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no one has like there's no one else in the world I'm under your baby this is our time dance flest jumping move me tonight boy you got something that makes me feel like I'm at the top of the world spin me around and around hey everyone I'm Linda I'm no and welcome to the Lo family today it's just me and papalo I'm really tired yeah it's early in the morning yeah as you guys know I make Nicole's lunch every day and um yes she's every day and her breakfast and most dinners I mean I don't have to she's very capable of doing it on her own but ever since they were little I would love making their lunches even though I don't have to I don't make anything so you're a good eater babe yeah yeah I just's there like to support and help her so really you help anyways I thought it would be fun to film a week of making Nicole's lunches would it be our lunches too no I don't make it for you I make it for oh because she takes it to school yeah cuz she takes it to school and then Christian's not home so it's just for Nicole it's just for Nicole and you you can you're a grown man I'm a grown man yeah I can make my own you can't get the leftovers it's like two dumplings it's kind of random but I kind of make the same things almost every week so today I'm going to be making her some noodles and dumplings and I usually have some fruit for her so no can fil me yeah that's on B so first things first I'm going to grab these noodles I think they're on the more healthier side but Mom fuku Mom fuku it's a nice name let me boil some water for the noodles okay and then let me get a pot for the dumplings a lot of pots these dumplings I get from Costco and I think I cook them for her like once a week I think they're like the best dumplings I'm going to do is put a little bit of water just a little bit of oil let me see your oil station right there oh no how many does she eat I I don't know how much she usually eats but then I think she shares with friends too so she's making the whole bag I just kind of let's do eight or 10 eight eight okay maybe 10 so I can have two yes okay fine maybe two oh wow real quick it's frozen yeah so I'm going to cook these on high first and then on low medium after until they kind of crisp up a little on the side so it's kind of like steaming it and then can frying it after oh wow is that why the water and the oil you got it babe I'm big brain yeah you are okay so while that's being done I'll go ahead and she usually does this by the way she'll pack her water but you're going to do it yeah I'll do it today I know usually gets my coffee I don't know where that is oh gosh how can I do it I'm filming my goodness it's like a reality show is that filtered water what do you think you're the one who got it filtered it's Monday morning guys let's see what time it is it is 7:30 all water's packed okay while you do that why don't I get coffee for both of us n does is the black one I got the purle [Music] one some coffee take a sip might be hot M perfect thanks honey okay now I'm going to put some chili sauce she likes to Dam oh that's a hard one shake it shake it shake it bck today I just opened it good boiling that's boiling so now putting in the noodles that looks good the noodles or the dumplings the dumplings these are the best dumplings I know we have a guest appearance where's my breakfast what's the strainer for strain the noodle this one's yours the broken one The Ripped one I always get the pretty ones to co I was messed up the broken ones are always the best ones everything doesn't have to be that deep all right so I'm going to let that boil for like six more minutes and then continue to flip these around so BRB Cheers Cheers noodles are done boiling just going to strain these real quick and I just put them right back in what is that a soyan scallion sauce put that in there oh wow and some dried vegetables oh oh Jesus and then I usually like to put a little bit more soy sauce in here for her just a little tab are you supposed to do that I can do whatever I want that mix mix is that Halo Halo yeah put on low for a second this one still sizzling M there's yours everything's just about done it's like instant lunch yeah so easy so easy come up you do it are so good you should do the cooking videos for mothers on the go you know what do you cookie or kids sure so noodles are about to be done just so it's not hard for her what the you might as well chew it for her if she can she would chew it for her she can just get the pork it'll be easier but you want noodles to be continuous no cuz then it's going to be one piece okay so there's her noodles see you wants to go up that's her signal she barks by the door this usually means I want to go [Music] out she'll just bark at the pool now I'm going to put the dumplings on a napkin for it to cool and then kind of soak in the oil as well NOS there's two of them where's the other one I don't know I'll find it don't worry you'll find another broken one yeah all right now there's more it's just a quick one so I'm also going to make Coley some breakfast and mind you she's a really busy one so whatever I can do to help to make her life easier I'll do that's it makes me happy when they're full so finish off some eggs more oil yes we love oil in this family one egg or her lunch I'll show you in a second two eggs eggs are beautiful for her breakfast some Jam for the bread some mango why is she when she goes out to college who am I going to cook for me when she goes to college you're going to see a lot more just me and Linda Vlogs yeah what I cook for a papaa cereal yeah I'll show you guys how to make coffee a coffee tutorial I grind my own coffee wow fancy what on top of the noodles she put one fried egg on the for her breakfast what do you call that over easy eggs over easy because you turn it over and it's easy you turn it over and it's easy Coy breakfast she's 18 years old K my baby get ready for the cuteness what it's Hello Kitty toast how cute is put jam on it when she's down Hello Kitty with Jam I like this Smuckers forget her Nicole cup with orange juice je all right now we pack her lunch and we have a guest appearance hello the eater herself I arrived good morning everyone thank you Mommy you're welcome CU I'm so Lov you she keeps me tummy full she keeps me tummy full there's your Hello Kitty breakfast I know I love my Hello Kitty toaster isn't it the best I'm going to bring it to next time we're going to make the eggs hello kids how do you do that I don't know find way it's so funny my mom were getting ready and she was like okay I'm going to go film I was like what are you filming I was like I need to film for my channel and she was like I don't doing what I eat or what I make for you I was like that's so cute how adorable thank you yeah don't use our video so I fit eight dumplings in here so here's her little sanley cup I got for for Christmas are noodles and eggs wow those two are for yours the ones look at that steam steam yeah all right so we have mango noodles with an egg dumplings and your sauce oh my god wow and her Stanley thank you that's it for Monday day yeah that was easy that was less than 20 minutes yeah it was it was only like 15 20 minutes yeah thanks mommy welcome usually my mom thinks I eat like two lunches so sometimes I'll share with my friends well actually sometimes I do eat all the food myself but other days I kind of share cuz it's a lot food but all my friends love eating my food they're like less Lindo yeah all right right yay thanks honey for filming happy Monday happy Monday all right have a good week everyone all right time to work go to your room hi guys it's me later at school I'm eating my lunch I actually finished all my noodles in like third period but now it's lunch time and I'm eating all my dumplings I also shared some with my friends [Music] but cheers get you out is good morning guys it's Tuesday it is 8:07 a.m. Nicole has a late start today every Tuesday she has a late start and she has to go in so we prepare her lunch a little later well I don't prepare it Linda does preheat the oven for and then I just help the preheating I guess so right now I'm going to get Linda's coffee I don't know if you guys have one of these it's called an ember heats up or coffee keeps it warm I already had mine so I can't wait for her I'm going to give this to her she needs her coffee in the morning she doesn't get it she gets she gets like that thanks honey so what is on the menu for today try to switch it up so today we're doing an all American lunch we're doing chicken nuggets which this brand is pretty good at Kirkland there's a certain theme Here everything is from Costco we buy everything in bulk so we can make it over and over again make a bunch for her to make sure she has enough to share sharing is caring right B yep we not only feed her we feed her friends yeah okay so I'll make 16 cuz I think it's going to look at 14 and then you get two nuggets in I always get like the last two the one that nobody wants can you put this one how I'm holding the camera how many minutes 400° I kind of just guessed you say like 12 minutes on each side oh you still have to flip it but yeah I flip it all right we do some carrot steaks today oh yeah we're making craft macaroni and cheese too I usually make like or like half and then save it for either after school or the next day are those baby carrots they're carrot six but they're small so sure how many let's do eight never mind let's do 10 cuz I get 10 you know she didn't finish her mangoes yesterday there was only a couple left but she finished all the other food snich well if she doesn't eat it we have to reuse it okay let's see four tablespoons of Marg and 1/4 cup milk it's fairly easy the directions is on the box well thank you honey why don't you make it then do you want an egg no I already had my cereal thank you honey oh make a bunch of eggs and then they throw it in the ramen or eat it alone oh hard boiled yeah I use butter not margarine I don't know if that makes a difference for anything what's the difference between margarine and butter margarine is fake butter really butter is real butter I didn't know they made fake butter make bake everything you can get Chick-fil-A sauce at Target I was going Chick-fil-A sauce could you just get a Chick-fil-A to steal the sauces not stealing it you kind of are if you're not buying the chicken well you buy the chicken and Quest a bunch of them like 50 of them yeah and then some ranch for her carrot sticks condiment Queen condiment Queen it's a lot of rain how many minutes are the the noodles for the mac and cheese to boil I know I kind of just Wing It guessed seems like you're winging it every time pretty much no milk how'd you sleep I was tossing and turning didn't sound like it you were snoring the whole night did you have a bad sleep I did cuz I put on the sound cancellation headphones and they ran out of battery and then all I heard was why didn't you wake me up so I can go downstairs what like you would have anyways you're all talk we have this thing when she can't sleep we decided that I was going to sleep downstairs if I'm snoring too loud that yeah well you haven't done it yet you only did it one day that's it CU that was the only request I had you know I might cut this cantaloupe cut it all right time to drain the noodles and my butter the hot noodles over it oh shoot a little messy there got that butter melt look at all this fake cheese yes powdered cheese the best cheese some milk I'm going to get this to you this just brings you back to being a kid I'm going to flip the chicken nuggets flip that chicken what time is it flip that chicken that'll be the comment of the day flip that chicken what time is it honey oh sorry oh my God that was too much she still needs her coffee every time you yell I just drinking coffee and staring at the same time she's a multitasker oh thanks honey put it in the famous Stanley Cup Bowl three scoops is enough don't want to overwhelm her my heart let that P you're stealing her lunch I'm trying to make it fit who's going to eat the rest of this you are just give it all to her so she can share with her friends she'll eat it after school our nuggets are done oh Jesus getting a little excited here and two for you babe let these cool it's time for little girl eats a lot for small girl she eats a lot toast time we will link this Below in the description I'm sure everybody's going to want one because it's adorable wish we knew about it sooner is the peanut butter sweet sweet like you I know you guys must think I'm crazy cooking all this food for Nicole at age 18 but let me tell you she really appreciates it and she tells me thank you like every 2 seconds so I'm just so happy to do it when people are grateful so I'm grateful all the time oh yeah of course you too I'm just saying in general she's just so grateful so it's like you love to make it for her toast is done see I know I'm going to put peanut butter on this but she knows the kitties behind it you just erased her face at least you saw it all right s's done she's barking by the door that means she wants to get out open the door bye ooh some bananas change it up too sometimes we'll do avocado with peanut butter no just on its own silly boy it's a mountain of of bananas damn do happy face you should draw Hello Kitty on the plate with the honey with some tacha Coy breakfast just going to have a piece no you're making it ugly you want your own banana here don't make it ugly don't make it ugly cuz I'm ugly no here give me my chicken nuggets Sho we're out of juice you have no more juice just Add Water she's not going to know all right so let's look at our lunch we got our crap mac and cheese some carrots and Ranch some cantaloupe water and chicken nuggets voila lunch is done here's my lunch you eat salad for lunch I I'd make it for you morning thank you Mommy good morning I love peanut butter on tast fanana thank you you're welcome so nice of you this is just what I needed I've been up all morning editing and my room's a mess so my life's a mess yeah look at that handled I was just telling them that I love making food for you just to make your life easier cuz she wakes up at like 4:00 in the morning to edit but coming down to this in the kitchen makes my morning so good thank you Mama you're welcome I'm in college you're going to have to deliver all the food I know see that's what I'm trying to do I'm trying to like cook for you as much as possible cuz then I'm not going to be able to do it later it's like I love feeding you and Dad and Christian but yeah guys that's like her love language it's definitely Act of service but like food is a big language feeding people so if I feed you I love you yeah true if you've had food by lindaa you're lucky she doesn't do that forever Dad took a banana off your toast okay love you love you thank you [Music] [Music] hey guys so it is Wednesday hey guys and we have a special guest so I actually packed her lunch last night because we had pasta for dinner and usually when we have pasta for dinner I make a lot yeah so I packed it and she wasn't feeling well this morning yeah so I didn't end up going to school so she needed to get some rest and she got it but now it's lunchtime so I thought I'd film what I packed for her anyways all right so for lunch Nicole has pasta and this is one of her favorite pastas and Christians it's like a fetuccini I make or an alfredo sauce that I make with Panet broccoli and mushrooms and chicken breast it's so good and she has some sweet cantaloupe and a piece of garlic bread thanks Mom so since she's home I'm just going to eat it right now yeah I'm going to go ahead and tap it for her in a pretty little bowl and usually she doesn't eat all this at once so I'll just give her half I don't know the pasta I'll eat in one it's so good you can always you can always add the rest oh look at s how long I don't know 45 seconds okay and then I'll putat your little bread for like 10 seconds yummers yes and that's her lunch I had like three bowls of this pasta last night by the way that's how good it is thanks Mom look at this yummy goodness you guys cheers and then garlic bread mom where do you get this bread Target it's just their garlic toast and then put it in a pan afterwards and toast it up on the bottom and go that's so good dip it I love this m she's been making it since like we're really young too yeah and every time she makes it we get so excited all right enjoy your lunch at home thanks mommy love you's pom poms let's see your cheer happy Thursday thanks for my coffee honey all right good morning happy Thursday happy Thursday well Nicole wasn't feeling well yesterday so usually I mix some type of soup for her so I think today it will be Campbell's tomato soup and some grilled cheese sandwich so she wasn't feeling yesterday so you make her soup today well yeah cuz you know she's not 100% probably but so she probably wants a little soup I just filled the can half up with water so it's still a little thick before I didn't know you were supposed to add water just oh man that's really thick honey I did that with the noodle soup this is Christian and Nicole's favorite bread what is it artisano and FYI I'd make this for Christian every day if he was home but usually he's at Skies or at school or sleeping so let's do grilled cheese oh wow can I make her too nobody loves grilled cheese un so comforting unless you're lactose I have L over mac and cheese from the other day so she can just bring it to school and spr the love still good it's just the other day yeah I use I Can't Believe It's Not Butter country Croc that's not I Can't Believe It's Not Butter that's a brand is it yeah it's the wrong commercial oh what's country Croc Say then M country Croc maybe not say that did you show yourself yet say good morning to them show your beautiful Filipino face hello guys here's my beautiful Filipino face all right enough about me back to Nicole's lunch here's something more beautiful oh wow you get nicer as the days go by during the week all right Monday is always the hardest I know I think everybody feels Monday actually I had a good Monday this week which is pretty rare I don't know what it is this week I've been like so productive oh that's good when you're productive you feel good yeah for real that's for real for real yay oh I didn't know I can e that no Sil and as I cook I clean what are you going do to clean you know like mop the floor or something or no just put the butter away okay medium high heat wow look at that get it nice and toasty so is the butter on both Sid yeah cuz you got to toast it on both sides like whisk for the soup see s in the background wooo oh oh jumping strawberry oh she flipped it look how nice looking that how come the cheese is not melting though it is melting cuz it's faked cheese you should have used Vita Vita is faked too craft brings back childhood memories I have some cantaloup left but decided to change it up for and give her strawberries today thanks H you for my coffee this morning brood would love a close only have one hand that I can work with soup's just about done wow nice and toasty all righty okay man that smells good gred cheese is so good yeah it's that butter right there cake [Music] time sou done wow fits perfectly do you let it cool down or no to keep it hot soup done here's the eggs sizzling nice looking egg am of bread they eat it's a lot of bread I know ho eats this whole loaf too in one week today will be jelly oh oh wow Mel you flipped it thanks so what are your plans for today I have a lot of work emails to do and I have meetings Zoom call I'm going to try to fit in a workout if I can you going to the gym or you just going to do it at the I haven't decided yet in my office it's office also known as the pool room also known as the gym storage look at this hey guys speaking of the devil the little devil good morning did you see how foggy it is outside yeah the weather forecast said it was going to be sunny and it's to fog it's sad weather but we're going to make it happy right girl cheese that's not for you it's for Dad I heard you can't use your car today what are they installing solar solar panels so are they going to be like yeah above or something I think oh nice that's going to look cool what do you say thank you Mom Hello Kitty breakfast okay while she eats Linda's going to prepare her lunch she's taking a picture do you need a spoon with your soup or you just dip can I have a spoon please yeah she just dip dip dip so cute break the bread so we can see the cheese the cheese pool AE no PO no one a you can see it you can see the melted cheese though looks good yes it doesn't look like it fits but I smoosh it down so yeah fits every time when you open it is it still warm yeah it's like a therace that's Co contain okay so for today's lunch she has leftover mac and cheese give you a fork too so you could share going to the fork station the plastic station strawberries tomato soup and grilled cheese thank you Mommy welcome there you go I'm so good then she's eating her breakfast how is it so good she is loved you would think I would get tired of this breakfast cuz I swear I eat it like five times a week yeah that's all she wants I try to switch up some bread choices I wish I had to save breakfast I can save you breakfast you just don't want you're trying to lose weight the camera happy Thursday people happy thday happy Thursday Yay see you guys tomorrow for Friday say bye stie she said no [Music] morning guys it is Friday happy Friday to everyone it is 6:53 I already started my coffee I made it now it's Brewing right now I brew my own coffee every morning it's me and Linda I do two cups one for her one for me now we're here in the kitchen s's over here waiting for her breakfast everybody's up Linda's right there Hi good morning happy Friday she's opening the oyster sauce it is fried rice Friday fried rice Friday that's Co why you tell me your routine in the morning before I come down I wake up about 6:30 first thing I do is I take off my retainers and then I go into the kitchen and I start making coffee that was the coffee that I showed you a while ago over there it's almost done Brewing after that I put away the dishes make sure the kitchen is nice and clean Linda's going to need it I should cook for Nicole and the family so and that's it in the morning then I brush my teeth later on after I eat breakfast so do you guys brush your teeth before before breakfast or after breakfast is that the question of the day yeah question of the day let's see what Linda's doing she's making fried rice it's Friday fried rice Friday she calls it actually not a thing but she's cutting up some onions her fried rice is actually really good oh you're soft let's cut some onions in there we're going to just cut and throw in as we go oil you going to cook all the rice no probably two servings one for you and one for Coe actually this is Christian's favorite too so I'll probably make him a serving when he gets home so might as well cook all the rice then that's a lot of rice babe cuz I only do it in small batches and that way the rice stays dry oh my God I'm so tired can you give me coffee sure that means coffee is done let's go get some coffee get our Amber cup I'm going to get my cup so I have this purple cup that I always use it's called Yeti and supposedly it keeps it warm too it's not electric like glendas this coffee here you go said ah perfection love do you like to put anything in your coffee I like it black there you go me too I like it black no sugar no cream straight black so I cut up the spam in little chunks what is Spam made of some type of ham maybe I think it's like Hawaii baloney almost but I don't know our house loves famam we don't know what's in it but it's really good though some things are better left unet I don't want to find out ignorance is gliss I'll take the onions for a while SM really good the onions look good yeah you know how's the best fried rice other than yours good one b d Ty fun oh my God their fried rice is good I was pleasantly surprised I'm going to put all the spam in for col mix mix mix so did you just do like half of the a third of the can and I'll make a batch for you and I'll make a batch for Christian and then for the egg actually put a drop of fish sauce little drop for love a little bit of sugar just like a m fish sauce and sugar kind of mixes it that's like sour and salty and sweet actually could have left all those onions in onions are good and fried rice you can still put it in we changed our mind I say the more onion the better okay so mix mix mix mix mix that be scrambled eggs well I scrambled it for sure and I always use day rice because you kind of want your rice to be a little dried out so it's not like soggy rice n's favorite soggy rice hell yeah I like any kind of rice in general yeah I grow up with rice so you're Filipino everything with rice rice with rice yeah sometimes we just eat without anything on the rice just rice that's how much we love it just put some soy sauce and the rice and I think we're good break break break oo it's about as much as good now for the love I guess every condiment is love now it's the oyster sauce love a little bit of oyster sauce and if you don't have this that's okay too it's like just a little bit a little bit goes a long way with oy your sauuce and then you have soy sauce I always like using the low sodium cuz you can control your salt intake or how salty the food is in general you're just going to mix this all up cuz I guess if you don't have B you can just use chicken too if you want yeah you can use any kind of meat sometimes when I get fancy I'll put like Chinese sausage shrimp whatever you want okay hold on S barking yeah she is securing the perimeter look at that she's making it known that she is outside and you better watch out that come a Knockin right all right good A little bit of salt and then lastly I'm going to do peas and carrots it smells good already I should wear my glasses just to see in general yeah cuz like I'm looking at the camera and it's like close to my face and it's like Blurry uhoh what if it's not in Focus you know this whole time it wasn't me it was the camera it's not your eyes just a little bit oh not the whole thing no that' be too much huh yeah all right so two more minutes of frying get all that burnt goodness is it good when it's burnt like that kind a question is that I don't know you like it little fried rice that's why they call it fried rice well it's fried so I don't know I don't cook all right okay so making some eggs for breakfast she just loves our eggs I tell you yeah we do you too yeah we go through so many eggs a week like would you say a dozen I would say three dozen can you make me some eggs yeah anytime right now okay calm down I didn't have breakfast yeah I can make your egg how many do you want de two okay just like that oh man that one's yours jeez got a little excited and what are you doing now I am making the egg that's going to go on top of our fried rice so the fried rice is done should be good hly get our Fork voila wow look at that egg on top of the fried rice all right so fried rice with egg and spam some strawberries and water that'll be her Friday happy Friday happy Friday but she'll have more fried rice can't get enough of fried rice smells so yummy morning stie good morning do you want Sriracha nothing I don't want to upset my oh my gosh it looks so good thank you mother that was supposed to be my eggs but I'll makeing more honey you work from home so make it look all pretty you just make all that today what the fried rice morning yeah yeah I always make fried rice in the morning for your that's like she just whps it up real fast we're going to end the Vlog of what I feed my 18-year-old dog that's in high school and I don't care if they're 40 I don't care if they're 100 I'm going to always feed them it's kind of Bittersweet cuz I've been making their lunches since I can remember and when she's in college I won't be able to make it for her anymore so um that's so sad that's not univ yeah no I'm not going to get us too early but you know I love it I love feeding my kids and I'll do it till the day I die thank you Mommy you're welcome with that said so thanks so much for watching like And subscribe to join the Lena family come back next Sunday [Music] bye oh jeez jeez slow down
Channel: The Laeno Family
Views: 515,540
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: i94UrkZdJa0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 31min 35sec (1895 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 21 2024
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