Ep 254: Reasons NOT to Join Air Force Special Warfare

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foreign love it when you come in late and then you hit the record button because you're the chief what's up everybody welcome back to the ones ready team room that's what happens that's how you steal the intro you pretend like you're waiting for the record thing to happen and then you just hop in and you start talking about stuff what's up boys good to see you got peaches got Trent here in the team we want to say thanks to everybody we're doing great on the numbers the analytics look great the algorithm is just eating up the content so make sure to leave a comment the comment section is always great and completely cancer free every time I look at it I just think to myself I'm spending good parts of my adult life reading these comments because they're really really good and I like all of them so I just want to say thanks to everybody and that's going to really set the tone for this episode so you think to yourself what what do I come here for why am I in the team room today what am I listening to we found a bunch of reasons not to join Trent what what I want to open it up with you right we were talking about it last night on the group chat we were really getting some good ideas and you said Aaron I want to talk about reasons not to join where did that idea come from Trent over to you well there's a lot of people out there that just can't because they they have so much self-respect that if they were in basic training and someone disrespected them they would just see red and they'd start knocking people out so like I understand that to a certain extent now that I have self-respect obviously it grew over the years but you don't want to like just join and end up being a criminal and thrown into the military justice system you know because you have self-respect so that's a good reason to not join right there off the bat that's that's a great point you know that takes a lot of the population out right away so the other the other part of that population and I'm gonna make up a bunch of Statistics during this one so that I sound smart so about 40 of the population would just see red and bodies would hit the floor just right away like if a drill sergeant got in their face like that's about 40 of the population there's another 10 percent that you kind of left out there and it's people that the second that they start training the CIA starts recruiting them right so that's what happens with those other 10 of the people is that they get to basic training but they only go through about four weeks before somebody from the farm shows up to their basic training flight and starts asking about them um and then they go dark so that's fifty percent of the population right there peaches I could just see on your face how you don't want to be part of this thing that Trent and I I've wrote you can see it how far we're going to take it I mean because man there there are a lot of people that that you hear more like man I dare I drill instructor in my face oh yeah you know that sounded like a mix between the Macho Man Randy Savage and the movie Step Brothers yeah it was a perfect he walked alive perfectly I'll never calling him sergeant not even if there's ever fire exactly yeah okay tough guy gotta yeah yeah all right so first of all that's I mean those are good reasons not to join as a civilian anyway it's it's you're way more comfortable I'll tell you that much your parents and everybody around you they're probably right Trent how important is it to listen to naysayers and haters and trolls in your life how how important I I think they hold a lot of weight well if your entire ego is based on what other people think about you and also I do think it's important to listen to your parents you know you don't want to take the chance to not listen to them because you're not going to make it anyway so I I think it's a good idea and why would you leave your comfort zone you know like our entire Society is based on seeking out more comfort and like it's America America's the greatest country on Earth we seek Comfort why would you go out of your way to a not listen to people and B you know put yourself in uncomfortable situations that are not going to work out for you anyway yeah it just feels disrespectful to me you know if you if you decided to go your own way to really try to make your own life as an independent person that wants to chase something bigger and how lame is that caring caring about something bigger that is the dumbest thing I've ever I can't even believe you would care peaches doesn't care he's just living his life baby okay now we know we know that's satirical yeah she's out here trying to make E10 he doesn't care about you try to make E10 says the man oh okay you know who's not gonna make E10 a little last night here I am at a senior NCO induction ceremony that I got asked to speak at for whatever reason because everybody seems to think that just because you're on a podcast you can automatically are amazing at public speaking I'm not great at public speaking I I am as an ad hoc you know shooting from the hip I can do it all day long comfortable with it and I actually prefer it but if I'm in a formal setting and I have to have a a speech to keep people entertained because we've all but you know all of us have been there where we're in an event and there's just a boring speaker that just bangs on and on and on right so trying to be entertaining I'm just not good at that right and then and then you get up there and you say hey um you know thanks to everybody uh my biggest goal up here is not to embarrass my wife and I told her I wouldn't cuss a bunch but [ __ ] it we're doing it so found the clown horn yeah you know we found the clatter I love the cloud art so um yeah my favorite part about that the clown horn too is like we beeped out like on the on the Eric baluster episode we beep out a certain thing right so we beep it out because we understand that there are like things that we can't really have on the podcast and then the first thing that people do is hop up in the comment section and type out the this is what they said hey guys yeah no we we get it we we know what it is you know what it is but there's like a game here that we're trying to play uh so could you could you figure it out no you're just completely naive to the oh okay tight no good no good on you plus one internet point you knew what he said is it is it because you could read lips is that why okay Ty oh good job super super dope um I do love the the public speaking things people do assume that you know you have a podcast and you speak you know a whole bunch in your off time whatever they're like oh yeah you're a good public speaker no I just BS with my Bros we just essentially we just hit record and say the same things that we do on the group well not the same things we do on the group chat there's some different things that happen on the group chat but for sure we just we just record it that's all we do it's not like you know we there's no play into this we don't know what we're doing so so the Trent's point I'm not making E10 there is no you can um I love that one still hurts right it's very uh yeah because you guys are the really play to that and it's not bothering me but it's at the same time I'm like it's it's not bothering me but it's at the same time I'm also going like [ __ ] [ __ ] you're right well I was gonna make a short joke earlier I was gonna say you actually did swing at your drill instructor but just he just yeah he just held his little forehead he just held his arms me she's like no like the the physical standards they're too high anyway like the ift like so first of all uh the standards thing is another reason why you shouldn't join so not only have we changed the standards we always change the standards right like we're trying to lower the standards we're trying to get as many people in like that's just true but the standards even though we lowered them for you specifically they're still too high you still can't do it so why try you're never going to be able to get there stats on on how many people make it I think this is your lane on on how many people make it through right now the the selection rate was hovering between 87 and 89 percent uh attrition rate I'm sorry not not make it through yeah so your failure rate 90 90 and and I bet it's it's always been close to that it's always been between like 91 and 87 percent there's no chat like there's no chance why would you even do that you're just gonna go and you're gonna embarrass yourself you're gonna be less of a person and that's if you can even get in to the ift like the ift standards like we hear about it all the time in the comments all the standards are lower they're not what they used to be you still can't make it it's still 87 so why even try you're just setting yourself up for failure you might as well just do something comfortable man like don't don't bother yeah well it goes to the point of um hey you know hey do you think I can do this or do you think I I don't know can you can you do it because if you're questioning yourself right now I tend to think no you can't you can't take there's there's no that body fat percentage those brittle bones of yours no you can't it was brittle bones here that's just facts baby if you're an American male and between 18 and 22 years old right now you have 40 percent less testosterone and bone density than our generation did and I'm not saying we're better but we're better I don't know what to tell you we are better we're smarter we're better we're stronger we're faster we're better looking we have better hair there's no way that you could take your whole generation on your back and do something that's never been done before we did it with gwat but there ain't no more gy baby what are you gonna do go on training trips to the Bahamas and teach the indigenous people CPR because that's all you got left better learn how to walk that Runway buddy you know how how much in amp 4 weighs you're gonna oh man is it that uh that show the boys yes where he's like I bettered you I I am better period yeah so just reasons that you're not going to be able to join man like first of all you won't make it second of all your your brittle bones will probably break and have like little bird bones just absolutely snap um you know the people that are teaching you the you know the coaches and the psychologists and the nutritionists and the and the dietitians and you know everybody that has combat experience that just pour themselves into you day after day after day they don't really know what they're talking about you know these world-class facilities with float tanks and the biggest CrossFit gym that you've ever seen and you have like four of them you know you have Beaver fit everywhere built up for a 90 million dollar Enterprise that's not really that good you know I mean colleges they probably got better stuff you've seen work for it why work for it you know why why earn it you know Trent's seen everything down at Lackland Lackland well it's Joint Base San Antonio now because we got to change everything Joint Base San Antonio I mean try really it's it's the worst I bet it's too it's always too hot out it is and do you really want to be part of all that fraud waste and abuse because all these people are trying so hard and we're buying all this equipment for what for the same attrition rate as before you know you're just part of the problem we're just wasting money so like stop I know your parents pay taxes you probably don't yeah because you don't have a job and you're just living out for them but like do the country a favor you you would do better yeah it's just to be part of a small cohesive team anyway really not me everybody knows all of your bad parts then and they can make fun of you yeah right like If You're vulnerable and you open up and you make some of the best friends that you'll ever make in the pipeline and Beyond like these these people who wants to share adversity who wants to look at look to their right when they are literally Blood Sweat and Tears on your face right there are times where you were no kidding at your physical mental and emotional limit and you look to your right and there is your best friend in the world that you didn't know was your best friend until like six months ago and you guys look at each other in a mud pit and you laugh hysterically because what a silly thing you're doing who wants to I don't want to do that yeah I don't want to make a lifelong friend nope that will that will absolutely drop everything for me yep yeah absolutely I I envisioned you know the town and Ben Affleck rolls in on uh Jeremy Renner you know he's like hey we're gonna go hurt somebody and you can never ask me these questions who's God we taking yeah you know like that who would want that not me not me people that just drop everything that they can to go to your wedding or you know when when you know your best you're deployed and you're really worried about your family and you get a selfie from your best friend who went over to your house and made dinner and hung out with your kids and facetimed you to make sure that everything was okay now come on that's that sounds gross but if you're in the Army that's Jody so yeah yeah I know my brain went and I was like I got this that got so dark where Aaron's going with this but I can't help it it wasn't it wasn't but I'm okay with it I guess Jesus hatred please what's happening um but even even if right like so you know even if you you don't listen to us on this episode right like even if you actually get in and then you get through the pipeline which highly unlike you like probably not gonna happen but you you actually get to a unit it doesn't matter anyway nobody nobody knows what your job is and nobody cares everybody knows what a seal is Trent what's a combat controller do you even know I don't have no idea no clue that they wear I don't know some fashion of red I don't know the Air Force is weird but they have a million Berets and no one knows what they do nobody like a Seer guy I don't know I who I absolutely not the controllers they're just mad all the time I don't know why they're so angry but they're always so pissed off at stuff and then the PJs like they just got ropes and they're kicking around hacky sacks and being generally weirdos I'm so glad you mentioned Hacky Sacks that is 100 True the angry part is hilarious because that's that's for whatever reason is pretty true it is it's a weird cultural thing right like you know ever since foreign carabiners ropes hacky sack Nails just slinging pasta water tying rope systems wearing flippy floppies making fun of their friends that's essentially what they do and special reconnaissance we don't know your career Field's dying anyway there's no reason to get into Sr they're just they just they just made it up they can just delete it you know what I mean they can just be like well it's a little experiment didn't work click I don't understand how these guys just decided on their own to change the name make up all these like random capabilities that they're trying to do wasting app socks money trying to go to these courses you know it's stupid especially when it was just a hey what's the word document find replace right Sal T Sr right it's really simple yeah so what happened yeah it definitely wasn't because we did you know a decades-long look at capabilities that the Air Force was going to need for the future fight and then made a career field fit those capabilities that's not it it was really just a bunch of weather nerds that wanted to be cooler weather nerds but then they backed themselves in and go into selection like idiots you know a bunch of morons you could have just figured right like Trent you didn't go through any sort of pipeline that's true so you shouldn't listen to me ever you shouldn't no pipeline you didn't do a single underwater not a single set of over and backs ever in your life yeah how's that make you feel I'm telling me out of the water we know we know no sometimes you get a little a little bit Lippy and I'll just grab a glass of water and put it near your face it's like Hydrophobia if you've ever seen somebody with rabies and think that's what Trent does around anything moist sometimes the sponge will set them off yeah I I make up the whole story about almost joining the Marines because actually I found out that they live on boats sometimes and they're in the water yeah that's the real reason that I went to the Air Force and I had to beg it beg to get in so right I was like what's the easiest way to get into Special Operations what's the biggest back door you got they're like hey we got this weather thing and I was like I'm in I don't know why but ever since peaches broke the glass with the Jody comment I've been thinking about inappropriate stuff so you just said that you didn't want to go to the Navy and you were looking for a bigger back door and I was like there's a joke here somewhere I just know it what are you talking about I just know it well that's that's another reason not to join because no matter what like you could be the coolest dude in the Air Force you're still in the chair force and you're still going to get made fun of no matter what you do people who do you fly a plane oh what's up chair Force nice bus driver hat I mean for a lifetime to be fair the the service dress uniform is terrible okay now it's not wrong I will say like all jokes aside it is all jokes it is really bad it needs a re-envisioning I don't even know how to fix it um mainly because I'm stupid and I'm not good at Fashion but that new Army the new Army pinks and greens sheesh come on my guy that thing looks great great looks like a World War II uniform it's got a it just looks good you're like oh wow that's good another good reason not to join the uniforms just the uniform alone if there was a reason to go zero three one one Marine Rifleman just straight infantry like no special schools like let's talk about it do you want to do Air Force Special Warfare or do you just want to be a just infantry Marine right I think the Infantry Marine wins by about a hundred points um on a scale of five one to Five Points so here's why so the the uniform out the gate already better basic training harder commercials better you may have to fight a dragon you don't know the few the proud the Marines great catchphrase it's a great bumper sticker you got the eagle globe and anchor right so what's better than a big old anchor and a bird of prey as a tattoo it's way better than the Air Force symbol wait it looks way better on a huge chest tattoo that you have to get right away that's week nine of of marine basic trainings right before The Crucible is the chest tattoo part but the uniforms are better all of your Bros are cooler ask any Marine they're obviously better than the Air Force just go go into and go to Camp Lejeune and just stand on a table and go I'm in the Air Force and then Watch What Happens nothing nothing they'll be terrified nothing unless they unless they think you're in civilian clothes there and you're walking through in shorts and flip-flops and then for whatever reason gunny behind you tends to think that you are a devil dog he continues behind you going hey devil dog hey devil I can't help but notice you didn't shave on this Sunday dad which is a real thing by the way you turn around and kind of go hi and we're like oh you're not a marine like no no no I'm not no I uh no you were talking to me either I was at JM so I had to I was at staticline JM beautiful Fort Benning Georgia and I was uh it was a a Recon dude like a force Recon dude so not one of the marsat guys but one of the the force Recon dudes was there and he was like an E6 for them I don't know what that is in the Marines I think it might be assassin but he no kidding came in we were studying on a Sunday for one of the one of the tests and he no kidding came in and he got tuned up and parking lot because it was Sunday and he hadn't shaved like he shaved on Saturday but like it's obvious that he did that because he's a grown man he grew facial hair he had not shaved on that Sunday and he wanted to get like an energy drink or something and he no kidding got tuned up by submarine gunny in a parking lot and he was like are you really yelling at me for not shaving on a Sunday and he just he was apparently yes he just lit him up and I was just like I was dumbfounded by this I was like oh my God they have standards culture and history unlike the Air Force I think that's right you know that they actually hold the standard and they care about the standard and actually as an enlisted person you're you're expected to do these things and you you have authority over other enlisted people so it's another reason to join the Marine Corps not the Air Force right yeah because we don't have that enlisted leadership it doesn't exist the other thing the Marine Corps has specifically is that sweet birthday party that thing's a dang near national holiday buddy oh it is and the Marine Corps birthdays sweet so speaking of those commercials this is random and not that many of our listeners would hear this but uh just because you know Donna watches British TV so I get to see some of those commercials dude the Royal Navy Royal Marines Royal Air Force dude their commercials are awesome they are they are really really good somebody get GDs and Eminem on phone we're gonna we're gonna talk about it yeah what yeah I just want to talk about commercials those are the commercial people advertising recruitment well that's that's that's it okay the last uh aspect were big commercial right like it's all about us like being in a tick and like firing rifles and all that other stuff which news flash y'all probably won't do the odds of you getting a kill with your rifle are almost zero especially now so right the Rangers over there that's the place to be that if you if you want some direct eye to eye contact the problem with our career Fields other than they're dying and they're about to be deleted combined and and thrown away is that there's no possibility that you're gonna stay on team long officers forget it like officers you have like in fact you know the the the meme of Abe Simpson he like walks in he puts his hat down he does one small circle and then he walks out he puts his hat back on he leaves officers that's your team time if you think that you're gonna operate in any sense on the team as an officer just stop you'd be better figuring out Microsoft Excel just take a PowerPoint class and learn what font your boss wants because that's what you're gonna do and then you're never gonna be right anyway so there's really no nope I can't even believe they let officers assess like why don't they just put them through business school and then directly onto the teams to [ __ ] my life up for two years like why don't they actually learn how to update Adobe and to work those sheets and to like make it work between Adobe and word and all that other stuff in Excel yeah that that would be super valuable actually the only thing that they should issue officers is whatever weird hobby that they're gonna have to talk to me about and pretend that I care about and uh an Excel spreadsheet sort of class those are the two things that they should get because then you can come interrupt my day to be like well it was wind service this weekend and by ultralight that could help a notice there was a great bar with an IPA below me so I flew on in and then we biked home I don't care I don't care did that get your peaches they're specific sir you could just say that you make twice as much as I do you didn't have to tell me that story like doing these highly expensive Hobbies like what I went and shove it at a mountain and then afterwards we skied down to my Chalet shut up I don't care I don't know how threats hold this together the entire time you have not busted character at all because it's not funny that's how it's easy to keep a straight face when none of the jokes land because we go for like a real one every once in a while like hey straight out of the pipeline what's the odd what are the odds that you get a base that people want to go to so another thing we only have like a few bases you can go to and I know everyone's like I want to go to England right away it's like probably not no no you're not going there you're gonna go to the place where it takes us like six sets of orders to get one E5 to go there because everybody's punching out so welcome to uh New Mexico yeah welcome to Canon have fun I hope you like it here and uh yeah don't worry they're gonna get rid of the two on and the 2-2 so you're not even gonna have those faces they're just gonna consolidate everything and then you get to go hang out in Tucson Arizona where it's already unbelievably douchey down there like if oh man like there's already too many of us down there there's already too many Jays now we're gonna throw controllers and Sr guys on there the police blotter is going to be the the mo that thing is going to hit the New York bestseller list every week that thing is going to be the most read article on the Internet is going to be the Tucson Police blotter because the stories in there are going to be wild I'm sorry these dudes did what to each other whatever uh local Tucson 22 year old male was found naked and tied to a tree with a series of very intricate knots and everybody's like IV track marks it was like cockroaches just scattering they leave behind in bags of pasta water and tacky sacks Cheez-It boys it's the cops leave the archangs behind yeah never leave a narrix behind you never leave an Arctic don't leave that dead bird that's gang gang baby and that's on game oh man Trent what about the wokeness from the outside looking in from all the mill meme Pages you would assume that every single day you have to pledge allegiance oh man that was really close to me getting canceled I um I'm glad I stopped myself there but tell me tell me about the wokeness do you do you have to renew your Deni training every single morning when you get in because it's it's what it looks like from the outside yeah yeah I mean it's it's every odd day of the month I think you have to rehack that actually so it's not that bad did you just say odd oh man you should have said even blonde okay well that's minus one well there's a thing about even numbers that they make sense and they can be cut in half and that's why it's anyway um so yeah you have to talk about this stuff all the time you have to tow the the party line of whatever Administration is is in office at the time because those things change every few years and right now it's really bad you know so yeah why would you join right now when you know all you have to do is is you know kowtow to these people that have never done anything and they can't actually decide who they are as people so that's what we do that's that's 99 of Team time right now 99 of Team time that's that's it and the other one percent is accepting it so it's not not even do you have to like understand it and be sensitive to it but you also have to accept and celebrate it so man it's you know it's tough um and uh you know I'll just say you know straight up you know the number one reason people get in is for service and you know that's stupid too I think we've outlined a really good road map to show you that America is not worth it you know the Constitution the United States of America you know that's just a piece of paper you know what I mean we could just delete it it's not it doesn't really like house our core values you know it's just it's stupid like without the government you don't have rights and that's how that works again we can just we could just you know find a replace you know just like we did with Sr and cell T and just click click and then whatever we need to put in there we can do it yeah there's no let me have there's a lot of examples of countries that do it better right like these uh like all the Nordic countries who have like the population of Los Angeles sure that are able to you know they have all these free things and they really got a nice free healthcare and free college and they've really got to dial in and they only pay 70 in taxes you know yeah really really got it dialed in up there especially the Nordic countries now granted they're not diverse at all um you know when you point to a country that has zero diversity zero immigration and and 70 taxes you would think well that's a terrible place to live but it's not it's really good you know or like Argentina they're crushing it I think we should really look at Argentina Canada Justin Trudeau who is definitely not Fidel Castro's son do not Trent do not bring up the fact that Fidel Castro and Justin Trudeau's mom were together in Cuba preceding his conception of birth for almost two years together and she glowingly wrote Love Letters to Fidel Castro do not bring that up that is this is not the point not the time okay so what are your sources on that though true no like this sounds made up stop it do not Google Justin Trudeau being Fidel Castro's son that's not what we're doing today Trent that's a different show peaches is here we got to really keep it up I love I love the way you're you're going with the the Trump like and Trump and Christy thing there nobody nobody said it Rhonda sanctimonious that's when he's got less of us who has less who gets attacked more than me nobody not to thank him Christy is naughty fat you're right you're right we're not calling him a fat pig people are saying I'm not saying he's a fat pig smart people are saying that's called uh that's called paralipsis yeah is the name of that that thing but it's it's the art of saying something uh implication and saying outright and then pretending like you didn't smart people are saying it smart people are saying don't join the Air Force not me not I'm not saying it but basically everybody that has a smart opinion is doing it um to talk about the wokeness thing too so uh little little teaser trailer we recorded with the sea Act so CZ chief Master Sergeant Ramon colon Lopez the seaac he was just he just absolutely burned that stuff to the ground he was like you know people from the outside looking and think this is all it is and it's really not it's really not a thing that anybody cares about and it's hampering because we were asking about recruiting your attention but um he basically crushed that one I thought it was a good answer but I'm partial it's easy so yeah well yeah I got a love affair with him but um man I I really hope that episode comes out real talk I know yeah I'm gonna tell you right now because I don't know if we're going to release this beforehand or not but apologize for the audio for whatever reason it was not that connection with the Pentagon was it was sporty right I couldn't believe it I was just like oh man we couldn't record on Riverside like we wanted to we had to go to zoom it was terrible yeah um let's see more reasons not to join so you're not the equipment we have you know speaking of internet connections and all this other stuff yeah you're not you're not gonna it's all a lie we don't have the best and all the other things and yada yada we keep changing radios that catch people on fire you know yeah every three months yeah right through you yeah it's like carrying lava around and it doesn't work I you know what I actually heard uh this actually is not a conspiracy theory this is 100 true you know what caused the Maui fires a PRC 163 I believe it it's a hot day did you say hot take yeah I don't know I don't even know what a hot take means so Trent was that a pun I'm not allowed to pun today Trent so the first thing that Trent did we got off today is he looked at me he was like oh he's honestly uh Hey man so I was looking at the YouTube comments and it turns out everybody likes my puns and I was like [ __ ] stop it I've had a few that dive episode he had like five or six puns that were just absolutely awful and it really it really hurt my feelings we were almost not friends after that episode it was one of those where I just I hit and record like leave session or stop session for all and then uh I just left like I just got up from my computer and walked away I just had to go um what is it gonna do I'm assuming you actually make it through what does it do with your relationships with the people back home like how how much do you lose that connection I'm assuming you just go back home and things are still the way that they were and you maintain all your friendships and and they totally understand what you're doing yeah yeah totally when you go home on leave it's basically a hero's welcome you just hop right back in where you left off you know you definitely don't go home and look around and go wow I'm not like these people at all these same people in the same bars in the same places doing the same things complaining about the same problems we are exactly the same I completely understand these people these they've done something real hard my friend John he works at a rim Factory in Northeast Ohio and he and I are exactly the same you know I just got back from you know you get back from a deployment right like and again you're not going to be able to go deploy because it's never going to happen number one so you should just quit number two you're not gonna go anywhere cool and do anything you're probably gonna do you know Global access you want to become a jtac but if you know once you do go and you come back from like Africa or Iraq or Syria or Afghanistan or the next place we're going to go you're going to look and you're gonna be like I mean those experiences are essentially exactly the same Lots in common lots to talk about yeah yeah can we talk about the global access thing I've never heard anybody actually talk about it so like is it even real no it sounds made up it sounds like and and we know that people have been put on global access teams and quit because of it so like is that how bad it is because no one knows what it is no one's written a book about it so obviously it's it's a whole bunch of garbage it is a controller I don't know what it is right yeah right because they they don't there's no Global access weapon school that should tell you everything that you need yeah there you go right there that's how you know it's all Bs there's no Global access weapons score I've never seen a global access patch I've never seen a global access shirt I've never seen a global access flag air Mobility command what I've never heard Socom ask for that capability either never not one time has so con been like get the global access boys on the phone get me black team now yeah none of my school buddies are ever like bring the global access guys never no because you definitely don't need to land planes in the in the middle of nowhere you don't need to raise supplies you don't need to infill x-fill you don't need any of that really it's just anything if you do you just do it on on the Fly it's not what do you need a mission plan that for like I've never listen I've been on one mission in my entire life that I didn't do anything for but I took credit for that mission did not have Global access listed as a Min Force requirement it wasn't like when we were getting ready well when the team was getting ready to leave I was cowering in my bunk when they were getting ready to leave nobody was like did you guys prepare the environment via Global access techniques and they they were like I don't even know what you're talking about bro we're just gonna go put Warheads on foreheads and that's how they got Mission approval Beat It nerd Beat It nerd I was weird too when they kicked me off that mission I was like oh man why can't I go is the helicopter too heavy and they're like no no we're taking trucks and I was like okay is there not enough trucks they're like no we actually have too many of them there's a whole bunch of up armored mraps with drivers and everything we just decided we don't want to take them and I'm like is it a mission requirement and they were like no you're just a piece of [ __ ] and I was like oh okay cool and that was my that was my whole career that's what I've lived my life off of yeah we could we they never want another gun they never want another competent uh shooter or anything like that nope well and the first thing that they do is they they like ask they're like well you know this isn't a personal recovery mission right so why would we bring a PJ you know they look at the controller like the seals and the Army and everybody else that needs a controller they look at their you know this isn't like a jtac mission so what would you even do yeah like would you just like sit there like I mean I don't even I wouldn't even know you know yeah plus it sounds dangerous I don't like getting shot at um I wouldn't know um now that everybody's doing T Triple C in the Air Force like why why is PJ even relevant oh that's a good point we already have idmts you know what I mean just throw a patch on an idmt that says PJ and call him good you're not jumping anyway they don't need jump you certainly don't need dive he just knows what I'm talking about I've heard that there's only there's only two third of us with dive bubbles anyway and one of us is gonna have to turn them in what's up I'll make sure I'll rip that off my chest we're good again like we told that story during die but how many times have we taken that off of our uniform and put it back on it's been like four times anyway and then nobody can agree on the dive badge there was like this big thing like it's a new combat die badge you can't wear it and then like we had guys that were like coming back from the top up so they went through dive they got open circuit and then they had to go back and get the the closed circuit top up in the last you know a few years they're like what badge do I wear now I don't care the school gave me the Salvage bubble which technically I should wear like doing this extra thing doesn't make me a combat diver it just qualifies me in Socom to do combat diving because I got the top up but can I wear the badge it's the dumbest conversation so I I've just like the dive bubble thing just made me laugh like I distinctly remember sitting in England and no kidding in the team room cutting the dive bubble off of our uniforms because they're because I forgot about that yeah we pinned them up on a board it was it was a joke of the silver tea room we cut them off our uniforms and we pinned them up on like a cork board in the room and we're like hey when we need these just and everybody like wrote their initials on it so you could tell how it was yours and how passionate people were so when they were authorized again with the with the hard hat or the combat dive with the sharks how people were so like you can't wear that that's not authorized it's like well wait a minute I went to get like for Key West that's where I went so that's the dive bubble I'm I'm going to wear and that's what I got yeah it's it's um we do some like all all jokes aside we do some very unusual things in the military like as a military there are some things that we pay attention to that we're like and I get the you know standards discipline all that kind of stuff like and I don't mean discipline as in punishment I mean like you know good order and discipline kind of thing but there's some [ __ ] that we worry about and spend effort and bandwidth on that is like dude what do we what are we talking about here and that's that's not joking they were there are some things it's like it's wacky rugby shirts that gives a [ __ ] about rugby shirts every really everybody apparently a lot of people do you are canceled now for even bringing that up yeah I'm sure I'll get a phone call if you so there's a handy thing like in in discourse and logic and stuff and it's it's purposely explaining something out of context so pretend like you're our favorite being Trent and I pretend you're an alien and you have no idea about the military right and just try to explain like a very simple thing like coming into your boss's office to ask a question so you look at the alien you go all right cool before I do it I knock but you only knock one time and then you stand there in a certain body position like it's not a normal position you stand there and you wait and your boss after typically typing on his computer for a second goes enter and you have to walk in and it's really important right you got to walk in a direct line you got to watch out for furniture but you have to Center yourself on his desk okay and then you assume another different body position I mean her desk her desk and then you assume a different body position right so sometimes it's hands behind the back sometimes it's like this locked up straight thing but then there are magic words that they can say and they can make you change your body position like if they say parade rest you're allowed to take a different body position and these magic words that they have you just do them the alien would be like what the [ __ ] are you talking about like you can't just poke your head in and be like hey boss can we release these guys for the day nope you can't you got to do a whole thing and by the way that's just a normal day of work there are whole like God forbid you go before a promotion board the alien would be like a what you're doing what yeah fantastic but you're right there's tons of stuff that we do but if you just had no context and you had somebody explain it to you you'd be like what do you why do you do that and we're like I don't know it's just what we do so you know who's in charge you've got to know who's in charge so right another reason not to be an enlisted person especially oh man yeah we haven't even covered that we already covered why not to be an officer but enlisted the worst sweating everywhere just sweaties I love that I I hadn't heard the term sweaties before I went to Arctic survival schools this is a lifetime ago we're there with a bunch of officers that did not want to go and it was me and my best friend I think we were e4s at the time so E4 Mafia stand up so we're there and no kidding we did everything for the camp like we chopped all the wood we made the fire like we were just bebopping around and this one major sits down that did not want to be there like he was forced to go just because he happened to work in Alaska and he looked at this and he was like I really love you sweaties you guys are really putting out and I was like what'd you call me and he was like no sweaty he's like enlisted sweaties you guys are always just doing stuff you're always sweaty okay oh it's the funniest it was the funniest here's my gripe about being enlisted we We join out of high school theoretically most of us right and that the the idea is like I don't want to go to college but now to make certain ranks in the Air Force it's almost a requirement to at least have your associate's degree through the Air Force and then if you don't have a bachelor's degree at some point in your career that you joined because you didn't want to go to college you are looked down upon it's like marked down on against you even though they say it's not I think we all know that if you don't go to college while you're enlisted because you didn't want to go to college then you're not going to get promoted it's almost like getting promoted as an enlisted person you have to act like a junior officer and then when you get to like EA E9 they want you to conduct yourselves not like a chief should be terrifying he should be the person stomping into your team room and telling you you're an idiot and that you're wearing the wrong clothes and you're doing the wrong things and you're not taking care of the spaces that's what a chief is supposed to do they're supposed to ncos are supposed to be Savages especially in our career Fields E5 E6 those are your Tactical level experts your team leaders that should just be pting all day doing battle drills shooting and doing technical work they should not be going to American Military University and they're off time to get a degree that means nothing to their job just so they look better to get promoted to E7 that is stupid that is the dumbest thing that we do I don't know when it turned into this but e8s and e9s that go get these business degrees so that they can sit and talk bit like you're not a junior officer you're a chief you're a senior enlisted leader you are supposed to be a terror like all the J like look at every movie about Vietnam like When We Were Soldiers once you know Sam Elliott walking across that little that young Lieutenant you know every day oh good morning sergeant major how the [ __ ] do you know what kind of morning it is how about you shut up and go do some work that's what a e-9 is that's a chief that's a sergeant major that's what you're supposed to be doing you're supposed to be just flipping tables over for the enlisted force all day long and somehow we've lost it I am failing I am no Sam Elliott yeah yeah um yeah that's that's like I don't know when we've I don't know when we we kind of got away from that that enlisted leadership where they're like all right well you need to get a degree I don't I don't wanna I don't want a degree I don't want to go get a four-year degree that's well there was there was nothing better than like going to like NCAA or ALS and having these Chiefs sit on the panel and be like when I was a senior Airman before 9 11 and I had plenty of time to knock out my bachelor's degree there's no reason why y'all can't you're like in between all my train ups and deployments and all these other things but you know it's hard for for enlisted uh upper enlisted folks to look back and understand that things are different yeah yeah so and that's another reason not to join you know your leadership is completely out of touch they have no idea if you join aspect War you only need to go probably what is it two levels now before you get to somebody that doesn't wear Beret never went through selection telling you what selection is and telling you how to be a guy that wears a beret I think like it's only two levels right so we got well we got a wing Commander no you got that in half sock it's the group and then the wing and then above that is the the number race right yeah so literally the people uh the the oh man I don't know I gotta I gotta say I I think this is gonna be funny and I and I hope I hope people are able to navigate this because we have for sure gone through satirical to Serious to satirical to serious we've got like just bounced yeah for sure without separation it means jokes Trends I know we do go on tangents where we talk about real stuff yeah real stuff it's like we just go we go there's gonna be so much confusion I'm okay with it people will figure it out uh and like listen everybody we got together we wanted to put together the the reasons that we get for not joining right like obviously the stuff that we're saying here is obviously a joke and it's obviously tongue-in-cheek because of course like am I too old am I too young what do my parents think like all of these questions I just laughed I was like you know what I'm gonna do for this this joke episode of reasons not to join I'm just gonna take all of the questions that we look at and we roll our eyes to like oh I I heard it's so woke I heard you're not gonna be able to go do your job I heard you know you're not going to be able to get this school or whatever those aren't reasons not to join you're making things up to make yourself feel better about your inability to commit to this thing like we know it's scary we there of course there are parts of this job that suck but they're not reasons to avoid it by any means nope sorry I'm taking notes yeah I mean I'm still in the other mindset I'm sorry I can't bust out of it I'm like why can't the other the sister Services cover down on these things like why why why is the air force Ground Force even necessary like sorry I just it keeps I'm still in character ground fourth land Warfare Force yeah yeah I'm doing it for the Air Force yeah other services have jtacs other services have you know Medics on helicopters every service is supposed to be able to do self-recovery and self-sar okay fine so I guess you don't need Jason and crows aircraft so they really do and now I just made all of uh even my own tribe angry Shocker on this one but I said Jay's as opposed to PJs uh which is a funny wait a minute is that is that not a thing I've always it's totally a thing dude I don't know I've always said Jace is it slander it's a slur apparently uh it's I have no idea dude it's a funny thing to watch happen it happens in some of the group chats every once in a while somebody be like oh the young J's from whatever and you'll get like five or six to be like Jays what is a j are you just a jumper like PJ doesn't mean para rescue jumper anymore it's a retronome it doesn't even mean anything it means para rescue and like everybody just says J's colloquially like that's it's just a term and they're like no man that's not it it's PJs it's not Jays okay do mean things but hey remember when we said earlier like man the military gets hung up on some some weird stuff like that like the communities yeah what are you spinning your bandwidth on and we've talked about that before yeah like what do you what are you spending your time worrying about there it's usually the most accomplished people that get hung up on these things right now I love that we've got that was like I was totally uh it's an exceptionally to buy it I know it's Inception where it's like now uh it's it's we're too deep we don't even know when Trent is playing around and making jokes at this point now now Trent says something and I'm like I gotta text Peaches I'm like is this Mom are you serious so so to my point five minutes ago was if we can't tell when Trent's messing around how is anybody else staying a chance this is a problem actually it is my wife has told me that that I come across as an a-hole when I'm joking because I've I've gone too far though have you I'm in business some would argue that you haven't gone far enough some would argue and you haven't done enough in your career some people are sorry take your ass back to the pool and do some 10 UPS some people are saying Trent some people are saying I'm not saying it I'm not saying there's some very smart people out there that are saying that you should probably take your ass back to the pool very smart people my five-year-old is better with a snorkel than I am like I just start choking I'm like okay that's no longer a joke that's true yeah Trent actually quit a watercon event with his kids at the pool one weekend and we were all there to witness it I wouldn't go out on my own terms and then he left and he went back to his house it was really weird water enough Afghanistan guys trans wives like Trent we brought snacks we have fruit snacks where are you going that's not how she talks but oh this feels like a good place to end it if you guys are still listening listen this episode was mostly jokes right it's okay to be cynical every once in a while but when you have these questions and when you're like oh these are the reasons why we're not going to join or when you go down too many rabbit holes and you follow too many meme pages and you think it's all fire and brimstone it's really not so hit us up we'll have a real talk with you we love you go over to onesready.com and check everything out over there all of our partners are listed on the website we got some website Renovations that are coming up soon hopefully we're gonna get some stuff up on there so check out everything that we got over there follow us on onesready.com and on the IG and on the YouTube leave a comment we read them all and we really take them to heart okay every comment that you write we really talk about and we're really like you know I think this is really good input we should really talk about it as a team and really think about changing you know specifically how we do stuff that's a joke that was the last joke of this one we do not care anyway thanks have a great day we'll see you next time everybody out there training [Laughter] just with the water born from The Mask coming out of the mouth yeah and that's when I quit
Channel: Ones Ready
Views: 6,014
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: podcast, onesready, ones ready, ones ready podcast, usaf, air force, usaf pararescue, usaf pj, usaf combat control, usaf cct, usaf special reconnaissance, usaf sr, usaf tacp, special tactics officer, combat rescue officer, assessment and selection air force, air force special forces, air force special warfare, air force special warfare training, air force special forces training, air force special tactics, usaf special operations, usaf special warfare training, reels, jtac
Id: JtOvrf_sIhk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 52min 33sec (3153 seconds)
Published: Sat Aug 26 2023
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