EP. 2 Hunter Labrada’s 2020 MR. OLYMPIA Debut - Meathead Camp

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[Applause] [Music] so we had a round two uh the second installment of meathead summer camp uh brett wilkin and martin fitzwater up from i guess down from denver along with dylan armbrust who owns armbrust pro gym oh over a thousand pounds of meat for sure no so there's probably 250 or 500 together we're probably 500 together four thousand maybe like a thousand twenty to a thousand fifty depending on how much we eat today yeah we're always all using sushi last night i guess most people know this but for those of you that don't like tampo is literally my sixth show ever you know so it's like i'm still getting so much better after each show you know just the act of dieting down getting peeled and then you know rebounding after round two uh the second installment of meathead summer camp um last weekend and it was awesome man you know first meathead summer camp for those of y'all that don't know we had uh justin mackey luke carroll we had ben here for some of it brian here for some of it but uh yeah next weekend we had another solid crew out we had a brett wilkin and martin pittswater up from i guess down from denver along with dylan armbrust who owns armbrust pro gym um i had just been out there probably about five weeks ago for my first guest posing after winning tampa and they showed me a great time while i was out there in denver so i wanted to make sure we returned the favor to them i'd like to think we did you know we took all you can took them shooting at branches far and we had a couple really awesome sessions uh just some good old good old-fashioned bro downs at night so it was a good time we had a really good time and uh you know it was a nice way to really you know between the first installment of meathead summer camp and the second uh installment of meathead summer camp it was really nice uh kickoff to the olympia prep because uh as as i'm talking right now we're sitting at uh 11 weeks out uh it's friday so today is prejudging 11 weeks from now so i couldn't be more excited about that to be honest with you starting not starting to been really focused on it but it's starting to get pretty uh pretty blinders on with it so um looking forward to being up here up here for the texas state championship ben chow's competing in it and another one of my good friends philippe from houston i actually prepped for it so we're going to go go out and support those two guys and then obviously love being up here in dallas getting to train a destination i've trained here enough and i've been here enough and you know i've done this enough to where it's not really like being away from home for me so it's not like i'm like traveling per se because you know it's the gym's familiar to the point where it feels like a home gym here we go [Music] here we go right yes sir one more yes sir oh yes yes yes come on finish finish it yeah yep yep yep come on come on come on [Applause] you know the hotel that i've stayed at i've joked about it but i probably spent like two or three months of my life in it at this point so you know i just have i have my system down here i guess so it's one of those things i can do as i get closer to the show which i'm looking forward to because uh any of y'all that have prepped before know that prep can get a little monotonous and weird especially towards the end so sometimes just getting out of town is good for me so anyways um going to be training push tomorrow brian's driving up from houston to hit that with me and uh to hang out for the weekend so uh definitely filming some of the sessions this weekend don't know which ones quite yet but uh looking forward to having you all along for those and looking forward to having you along for this ride so be talking with you this is something a lot of people ignore is doing pressing motions with their scapula and supported great for your scapular health and great to get a really good stretch and squeeze at the end of your workout wouldn't recommend it for any of the main compound anything but like i said the end of the workout great scapular health thing because they have to stabilize they're not supportive and you get a great stretch [Music] obviously we finished up with tampa um august 1st and that was you know august 1st was after being on prep since february first so you know like it was like a long time that we were in prep but uh you know around seven months so following tampa definitely gave my body a chance to get healthy you know took some time off really you know just allowed everything to get healthy made sure everything was healthy internally i got my blood work done [Music] you know as soon as my body recovered you know um got back to got back to work you know uh rebounds i've always gotten better after every show especially you know people i guess most people know this but for those of you that don't like tampo is literally my sixth show ever you know so it's like i'm still getting so much better after each show you know just the act of dieting down getting peeled and then you know rebounding after so [Music] yeah guest posing at dylan's show uh obviously i'm texas boys so houston's below sea level and then denver is called the mile high city for a reason obviously so uh yeah honestly i was going out there kind of expecting me like hooked up to oxygen or something after i've done guest posing and didn't need that but definitely took me 20 minutes to catch my breath and uh definitely was gasping during the little speech i tried to give after i got done so it was a good time though for sure [Music] i weighed my chicken yeah it's eight ounces i'm pretty good at eyeballing rice too i bet you do that right on the scale would be within 10 grams of 200 grams just saying so yeah i'm letting myself have a little bit of sweet potato today so you know um you know it's comparing like apples to apples you know start a prep to start a prep uh the start of the prep for the tampa slash new york prep i was you know 268 269 fasted but you know very doughy not like fat by any means but definitely uh not super conditioned so like and as of right now you know um i woke up at 270 pounds this morning and my glutes are still in you know they're not like peeled striated but definitely you know still lines in them so uh i feel like i definitely rebounded and picked up a little bit of good tissue so um you know name of the game right now sitting at 11 weeks is probably you know my food's still really high really trying to grow you know grow for another you know two to three weeks and then you know it's going to be time to time to step on the gas and get peeled for the olympia [Music] yep wow but uh yeah so um yeah like i said right now you know it's taking everything day by day you know how i do things when the day so um so far this prep we haven't lost today we won every single one of them have my peace of mind that i'm doing everything right so it's going to keep that rolling for another 11 weeks have fun doing it you know got a lot of really cool trips planned for the prep got a lot of really cool people in my corner for prep so i couldn't be happier i'm excited to uh i'm excited to finish these 11 weeks strong you know it's a it's a uh it's a macro macro dream of mine coming true you know it's one of those got started bodybuilding when i was 18 years old but yeah i want to end up on the olympia stage one year fast forward 10 years here we are so uh it's weird but i can definitely make the most of it definitely looking forward to having you all along so be talking with [Music] y'all [Music] drag it to the dirt [Music] [Music] let's go [Music] [Applause] [Music] yes sir yes sir right there come on come on yeah it'll really be kind of uh you know humbling or cool i guess to hear what people you know have to say because it's one thing to you know hear people you know say oh like he's going to be the next mr olympia he's really good there's another whenever you know they don't really know that much about bodybuilding but uh you know this last year i've had a lot of people that i really look up to and you know a lot of people that you know really are like some of the best to ever do it you know say a lot of really uh nice things about me in terms of the potential that they believe i have so you know to hear it come from your peers it's pretty cool you know to be able to hear stuff like that um you know i had someone send me like a side by side and my side tricep next to dorian's the other day and you know uh granted he still whoops my ass at some aspects of the pose but you know like for the first time ever i look at him like okay well you know at least we're in the same like same uh general uh solar system as him right so uh yeah no it's just this is kind of cool you know and another thing that i said the other day was people ask me like how does it feel to go into the olympia and it's one of those things uh you know i think i will be the youngest guy on stage this year but you know a good majority of the guys that are qualified for the olympia i've been watching compete since i was in high school you know so it's really cool you know it's like almost one of those surreal uh you know idols have become rivals things not that i'm really rivals with any of the guys but you know it's like all these people that i was looking up to you know like you know 10 years ago it's like i'm on stage with them now come december so uh it's cool man that was crazy it's true you feel that yeah oh my goodness one of your favorite days morning it's my favorite day man turn around what do you think nick like what do you think the answer to that question is shit's ridiculous [Music] yeah so um day after tampa shot with a hector mendoza for muscular development and actually uh those pictures one of them made it onto the cover of the october issue of md and i had like a 10-page spread in it and uh you know that was that was uh you know it couldn't have been like you like a more everything like fairy tale ending if you would you know like you know obviously won the pro debut and then you know made it under the cover of muscular development uh magazine that i grew up reading you know uh in the wake of that so you know it's just a really cool uh cherry on top of the sundae if you will to the whole tampa experience it just uh made something that was already unforgettable even more unforgettable so it's a huge blessing feel very blessed who made that cover [Music] [Music] uh [Music] [Music] [Music]
Channel: Labrada Nutrition
Views: 28,748
Rating: 4.9610572 out of 5
Keywords: Mr Olympia 2020, Hunter Labrada, Labrada Nutrition, Lee Labrada, IFBB Pro
Id: DdChgUkVZvI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 33sec (813 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 16 2020
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