Ep. 202: IFR Low Enroute Charts Explained | Advanced Knowledge Part 2

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hey guys john from flat mike alpha comm and today i'm back with you to go a little bit more in depth over low in route charts those IFR charts that cover from the surface on up to 18,000 feet flight level 180 zero we're going to go into the more nitty-gritty details of some of the things that we don't always see or deal with on a daily basis flying IFR so first thing is will quick cover airspace obviously we have those restricted areas in them aways on these IFR charts just the same as we do on our sectionals we have bravo airspace we have Charlie airspace but we also have Gulf airspace to note it on here so we can see these brown lines here denote different heights of golf airspace and we're not going to be able to find out what those heights are but we could look at a VFR sectional and find out what these heights of golf airspace are because as an instrument-rated pilot well it's not very smart you could fly on in less than VFR conditions in golf airspace without filing in IFR flight plan so we could look at our via for a sectional chart and that would tell us the heights of the golf airspace for the ceilings since obviously it's not 1,200 feet as it normally is around here now coming back down here to South Florida we can look and we find our first weird-looking thing here we've got a flag with an R on it what that flag with an R means is there's a minimum reception altitude at this intersection that is pointing to the deeds intersection has a minimum reception altitude MRA a 4,000 feet well what is that basically it means if you're coming from the Lee County Vortech on Victor 35 and you're at 2,200 feet here I me a you would have signal reception in obstacle clearance when you hit deeds you won't be able to identify it because you're going to be identifying deeds off of Victor 35 here off the cypress vortac and you're going to need to be at least 4,000 feet to do so then crossing deeds you're gonna have to be climbing anyways to 5,000 feet so you could be at 2,200 here cross and then insert your climb to 5,000 or you would just be higher and be able to read receive deeds if you're above 4,000 feet now notice four obstacle clearance you only have to be at 1,300 feet and that basically just means that you know you can still get good signal reception with if you're within 22 nautical miles but you're more than that now so we won't have signal reception but you will have off clearance the Delta tude if you want signal reception you would have to be at 5,000 along Victor 35 now the beautiful thing about GPS is it doesn't really care how high you are so you'll often find GPS meas lower than the MEA for obstacle clearance so we have a three thousand foot MEA up here on Victor 601 a 2,000 feet MEA if you're using our nav GPS and a sixteen hundred foot obstacle clearance mocha altitude along that route same thing down here we have a five thousand foot MEA but if you're on GPS then you can go down to three thousand feet still have a good signal reception and plenty of obstacle clearance or you can go all the way down just for pure obstacle clearance down to 1300 feet now we can see here that we have the miami-dade collier training transition tnt airport there's some instrument approach procedures going in there and we also have this little box miami one to two point three this little box here is a our co for flight service so they have the name the identifier for flight service there and you can contact miami radio on one to two point three when you're in this area some other are ciose to talk about would be these little boxes here for center for AR TCC so air route traffic control center this is a miami our co probably located homestead and you can contact miami center on one three two point four now if you come over here towards venice there's a little bit more interesting or co we could contact Miami on Sarasota there's a are Co in Sarasota from Miami center and one three two point three five that's great what about this it says Houston in Venice so at the Venice Airport we have an R Co for Houston Center and they're on one three five point seven seven five that doesn't make a lot of sense but it's actually true you can contact Houston Center at the Venice Airport on one thirty five point seven seven five there was a dead zone for Houston center over the Gulf of Mexico they had to put an antenna in somewhere to talk to all these airplanes out here they were handling so they put it at Venice and so actually on the ground Venice you could easily pick up Houston Center now let's zoom out here and take a look we have Victor Airways running around here but what about these Airways that are blue as we come up here towards northern Florida we have a bunch of T Airways so what's a t airway well it's simply a GPS airway there is no vor that necessarily corresponds with oftentimes they do correspond with vor is just for backup but they are purely GPS and so your altitudes on here 1,900 feet MEA to receive the signal you also have an maa a maximum authorized altitude along this route so you may say what the heck the higher I go I won't receive a signal no you'll still receive the signal most likely the maximum authorized altitude is just keep you below 9000 and above 1,900 that gives you obstacle clearance and it also keeps you from going too high into other routes that they have flying around here maybe some of the SIDS and stars going into Jacksonville down here we have another maximum authorized l2 you can go up to 15,000 feet or down to 1,900 you can't go above 15,000 feet along this route if we take a look here at the vor over here at Jacksonville Craig vor we have the frequency as we're used to the channel meaning that there's DME coming from it the more identifiers the little H if you remember that means there's high wass available over that vor just tuned to that frequency and turn on your turn up the volume on your nav radio the Gainesville flight service station Gainesville radio is available over that vor on these frequencies above here if we come over here to the cecil vor we notice that we don't have iowa and we don't have a flight service station to contact we just have a pure vor and if you are without DME either because we don't have those little markers on here to denote a vortac there's no channel number so that's another hint that we don't have DME at this vor just simply a low or high vor if we want to know lower high vor we'd look in the chart supplement over cecil and it would tell us H or L for the cecil vor and that's how we would figure out how far out we could receive that remember as you're planning routes along these victor airways you're going to conscious what altitude you're flying and make sure that you're not choosing nav points or waypoints if you're using the arson Avigail that are too far apart because there's no way that you could fly from one vor to another vor if there are three hundred miles apart you just simply would not be able to receive the signal we talked a little bit about our earlier video changeover points where you would change the signal or change the frequency over to receive a better signal not necessarily right at halfway some other interesting points we have along the way our holds depicted on the chart and that might be used as you're coming down here Viktor 537 ins you're cruising along it's your mea of 2,000 feet you've got ninety four miles to go to Gainesville along this route from this vor here from Greenville vor it's ninety four miles to get to Gators vor and for some reason there's a football game there's a lot of people go into the Gainesville so they just say hey Skyhawk such and such as you're right all around here I've got to admit and clearance for you advise ready to copy and they're going to tell you hold as published at Alvin and they might give you some other information like one minute legs or some other you know information other than just hold is published it'll also give you an EFC time they're not just going to keep you turning around there forever until you run out of gas they're going to give you an expect further clearance time make sure you write it down make sure if you haven't heard from them by that EFC that you query ATC and if you can't get a hold of ATC at that point then you can assume you've lost to a radio communication and it's time for you to start your lost communications procedure which we'll get into in a whole nother video now if we zoom out here in our map and we come over to where we have the Eastern time zone in central time zone we'll find a funny little green dotted line we have an ice agonic line here two degrees west variation this little green line there in our time zone is hiding from us and here is our time zone line this funny little green line that follows these jagged little paths is our time zone and we can follow that on up and that's the divide between Eastern in Central Time let's take a look at the difference between mileage in terms of this box and mileage when they're talking in terms of this little arrow well this little arrow is simply saying 49 miles going back from the gaiter vor to mone a-- intersection where this box is 64 miles total distance so it's not distance to an intersection like 50 miles to Zoggs it's a total distance between Taylor and Greenville vor 64 nautical miles now we're heading out west here we're going to take a closer look at some more compulsory reporting points compared to non compulsory reporting points so as you get out west here towards the middle of nowhere you're going to notice you have a few more points colored in so we have these intersections that are just blank they're empty in the middle as we come out here we have a vor that's colored in that is a compulsory reporting point we'll talk about reporting points another video but that's just a reporting point compared to a vor here's another one that might not be colored in like the one here at Boise air terminal so if it's empty it's not a compulsory reporting point if it's colored in then it is same applies to these little triangles or these little GPS waypoints if they're colored in it would be a compulsory reporting point if they're blank it's not compulsory here's an example of a changeover point they're 38 miles from the Deschutes vor I guess you'd want to switch over with 73 miles to go to the Lakeview vor or vice-versa you'd stay in Lakeview for 73 miles and then switch over for the last 38 miles going to de su along Victor 165 here's what some of our compulsory reporting points look like the difference between a colored in or not colored in point as we fly back over to Florida here we start looking out over the water we notice some of these routes with cue 100 and y 240 and all these different weird things well those apply when we have like a v35 that's Victor or 35 but when you have these other letters here those are typically oceanic Airways so as we come down here we could find like a and then a number or Q and then a number or some letter and a number and those are going to be oceanic Airways and just remember when you're looking at these numbers here the minimum obstacle clearance altitude mocha 1500 feet does still give you signal reception as long as you're within 22 nautical miles of the vor that's being used to give it to you otherwise it's just purely optical clearance so you still are guaranteed signal reception within 22 nautical miles of the vor for example if you're within 22 nautical miles of sarasota 1,600 feet is perfectly adequate because it is not only obstacle clearance but also signal reception once you get past Venice you're more than 20 miles away you come down here to viola and you can see there's 30 miles between sarasota and viola intersection well then you're going to want to bump up to the 3000 foot MEA to guarantee that you can receive viola last thing we'll talk about is over here we can see these random little notes these little blurbs almost like a speech box that's simply letting you know hey if you want to receive Jaques enger' along the three five four radial of the Lea County Board tack on Victor 7 well you also want to be tuned into the 293 radial of labelled on one ten point four in channel 41 meaning that LaBelle does have DME it is a bore tack so we can tell by that symbology there that little droid symbol with colors and edges so 293 radial from labelled on one ten point four will identify Jaques all right one last thing I want to go over with you guys is the printer the airport information here next to each airport now I remember I said you could tell Charlie airspace bravo airspace Gulf you can still tell if an airport's a class-d Airport and how is we look at Venice well we can see it's 18 feet above sea level it's lighted longest runways 5,000 feet that's all we got if we come down here to Fort Myers page field F my well we can see it's a part time control tower and it's a D Airport so we got the D in the box there that is a class dealt airport part-time 17 feet above sea level lighted 6,400 feet is the longest runway there and a four ATIS the eight is frequency there is one two three point seven two five hey guys thanks so much for watching and thank you so much for sharing us on Facebook Twitter and all the other social media sites if you have any questions about the video at all just leave them in the comments below and we'll get back to you as soon as possible be sure to give us a thumbs up on our video and you can subscribe to us to keep up with all our latest episodes right over here on the right also check out some of these other helpful videos below and remember if you can't fly every day then fly a Mike alpha comm we'll see y'all next time
Channel: FLY8MA.com Flight Training
Views: 82,939
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Keywords: Flight Training, fly8ma.com, fly8ma, 8ma, online ground school, private pilot ground school, fly 8ma, fly 8ma.com, pilot, aircraft, aviation, landing, cessna, airport, how to, flight vlog, airplane, flying, plane, checkride, fly, ATC Audio, jon, kotwicki, IFR Low Enroute Charts, mzaero, flightchops, vlog, ifr, imc, instrument flight rules, ifr low charts explained, explained, mraviation101, m0a, steveo1kinevo, friendly skies film, 202, erau, und, aerospace
Id: k_B3gMuzZXs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 27sec (867 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 28 2016
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