Air Force Special Warfare Story Time- Episode 1!

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[Music] you're listening to the ones ready podcast a team of air force special operators forged in combat with over 70 years of combined operational experience as well as a decade of selection instructor experience if you're tired of settling and you want to do something you truly believe in you're in the right place now here's your host former prep course ops superintendent and current special reconnaissance training guru Trent seg Miller hey everybody and welcome back to another one's ready podcast I know you've been looking forward to it all week you went on to the site and you already subscribed and you already hit notifications and I appreciate it I appreciate all you out there supporting us so we can get you the information that you need big news this week before we get into what we're going to talk about which is maybe the best thing that we could talk about we have a new company that we're like affiliated with that doesn't pay us but we just want to give them a shout out and give you guys a code to get a discount so the new company is out of regs pomade as you know we talk about hair all the time it's just it is what it is so go to a directs pomade put in the ones ready code and you're getting yourself a 10% discount that's out of regs with an S not a Z they're not posers and just like always the other companies that we give shout outs to and they offer a discount as well is hoist get yourself hydrated it works strikeforce energy get yourself uncomfortably energetic alpha brew coffee company for all you coffee snobs and you know get yourself regular energetic it's great stuff Erin can tell you all about it and then last but not least a burly stock get yourself a bag get yourself some kit trained like the pros and you're gonna love their stuff when just to put it out there we only talk about these companies because we love them we use their products and they're fantastic people they support us you support us we appreciate it last thing is yeah Apple podcasts Spotify everything make sure you go on there like subscribe leave us comments and tell us what we're doing right and what we're doing wrong so now that that's out of the way this week is story time y'all been asking for it we're gonna deliver we're gonna tell the funny stories and then you know peaches is going to tell us about what it's like and get stuff off the top shelf it's gonna be great fun so I just wanted I no matter what this episode turns out to be that was the best intro of all time like I hope everybody puts in into every well organized it's thought out man is great I just for a little behind the curtains for everybody we decided about three seconds before we started recording today who's hosted we were like hey Trent you do it so you got what you got man I was that was great for for doing just prior to hitting that record but this is not a bad shot at a big guy appreciate it so I think we'll start with we'll go youngest to oldest you know fun stories Brian you are the voice of reason here you brought us all together hit us up tell us a story that's exciting or funny just that shed some light on all of your awesome experiences as a PJ well I'm not that much younger just to put it out there but the least amount of time in service for sure all right so I was thinking about it the last couple days in which story I wanted to tell and I'm gonna hit the Fabiano Wine Mixer with Jay Mac which is a really great story and I think I've posted about it before and I'm sure Aaron you Pete you've heard about it before but it's in lore and lore only yes and I want to play Jay Mac on that one because yeah a definitely one bring Jane back again so we'll come back for that one and for a different story time but I know Aaron's some of the stories that we have are also kind of shared so one of the things that I wanted to talk about was obviously none of the stuff that we're gonna be talking about is gonna be classified or any of that kind of stuff it's just a funny time that we've been in training and or wherever and we just want to share it with you guys because it just sticks out in our minds so the one that was sticking out in my mind was I don't know if it was because I had just kind of gotten in some trouble with a commander or not but he sent me to the allied officers winter warfare course and me and an old dust bunny were sent there with grisby's and there's a whole you know fun group that was down there and Alan officer win over our course is a course that they hold up there in Norway and it's for a light off a sad thing is suckfest it is it's so cold you spend so for the people that don't like understand so no kidding the Norwegians were authorized by NATO to be the only people that can say you you get to stay out in winter conditions longer than 24 hours so as a 321st guy as a mildenhall sts guy we had the opportunity to go over to this course and take it but it's like there's like a ten day initial movement desk quotes yeah there's like a there's like a ten day initial like movement that you did you came in you warmed up for a couple days and you went for this big tactical exercise but it was like I mean what was it six weeks long or something yeah called response to that one you don't have to wear the norwegian gear to that we're in the same gear as the norwegian conscripts are wearing out yeah wilderness and it's literally like a mesh like the mesh that you wear to the beach like those people back in the 80s they were wearing hot pink mesh tastings yeah those strings you're wearing that google it kids it works really well Right Said Fred the I'm too sexy video that guy was probably Norwegian because that mesh shirt his is exactly what they are that is exactly what you're wearing and you weren't a Gortex over that anyway so it was me dust bunny I'm gonna code everyone's name you know use eponyms or whatever for everyone's name but we actually call these people that just to hide their identity you guys know him as dust bunny so we were out there it was during our 10-day movement like you said they have you jump into a 30 it was negative five thirty five degrees outside and the sun's pretty much always in a permanent state of setting or like sort of rising just over the horizon it's always dark over there so it's starting to get dark again and they we pull up to this lake on our skis after a thirty kilometer a little ski adventure and they tell you that we're gonna jump into this this frozen lake or as frozen that they actually have cut a hole in with like huge chain saws it's not even like yeah it's not even just to go okay we're gonna use the lake on I saw like no they had to bring in like heavy-duty because they were like yeah this this lake is essentially almost always frozen like summer it really doesn't unthaw that well like the neat parts of it are so really cold so you're like okay cool cool cool cool it's so cool it's absolutely freezing cold and for me I I'm a guy that grew up in Arizona so you know the coldest stuff that's not my kind of gear obviously I'll go out there and I'll do the job and I'll have minimal complaining as much as possible they're still going to be some because that's just what happens when you're around a group people when you're miserable you're have that shared CIO's do this one man I'm more of a Fairweather PJ I'm more like an inside cat sort of guy like a man that that course for reason man as a way outside of my Tigers table I remember just like going to the bathroom you know doing number two out there in the in the woods you got to burn your toilet paper you gotta obviously take your gloves off to try and wipe and it's just literally a pain in the butt to try and figure out if your hand or the tissues is wiping so because you can't feel your fingers but the thing that I want to get to that was also funny was so I was watching you know I saw Jake go in the lake first and he just had this look on his face he was like looking up kind of like praying he's just like oh hopefully just let this be over soon let me feel my fingers again soon so I saw him jump in the lake he was just a bad Jake looking at you just like help yeah I have a picture of it action maybe I'll put it up here it's blurry enough so you can't really see him that well he's a recruiter now if you know him then go ahead and ask him the story anyway so yeah I saw him jump out he comes out he's freezing and he takes all the clothes and everything you have to change out of your clothes and you have to get next to the fire and warm up and do all your stuff you have like your broth and everything kind of figure it out before you jump in so you can try and warm up as fast as possible because you're staying in the cold for a couple days after this not like you're going straight back to a hotel or anything so I saw him do that and I was like alright here we go so you have to when you jump in it's a big ol like 20 by 20 square that they cut out you jump in you have your skis on you have your rock on you have all of your gear and your hat and everything then you jump in and you got to get your skis and you got to climb out pull yourself out and then you got a run about 800 meters or so to the fire where the all your stuff is and you got to change that into clothes so I did all that and by the time I got over to where are my clothes were you know dust yet a partner that was helping you like do stuff because you can't feel your fingers at that point so I started dust bunny was over there helping me take off all my stuff and get my warm stuff on so I took off worst person ever - I hope he's listening right now I hope he wears partner - have at this point of all the people in my rolodex of like phone of friends if I had to put myself back in this scenario and you're like all right pick these a hundred people and the hundredth one was was dust bunny I was like well I know which one it isn't alright now what was the other 99 absolutely so I start taking off my jacket I took off all the stuff on top you know my chest and my legs are kind of exposed I took my pants down and we're just naked here I forgot to take off my socks first though so my pants are stuck in my socks and I can't pull them off my socks so I have Dustin you know take my freaking pants up I can't do it so he's like down there at my ankles well obviously oh it's just like dude take off my bed so fine I was like yeah I saw he's like fine whatever and obviously it's freezing out there but I think that's a graphic enough picture for you to imagine the struggle that we're going through at that point you know everything's frozen and we're trying to just get it literally my shoelace was by the time I got over to the site my shoelace was frozen outward like to the side and like stick a spaghetti or something like that when it's dry so it was really cold out there just to give you that kind of picture but yeah that was a really great time after that you know we got a little bit closer we became really good friends so I appreciated him being able to help me but ask kind of friends that you have whenever you go into a special warfare it sounds like a lot closer yeah yeah all dust buns you know the weird thing about that breaking terrestrial with me was it was the same thing it was like negative 35 the initial thought I have when I hit that water I was like oh wait this is actually a lot warmer than the outside air like just for a second I was like wait this is this is a full 40 degrees warmer it is than it was I was like oh wait a second that was like oh god no get out of this water right now it was just freezing it's terrible I was like oh man it lasted for the briefest moment yeah like we're pretty coordinated swimmers too and I felt like at that point with all the stuff on and my skis just like I don't even know what I'm doing right now I can't feel myself in the water I can't like I'm just like a dog trying to paddle to the edge so it was a it was a good time like people don't understand how big those packs were to like we're using the regular Norwegian there bergens like it's not a normal backpack it's definitely not like something you'd find at REI it's like the world's biggest pack just dragging you underneath the freezing they don't give you any marmots sleeping bag so it takes up about I don't know most of your backpack at least the longest part of your upper back up to your head it goes up past your head but you also have the skis on - yeah so I mean you got to deal with that whole sticks and everything yeah so that's my train awesome if you go ahead and bounce on to the next oldest person well uh let's move on to Aaron I think the next oldest person is you but yeah yeah but I'm in charge so [Laughter] my ones ready team room today I that was very very forceful I at the end - well this one's gonna be good cuz Bryan was involved in it but it's the it's the anchor story now snap anchor story it depends on how you kind of view this one this was either probably the most successful joint operation that happened our entire deployment or a theft of an international sort of symbol so either way that you looked at it it was still a success and it was open international and nobody owned that section Lisbon I don't nobody had cleaned that anchor in hundreds of years if I'm judging this correctly so they're there Bryan and I were we were deployed together it was a pretty quiet deployment except for about a halfway through so we've been going off to this one specific dive site and we were on Africa time unnamed there was this dive site that we used to use where you could go and basically just tether up and then go dive but you could go like 60 feet so for the non divers out there 60 feet you can stay there for about an hour less than that you get more time on the bottom that's a ton of time I had never understood why people liked diving like scuba diving before these events because it was like you could see just as far as you could see and it was clear blue and his warm urine like shorts and a t-shirt maybe like sometimes you'd I was like no t-shirt you just dived on it was fine it was like beautiful sparkly yeah and the fish would just swim right up to you is crazy so yes it was near this place well there was also an anchor that was kind of how you marked it on the GPS to get there as you'd be like yeah you go to the anchor and we used to use it for a bunch of stuff we would train out there too and we feel like you know blacked out masks and you would try to find things and you'd say hey put this three o'clock from the anchor or whatever so it was a huge reference point obviously was a big anchor so long story short we're on a Navy base and our show or our space is sort of on a deployment get like show and tell like they'll bring people through the oh here's the PR team and here's their gear and their kit sometimes it's cool and sometimes it's like Washington [ __ ] cheerleaders and sometimes it's just congressmen or people that they want to bring in anyway long story short this thing happens and one of the Navy Chiefs that was in the group is like we mentioned that we had been diving the day before and that we saw an anchor and he goes oh well you know it's a it's a navy tradition that every Navy base is anchored if there's a big anchor that's displayed and it's a it's a navy good luck thing and there's not one here so literally me being the person I am I was like oh you need an anchor I'll get you an anchor and we kind of started joking around about it in the in the middle of the team room and guys started laughing well the - relieves and you know as things go like dudes go and work out we eat dinner late at night like my good friend Isaac kind of looks turns me he's like I think we could really get that anchor I was like I don't know man we doesn't start talking about with the boys so we get Kyle we get Brian we get the guys together we're like hey we're thinking about going to to go to that anchor you guys want to you guys want to take a look at that chain because there was a huge shipping chain like those big links that you see like in museums and stuff that was on there right and it like we don't even know how far that chain went we always joked about following that chain like dusting it off and like finding the ship that it was attached to because it was like it just kind of like got buried and we never like really hugging anything up right so we're like step one got to get off that chain so we're like all right uh yeah we're like hey when you guys go out on the next off just kind of look at that chain and see if it could break apart you know for four reasons so they go and they start like they looked at it they came back they were like I don't know it's too thick we'd have to see if we could break it apart so we started having this discussion like yo Dee do you remember that you oh do you guys offering to blow it apart for us you guys were like yeah because they were tear divers too and they were like we kind of told him about it they were like oh no we got underwater charges for that we'll just blow it apart we were like wait for real this is a real thing like all right super safe listen man international waters so the EOD we bring the EOD guys out they dive on it while they're looking at it on their dive they go out like my friend Isaac comes running in after the dive and he's like Aaron guess what I was like what I'm not gonna imitate Isaac southern Ohio acts and be like Aaron guess what big ol dip in big ol dipper just a huge one so he's like we're down there playing around with this chain playing FF game so we go to pick it up to see if we can get the jaws around and guess what it broke I was like what he was like it was just rusted it basically disintegrated my hands so I was like uh-oh boys we're in business Mon so we started having these conversations conversations over the next couple days and it's like all right well it's basic mission planning like okay well how are we gonna get it to the surface so we're like well we can have lift bags we can do this other stuff Isaac and I late one night around the ping-pong table we're like what if we took zodiacs down and blew up zodiacs underneath it like basically lift bagged it to the surface because then the problem is how do you get it from the surface to wherever right so we had some 53's marine 53s that could sling load it but we didn't have a way to get it like to be sling load because it's in water right we're like well that's way too dangerous is tying it on the thing in the water so we got to find a platform for it so we're like all right well the dive team will take zodiacs underneath fill it up with air bring it to the surface poof Bob's your uncle now it's on the top and now you can sling load it I said we're fine this episode on like the History Channel or Discovery Team you guys definitely should have recorded all this you could have we have video so Brian and I will post videos and stuff in a couple stores or whatever we have videos of the entire operation so we figured that peace out and we figured like it was gonna work but we couldn't like really practice any of this by the way like that we just sort of like came up with this whacky plan so we had our army friends that were the Special Forces dudes down there from Fort Carson they were the sling load experts they were helping us at the sling load process we had Navy and Air Force divers that went down and actually like secured the lift bags and stuff and got everything ready there then I was onboard the Marine helicopter that we actually recovered it and then we dropped it off on base to the Navy and their Seabees came and picked it up so it was like no kidding like all four services were represented this entire thing from all the planning and stuff so we get this whole thing planned like we're like here we go lift bags onto the zodiacs onto the sling loads onto the 53's not flying over the town with the ancient anchor because that would be terrible on the base the Seabees will pick it up with their crane and basically flatbed it back to where it's gonna go and then you know it'll get clean from there and put in there so we're like okay so I will never forget leaving getting ready to leave like that aired all the teams are together like we've briefed this meticulously a bunch of times like this is not like a cowboy operation this was an actual brief like no kidding multiple times so we get there the commander at the deployed commander is first name's Blake he's a Crow's slash toast out /bg so BG looks at everybody and goes alright guys well here's the deal you plan for it you're good how to prove this if it was a normal mission either that's gonna be the best story of all time or I'm about to get fired don't die see you later yeah you forgot that night that we were state we stayed up until like I don't know 1 o'clock in the morning just cutting wood so inflating making sure tanks were up like me and Isaac were just out in there in the shed that we had just like measuring stuff and trying to figure out like well I think the anchors pumpkins we had to make a platform for the zodiacs here yeah yeah because the plan was to put it under a place like yeah yeah we're like so wait a second so the zodiac because of the way that it's sat because we actually like looked at it and we're like because we had the measurements we knew how big the anchor was because we'd like googled it the crossbar and stuff we're like yeah but if it sits in there like that it could catch the zodiac like if the anchor starts coming up if it's something I'll catch it so we need a platform for it so we had to make a plywood platform that we took out that you blew this odx up and then you sat it on top of and then you can see it in the video like you can see the platform that we built on the zodiac diabolical plan that we just but so you know spoiler alert it was exists it was a success and the guys that have deployed there have sent pictures back and showed us the the anchor that sits outside their Chiefs mess I will say the one thing that I asked for the only thing I asked for because I told the chief I was like because I was kind of like I get you an anchor he was like well what would you guys wanted returned I was like I will tell you what I want in return I want to be an honorary Shellback like if you guys don't know the Navy tradition of being a Shellback that stuff is Fayette at when you cross the equator you get to be a Shellback if you cross the equator and the light was a line of Meridian which other one is north south if you cross that that thing on that point you get to be a golden shell back they have a huge like party it's just google it it's awesome it's the best thing of all time guy never came through for me though go figure really hurt my feelings the other thing I have a that's actually a two-part story because I want to I want to tell the story I hit are you guys familiar with the concept of a deployment girlfriend nope for the record so in this sense it's a fun game to play so the theory is the deployment / you know boyfriend or girlfriend of the deployment spouse you are never allowed to speak to this person directly you're never allowed to actually like acknowledge that they exist it's something that you see in passing right but you have to refer to every time you see them at the chow hall like oh this was a chow hall date or if you see them at the gym like the same gym that ever oh we had a gym date and it becomes a funny joke the funniest part of this joke is part of the game is before you leave keep in mind you've never talked to this person before you leave you have to break up with them in a public place and make it seem heartfelt so this person that you have never talked to before you have to walk up in front of the entire team and go I'm sorry it's not you it's me this could have never worked out our families don't get along and you have to make up a whole story and you have to break up with that person so it just so happens on the anchor mission my deployment girlfriend there was a marine gunner that went by the callsign gonzo she was like top 10% CrossFit athlete in shape and she used to just I mean she was like probably the best gunner that they had and she also just ruled with an iron fist she had like three or four like privates that worked for her and she if you were on her bird like nothing ever went wrong she was choose best so she was my deployment girlfriend but shortly after this I had to break up with her and I used the anchor store as like I thought we were gonna be together forever after the anchor story and she was like I did all the work on the anchor you did nothing and I was like wow hurtful in front everybody that is fantastic and that's and that's the entire story of my anchor so the other thing that we didn't really get I'm in the well hopefully we have some of it in the video but I remember one of the fight was we're sitting off after we had done all the work and all the anchor was on the boat and everything on the platform we're sitting off about 800 meters away from where the helicopter was and if you don't know the 53's make a mad freaking rotor wash so these guys and the cable that was gonna lift up the anchor is only like 15 feet and that includes the part that goes into the helicopter so they're hovering like 10 feet above where the dudes are trying to go so I just remember like them trying to come in and hit the anchor without blowing it over and Turk Turk was just on that thing I think it was Dom that was on the other the other and he's chirping down a year of 2012 I think it is - 13 12 what what it was winter I'm used to a listing wasn't there obviously yeah but this is the real reason like why when you're the commander gets in STR like three days in a row they start panicking and losing sleep and that's nothing significant report unlike your daily update to your commander because they know that wouldn't you know most of us around things things happen here's your plug for story time too but on the same deployment we had a real-life mermaid on the front of a entirely entirely usable pirate ship that we use to lure people in with candy and hit with water boom DGD that's a story for another time it's gonna have to be like a whole nother podcast this is like Air Force story time on deployment we have just so you guys are aware this is obviously a low-tempo deployment and on deployment to have extra wood for us to build like our team room for us to build whatever we want to build that's just always hanging around because we have to build things and we actually have to use stuff for like tea ducts or for platforms to send out zodiacs on on c-130s and stuff like that so we actually have to use a wood but this one obviously though ops tempo we had a bunch of wood that had been lying around for a long time so we got creative and you know the rest of the story will tell it at a different time I think that's better than building a random bar or something like that personally yeah I like the multifunctional stuff they a three-level deck that you could I mean climbing tower on one side and all the decks were usable all the way up like those dudes just you get to get enough time into space and enough dudes that all they want to do is go crush stuff you'll get some projects done quick well I think the best part of the story is you out Navy the Navy so I think that's pretty impressive so I'm always a big fan of that so my story is more like a it was my second rotation was pretty low tempo as well and I just remember we went to this place there's like if you look at a map of Afghanistan there's like a finger that pokes out into China so somewhere in that region my team went and it was just like one of those things were like in a week's time like the weirdest stuff happened right so you guys were watching Rambo 3 when you're younger and people playing the game with the horse and the sheep skin and we remember that what hey if you love Ronald Reagan check out Spotify that I rock is still the greatest tomorrow I just want to bring out some crazy stuff so they play a game where they have like a it's like a lamb carcass and there's a bunch of dudes on horses and there's two circles separated like 100 meters apart and they they try to get the lamb carcass and drop it and the the goal on the other side and these guys like beat the crap out of each other so I've been in Afghanistan before and I'm like okay Rambo 3 was nonsense and then we'd go to this place where they told us we were like the first Westerners to be there since like Alexander the Great it was the middle of nowhere we had to go over huge passes to get there it was it was really exciting but like that's just like the first thing that happened that was like just weird so we show up we land in a river which was like my first exfil into a river ever it was awesome and then the horse game happened on that trip all within less than a week we made a toilet first we blew up a plastic chair trying to make a toilet you know the charlie is like I can cut a hole in this plastic chair you know like those super like we know you get them at Big Lots or at Sam's Town exactly they've got like the corners are slightly raised which makes them highly uncomfortable to sit in in any configuration absolutely I can use det cord to perfectly make a hole in the bottom of this chair you know we had like a four hour conversation but they blew the chair to pieces we ended up having to use a saw to cut out the bottom of the thing we just get obliterated see your face it just blows the entire thing apart I blew out my right ear drum again because there was a the the dishka that we had a deed right next to my head so if I'm deaf and I look at your mouth a lot I'm sorry but that was the second time that that happened there was a one-eyed lady in this village Afghan lady with only one eye lots of conversation surrounding that one of the Terps almost died or one of our partner force guys almost died because they sealed their room and then they've lit a coal burning stove in there so look in the middle of night like we all come running about our rooms or dragging this like Afghan out of his room and the the Delta had to resuscitate him and uh yeah well and then the rock grenade we're sitting around the we're in this abandoned girls school so obviously the girls school was no longer in business and we were sitting around a fire and some kids threw a rock over the wall we didn't know it was rocky hit me like in the collarbone I was like the size of a grenade and it falls into the shadows of the fire so like we all dive out of the way and we freak out find out Solara fiying so we run out there and you know find out it's kids and those kids are okay don't worry about it and that's that's weird I feel like you didn't need to say it they were okay but it's sort of like the implication they're fine the guy that almost killed himself with the coal burning stove I think he's probably gone now that's my guess not for most oh yeah the last thing is on exfil the 47s come in and these people like they're way up north and it's cold and let the 13,000 foot Peaks and this on top of this house was like a whole bunch of hay right and you know that they've been storing this stuff for ever and this 47 comes in and flares right over a heart so like we're all getting out of there we're dry the Hilux is back up into the forty sevens and we're leaving the student comes running out of his house like his year supply of hay for horses it's gone it's all over the field and you know one of our team guys ran out there and handed him a pile of cash we hopped in the helicopters and left so this is one of those weird things were like in a week like all the weirdest stuff that you could possibly imagine happen at least for me and yeah it'll not to mention one of you guys do you guys know from my England mole I didn't have any like cold-weather gear really it was fun cuz sow sow feed back in the day weren't we didn't have the best funding or the best equipment the people the best ideas are the best forecast I'm Leon I am leaving I was just me being ugly I'm sorry I just miss you guys so much well basically saved my life because he had cold weather kit and by the time we got back to Norway which was like 80 degrees down there I had a trash bag though sitting outside my room and it was all my Gucci Arc'teryx cold-weather gear that I needed a week ago that would have been real nice but I almost froze to death it was exciting I always loved that I was loved when you like we ordered a bunch of this cold-weather gear this is in Vegas we ordered a bunch of cold-weather gear because we're like listen we're going on a cold-weather deployment gets cold where we're going can we get this cold-weather gear so we stomp on people's desk a lot j-mac for months and months and months and we don't get it they're like yeah I just barely didn't come in we get on a VTC with our sister troop who at the time was in like Aviano and they were going somewhere else and the dude hops on the VTC and he has like one of the jack and i was like l didn't order those Jeff where'd you get that jacket he was like he was like exactly all of them got on and they all had pieces and parts of the stuff that we ordered we're like what are you doing and guess whose team that was don't oh it was Brian's da every single piece of kit you see a dude that walks into the - is the app we were so bad at you guys would like you guys popped on those VT C's the only thing that ever invade us matter was a got on one time Kerry was especially ornery cuz he was up for like 76 straight hours is a long time so Kerry was all poopoo face and all right guys bleep that out and post CEO CEO basically hops on the VTC and he's eating Italian pizza and he's got on one of our jackets cuz it was like slightly chilly at like 55 BC lost his mind lost his mind it was hilarious oh those are the good old days Vegas no one likes our Gucci gear the way the PJs - I just hope that someday I can find someone that looks at me the way the PJs look at Arc'teryx it's the same for you guys we used to be F through 21st and adieu to walk into the team room with some new piece of Arc'teryx gear or whatever you're like dude where'd you get that are they given those little ears prick enough like I would buy like a mount Hardware jacket or something sometimes I'm walking to you and they're like dude I think you those are right now like you up go down to supply and then some people wouldn't even say anything baby we just get up and walk now they just come to supply be like I got a dog was your name bro where'd you get that watch which is my lady's and always smoke the shed like just a haggard voice and she's just like yeah I get you some of that Carlo one of them a delay is I'll get you one of them you don't tell don't tell it sounds like thing and I just supply personable fun ex-army yeah wow it's fantastic now it was a man that was a good well I'm not gonna bring up age again but last and certainly not least is uh peaches and I'm sorry about all the jokes I sincerely village okay so do you guys I mean I've got a couple that I'm mulling around on my head are we are we going deployment or do you want a kind of jackassery or a a heartfelt story about one of our art kick-ass brothers who I I don't want to cry today I was gonna say I almost want to go number three just cuz we've already covered the jackassery and then that way we can we can lure them into Episode two with your upcoming jackassery story all right so this one this one happened in 2003 September 26th happened over in the UK if you're familiar with the area around Mildenhall then you'll know about the deadliest Road in Britain which is the a11 on one day 1101 is an old forming road where the speed limit is 60 ish suggested miles an hour and on each side of the road there's no barrier but on each other Road there's about 15 foot ditches and I mean they're big enough to fit cars generally they have water in them as well so I had been I have only been over in country in country in the UK for about 20 days at that point and became really good friends and I'm just gonna call him RZ I think we know who I'm who I'm talking about so PJ hero among among men you know so me and him kicked it off and became really good friends and it was a night that was raining really crappy rain and I get a Frank and I'm on I'm about to go out partying and I get a frantic phone call from his girlfriend for whatever she said hey we've been in an accident come and help us tell me where you're at and she told me and I mean I'm I'm right there I'm hauling I shouldn't shoot I don't know how fast I was good but I was hauling and when I get there I see the wreck I see our Z's car up against a electricity pole the electricity pole is on top of it and it's starting to spark and you know fire RZ is doing CPR on a five-year-old and then I show up and as I'm showing up he hands off the five-year-old to me and then goes back into that 15 foot ditch filled with water where the car was flipped upside down and he was getting another child so that happened I'm sorry not that happened he's a three-year-old baby he brings that baby out hands into me and then a nurse from Lakenheath showed up and she started helping me as well our Z goes back into the car wait so what what time of day is this is it light out like what was it like evening so it was it was gray or it was dusk going into you know where the transition gray out yeah yeah okay so okay I mean by the time we left it was pitch black but so our Z goes in for a third time grabs a I think 22 month old some lighten up brings her out t and he starts working on her and we are swapping hey I mean just because we're getting more smoked he's he's got a broken arm as he's doing CPR so what what did it end up happening or why it happened and I'm a shitty storyteller so just why did he how did he have to get into the car because it was upside down in the ditch or and he had to open the door and like dive under or was it like every time I went in there yeah so so what happened is is his car and in the the lady's car she was overtaking passing somebody and didn't judge the distance well enough and they smacked her car flipped over she wasn't wearing her seatbelt she was ejected the car landed on top of her and the so Ivan went into the car originally because he you know as he's approaching it he can't see that there's kids in the back he just knows there's a lady so he goes into the car upside down you know the windows are I guess they were I guess they were busted they must have been busted because I don't know how he would have gotten in there but he felt around the driver's seat didn't feel anything so he comes out of the water and he's like well you know I don't know where she's at then something told them hey you go back in there and check the back seat checks the back seat feels kids you know it just starts pulling him out so yeah that dude and and we're gonna have him on he you know he's already said he's gonna come on and in anything yield he'll talk about I highly doubt he'll talk about this but that dude is an absolute beast I mean he is a machine broken arm just got in a car wreck his cars on fire his girlfriend's hysterical he's going in two cars I can't see doesn't know the status of the vehicle in terms of like it okay is it gonna blow up is it going to shift fall on top of me and I can't get out just to go get those kids and then works on it was it was incredible yeah I think it's really important to know like just driving down that road to Ely I mean there's dishes on the side are no joke like it is deeper than a car is like to hold the side of water so like when peaches talk about him going in there or is he going in there and getting these people out it's super deep and it rains a lot in England so those fill up and then trying to get them back up like it doesn't even matter like you just walking it's almost impossible it's a hands and knees scramble up the side of those fins half the time yeah I mean there and we've got a sharp yeah they really are and we talked those uh those roads like we're saying Road but it's it's a true English Road so if you've ever pulled into a parking space it's entirely too small where you got to turn sideways imagine that and the parking space next to you and that's the road that you're traveling 60 miles on in opposite directions in the middle of the East Anglian like open farmland it's just it's wild like that that road is super dangerous yeah yeah it's it's it's pretty wild road to drive for sure so I know I could probably brought down the the humor level in the room yeah really killed the vibe there I wish I wish we'd had talked about it beforehand I wasn't prepared I'll pull and I'm getting a good this is 2009 this is Iraq and we are in an urban shanty complex I mean so you think think Blackhawk down in the movie you know it's just it's a rat maze of just you have nowhere idea where you're going so I have an ac-130 overhead I have them Sparkle the front of our Patrol because we're going to go hit a house instead of me being next to the commander and trying to tell the point man hey okay turn left now or continue straight because we would have passed it already so I get up front I start leading and I'm just following the IR sparkle to our target and so kudos to the ac-130 guys as always they're always top not the the SF dudes that I'm with the idea guys there you go hey man you want to see some funny stuff I bet you will never over I'm gonna put I'm gonna put you on pause listen if this ever happens to any of you out there anybody if ever it ever especially an 18 Bravo if they ever lay hey man you wanna see some funny say yes say yes immediately don't think about it just get your stuff if he's like hey you got to come with me just grab your bag leave your bag I don't care just go with him okay it's gonna be the time he like hit record on everyone's recording make sure know what yeah and you're maybe on your memory yeah not on your phone and you're familiar no no no no record it ever well this one's this one's fairly benign but it but it was funny because I mean no kidding you know you will never see this again so as we approach there is a kind of you know white picket fence if you will for lack of better terms and on the other side of it the ac-130 had told me Hank I've got a you know ma'am of military age male here here here right and one was right over the fence and so the guys are creeping over the fence to halt to lock those guys down and one of the one of that self guys is like lockdown the guy woke up and he just kind of go oh my god you know right and that's when the SF guy was like hey dude watch this and he takes his blanket and starts tucking them in the bed and he's you know making sure it's all nice and tidy for head anywhere before head kiss it was just like okay we you know did our call out and went into the house put yourself just for a second just for a second so there you are you're in the middle of your courtyard you're just catching the nap by a fence some six foot tall presumably Jack to dude with full sleeve tattoos starts tucking you in and full tactical gear I just be like take me home Santa Claus here we go all I can see is green and you can smell Copenhagen coming out of his breast okay what are you doing I'm tucking you in rip it and the Copenhagen just nothing but rip it's a good I gotta get back because they're making hamsters today when money fails that's that's what it goes to yes that's how you make friends on any team you got them orange rivets those little orange ones and those are those heaters getting to me hmm I said yeah we'll save that for another time all right thanks for bringing us back up peaches and there's not a lot to wrap up but I feel like it would be wrong to not send it over to Brian at the very end to bring this all together and to make a point about this that relates to training somehow and it makes this worthwhile to watch there's no way you can screw this yes again this episode is mostly ad-lib he didn't tell me that I was gonna wrap it up but I will go through a synopsis of every single person's story just to make sure that you guys got it clear the big thing and the big takeaway is you know you're gonna beat the best friends of your life whether you're going through in dock or throughout the teams and stuff we all have these stories that we share together you know just like I got close enough with dust bunny too you know weren't a couple lifetimes there and we still text each other to this day and then you know Aaron with the anchor all these things that problem-solving you know you leave you leave guys with time and resources to try and figure out things and commander that maybe want something you know and obviously Aaron that wants something that but didn't didn't get in it the Shellback thing but we'll figure it out upset about that and I really one of our biggest things is problem-solving right there so I'm gonna link that back to problem solving specifically because that was one of the coolest things that we did and integrating our sister services into this big task it ended up being a really big thing honestly and when you see the pictures of this 2,000 pound anchor flying through the air that was a really awesome moment for like all the people that were involved in that including the EOD guys even though they were kind of butthurt that we ended up picking up the anchor and not them so between that and then all the things that happened on trans deployment when you'd go out with any of the army guys or with mole I mean he's he kind of gets into stuff sometimes he's an interesting dude too but when you go out and do stuff with those guys especially in unexplored territory our proclivity is to go out there and explore and see what kind of things we get ourselves into exactly what trended up happening in that dark week of his life or light week I don't know however you want to look at it so a lot of times we'll just watch Rambo 3 it'll make sense so we end up still I'm not watching Rambo 3 I'm just about so far past it yeah I've seen it at one point in my life I don't know most probably a marathon on deployment is really bad yeah all right so you you find these guys that are at the same mindset is here and I think adventure and just ambition to go out there and see what we can do and explore with the resources we have is something that we all share in common in Special Ops community as a whole and then Jared you know that awesome story that he brought up with our Z and like you said we're gonna we're gonna talk to him and bring him on he's probably not gonna share that thing because some of those things are obviously difficult to talk about if you can remember them that vividly Jared obviously has a lot of practice talking about the things that have happened and being able to kind of control himself when he was talking about it but you can imagine that it was a real difficult time for a long time dealing with people that are that age in those circumstances it could be difficult so between that and then change it over to the darker side or the lighter side of things and I guess darker side with those guys that are any darker than that baby not that's too late bow in the pocket a darker side talking about those dudes talking in the the guys radiant house so yeah altogether the biggest thing that is in common here is we're gonna share these stories you know for the rest of our lives we all have these in common and we can just pick this up from out of nowhere we didn't talk about it and those stories that we're gonna tell or any of that kind of stuff we didn't like hint towards what we were gonna talk about but we all have a shared experience you know we can all throw in like oh yeah that's what it was like or this is what it was like or you know any of that kind of stuff so it's good to be able to have those friends that you can talk to you for the rest of your life and talk about the old days and you won't find that group outside of Special Warfare if you go back to you know people that are working in Best Buy or some of us maybe they have stories but it's not going to be probably as fun as the things that we were talking about so again I appreciate you guys listening to the podcast we're gonna bring out more people for story time for sure people that we've been deployed with people that we we know from past duty assignments if you know anybody or you can think of anybody that you really want to bring on already brought j-mac I want to talk to him and I'm gonna bring him on again for another story time but another guy that you guys want us to bring on just go ahead and shout out and we'll try and get them all and see if they have time but again make sure you guys go check out our partners our newest partner which is the out of rags here pomade it's all natural I use it even on my son while he's going out so and he's 2 years old so if you're you know my is two-year-old on the block yeah exactly just looking so disguise collar shirt on just all the little little two-year-olds checking them out but if you want a a natural hair styling product go ahead and check out of regs ones ready is the promo code for all of the people that we're kind of partnered with again we don't make any money we just want to get you guys discounts on people that are trying to better themselves better their family and help you guys by creating a good product so go ahead and check those guys out additionally make sure you guys leave us a review 5 stars on Apple podcast and then check out the shirts we're going to get it in flags real soon so make sure you're on the lookout for that it's gonna be the open-water flags again so check out the website if there's anything else that we can help you guys with or anything we're here for you guys as always hit us up anytime and we appreciate you listening alright appreciate you guys and take care we're in art everybody like [Music] you [Music]
Channel: Ones Ready
Views: 12,150
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Air Force Special Reconnaissance, Air Force Special Recon, Air Force Special Warfare, Air Force SPECWAR, Air Force SOF, Special Operations Forces, Assessment and Selection Preparation, Pararescue, Combat Controller, CCT, Combat Rescue, Special Tactics, Air Force Special Tactics, Military Free Fall, Joe Rogan, UFC, Coronavirus, Special Operations Selection, Special Forces Qualification Course, Green Beret Training, MARSOC Training, Navt SEAL Training, AFSOC, Air Force Special Ops
Id: -2YR8cZ_WXg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 50min 56sec (3056 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 11 2020
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