and my parents and that's it and imagine what some teachers like that teach young children the stories may they must have about like the little kids they say like everything so a lot of the things that a kid that's going on in the kid's life they find out through the mother finds out through the teacher or the parent finds out the hey he's talking about like some Stu like maybe substance abuse and Stu like that and then they that raises some flags for like the kids but I also just think of what makes me laugh is how easy it is to be like a kindergarten teacher like it takes more or not easy but it takes I'm talking easy academic wise it takes more of an effort yeah it takes more of an effort to be a good person and like you need more about like psychological stuff of like knowing how kids function like it's more important to know about kids than it is the actual academic stuff as a kindergarten teacher right they can tell a lot about the kid like what's going on in the kid just by little little what seems like a little task to you being school like if a kid can't figure out the most basic little things then it raises a flag to the teacher like right but social and emotional learning starts in kindergarten so a teacher has to be tuned in to how a student learns you're right not doing trigonometry in I never went kindergarten I never went to preschool or kindergarten I started school in first grade that's crazy that's insane what does that explain to you that explains it what does that what does that explain to you that was just being fresh sorry what did that get for you I I will say I vividly remember calling a lot of my teacher's mom growing up Yeah by accident that happened to me a lot oh Mom it's not your mom like oh you're not my mother I hated school man I really well no it's just not chemistry teacher I hat I'm like trying to think of like the positives of like learning and like all the experiences I've had and I truly like I think it's also like a mindset and it's like a kid's going to learn more if they want to be doing something regardless and if they don't you know what I mean like I I never wanted to be in school and I would go into school in a negative light and like even if the teacher there were so many times they'd be like oh do you get it and I'd be like no just cuz I didn't want to I fully got what was going on I just wanted to be like I you wanted to Rebel should be more cuz it gets to the point when like when like a teacher forces something so much it's like now guess what I'll never even give you the light of day of even acknowledging the fact that I even considered learning that like I'll make like I will intentionally not learn and be like okay what's up you're a trash teacher I can't learn anything like here what I think is there should be more like basic math classes than like other classes that you'll never use I agree so if you're in school they should teach you like basic life things that you're going to do in your life you get out of schol balance a checkbook how to do all this other stuff and one of the things like if you're in a trade in the school and you start learning electrical and all that stuff in like high school that that's a very good thing yeah but if you're learning like stuff like and I don't want to say like history's bad but it's like I forgot a lot of the stuff I learned in history and also they teach you the wrong parts of History like every single history teacher teaches you like what you have to learn textbook wise and leave so much stuff out all I'm saying is I argued with my I argued with like my Junior and Senior year math teacher more than anyone in the world saying I'm not paying attention and I'm not doing this because it is I'm never going to use this the second I graduate and I never looked at any of the equations I've learned either one of those years ever again since it all comes down to Simply like how the dynamic between the teacher and the students were and if like you created a good relationship with your students if you create a relationship with your students you could teach them anything and they'd be willing to listen it's just a matter of that there was teachers that would like strictly be just like work work work work work and not care about you and then that's the teacher that you don't want to listen to right and um just to kind of conclude and move on right um because we're not here to bash the public school system and I think it's really important you know as your mom and and I'm obviously always worried about what people think right like you don't want your message out there especially with your audience to be like school sucks you know screw your teachers don't do this that's not the message you want to convey right because clearly although the three of you hated school you were learning something whether you knew it or not I mean you're three fine young gentlemen and dad and I did the best we could but you were influenced by your teachers as well those who respected you those who built a relationship with you and that's when you said the word Rel relationship it's all about relationship and in today's world where things are so hard you guys went to school during Co you know shut down it was a hard time people need to remember that you need to take care of people's heart first Y and if you don't take care of your heart you're not going to learn and that's why you were shutting those people off right I also feel like going to school as a triplet and also having an older brother that priorly went to the school was like a whole thing cuz it was like the SEC like being treated as like one human being was like and then also getting compared to Nick and Matt like I always felt like stupid if I was like like if we if I had the same teacher as Chris and I like wasn't doing my home like teach oh your brother got [ __ ] you dude like you're a goofball you know what I mean that's not cool yeah ask another question yes yeah no one of my favorite things is like when when when when Middle School teachers are like that [ __ ] won't slide in high school and it's like that [ __ ] in high school it's like SL okay this water par I feel like we're too deep now we're getting to we're good we're good okay these next two questions we might have to cut out but answer as freely as you want and don't name names but without saying a name did we have a friend that you did not like when we were growing up like a friend that you were like oh I hope they stop hanging out with them and just don't say like their flat name but like you can hint to us who it is I had a friend no you guys had a friend whose parent was a little bit more free uh with rules than we were and I didn't feel you were supervised very well there so you really wanted to go a lot of times and I didn't feel 100% comfortable okay Dad I love all your friends I really now that that's the segue like no I'm I'm trying I'm trying to picture who the wise guy was at the house that I'm like Mom's thinking of I can't really I don't know it wasn't so much that the wise guy came to our house they wanted to go to his house house yeah and you were like and I was like well okay who's going to be there I think I have I think I have a guess yeah we'll we'll guess after guess after yeah other I mean you had really good friends speaking of next question was going to just be which of our friends do you think like build like it was easy for us growing up like your parents like you guys understood like the individual like having triplets and being like in or having a life alongside triplets whether it's a friendship or parent or a brother is a difficult task so it's like you guys being our parents and Justin being our brother naturally started you guys off with like the op being in the position to have the ability to understand Dynamic of like having triplets or being around triplets easily so it's like yes exactly so which friends do you think came into our life that were just like either great friends or you think adapted well to being friends with three different people that come in a group of three yeah I think most of your friends adapted really well I mean am I naming names here Chloe was always a great friend Chloe was I knew dad was going to say chlo Chloe was awesome I mean you always had a lot of friends yeah um and think about if a friend comes over to our house it's three more friends they have and they're not going to someone's house where it's just like one for so it's like they got to know each and every one of you you know God they had so many good friends but growing up you had a lot of girl most a lot of your friends were girls I think I also like didn't really make them myself I kind of let that be there Nick used to make a majority of our friends and then we just like get along like me and Matt were so close growing up that like cuz Nick always isolated himself from me and Matt so like so when me and me and Matt would always get along very well so we really feel like like didn't feel the need to reach out to new friends and then Nick kind of feeling like outside or like alone sometimes I think made him like reach out to new friends and then me and Matt just became friends with whatever Nick was cuz it was like Matt and Chris were hanging out with each other and then they were hanging out with like the guys that like sports and stuff those were not my interests so it's like at school and like most of our friendships for plans we made uh like I would say even to this day other than like La cuz LA's different we're grown but like all the friends we've made that were in Boston were just like mostly from me yeah for sure yeah some level even Nathan I was on Nathan talk before Matt and Chris oh wow that's and then I made I was friends with Nathan for like only two months before Matt and Chris were his friends right you asked me to become friends withth parents because you wanted to be friends with Nathan yes yeah n on board for the duration yeah sure and Nathan became friends with all three of you yeah I remember I think I only went to Nathan's house once and then I was sold and I was like Matt and Chris you have to come with me next time yeah and then there was really no one friend that you kept all to yourself nobody like birthday parties right nobody was just going to invite you it was invite all three except for some people some people want to just inv there was very very very very very few one there was one girl that she invited just me to her birthday party and then yeah I was the only triplet that never got individually invited to a birthday party yeah you know what there that was an odd situation because I was sort of like there a girl that invited just Nick to our party and there was this did you really want to go no I didn't care but I just felt left yeah I know what you saying yeah that was funny as [ __ ] yeah that was kind well you got to keep in mind though like say people had like three of us they had a budget and they're like oh I'm close you're on a budget and you pick one you're picking three it wasn't easy and like say they were doing a movie birthday party MH and they were going to just pick like four of your best friends yeah if they pick three of you you know you're all one of the craziest things to me was when like one of our our friends when we were younger had a birthday party at like a concert and like it was literally I remember she told her mom like it was an ultimatum of like you can bring your cousins or the triplets cuz there's so many of both of them so it's like it's like such a weird thing where it's like since there was three of us to start it was like a lot of people had to pick between like even like that's why we always like and we always talk about the minivan like how we film videos in the minivan but it was like the minivan we've had forever and it's like a staple and like a it's like a family car when you have triplets it's like if you were taking us somewhere after school and dad was at work and you were picking up me Matt and Chris and say you had Justin that's already five seats in the car but we kids on the floor and stuff I know we would just have people like come on come on yeah but it was like I just think like if we wanted to hang out with a friend and like their mom if someone's and that's why I feel like we also like you were so close to our friends growing up and like always doing stuff with us is cuz we couldn't go with other people's parents cuz they didn't have accommodations for three kids it definitely our van we just loaded up yeah yeah like I have vivid memories so do I I have memories of being in the trunk with some kids and me and him are sitting next like across from each other just talking the whole time everyone else is in the front of the car me in the trun you have to say that chis me and Chris were always the first three kids to sit in the illegal seat you know what I mean he made sure other people's kids were seed and it was like me Chris enjoyed it and we were okay with it it's something we had to do you just reminded me of one other situation that I kind of had a they had to make an exception for us you know parent teacher conferences you're only supposed to have like 10 minutes per student cuz the teacher so I would get like a half hour a half hour and be like o but that's cuz I'd be like okay let's talk about Chris okay let's talk about Matt that's that was one of my questions is like was there a time in school where like you and Dad would get together and look at our report cards and be like oh my God like one of them's falling behind like like did you ever have like a reaction to like negative report cards or like like what how did you even handle like having one of us fall behind in school or like a negative experience in school just hoping to keep you float like in school you know cuz we kind of knew like you didn't like it but it's like you know the spe the best you can like and then I remember homework was I probably got some early gray hairs from homework I remember cuz you just wouldn't do it I never this is a fun fact and I said this on a podcast helpful yeah like Dad I feel like you did a lot for us like in school and then after school with our friends and that was more of like your aspect but I feel like when it came to homework it was mostly Dad when I think of doing homework I think of doing homework with that yeah because he would at the kitchen table at the kitchen not even I remember one time we I had a spelling be in or spelling test in second grade and the words were so simple it was like or maybe it was first grade it was definitely first grade and the words was like ship and like boat and like four-letter words and I remember b t e I remember I remember dad printed out like the spelling like the spelling words and he would Meers all hid in like different parts of the living room and he would couldn't he would read down the list and we had to spell them while we were like alone and since we were hiding from each other so we didn't cheat off each other I remember I took one of the papers before and I wrote in Sharpie on the clipboard that I was using all the words and then I wrote I did it and I like got them all right and then dad looked at my clipboard and every single word was in Sharpie on my clip I think we still have the clipboard at the house yeah there's a clipboard at the house the word ship on it and I was like fun [ __ ] ever yeah homework was hard um reading you know we used to like reading time but then that kind of faded away and I couldn't understand it because I loved school yeah I love school I love reading and none of my kids were Scholars it's for sure a teacher it's for sure a teacher thing though cuz like even like I'm I've been out of school now for like three years and now I'm starting to like actually enjoy reading and writing so it's like there's a lot of weird Scholars it's 100% careful what you wish for you know what I mean I agree like I find the people with the most like degrees like annoying strange no zero common sense I work with no that is that is true zero yeah I do agree like there's like Street Smart which is like a bad way to put it but it's just like soci you guys are definitely City smart and then there's like education smart like I can't [ __ ] but I know like not to [ __ ] cross the street exactly like you might not know there's someone who could like change a heart organ and like do heart surgeries but don't even know how to [ __ ] order breakfast well I remember I remember I literally vividly remember the one of the girls that was that we were friends with that got the best grades in like the whole school and like was in the best classes and we were like walking around near our house and there was like broken glass on like a construction site and she's like crossing the street without looking and like her Fe her and she's like barefoot walking in like glass I'm like you're dumb like you're like you're not using your head and it's like the girl with like the best grades in the school making poor decisions out and like or like just people who are just like disrespectful to like even waiters and stuff like you can I say you could tell everything about a person by how they treat a waiter if you're out to eat in a restaurant I think that's you can tell everything about a person and I think a lot of what we learn you learn early in life and you learn from your parents and not everything that's really important is learned in school I agree how to treat people with respect yeah you got to be learning that right that's the number one thing for me respect yeah yeah you treat people the way you want to be treated and you have like Common Sense yeah you can do wonderful things in life you have no common sense and you treat people like [ __ ] you're [ __ ] out of lock cuz I remember honestly vividly like having bad report cards and you as you were making sure just as long as you were trying our hardest you're getting a you're getting a and to be honest mom I was never trying my hardest I never like I think if I went to school and tried my hardest and put my full capability into it I my grades would have been A's a a like I would maybe that's why we would get so frustrated because we also knew like I would fully admit that there was definitely more I could have done sometimes by far okay mom's little stressed outy let me get this one right well the best thing is a parent that if another parent or adult comes up to you and tells us that you guys are great it's the best feeling in the world I also remember at parent teacher conferences like our teachers always have nice things to say about us they just be like oh they're not doing good on the actual lessons in class and I can live with that yeah I can really I mean look where we are my kids respectful and nice and then really not into the work it's like okay we were never the kind of parents that were like okay you have to go to college because I mean I went to college right but you know how that all thing goes I came from immigrant parents Grandpa didn't even go to my college graduation he was just like you should be working full-time I don't know why you going to college so so I wasn't raised with like you can all I was raised with you have to work hard yeah and you guys are working hard yeah same with my family too right hard father just we come from a different generation and not everyone that goes to college now is doing as well as you guys do so there's different ways now to I just think of it's about who you are if you think going to college will benefit you it probably will if you think college won't benefit you you it probably won't you know the best about what situation you should get yourself into and that's why I never say decide to take classes someday yeah and you guys can't make that decision when you're in sixth and seventh and eth grade we have to make it so you at least you're on board for like till like and that's why that's why I'll never say like even though M Chris didn't go to college and we don't want to or I don't want to now I would never say like to someone who's going to college like oh you're making a bad move because it's like that's probably the better move for you everyone's more aware of what they need than anyone else there's no cookie cutter solution right so I'll turn it around and ask you guys a question okay um how do you think your life turned out based on what you put into it in your 19 years 20 well you're 20 now but up leading up until this year I would say like for me just like the the I think that I got shaped mostly into Who I Am by working at like a the grocery store and like actually working a job and respecting like like the dollar bill as well like knowing like having a sense of money was always huge like we were never spoiled growing up we had what we needed and like I was super grateful for everything that I received and I feel like even me Matt Nick not having like the latest smartphone and like even you guys having to support for three children like like is at the exact same time as well like I always knew like like if you just bought me a new pair of pants and like Matt a new pair of pants and Nick a new pair of pants I'm like obviously mom and dad would get me like a hoodie that I want but they just had to buy all their kids clothes as well so like even just growing up like that and like like I like I I never I think it helps us stay humble as well cuz even like having nowadays like making like more money and stuff than like the a majority of the average of like the US which is like insane to even think of like M Matt and Nick are in a very like lucky fortunate spot but it's never something that I never thought would happen like I've fully had faith in but you know you're not going to take advantage of like exactly you understand how what it is to do the because like some people that like grow up like spoiled and then like go into straight into like the Creator influencer famous space and like have tons of money are like extremely rude cuz they never know what it's even like to we've even had friends here that we've talked to that have also like been in a position of like they worked for a while in their life and now they're doing like what they're doing and we talk about people that we've met that literally have the same situation as me Matt and Chris like they were just growing up living and like they understand the value of a dollar and then they have a lot of money now and like will like somehow manage to like completely be disrespectful and just like not understand where they came from and it's like for you to completely forget about how different like I always just think of like if when I was 14 or even like 12 what I would think of if I had what I had now or if I was where I was now because that's what I always wanted to do so it's just crazy seeing people in like similar positions to me Matt and Chris just be extremely ungrateful for what they have it's also like I'm a firm believer of like like like money is obviously something good that I want but it's not like like it's not everything you know what I mean like I find happiness in things that aren't fancy clothes and spending money and having yeah you guys are definitely warming my heart right now cuz that's what we wanted well cuz it's also just perspective too right like growing up like being um like like just growing up and being friends with literally anybody we would go to some friends's houses that lived in like crazy houses and like had elaborate things and like their parents always had their house all like nice whatever and then we go to some people's houses that didn't have as much as us or as much as those people so it would be like we were always in perspective like we were friends with anybody no matter the position they were in in life so it just seeing like the people with like less that we were growing up with used seem to be our happier and better friends than the people who had everything they needed so it's just ironic cuz it's like you think that like like there's like a clear and cut difference between people we'd hang out with back then of like they had everything or they didn't have as much and it just shows like you could tell you could tell that from just like a day of their actions right and so what I wanted to bring up was going back to to like school like did you and Dad feel more comfortable like sending us to school cuz we were triplets like knowing we weren't alone like even not even just school but even like summer camp well I'm just going to relate it to coming out here yeah if one if we had a Singleton whatever and he came out to LA would be like worried yeah in the fact that you guys are out here like my I can die tomorrow and be happy cuz you guys are like friends and together you know and even getting older too and you you may go your separate ways maybe who knows but it's like for now it's like I know you together and it's very confiding for me to know that you cuz I remember even growing up the only wish that you guys had was that the three of us were friends and would get along out of anything to this day moving forward I know Matt didn't answer his question I heard your question and then as they answered I was just soaking at and I forgot the question what was the question I think the question was what something about question it something about like the first 19 years of your life like how does how does that um reflecting back on it now would you have done anything differently that was the question what was um reflecting back on on where you are now be different and what would you do well I feel like their answers was sort of like the money route but like for me I was like I wouldn't I don't regret anything I think that there was more of like just I I I let one day in [ __ ] like 2014 affect like six years of my life which was a little upsetting but I don't regret that cuz now I'm way more comfortable with like [ __ ] going on perod stuff happens and you just persevere you know and yeah and what happens to you and I said this to you it this week it shapes who you are for sure and I'm just to to say the word humble is one of my favorite words and that's what we always Dad and I always say stay humble and you are because if I callar says that too by the way yes he wraps it I love that I love that I love that song but um if I were to go up to one of you guys and say hey someone I know needs some help right now you've done it and I know you'd do it again yeah right and that it makes us so proud yeah even if you have it rough like growing up or whatever and you persevere and something else comes up that's really hard to deal with you've dealt with it so you know if you've grown up with being taken care of and like spoiled and stuff and something comes up that's kind of stressful you don't know how to deal with that well you don't appreciate it so I know they want to ask us a question but whatever you have today can be taken away in a second always remember like I've even like I've even had friends out here that like obviously like everyone out here that's doing crazy things making a decent amount of money like I like I'll go to someone's house and then it's like as I'm at their house they have like a cleaning lady going to do their laundry and then and they're like you have your mom and then it's like yeah and then it's like I like I like I do my Nick and Chris's laundry and then they're like oh you could like I know like you could definitely afford to do that and you do so much laundry like you're doing all three of those but like even something as simple as like coming home Nick doing our dishes and me doing the laundry it kind of like just it's like [ __ ] youing nothing but like I feel like even that like yeah it's like something that we could afford but I feel like I'll never want to like get too extra with like right right something you can do yourself why would I have someone it's the way I grew up I'm never going to pay someone to wash dirty clothes I wore you know what I mean don't be afraid to have strong work ethic yeah bottom line um I know our life changed a lot when we started YouTube but what changed for you guys since then like when we did YouTube like our life obviously projected took a crazy turn but there's like everyone around us was also affected so like what would you say um the biggest fear was where is this going mhm is this going to last are they going to be disappointed for me I'm speaking for me no at the very beginning it was kind of like like it seemed unbelievable like a pipe dream like it's a phase or whatever and then when you started no really when you like started getting like you you guys never blinked like never wavered from it and you just kept going and I'm like wow and then when all the you were like kind of getting what you wanted out of it and um it was like holy [ __ ] like we couldn't believe like like you know the big thing when you reached 10,000 how like how much that was a big big thing and then you blinked your eye and it was like a 100,000 and then a million and then now it's like over six million and it's like it really is kind of crazy when you think about it's little surreal but like if you grew up with the way mom like was talking about earlier when you grow up with a good sense of like values like we were just talking about then you guys are handling it a lot of kids your age they would have pissed through their money already started drugs and whatever yeah you guys don't drink you don't do drug we just that I think it changed for us because all of a sudden I mean we were used to people being like oh you got triplets you know but a lot of people all of a sudden how do I put this like all of a sudden they were like people wanted more from all of us right and I'd be like there're still the same kids like that's another thing and that's another thing too like it still freaks me out like being at your show and seeing fans like scream about you guys and I'm like what are they screaming about I don't think I don't think I'm always like I'm also like what the [ __ ] are they I think a lot of people don't really realize like you guys do have a lot of fun doing it but they don't realize the work like how hard and how hard you guys work at it yeah that's pretty impressive like it seems on the surface like it's all fun and games oh they having a blast but it's like you guys are like busy like every day doing something it's pretty impressive like but I I also just think of like just not a nino5 job it's like it could be like 3:00 in the morning oh let's do a podcast or let's do a it hasn't really changed how we live life like we've come to California a few times it's nice to go on trips to California and have your kids pay for it it's nice have a home yeah cuz I'd never be out here yeah we still back where we are but um I mean 35° right now it's nice to know that like if we really were like Hey listen you know I want to go on a trip let's do it and you guys would take care of it yeah I don't take that for granted we don't take that for granted but like Dad and I are still like like my proudest moment last night was when you said you had a Ralph's card for the grocery store and I was like yes he's still using discount cards I love it like cuz even I just think of like our entire life you've always like helped us put into perspective what we had and always give back and be kind to people so it's just always is mindblowing to me when like filming videos and like having all these people subscribe to our account it's like we're not doing anything out of the ordinary and yet I feel like we're still doing like what you've taught us like give back and be kind to people cuz all of our videos is essentially for people to watch like it's pointless to create videos if we're not going to have people that care about it and watch it and that's the thing is like every there are so many people that like we've created a community of like I I don't like to say give back and be kind because I feel like we would do it regardless but for them it's like our fans really enjoy the videos that we make and like it puts into perspective of like enoy how many people care about what we do or how many people are like it's just mindblowing well you're making a message too you know and you know as a mom as a parent my proudest moments are that my kids are making a difference in the world and well you're making people happy you're making people happy I wish we could answer every single fan letter I wish we could yeah that's mom's thing like every single person matter well tell them about how we how we haven't gotten rid of any bit of fan mail and all your list no I actually just went out after the last tour and bought more rubber made totes and like we or what did I do when you guys came home organiz poor fan mail everything every bracelet is colorcoded in a separ find our address and send stuff to the house and kind of scary I'll save you you guys should really call answer this person they seem really like but I get it I get that it's too much open up a b like it could be some psycho and it's you and there are a lot of people who don't know bound worth the risk sometimes and people just get too excited if like a famous person it's also like something one thing that is scary about stuff is like I've had like even like some little girl like makes a Tik Tok and she's like I'm going to your Orlando show and I'm wearing my white shoes so I want you to wear your white shoes too and then like I was like oh like turn your Duets on cuz I was going to like reply to the video and be like oh yeah I'll wear my white shoes but then like other jealous people know that I want to respond to her video so then her video gets taken down so then it's like I wore my white shoes anyway hoping 12-year-old girl at like literally going to one of our shows like Matt wear your shoes and he literally like comments like I'll wear my shoes like no problem and they report her get deleted social media has a lot of pluses but it definitely and this is Dad and I are learning more about this social media thing you know people really should remember to keep don't say on the internet what you wouldn't say in person it's don't comes out with some bogus Claim about you guys it makes me like Furious that I'm like you have no idea what my kids like they they would never do that or whatever even like even like fake things like when I remember my I remember literally when um what's it called like when people go up to you guys and tell you things about us that are not true I me I know what you think we didn't even say it cuz lay would laugh but one of our friends lay that films YouTube videos we made a video with and we posted one video together and my mom my mom went on a trip and someone went up to her and was like oh you know your son Nick is dating lay yeah and my mom goes who is that and no he's not and then so my mom called me I I told my mom like no me and lay are friends we just both gay people and people love to immediately assume it is hard people forget that you're real you have real lives you have you know real feelings it's not all yeah you know it's like that saying don't ever forget where you came from like it's like it's also I hate I also hate complaining because there's so many positive things out there of like think of like we have 5.5 million subscribers of people that just want to watch our videos and enjoy them and have positive reactions to it and enjoy our videos but then it's like it is easy to allow the very few people that put do something negative it's really easy to let the few of the 5.5 million people saying something negative to get to you but then it like you have to just put in a perspective of how many people are actually like saying something crazy or doing something obnoxious versus the 5.5 people that are enjoying your videos and happy for you and like it's it's easy to complain in this position of like when people are talking [ __ ] about you on the internet but I don't like to because there's so many positive things out there as well it's the same way you would never write like a positive review of a restaurant you know what I mean like most people when they go to a restaurant when they go to a restaurant and something goes wrong they'll go on their [ __ ] phone and be like Oh They'll concentrate more on the negative thing than all the other happy things it's easier to complain than it is to be happy about [ __ ] I think you guys have a great opportunity here to send out good messages and I think you're doing it you know I think in a world where a lot of people are negative a lot of people are complaining a lot of people are feeling very like entitled I think the opportunity to spread love and kindness is there you're doing it what more could we ask for you got to keep safe and I you guys have taught me that because I would just talk to everyone um but I mean definitely you know for people who try to reach me and tell me how wonderful my sons are I get it I appreciate you but I can't write you back I can't reach out I can't respond because it would just get crazy um and when it comes down to it you're just three young men doing the best you can living your life following your dreams and you just happen to make a lot of people happy yeah amen amen amen good job I have I have another question though okay I thought we were running out of time no we can figure it out but this question I'm just curious to hear your answer cuz when we were before we did YouTube We would always go to you guys and tell you like oh this is my favorite person this is my favorite artist this is my favorite whatever of this so it's like what has happened to us careerwise or what has happened to us in our the world that just shocks you the most out of anything that you have tours and people buy tickets to see you yeah crazy yeah absolute craz I remember the first tour show the next to last New York New York MH it was just like just walking in there and seeing all the people and just like they're all here for our boys and it was just like crazy to us well Time Square too the billboard that really solidified it for me like I just was like I was even thinking you were going to say something about Chris meeting skies because of how often he used to tell oh that well it is's a lot but the ones that stick out like the billboard in our home Hometown like the three of you guys are up on this billboard at the gas station we're like down the street from your elementary school I went in the cumin Farms one day and there's the girl I knew for a long time buying my coffee and I'm just like those are my kids out of the blue I'm like do you know those of my kids and they're like no way I mean you meeting little Skies remember when I found out you did I just started crying because that was a good I was on a vacation I saw it before you told and I my friend that I was with I was like you don't understand Chris has been talking about this crazy tattooed rappers for years and he met them and he went on stage with them and I just can't believe it yeah and it was at Summers smash which was like a lyrical lemonade Festival I was just so happy for you pow yeah and now when you say like you hang with them and I see pictures I just love it you know and um I mean you guys are G to make dreams come true and you're doing it another impressive thing my shout out to my boy Matt is with his social anxiety issues he's had to see him up on stage with like a thousand screaming girls and I'm like holy sh like Matt like someone would say social anxiety standing up on stage but it takes quite a bit but yeah that was that's crazy I I don't believe that about me either sometimes cuz I'm just like I'm not doing I feel like we me Mt and Chris need like an out of Chris need like alra ego names for the people that go on stage cuz it's not us that's what we need like it's like when I'm meeting the people it's easy it's easier cuz there's like there's thean C there's like the line of people the curtains and stuff like that so it's like when I'm meeting the fans like one-on-one and meet and greets are like taking one photo at a time it's like yes I like hear all of them behind the backdrop and stuff like that but it's easier cuz I'm focusing on one person at a time you know what I mean but then when I'm on the stage always D and then I it's also like it's crazy being on the stage two I'll tell you a second it's also crazy like being on the stage too where it's like I like I don't know it's very strange what's the hardest part of the tour for you anxiety the initial the initial walk out onto the St most difficult part it's also like being like it is kind of crazy cuz when we walked out on stage prior to you guys walked out to watch like screaming oh I love that [ __ ] I know you do yeah I'm like w I was going to start rapping but I thought you guys would be mad yeah leave it to Trill yeah leave I'll leave that to Trill plus i' probably sprain my ankles but like it's it's definitely the initial walk out for sure but it's it is very it's crazy the hardest part for me for on tour is definitely like just maintaining like a bubbly like can do attitude by like the 400th person like I I am happy to having fun I am ready for like a shower and I'm tired I'm like sweaty and hot and like the venues always get super like like loud might want to reink those um Ugg shoes I got on right now literally and it's like even like even like doing like the meet and grief photos like doing 200 before the going on stage and then 200 after on stage it's like after the whole like the off stage like after you get off stage and you're doing the 200 after the show it's like I'm more tired but I'm oh yeah I'm giving I want to give the same experience to the people after because they're also even like being alert but no what I was going to say to your mom I what I don't like is when we're meeting someone and someone else who's like in line or like like tries to take their moment cuz when like someone's coming up and like hugging us and then like we take the photo like that's who my focus is on cuz I don't want to like ruin their experience that's said you guys have a lot of people on the tour help that there so many people that helped you guys out that are like so cool that we got to meet and it's our never landed really good good people lot of good people you a lot goes into it good team don't realize how much yeah I think we can finalize by saying that we're all we're in a comfortable position we have great friends and great family and I feel happy with where we're at right now I agree me too to be continued I'm just really grateful that you have asked us here that you still want to hear what we have to say and even care and uh that you want to hang with us all right that's enough get up let's go good bye cut so great yay bye everyone my camera with my hand
Channel: Cut The Camera Podcast (by the sturniolo triplets)
Views: 618,068
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: raising triplets, sturniolo triplets, triplets, sturniolo interview, sturniolo, sturniolo podcast, podcast, sturniolo triplets podcast, matt sturniolo, chris sturniolo, nick sturniolo, cut the camera, cut the camera podcast, cut the camera sturniolo triplets, sturniolo triplets cut the camera, Mary lou, Jimmy and Mary lou
Id: KdP55x9u0Xc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 75min 42sec (4542 seconds)
Published: Mon Dec 04 2023
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