Ep. 22 w/ long range marksmanship expert Emil Praslick, 3hrs in-depth on sniper skills
Video Statistics and Information
Channel: The Team House
Views: 7,479
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Trump, CIA, JSOC, SOF, Special Operations, COIN, Tier One, Military Thriller, Thriller, novel, Amazon, sniper, marksmanship, shooting, long range, carbine, combat marksmanship, Army, Emil Praslick
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 183min 27sec (11007 seconds)
Published: Mon Dec 30 2019
Please note that this website is currently a work in progress! Lots of interesting data and statistics to come.
Thanks to Emil for his time and knowledge on this one.
I'm hoping he catches up to this as I do have a couple of specific questions.
With your AMU hat on: at what point is a barrel shot out? I've replaced a couple and universally sorta second guessed whether it was truly done or whether a really good cleaning job or maybe a recrown or another ladder test could bring it back, but made the call that "it's worth the cost of a new one to not have doubts in my mind."
Load buildup: do you have a method you use that you prefer?
Barrel weight vs accuracy: If handloaded and a good node is there actually that much difference going to a heavier contour in your opinion? I've always found it easier to find a node in the heavier barrels but not necessarily any more accurate than the light contours. And that seems to be counter to "old timer wisdom"
With your Lapua hat on: I'm very stunned to see 300 Norma selected, particularly when most of NATO has standardized on 338 Lapua (which I can testify, is terrifyingly capable)
Thanks so much, I actually signed up for reddit specifically for this, really appreciate your knowledge here.
46:00 Origin story.
2:37:00 Working with law enforcement marksman.
It’s late guys, I’ll update the timestamp of the other questions tomorrow.